"eBook Marketing Certification for Authors" |
"Authors typically use all their efforts, resources and budgets to create an e-book and most of them aren't even aware of the one concept that is vital which will help them throughout the process of reaching an audience - whom they are writing for. The concept is called as ""Marketing"". We must know that just merely writing a great eBook alone won't ensure that you generate opt-ins, gain recognition or capture sales unless you market them. Promoting an e-book goes beyond creating a landing page, tweeting to your connections and sending beautiful emails of your book cover to your clients. Here are two questions - you should ask yourself before you can proceed:Do you need to learn some practical and innovative methods to take your eBook Marketing to the next level?Do you dream of publishing a book that will captivate your audience to the core, generate new sales, grow your email opt-in list, and catapult you and your business into the spotlight? Look no further than this course - for the answer lurks here.This ultimate eBook Marketing Certification course for authors created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"", Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" and Stefi will greatly help you to explore some of the most popular eBook Marketing tools that are available and easy to use. What's more? We will make you discover new-age book marketing tips to help promote your eBook and make more sales. You can even get introduced to a powerful e-commerce platform to sell digital books in an online bookstore portal - for that matter. Hop on in, then. Here's more hope.Your ebook could be the next game-changer in content production that may even have chances of becoming a major motion-picture someday if popularity permits.There is no time to waste. The course will be educative, entertaining, informative, and practical at the same time.Enrol now, and let's start booming. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here, inside.Lights. Camera. Action. Let us do the magic starting now."
Price: 1280.00

"11 Productivity Hacks to Work from Home" |
"11 Useful Productivity Hacks to Work from Home is a must-have course. There is nothing like it, guaranteed. If you are REALLY serious about FINALLY taking charge so you can build more security for your family, then this is the one course for you. This is the time. Where you right now feel as though you are in an endless circle like water in the drain.Remember the classic movie ""Joe versus the Volcano with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan? The doctor tells him he is dying. Yep! Of a brain freeze. He is worn down. Have you been that way too? Life doesnt look like it is in color? Every step feels like three steps back? Well, the time is right for you to work with Lucy remotely, starting with this short course. We arent talking about a course where we tell you what to do. Weve worked on these systems for years with our executive coaching clients. There are people who look successful but are always going against the tide. Life doesnt have to be this hard. Listen, Lucy only works with a small group of selected people several times a year. Over the years, these people have become friends who have turned their lives around. As a grandmother and a mother of five, she makes the time to do the things that matter most. Right now, that means helping you in the next 30 days to live your life out loud with this amazing course.Yes, I mean YOU! Youll be energized. Passionate. Your family and co-workers will see you as a leader who has grown from the inside out. Lets be honest. Where are the goals you set in January? How many did you accomplish? Did you see the results you expected? Well... half of the year is gone, let's make the second half better! Lucy will help you find that lost spark that ignites the leader inside you. The spark that makes you shine. In this economy, you have to find your edge. Lucys secrets have given tools to at-home workers, freelancers, or people who want to make their dreams of freedom from fear to a life they didnt imagine. Imagine you are not dreaming. Imagine you are no longer afraid of missing the car and rent payments. You live as you always envisioned, and it is not a Hollywood movie, it is you. You can & You will. Lucy is bringing closer to you her respected peak performance system that has changed lives. Her compassionate and friendly voice will push you when you thought you couldnt find more energy. No more complaining about missed opportunities. Forget about 'could have been'. 'Should have been'. 'Would have been'.Become more balanced at home and work. Feel good about yourself and your relationship again like the first time. Tomorrow is here. Lets go!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso completo para falar em pblico e fazer apresentaes" |
"Aprenda, partindo do zero, um mtodo passo a passo para criar apresentaes que voc far com prazer, segurana e que causaro um impacto na plateia, mesmo que voc no tenha experincia ao falar em pblico!So mais de 8 Horas de contedos! Aulas de PowerPoint? Temos! Mas o treinamento vai muito, mas muito alm disso o que eu quero que voc aprenda de verdade a:Espalhar sua mensagem: Uma apresentao memorvel aquela em que o pblico sai falando sobre a sua ideia e contando para outras pessoas aquilo que aprendeu com vocVender suas ideias: Ao criar uma conexo com seu pblico, voc consegue fazer mais pessoas comprarem seu produto, aceitarem suas propostas na empresa ou avaliarem melhor seu trabalhoSer autntico: O maior sofrimento ao se falar em pblico ter que fingir ser algum que voc no . Vou te ensinar a usar seu repertrio pessoal para criar apresentaes que tenham a sua caraMAS SER QUE ESTE TREINAMENTO TEM ALGUM DIFERENCIAL? Na verdade NO: Ns temos muito mais do que um simples diferencial!MTODO EXCLUSIVO: Que vai te ensinar a criar roteiros baseados em criatividade e empatia, sem regrinhas chatas que te tornam um rob.1 CURSO, VRIAS POSSIBILIDADES: Totalmente aplicvel em palestras, aulas, reunies, discursos, TCC, defesa de tese e pitch de negcios.CRIE APRESENTAES: Absolutamente do zero ou transforme aquela apresentao que voc j tem em um evento inesquecvelAUTO CONHECIMENTO: Voc ter acesso a aulas exclusivas para desenvolver os pontos que ""travam"" a sua comunicao.DESENVOLVER CORAGEM: Apresentar te d muito medo? Com o mtodo MEMORVEL vamos te dar ferramentas para voc aprender a dominar a arte de se apresentar,SEM ENROLAO: Curso com mais de 60 aulas rpidas, prticas e diretas. Sem enrolao e mostrando o que realmente importaCOMUNICAR SEM TRAVAR: Mtodo que pode tambm ser usado para gravar vdeos, escrever textos persuasivos e qualquer outra situao que precise da ateno do seu pblico.Veja abaixo, no detalhe, o que voc vai encontrar ao longo de todos os mdulos do curso! So mais de 60 Aulas!"
Price: 489.99

"Los 8 invasores que invaden tus presentaciones." |
"Vas a identificar los 25 errores ms repetidos, 25 ejemplos y situaciones que ilustran las claves del curso. Te mostramos el antes y despus de las transparencias para que veas las diferencias.Vas a aprender todo esto:1. Tres arranques probados para iniciar tu presentacin.2. Aprenders a no perderte y poner el foco en tu audiencia.3. A utilizar las transparencias para reforzar y aclarar tu mensaje.4. A descubrir el humor sin contar chistes ni ser gracioso.5. A usar de manera correcta las imgenes en lugar de tanto texto.6. A disear transparencias profesionales.7. A usar imgenes incluso sin PowerPoint.8. A disfrutar con tu pblico y vivir el momento.9. A empezar a ser t mismo, sin fingir ser un actor.10. Sabrs como trucar las vietas para que impacten y se recuerden.11. A finalizar tu presentacin sin el triste gracias al final.12. A usar el pasador de diapositivas sin tenerlo en la mano.13. A conseguir que nunca sean aburridas tus presentaciones.14. Conectar con tu audiencia.15. La tcnica de emergencia para sonrer.16. Presentar la informacin y los cuadros para motivar, y no para aburrir."
Price: 199.99

"Bluetooth Low Energy con Raspberry Pi [IoT en Espaol]" |
"El curso presenta el diseo y desarrollo de un dispositivo de control mdico que controlara diferentes sensores/actuadores en una planta de un hospital. Este contexto se plantea a modo de simulacin, pero nos sirve para situarnos en la utilidad y el tremendo potencial de estos sistemas.El desarrollo se fundamenta en la adquisicin y control de un dispositivo bluetooth (un sensor de ritmo cardaco) implementado sobre una placa de desarrollo ESP32. Empleando la Raspberry Pi buscaremos la placa, nos conectaremos a ella y seremos capaces de establecer una comunicacin bidireccional con la misma, asignando y leyendo caractersticas mediante el cdigo Python. Todo el cdigo que se va a presentar pone nfasis en la claridad, la organizacin y la eficiencia y se apoyar en git como sistema de control de versiones desde el primer momento. Asimilando as la realidad de un proyecto de desarrollo software real. Adems, en el entorno de trabajo propuesto, la pantalla de la Raspberry Pi se utilizar nicamente en el momento de su configuracin inicial, quedando desde ese momento relegada a servirnos para ejecutar cdigo mediante la conexin SSH que habilitaremos en el curso. Es decir, vamos a trabajar sobre la Raspberry Pi, pero programando desde nuestro PC, a distancia o remotamente."
Price: 19.99

"NEthereum(C#) and Ethereum blockchain" |
"Nethereum is a .Net development kit officially recommended by Ethereum, used to support access to Ethereum in .Net applications. In this course, we will mainly use the Nethereum development kit and use the C# language to develop .Net applications that support Ethereum.The purpose of this course is to help .Net engineers quickly master the skills of developing Ethereum applications, and at the same time explain some of the core concepts of Ethereum, such as: accounts, transactions, and smart contracts, and more importantly, the most commonly used ERC20 Token.In this course: We will learn the basic elements of the Ethereum blockchain. How to create and protect our wallet, create our smart contract, deploy smart contract and interact with smart contract.We will introduce how to use Solidity and Truffle Framework + Ganache to develop your own DApp and the correct way to set up a development environment. We will learn how to use Nethereum to obtain blockchain information, create user wallets, deploy smart contracts, use smart contract methods, create ERC20 Tokens and operate ERC20 Tokens. After completing this course, you will fall in love with Nethereum, Ethereum ecosystem and smart contract creation."
Price: 199.99

"Oracle SQL Tuning Estatsticas" |
"Este curso contempla todas as Optimizer Statistics features at a verso Oracle Database 18c A maquina virtual disponvel para download j vem com Oracle Database 18c Express Edition pr-configuradoBem vindo ao curso Oracle SQL Tuning Estatsticas!Estatsticas fornecidas por orgo especializados apontam que cerca de 70% dos problemas de desempenho do banco de dados esto relacionados a instruo SQL.Dentre o problemas mais comuns de desempenho de instrues SQL esto:Falta ndice ou ndice inadequadoFalta de estatsticas, estatsticas desatualizadas ou estatsticas imprecisasQualidade do cdigo da instruo SQLO nvel de conhecimento de cada um destes tpicos muito importante no trabalho de Tuning de instrues SQL, por isto neste curso vamos explorar em detalhes as Estatsticas do Otimizador que so fundamentais na execuo de instrues SQL com alto desempenho.Este curso faz parte de um srie de cursos publicados na plataforma da Udemy que so material bsico para que voc se torne um profissional reconhecido pelas suas habilidades em Oracle SQL Tuning. Este treinamento tem um foco muito forte na parte prtica, acredito que a melhor forma de consolidar conhecimento atravs da prtica.Todas as teorias deste treinamento so acompanhadas de demonstraes prticas que voc poder reproduzir em um ambiente virtual que ser disponibilizado no treinamento.Alem disso voc ser convidado a realizar 14 exerccios prticos sobre os temas propostos que sero resolvidos e comentados nas ultimas 3 aulas do treinamento.Voc ter acesso h:Acesso vitalcio ao cursoMaquina Virtual pr-configurada para DownloadCertificado de ConclusoScripts para DownloadPDFs do curso para DownloadCorreo dos exercciosRespostas a suas dvidas na plataforma do curso"
Price: 114.99

"Como usar robs Inteligente no Mercado Bovespa" |
"Aprenda a usar os nossos robs inteligente para o Mercado Bovespa, eles utilizam a plataforma MetaTrader 5. Essa a vantagem de utilizar robs inteligente para o Mercado Financeiro, ele no precisa de ns. Esse o verdadeiro jargo, fazendo o dinheiro trabalhar pra ns. Esse curso te dar direito a testar todos os nossos robs em modo de conta simulao."
Price: 99.99

"Blogging For Engineers - Start Blogging on Engineering Niche" |
"Engineering blogs are getting much attention nowadays. Blogs that Highlights good information on any engineering concepts and latest news are a huge traffic platform.In the course you will learn about :How to Start a blogHow to Structure the ArticleHow to create Cathing HeadlinesHow Human Psychology work with bloggingHow to Start an affiliate marketingHow to Get clients for sponsorshipand many moreAs you watch this step-by-step blog writing tutorial you'll discover a repeatable method for writing blog posts specific to your niche and gain access to a reusable template that you can employ time and time again. This is as actionable and as practical as it gets!You don't need to a an engineer for this course, hence you only need a computer and internet connection Enjoy Learing!"
Price: 1280.00

"Pintura a leo. Aprenda a pintar o cu e suas luminosidades" |
"Analizaremos a importncia de cada pigmento e sua funo na harmonia geral das luminosidades do cu. Elucidaco dos materiais e explicao de como uma paleta reduzida com cinco cores pode ser altamente satisfatria para suprir todas as tonalidades desejadas para um bom trabalho. Espessuras texturais das camadas e seus efeitos pticos demosntrados e explicados passo a passo"
Price: 49.99

"Ritratto a Matita - La vista frontale" |
"Per disegnare un ritratto convincente, hai bisogno di conoscere come fatta una testa, di capirne i differenti piani e di avere sempre disponibile nella tua mente unimmagine tridimensionale, semplificata di essa. In questo corso inizier a fornirti proprio questo, applicandolo alla vista frontale. importante approfondire i diversi punti di vista in modo da avere alla fine unidea cristallina di come la testa umana appaia nello spazio e nelle varie angolazioni. A quel punto fare un ritratto diventer un gioco da ragazzi."
Price: 49.99

"Certified Penetration Testing Consultant" |
"The course is designed for cyber security experts and IT system administrator who are interested to conduct vulnerability scans against large network infrastructures similar to huge business networks, network operators and telecom companies.By becoming a Certified Penetration Testing Consultant, you are becoming a cyber security expert with the aptitude to plan, manage and perform a penetration test.This cyber security certification training series covers everything you required to know about becoming a Certified Penetration Testing Consultant. Students will learn about packet capturing, Layer 2 attacks, Layer 3 attacks on Cisco-based infrastructures, pivoting and relays, IPv6 attacks, VPN attacks, defeating SSL, and IDS/IPS evasion. SIGN UP TODAY!"
Price: 129.99

"El coaching como herramienta de transformacin personal" |
"Este curso hace parte de nuestro proceso de certificacin profesional como Coach, aqu podrs aprender el origen y la historia del coaching, as como tambin los principales aspectos que dictamina la ICF (Federacin Internacional de Coaching), como lo son; las once competencias del Coach y el Codigo de tica de la ICF.Aprende de manera sencilla como realizar procesos de coaching asertivos, a travs de la formulacin de cuestionamientos que rompan las estructuras de pensamiento de tus coachee.A QUIENES VA DIRIGIDO ESTE CURSO:Personas que quieran desarrollar las habilidades relativas al coaching Personas que quieran mejorar sus procesos de dialogo y comunicacin.Padres y madres que deseen aplicar el coaching en la crianza de sus hijosCoachs, terapeutas y profesionales de apoyo y desarrollo humano que quieran mejorar sus tcnicas."
Price: 119.99

"Principios para una vida plena y en armonia" |
"En este curso comprenders y descubrirs algunos de los conceptos fundamentales que te permitirn entender tu vida y tu realidad de una manera diferente. Te ayudara a replantear algunas de las creencias que hasta este momento has tenido en tu vida y te permitir pensar de una manera diferente y mucho mas pro activa.Descubre quien eres en la vida, que haces para ser feliz y que significa lo material en tu vida, de tal manera que puedas desarrollarte integralmente."
Price: 119.99

"Supercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery" |
"Life Coaches are becoming a dime a dozen. Meaning everyone seems to be becoming a life coach these days. Truth is we are all born life coaches to some degree. Because we all have the ability to demonstrate life and the ability to observe others demonstrating life.Supercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery Level course is for life coaches of all levels. Whether trained or not, studied or not, or professional or not Life is what we do. Can you effectively coach what you do? Meaning can you help someone else get the kind of results to the degree that your client will become your biggest promoter? Are you so effective that your word of mouth business is more than you can handle making your time more valuable meaning you can raise your rates to the highest in the industry?Supercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery Level course give you a couple or supercharged tools, frameworks that will separate you from the pack of Life Coaches in the world today. You see most clients come to us (Life Coaches) wanting to know HOW to get from where they are today to where they want to be as soon as possible. So are clients also want to know when they can expect to reach this desired place. To help our client understand their minds we give them some WHAT information. Ironically, we give them labels to help them get to breaking their internal labels that create the limiting beliefs which act as anchors holding them down in life. Once we establish a sort of A point we then look to uncover with them their B point. This is what are client wants. Then we help develop a plan of action via a framework like SMART or TGROW etc This is your average life coaching method. We focus on WHAT and HOW. This tends to get the ball rolling but at some point our client will slip back into negative moving actions. Here they make a decision. Do I return to my life coach? Do I try a different life coach? So they journey from A to B is very bumpy often derailing because the client looses their motivation, the rationale, the drive to keep doing what is required for success. As a result we see higher case of substance abuse, aggressive behaviors, depression and unhealthy lifestyle choice. So what is happening?Supercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery Level course gives you the rest of the success formula that your clients need to hit their goals faster. The Cognition Tower is the supercharged version of NLP, CBT, ACT etc because it answers a question we all need answered yet dont know to ask. It explains why the entire A2B model isnt as effective as it could be then modifies this model for maximum effectiveness.Supercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery Level course is the WHY factor the Developmental Factor in understanding more clearly what are Point A really is and what are B point should really be. Plus with understanding WHY you have the drive, rationale, the passion for moving towards your B point. This means that your clients will Fail less, Succeed more. When you help them, undercover their WHY factor, this is a ahh ha moment then should them how to use the Cognition Tower this creates inertia within them that unleashes their fullest potential. You become the coach that everybody wants!Supercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery Level course features:120+ video lectures, loaded with animations and visual aids to create a more enjoyable experience.Accompanying audio files so you can listen on the go. The audio files are available in the resource section matching each of the video lessons.A 300 page course PDF workbook, The workbook is coded with the images seen in each lecture to help you stay on track with the videos. The workbook is available in the first section of the course.Feedback and Discussion opportunities to help cement and practice the Cognition TowerSupercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery Level benefits include:Knowing WHY we get stuck in life and When it Happened which means getting to the root cause of multiple challenges & limiting mindsets.How to, quickly and forever change your Mindset to create an optimum life experience.Freedom, Self Empowerment and Mastery of with two simple to use, frameworksEmpowering others with this easy to teach method of fast change.Having another incredible way of helping yourself and others be the best or better person in life.Separating yourself from other Life Coaches by understanding development and the WHY factor that typical NLP, CBT, ACT etc modalities do not focus on.By rounding out your skill set of change work techniques and understanding methodologies you will become the Helper of Self and/or the LIFE COACH that everyone wants.What is Supercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery Level?Supercharged NLP 2.0: COGNITION TOWER is a Developmental mind approach to understanding and changing behavior. It looks at the mind from a developmental dimension versus most self-help linear A+B=C models. It based upon the Science of accepted Psychological frameworks from over a dozen of the greatest theorist in the field of human MIND development.PiagetEriksonKeganLoevingerHavighurstLevinMasseyand many others)Supercharged NLP 2.0: COGNITION TOWER is grounded in the latest in Neuroscience and the study of Consciousness a.k.a. Attention and Meta-mind operations. This model incorporates Neuroplasticity, the brains ability to develop, modify and strengthen synaptic connections that enable ones ability to rewrite the way we think. This Modern science meets accepted Theory approach to self-help is the back bone of the Cognition Tower.The Cognition Tower is like the Engineer that understands the construction of the mind. An Engineer understands ""the purpose"" the rationale the why things are linked together the way they are by design. When we examine the REASON this satisfies our logical need to know and helps us create solutions for ourselves rather than depending on others to always help us.When we know why things happen the way they do we have a logical understanding of the process of the mind. The Cognition Tower unpacks the WHY of the subconscious programming that causes us to think, feel and behave the way we do. Knowing WHY is in essence, the ROOT reason for our limitations in life.Without the cognition tower we are simply go into our minds finding the biggest poisonous fish and fishing it out. With the Cognition Tower we are dropping a net that attract many poisonous fish and scooping them out. This is a much faster way to clean and optimize the mind.For more details about How it works, sign up and let Coach Hall explain it to you in great detail.Register NOW and become a Supercharged NLP 2.0 The COGNITION TOWER Advanced to Mastery Level Certified Coach/Practitioner!"
Price: 199.99

"Parenting Kids (Part II) - Years 1 - 3" |
"Fasten your seat belts. The roller-coaster ride of Parenting Kids is about to enter one of its most exhilarating and challenging phases. Ages one to three arent always easy. Your child will deal with new emotions and conflicting needs for independence and dependence. Yet this is an extraordinary time for parent and child, because there is nothing to match a toddlers energy, curiosity, and unrestrained joy in her widening world. Your child will also begin acquiring the basics of a lifetime of social skills, such as table manners, greetings, polite requests and thank-yous, sharing and taking turns as the underpinnings of etiquette and good manners.Usually between a year and eighteen months, babies learn to walk independently. When she takes her first wabbly and unsupported steps, your baby becomes a toddler, literally acquiring a new perspective on her world. She will continue to acquire physical skills, growing stronger and taller and gaining increased control of her motor skills. Her boundless interest in exploration and experimentation will lead her into everything.Understanding and use of language will expand enormously. Short-term memory will mature. Problem-solving will become relatively sophisticated. She will begin to think symbolically, not needing to see something in order to imagine it, and to engage more and more often in imitative and imaginative play. She will be able to follow fairly complex verbal instructions.A toddlers growing physical and intellectual abilities set the stage for genuine learning. Your example will remain your childs most influential teacher, but as she approaches her third birthday, she will take her first steps into the world of proper behavior."
Price: 29.99

"Adulting 101..." |
"You can learn a lot at school, but there are so many things we DON'T learn at school but are important to living life well. I am a 22 year teacher who loves to have fun. Not only is this course informative, but it is also entertaining and to the point. You'll learn the following and more...How To Make a Phone CallHow To Sew on a ButtonHow to Apologize (and how to accept an apology)How To Clean (bathroom, kitchen, fridge, clothes...)How To Write a Thank You Note (and how often)How To CookHow To Make a DecisionAND MOREMore lessons will be added as time goes on. You have lifetime access and will be notified when there are new lessons.Happy adulting!James Divineaka Professor Jimmy, Papa Jimmy, Jimmy D-Light"
Price: 19.99

"Armoni Snav" |
"Armoni bilgisine sahip kiiler kendisini bu snavlar ile lebilir ve eksik olduklar konular fark edip kendini gelitirebilir. Eer temeliniz yoksa benim Armoni ve akor ilikisi dersimi alarak detayl bir ekilde alarak bilgilere sahip olup daha sonra bu bitirme snavna katlabilirsiniz. Bu snav armoni bilgisine hakim olanlar iin hazrlanmtr. Baarlar dilerim."
Price: 49.99

"E-spor Eitimi ve E-sporcu Kariyerini Olutur" |
"Trkiye'nin ilk e-spor kariyeri oluturma kursunu olduunu gururla sunarz..Adm adm nasl e-sporcu olabileceinizi, lisansnz alp lisansl oyuncu olup byk takmlara transfer olma frsatn yakalayabilirsiniz.. Fenerbahe, Galatasaray, Beikta, Trabzonspor ve Bursaspor gibi daha nice takmda lisansl sporcu olabilir ve sizde e-spor kariyerinizi balatabilirsiniz. Oynama durumunuz ve yeteneinize gre aylk 10 bin veya 1 milyon kazanabilir, sponsorluk gelirleri, medya gelirler, bilet satlar, transfer cretleri ile kazanlarnz artrabilirsiniz. stelik kendi e-spor takmn kurabilir amatr liglerden profesyonel lige kabilir, kendi kulbnz Trkiye E-spor federasyonu tarafndan onay alabilir ve kulp sahibi olabilirsin.. Daha nice frsat bu kurs ierisinde..."
Price: 49.99

"Google Ads for Beginners - June 2020 - Former Googler" |
"Create your Google Ads account and start driving customers for your business. This content consists of all the basics and best practices to drive customers via Google Ads. As of June 2020, all videos are fresh based on updates Google has made.I'm sharing these how to videos based on our experiences managing Google Ads for our 30+ clients at Rise Marketing Group and from my experiences when I was at Google from 2014 - 2018.Follow the steps outline and feel free to ping me with results, feedback or questions! I can be reached at ben@risemkg.com.Within this class you'll learn the following:How to Create your Google Ads AccountCreate your Search CampaignDisplay Campaigns including RetargetingAdvertise on YouTube with Video AdsMeasure what you Advertise to Know your Return on InvestmentAvoid Settings Google Recommends that will Hurt PerformanceHow to find Codes for Free Ad SpendHow to Prioritize your Marketing Budget"
Price: 49.99

"Units and Dimensions - JEE and NEET Physics" |
"Complete knowledge with Question bank to secure good All India Rank in JEE Main, Advanced and NEET exams. Whether you are in IX, X, XI, XII or Drop year, this course will help you achieve your goal of getting into dream IIT / AIIMSLearn through Amazing lectures of Rohit Kakkar, IIT Kanpur Alumnus, JEE and NEET Mentor, Physics Teacher and Life Coach. Rohit Sir has mentored more than 1000 students in JEE or NEET preparation."
Price: 2240.00

"How to manage finances and your debts?" |
"I am creating this online course, ""How to manage finances and your debts?"" to bring awareness to people who spend their money without thinking about their future. Managing money and debts is essential for your happiness and avoid health issues in their life. Most people spend more time looking for ways to spend money rather than making money.You have to realize the consequences of spending the money that you do not have is essential to keep you away from falling into debt. If you fall into debt, you will be careful and try to control it at the start but still keep spending the money. Then it will reach a stage in which liability has gone beyond a limit that you cannot control, which makes you lose confidence that you will come out of the debt, then it keeps escalating.Some people spend their time shopping and unnecessary entertainment, which they cannot afford. Instead of spending their time on those things rather invest in themselves, like learn about debt management, money management that gives them the knowledge to control the unnecessary spending habit. It is something easy to fail but challenging to succeed, so it applies to spend patterns as well. Remember, it is easy to spend but challenging to save.Some people make wrong investments of their money and fall into severe debt, but they do not learn from it and continue with the same habit. We have to realize that if a mortgage goes beyond a limit, we might end up having some mental illness. It gives you a constant worry people try to sabotage themselves as a result of that worry. Therefore, we must understand that money and heath are two crucial factors in our lives, and we lose our happiness if we lose either of them.Therefore, in this online course, I have clearly explained most of it from my personal experiences and after witnessing other people's bad situation because of the mismanagement of the money. The debt is the result of the mismanagement of the capital that is why I have integrated debt and money management in this course.We all have to learn how to manage money in a difficult situation. A problematic situation means you might suddenly lose a job, or you might face a significant loss in your business. Be ready to face unexpected situations; many people fall into money troubles due to the lack of forwarding thinking.If you fall into a severe debt problem, do not become depressed, start learning about debt relief, and immediately take action to bring the situation under control. Do not ever neglect it and ignore the wrong thing that happened in your life. You might stay calm, ignoring the debt, but it keeps accumulating into a bigger problem.Once you have sorted the immediate issue, prepare a budget straightway, follow, and monitor it regularly to save you from any more troubles. Then start to look for ways to increase your income, you might be having a 9-5 job then look out for side hustle that can bring extra income for you also start to save some money after this bad experience to meet with emergencies.Finally, yet importantly, learn about money management, it is an excellent idea as you can teach what you learned to your loved ones that include your children. When young people learn money management and practice from a young age, they will face this problem that leads to a happy and successful life.I hope that I explained all that you need to understand about money and debt management, and that helps you to decide to purchase this course to learn and avoid future trouble.Therefore, if you like this online course, please leave a useful review to motivate or learn more from your report. In the end, I will remodel this course and give it to you to read more.Thank you for choosing my course."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga Nidra Conscious Yogic Sleep Level 1" |
"Description of the courseAs a result of taking this course, you can confidently write your own yoga Nidra scripts and create your individual sessions for yourself, family, friends, or practice.You can use what you have learned when coaching, helping someone go through tough times as a professional teacher, etc.Yoga Nidra is a growing tool. More and more people are discovering the tremendous benefits of this ageless guided meditation technique, it has been proven scientifically to work on so many levels.The Many Benefits Of Taking This Course:Well-researched information of theory, history, and use of Yoga Nidra, in addition, we share breathwork theory and practice videos. We also included a one-hour contemplation video and six meditation practices.We will give you guides on how to write your own scripts from scratch.Links of scientific applications of yoga Nidra not included in many other courses.I walk you through each individual component and how they fit together into the bigger picture of the practice.Learn the philosophical structure as well as the technical ways, of the ancient Yogic sleep technique.After you finish level 1 of this course, I will share more advanced information for the ones that wish to learn about the Sanskrit side of these teachings, also mantras and Mudras that can be used in the practice and everyday life.Six practice sessions for you to try, including healing frequencies.By taking this course you will understand how the process of Yoga Nidra guides you through the different states of your Brain to get to yogic sleep, this part was huge for me. I am amazed to learn the process of what my mind does and what it needs to get me to that deep level.One of the steps that I was fascinated to learn is the intention or Sankalpa, as it is called. In this process, it is so profound to learn what Intention awareness is and how to use it properly so it works.With the links to scientific studies, you can learn how many benefits are offered through Yoga Nidra, for so many aspects of health and whole wellbeing.You can use the Yoga Nidra practices given in the course to customize your own creations.As one of the bonuses, we are including a PDF downloadable E-Book for gratitude and a chapter on Gratitude with links to studies on the subject.Yoga Nidra has completely changed my meditation practice and for my students. I always use it to introduce meditation to beginners and people that have issues settling in, as I found out lots of people have this issue, and in Yoga Nidra, there are not many requirements but to be comfortable and do what you normally do to go to sleep, not hard just be.I have so much gratitude for this course, it has made a huge difference for so many people, and if you have read all the way here, something has guided you to do so for a reason. I am so honored that you have, and as you take this course you will also be very grateful for it.Here, I like to honor you also for looking into possibilities to make a difference in whatever level of your evolution that you are searching for.At the completion of the level 1 course, you will receive your certificate of completion.This course is for whoever wishes to make a difference in themselves and the world around them, that is how it works.With love and gratitude NAMASTE"
Price: 54.99

"Aplicaciones Mviles con React Native desde Cero." |
"React Native tiene un futuro bastante prometedor. Gracias a su base construida en JavaScript, posee una amplia comunidad y podemos encontrarnos muchas libreras que nos simplificarn nuestros desarrollos.Su fuerte respaldo de una gran compaa como es Facebook y el gran rendimiento que ofrece gracias a su arquitectura, la hace una herramienta muy poderosa a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo de software."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete SDLC Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to SDLC. It is the best course for SDLC. This course of Software Development Life Cycle will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Points you can learn and get huge Explanation are : Software Development Life Cycle Waterfall Model Iterative and Incremental Model Spiral Model V-Model Big Bang Model Agile Model RAD Model Software PrototypingThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course !Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Pinterest Marketing Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to Pinterest Marketing. It is the best course for Pinterest. This course of Pinterest Marketing will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Points you can learn and get huge Explanation are : Pinterest Pinterest Marketing Terminology Social Media Pinterest Marketing Strategies Business branding Personal branding Features of Pinterest Pinterest Business Account To Increase Pinterest FollowersThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course !Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"Sich erfolgreich gegen ignorante Menschen durchsetzen." |
"Vielleicht kennst Du das. Da ist schon wieder so ein Typ, der Dir einfach drein redet. Ein Mensch, der offensichtlich weder Manieren kennt noch eine Ahnung hat, worber er gerade spricht. Und trotzdem: Bevor Du berhaupt bemerkst, wie es um Dich geschieht, ziehst Du den Krzeren und verlierst diese verbale Auseinandersetzung.Immer wieder gelingt es ignoranten Aggressoren und Machtmenschen uns ins Wort zu fallen. Obschon Du die klar besseren Argument vorfhrst, hast Du das Nachsehen gegenber diese Null-Argumentierer. Wie ist das nur mglich? Argumente sind wichtig. Sie geben Dir die ntige Glaubwrdigkeit. Doch Glaubwrdigkeit alleine reicht nicht aus, um sich durchzusetzen. Wer NUR auf Argumente setzt, verliert.Dieser Kurs analysiert und entschlsselt Dir anhand von prominenten Videoausschnitten, die Geheimnisse konfrontativer Kommunikation. Du erhltst das ntige Wissen, um das Handwerk dieser Leute zu durchschauen, sie zu neutralisieren und Dich gegen sie erfolgreich durchzusetzen."
Price: 99.99

"Excel VBA" |
"VBAExcel VBA1"
Price: 2400.00

"Como Alavancar seus Negcios por meio do Marketing Digital" |
"O presente curso ir lhe ensinar:Fundamentos do Marketing, Marketing Digital e Gatilhos MentaisValores de Vida PessoalSituao Atual da sua Plataforma Digital de NegciosSituao Desejada da sua Plataforma Digital de NegciosPlanejamento Estratgico de Marketing DigitalAs Palavras Chaves do seu Negcio, Produto, Servio ou IdeiaDesenvolvendo a sua Plataforma Digital de NegciosComo Gerar TrfegoA Importncia dos AnnciosViralizao: a diferena entre a Competio e a CooperaoSegmentao: qual sua cauda longa?Medindo Resultados e as Consideraes Finais"
Price: 129.99

"Le rsultat de 20 ans de timidit...Je n'ai jamais aim me montrer sur internetAu dbut je gagnais quelques centaines deuros par mois SANS ME MONTRER.Puis j'ai vu qu'il y avait un frein majeur tout a.Le problme? la vido est beaucoup trop puissante aujourd'hui84% du contenu sur internet se fera par vido en 2020.Sans vido vous vendrez MOINS voir PAS, c'est une certitude.Et je me suis rendu compte de quelque chose...On peut quand mme gagner normement d'argent SANS se montrer.(La timidit, un avantage??)Jai arrt les lancements sans vidos.J'ai commenc crer mes premires vidos.Et vous savez quoi ?Fiasco TOTAL.La rvlationLa vido vend plus que le texte, c'est indniable.Mais sans le bon message de vente, c'est INUTILE.Alors je me suis form.Comment donner envie d'acheter ?Comment dclencher la vente ?Comment transformer un inconnu en client ?Pour vous permettre de crer un business qui rapporte en automatique jai enregistr une formation qui vous montre tape par tape comment lancer votre offre.Je vais vous montrer comment je gnre + de 8.000 par lancement vido.Dans cette formation je vous donne accs tout: mon tunnel de vente, mes pages de vente.Vous pourrez tlcharger tous les emails que j'utilise sur votre ordinateur !En plus de tout cela, je vous donnerai les statistiques confidentielles de mes offres pour que vous puissez dupliquer le systme.Voici les 3 tapes de la mthode qu'il faudra rpliquer.Quoi vendre ? A quel prix ?Je vous montre comment crer un produit ou choisir un produit promouvoir en affiliation.Vous allez voir:Comment crer votre offre qui vendDe multiples modles de page de vente rutiliserLe systme qui me rapporte de l'argentComment faire connaitre votre offreMes astuces marketing pour vendre plus et vendre plus cherComment vendre un produit sans le crerPhase 1 : crer la vidoQuand on a commenc, on avait :Ni microNi camraNi logiciel de montageNi rien du tout en fait...Tu n'as besoin de RIEN de tout a.Si tu as internet et un smartphone, tout est possible.On te montrera mme comment dlguer ta vido pour moins de 20 si tu ne souhaites vraiment pas investir ton temps.On va tudier ensemble la psychologie de vente.Comment faire des ventes avec le script bamboo qui va permettre d'augment de manire impressionnante vos gains.Comment transformer un inconnu en un fan qui va acheter TOUS vos produits ?Comment crer une urgence (lgale) pour vendre rapidement.Phase 2 : rflchir au marketingSur 100 visiteurs, environ 12 achtent chez moi.Ca veut dire que 88% n'ont pas achets.On va mettre ensemble en place un systme de relance emails pour rcuprer plus de clients.Vous aurez accs l'intgralit de mes emails de ventes pour rcuprer des clients.Bonus : mon astuce optin chatbot pour augmenter drastiquement votre base client.Comment suivre la formation ?Ce systme est le rsultat de 2 ans de travailJ'ai quitt mon travail pour vivre d'internet (j'tais ingnieur).Aujourd'hui, je vous donne 2 ans de travail acharn sur un plateau.Vous n'avez plus qu' appliquer la mthode et vous aussi russir sur internet.Vous allez recevoir :La mthode complte (20 vidos, dure totale + 3 heures )Mes templates de page de venteLe script bamboo : ""un bamboo plie mais ne rompt pas "" => Votre script de vente sera infaillible aux yeux de votre clientMes emails de relanceL'accs au groupe privLe bonus : analyse de vidos sans visage qui vendent + de 100.000Je voulais vendre cette formation 397 euros.Mais ce ne serait pas judicieux.Notre but toujours t d'aider les entrepreneurs avec des offres accessibles.Le principe est trs simple:Vous allez recevoir immdiatement l'accs vendre sans visage ds que vous rejoindrez la formation."
Price: 99.99

"Paint a harbour scene in watercolours" |
"In this course I will demonstrate a watercolour painting of an early morning sunrise along the North Yorkshire coast line. This is Staithes, one of the little villages that cling to the sides of the cliffs along this coast. I will demonstrate a graduated wash through the sky, then build up the houses and walls bit by bit adding more detail as we go along. Finally I will add the reflections in the water. I have included a video discussing the materials I use in my watercolours. This course is a direct lesson taken from a demonstration for my art class students."
Price: 19.99
