"Learn Sanskrit Slokas and Bhajans" |
"In this course you will learn some of the powerful Sanskrit Slokas and bhajans. In the first section, you will learn essential slokas for every day. Learn about Gayathri Mantra, which is the most powerful slokas of all.In the second section, you will learn a few simple easy to follow bhajans on dieties like Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Ganesh Durga and Saraswathi. In the third section, learn about Hanuman Chalisa, which is a devotinal bhajan on Hanuman. I have attached the lyrics of all these slokas as part of the course material."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA A + 220-801 Network Certified Practice Exam" |
"136 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA A + 220-801 Network Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA A + 220-801 Network Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 136Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (102 of 136)"
Price: 144.99

"E20-011 Network Storage Design and Management Review Exam" |
"156 UNIQUE practice questions for E20-011 Network Storage Design and Management Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : E20-011 Network Storage Design and Management Review ExamTotal Questions : 156Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 156)"
Price: 154.99

"ECCouncil 412-79v8 Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice Exam" |
"198 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil 412-79v8 Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil 412-79v8 Security Analyst (ECSA) Practice ExamTotal Questions : 198Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (148 of 198)"
Price: 169.99

"Equilibra las energas - Reflexologa (manos y espalda)" |
"Vas a aprender como equilibrar la energa del organismo mediante las zonas reflejas que tenemos tanto en las manos como en la espalda.Te voy a dar a conocer todas las herramientas necesarias para poder aplicar la terapia en tus pacientes, mediante teora y prctica que te va a resultar fcil de aprender y de asimilar los conocimientos que te presento.Es un curso muy accesible para todos y no requiere estudios previos, solo buena predisposicin para aprender!.Con estos conocimientos podrs ayudar a aquellas personas que manifiestan dolencias, por ejemplo: dolores lumbares, artritis, artrosis, depresin, angustia, diabetes, entre muchas otras.Vas a tener acceso a documentos de material de estudio exclusivo adjunto a cada uno de los videos y temas tratados, para que puedas repasar la informacin y no perderte en el camino.Adems te voy a permitir conectarte a travs del correo electrnico para que nos mantengamos en contacto y as poder resolver todas tus dudas acompaandote en tu trayecto.Te deseo mucha suerte en tu trayecto, exitos!."
Price: 24.99

"Understanding of scale and proportion of objects, geometric composition, shape, building forms. Conceptualization and Visualization through structuring objects in memory. Generating plan, elevation and 3D views of objects. Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shape and forms. Perspective drawing, Sketching of urbanscape and landscape, Common day-to-day life objects like furniture, equipment etc., from memory."
Price: 10240.00

"Upskilling in Machine Learning using R" |
"Yes, you are exploring the right course in the exciting field of machine learning.Let us find the reasons in this course Why to learn ML?Let us find the path of ML learning What to learn in ML?Let us find the way of ML learning How to learn ML?In my 28 years of experience in software field, machine learning is one of my most exciting techno- managerial area to work and teach. In my opinion this skill will be the need of most of the business stake holders in every field. Machine learning is the core component of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.Thats why, in this course we will be learning core concepts of various algorithms in in simple language. You need good understanding of algorithms/models for correct implementation of it. Also, that will help in effective Optimization, Interpretation and Communication of the output of the model to various stake holders.In this course, you will understand the various steps of model implementation in R.This course lectures consists of many supervised and unsupervised algorithms like Regression, Logistic regression, KNN, SVM, Nave Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, K-Means, Hierarchical clustering, etc. with core concepts and R implementation of various ML life cycle.So are you thrilled..then why are you waiting for. Let us explore this course."
Price: 44.99

"CISSP Security Engineering Certified Practice Test" |
"287 UNIQUE practice questions for CISSP Security Engineering Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISSP Security Engineering Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 287Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :180 minsPassing Score : 75 (215 of 287)"
Price: 179.99

"Citrix 1Y0-A05 Implementing Xen App Windows Server Exam" |
"211 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix 1Y0-A05 Implementing Xen App Windows Server ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix 1Y0-A05 Implementing Xen App Windows Server ExamTotal Questions : 211Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (158 of 211)"
Price: 164.99

"CompTIA Linux LX0-101 Certification Practice Exam Part - 1" |
"84 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA Linux LX0-101 Certification Practice Exam Part - 1Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA Linux LX0-101 Certification Practice Exam Part - 1Total Questions : 84Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :50 minsPassing Score : 75 (63 of 84)"
Price: 144.99

"Oracle 1Z1-574 IT Architecture Essentials Practice Exam" |
"167 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z1-574 IT Architecture Essentials Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z1-574 IT Architecture Essentials Practice ExamTotal Questions : 167Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (125 of 167)"
Price: 149.99

"ST0-248 Symantec Storage Foundation UNIX Technical Exam" |
"331 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-248 Symantec Storage Foundation UNIX Technical ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-248 Symantec Storage Foundation UNIX Technical ExamTotal Questions : 331Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :220 minsPassing Score : 75 (248 of 331)"
Price: 164.99

"CISSP Identity Access Management Certified Practice Exam" |
"123 UNIQUE practice questions for CISSP Identity Access Management Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISSP Identity Access Management Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 123Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (92 of 123)"
Price: 144.99

"Automatizacin elctrica industrial 1. Lgica cableada" |
"Aprenders los principios de funcionamiento de los dispositivos utilizados en la automatizacin elctrica industrialAprenders en que momento utilizar dichos dispositivos y la manera de instalarlos en circuitos bsicosAprenders en que momento utilizar dichos dispositivos en circuitos avanzadosAprenders a disear y poner en marcha circuitos elctricos de cualquier tipo utilizando la lgica cableadaAprenders a usar las herramientas disponibles para simular circuitos elctricos automticos mediante la lgica cableadaAprenders a interpretar circuitos elctricos de control tanto la parte de control como la parte de fuerza"
Price: 24.99

"Una exitosa entrevista de trabajo." |
"La entrevista de trabajo es el paso ms importante al que te enfrentars a la hora de encontrar trabajo. Todos los pasos anteriores en el proceso de bsqueda de empleo (curriculum vitae o resume, carta de presentacin...) tienen el nico de objetivo de conseguir llegar a una entrevista personal, as que si lo consigues... no lo desaproveches!Para que la entrevista sea un xito es importante prepararse. En este curso encontrars todas las claves de la exitosa entrevista de trabajo: antes de la entrevista, su desarrollo durante, aspectos a tener en cuenta y cmo prepararla."
Price: 19.99

"Creacin de Cursos Online" |
"Aprende a transformar tus ideas en un curso online y convertirlo en negocio. En este curso te daremos las herramientas para que puedas tomar tus conocimientos y emprender tu propio negocio. Aprenders a desarrollar tu idea, cmo estructurarla, darle formato para que puedas crear tu curso, a grabar y editar videos, cmo distribuirlos y finalmente las tcnicas clave para que lo puedas vender exitosamente."
Price: 24.99

"Complete Turkish Language course for Beginners A1" |
"The course is recommended to anyone who wants to learn Turkish language fast and easy and is designed for Beginners.This course is video based and taught by ELA, a bilingual speaker who is a native and experienced Turkish teacher.We start with the absolute basics.Videos are in TURKISH with captions.The course will help you with:1. Practicing both speaking and listening2. Understanding the most useful Turkish grammar rules3. Learning most useful words and phrasesLets have some fun learning together!"
Price: 49.99

"Coaching para mejorar tus Finanzas" |
"Este curso lo he creado para que puedas lograr una relacin mas armoniosa con el dinero, este elemento tan indispensable en nuestros tiempos y que nos facilita muchas cosas, pero tambin nos complica en otros aspectos cuando no sabemos manejarlo con sabidura. A travs de herramientas que adquir con mis estudios de Ciencias Econmicas en la Universidad, junto con distinciones de Coaching que he adquirido a partir de entrenarme y formarme como Coach es que te ofrezco esta poderosa fusin en la cual podrs comprender y abordar el dinero y tus finanzas personales de una forma ntegra, considerando tambin tu inteligencia emocional y las creencias que te limitan a la hora de lograr lo que deseas. Hacernos responsables del rea financiera es un aspecto que puede cambiar nuestras vidas y muchas personas no le prestan la atencin que requiere; otras por otro lado, se obsesionan con el dinero y dejan de vivir. Desde mi experiencia te comparto la forma que encontr y que creo que puede servirte para lograr un equilibrio entre vivir plenamente y hacerte cargo de tus finanzas, logrando las metas que te propongas."
Price: 59.99

"-Breakthrough Success" |
": Personal Success doesn't happen by luck. There is no magical formula behind success. However there are tools and knowledge that you can acquire and master to get from where you are to where you want to be.In this course, you will learn about a lot of different topics:You Will Be Able To Achieve A Personal Breakthrough That Can And Will Change Your Life Leading To Personal SuccessLearn The Principles Behind Your Psychological And Behavioral Structure From A Breakthrough Standpoint.Understand Your Memory, Your Cognitive Ability And Your Mental Structure And Use It To Your AdvantageLearn The Concepts Of Social And Cognitive Plasticity To Achieve The Desired Breakthrough And Personal SuccessFind The Inner Version Of Yourself, To Be Standout In Your Today's Competitive WorldLearn To Build Personal Success Habits, Eliminate Detrimental Habits, And Change Undesired HabitsIncrease Your Level Of Productivity To Achieve The Desired Level Of Personal SuccessImprove Your Focus Ability And Creative ImaginationEnhance Critical Thinking And Problem-Solving IdeologyIn this course, you will get equipped with everything you need to succeed in any desired area in life and achieve Personal Success. From time management, to cognitive enhancement, focus and brain storming strategies, you will take yourself to a whole new level.If you've been striving to succeed in life and you haven't got there yet, you're in the right place, at the right time, and you know exactly what to do.Who this course is for:People who want to achieve their breakthrough to change their livesPeople who have goals they want to attain and can't figure out how to attain themAnyone having problem managing their time/tasks effectively and want to learn the principles of time managementPeople who want to understand what emotional intelligence is and how to use emotional intelligence to their advantagePeople who want to learn how to control and manage mental health problems using NeuroscienceYou should take this course if you are trying to increase your ability to focus and concentrate on a daily and ongoing basisPeople who want to learn time management in school, work and your daily life while increasing and enhancing your productivityYou Will Be Able To Achieve A Personal Breakthrough That Can And Will Change Your Life Leading To Personal SuccessLearn To Build Personal Success Habits, Eliminate Detrimental Habits, And Change Undesired HabitsFind The Inner Version Of Yourself, To Be Standout In Your Today's Competitive WorldEnhance Critical Thinking And Problem-Solving IdeologyLearn The Principles Behind Your Psychological And Behavioral Structure From A Breakthrough Standpoint.Improve Your Focus Ability And Creative ImaginationIncrease Your Level Of Productivity To Achieve The Desired Level Of Personal Success"
Price: 1280.00

"Advanced Google Analytics: Content Groupings" |
"In this advanced Google Analytics course Ill be teaching thew topic Content Groupings only. By using content groupings, youll be able to better analyze and understand how certain types of content of your blog or certain types of pages of your online store perform. Youll be able to detect problems or potential for optimization, that you may otherwise overlook by just analyzing the sums and averages across all pages.Using Content Groupings, youll able to:Group any (!) pages of your web-site and to analyze them independently of each otherDiscover, which types of blog posts (e.g. tutorials or reviews) generate the most traffic for your blogSee how certain types of products (e.g. red t-shirts) sell in your online storeAnalyze how visitors navigate between certain areas of your website, e.g. from the blog to the online storeIve been using content groupings for years and was able to discover many issues, that otherwise would not have been noticed. Additionally, content groupings can help you with SEO; especially to see which kind of content performs good and which kind of content should be optimized.In this course youll learn:What a content grouping isThree methods to create content groupingsHow to use content groupings in various reports in Google AnalyticsThis course is for you, if:You already have basic knowledge in Google AnalyticsYou want to know more about the performance of different types of content of your blogYou want to know more about the performance of different types of pages of your online store (e.g. product list pages, product detail pages or products with a certain feature, e.g. red t-shirts)Prerequisites:Basic knowledge in Google AnalyticsFor lecture 7: Basic knowledge in Google Tag Manager"
Price: 19.99

"High Impact Presentation Skills" |
"If you are an officer, business manager/leader who needs to present in different occasions in your organization, this course is for you! The skills you will learn can help you in nearly any business presentation scenario like presentating to top management to seek approval, internal training, departmental meeting, regular updates with boss, proposal pitching to get big deals, report presentation to client, sales presentation, speaking in large conferences or seminars, and motivational speech for your team.This course uses skill-based approach to help you enhance your presentation skills step-by-step in an very easy manner. It focuses more on how to structure the content to maximize audience engagement in business setting, in addition to honing verbal and non-verbal skills. From our experience, this is a critical factor to create impact and effectiveness during presentation.If you are serious in applying what you learned in your actual business presentation, you will find that you can make significant improvement within a very short time. People around you will notice that you are presenting in much more confident, engaged, and impactful manner!Results Speak Louder Than WordsWhen this course is conducted in a face-to-face setting, participants are invited to give presentation in two consecutive days. Over 80% of the participants demonstrate significant improvement (as noted by the trainer and other participants) in their presentation within 24 hours!Participants' VoicesBoth the program design and delivery were excellent. Many participants found the practice and feedback session very useful and able to learn how to structure and deliver their presentation effectively (Training Manager of a Leading Logistics Service Provider in Asia).I can see my improvement immediately after this training. (Senior Manager of one of the Global Big Four Professional Services Firm)This is the best ""Presentation Skills"" training course I've ever attended. I highly recommend other staff to attend. (Senior Management of a multinational footwear company)The Course is excellent and useful. (Officer of a Hong Kong based Terminal Operator)"
Price: 19.99

basic-italian-pronunciation-for-koreans |
", . . , , . ! "
Price: 24.99

"Criando RPAs com Automation Anywhere - task bots" |
"Este curso busca proporcionar conhecimentos prticos e objetivos a respeito do uso do Automation Anywhere como ferramenta de automao de processos para que voc possa se destacar no mercado de trabalho e conseguir um emprego ou uma promoo. J pensou em automatizar relatrios e tarefas repetitivas, e ser o responsvel por isso? Quer conhecer e se tornar um expert na programao de robs para aumento de produtividade e se destacar no mercado de trabalho? Este o curso ideal pra voc! Todos os conceitos e recursos aqui apresentados, so ensinados na prtica, com a criao de novos bots recurso a recurso, aula a aula.O curso no tem pr-requisitos, e no h necessidade de conhecimentos de TI para realiz-lo.O que ensinamos :-Criao de RPA's / task bots em todas as aulas, a partir da aula 3.- Exemplos de processos que podem ser automatizados;- Ferramentas para avaliao de processos elegveis automao;- Introduo plataforma do Automation Anywhere;- Criao de task bots com Automation Anywhere para automao de tarefas repetitivas - principais recursos;- Boas prticas na criao de RPA's;- Conceitos ligados ao RPA;- Aulas ""hands on"".O que no esperar do curso:- Configuraes de software e hardware"
Price: 54.99

"VideoScribe Animados Whiteboard Verso 2020: Bsico ao Topo" |
"Criar ideias e chamar a ateno das pessoas de forma diferente inovadora e dinmica. Ol, sou ANISIO FILHO e bem-vindo ao meu curso. Estou realmente ansioso para trabalhar com voc. Vou te ensinar como usar o VIDEOSCRIBE. Sou um especializada em produzir vdeos animados para pessoas e empresas. Atravs deles possvel ter uma comunicao eficaz, objetiva e clara. O vdeo animado uma excelente ferramenta do marketing digital para divulgar seus produtos servios e ideias em multiplataformas.POR QUE VOC PRECISA DE UM VDEO ANIMADO?Voc sabia que em mdia, uma pessoa retm apenas 10% da informao que ela ouve, mas at 50% do que ela v? Segundo, pesquisas mais de 70% dos usurios da internet assistem vdeos com frequncia. E 85% das pessoas esto mais propensas a comprar um produto depois de assistir um vdeo explicativo sobre ele. Os vdeos impulsionam a visibilidade no Google. Com apenas textos e fotos voc no consegue ficar entre os primeiros em uma pesquisa orgnica.Deseja aprender a criar suas prprias animaes de quadro branco?timo! O VideoScribe o aplicativo perfeito para usar, e este o curso perfeito para aprender a usar o VideoScribe.Seja voc um criador de vdeos, um profissional de marketing ou um professor, este curso o orienta por todo o processo de criao de uma animao do quadro branco por voc!Comece a criar suas prprias animaes de quadro branco hoje!Este curso baseado em projetos timo para iniciantes que desejam praticar enquanto aprendem. Trabalhe em projetos do mundo real que impressionaro sua famlia e amigos ... ou at seu chefe.ONDE POSSO ENVIAR MEU VDEO:Um vdeo animado pode ser usado por anos e em vrios canais de comunicao diferentes como: Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, seu Website, Linkedin, E-mail, ApresentaesAo final deste curso, voc se sentir confiante usando o VideoScribe para criar suas prprias animaes de quadro branco!"
Price: 39.99

"Java Concurrent & Multithreaded Programming Complete Course" |
"In this course, we will discuss Java Concurrent and Multithreaded Programming in detail. The course covers basic topics such as threads creation, synchronization, memory model and a happens-before relationship. There are lectures about standard Java classes that help to write complex concurrent programs. Also, there are advanced sections about concurrent algorithms, performance and monitoring."
Price: 19.99

programmingkids |
""" - ."" - * * * * . , . . ! . . .... ! . . . . . . "" "" ! : . . . . . . . . . . :"
Price: 109.99

"Data Science: Hands-On 1 Hour Project On Deep Learning" |
"This is a Hands-on Project. You learn by Practice.No unnecessary lectures. No unnecessary details.A precise, to the point and efficient course made for those who want to learn the most important part of Data Science : Importing Datasets, Building Models using the Datasets and Training and Testing the Models. Everything else revolves around this.Although, for the sake of this project we will using traffic signs for autonomous vehicles to learn about Deep Learning and Data Science. The same process can be repeated for other projects too. The same process and techniques can be repeated for other Deep learning projects. Some such projects that you can build following similar process are:Self Driving Cars (This project)Skin Cancer DetectionCurrency DetectionHuman Facial RecognitionYou will learn more in this one hour of Practice that hundreds of hours of unnecessary theoretical lectures. Data Science is the hottest job of the 21st century. You need good programming skills and analytical skills and years of hard work to be a Pro in Data science. This one hour course is precise , to the point and efficient . It has no unnecessary details. This is the only course you need .We understand our students are Professionals and have limited time and limited attention span. Taking a few months course and forgetting everything along the way is not a efficient way to lean. We learn by practice. Learn the most important aspect of Data Science : Importing and working with DatasetsBuilding a Deep Convolutional Network Model using KerasCompile, train, test and analyze the modelWe will build a Traffic Sign Classifier using Keras. In this hands-on project, we will complete the following tasks:Task 1: Project OverviewTask 2: Introduction to Google Colab and Importing LibrariesTask 3: Importing and Exploring DatasetTask 4: Image Pre-Processing Converting image to grayscale Applying histogram equalization technique NormalizationTask 5: Build a deep convolutional network model using KerasTask 6: Compile and train the modelTask 7: Testing model with the test dataset & assess the performance of trained Convolutional Neural Network modelTask 8: Saving the trained model Well be carrying out our entire project in Google Colab environment. That's why pre-installation of libraries and dependencies are not required."
Price: 19.99

"E-Commerce from Scratch - Marathi" |
"In this Course You will be learn How to start Ecommerce, How to Choose Product for sale.Benefit of E-commerce. Why people failed in Ecommerce. Tools in used for Automation.Evaluate Product Ideas & Regular Actions.Defination, Evolution & Progress (Stat) of EcommerceEmail MarketingMarket Place - Amazon,FBA - Product Packing MaterialCompany Type & Why People fail in EcommerceRevenue Model & Where to find product (Location) for selling"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn the Art of Massage" |
"This course is dedicated to massage techniques. I would also like to emphasize the art and ways to connect. When your mind quiets, you can begin to see with your hands, a developed intuitive sense where creativity emerges. At this time, your focus on technique fades and your confidence emerges.I encourage you to use this course as a guide to learning the fundamentals of massage and develop your own ways of working together. Feedback is a crucial element to sharing this experience. This course is meant to inspire you and give you tools to develop a practice of taking better care of yourself and the people in your life.Through this work a deeper level of compassion for yourself and your relationship is likely to unfold, nourishing your relationships and deepening your connections. I will teach you massage through words and photos - the feelings you put into it will come from your heart. Relax and be open to awakening your senses and feelings.I have created this course so you can tap in and out refreshing your memory as you go. It will enable you to find quick ideas or solutions to help relax and heal your partner. And truly just one minute a day will make all the difference."
Price: 24.99

"Meditation Meister-Kurs: Der Komplette Meditations-Kurs" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr jede/n geeignet. Es bedarf keiner Vorkenntnisse und Erfahrungen. Der Erfolg des Kurses hngt nicht davon ab, wie viel Du umsetzen kannst und das Du mglichst viel meditierst, sondern es gibt Dir die Mglichkeit auch im Alltag ruhiger und entspannter zu werden. ""Wer einmal wei wie Entspannung durch Meditation funktioniert, der ist mehr im Selbst und in seiner Erfllung."""
Price: 199.99

"Hybrid Vehicle Technology" |
"In this course content, you will learn about hybrid vehicles, hybrid vehicle history, hybrid vehicle types, hybridization factor, driving cycles, analysis programs, engineering knowledge, and you will learn about developing vehicle technology. You will learn integrated equipment that creates and combines hybrid vehicles. You will be informed about what these equipment is as well as what their duties are. With the reference section at the end of the lesson, you can find a lesson in your academic studies or find examples from scientific studies.Yours Sincerely,"
Price: 74.99
