"Conflict in the Middle East, 19481991 (CIE)" |
"An entire course linked to Cambridge International Examination looking at conflict n the Middle East from 1948-1991. The course is broken down into four sections to match the course outline from Cambridge International:How and why the state of Israel was created, 1898-1948The development of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1948-79The impact of the Cold War on the Middle EastAdditional factors that led to the destabilization of the Middle East, 1979-91Each section is sub-divided into manageable lessons that condense the content necessary to excel at this topic for students taking CIE A-level history.Each section is followed by a multiple choice quiz that assesses students understanding and indicates areas that may need revising. There is also an exam zone at the end of each section that instructs students and teachers on how to approach the essay question for this paper, using actual exam questions. Students are advised to use the following structure for completing the course for maximum effectiveness:Watch the video, pausing and taking notes based on both the presentation and the accompanying lecture. In the margin of your notes, write key questions that you deem relevant to the lecture. When you finish a section, take the multiple choice quiz.Go back over any videos where you get questions wrong. Watch the Exam Zone video and complete the exam task at the end. Please message me with any questions, queries or comments you may have.Many thanksMark Foley"
Price: 19.99

"Job Seekers Guide to Resume Writing and Interview Skills" |
"Are you entering the job market for the first time or looking for a complete change in career?Did you previously enroll in courses that promise it will help you land your dream job but then you figure out it is just a basic information that actually everybody know about it? Don't worry you have come to the right placeThis course is based only on practical strategies and real-life experience. it is the only comprehensive course available on the market that covers all aspects of the hiring process not just the interview.Ayman Hamza, the instructor of this course spent the last 12 years in giant corporates interviewing candidates and setting interview tactics and strategies. He currently holds the position of training & Business consultant and travels across the globe to help people develop their personal and business skills.This course will help you improve your resume writing and interview skills to win any interview and stand out from the crowdIt is your time to Get Hired!Enroll now"
Price: 54.99

"HTML GULP . Layout of the store" |
"-. GIT. GIT FLOW. GULP4. . . . . , .We make up a creative online store. Set up GIT. GIT FLOW. Let's make a working assembly of GULP4. Layout on flexes. Learn to make a slider. Make sure to adapt. Cross-browser compatibility. Another interesting thing is the development of a creative cursor, search bar."
Price: 19.99

"How To Start Your Own Food Brand And Sell In Stores." |
"Were you always curious on how to start your own food brand but didn't know where to start? I created this course with all the knowledge I have to help you start your own food product. You will learn how to create your first commercially based brand from beginning to end."
Price: 19.99

"I Passed My CPC 1-2-3 ICD-10 CM Practice Tests" |
"ICD-10 CM Practice Examination 1-2-3! A total of 125 multiple-choice questions with rationales. All questions are formatted to resemble the CPC examination. The practice tests allows you to master you diagnosis coding skills, practice time management, build your ICD-10-CM coding confidence, improve your accuracy and speed.4 Timed multiple-choice tests:ICD-10-CM Chapters 1-11 PT 1 30 QuestionsICD-10-CM Chapters 1-11 PT 2 25 QuestionsICD-10-CM Chapters 12-21 PT 1 40 QuestionsICD-10-CM Chapters 12-21 PT 2 30 Questions"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Contrabaixo mdulo 6" |
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao curso ""Bassmetria"" - A matemtica controlada no Contra-baixo mdulo 06.Nesse mdulo voc aprender a Escala de Tons Inteiros com 2 digitaes cada, aprender sobre Slap, Slap com notas fantasmas e exerccios de Slap, aprender exerccios para explorar a Escala Pentatnica Menor alm de exerccios para obter velocidade delas, aprender sobre grau conjunto ascendente e descendente, colocar em prtica a tcnica de Slap com as Escalas Cromticas, Escala Blues, Escala Pentatnica Maior e Menor, 3 escalas Menores (Natural, Harmnica e Meldica) alm de Arpejos tudo utilizando o Slap.Deixo uma frase inspiradora de Steve Jobs: ""Cada sonho que voc deixa para trs, um pedao do seu futuro que deixa de existir!""Com isso, creio que seus sonhos de tocar melhor seu instrumento se tornaro realidade. Basta voc se dedicar, persistir, empenhar pois; o material que voc precisava agora est em suas mos !Eu acredito muito no meu mtodo e, voc ver e comprovar o rendimento e conhecimento que ter aps o trmino dele.Um curso que foi minunciosamente preparado em etapas sendo degrau por degrau.Nesse vdeo de boas vindas, deixo comprimido todos os PDF`s para que caso queira, possa os imprimir e assim sendo, tornando uma apostila pois existem complementos nesse arquivo comprimido que nos PDF`s individuais no tem. Porm cada vdeo daqui para frente, voc ter o PDF especfico daquela aula. Isso foi uma ""sacada"" que tive para aqueles que pretendem estudar tocando junto acompanhando.Bons estudos e vamos l !"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Contrabaixo mdulo 7" |
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao curso ""Bassmetria"" - A matemtica controlada no Contra-baixo mdulo 07.Nesse mdulo voc colocar em prtica a tcnica de Slap em uma pancada de exerccios envolvendo notas fantasmas, ligaduras. Tambm aprender sobre os estilo Shuffle e suas variaes, aprender sobre Slow Changes e Fast Changes para improvisar e ter sugestes de improviso.Deixo uma frase inspiradora de Steve Jobs: ""Cada sonho que voc deixa para trs, um pedao do seu futuro que deixa de existir!""Com isso, creio que seus sonhos de tocar melhor seu instrumento se tornaro realidade. Basta voc se dedicar, persistir, empenhar pois; o material que voc precisava agora est em suas mos !Eu acredito muito no meu mtodo e, voc ver e comprovar o rendimento e conhecimento que ter aps o trmino dele.Um curso que foi minunciosamente preparado em etapas sendo degrau por degrau.Nesse vdeo de boas vindas, deixo comprimido todos os PDF`s para que caso queira, possa os imprimir e assim sendo, tornando uma apostila pois existem complementos nesse arquivo comprimido que nos PDF`s individuais no tem. Porm cada vdeo daqui para frente, voc ter o PDF especfico daquela aula. Isso foi uma ""sacada"" que tive para aqueles que pretendem estudar tocando junto acompanhando.Bons estudos e vamos l !"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Contrabaixo mdulo 8" |
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao curso ""Bassmetria"" - A matemtica controlada no Contrabaixo mdulo 08.Nesse mdulo voc aprender sobre os Harmnicos Verdadeiros e Artificiais e algumas frases para colocar em prtica, aprender sobre a Escala de Tons Inteiros em 2 oitavas e com 2 digitaes cada, aprender com a tcnica de Slap vrios Grooves envolvendo Tercinas, notas fantasmas, ligaduras, Contra-tempos, Sncopas, Grooves com saltos de cordas e alguns temas para colocar em prtica tudo oque aprendeu.Deixo uma frase inspiradora de Steve Jobs: ""Cada sonho que voc deixa para trs, um pedao do seu futuro que deixa de existir!""Com isso, creio que seus sonhos de tocar melhor seu instrumento se tornaro realidade. Basta voc se dedicar, persistir, empenhar pois; o material que voc precisava agora est em suas mos !Eu acredito muito no meu mtodo e, voc ver e comprovar o rendimento e conhecimento que ter aps o trmino dele.Um curso que foi minunciosamente preparado em etapas sendo degrau por degrau.Nesse vdeo de boas vindas, deixo comprimido todos os PDF`s para que caso queira, possa os imprimir e assim sendo, tornando uma apostila pois existem complementos nesse arquivo comprimido que nos PDF`s individuais no tem. Porm cada vdeo daqui para frente, voc ter o PDF especfico daquela aula. Isso foi uma ""sacada"" que tive para aqueles que pretendem estudar tocando junto acompanhando.Bons estudos e vamos l !"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Contrabaixo mdulo 9" |
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao curso ""Bassmetria"" - A matemtica controlada no Contra-baixo mdulo 09.Nesse mdulo voc aprender vrias escalas sendo Octatnica Simtrica, Arpejos da Escala Octatnica Simtrica, Escala Maior Harmnica, Escala Bachiana, Escala Superlcria, Escala Menor Hngara (Cigana), Escala Pelog, Escala Enigmtica, Escala Napolitana, Escala Chinesa e Escala Japonesa. Todas essas Escalas voc aprender com 2 digitaes cada uma delas.Deixo uma frase inspiradora de Steve Jobs: ""Cada sonho que voc deixa para trs, um pedao do seu futuro que deixa de existir!""Com isso, creio que seus sonhos de tocar melhor seu instrumento se tornaro realidade. Basta voc se dedicar, persistir, empenhar pois; o material que voc precisava agora est em suas mos !Eu acredito muito no meu mtodo e, voc ver e comprovar o rendimento e conhecimento que ter aps o trmino dele.Um curso que foi minunciosamente preparado em etapas sendo degrau por degrau.Nesse vdeo de boas vindas, deixo comprimido todos os PDF`s para que caso queira, possa os imprimir e assim sendo, tornando uma apostila pois existem complementos nesse arquivo comprimido que nos PDF`s individuais no tem. Porm cada vdeo daqui para frente, voc ter o PDF especfico daquela aula. Isso foi uma ""sacada"" que tive para aqueles que pretendem estudar tocando junto acompanhando.Bons estudos e vamos l !"
Price: 39.99

"70-646 Microsoft Windows Server Administrator Practice Exam" |
"191 UNIQUE practice questions for 70-646 Microsoft Windows Server Administrator Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 70-646 Microsoft Windows Server Administrator Practice ExamTotal Questions : 191Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (143 of 191)"
Price: 154.99

"AWS ANS-C00 Network Certify Advanced Specialty Practice Test" |
"175 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS ANS-C00 Network Certify Advanced Specialty Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS ANS-C00 Network Certify Advanced Specialty Practice TestTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 174.99

"CISA Protection Goods Information Certified Practice Exam" |
"229 UNIQUE practice questions for CISA Protection Goods Information Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISA Protection Goods Information Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 229Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (171 of 229)"
Price: 159.99

"Learn How to build Nodejs App -" |
" : NPM express API deploy Heroku"
Price: 199.99

"Writing a College Level Evaluation Essay" |
"The emphasis in this course will be teaching you some critical thinking skills as you explore writing for specific purposes and audiences. I will teach you how develop the skills that are required for you to write a college level, evaluation essay. You will learn how to format and structure of this essay, the role of criteria in an evaluation essay, how to define the criteria, you will learn the stages of writing, you will learn how to outline your topic, and how to write great introductory paragraphs. You will also learn how to shape your writing to your readers needs and expectations, you will understand how to use appropriate organizational strategies, understand that writing may involve several steps, and you will discover and develop a controlling idea throughout any piece of writing."
Price: 19.99

"College Level Argument/Counter Argument Essay Course" |
"The emphasizes in this course is critical/logical thinking and reading, problem definition, research strategies, and writing an argumentative and a counter argumentative essay. You will develop the skills required that you need to conduct proper research techniques, the format and structure of this essay, stages in the writing process, proposing an argument topic, outlining your topic, how to write great introduction paragraphs, developing the proper thesis, how to shape your writing to your readers needs and expectations, understand how to use appropriate organizational strategies, understand that writing may involve several steps, and discover and develop a controlling idea throughout any piece of writing"
Price: 39.99

"Amazon FBA&Dropshipping Gncel Suspension Eitimi (2020)" |
"UDEMY PLATFORMUNDAK EN KAPSAMLI SUSPENSION KURSU!!!OYUNUN KURALLARINI RENME ZAMANI!! Amazon'da temel bilgi birikimini oluturan her satc, tamamlayc nitelikte olan bu kursu alarak Amazon'da kanmas gereken davranlar renecek.Kursu baaryla tamamladnzda;1. Her Suspension Trne Kar Nasl Bir Eylem Plan Hazrlamanz Gerektiini,2. Suspend Durumuna Dmemeniz in Neler Yapmanz Ve Yapmamanz Gerektiini,3. Amazon'un Bir Satc Hesabn Deerlendirirken En ok nem Verdii Parametreyi,4. Hangi Suspension Trlerinden Geri Dnn ok Zor Olduunu,5. Amazon'un Etik alma Kurallar Nelerden Olutuunu,6. Amazon Sat Hesabmz Nasl Suspension Trlerinden Koruyacamz,7. Her Suspension Tr in Amazon Tarafndan Alacamz rnek Maili,8. Aslsz rn Kapsamna Nelerin Girdiini,9. Mterilerin Bizden ikayet Olma Sebeplerini,10. Tedarikiden Almamz Gereken Belgeleri,11. Kusurlu Sipari Oran Hesaplamasn,12. Ticari Marka, Telif Hakk Ve Patent Arasndaki Farklar,13. Fikri Mlkiyet hlalini Bildirirken Raporumuzda Nelerin Olmas Gerektiini,14. Amazon'da 1'den Fazla Hesabmzn Nasl Olabileceini,15. Hangi Davranlarmzn Satc Hesabmz Balantl Hesap Kapsamna Sokacan,16. rn adelerinde Durumdan Duruma Kargo Tutarn Kimin dediini,17. Yeni ve Kullanlm rn Arasndaki Farklar,18. Kabul Edilemez ve Yasaklanm rnleri,19. Hesap ncelememizi Nasl Hzlandrabileceimizi,20. Amazon'un stemi Olduu Fatura artlarn,21. Amazon'un rnmzn rn nceleme Ksmn Kapayp Kapamadn,22. Hesabmz ncelenirken Sipari Aldmzda Ne Yapmamz Gerektiini,23. Eylem Planmz Olutururken Nelere Dikkat Edeceimizi,24. rn ncelemesinin nemini,25. Uygun Olmayan rn nceleme Yorumlarnn Neler Olduunu,26. Satc Hesabmzn Dorulamas in Sunmamz Gereken Evraklarn artlarnRENME MKANI BULUCAKSINIZ."
Price: 399.99

"WELL AP Practice Tests" |
"COVID-19 has made us all realize the importance of healthy spaces in our built environment. Hence, this is the right time for us to get engaged in the wellness of our surroundings. International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) has cut down the WELL AP fees to more than 50% through the year 2020. There could be no better opportunity to rise and earn the credential and later contribute to the community. I have prepared these 2 practice tests (100 questions each) with a lot of observances and personal two-times experience with taking the WELL AP test. This will help you in understanding how the real questions are and I assure you with the right amount of enthusiasm, you will pass it on your first try. Enroll in these tests just when you're ready because these questions will help you in getting through the prototype of the real exam!Benefits of the practice test exams:You will assess your knowledge prior to the final WELL AP exam.You will have access to 200 questions in 2 practice exams that cover the WELL AP guide and are considered to be covering the most important topics and backgroundsEach question is provided with an answer explanation that will help you in understanding and enhancing your knowledge even further.You will have the confidence to take the real-time WELL AP exam.You will most likely pass the exam in your first attemptYou can directly contact the course provider for any questions that require more clarification, and she will reply as soon as she canThese practice tests exams are designed the same as the final examAll the best!"
Price: 24.99

Price: 49.99

gamifiaction |
":o .o .o . : o .o .o .o : (Youtube) (Edpuzzle) (Zoom). (Edublogs). (Canvas). (Spark) (Coggle). (Google Drive) (Google Classroom). : (Kahoot). (Classdojo). (Socrative) . :1. .2. .3. (Youtube).4. (Edpuzzle).5. (Zoom) .6. (Edublogs).7. (Canvas).8. (Spark).9. (Coggle).10. (Google Drive).11. (Google Classrom).12. (Kahoot).13. (Classdojo).14. (Socrative) .15. : ."
Price: 79.99

"En este curso podrs aprender a disear las cejas segn la necesidad de cada cliente, realizando las correcciones necesarias dependiendo la morfologa de tu cliente. Tendrs vdeos demostrativos y explicativos donde lograras conocer toda la estructura de las cejas, cada parte de ellas y las medidas ideales para su diseo.Con las guas exactas podrs reconocer e identificar cada rostro, para poder lograr dar una asesora personalizada, y no trabajar siempre con plantillas. Las actividades para realizar en casa son necesarias, de ello depender la mejora de tu conocimiento. "
Price: 34.99

"Gesto de Carreira: 17 ferramentas" |
"O curso tem o compromisso de apresentar 17 ferramentas consolidadas para o planejamento e desenvolvimento da carreira. Vivemos hoje cada vez mais imersos a concorrncia gigantesca e com informaes de todos os tipos, por isso importante nos tornarmos notveis naquilo que fazemos e para isso investir e organizar a prpria carreira vital para empreender sucesso e reconhecimento.O curso alm dos vdeos apresentam algumas tarefas que auxiliam o aluno na construo do seu plano de carreira. Assim somam-se ao tempo de vdeos uma estimativa de 05 horas de execuo de exerccios e construo orientadas das tarefas."
Price: 264.99

"ITIL.v4 Exam Prep (September Update)" |
"Introduction to Service Management Lifecycle:Principles of Service ManagementProcessesITIL Service LifecycleService Strategy:Introduction to Service StrategyKey Concepts of Service StrategyService Strategy ProcessDemand ManagementService Portfolio ManagementFinancial ManagementBusiness Relationship ManagementService Design:Introduction to Service DesignKey Concepts of Service DesignService Design ProcessService Catalogue ManagementService Level ManagementSupplier ManagementCapacity ManagementAvailability ManagementIT Service Continuity ManagementInformation Security ManagementDesign CoordinationService Transition:Introduction to Service TransitionKey Principles and Models of Service TransitionService Transition ProcessesTransition, Planning and SupportChange ManagementService Asset and Configuration ManagementRelease and Deployment ManagementKnowledge ManagementService Operation:Introduction to Service OperationsService Operation Processes:Event ManagementIncident ManagementProblem ManagementRequest FulfillmentAccess ManagementService Operation FunctionsContinual Service ImprovementIntroduction to Continual Service ImprovementKey Principles and Models of Continual Service Improvement"
Price: 300.00

"Os Segredos dos Chs: Potencializando sua Sade!" |
"O curso oferece uma viso geral sobre o potencial dos chs, e ajuda a criar uma rotina para o uso frequente de chs, tanto na reduo do stress de cada dia, como para o benefcio potencial para a sade humana. Trata-se de um curso bsico que abre um mundo de perguntas e questionamentos sobre a importncia dessa bebida milenar que j salvou milhares de vidas pelo simples fato de ser feita com gua fervida, muitas vezes livrando pessoas de doenas de guas potencialmente contaminadas por bactrias ou vermes."
Price: 19.99

"CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional" |
"The CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional AND be confident enough to pass your CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional exam on the very first go? Well, then CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Google Tag Manager fr Anfnger (Aug. 2020)" |
"Der Google Tag Manager ist nicht nur ein Tool fr Grossunternehmen - auch Kleinunternehmer sollten dieses Tool nutzen. Der Tag Manager hilft Dir, Analyse Tools mit nur wenigen Mausklicks in Deine Website zu integrieren und zu konfigurieren. Mit dem Tag Manager kannst Du hilfreiche Analyse-Funktionen wie das Klick-Tracking, Scroll-Tracking oder Formular-Tracking in Google Analytics aktivieren, ohne eine einzige Zeile Javascript programmieren zu mssen. In diesem Kurs Google Tag Manager fr Anfnger lernst Du die grundlegenden Konzepte des Google Tag Manager kennen und anhand von praktischen Beispielen, wie Du:Ereignis-Tracking mit dem Google Tag Manager fr Google Analytics umsetztWo Du die Ereignisse in Google Analytics findest und was Du damit machen kannstWie Du mit dem HTML Tag fast jeden beliebigen Javascript Code in deine Website einbauen kannstDas grundlegende Prinzip wie Du ein Analytics Tag nur dann ausfhrst, wenn der Besucher seine Zustimmung gegeben hat.Diese Kurs ist speziell fr Kleinunternehmer ohne Erfahrung in der Programmierung - denn die ist fr den Google Tag Manager nicht notwendig. Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist, dass Du mglichst schnell damit beginnen kannst, den Google Tag Manager zu nutzen.Auf ber 45 zustzlichen Folien findest Du die Zusammenfassungen jeder Lektion sowie weiterfhrende Informationen.Ich aktualisiere meine Kurse - basierend auf Deinem Feedback regelmssig. Als Kursteilnehmer hast du sogar die Mglichkeit, ber Updates und Aktualisierungen abzustimmen. Update-Historie:August 2020: Neue Lektion ber blockierende Trigger und komplett berarbeitete Kursunterlagen"
Price: 24.99

"UI UX Design Hybrid Course Master Web Development with CSS" |
"I just added a New Photoshop to CSS project to this course. In this new project we take a Photoshop file, and turn into HTML and CSS.We learn everything on how to transform a Photoshop file into a fully responsive UI PrototypeWe create HTML and CSS for our Photoshop designWe combine the Design World with Coding World togetherI teach everything from early stage of UX research into finalized coding projects with every line of code explainedBecome a UX DeveloperDownload over 150 coding files Download over 350 slides of design & development as your reference guideLearn everything about JavaScript and CSS from scratchExport SVG code using Figma and Adobe Illustrator and Morph SVG with pure vanilla JavaScriptTrigger JavaScript DOM events and control CSS animations with JavaScriptLearn interaction design with CSS Transitions and AnimationLearn fundamental of UI and combine it with CSS Apply the knowledge of Color Theory to your User Interface DesignsMaster the Art of Typography and Build responsive landing pageBreak the grid rules and develop web layouts using CSS Grid & Flexbox"
Price: 19.99

"API 580 Exam Prep Course Level 1 - 210 Questions and Answers" |
"This is the most basic database (Level 1 Course) with 210 multiple choice questions from API 580 code book, based on the real exam experience. All the questions have been made based on the Instructor's experience in the previous exams. We are RBIClue and we have 3 levels of API 580 Exam Prep Courses and the current course is the most basic and the cheapest version of our API 580 courses. For more information or to know more about level 2 and level 3 courses, you can visit our website, RBIClue dot com. If you choose level 2 or 3, then after finishing the test, you will see an answer to each question like below: Question: Potential source of errors in RBI analysis regarding data quality are the following except... A. If the base line thickness were not performed the nominal thickness may be used for the original thickness B. If original thickness not available, averaged at thickness readings may be used C. If the original thickness not available, maximum at thickness readings may be used Correct Answer: C. Page 33 under 7.3 Data Quality. The answer is C. The sentence you will find at the last paragraph of page 33 clearly talks about choice A as the potential source of error, and hence, A is not the answer (the question says ""Potential sources of error... EXCEPT..., meaning that one of the answers is not a high potential of error and that is the answer). B is wrong because if you average the data then you are considering the lowest thickness data also as part of the average calculation which will result in lowering the calculated original thickness and in that case corrosion rate is basically ""Underestimated"" because in that case, you would compare the lowest reading with an average reading. C is the best answer because you are comparing the lowest thickness reading resulted by corrosion to the highest thickness readings of the areas that have not experienced corrosion and are still considered close to original thickness. Who is this API 580 Certificate for?All Corrosion Engineers, Integrity Engineers, RBI Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Pressure Vessels/Piping/Tanks/Boilers Inspectors and every other inspection professionalsAre You Qualified To Take The API 580 Exam?If you hold a current API 510, 570 or 653 certification, you automatically qualify to take the API 580 Risk Based Inspection certification exam. If you do not hold a current API 510, 570 or 653 certification, then qualification is based on a combination of your level of education and industry experience acquired within the last 10 years.You want to study For The Exam?The API 580 Risk Based Inspection certification exam tests the individuals knowledge and expertise in the field of Risk Based Inspection. Questions on the exam are based on API RP 580 Risk-Based Inspection, 3rd Edition 2016, which is still the latest version of the code.What is the exam structure?The API 580 exam is 3.25 hours long. There are 80 questions, of which only 70 are scored. The remaining 10 are pretest, which are not scored. All questions are multiple-choice and closed-book. Paper and reference materials are not allowed into the examinations. This exam has a set passing scaled score.What is API 580 code?API RP 580 is intended to provide guidance on developing a Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) program for fixed equipment and piping in the hydrocarbon and chemical process industries. It includes:what is RBI,what are the key elements of RBI,how to implement an RBI program,how to sustain an RBI program.It is based on the knowledge and experience of engineers, inspectors, risk analysts, and other personnel in the hydrocarbon and chemical industry."
Price: 199.99

"API 577 Exam Prep Course Level 1 - 210 Questions and Answers" |
"This is the basic database (Level 1 Course) with 210 multiple choice questions from API 577 code book, based on the real exam experience. All the questions have been made based on the Instructor's experience in the previous exams. We are RBIClue and we have 3 levels of API 577 Exam Prep Courses and the current course is the most basic and the cheapest version of our API 577 courses. For more information or to know more about level 2 and level 3 courses, you can visit our website, RBIClue dot com. If you choose level 2 or 3, then after finishing the test, you will see an answer to each question like below: The A.C. that provides the cathodic cleaning in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) referred to as...1) Neutralizing2) Anodizing3) Sputtering4) ChargingThe correct answer to this question is (3). Sputtering: Alternating current that provides a cathodic cleaning (sputtering) that removes refractory oxides from the surfaces of the weld joint, which is necessary for welding aluminum and magnesium. Page 25 under Topic 5.3.1.Option (1) is incorrect as it provides a very fade concept of charge neutralization. Option (2) is incorrect because Anodizing is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts, which is irrelevant to this topic. Option (4) is not correct as it is a very generic term and insufficient to define this process. The process of electromagnetic induction leading to charging occurs many times during the welding process, but option (4) does not provide any specific hint or information related to GTAW, which makes it irrelevant.Who is this API 577 Certificate for?All Welding Engineers, Integrity Engineers, RBI Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Pressure Vessels/Piping/Tanks/Boilers Inspectors and every other inspection professionalsAre You Qualified To Take The API 577 Exam?If you hold a current API 510, 570 or 653 certification, you automatically qualify to take the API 577 Welding Inspection and Metallurgy certification exam. If you do not hold a current API 510, 570 or 653 certification, then qualification is based on a combination of your level of education and industry experience acquired within the last 10 years.You want to study For The Exam?The API 577 Welding Inspection and Metallurgy certification exam tests the individuals knowledge and expertise in the field of welding. Questions on the exam are based on API RP 577 Welding Inspection and Metallurgy RP code.What is the exam structure?The API 577 exam is 3.25 hours long. There are 80 questions, of which only 70 are scored. The remaining 10 are pretest, which are not scored. All questions are multiple-choice and closed-book. Paper and reference materials are not allowed into the examinations. This exam has a set passing scaled score.What is API 577 code?API RP 577 provides guidance to the API authorized inspector on welding inspection as encountered with fabrication and repair of refinery and chemical plant equipment and piping. This RP includes descriptions of common welding processes, welding procedures, welder qualifications, metallurgical effects from welding, and inspection techniques to aid the inspector in fulfilling their role implementing API 510, API 570, API 653 and API 582."
Price: 199.99

"Thomas Mann ""Dr. Faustus"". A philosophical interpretation" |
"The text of any literary work is a complex synthesis of various philosophical ideas. I suggest deconstructing Thomas Mann's philosophical novel and reading it as thoroughly and fully as possible. It will focus on the influence of Martin Luther, the philosophy of the late 19th and early 20th century. In addition, this novel is extremely rich in musical content."
Price: 19.99

"Qi gong" |
"Baduanjin Qi Gong is the most popular Chinese Qi Gong Form. It is used as exercise for more than 1000 years to improve health. The Baduanjin as a whole is broken down into eight separate sections, each focusing on a different physical area and Qi Meridian. It is very easy to learn and very convenient to practice."
Price: 34.99

"En este curso aprenderas todo lo referido a las celdas unitarias, redes cristalinas, las 14 redes de Bravais y las caractersticas generales de las celdas unitarias, tales como: Nmero de tomos, numero de coordinacin, radio atmico y los defectos que se encuentran en las estructuras cristalinas, ya sean defectos de superficie o defectos puntuales como vacancias, intersticios, maclado, dislocaciones, etc"
Price: 29.99
