"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Tests" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests are patterned after the latest exam format and were crafted based on the feedback of our 50,000+ students on what appeared in the actual exam. Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect practice tests are TOP-NOTCH and the CLOSEST to the actual exam, as demonstrated by over 5,000++ reviews on our course. Each question has detailed explanations at the end of each set that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the AWS services. The explanation provides an overview of the topic, reference links to AWS docs and a rationale on why the option is correct or incorrect MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share! Earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS Solutions Architect certification!But before you become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional, it is recommended for you to pass the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification exam first, and this is where AWS practice tests come in. It is possible that you have read all of the available AWS documentation online yet still fail the exam! These AWS practice tests simulate the actual certification exam and ensure that you indeed understand the subject matter.These AWS Solutions Architect practice exams are designed to focus on the important exam topics (such as EC2, EBS, S3, and many others) hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other AWS knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic is carefully selected based on the 4 domains of the actual AWS certification exam.Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you to attain an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS certification exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.Please also note that these AWS Certified Solutions Architect practice tests are not exam dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds to thousands of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests are meant to do.There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are also official certification practice exams provided by AWS but these only have 20 or 40 questions and cost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that is comparable with having these 390 Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions!When I was reviewing for my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam, I had a hard time finding comprehensive practice tests to help me pass my exam. I bought some of them in the market but I was disappointed because there are a lot of technical and grammatical errors in the questions. This is why I created these AWS practice tests to help my fellow IT professionals in the industry.We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your CSA-Associate exam. And we don't need to trash or slander other AWS practice test courses here on Udemy just to make a sale because we are confident that our AWS practice tests are simply the BEST.All the best!"
Price: 19.99

"Professional Life Coaching Certification" |
"This Effective Course Will Definitely Lead You To Achieve Your Success,Because Finding The Purpose Is the One And Only Way To Get Success, Make Sure Your Self have Good Effective Goal Not Goals Because Having A Goal Show A Effective Plan, But Having Goals Gives More Different Plans So You Can't Give Your Attention More Areas,So You Keep One Exact Goal,So Have A Good Goal Try To Achieve It And Also If You Feel You Can't Achieve It , Try One Time Again Thank You, STAY HAPPY ?"
Price: 49.99

"Learn to Draw 21 Business Scenarios (Visual Thinking)" |
"Visualization is the new way of business communication. Visual drawings make teams creative and creative teams are more productive. In this course you will learn to draw 21 very common business scenarios by using quick doodles. BE READY TO BE AMAZED. You can draw while watching the video and pause it at your comfort and watch it again."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Certificado de Piano Para Adultos" |
"Has querido t aprender piano? los complicados y altos costos de los cursos tradicionales te detienen? Las complicadas y difciles explicaciones tericas y lecturas musicales te asustan o te motivan poco?Si has respondido con un SI a una o ms preguntas, djame decirte que estas en el curso ideal, desarrollado exclusivamente para tiEn este fantstico curso T podrs cumplir tu sueo de tocar el piano de principiante a avanzado. Est tranquilo(a) y seguro(a), paso a paso te ensear a tocar el piano de manera fcil, rpida y eficazmente con un sistema que te pondr a tocar el piano desde la primera leccin dejando de lado las complicadas explicaciones tericas y aburridas y difciles lecturas musicales.Descubre ahora mismo el increble mtodo en el cual t aprenders diferentes e impresionantes ritmos, as como tambin diferentes estilos musicales, te llevar a un fantstico y maravilloso mundo llamado improvisacin jams antes explorado de esta forma en un curso de piano, en este mdulo aprenders a improvisar de manera profesional tal y como siempre has querido en el piano.Al finalizar este curso obtn un certificado oficial tanto de Udemy como de mi academia: Academia piano Fcil con sello de calidad premium garantizada, para que puedas validar todos los conocimientos y sentir esa enorme gratificacin de obtener una certificacin oficial. Ahora la decisin es tuya, de querer aprender ahora mismo en tan solo 8 horas de curso lo que a m me ha tardado 10 aos y muchsimo dineroApresrate y adquiere en este instante el ms completo curso de piano creado hasta ahora.NO AGUANTO MS, LO COMPRO YA MISMO!"
Price: 99.99

"Abanicos de Seda para Danza rabe" |
"El elemento de los abanicos de seda es uno de los ms vistosos de la danza oriental, la cual dar a tus espectculo o performance mucho color y diversinEn este curso aprenders sobre los tipos de abanicos de gnero, tips, ejercicios y movimientos que te permitirn dominarlos as como las opciones de entradas y salidas posibles para un nmero completo, verstil y musicalmente armnico, pero sobre todo que puedas disfrutarlo y lucir con l.He diseado este curso para todo aquel bailarn que desee darle vida a su interpretacin o incorporarlo a su catlogo de repertorio."
Price: 645.00

"Audit and Assurance AA - 100 practice test questions Part 1" |
"Are you preparing for audit exam?This practice test is made for the students of ACCA, CA, BBA, BS (Finance) etc. who are preparing for audit and assurance paper. These are 100 practice test questions designed around the following topics of Audit and Assurance AA:Concept of AuditAudit EngagementCode of EthicsThreats and safeguards Planning the auditMaterialityRisk AssessmentAudit AssertionsEngagement acceptance and continuance of audit engagementFrauds and audit activitiesAppointment of auditorRemoval of auditorAudit risk and related componentsThese practice test questions will help you in testing your knowledge and understanding about the topics mentioned, before exams. You will be able to revise the topics by attempting 100 practice test questions.These practice test questions cover practical aspects as well in addition to knowledge of International Auditing Standards ISAs. Who should enroll:ACCA AA StudentsCA StudentsBS, BBA studentsCSS studentsOthers who are learning audit"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Microsoft Excel 2016- ." |
"Our Microsoft Excel course has divided into 3 Easy Levels.Microsoft Excel Level 1- An introduction to excel with basic Formulas & Functions.Microsoft Excel Level 2- Advanced Level Of excel Includes advanced formulas & functions.Microsoft Excel Level 3- Company Base expert level of excel includes- Data Analyst with Power pivot & many types of Dashboards.The material of Our Microsoft Excel Course recorded in 2016 but it will work in all 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 in all students, professionals, and office 365 versions.Enroll now!!!!! To get success with the most popular excel tool in the MIS Market, Microsoft excel spreadsheet. With my 14+ Years of excel corporate training experience, I have guided you in videos step by step from beginners to advance and advance to expert level of excel.If you Enroll in each level of our Microsoft excel course, you will get clear your all doubts and queries with your daily tasks which we have assigned in videos and with a different database.You will start from basic, to build a strong base and foundation of knowledge, so that you will also understand easily advanced excel and expert excel too.After Completion of all these 3 level excel courses, you will have mastered the companies based excel expert-level tools. You can present yourself with confidence, efficiency, clarity, presentation, and knowledge of the expert level of excel.You will master in:Creating an effective Excel spreadsheet.Handling huge multiple sets of databases effectively.Mastering in functions and various formulas( SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, VLOOKUPS(6 DIFFERENT WAYS ), LOGICAL FUNCTION, COMBINATION OF DIFFERENT FORMULAS, FLASH FILL, ADVANCED FILTER WITH MACROS.Making different types of reports through pivot tables.Dashboards through POWER PIVOT, POWER VIEW, Charts, and form controls.Mastering in automation in excel day to day tasks by the use of macros.Enroll Now!!!!!!!Take a good step in mastering companies' level of Microsoft excel and make yourself a good EXCELIAN!!!!!.Who this course is for?This excel course is for all age groups (students, housewives, companies, and anyone) who is a beginner or intermediate level.If you are looking for an excel course from a starting point and want to become an expert so guys this course is only for you.Education Mart is an online education platform providing IT and Non-IT courses at a very minimal cost. We are giving an opportunity to everyone to learn the course of your choice at any time and anywhere from expert trainers having over more than 14 years of experience. We assure you that our team serves your best level of education and providing a better learning experience.So, join us now!!!!!!"
Price: 4800.00

"AWS DevOps (DOP-C01) (2020)" |
"AWS DevOps (DOP-C01)5(1) 1: SDLC 1.1 CI/CD 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 / (: A/B/-/)AWS / 2: Infrastructure as Code2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 AWS 3: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4: 4.1 4.2 4.3 5: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6: 6.1 AZ 6.2 6.3 (: RTO/RPO) 6.4 6.5"
Price: 3000.00

"Construction Estimation Using RSMeans" |
"For those who are looking to pursue a career as a construction estimator or construction planner, this course will be very helpful. This course consists of an introduction to project management into construction world. An intro to construction estimation will be presented with different methods used. Quantity take off for concrete including how to calculate volume of concrete, weight of reinforcing bars, area of formwork, and volume of precast concrete will be presented . A solved example on how to calculate the area of formwork will be presented. An assignment for formwork quantity take off will be asked. Cost and duration Estimation using RSmeans method will be presented with two solved examples. From this example, it can be seen how to calculate the cost and duration of an activity and thus an entire project. Another assignment for cost and duration estimation will be asked using the RSMeans method."
Price: 19.99

"Crea un Editor de Texto Web con HTML, CSS y JavaScript" |
"En este curso aprenderis a hacer un editor de texto html bsico, con el cursor del ratn (mouse) iremos seleccionado y editando el texto con los diferentes botones que se crear. Cambiaremos el texto a negrita, cursiva, el tamao, color, color de fondo...Usaremos Html y CSS como base para dar el estilo al editor Y JavaScript para dar la funcionalidad."
Price: 19.99

"Techniques of Time Management" |
"This course is an in-depth review of proven time management techniques. Students study fundamental time management techniques that can be applied immediately to improve productivity and leave more time for fun! By the end of this course students will be able to:Uncover time management pitfalls, and construct a plan to overcome themCreate achievable goals using SMART goal systemEstimate task duration using basic scheduling techniquesExamine multiple methods to prioritize tasksGet to the root cause of time sinksMaster methods to delegatePractice CoachingManage your bossDeal with interruptionsSolve e-mail time wastersCreate calendars to achieve goals"
Price: 34.99

diet_nutrition |
Price: 6000.00

"AWS Certified Security - Specialty Practice Exam" |
"The security exam covers incident response, logging and monitoring, infrastructure security, identity and access management, and data protection. It validates understanding of specialized data classifications, data encryption methods, and secure Internet protocol, and the AWS mechanisms to implement them.The exam is open to anyone who currently holds a Cloud Practitioner or Associate-level certification. We recommend candidates have five years of IT security experience designing and implementing security solutions, and at least two years of hands-on experience securing AWS workloads."
Price: 29.99

"wing chun pour les nuls" |
"niveau 1 wing chun kung fu: le wing chun est base sur une esquive et une contre-attaque rapide et puissante. le pratiquant apprend a sentir les gestes de son adversaire et a anticiper ses actions pour contre-attaquer avec une rapidit fulgurante .En plus d'amliorer la forme physique,il favorise la concentration ,la volont, la confiance en soi et permet le dpassement de soi-mme."
Price: 44.99

"Blender 2.8+, dcouverte du dessin 3D (Franais)" |
"Blender est un logiciel trs complet de modlisation, d'animation et de rendu d'images 3D. A l'origine assez modeste, Il devient maintenant incontournable et prsente des avantages incontestables par rapport ses concurrents payants.A travers ce cours, vous apprendrez partir des bases raliser vos propres contenus 3D pour des illustrations, des jeux vido ou des films d'animation.- Prise en main, installation et configuration de Blender- Navigation, utilisation des interfaces- Modlisation- Matriaux- Eclairages- Animation - Rendus et tude des diffrents moteurs de rendu- Compositing et Post Processing- Montage vido"
Price: 19.99

"Copywriting: 7 Passos Revelados na Prtica Para Uma Boa Copy" |
"Mas o que Copywriting? simplesmente o estudo de como criar cartas de vendas com o objetivo de persuadir um pblico-alvo a tomar uma determinada ao.Aps esse curso voc vai saber as principais tcnicas do copywriting e vai obter grandes resultados.Alm de finalmente ter aquela sensao de saber o que est fazendo.E no ficar totalmente perdido quando algum fala a palavra Marketing.Sim, esse curso excelente e oferece todos os benefcios citados nesse texto, mas ele no perfeito.Esse curso somente para pessoas que realmente querem aprender e vo aplicar todos os conceitos ensinados.Quem j realizou o curso deu avaliaes extremamente positivas e recomendou para outros amigos.Preste ateno nos principais benefcios do curso:Voc aprender os fundamentos bsicos de Marketing.Descobrir quais so os principias erros que as pessoas cometem.Vai saber o conceito de Persuaso.Aprender os 6 gatilhos mentais mais utilizados no Mercado.Ir aprender o porque as pessoas compram.Ir entender o conceito de copywriting.Ir ver mais de 20 exemplos de sites e produtos que deram certos utilizando o Copywriting.Ir aprender os 7 passos para montar uma estrutura perfeita na sua carta de vendas.Ir ter um contedo secreto disponvel no final do curso.E o melhor, tudo isso na prtica. Eu e voc.A partir de agora, s existem duas opes:Opo 1# - Ou voc ignora tudo isso que voc acabou de ler e continua a sua vida do jeito que ela est e est tudo bem.Mas voc nunca mais vai poder reclamar que no teve uma chance real de mudana, porque hoje, voc teve a melhor oportunidade para mudar seu futuro.Opo 2# - Acreditar no que eu estou falando e confiar no seu potencial e tomar a deciso que voc precisa tomar, que de se inscrever no curso Copywriting Na Prtica - Impulsione Suas Vendas Em 7 Passos.Agora a deciso totalmente sua.Voc quer realmente aprender mais sobre copywriting?Adquira agora e aproveite as 21 aulas e os 5 mdulos inteiros do curso.Te vejo na primeira aula.-Rafael"
Price: 579.99

technicaltrade1 |
Price: 2400.00

"Matriser Photoshop comme un pro" |
"Dans ce cours complet de plus de heures de vidos, vous apprendrez matriser les principaux aspects de Photoshop, que vous soyez totalement novice ou en partie form. Vous dcouvrirez toutes les notions fondamentales pour analyser, retoucher, corriger, modifier vos images, travers un cursus trs progressif. Aprs avoir tudi de cours, vous pourrez laisser de ct les questionnements techniques, et vous concentrer sur l'essentiel : votre crativit.Idal pour quiconque souhaite matriser Photoshop comme un professionnel, retoucher, dvelopper ses photos numriques, analyser ses images, comprendre et matriser les calques, les masques, les modes de fusion, les slections et dtourages, les objets dynamiques, la peinture avec Photoshop, les styles de calque, les automatisations, et plus gnralement tout ce qui est utile la conception et la publication d'images pour le web ou l'impression."
Price: 34.99

"Working Remote from Home Telecommute Essentials" |
"The Working Remote from Home Essentials Course is designed to help you increase your productivity and time management from home or from anywhere. We will help you improve your effectiveness telecommuting and video conferencing with clients and colleagues using current technology available in 2020.You will learn how to improve this from anywhereProductivityTime ManagementTeleconference/Videoconferencing and CollaborationTools for working in the full time remote jobWe take a holistic approach to improving your productivity from nutrition, wellness, ergonomics, work space setup, as well as specific tools we use to collaboration.I bring my 13 years of career experience working from home and juggling time as an IT manager and completing an MBA program from Vancouver Canada. I also bring my decade of experience working abroad from co-work spaces and cafes in Malaysia, Taiwan,and Thailand as a Digital Nomad to this courseChris Canberra brings a wealth of experience as a full-time remote employee doing Amazon Digital Marketing to this course."
Price: 79.99

"Excel Functions for Sales" |
"Join 2000+ students from more than 100 countries and get these benefits:Discover Must-Learn FunctionsSet up Mail automation for Outlook and send hundreds of custom E-mailsSet up Excel as your own CRMFind custom information about your clientsGet tips on getting new prospect contactsPractical Excel course that covers how basic functions and mass mailing can ease the work of Sales people. Although the focus is on Sales, anyone can benefit from the Excel knowledge, presented in a hands on manner (That means you can follow me along the way.Don't let yourself be fooled, anyone can benefit from knowing these excel functions.You'll also get a lot of downloadable resources:-Excel Sample-Mail template sample-Tips on getting new prospect contactsLet's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"8 Courses Bundle:PRO Trading with Technical analysis in 2020" |
"Let me give you a few facts:All traders start with the dream to get rich quick40% trade only for one month80% quit within the first 2 yearsOnly 7% remain after 5 years1% of all traders can profit net of feesWhat does that all mean?It means that only 1% of the people in this business are actually making money... Picture this data as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is this 1% and all the people below (99%) are actually losing money. The 1% on the top are not there by accident. They invested a lot of time and capital to master this skill. Trading is NOT a ""get rich quick opportunity"" ... this is a LIE that is being used because it SELLS. Everyone searches for the easy and fast success without efforts so salesmen are very aware of that fact so this is why they use it. Trading is actually a get poor quickly opportunity for most of the people!Are you losing money in the markets ? Are you tired of that?In learning to trade we all pay, some pay teachers to cut down the learning curve and most pay far more in losses by attempting to learn on their own.Do you want to learn how to Trade like the top 1% do?You cannot use tools/techniques/strategies invented decades ago in the same way that most people are using it today and to expect the market to Reward that!In this course I will teach you how to Trade with an edge! This is what the top 1% are doing. They simply have an edge!You will Master:The psychological side of tradingCandlesticksChart patternsMarket phasesSupport and resistanceSupply and Demand zonesMarket structureMoving averagesMACDStochasticRSIYou will also learn:1 complete trading strategy with Stochastic1 complete trading strategy with Moving averages and Heiken ashi candles3 complete trading strategies with RSI2 Complete trading strategies with MACD1 Complete trading strategies with exponential moving averagesRisk management systemWhat is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 199.99

"Awakening Weight Loss Workshop" |
"This workshop was recorded live and lays out the 3 step process of Shed The Weight Inside and Out by helping people who have been struggling to lose weight, dig deep to identify what's identifying them! ""It's Not What Your Eating But What's Eating At You"". You will how to Name Your Pain, Work Though That Pain and learn how to Change Your Pain."
Price: 59.99

"Building a Computer: From Zero to PC Hero" |
"What is a PC Hero?A PC Hero is someone that is able to not only build a computer with their mind and body, but also show others how to do the same. This course promises to take you from ""What is a CPU?"" to ""That Intel i7 CPU can fit in this LGA1151 motherboard."" Looks like another language right now? Not with this course.So what exactly do I learn?The course begins with us meeting face to face and you get a taste of my uniqueness. Then you will find yourself in a lengthy but entertaining and informative PowerPoint that talks about every part of a computer. Every now and then you take a break from the slides and get to step into operating systems such as Linux. After the conclusion of the presentation, you begin the build. With a sky-view of the build process, you get to see each and every step along the way, including a major happy accident made by your own instructor.Is this worth taking?Short Answer: If you want to.Long Answer: Yes! I have recorded over 7 hours of video footage, included the 200+ slide power point, and created a few checklists to help you in the purchasing and building phases of this course. Don't worry, this course will be updated with more guides and resources based on your very own feedback. See you in class soon!"
Price: 79.99

"Come creare post virali su Linkedin in Automatico" |
"SCOPRI LO STRUMENTO PERFETTO PER DIFFONDERE I TUOI CONTENUTI SU LINKEDIN E CREARE L'AUTHORITY NECESSARIA PER FARE SOCIAL SELLINGIL CORSO CHE FA PER TE PERCH LA RISPOSTA A: Come posso aumentare velocemente la mia Authority su LinkedIn e vendere di pi? Come posso aumentare a dismisura le interazioni sui miei post di Linkedin? Quali sono le strategie concrete che mi permettono di ottimizzare il processo senza perdere tempo?"
Price: 29.99

"Genera traffico gratis grazie ai contenuti altrui" |
"SFRUTTA GLI INFINITI CONTENUTI GI PRESENTI SU INTERNET PER CATTURARE POTENZIALI CLIENTI E FAR CRESCERE IL TUO BUSINESS.IL CORSO CHE FA PER TE PERCH LA RISPOSTA A: Quali strumenti possono aiutarmi a generare contatti in target? Come posso aumentare in automatico il traffico sul mio sito sfruttando contenuti altrui? Come posso ingolosire eticamente i miei potenziali clienti senza digitare una parola?"
Price: 19.99

"Amazon FBA The Ultimate Private Label Business Opportunity" |
"5 Years ago i was stuck in a 9 - 5 job, wondering what i was going to do with my life.I'd finished university and gone straight into full time work, it wasn't all bad but i was obsessed with the thought of having my own business.I got together with my now business partners (Sam & Ed) and we started brainstorming...Our first business venture was a giant fail, we'd spent our evenings and weekends working on a business that lost money in the first year.It didn't work out but we had no regrets... We decided there and then that whatever it took we wouldn't stop until we were working for ourselves.Soon after this first failure we found the Amazon FBA (Private Label) business model.It might sound cliche but it literally changed our lives, there is no doubt about that.We wasted no time and within three months we'd launched our very own product (A Fruit Infuser Water Bottle).Within weeks of launching we were making $100's a day! All whilst we were working our full time 9 - 5 jobs.You see that's the beauty of the Amazon FBA business model, they do all the heavy lifting whilst you are off doing whatever you need to do.It's really simple:Step 1) Find a profitable product with low levels of competitionStep 2 Build a customer focused brand around that productStep 3) Find a trustworthy supplier and start building on the relationshipStep 4) The product is sent directly to Amazon's warehouse fulfillment network (FBA stands for fulfilled by Amazon)Step 5) Launch the productStep 6) Reinvest the profit & grow your private label brandYou see, we did this whilst all of us were working full time jobs... With the right work ethic you can do it too.This course will show you exactly how we did it and how we still do it today...If you want your own freedom, your own private label business, you need to learn from somebody that's actually been through it...That my friend is where we come in.We've sold over $2,000,000 worth of products on the Amazon platform.This course will take you through each step of the process.But be warned....This is not some get rich quick scheme.You are going to have to be willing to put in the work.We aren't interested in building short-term businesses by breaking the rules.We are interested in building real businesses by sticking to the rules...If you are looking for a course to help you break the rules and Amazon's terms of service... you are in the wrong place.However, if you are willing to be patient & put in the hard work we can certainly help you.This course will teach you how to build a valuable long term asset without breaking the rules.If this sounds like something you are interested in get enrolled so we can get to work.I'll look forward to seeing you on the inside.NickeBusiness Boss*Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or associated with Amazon in anyway. Note that Amazon have not endorsed this course. This course has been created to pass on the experience we have gained by selling on the platform for over 5 years. All companies and products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of the rightful legal owners. We have no affiliation or endorsements from these companies (unless we have mentioned this in the course). The course content should not be construed as legal or financial advice in any way. Please do your due diligence before you decide to invest any of your hard earned money. As with any business venture any capital invested will be at risk."
Price: 49.99

"Design your own USB Rubber Ducky Ethical Hacking tool!" |
"Installing backdoors, exfiltrating documents, or capturing credentials is incredibly easy with a seemingly innocent USB drive called the USB Rubber Ducky. An Expert hacker with a few minutes, photographic memory and perfect typing accuracy can use a few well-crafted keystrokes to hack virtually anything they have physical access to. However, the right hardware can do the same thing every time on demand without fail. Thats where the Rubber Ducky and other Human Interface Devices (HID) come into play. They inject keystrokes at superhuman speeds, violating the inherent trust computers have in humans by posing as a keyboard.In this class, well learn more about what HID attacks are, how they work, the social engineering that can be involved in their deployment, and how to use them in your Pen-testing engagements. Keyboards announce themselves to computers as HID devices and are in turn automatically recognized and accepted. We'll program a microcontroller in Arduino to take advantage of this by acting as an HID device. We can then create our scripts that run when the device is plugged into a target computer. All at only a fraction of the cost of the more well-branded USB Rubber Ducky!Students will learn to use a low-cost Digispark to program their payloads for use in Ethical Hacking and Penetration testing. We'll go over creating more advanced payloads, including tracking payloads which run in the background, as well as Rickroll payloads which can be used with permission on friends and family to demonstrate how HID attacks work. Additionally, students learn to automate nearly anything on an unattended device which can be extremely useful when you need to run the same commands on a series of computers. Thats how the Original USB Ruber Ducky was invented. Hak5 founder Darren Kitchen, while working as a sysadmin, got tired of typing the same commands to fix printers and network shares, again and again, the device evolved out of laziness. He programmed a development board to emulate the typing for him - and thus the keystroke injection attack was born."
Price: 54.99

"Become a proficient chess player for complete beginners" |
"This course is for complete beginners. You will learn: How to set up the boardHow the pieces moveHow to name the squares on the chess board Know chess terminology Know basic chess tacticsHow to think before each move How to be a proficient chess player How to play chess online and in tournaments"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Contrabaixo mdulo 5" |
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao curso ""Bassmetria"" - A matemtica controlada no Contra-baixo mdulo 05.Nesse mdulo voc ir aprender sobre Arpejos pelo Campo Harmnico Maior alm de Arpejos e como Cifrar, aprender a mesclar as Tercinas com outros rtmos para deixar seu groove mais rico, exerccios de acordes, Escalas Maiores em 2 oitavas, Escala Blues em 2 oitavas, aprender sobre os rtmos de Balada, Rock, Samba, Latin Jazz, aprender sobre Double Stops e vrios exerccios com eles, Escalas Pentatnicas Maiores e Menores em 2 oitavas, e tambm aprender sobre as 3 Escalas Menores (Natural, Harmnica e Meldica) em 2 oitavas com 2 digitaes cada.Deixo uma frase inspiradora de Steve Jobs: ""Cada sonho que voc deixa para trs, um pedao do seu futuro que deixa de existir!""Com isso, creio que seus sonhos de tocar melhor seu instrumento se tornaro realidade. Basta voc se dedicar, persistir, empenhar pois; o material que voc precisava agora est em suas mos !Eu acredito muito no meu mtodo e, voc ver e comprovar o rendimento e conhecimento que ter aps o trmino dele.Um curso que foi minunciosamente preparado em etapas sendo degrau por degrau.Nesse vdeo de boas vindas, deixo comprimido todos os PDF`s para que caso queira, possa os imprimir e assim sendo, tornando uma apostila pois existem complementos nesse arquivo comprimido que nos PDF`s individuais no tem. Porm cada vdeo daqui para frente, voc ter o PDF especfico daquela aula. Isso foi uma ""sacada"" que tive para aqueles que pretendem estudar tocando junto acompanhando.Bons estudos e vamos l !"
Price: 39.99

stresscontrol |
Price: 12000.00

"Learn Complete HTML - Certification Course with Project" |
"Students will learn how to create engaging web pages using HTML5, which is an integral part of the development process.The material covers an intensive array of HTML5 elements including images, videos, lists, tables, forms, and much more.The course includes several hands-on projects to ensure comprehension of course materials.By the end of the training, students will be proficient with coding in HTML and ready to tackle the more advanced scripting languages that follow."
Price: 12800.00
