"Learn proteomics in 30 minutes" |
"Overview about Proteomics which are the large-scale experimental analysis of proteins and proteomes, but often is used specifically to refer to protein purification and mass spectrometry , limitations of genomics and proteomics studies, complexity of proteomics and Post-translatinal modification of expressed proteins. In proteomics including phosoproteomics and glycoproteomics, there are multiple methods to study proteins. Methods used antibodies or without antibodies."
Price: 19.99

"Crea tu tienda en linea profesional con WordPress" |
"Este es un curso enfocado en crear tiendas en lnea de calidad profesional con un bajo presupuesto. Esto te ayudar a llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel y que tenga presencia en el mundo digital, lo cual te acercar ms a tus clientes. Todo esto lo lograremos sin tener que programar ninguna lnea de cdigo, SIN necesidad de saber HTML, CSS (Lenguajes de maquetado y estilos) y PHP (Lenguaje de programacin en el servidor).Qu estar aprendiendo?Tocaremos temas importantes a la hora de elegir un nombre de dominioSabremos que es el SEO y pautas para optimizar el SEO de nuestra tiendaInstalaremos Google Analytics, herramienta fundamental que no puede faltar en ningn sitio web. Google Analytics nos brindara la informacin necesaria para analizar nuestra tiendaInstalaremos Facebook Pixel, que es otra herramienta indispensable que no debera de faltar en ningn sitio web, esta herramienta es fundamental para crear mejores campaas publicitariasCrearemos un correo electrnico profesional con el nombre de tu tienda, esto sin gastar un solo centavo extraPuedes utilizar este conocimiento para crear tu propia tienda en linea y ahorrarte el gasto de contratar a alguien que lo haga por ti, incluso podrs trabajar como Freelancer y crear tiendas."
Price: 29.99

"Overview To Crisis Management" |
"Targeted to be completed in about an hour (you can take breaks and complete it at your own pace), this Video Based Overview To Crisis Management Course is an introductory course that provides introduction to Crisis Management covering:Targeted to be completed in about an hour (you can take breaks and complete it at your own pace), this Video Based Overview To Crisis Management Course is an introductory course that provides introduction to Crisis Management covering:"
Price: 1280.00

"Ethics Curriculum for CFA Level 1 (2020)" |
"The CFA Program includes the foundational knowledge that firms expect as well as the critical advanced investment analysis and portfolio management skills that are needed in investment management today. We update our curriculum regularly, so it reflects modern financial practices. Our candidates can bring what theyve learned through the CFA Program to real-world scenarios.The focus of this topic is ethics, related challenges to ethical behavior, and the role ethics and professionalism play in the investment industry. We provide a framework to support ethical decision making and examine CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct and Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)."
Price: 19.99

"#1 APTIS General B1, B2. Certificado Oficial." |
"Bienvenid@s al curso APTIS General ofrecido por Academia Learning.Aptis ha sido desarrollado por expertos del British Council en el campo de la evaluacin lingstica basndose en los hallazgos de la lingstica aplicada actual. Diseado para realizar una valoracin prctica y precisa de tu nivel de ingls, Aptis es apropiado para quienes necesiten evaluar la competencia lingstica en este idioma segn el MCERL.Aptis es reconocido oficialmente por numerosas instituciones pblicas para certificar el nivel de ingls, entre otras, 14 Comunidades Autnomas, la CRUE y ACLES.Academia Learning es un centro preparador de exmenes Cambridge, Trinity y APTIS y LanguageCert, con amplia experiencia en el sector de la enseanza de idiomas y un alto ndice de aprobados. Por qu elegir este curso?Conseguir rpida y fcilmente tu acreditacin de nivel de ingls es ms necesario que nunca. Atendiendo a sta creciente demanda, hemos creado el curso de APTIS General, el cual es el ms completo y asequible (tasas de examen no incluidas) que encontrars en el mercado. Adems, con l conseguirs aprender los conceptos necesarios de gramtica y vocabulario, acceder a consejos de estudio que te permitirn conseguir fcilmente tu titulacin APTIS General nivel B1, B2, C; y as mismo, podrs complementar este curso con otros cursos dedicados exclusivamente a ejercicios y ejemplos de exmenes. Una vez finalizado el curso, y aprobado el examen, obtendrs los resultados en una semana en tu correo, y tu ttulo no tardar ms de 2 semanas en llegar."
Price: 29.99

"How to Make Films With an iPhone: For Beginners" |
"This is the perfect course for anyone wanting to capture their adventure without dishing out extra cash on camera gear. Dave's popular iPhone filmmaking course will teach you everything you need to know to film and edit your own movies using an iPhone.Dave has filmed adventures, documentaries, events and destinations with his iPhone for years and introduces real-life examples and skills, as well as an interactive live-demonstrations of how to edit on a phone. Learn how to frame basic shotsUnderstand settings on your cameraEdit using an app called iMovie on your iPhoneBy the end of the session you'll have filmed and edited your own movie, and will have enough confidence to practice and improve by yourself afterwards.Get ready to capture those special moments and turn them into a finished film.No more old holiday footage left unused on your phoneMake small, easy and fun film gifts for your friends"
Price: 19.99

"Un paso a la Certificacin Oficial Palo Alto Networks PCNSA" |
"Palo Alto Networks previene los ataques con la suite de seguridad de redes lder en la industria, que permite a las organizaciones adoptar la transformacin de la red mientras aseguran consistentemente a los usuarios, aplicaciones y datos, sin importar donde residan. Palo Alto Networks es reconocido en todo el mundo como uno de los principales proveedores de productos de seguridad ciberntica. Es una credencial valiosa para aquellos que buscan avanzar en el campo de la seguridad informtica.Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PCNSA) es una certificacin formal, que indica que quienes la han aprobado poseen conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para implementar la plataforma PAN-OS 10.0; y, disear, instalar, configurar y mantener la mayora de las implementaciones basadas en la plataforma de Palo Alto Networks.El examen evala a los candidatos en 6 dominios clave y son los siguientes:1. Componentes principales de la plataforma operativa de seguridad de Palo Alto Networks2. Simplemente pasando el trfico3. Visibilidad de trfico4. Asegurando el trfico5. Identificando usuarios6. Optimizacin de implementacinDetalles del examen PCNSA:Nombre de la certificacin: Administrador de seguridad de redes certificado por Palo Alto NetworksNmero de preguntas: 50Tiempo para resolver el examen: 80 minutosTiempo total sentado: 90 minutosFormato: Opcin mltiple, escenarios con grficos y combinacinLenguaje: InglsNotas adicionales del curso:Al inscribirse, recibir acceso ilimitado a las pruebas as como a las actualizaciones regulares y material propio para la Certificacin.Todas las preguntas estn en ingls tcnico y son actuales; sin embargo, las referencias y explicaciones estn en idioma espaol para comunidad LATAM.Actualizacin Agosto 2020.Practica hasta que perfecciones tus respuestas!Mucha suerte!"
Price: 29.99

"Write your Amazing Life Story" |
"Have you always wanted to tell your story, or that of someone special to you?Maybe its your family history, or about a special time in your life?We all live such amazing lives, yet rarely pass them on to our children and grandchildren perhaps because we dont think we could actually write a whole book or simply dont know where to even start.Well, heres howThis course will take you through writing a life story whether its an autobiography or a biography from the first idea through to the final draft, step by step.Im a writer across several genres, with best-sellers and award-winners amongst the 13 books Ive written. Im also a writing teacher and a ghost writer. Through this course, I can help you write YOUR story too.How can this course help you?Writing a life story is actually quite like writing a novel except you already know the facts; you dont have to make them up but that in itself can cause problems.Where do you start?How do you remember everything thats important?Where do you finish?How much should you tell?How do you tell it?What writing style do you adopt?How do you make real life as dramatic and intriguing as one of those bestsellers we read on holiday?Well, this course answers all those questions and more, guiding you through the tips and techniques of writing, as well as remembering. Once you know the basics of how to write a book, youll find your life story will simply take off and almost write itself!TESTIMONIALS...I have been writing for several months and knew it wasnt interesting but didnt know how to change what I want to say but now it becomes much clearer to me, thanks to you. - Ruth MThank you for the course - it was brilliant. - Joan KThank you so very much for the wonderful help you have given me. I appreciate the time you gave to this very much. - Jill MWhats in this courseThis course will take you through:Creating a memory list.Creating an autobiographical timeline.How to start and end your story.Organising the main content of your story to create pace and tension.How to present the people in your story.How to look for themes running through your story and use them to advantage.How to edit your first draft.Plus an overview of what you could do with your finished story."
Price: 99.99

"Learn A Simple Way To Meditate To Live An Amazing Life." |
"Learn A Simple Way To Meditate To Live An Amazing Life.Meditation should be a practice that anyone can benefit from. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion and complication around this simple practice. This course will make it clear, simple, and easy for you to meditate.Meditation techniques are often taught in a very rigid way. These lead peoples to believe that the only way to meditate is through Buddhist meditation practice, zen, or somatic meditation.This course will teach you simple, effective meditation practices that transcend a specific discipline, giving you a clear way to understand and utilize any meditation practice you come across.This is a Complete Meditation for Beginners Course that will teach you exactly how to meditate properly so you can relieve anxiety & stress and experience more peace, relaxation, and better health. All with a small time investment, starting with as little as 1-5 minutes per day and gradually building to about 20-30 minutes per day.This course will walk you through specifically why, how, when, where, and exactly what you need to do to master meditation.It explains exactly how meditation works and how to practice meditation in your everyday life, giving you the ability to relax at will.There are also Advanced Meditation Techniques that will help you to greatly improve concentration and increase self-discipline.What you will learn- Increase your focus Achieve your goal Boost Productivity feel happier RELAX Your Body and Mind Intentionally MEDITATE Effectively and Get Results Quickly Practice Correct BREATHING Practice MINDFULNESS in Your Everyday Life ESTABLISH a Consistent Meditation Practice Practice GUIDED MEDITATION Practice Correct POSTURE AVOID Common Distractions & Obstacles to Meditation UNDERSTAND What Meditation Actually Is and How It Works Utilise the different meditation methods for their own benefit Undertake the steps to meditate in order to relax reduce stress and improve their sleepWhy You Should Take This Course: Increased Clarity of Mind Increased Productivity More Self Confidence Decreased Stress Greater Spiritual Awareness Greater Peace & Relaxation Make Less Mistakes at Work and in Your Social Life Increased Mental Strength & Mental Toughness Better Mental Emotional & Physical Health, More Mental Discipline, Increased Concentration & Focus, Enhanced Creativity Greater Self-Awareness Reduced Stress & Anxiety More Happiness Greater IntuitionWhat Should I Do Now?Give the course a chance to help you relieve stress and live more peacefully by enrolling today. Meditation can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside when you choose to enroll."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Activate your mind's eye!" |
"My name is Alec, and I've been working with individuals experiencing aphantasia for the past 2 years in getting breakthroughs in experiencing visual imagery. Many of them started from the experience of aphantasia, and have found various measures of success. This updated Mind's Eye eCourse 2.0 is specifically designed to be my most complete educational content to date. I've added upon the original concept with new information and exercises, all aimed at getting you a breakthrough in experiencing the mind's eye.Learn What's Necessary in Order to Grow a Mind's Eye.-Learn about the history of aphantasia and what research has been done thus far. -Fully explore the concept of the mind's eye, and what it is and isn't.-Learn the through lines from the past 2 years of will help you be successful in developing some mental imagery.-Learn from the most effective exercises, which have helped others see success. -Learn the necessary keys to start experiencing mind's eye moments.Features19 unique informational video lessons, which will help you to lay the foundation for developing a mind's eye.16 of the most effective exercises, which have been selected from the past 2 years of trial and error.Downloadable journal sheets to help you document any changesUpdated questionnaires to help you measure progressSpecial VIP student access to Mind's Eye Discord ServerNow, is this course a magic bullet or a cure all? Not at all. Just like any skill learning to use the visualization in every day life takes time and practice. This course is intended to give you the necessary keys to at least start experiencing it for yourself. I also will mention, when it comes to the idea of adjusting ones perception of subtle thought, an eCourse format is not for the uncommitted. Your own self motivation and self awareness will be the driving force of your participation and breakthrough. If you know that you work better with someone guiding you, then coaching programs would be a better fit. But if you're ready to take on the journey of discovering the mind's eye for yourself, then I encourage you to jump in!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a se maquiar profissionalmente (2020)" |
"Curso inteiramente prtico que vai te fazer ter 100% de autonomia e segurana para executar uma maquiagem completa e de excelente qualidade para qualquer ocasio. Este curso o primeiro passo para que voc se torne um maquiador(a) profissional, pois as tcnicas, dicas e truques demonstradas neste curso te capacitaro para replic-las em qualquer pessoa!Com os conhecimentos adquiridos neste curso voc se capacitar para executar uma maquiagem profissional em voc e at mesmo (se for do seu interesse) atuar no mercado da beleza como maquiador(a), podendo ganhar uma renda mensal com isso. Voc aprender como cuidar corretamente de sua pele para receber a maquiagem, como fazer uma preparao de pele com durabilidade prolongada, cuidados ps maquiagem, tcnicas para olhos para todas as ocasies, delineados, colagem de clios e muito mais...Ao final deste curso voc se tornar uma pessoa muito mais autoconfiante e independente com o desenvolvimento de suas habilidades na maquiagem!"
Price: 39.99

"Agilit l'chelle : La mthode Spotify" |
"Spotify utilise depuis sa cration les mthodes agiles pour la construire de son SI et de ses applications mobiles et son site Web. Avec sa croissance, Spotify est pass sur un modle d'Agilit l'chelle dcrit dans une vido disponible sur YouTube.Cette prsentation analyse cette vido de prsentation de Spotify pour revenir sur les lments importants de l'Agilit l'chelle.Vous comprendrez par cet exemple concret et son analyse les points importants de l'Agilit l'chelle pour arriver l'Agilit Business afin de vous imposer sur votre march et dpasser vos concurrents."
Price: 19.99

tensyoku |
Price: 3600.00

"Building VMWare Esxi Environment from scratch" |
"I am sure you are tired of books, PowerPoint slides, numbered steps to follow the type of crappy training. This is where we shine. We do not have any script, and this is not your conventional information technology training. We are hands-on based, and we make mistakes, as-real-as-it-gets. We are real people, and we don't treat our students like robots. It is a journey with our training. Go ahead and buckle your seat belts because this is an excellent cybersecurity experience you guys are about to encounter!"
Price: 34.99

"Screenplay 101 - From Idea to Screen" |
"Have you ever wanted to write your own movie or wondered what it takes to write one? In this educational and FUN four hour-ish workshop, I'll teach you the basics of movie screenplays, how to properly structure and format them, how to begin to write your own stories, and an honest insiders take on the movie business from a working screenwriter and producer with almost twenty years of experience. You'll walk away not only with the tools to begin to write movies, but you'll leave with the beginnings of your own story. This is a great introduction for those interested in a possible career in film but also for those who love movies and want a one-of-kind experience.I have written five feature films that have been produced. I also produced three feature films; a one-hour comedy special on Starz, Comedy InvAsian, a television series featuring the nations top Asian American comedians; and Brash Girls Club, a limited comedy series, which premiered on Tubi TV. The only thing I love more than writing is teaching it. I am currently a screenwriting instructor at UCLA Extensions, the New York Film Academy in Burbank, and most recently Chapman University."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a fazer Stories Animados" |
"Vou te ensinar a fazer os famosos stories animados para mdias sociais. Uma forma muito eficiente de divulgar produtos e servios e, que vai possibilitar aos alunos uma tima forma de renda extra se quiserem. O curso conta com mdulos prticos e que sempre sero atualizados semanalmente como forma de estimular o desenvolvimento criativo e enriquecer os trabalhos."
Price: 39.99

"Diseo e impresin 3D con Blender y Cura" |
"El curso consta de tres partes: En la primera (secciones 1-4) se estudia exhaustivamente el escritorio de Blender 2.78 (Ventanas, paneles, mens, etc.) y se estudian los slidos bsicos del programa (cubo, cilindro, cono ,esfera, rosca, mona) as como las acciones que se pueden llevar a cabo sobre ellos en el modo objeto (seleccionar,mover, escalar, girar, duplicar); en la segunda parte (secciones 5-6) se aborda el modo edicin de los vrtices, bordes y caras de los objetos, haciendo especial hincapi en los diversos modos de seleccin y en las operaciones de corte y extrusin; por ltimo en la tercera parte (secciones 7-9), se disean varios objetos (vasos, cabeza de toro, copas, chapas en forma de corazn, portalpices, jarrones, dos tipos de barcos, etc.) y al mismo tiempo se indica cmo llevar a la impresora 3D cada uno de los objetos diseados, valindose del programa Cura."
Price: 19.99

"Aprender fundamentos de la Contabilidad Basica, Que es la Contabilidad, Que son los Asientos Contables, Que es un Plan de Cuentas, Activos y Pasivos, Debe y Haber, Hasta la elaboracion del Proceso Contable incluyendo, Estado de Apertura, Libro Diario, Mayorizaciones, Balance de comprobacion, Estado de Resultados, Estado de Situacion Inicial, Estado de situacion Financiera, lo que son cada uno de ellos, sus partes y, como elaborarlos."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce ADM-201 Essential Administration 100% Pass" |
"About the ExamRead on for details about the Salesforce Administrator exam.Content: 60 multiple-choiceTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutesPassing score: 65%Registration fee: USD 200 plus applicable taxes as required per local lawRetake fee: USD 100 plus applicable taxes as required per local lawDelivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.Exam Weights:Organization setup - 3%User setup - 6%Security and Access - 14%Standard and Custom Objects - 15%Sales and Marketing Applications - 15%Service and Support Applications - 12%Activity Management and Collaboration - 3%Data Management - 8%Analytics - 10%Workflow/Process Automation - 12%Desktop and Mobile Administration - 1%AppExchange - 1%The practice exams fully prepare you for what it is like to take in Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam 201. These questions are collectedWritten and answered by multiple Salesforce professionalsExplanation of the answer is provided with every question"
Price: 39.99

"Prtica para o ensino: O uso de 4 Ferramentas para a Gesto" |
"Este curso traz uma prtica diferente para os docentes desenvolverem a capacidade de trabalhar com 4 ferramentas de Gesto para a Soluo de Problemas em sala de aula com os estudantes, ensinando as ferramentas de Gesto: Brainstorming, Diagrama de Causa e Efeito, 5W2H e Matriz GUT. uma prtica que pode ser realizada em uma aula de 2 at 4 horas."
Price: 39.99

"Early Learner's Class Week 1" |
"During this lesson, children will learn about the letter P, the number 1, and the color orange. They will also be encouraged to try something new .Each day they will be read a story pertaining to the theme of the week. Children will also learn simple arts and crafts and drawing techniques. Lastly, they will observe different science experiments involving water. This lesson can be used by Preschool, Kindergarten, and parents who home school their chldren."
Price: 29.99

"Formation : Tunnel auto'program (tunnel de vente)" |
"Apprenez crer vos propre tunnels de vente automatiss pour rcuprer des prospects, les convertir en clients fidles et leurs vendre vos produits et services ou des produits en affiliation ! Dans cette formation trs complte propos de la cration des tunnels de vente, nous allons voir ensemble quels sont les choses connatre absolument avant de crer un entonnoir de vente, quels sont les 7 plateformes pour crer des tunnels de vente (et laquelle j'utilise). Nous aborderons ensuite les 6 tapes indispensables d'un bon tunnel de vente, ainsi que 2 tapes bonus pour augmenter le taux de conversions de vos clients ! Et enfin nous verrons les 2 type de tunnels de vente qui cartonnent."
Price: 99.99

"Yoga restaurativa para principiantes" |
"En este taller bsico trabajaremos con posturas sencillas y ejercicios que nos permitan desarrollar fuerza y flexibilidad.Son 5 clases de 30 minutos cada una donde se abordan de forma amable asanas de pie, torsin, extensin y secuencias restaurativas. Al finalizar este taller podrs acceder a un segundo taller donde profundizaremos en las posturas."
Price: 34.99

"Ecommerce mastry" |
"in this course i will teach you how to build a 6-figure online store from scratch with little investment. Hi my name is Nicholas and i teach beginners step by step methods on they can create a 6 - figure E commerce website, This tutorial is going to be a complete guide on how you can scale your bussines online."
Price: 54.99

"Business Home : Affiliate Marketing using Instagram & Fb ADS" |
"Instagram is a small time investment for a huge customer return!Once you spend just a few hours learning the powerful proven Instagram marketing techniques, you will see why we are the recommend course. We have easy to follow step by step techniques to grow your followers and market your business.Your time will pay off by reaching thousands of new customers, and building a strong, trustworthy relationship through Instagram will skyrocket your brand awareness to a level beyond your expectations. You will have the tools to create quality content, grow your Instagram followers and market your business to these hyper-targeted customers.When making a purchasing decision, people online use your social media presence as a measure of the quality, and trustworthiness of your business. Nothing speaks trust and quality louder than having a thousands of targeted, real, and loving Instagram followers on your profile (of which you can contact at any time!) Your profile will be professional and compelling and you will be using stories, live streaming and all the other new features Instagram releases.Instagram for Business Contents and OverviewThis Instagram course is designed for anyone who want to learn how to use Instagram to grow their followers and business. We are constantly keeping up with all of the new features and changes implemented and you have lifetime access to the course."
Price: 84.99

"Making Money Online using TikTok Marketing" |
"Imagine going to bed and waking up to the excitement of finding a new Offer Conversion in your inbox the next morning!Whether you are enjoying a meal with your loved ones, hanging out with your friends, travelling or sleeping, you could be making money even while you're away from your computer.'TikTok Affiliate Marketing Make Money Without A Website' will teach you exactly how you can make this a reality for yourself!YOU can. And I am here to help you.The training goes deep into the tactics and strategies of what makes a campaign successful. It focuses heavily on those problem areas of choosing winning niches, and Facebook targeting. Many people struggle with finding successful niches and designs. My methods make it easy so you can tip more campaigns."
Price: 104.99

"Business Home : Affiliate Marketing using Bing Ads" |
"We all know someone that's making a lot of money through Affiliate or CPA Marketing. You ask yourself, what do they know that I don't? Well, there is no secret at all. It's much more easier than you think. Let me show you how to get accepted into a CPA Affiliate Network, surf through the offers to pick the right ones you should promote, and then go through the step by step innovative process that I use to make money myself. You can replicate this process over and over again!Bing Ads & PPC AdvertisingEnroll Today. Start your Journey to Financial Freedom tomorrow.What Will You Learn From This Course?- 8 Effective Ways To Upgrade Your Mindset For Success- The Essential Affiliate Marketing Glossary Of Terms- How To Get Accepted To CPA Networks ?- How Do I choose An Affiliate Network?- How To Choose Profitable CPA Offers ?- What Is A Landing Page And How Do They Work ?- How To Make A Beautiful Landing Page That Converts !?- How To Build a Landing Page!!- How To Tracking Tools Work?- What is Split Testing ?- Tracking Direct Link- Tracking Landing Page- Tracking Tools : Redirection- Top 3 Reasons You Need To Advertise On Bing- 7 Ways Bing Ads Beat Google Adwords- What is Bing Ads and How does PPC work?- Create Bing Ads Campaign- Step by Step To Improve PPC PerformanceWho this course is for:anyone looking for Financial Freedomanyone looking to learn CPA Marketinganyone that wants to learn Affiliate Marketinganyone that wants to learn innovative ways to capture email leads"
Price: 119.99

"Business Home : CPA Marketing Step by Step" |
"Have you ever considered getting involved with CPA Marketing?I put together this simple beginner course to discuss some of the best resources out there for learning about CPA Marketing.This course will help you decide if this is an industry you wish to pursue further.I discuss the following topics in this course:How to go about joining affiliate networksA walk through of several top affiliate networksSome popular traffic methods used with CPA marketingA walk through of a popular CPA forum where you can learn from others"
Price: 119.99

"Business Home : Affiliate Marketing using Facebook ADS" |
"In this course, you will learn Facebook Marketing from beginner level to advanced! We delve deep into EVERY aspect of Facebook and the Facebook Ads Manager. Learn how to use and optimize every type of Facebook campaign, Facebook custom audience, Facebook pixel... the things you will learn about Facebook are truly amazing and will instantly help advance your presence online!You will be able to optimize your Facebook ads for increased conversions and decreased costs. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of Facebook ad. You will be able to grow your Facebook page likes and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand to new heights via online marketing. Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Facebook Marketing!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS... LEARN HOW FACEBOOK MARKETING, FACEBOOK ADS, AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WILL MAKE YOUR BUSINESSES A HOUSEHOLD NAME!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 89.99

"Public Speaking Complete Presentation Skills" |
"If you ask most people, they'll probably say they don't like public speaking. They may even admit to being afraid of it, since fear of public speaking is a very common fear. Or they may just be shy or introverted. For those reasons, many people avoid public speaking if they can. If you're one of those people who avoid public speaking, you're missing out.Over the years, public speaking has played a major role in education, government, and business. Words have the power to inform, persuade, educate, and even entertain. And the spoken word can be even more powerful than the written word in the hands of the right speaker.Whether you're a small business owner, a student, or just someone who's passionate about somethingyou'll benefit if you improve your public speaking skills, both personally and professionally. Some benefits to public speaking include:Improves confidenceBetter research skillsStronger deductive skillsAbility to advocate for causesAnd more"
Price: 89.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Roam Research" |
"Roam Research is the king of note taking apps. It's caught on rapidly in 2020 as more and more people discover the power of Roam.In this course, I will teach you how to make the most of Roam Research.It's an amazing tool that will help you:Refer to the information you need when you need it mostEasy referenceMake you more creativeManage your tasks"
Price: 49.99
