PythonPython |
Price: 99.99

"Lista ETF per massimizare i guadagni pi del 400% in 10 anni" |
"corso per principianti che vogliono investire pensando al futuro con un arco temporale di 5 / 10 anni minimo, per avere un ulteriore sostentamento quando probabilmente tutti i lavori diventeranno part-time tra circa 5 / 10 anni causa dell'intelligenza Artificiale, perch quando andrai in pensione sar bassissima e la fila nella sanit sar sempre pi lunga e dovremo andare dai privati nonch non avremo abbastanza danaro per comprare le medicine, perch probabilmente saranno anch'esse a pagamento.Non voglio essere l'uccello del male augurio, ma quando andr io in pensione ci saranno 4 giovani ogni 6 pensionati, come faranno a far quadrare i conti?Meglio prevenire oggi che piangere domani.Il corso include link a testate giornalistiche online Free da leggere o a fine giornata o al sabato o alla domenica per diventare autonomi nell'investimento e capire come si muove il mercato nonch capire quali ETF comprare.Vedrai Il mio portafoglio di ETF, tutti gli ETF che vedrai si posso acquistare presso le banche o per lo meno la mia banca che si chiama ""Che Banca"" li posso acquistare.Ci sono anche i link agli youtuber che trattano il tema ETF.Poi ho inserito anche il portafoglio di ETF per proteggere il capitale dalle future Pandemie, visto che le banche non potrebbero essere cos sicure, vedi il video gratuito pi gi nella lista lezioni clicca su ""Portafoglio Anti-Pandemie"", poi clicca su Perch costruire un portafoglio per difendersi dalle Pandemie."
Price: 19.99

"V-ray para Sketchup: renderize imagens incrveis" |
"Nesse curso vamos aprender a trabalho com o V-Ray Next (4.0) para o Sketchup, um renderizador que produz imagens profissionais a partir de modelos do Sketchup. Sero ensinadas as principais tcnicas de iluminao (procedural e IBL), uso e configurao de materiais, e mtodos de renderizao otimizados para que voc gere imagens de alta qualidade sem ter que esperar muito tempo. O curso ""mo-na-massa"" e o aprendizado feito por projetos. Vocs tero acesso a todos os arquivos dos cenrios apresentados e podero tirar dvidas a qualquer momento em nosso canais de comunicao.obs: as aulas foram gravadas no Sketchup 2019Sejam bem-vindos! :)"
Price: 204.99

"POTENTIEL ILLIMIT : 30 jours pour le faire EXPLOSER" |
"Chaque anne c'est la mme chose. Tu arrives la fin de celle-ci et tu vois que tu n'as pas volu. C'est triste.En ralit tu ne sais pas quoi faire pour ""voluer"" et de faire ton anne une anne o la fin tu te sens panoui et accomplis d'avoir donn ton maximum pour voluer positivement durant celle-ci.Tu as 12 mois, 12 mois pour trouver comment voluer. C'est beaucoup. Sans doute mme trop pour un tre humain qui ne sait pas par o commencer.Et si je te disais maintenant que en 30 jours, c'est--dire 1 mois sur les 12 qui te sont donns par anne, que tu peux changer ta vie avec mon challenge pour faire EXPLOSER ton Potentiel. En seulement 1 mois sur 12, en t'appliquant et en le faisant tous les jours tu vas pouvoir changer ta vie.Mais a va encore plus loin...C'est en seulement moins de 10 minutes par jour que tu vas pouvoir changer ta vie grce ce Challenge.Comment cela se fait ? Car c'est trop beau pour tre vrai de :* Changer en 30 jours littralement sa vie* En moins de 10 minutes par jour* Tout a depuis ton tlphone ou ton ordinateurC'est en fait un Challenge bas sur des notions piliers du dveloppement personnel, sur des notions qui ont fait les beaux jour du dveloppement personnel car ce sont des notions qui sont pour la plupart promulgues et utilises par les plus grands mentors comme Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Tim Feriss. Est-ce que toi aussi tu connais ces noms ? Si oui, tu es au bon endroit. Tout comme moi tu souhaites t'amliorer positivement. Changer ta vie, et avoir de l'impact sur celle des autres. Acqurir ce que tu souhaites le plus profondment dans la vie, concrtiser tes rves et projets.Pour cela : tu dois devenir plus. Tu dois faire exploser ton potentiel et travailler sur lui. C'est essentiel de faire grandir ton tat d'esprit avec les notions prsentes dans ce challenge de 30 jours. Mais pas uniquement ...En effet l'tat d'esprit c'est essentiel, briser tes croyances limitantes, sortir du moule prconu oui ! Mais surtout passer l'ACTION.C'est pour quoi dans ce Challenge de 30 jours pour faire EXPLOSER ton Potentiel tu as une vido thorique base sur une notion pilier du dveloppement personnel pratique tous les jours par les plus grands mentors de ce monde, MAIS aussi et juste aprs un exercice pratique (de moins de 5 minutes, les doigts dans le nez) pour mettre en application justement ce qu'on voit de voir dans la vido thorique.C'est donc un deal que je te propose aujourd'hui :Si tu as 10 minutes par jour pour construire ensemble ton empire mental, spirituel, physique, financier, et motionnel alors tu peux Accder ce challenge pour tous les matins dcouvrir et incorporer en toi une nouvelle notion pilier du dveloppement personnel, prouve par la science et pratique tous les jours par les plus grands pour avoir le succs et les rsultats qu'ils ou elles ont.Pour ensuite enchaner sur un exercice pratique personnalis la notion vue du jour, pour pouvoir encrer directement et jour aprs jour ces notions importantes du dveloppement personnel.Je crois que c'est un de plus beaux deals qu'un formateur en ligne a pu te proposer jusqu' prsent ? J'en suis trs heureux.Mais qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ce challenge de si important pour mon dveloppement personnel ?1. C'est d'abord un cadre que je te propose, un cadre dlimit de 30 jours o tu me fais confiance pour t'apporter ce dont tu as besoin pour voluer. Un cadre de 30 jours o on se fait ensemble la promesse de tout donner pour marquer vie de challenge dans ta vie. Pour qu' la fin de ces 30 jours tu te dise : ""Ah bah l j'ai dj gagn mon anne car j'ai volu positivement sur tous les points et tous points de vues.""Et c'est simple si tu penses que tu ne t'es pas donn fond, ou que tu reviens sur notre deal. Que tu as par exemple plus le temps de te donner 10 minutes tous les matins pour te construire, mais que tu prfres scroller sur Instragram pendant 30 minutes dans ton lit avant d'aller au travail, et bien c'est trs simple cette formation est garantie 30 jours. Oui, 30 jours le temps du challenge. (Mince, tu vas te rendre compte qu'en fait le deal est largement gagnant pour toi.)2. Pourquoi tu vas gagner ton anne en 30 jours seulement grce ce Challenge pour faire exploser ton potentiel ?Dj qu'est-ce que c'est le ""potentiel"" ?Le potentiel c'est une puissance cache l'intrieur de toi qui n'attend qu' tre dbloqu. En 30 jours on va mettre ensemble, tous les jours, un point d'honneur te faire dcouvrir comment le faire merger de toi, comment ouvrir grand les portes pour que ton potentiel puisse envahir ta vie de tous les jours, ton travail, tes tudes, tes passions. Cette puissance cache on va au fur et mesure la dcouvrir et la trouver, pour ensuite la mettre sur le devant de la scne. Ton potentiel mrite tous les jours d'tre utilis son plein pouvoir et tre admir et applaudis par ton entourage. Tu mrites de te rendre compte tous les jours en te levant de la puissance qu'il y a lintrieure de toi.Pour le faire EXPLOSER comme prvu dans le deal nous allons voir ensemble, dans de courtes vidos synthtique et dynamiques des notions phares du dveloppement personnel que je t'amne d'une faon innovante par rapport ce que tu as dj pu voir du dveloppement personnel. Je te rappel que je suis ici pour te donner le maximum de valeur ajoute positive en 30 jours. Je - te - bombarde de positivit pour te faire EX-PLO-SER toi et ton potentiel.Pour cela nous allons ensemble incorporer en toi notamment :1. Comment tre en pleine matrise de ses matines. Et pourquoi c'est si important pour le dveloppement de ton potentiel de se lever tt. Et comment confectionner tes plus belles journes ton image, avec du plaisir et de la productivit.2. L'importance de matriser ses sources d'information. Tu sais ton cerveau est une vritable ponge, c'est essentiel pour faire rayonner ton potentiel au quotidien de contrler l'eau qui pourrait s'incorporer dans ton ponge. On analyse toutes les sources d'informations sur lesquelles tu peux tomber et on voit si elles sont ncessaires la construction de ton Nouveau Moi.3. La priorisation de ton temps : pour appliquer ton potentiel des activits qui valent le coup.4. Comprendre ce qui se cache derrire la peur, et matriser son sang froid et son calme durant des moments dlicats. Savoir co-habiter avec tes peurs et passer au dessus pour voir ce qui se cache plus loin. Ah bah, devine quoi, plus loin il y a ton plein potentiel. C'est dans cette zone que je veux t'amener tous les jours et ds que tu rencontres un obstacle.5. On va construire ta direction. Ta direction ? Oui, o tu veux aller dans la vie ? C'est une question tellement importante pour faire des bons choix, mener ta vie quotidienne. Respirer et viser des objectifs. On voit cela ensemble pour construire ta direction point par point, calmement. Avec des questions spcifiques et prcises pour bien dtailler cela dans ton cerveau.6. On voit aussi comment enfin tre quelqu'un de confiant. Les secrets derrire cette notion primordiale de ton dveloppement personnel. Sans confiance en soi la vie est plus difficile, ou est perue comme plus difficile. En 10 minutes je rvolutionne ta vision de ta confiance en toi pour t'apporter tous les ingrdients dont tu as besoin pour performer dans le domaine de la confiance en soi. Avec un exercice pratique directement aprs pour encrer ces ingrdients l'intrieur de toi vie.7. On passe aussi par les relations interpersonnelles, comment en crer le plus possible et facilement avec n'importe qui grce une seule chose que je te laisserai dcouvrir quand tu arriveras au 10me jour de ton Challenge pour faire EXPLOSER ton Potentiel.8. On voit aussi comment est-ce que tu peux grce ta direction et tes passions te construire une nouvelle source de revenu directement li au plaisir puisqu'on fait appelle tes passions et tes valeurs les plus profondes pour dceler cela. On voit aussi comment tu vas pouvoir tirer ton pingle du jeu dans toutes ces micro-entreprise, et solopreneur qui se lancent et qui sont dj en place.9. Pour couronner le tout on va voir comment te crer ton histoire personnelle positive comme j'aime l'appeler. C'est une notion indite cette formation. Est-ce que tu connais ton histoire ? Oui dans la plupart des cas. Mais est-ce que tu as le contrle sur ton histoire ? a c'est autre chose, et je sais (moi le premier) qu'on peut se montrer trs agressif quand il s'agit de parler de son histoire. Mais rflchis est-ce que l'histoire de tes origines que tu te racontes te sert ? Est-ce qu'elle est tourne pour te donner de la force ? Est-ce que tu n'es pas sr(e) de ce que tu y voques ? On voit dans ce challenge comment te construire ton histoire personnelle positive en bton arm. Plus personne ne pourra t'arrter aprs avoir cr ton H.P.P (Histoire personnelle positive). Plus personne. Tu ne te ferras plus manipul, tu n'auras plus peur, tu pourras puiser de la force n'importe o, n'importe quand dans la journe grce ton H.P.P ! C'est une notion qui me tient cur et qui me tarde que tu puisses la dcouvrir dans ce challenge de 30 jours qui est ta porte de main, littralement, en 2 clics tu peux nous rejoindre.10. Je t'ai dit : plus peur de rien et que rien ne pourra plus jamais t'arrter (ce challenge vaut sans exagrer, pour celui ou celle qui s'y met fond et applique tout, des millions, mais surtout est une vraie renaissance physique, mentale, motionnelle et spirituelle dans ce monde o l'on cherche touffer ton potentiel pourtant si magnifique) en plus de tout ce qu'on a dj vu, on ajoute cela le courage. Oui, le courage. Tu penses que c'est un simple mot utilis dans les films de super-hros, principalement quand Batman a russi sa mission de djouer une arme nuclaire ? Et bien l dans ce challenge c'est toi le hros. Tu peux tre qui tu veux dans la vie. Tant mieux si tu te sens inspir par les actions de Batman, et j'espre que tu l'es, car aprs ces 30 jours tu auras toutes la puissance de Batman pour faire EXPLOSER ton Potentiel dans ta vie de tous les jours. Ds ton rveil, ton petit-djeuner (mme si tu es un super-hros, tu petit-djeunes je le sais), pendant ton trajet en voiture, ou pendant ton trajet en mtro, ensuite ton travail, la pause djeuner. Plus rien ne t'arrtera et ne pourra t'arrter dans ton rayonnement. Et c'est tout simplement fabuleux vivre. On se sent chaleureux et souriant chaque instant de sa vie une fois qu'on ouvre la porte son soleil intrieur.11. Parce-que justement avec les exercices pratique de cette formation tu vas tre mme de dtecter tes forces (pour tre le super-hros de ta vie tu l'as compris). Faire en sorte que tous tes rves et tes projets auxquels tu tiens arrivent, et plus tt que prvu. Pourquoi ? Car aprs cette formation c'est une autre personne qui sera mme de grer sa vie, de rendre l'impossible possible qui sera l.Un monde tout entier de possibilit t'attend aprs ces 30 jours. Il faut les faire. Je serai trs heureux de pouvoir te compter parmi nous, pendant cette aventure de dcouverte et de transformation positive qui t'attends 2 clics de l o tu es. On se retrouve tout de suite pour ton premier jour vers ton Nouveau Moi ! A tout de suite !Nouveau Moi est un cosystme d'expansion personnelle visant te faire devenir la personne que tu rves devenir et rend cela possible grce aux outils les plus performants de dveloppement personnel.Cette formation est :* Accessible vie ds son obtention dans ton espace personnelle.* Garantie satisfaite ou rembourse pendant 30 jours aprs son obtention.* Mise jour rgulirement en fonction des dernires sorties d'tudes scientifiques pour accrotre encore la valeur ajoute positive de celle-ci.Aujourd'hui, tu as une opportunit devant toi. Saisie-l. Le risque est nul et tes gains sont comme tu as pu le lire massifs. Tu peux en deux clics faire d'un de tes 12 mois de l'anne le mois qui changera jamais ta vie. Commences ds maintenant devenir la personne que tu rves devenir. Tu peux en 1 mois faire plus pour toi que tu n'en as fait jusque l toute ta vie. Tu peux rellement en 1 mois entreprendre et devenir plus que tu n'as jamais t jusqu'alors car ce challenge est fait pour toi, millimtr, conu spcialement pour ton expansion personnelle positif, dans le plus grand amour et la plus grande chaleur humaine qui soit. Je t'attends tout de suite pour commencer ton premier jour avec le plus beau smile du monde (tu ne le vois pas mais je souris)."
Price: 114.99

"Marketing Analytics With R 2020" |
"Want to get into the core of Marketing Analysis!A Marketing Analyst is the need of the hour and can take your career graph upAll you need is the right place and! Right people to get you through this course and here comes the role of Henry HarvinMarketing analytics is a thorough understanding of the business analysis that answers all the important questions related to it. It helps us in analyzing the data that helps in making decisions that work in favour of the business. It helps in exploring, analyzing, and solving business problems. It enhances business performance and helps in taking your business ahead by carving business-friendly strategies.A Marketing Analyst offers technical solutions to business concerns. Their crucial role is to put in efforts to advance a company's sales. They also manage requirements that can help fulfil business needs.It is one of the best Marketing Analytics courses that help you to get to the core of the subject. The course will guide you through all the tools of Marketing Analytics along with the techniques to add to your skill.It is a comprehensive course that has all the important tools and techniques covered and hold the attention until the end. This course aims to provide you with expertise and help to gain all the necessary skills to be accomplished in your career as an analyst. This course will assist you in recognizing and resolving the real problems and making a calculative decision in favour of the business. It will lead to Professional Development and leads to career growth.As an analyst, you will be able to identify the concerns related to marketing and find a solution to it. The sessions of the course are crafted and taught by experts with 15-20 years of experience in the industry.This course is: Very easy to grasp To the point content Extensive Course Practical exercises Full of real-world examples Videos that offers a better understandingBy joining this course, you will: Get experience in analyzing the business problems Give attention to detail Learn communication skills Get updates from the industry Feel more optimisticAt the completion of this course, you will : Learn the concept of Marketing Analytics in depth Understand the usage of R in Marketing Analytics Be able to download and update R and get proficient in working with it Master the concept of handling large amounts of data without difficulty that includes entering, reading and export and import of the data Acquire the knowledge to handle different data types and structures Learn to carry out Marketing analysis Understand the concept of descriptive statistics that includes mean, median, mode etc. Acquire the skill to develop goal-oriented strategies for your business Gain knowledge of presenting the data graphically using different graphs to analyze the data Acquire the skill in performing analysis and solve concerns of the business Master the art of taking data-driven analytical based and the decision to increase the share in the market and the companys ROI Evaluate Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, and Growth ratios to analyze a companys performance Become a successful Marketing Analyst in no timeWhat makes the course better than other courses? Curriculum that is based on industry working Trainers from the industry who are experienced Real-world examples for having a better understanding of the course Simple English to understand easily Exercises and quizzes for better self-analysis Engaging videos better learning experience The course is not fast-pacedWhy should you take up this course?Growth in income: With the addition of the certification of the course you get ample of opportunities in the corporates. As there is a dearth of the professionals in the market thus a certified Marketing Analyst will be welcomed. A secure career waits for you with a hike in your salary in these times of competition.Promotions: Adding more skills to your resume will surely make you and give you an edge over others. Thus, promotion is on your way with the completion of this course as it will make you more desirable.Security: This course will offer security in your career as there is a shortage of professionals and at any time a certified professional will be more preferred.Growth: Growth in skills can lead to growth in your career as well and that is why this course is a must.Words of appreciation from our Students1. A great course on Marketing Analytics to get enrolled in and is a must to upgrade your resume. It will definitely lift my career and give me growth in my career. Anjum Mehmood2. The course is very comprehensive and engaging and gives an in-depth knowledge of marketing analytics. The course offers a good learning experience to all the people who get enrolled in it as the faculty is very good and experience. Lata Mehrotra3. This course is good for everyone as it has cleared all my concepts and gave me a complete understanding of the course. I find it very engaging. Namish Agarwal4. An interesting and knowledgeable one full of examples that gives you good information about the market and real world. This course will be of great help in my profession and I will recommend the course to my friends as well. Shashank Kohli5. A very good course to upgrade your knowledge of marketing analytics. It is worth each penny as the trainers were very good and helpful and I understood the course very well. Garima Shukla"
Price: 199.99

"Aprndetelo!- Tcnicas de estudio, aprendizaje y memoria" |
"En este curso aprenders las mejores tcnicas de estudio, as como los recursos que puedes usar para desbloquear el verdadero potencial de tu cerebro. Estos sern los 35 minutos ms productivos que podrs encontrar en curso, por que Confiaras en un curso que te promete aprender ms en menos tiempo si dura 4 horas? Muchas veces hacemos todo lo que est en nuestras manos para aprender algo y an as no es suficiente ya que caemos en errores que de no cometerlos podramos aprender mucho ms en menos tiempo.Se responder a las preguntas:Cmo debo estudiar?Cules son las mejores tcnicas de estudio?Qu tan efectivo es tomar notas, subrayar, releer y otras tcnicas de estudio?Cmo memorizar a largo plazo?Qu es la curva del olvido?Qu puedo hacer para tener ms atencin?Por qu estudio mucho y se me queda poca informacin?Cmo puedo mejorar mis calificaciones?As que si algunas de estas preguntas te interesa este curso es para ti."
Price: 29.99

"Aprender a arrecadar com crowdfunding poltico" |
"Nesse curso, nos preocupamos em trazer informaes sobre o que Crowdfunding e como ele surgiu na poltico. Todos os candidatos enxergam no crowdfunding uma possibilidade de arrecadao, porem vamos mostrar que essa modalidade uma grande oportunidade para voc arrecadar dinheiro para conduzir sua campanha com mais tranquilidade. Vamos trazer algumas estratgias para, dentro da plataforma, inserir informaes que podem aumentar a probabilidade das pessoas te ajudarem nessa jornada. Um curso necessrio para todo candidato poltico."
Price: 54.99

"CAP Certified Authorization Professional :Practice Exam 2020" |
"CAP Certified Authorization Professional :Practice Exam 2020Earning the CAP certification is a proven way to build your career and demonstrate your expertise within the risk management framework (RMF).The CAP exam tests your skills in seven domains. Think of the domains as specific knowledge areas you need to know based on your experience and education.Domain 1 Information Security Risk Management ProgramDomain 2 Categorization of Information Systems (IS)Domain 3 Selection of Security ControlsDomain 4 Implementation of Security ControlsDomain 5 Assessment of Security ControlsDomain 6 Authorization of Information Systems (IS)Domain 7 Continuous MonitoringI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CAP exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISC2 CAP in any way."
Price: 24.99

"PEGA PRPC V5 Certified Senior System Architect Practice Exam" |
"170 UNIQUE practice questions for PEGA PRPC V5 Certified Senior System Architect Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PEGA PRPC V5 Certified Senior System Architect Practice ExamTotal Questions : 170Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (127 of 170)"
Price: 169.99

"PEGACLSA_6.2V2 Carry Certify System Architect Practice Exam" |
"141 UNIQUE practice questions for PEGACLSA_6.2V2 Carry Certify System Architect Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PEGACLSA_6.2V2 Carry Certify System Architect Practice ExamTotal Questions : 141Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (105 of 141)"
Price: 154.99

"Unreal Engine: Partculas com Niagara" |
"Este um curso de criao de partculas com o Niagara no UE4. O Niagara um sistema de partculas avanado e que est disponvel na verso 4 do Unreal Engine e, tambm, estar disponvel a partir da verso 5 do engine. Este um curso iniciante que aborda os fundamentos do Niagara(Ex.: Telas, conceitos bsicos e menus) e, depois, avana na criao de 8 efeitos com o sistema Niagara. Os efeitos so criados a partir de efeitos bem simples e com aspectos evolutivos at o final do curso. Este curso aborda assuntos importantes como emisso, controle de foras, cores, formatos das partculas, renderizao, utilizao de SubUV, entre outros elementos."
Price: 114.99

"Linux Kernel Interview Questions" |
"This course will help us validate your current level of Linux Kernel knowledge . This course will be updated frequentlyQuestions will be from various topics likeCommands: dmesg, insmod, modprobe, rmmodConfiguring, Compiling and Installing the latest kernelMajor and Minor NumbersRegistering Character DriverFile operations: open, read, write, release, seek, ioctlBasic Character Device DriverBlocking I/Opoll and selectSemaphoresMutexSpinlocksCompletionsI/O Ports and I/O MemoryKernel TimersTaskletsWorkqueuesTop and Bottom HalvesInterrupt HandlingLinked ListsVirtual File Systems (Procfs, Sysfs, debugfs)"
Price: 19.99

"Tout ce qu'il vous faut pour russir en tant que commercial" |
"Ce cours vous permettra d'avoir toutes les informations qui vous permettront de russir votre mtier de commercial ou mme d'avoir le dsir de dmarrer cette belle aventure. De la connaissance des produits de l'entreprise jusqu' la mise en place d'un plan stratgique en passant par la connaissance de soi, vous aurez tout ce qu'il vous faut pour conduire cette mission avec succs."
Price: 19.99

"Python de 2 a 3" |
"Este curso ensea como migrar programas hechos en Python 2 para que funcionen en Python 3. Cuales son las diferencias entre ambas versiones, que hay que tener en cuenta y como disear una estratega de migracin exitosa.Es un curso pensado para aquellos que ya programan en Python, por lo que no se ensea a programar en Python, y tienen programas que necesitan actualizarlos para que funcionen en Python 3."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel - Beginner to Advanced in Telugu ( )" |
"Do you want to learn how to work with Excel 2016?Even if you dont have any prior experience?If so, then this is the right course for you!A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who complete this course.Microsoft Excel 2019 is here, and it promises to be one of the greatest versions that weve seen so far.However, its essential that you learn how to work with it effectively.If you want to become any of the followingExecutive AssistantOffice ClerkAuditorAccountantBusiness AnalystFinancial AnalystCredit CounselorSales RepresentativeSales ManagerFinancial ManagerInvestment BankerReal Estate AgentMarket Research AnalystFinancial AdvisorBusiness Operations ManagerEntrepreneurSomeone who is involved with a business and would like to be successfulThen you simply have to learn Microsoft Excel 2019. There is no way around it.But how can you do that if you have very limited time and no prior training? And how can you be certain that you are not missing an important piece of the puzzle?Microsoft Excel 2019 Beginners & Intermediate Excel Training is here for you. One of the best Excel courses available on Udemy, it includes everything youll need. We will start from the very basics and then gradually build a solid foundation that will serve you well throughout your career.What makes this course different from the rest of the Excel courses out there?High quality of production HD video and animated slides (this isnt a collection of boring lectures!)Knowledgeable instructor (experience in Big 4 Accounting + Commercial Finance)Downloadable materials: The course comes with a complete set of downloadable materials (handouts, Excel files, etc.)Extensive Case Studies that will help you reinforce everything that youve learnedExcellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 24 hoursDynamic: We dont want to waste your time! The instructor maintains a very good pace throughout the whole courseHow come Microsoft Excel is so important?Every large company uses it, right? So if you want to learn a new skill that is highly valued by all employers, you should start here.Here are 5 more reasons why you should take this course and learn Excel:Jobs. A solid understanding of Excel opens the door for a number of career pathsPromotions. Top Excel users are promoted very easily inside large corporationsBill Gates knows how to work with ExcelSecure Future. Excel skills remain with you and provide extra security. You wont ever have to fear unemploymentGirls dig guys who are proficient in Excel! Guys who can use VLOOKUP are proven to be the most popular with women JThis course is suitable for people without any previous experience in Excel. We will start from the very basics and will gradually move on to some of the more advanced features, such as lookup functions, functions with conditions, goal seek, pivot tables, custom formatting, Excel 2016 charts, and other tools that are often used for the purposes of Financial Modeling.Additionally, the course includes practical case studies that will reinforce everything that you learn. One of the exercises that we will see in the course consists of building a complete Profit & Loss statement from scratch.This course is perfect for University students, Entry-level Finance, Business and Marketing professionals who would like to grow faster than their peers.Please dont forget that the course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional money-back-in-full guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee, when we are convinced that it will provide a ton of value for you?Enrol today and let's start this journey together!"
Price: 1280.00

"[2020]Svelte JS - The Complete Guide" |
"Svelte JS - The Complete GuideLearn to build Robust and extremely Performant web applications using SvelteSvelte is a modern JavaScript compiler that helps you to write efficient Javascript code with a very simple Syntax.Svelte is not a Framework but a Compiler. The Svelte compiler produces small and highly efficient JavaScript code which runs seamlessly on the browsers.It's an awesome alternative to JavaScript frameworks like Vue, React or Angular.What will you learn?Intro to Svelte.jsWhy use Svelte.js?Basic Concepts like Conditionals, Loops, Variables, components, etc.Intermediate Concepts like Props, Slot, AnimationsPROJECT: ToDO List app with Firebase Node.js Crash CoursePROJECT: Full-Fledged Blog with Firebase PROJECT : Node.js, MongoDB and Svelte.jsSvelte with GraphQLHow to Achieve SSR(Server Side Rendering) or pre-render your app on a serverHow to Improve SEO for the App.PROJECT : Making a Ecommerce or Shopping Cart Web App with AWSDeployment of the App.If you're interested in building modern and efficient user interfaces that run extremely Fast, Svelte.js is something which you should look upto.So, What are you waiting for? Go Click on the Buy button and let's explore the exciting journey of Svelte.js.We will be waiting for you inside the course...Regards"
Price: 24.99

"AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty" |
"ComTech is offering 170+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.2 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 60 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real AWS Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR AWS CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 170+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 2 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 60 Questions each with a pool of 170+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 24.99

"International Trade Policy/ For business growth & university" |
"This course will help to businessmen and students as well to understand the different policy-related concepts of the trade such as Tariff, subsidy, and quota. There are many other concepts where the increased profit margin of the companies under trade as well as countries will better off. International Trade Policy/business growth and university"
Price: 19.99

"Creative design -Develop Innovative Ideas: Be a Creative Pro" |
"Graphics Design Mastery 2020 For EveryoneDesign anything. Publish anywhereIn This Class We Learn How We Can Create Many Brochures, Template, Logo And Many More [ Hardly In 9 Minutes]When We Go In Any Institutions, They Teach Graphic Design Skill In Which We Learn -Make Template, Logo, Brochure, Info-Graphic Design, Business-Card, Banner And Many-Many More. We Paid 50,000 INR For This And A Lot Of Time, Money, Many Students Not Learnt Because Institution Partial For Students And They Teach Only Toppers Other Student Pay Fees But Not Achieve Anything And Lost Lot Of Things Like Career Booming Time And All.But In This Course, You Learn About Graphic Design [Graphic Design Skill In Which We Learn -Make Template, Logo, Brochure, Info-Graphic Design, Business-Card, Banner And Many-Many More. ] Skill, Presentation Skill, Website Making Skill, Virtual Resume Skill ,Video Presentation Skill ,Animation Skill And Many More .You Have Access This Course Lifetime Only One Time Payment ,You Pay .In This Class You Have No Attendance Issue You Can Learn Anywhere, Anyplace According Your Facilities And Comfort Zone. You Do Not Too Shy When You Put Your Question Queries Because You Question Display In Personal Chat So Does Not Need To Be Introvert.After Course You Can Start Your Own Business On Virtual Platform Also.You Can Become Educator and Start Your Subject Online Math, Journalism in Which You Are Expertise.You Can You Convey Your Ideas, Thought Easily by Presentation Skill Thats Is Very Essential When You Convey Your Ideas Thought in Public Place Like in Interview, Job, Workplace and Many More Places.This class covers everything you need to know to quit your job or reignite your current freelance business how to make the initial leap, best practices to get your finances in order, different approaches for working with clients, and how to balance your freelance schedule. Take what youve learned and create your own mission statement for your freelance business.This is a class for designers, artists, photographers, illustrators and everyone looking to kickstart their freelance career. Are you currently considering transitioning from a full-time role to freelance? Are you newly out of school and are looking for some practical tips to improve your work? Or are you a more seasoned pro with tricky clients and cash flow problems? This class is filled with tips, tricks, and insights for all levels.After This Course All Design, Presentation Skill Easy for You, You Can Do Your Work on Any Device and Anyplace or Time.Course Projects You'll Learn How to Create:Social Media Graphic marketing adsBlog GraphicsFacebook CoverFacebook PostFacebook AdTwitter HeaderTwitter PostYouTube ThumbnailYouTube Channel ArtPhoto collagePinterest GraphicBook cover You-tube ,fb,twitter,linked-in banner and marketingStory templatelesson templateworksheetBusiness invoiceWebsite build in 20 minute for jobWhether you just want to enhance your skills for business, or have a specific project you need done right this instant, this course is for you.We will guide you every step of the way and are here to make sure you succeed in your ventures. Both instructors are always available to answer any messages, discussions, questions, or feedback that you have.So, Keep Enjoy the Class, Workshop and All Who Make by Us."
Price: 1280.00

"Git i GitHub - praktycznie w jeden wieczr" |
"Git to jedno z podstawowych narzdzi programisty. W tym szkoleniu skupimy si na jego praktycznym wykorzystaniu. Poka Ci w jaki sposb z niego korzysta, oraz jak programici Java mog uatwi sobie z nim prac wykorzystujc IntelliJ.Oprcz podstaw poka Ci kilka przydatnych hackw pracy z nim, oraz wprowadz w wiat pracy na produkcji. To szkolenie jest dla osb chccych pozna podstawy GITa lub uporzdkowa wiedz w jeden wieczr!"
Price: 69.99

"AWS Certified Developer Associate[DVA-C01]: 4 Practice Exams" |
"This course is for individuals aiming to pass AWS Certified Developer Associate(DVA-C01) Exam in the first attempt.This course gives you 4 practice tests, 255 hand picked questions to help you to pass the official "" AWS Certified Developer Associate(DVA-C01) "" certification Exam.At the end of the exam, click the Review Questions button to view the Answer for each question.----------------------------------------MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!---------------------------------------** Make sure you are ready to pass the PMI Program Management Professional (PgMP) Exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the real exam."
Price: 84.99

"Bioplsticos: Plasticos Bio-basados y Biodegradables" |
"Completo tour por el mundo de los bioplasticos y su impacto ambientalConceptos bsicos de plsticos bio-basados, biodegradables y compostables.Metodologa de clasificacin de acuerdo con su origen, estndares internacionales y rtulos de identificacin para los bioplsticos. Datos de produccin, mercado y proyecciones para el futuro. Impacto ambiental de los bioplsticos, limitaciones y desafos."
Price: 19.99

Sketch-up&Auto-cad |
"The definition of the solar system and its types, and the definition of the principle of each typeDetermine the number of solar hoursHome design from scratch to professional use of all program tools design solar photovoltaic system using Sketch -up 2d &3ddesign solar photovoltaic system using Auto-cad 2d &3dwork SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM For system design Transfer design sketch-up 3d to lumion"
Price: 19.99

"Arithmetic Progression" |
"Hi. This course is for all those students who have arithmetic progression in their curriculum. Designed with beginners in mind, this course is perfect for the high school students, college students and the students preparing for quantitative aptitude and have arithmetic progression as part of their syllabus.What you find in this course:1. Complete lectures on Arithmetic Progression.2. Many many examples which covers almost all variety of problems you encounter in class.3. Shortcut tricks for faster solutions.4. Worksheets for extra practice.5. Articles on key takeaways from the lessons.6. Simple quiz to track your progress.Come Join in...and make learning easy and fun..!"
Price: 1280.00

"AWS Services for Solutions Architect Associates" |
"***UPDATE: New Content ALERT!!! Around 50+ video content added to the course!***AWS is a public cloud and a pioneer in the cloud computing domain. Aws provides every kind of service models like IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS. In this course, I will discuss various cloud services provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).Here we will elaborate on the features of AWS services, their use cases, how to create those services, how to configure them and how to integrate various services together to present a holistic cloud solution.This series is useful for anyone starting their cloud journey as well as cloud practitioners. However, it is especially useful for learners who are preparing for various AWS certifications such as AWS Solutions Architect, AWS SysOps Associate and AWS Developer Associates. We discuss use cases of the services, Do's and Dont's while using those services and best practices."
Price: 19.99

"HTML5 - Basics to Advanced" |
"**(Use coupon code - SEP2020)******UPDATE [06-July-2020]: New Content Added!!!!!****Around 20 NEW videos added New Sections on:FormsEmbedding MultimediaVector GraphicsAnd, a Final Project!************************************************************ Are you a beginner? Do you want to learn web development but do not have any idea where to start?If yes, then this is THE perfect course for you. In HTML course, you will learn all the concepts of HTML5, starting from its history to its modern structure. We will cover all the tags which are most widely used in the world of web development. Simultaneously, we will show you some of the best practices of code-writing in HTML5.HTML is short for 'HyperText Markup Language', which means HTML is only used to create a structure of the web page. But without some styling, no assignment or project will look good. Thus, we will cover some portion of the CSS required to create simple web pages.This HTML course will be beneficial for all who are looking to start their career in the web development field and aspire to become a Frontend or Full-stack web developer. This HTML course will be the first step towards your goal to become a web developer. To continue this journey, we would recommend you complete the other languages and skills like CSS, Javascript, ES6, React.Check out our profile to find related courses that are designed just like this.PS: More lectures will be uploaded soon.Why learn HTML?HTML is at the Core of the Internet. Learning HTML and CSS allows you to build your own websites, gives you a skill you can use to improve work at your current job, and also opens up an opportunity to transition into a career in tech and 1. HTML is Easy to Learn and Use2. HTML is Free3. HTML is supported by all Browsers4. HTML is Basic of all Programming Languagesand many more.Get started with the skill.Happy learningTeam Edyoda"
Price: 19.99

"CSS - Basics to Advanced" |
"****UPDATE [06-July-2020]: New Content Added!!!!!****Around 25+ NEW video content added New Sections added on:Responsive DesignFlex boxGrid Layouts******************************************************** If you are new to web development but you have a little bit of knowledge of HTML and its tags and want to take the next step towards becoming the professional frontend web developer, then this is the right course for you. Here, we have covered everything right from basics to advanced concepts of CSS3. We have included all the properties in CSS + the newly introduced ones in CSS3 that will help shape the future of web development in the coming years. This course is designed bearing in mind that a beginner should be able to understand what is CSS and how it is used to turn a raw, basic, black & white HTML webpage structure into a beautiful web page. To make web pages interactive for users, you will also learn how to animate the various HTML elements.By the end of this course, you will be able to design beautiful, user-friendly, and mobile-friendly websites from scratch, all on your own.After completion, we recommend checking out our Javascript, ES6, and React JS courses which are designed with the same simple approach in order to help you become a professional Frontend web developer.PS: More lectures will be uploaded soon."
Price: 19.99

"Power BI - Become an Expert in Data Visualisation" |
"In my personal life, I am an Apple's devices user. I did not want to choose between PC or iOs devices to use Power BI. I am going to start to show you a way to use Power BI on your Mac. So, do not worry, this issue will be solved at the end of the first session.As we are ready, we are going to really start by using Power BI and apprehend the way of how this Data Visualisation tool works.By looking over the entire software, we will discover how to import and connect all types of data from our device to Power BI.We will manage entire datasets with Query Editor, customising data and making it more readable and understandable. Defining relationships between tables in order to get interactive reports on a wider set.After having understood the main concepts of how to manage our data, we will start to work with visuals, their definition, the best way to use them and how to customise them. Designing our own reports and getting unlimited ideas to provide the best way to implement them in function of the hearings.By continuing to be more touchy in our analysis and the accuracy of our data, we will see how to compound our first formulas by using DAX formulas. From there, we will work on different kinds of function in order to get a wide range to adapt our functions in each situation you will encounter.If you are interested to discover all of these and lot more, join me through this travel and I will be more than pleased to help you becoming an Expert on Power BI."
Price: 99.99

"Vitamins for optimal health and sports performance." |
"You will learn what are essential vitamins and their role in health and wellbeing.Course will cover subjects such as what are good source of natural vitamins, when and how to take vitamin supplements, how to choose good quality vitamin supplements.You will learn everything you need to know including:Understand what are vitamins.Recognize 13 essential vitaminsIdentify fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.Recognize excess and deficiency of vitamin symptoms.Vitamin intake tips for restricted diets such as vegan, low carb ,Gluten free , PoleoVitamin supplements and supplement factsWhen to take vitamins?How to choose good quality vitamin supplement.Role of vitamins in athletes diet and effect on performance.Vitamin intake recommendations for athletesand much, much more!By the end of this course, you will know more about vitamins and be well on your way to improve your health. You will know how to plan your diet to get all required vitamins as well as apply your knowledge to get prepared for sport events and competitions. You will become more aware and knowledgeable by enrolling today!"
Price: 19.99

"Master En Modelado 3D Arquitectnico" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear renders de alto impacto a partir de un modelado en 3D, como apoyo visual para mejorar tus presentaciones y sean de calidad profesional.Los software que usaremos en este curso de los cuales no necesitas conocimientos previos son:Revit: Para modelar el proyecto desde cero, emplearemos diversas herramientas para su desarrollo, creacin de topografa, muro bsico, muro cortina, insertar mobiliario, creacin de losas, pisos, techos inclinados, canceleria, insertar cmaras, crear escaleras tipo ""L, ""C"", caracol, insertar rampas, barandales, columnas, entre otras.Una vez ya finalizado el modelado, pulindolo lo mejor posible se procede a exportar a 3Ds Max3Ds Max: Importaremos de forma correcta, aplicaremos las configuraciones iniciales de render de prueba, entre ellas de iluminacin y texturas, insertar cmaras con su ajuste de perspectiva, creacin de materiales por bitmap y desplazamiento, creacin de librera de materiales, importar mobiliario, vegetacin y ambientacin, configuracin para render interior de da , render nocturno, configuracin para render final, render 360.Photoshop: Importacin de renders elements, correccin de color, insertar efectos para un mayor realismo."
Price: 169.99

"Linear algebra and Matrices Course" |
"This course is a quick guide that will give a simple straight forward explanation on matrices. You will be able to compute arithmetic operations on matrices and show an understanding of matrices functions such as transpose, determinants and matrix inverses. Also, you will be able to solve system of equations using Cramer's method. "
Price: 19.99
