"Curso para examen de ingreso a la Universidad" |
"Este curso es un repaso de los temas necesarios que el alumno deber poseer para la realizacin del examen al nivel superior para la mayora de las Universidades pblicas y privadas del pas.Los temas abordados incluyen las siguientes reas:EspaolMatemticasHistoriaGeografaFsicaQumicaBiologaLiteraturaEspaolCon este curso el alumno conocer los temas que debe saber para pasar con xito el examen de admisin."
Price: 420.00

"Hydroxy compounds - Chemistry of alcohols" |
"In chemistry, an alcohol is any organic compound in which a hydroxyl group (-OH) is bound to a carbon atom of an alkyl or substituted alkyl group. In common terms, the word alcohol refers to ethanol, the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages.In this section we will learn General methods of preparation, properties, reactions and uses.Alcohols: Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols; mechanism of dehydration."
Price: 2240.00

"Aromatic Hydroxy compounds - Phenols" |
"In organic chemistry, phenols, sometimes called phenolics, are a class of chemical compounds consisting of a hydroxyl group (OH) bonded directly to an aromatic hydrocarbon group. The simplest of the class is phenol. Phenolic compounds are classified as simple phenols or polyphenols based on the number of phenol units in the molecule.Phenol the simplest of the phenols.Chemical structure of salicylic acid, the active metabolite of aspirin.In this course, you will be learning the introduction, classification, naming system, preparation, physical , chemical properties and uses of phenol. This is also useful for all competitive entrance examination."
Price: 1920.00

"Chemistry of Ethers" |
"Ethers are a class of organic compounds that contain an ether group. An ether group is an oxygen atom connected to two alkyl or aryl groups. They follow the general formula R-O-R. The C-O-C linkage is characterized by bond angles of 104.5 degrees, with the C-O distances being about 140 pm. The oxygen of the ether is more electronegative than the carbons. Thus, the alpha hydrogens are more acidic than in regular hydrocarbon chains.In this course you will be studying Introduction to EthersClassification and NomenclaturePreparation MethodsPhysical PropertiesChemical ReactionsUses"
Price: 1600.00

"BAR70ZOOM1: 1. 2:2. 3. 3: ZOOM4. ZOOM5. 6. ipad7. iphone4: 8. TODO9. 10. 5: 11. 6: 12."
Price: 15000.00

"The ultimate guide for Excel Formulas and Functions." |
"In this course, we will learn the most important and useful Excel functions and Formulas in an easy, efficient, and practical way.Here is a general overview of the course:1-We will start with an introduction about functions in excel. I will share with you the essential knowledge that you will need before we start to tackle the formulas. In other words, you will learn:1.1-Different ways to insert a function in Excel1.2-The absolute and relative references in Excel.1.3-How to name a cell and range of cells in Excel.1.4-How to build a list of items using data validation.1.5- The most common types of errors in Excel.2- Later you will understand the logic behind the most important and commonly used Excel functions among professionals:2.1-Excel Logical Functions: IF-NOT-AND-OR-Nested IF statement- SWITCH-IFEEROR.2.2-Excel Mathematical and statistical Functions: AVERAGE-MIN-MAX-SUMIF-SUMIFS-COUNTIF-COUNTIFS- SMALL-LARGE-RAND-POWER-SUMPRODUCT-RAND-RANK-RANDBETWEEN-AVERAGEIF-AVERAGEIFS2.3-Excel Lookup Functions: VLOOKUP( exact and approximate match)-HLOOKUP-INDEX-MATCH-INDIRECT-OFFSET-CHOOSE-ROW(S)-COLUMN(S)2.4-Excel Text Functions: LOWER-UPPER-PROPER-TRIM-LEN-RIGHT-LEFT-MID-SEARCH-FIND-SUBSTITUTE-CONCATENATE2.5-Excel Date & Time Functions: YEARFRAC-WEEKNUM-EOMONTH-WEEKDAY-NETWORKDAYS-TODAY-NOW-DATE-YEAR-...3- Most importantly, you will learn how to master excel functions and formulas by nesting and integrating them. Also, You will be able to tailor and adjust their functionalities to serve your purpose.4- Finally, at the end of each section, you will have hands-on practice that summarizes everything youve learned.In addition to all that, I provide in this course some bonus lectures on the coolest functions in office 365 such as XLOOKUP- TEXTJOIN-MINIFS-MAXIFS-IFS."
Price: 44.99

"Scale your Walmart Marketplace Business with Deliverr" |
"Deliverr Solutions for Walmart Marketplace SellersDeliverr helps Walmart Marketplace sellers meet important 2-day delivery targets at an attractive costDeliverr services provide nationwide fulfillment and are very similar to those of Amazon FBACourse ObjectivesLearn about Deliverr services, costs and benefitsStep-by-step guides toOpen accountLink to Walmart and upload productsShip inventory to Deliverr warehousesActivate 2-day shipping tagsUsing the PortalPrerequisitesIf you have not yet opened a Walmart Seller account, you may try our Getting Started on Walmart Marketplace course (recommended but not required)"
Price: 19.99

"Python learning made simple" |
"This course will cover in depth about the Python and will show each and every aspect practically to make the concept and usage much clear. The course covers every thing from very basic so that even a new learner, who could be new to programming, also can easily understand the topics covered in this course.The contents which will be covered during this course includes the following : IntroductionEnvironment SetupProgramming TerminologiesData typesOperatorsComplex typesControl statementsFunctionsClasses & ObjectsInheritanceException handlingModulesAccess ModifiersFile HandlingDatabase Connection and Operations"
Price: 6400.00

"Agile Leadership and Resilient Teams" |
"Team members in today's growth organizations need more than technical or operational management from their leader. Today's top performers want an agile team culture where they can thrive during times of high stress and rapid change, and a leader they can trust and respect even when times are hard. The best teams use conflict for innovation and creative solutions and can leverage diverse points of view and act together as a collaborative team. Your instructor, Michael Papanek, has advised leaders at top global companies like Apple, Google, VMWare, Cisco, Kaiser, Clorox and Verizon, and has built the course on their best practices for Agile Leadership.In this course you will master the tools used by Agile Leaders for making decisions, resolving conflict and building team relationships, so you can create a team that overcomes any change or challenge that comes your way. This course will make you a master of the interpersonal skills you need now to inspire your team to achieve high performance, and break through any internal or external barriers to realizing your full potential - as an individual and as a group. As an Agile leader you will discover the tools and strategies you need to address the root causes of performance issues so they are no longer pulling your team down. In this course you'll learn:What Agile Leadership is and how to assess your team's agility and resilienceHow the right kind of ""heat"" on your team will lead to breakthroughHow to build strong, flexible, and fair business relationshipsHow to change your team culture by changing team meetingsHow to be a resilient leader in times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguityI've included lots of exercises, free access to my online team assessment, downloadable tools and links to additional resources so you can put your new skills into practice and execute your personal action plan for becoming an Agile Leader.If you're ready to take charge and become an Agile Leader, then enroll today!CPE (Continued Professional Education)Learning ObjectivesDefine agile leadership and explain the key benefits and attributes of an agile team.Assess your own team's resilience.Identify, discuss and change team dynamics to create more resilience on your own teams.Explain the heat curve framework and why it is important.Explain how undiscussable issues keep a team from performing well and list examples of undiscussable issues. Describe how to define and improve the strength of a business relationship.List strategies for improving the strength of a business relationship.Explain how to use a simple tool (issues, positions, interests) to work through a conflict and demonstrate more flexibility.List the components of fairness and trust (the trust formula) and describe ways to increase levels of trust.Describe a process for making decisions that will increase the perception of fairness.Describe different kinds of meetings and identify an optimally effective approach to meetings.List some best practices for improving meetings and thereby improving culture.Define the VUCA environment in which agile leaders work.List some key strategies that agile leaders use to respond in difficult (VUCA) times.For additional information, including refunds and complaints, please see Udemy Terms of Use, which is linked from the footer of this page.For more information regarding administrative policies, please contact our support using the Help and Support link at the bottom of this page."
Price: 159.99

finance4dummies |
", , , . :8 10 46 1. . vs 2. . 3. . , , 4. . , 5. . 6. . 7. . 8. . 9. . . 10. . ETF EDGAR 1 2"
Price: 5299.00

"Meu Primeiro Vdeo - Como gravar vdeos mais confiantes hoje" |
"S em ler o ttulo j deu friozinho na barriga? Isso mesmo? Gravar hoje?Calma, que voc vai ficar surpreso ou surpresa ao perceber que tudo muito mais fcil quando algum nos mostra o porque achamos que to difcil. Este curso nasceu do meu sincero desejo em compartilhar exatamente todos os erros que cometi, e todas as curas que fui realizando em mim mesma na jornada gravando vdeos como terapeuta, e compartilhando minha mensagem.Os erros que eu cometi fizeram com que eu perdesse dinheiro, meu tempo, parei vrias vezes o projeto me colocando na dvida, e a gente comea a duvidar se isso mesmo que tenho que fazer, se no existe um caminho mais fcil que no precise gravar vdeos e por a vai.O grande diferencial desse curso exatamente mergulhar nas suas crenas inconscientes que voc usa como forma de adiar seu sonho de trazer sua mensagem e o aprendizado que tanto mexe com seu corao.Voc vai aprender como gravar:Sem equipamento de luz,Sem precisar de celular top,Sem estdio ou sem precisar criar cenrio,As tcnicas mais incrveis que aprendi sobre roteiros eficientes e diretos,Com um olhar teraputico sobre todos os traumas que fazem voc adiar em gravar,E a? Achou meio fcil demais?Misticamente, quando voc deseja do corao expandir, as respostas chegam ao seu caminho para que voc traga sua luz.No duvide do seu poder de manifestao. Eu tive dvidas em comear, eu tive dvidas se daria ou no certo, mas neste curso quero te mostrar que tudo possvel, s preciso entender o mecanismo no nosso insconsciente para driblarmos as inseguranas, os medos, as travas, o medo do julgamento das pessoas, o medo de errar, as dvidas se isso mesmo, enfim, um autoconhecimento profundo e rpido para trazer sua voz pro mundo.Conte comigo,te vejo l no curso,Um abrao de luz,Cinthia SObs.: Valor Promocional at 31 Julho 2020.Aps essa data o valor do curso ser de 297,00"
Price: 99.99

"Python For Beginners From Scratch" |
"If you want to learn how to write Python programs like a pro, code python like a boss, solve real-world problems, or automate repetitive and complex tasks, read on.In this brief course we'll cover all the fundamentals of building python scripts. We'll go through everything you need to know and understand in Python.By the end of this course you will be able to create Python scripts with ease. You'll learn how to take tedious and repetitious tasks and turn them into programs that will save you time and simplify your life ."
Price: 1280.00

"Automation Software Testing con Python y Selenium WebDriver" |
"El objetivo principal de este curso es ensearte las tecnologas para que puedas incursionar en el mundo de las pruebas automatizadas y as poder adquirir los skills, que, en el presente, son requeridos por los recruiter de las empresas vinculadas al desarrollo tecnolgico. Si no tienes conocimientos previos en automatizacin este es tu curso perfecto. Aqu aprenders los conceptos y programas necesarios para poder crear tus primeros scripts automatizados.Empezaremos desde lo ms bsico, instalando los programas que necesitas conocer. Durante todo este curso vamos a utilizar el IDE Pycharm, para que vayas familiarizndote con este programa, debido a que es el principal utilizado por las empresas para el desarrollo del lenguaje de programacin Python. Por otro lado, aprenders a utilizar cdigo JavaScript con el fin de que puedas interactuar con el DOM (Document Object Model).Ha medida de que vayas avanzando en el curso, entraremos a tcnicas un poco ms complejas donde aprenders a localizar elementos a travs de la construccin de sintaxis para XPath y CSS Selector que estaremos verificando haciendo uso del plugin Chropath. Adems, conocers los principales mtodos que provee la API de Selenium Web Driver para la localizacin de elementos en una aplicacin web.Veremos cmo automatizar los principales componentes de un formulario web incluyendo funciones tales como: seleccionar un tem a partir de un Drop Down bsico, cmo agarrar y soltar elementos de tipo Drag and Drops, y aprenders cmo funcionan los mtodos para automatizar Radio Buttons o Checkbox, y a su vez, sabrs subir archivos.Finalmente te mostrar cmo automatizar aquellas acciones que impliquen abrir una nueva pestaa o ventana en el browser incluso en los casos que tengas que automatizar un PopUp o Alerts.Para la creacin de pruebas automatizadas, usaremos el Framework de Unittest, veremos sus mtodos de ejecucin y hablaremos de los diferentes Assertions para la validacin de pruebas. Tambin veremos la manera de multiplicar nuestros casos de pruebas haciendo uso de DDT (Data Driven Test), cuyo Framework permite almacenar nuestros datos de prueba en archivos y adicionalmente multiplicar nuestros casos de pruebas.Por ltimo, aprenders a construir un nuevo proyecto usando el patrn de diseo POM (Page Object Model), en el que pondrs en prctica todos los conceptos vistos en las clases anteriores.POM es una nueva estructura de Framework que permite centralizar todos nuestros localizadores en una sola clase de tipo Page. Esta estrategia elimina la necesidad de actualizar cada una de las pruebas en el momento que un localizador tenga que modificarse por actualizacin del cdigo HTML.Al final de este curso adquirirs los conocimientos necesarios para empezar a crear pruebas automatizadas como todo un QA Automation professional."
Price: 54.99

"This course will make a student expert of limits which is a chapter of differential calculus. If a student understands limits in a right way the he can be a master of Continuity and Differentiability. These chapters contribute with majority in JEE ADVANCE / JEE MAINS. If an students learn limits in proper way then he can have a better command on differential calculus. I am sure if a student will attend all the lectures then he can be master of this chapter because the chapter here has been explained in very easy way so that each and every student can be benifited."
Price: 1280.00

"Core Java For Automation Testing with Development" |
"This Course has been developed who is Struggling to learn Core java . I have started from zero level to Experience level.This course is very useful for Automation Testing Engineering and Developer .You can crack any interview and survive in Company .You are non-technical (B com M com),Manual Tester or you are from different background . "
Price: 174.99

"Making You Confident So You Can Make Stuff Happen" |
"Instead of telling you about how you can become more confident, this course will actually MAKE you more confident.What you'll go through in this course is unlike anything else you've seen on here. Instead of giving you a speech, techniques, or exercises, or telling you to just do it, we're going way deeper to destroy your limiting beliefs, release negative emotions and energy, strengthen your intuition, increase self-trust and self-love, and make you feel like a super (wo)man who can do anything!My clients who have gone through this material have started new ventures, got pay raises, landed jobs, ""bawled their eyes out"" and ""teared up"" (in the best way possible), said ""THIS changes everything,"" and ""the recordings ooze love."" They are confidently following their dreams and enjoying the journey.No more excuses, such as ""I'm too busy"" or ""I don't know how,"" or whatever else you came up with.This course is for everyone who doesn't feel confident enough to do what they really want / dream of. Whether it's writing your book, starting a podcast, going live on Facebook or asking out your crush - this course will give you the confidence to go for what you want!You will receive 6 instructional videos, 6 guided meditation / hypnosis recordings, and a journal with daily prompts to make your more confident - measurably because you will also rate your confidence and see the difference from day 1 to day 6. You'll need about an hour per lesson and this course can be done within 6 days the fastest."
Price: 39.99

"How To start earning online" |
"learn to launch a product in 30 days . It could be physical or digital product you could easily launch it at a price of $97 or more without spending any many on advertisements. All tools provided in the product launch segment are available for free . So you do not have to spend money to launch a product . bonus materials include how to sell digital products online and how to sell affiliate products online .All these will help you get clear understanding on how to start earning online."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads for beginners" |
"Learn Facebook ads because e commerce is the future . once learned you can either do a job, or be an advertising expert and provide consultancy for other businesses , or can be an entrepreneur and scale your business.we will start with understanding basics of advertisements then will test the ads then based upon results obtained will scale ads by building a sales funnel and then finally automating everything by building autoresponder."
Price: 19.99

"Estrategia e Innovacion" |
"Se trata de un programa de orientacin prctica en el uso de herramientas gerenciales que facilitarn establecer una metodologa de anlisis y revisin hacia la creacin de estrategias empresariales con nfasis en la innovacin.La combinacin de prcticas gerenciales en Estrategia e Innovacin, conocidas en profundidad por el Instructor, ofrece un cmulo de experiencias que se extrae en forma sencilla y prctica para una fcil aplicacin en el ambiente de las empresas medianas, pequeas y emprendimientos. Los tiempos de crisis provocados por fenmenos globales, como es el caso de tecnologas disruptivas, rapidez de la globalizacin, cambios repentinos en las preferencias de los consumidores y sin lugar a dudas, las implicaciones sociales, polticas y econmicas de una pandemia, pone a prueba la capacidad de supervivencia de los sistemas de manufactura, comercio y servicios. Este programa condensa una visin prctica en la identificacin de alternativas de accin y ejecucin.El uso de un caso prctico de fcil seguimiento facilita la asimilacin.Los mdulos cuidadosamente ordenados, ofrecen un crecimiento gradual que concluye en la seleccin de horizontes de accin, con mencin de factores con frecuencia pasados por alto como riesgos y puntos de no retorno.El programa incluye subttulos en Espaol (Spanish closed captions included)."
Price: 19.99

"capoeira for beginners - master capoeira foundations" |
"In this course we will learn the foundations of Capoeira. Here we will learn the basic principles and skills necessary to learn this incredible martial art, dance, game. In short bite size lectures we will learn in a clear step by step progression the 'Ginga' the most fundamental Capoeira movement from where all other movments begin. and also all basic capoeira kicks and defences.simultaneously we will condition our body, gain strenght and flexibility which will also prepare ourselves for the next levels."
Price: 19.99

"Do Zero ao Profissional no Tesouro Direto" |
"E se existisse um curso que ensina voc do zero ao profissional no Tesouro Direto? Isso ajudaria voc?Neste curso eu vou do zero ao avanado do Tesouro Direto, desvendando os segredos e abordando a estratgia de Marcao a Mercado. Ao finalizar o curso, voc vai entender como os profissionais investem!O que voc vai aprender?Abrindo conta numa corretoraNavegando na plataformaO que Tesouro DiretoEntenda todos os ttulos no detalhe e saiba escolher o melhor para vocEntendendo a marcao a mercadoConhecendo a plataforma e investindo na prtica"
Price: 39.99

"The Packed Calendar Photography Business Blueprint" |
"What if your photography business was consistently booking new clients every week?You've heard and seen other photographers booking shoots left and right, doing what they love...full timeBut for some reason...No matter how much you post on social media...Highlighting your incredible quality sessions...You don't seem to get any busier.It's almost like these other photographers are living in a different world than you..You look at the quality of your photos with theirs...And you don't see much of a difference.UGHHH!What is the difference?!Why are they so busy with new bookings, but you are hardly scraping by with your photography business?Don't feel alone in this...That is the exact same struggle my husband and I went through with our photography business.The good news is, it doesn't need to be that way for you any more.The secret is, there is no secret!There are just a few basic principles you need to learn in order to start consistently AND predictably filling up your calendar with new bookings.We've made it SO simple for you to start filling up your calendar with our system we built for you called....The Packed Calendar Blueprint ?With The Packed Calendar Blueprint , you can stop hoping and wishing that you could pack out your calendar with new bookings....And start getting yourself FULLY booked with your dream clients, and if you want....Get yourself in a position to do what you love, FULL TIME.The BEST part is, this program is taught to you by someone who is currently running a successful photography business.Its a step-by-step training that gives you the blueprint to PACK your calendar out every week.When you buy The Packed Calendar Blueprint you will learn:- The methods we use to consistently talk with our dream clients & fill our calendar with new bookings every week!- The platforms we use to reach our dream clients- The high converting scripts we use to talk with our target audience and fill our calendar with (BONUS)- The tracking sheets we use that allows us to be able to predictably and consistently book new photo shoots every week (BONUS)Ready to start filling your calendar?Jump on in the course and get started!P.S, you will get access to an AMAZING Bonus. This BONUS will teach you how to create profitable facebook ads for your photography business!"
Price: 19.99

"Crea fantsticos dashboards con Google Data Studio y Sheets" |
"Google Data Studio es una herramienta fantstica para crear informes y compartirlos.En este curso aprenders a crear todos los grficos que Google Data Studio contiene. Hemos escogido la fuente de datos Google Spreadsheet por ser una fuente de datos accesible a todo el mundo. Pero en este curso aprenders a utilizar Google Data Studio con cualquier fuente de datos y crear fantsticos Dashboard que dejen a tus compaeros y jefes con la boca abierta."
Price: 39.99

"Escrita Teraputica" |
"Descubra como melhorar seu equilbrio emocional, autoconhecimento e autoestima atravs de videoaulas e exerccios de escrita teraputica!Neste curso voc ter aulas com foco na Psicologia Analtica de Carl Gustav Jung com a arteterapeuta Patricia Romero. O curso est dividido em 4 sesses de exerccios de escrita e anlise do exerccio proposto, alm da explicao de conceitos de Psicologia Analtica para que voc possa desvendar o seu inconsciente e a sua mente. Voc tambm contar com acompanhamento e orientao individual por e-mail.Estas aulas so indicadas para todas as pessoas que se sentem desmotivadas e buscam o desenvolvimento pessoal e uma transformao em suas vidas."
Price: 84.99

"Standortanalyse selber erstellen" |
"Die Standortanalyse des zuknftigen Geschftssitzes ist eines der schwierigsten und aufwendigsten Themen. Und sie ist Bestandteil des Businessplanes, den ein Existenzgrnder fr die Industrie- und Handelskammer, die Handwerkskammer oder einen Kredit- bzw. Frderungsantrag bentigt.Dabei muss recherchiert werden, wie viele Wettbewerber es im Einzugsgebiet am Markt gibt. Dazu braucht man auch Zahlen und Fakten zum mglichen Umsatz, der insgesamt im Einzugsgebiet erzielt werden kann, und dieser muss dann auch noch auf die einzelnen Wettbewerber sowie das eigene Geschft analog zur jeweiligen Grenordnung aufgeteilt werden. Erst dann ist ersichtlich, ob sich die Grndung eines Geschftes oder Gewerbes in dieser Region lohnt oder nicht."
Price: 19.99

"AI-100 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution Exam" |
"In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, Microsoft is implementing several temporary changes to our training and certification program. The content of this exam was updated on June 25, 2020. Candidates for this exam should have subject matter expertise using cognitive services, machine learning, and knowledge mining to architect and implement Microsoft AI solutions involving natural language processing, speech, computer vision, and conversational AI.Responsibilities for an Azure AI Engineer include analyzing requirements for AI solutions, recommending the appropriate tools and technologies, and designing and implementing AI solutions that meet scalability and performance requirements.Azure AI Engineers translate the vision from solution architects and work with data scientists, data engineers, IoT specialists, and software developers to build complete end-to-end solutions.A candidate for this exam should have knowledge and experience designing and implementing AI apps and agents that use Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Bot Service, Azure Cognitive Search, and data storage in Azure. In addition, a candidate should be able to recommend solutions that use open source technologies, understand the components that make up the Azure AI portfolio and the available data storage options, and understand when a custom API should be developed to meet specific requirements."
Price: 3840.00

"3D fr Einsteiger" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du beeindruckende Bilder mit Hilfe von 3D Programmen erstellen kannst. Dazu brauchst du lediglich ein Adobe Cloud Abo und Grundkenntnisse in Photoshop. Alle anderen Programme sind Teil des CC Abos oder kostenlos im Internet bereitgestellt. Falls du dich also schon immer fr 3D interessiert hast, aber absoulut keine Vorkenntisse hast, jetzt ist der richtige Zeitpunkt um einzusteigen. Lerne anhand von praktischen Beispielen wie du als Illustrator, Fotograf oder Hobbyartist 3D fr dich nutzen kannst."
Price: 34.99

"L'aquila con la cintura nera" |
"Benvenuta al corso!Ti do il benvenuto all'interno del tuo Video Programma Laquila con la cintura nera OnLine!Questo linizio del tuo nuovo viaggio, il tuo miglior viaggio alla scoperta di te stessa.Quello che stai per ascoltare il programma che ti aiuta a conoscere di pi te stessa, a comprendere le situazioni che vivi e che ti guida verso un cambiamento di modo che tu possa vivere una vita a colori, quella vita di libert interiore che hai sempre sognato, fino a volare in alto come le aquile.Tra i tanti viaggi che qualcuno pu fare, quello interiore alla scoperta di s stessi forse il migliore, il pi affascinante ed impegnativo, perch richiede anche di lasciare andare ci che ostacola il nostro cammino.Sto parlando principalmente dellinsicurezza emotiva, della paura del giudizio degli altri, del sentirsi inadeguati, del non saper reagire alle situazioni della vita.Ecco che verrai accompagnata alla scoperta di chi sei e, attraverso un percorso di 3 passi, verrai guidata verso la conquista finale della libert interiore, fisica e mentale, per vivere la tua vita senza paura.Al fine di rendere tutto ci estremamente chiaro, mi piaciuto spiegare i vari passaggi attraverso la similitudine con il percorso che nelle arti marziali porta una cintura bianca a diventare una cintura nera, perch anche la vita un continuo viaggio di apprendimento.Ecco in anteprima il programma:INTRODUZIONE4 Video in cui:Scoprirai la storia dellaquilaScoprirai come si struttura il programmaScoprirai lanalogia tra la crescita personale e le arti marzialiScoprirai come puoi iniziare fin da subito a uscire dal tuo problema per andare verso la libertCINTURA BIANCA (11 Video Lezioni)I primi passi verso la tua nuova libert AMBIENTE FAVOREVOLEIn questa serie di video ti aiuto a costruire il tuo ambiente interiore ed esteriore pi efficace di modo che non ti sentirai pi influenzata dal giudizio altrui e potrai finalmente muoverti libera dalle paureImparerai a capire il perch ti trovi in un percorso e non in un corsoImparerai a capire a che punto ti trovi della tua vitaImparerai a capire che tipo di carattere haiImpererai a capire qual il tipo di ambiente a te pi consono, pi costruttivoImparerai a non guardare pi gli altri per ottenere la loro approvazioneImparerai a non farti pi influenzare dal giudizio degli altriImparerai ad andare oltre i tuoi limitiImparerai a partire dalle piccole coseImparerai a stabilire degli obiettivi a lungo termineCINTURA GIALLA (5 Video Lezioni) Sviluppare i comportamenti vincenti per Vivere libera - COMPORTAMENTI STRATEGICIIn questa serie di video ti aiuto a sviluppare comportamenti e abitudini efficaci, strategici, funzionali e vincenti per vivere nella tua piena libertImparerai a capire quale comportamento metti in atto nelle situazioni criticheImparerai a capire quali sono i pensieri che ti passano per la testa in quel momentoImparerai a riconoscere le tue emozioni negativeImparerai a gestire queste tue emozioni negative e a costruire delle emozioni positiveCINTURA VERDE (5 Video Lezioni)Sviluppare le capacit che ti portano libert - CAPACITA' DECISIONALIIn questa serie di video ti aiuto a sviluppare quelle capacit decisionali e decisive che ti faranno sentire libera di esprimere il tuo potenziale.Imparerai a capire quali capacit necessario sviluppareImparerai come sviluppare queste capacitImparerai limportanza del lavorare per obiettivi intermedi"
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan Scratch ile Algoritma ve Programlama" |
"Burada bu kursun dier kurslara gre ne kan ynlerini ele alalm. 1- Bu kursta giri seviyesi anlatldktan sonra ilerleyen seviyelerde programlama dillerini renirken yapacanz ekilde proje zerinden kapsaml bir oyun tasarlama sreci anlatld. Bir oyunda olmas gereken temel mantk, puanlama, giri-biti ekran, zorluk sistemi, Android IOS uygulama oluturma gibi.2- Bu kurs dinamik bir kurstur. Yani eitmen sorularnz cevaplamakla kalmaz rneini istediiniz uygulamay ksa srede video olarak ykler. rnein, eitmene mesaj atarsnz adam asmaca oyunu rneini anlatabilir misiniz diye ve ksa zamanda ilgili video kurs iindeki rnekler ksmna dahil edilir. 3- Konularla ilgili rnek problemler ile izledikten sonra kendi kendinize almaya devam edebilmeniz salanr. "
Price: 49.99

"Write Your Success Story" |
"Everyone has a story to tell. What's your story? Secretly, we are telling this story to ourselves. We play a narrative in our minds, and we live out the storyline word for word. The problem is that most often the narrative weve recorded and stored in our subconscious is distorted and disingenuous. It is not representative of our true selves nor our true potential. In Module 1 of this program, you will challenge your old, outdated, disingenuous narrative about yourself by writing a new story. The new, improved story will be a success story with you as the main character and hero."
Price: 19.99

"Acting Intensive for New and Non-Actors" |
"During this course, students will learn the process of Character Analysis, Scene Study, and Monologues. We'll go through methods and techniques to strengthen your imagination and belief to create memorable performances. I am offering this class to help students gain confidence not only in acting but in life. I feel that my acting skills have given me the confidence needed in performing well during interviews, relating easily to other people, and being more understanding of others by studying behavior. I also have more than 15 years of film and television experience as shown on my IMDB page and would love to share my personal techniques and knowledge for students who would like to pursue this career or anyone who would just like to experience an acting class out of curiosity."
Price: 199.99
