"Cisco Exam 300-425 and 300-430 Prep : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for Cisco Exam 300-425 and 300-430 Prep : Practice Tests 2020Exam 300-425 ENWLSD :-This practice exam will help you prepare for the Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-425 ENWLSD) exam which leads to the new CCNP Enterprise and Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Wireless Design certifications.This exam tests your knowledge of wireless network design, including:Site surveysWired and wireless infrastructureMobilityWLAN high availabilityExam 300-430 ENWLSI :-This practice exam helps you prepare to take the 300-430 Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSI) exam, which is part of the new CCNP Enterprise certification and the Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Wireless Implementation certification.This practice exam tests your knowledge of wireless network implementation, including:FlexConnectQoSMulticastAdvanced location servicesSecurity for client connectivityMonitoringDevice hardeningThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco in any way.Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99

"Transform Destructive Conflict into Constructive Conflict" |
"Strange as it may sound, one of the main benefits of conflict is its ability to clarify needs and establish new opportunities and relationships. However, this is attainable only under one condition when we manage the conflict, not when it steers us in an unknown direction.For this to materialize we need to develop new habits that assist in keeping conflict situations and ourselves under control, namely reacting adequately and appropriately, maintaining our emotional balance, use of the right wording, and avoiding situations that lead to escalation. As well, you need to know how to influence other people when they are trying to shake your boat.My name is Naira Velumyan, and I have been exploring conflict strategies for over 22-years, as a Ph.D. in Psychology, Forbes coach and the owner of two businesses. My knowledge includes a strong theoretical basis and evidenced-based experience. During years of practice, Ive trained hundreds of people and addressed hundreds of family/business cases which resulted in creating the Advanced Conflict Management and the Genius of Communication courses.This lesson will equip you with the necessary techniques that address the constructive transformation of destructive conflicts.LESSON INCLUDES:4 Practical exercises7 Detailed mini-lectures2 Educational video clips17 Educational charts and picturesThe lesson is a part of the Advanced Conflict Management Course created for the Academy of Social Competency."
Price: 29.99

"Effective Self-Defence in Conflicts" |
"When two personalities with different systems of beliefs, expectations, and needs meet, conflict may manifest given that differences create misunderstanding. The consequence of these conflicts influences our psychological and physical well-being. While the winning party feels great and confident, the losing party is overwhelmed with negative emotions, frustration, self-blaming, etc.Psychological aikido is a wonderful technique that helps not only to avoid conflict but reverse your opponents aggression against themselves. This lesson will give you a full understanding of this technique situations where it can and cannot be used along with the algorithm of implementation. Once you know-how, the territory of conflict will not appear as unpredictable and fearful as it was before.My name is Naira Velumyan, and I have been exploring conflict strategies for over 22-years, as a Ph.D. in Psychology, Forbes coach, and the owner of two businesses. My knowledge includes a strong theoretical basis and evidenced-based experience. During years of practice, Ive trained hundreds of people and addressed hundreds of family/business cases which resulted in creating the Advance Conflict Management and the Genius of Communication courses.LESSON INCLUDES:6 Practical exercises5 Detailed mini-lectures4 Educational video clips10 Educational charts and picturesThe lesson is a part of the Advanced Conflict Management Course created for the Academy of Social Competency."
Price: 29.99

"Negcio de House Cleaning nos EUA: do Zero ao Sucesso" |
"Se voc quer comear um negcio de limpeza nos EUA, se precisa deixar de trabalhar como helper ou precisa aumentar sua cartela de clientes, eu te convido a conhecer este curso. Nele, eu vou te ensinar passo-a-passo como criar o seu modelo de negcios, definir uma estratgia de marketing e dar o ponta p inicial no seu negcio. Eu ainda vou te contar segredos e dicas que s quem ja trabalhou com limpeza sabe."
Price: 19.99

"FLUID MECHANICS 11.Pressure depth relationship2.Pressure depth graph plot3.Pascal's Law4.Archimedes's Principle5.Floating Objects6.Submerged Objects7.Pressure difference and buoyant force in accelerating fluidsFLUID MECHANICS 21.Flow characteristics2.Streamlines & Equation of continuity3.Bernoulli's theorem4.Application of Bernoulli's theoremFLUID MECHANICS 3Viscosity & Coeff. of ViscosityFlow-through narrow tube - Poiseullie's equationStroke's law- Terminal velocityCritical velocity-Reynold's numberSurface TensionSurface EnergyExcess pressure inside a drop and soap bubbleAngle of ContactRise of liquid in a capillary tube"
Price: 19.99

"Investimentos - Os segredos da mente para investir melhor" |
"Adquira dois cursos pelo investimento de um, porque aqui voc aprender noes de investimento em valor ao mesmo tempo em que aprende a psicologia por trs das finanas, maximizando o seu aproveitamento! Comear a investir fcil e barato hoje. A abertura de uma conta, remotamente, em uma corretora, j permite iniciar em alguns instantes. Mas, sem conhecer como nossa mente entende as finanas, seguro comear? Ser que modelos matemticos, vontade de vencer, sonhos e ""timing"" so suficientes?Para responder a essas perguntas, veja o que voc aprender neste curso:1. Ser que voc entende a diferena entre poupar e investir? E quando o assunto gastar, como voc equilibra o oramento?2. Tente explicar o Brasil. Como ele hoje para estudar, trabalhar, investir e se aposentar? Voc entender os motivos para os investimentos serem uma das melhores alternativas para se ter um futuro tranquilo.3. Direita, Esquerda, Centro ou nenhum deles? Ser que os vieses do pensamento econmico, a economia terica, cheias de modelos e grficos correspondem maneira prtica com que a nossa mente lida com as finanas?4. Atinja a to sonhada liberdade financeira! Ou seria autonomia? Ou seria tranquilidade? Entenda aonde a nossa mente nos permite chegar.5. Anlises e tcnicas para a mitigao de Riscos nos investimentos. (Troque a palavra ""Risco"" por ""Medo"", ser que faz mais sentido?)6. As Heursticas. Conhea essa palavra que pode tanto ser sua amiga como uma grande armadilha pregada pela sua mente para voc perder.7. As Quatro Escoras e os Quatro Pilares do pensamento econmico pragmtico.8. ""Meu sonho ..."" Ser que sonhar faz parte da sua relao com as finanas? Veja como avaliar e se precaver traando metas para objetivos reais.9. Diversificao, o caminho da paz. Veja exemplos de como e do porqu diversificar seus investimentos para ficar tranquilo.10. E, adicionalmente, voc aprender os fundamentos econmicos para escolher os seus investimentos com segurana!Aqui na Udemy voc tem diferenciais como acesso vitalcio ao material para aprender no seu tempo; acesso s atualizaes posteriores sem custo adicional; voc pode assistir nossos vdeos abertos antes, para ver se voc gosta; fazer questionamentos diretos ao instrutor e, se ainda assim voc comprar e no gostar, tem at 30 dias para solicitar seu investimento de volta."
Price: 19.99

"Mighty JavaScript (Advanced)" |
"Welcome to the Mighty JavaScript Journey.This course is designed to take you a step from being an intermediate JavaScript develop to being an effective JavaScript programmer who knows why's and how of what's happening behind the scenes.JavaScript is used by world's largest companies to accomplish all kind of task and I'm going to help you understand this language in a an easy way. This course is completely different than an other course on JavaScript, it incorporates details which might seem minute but has a lot running behind the scenes. We'll see why 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 is not equal to 0.3 by using absolute, relative tolerance technique. We'll go over the memory management of JavaScript and look at examples which is going to deepen your understanding. We'll go overOOP in great detail. I'm not here to teach you the basics of JavaScript or what coercion is all about there are ton's of great courses out there with those materials. In this course we'll cover the topics that most of the courses don't cover and exercise our brain with few algorithm implementations of our own. We'll cover small topics in great detail making you understand the in's and out's of why its happening and it's going to give you ""ah ah"" moments, and these ""ah ah"" moments is going to set you apart from other developers.The course is going to be short sweet you wont find me rambling a lot we'll get straight to the topic.We will cover a lot of topics in this course! Including:Memory Management such as garbage collection, reference counting algorithm, circular reference, memory leaks, mark and sweep algorithm.Boolean Short Circuit Evaluation,Numbers - This topic is going to cover your own implementation of getSizeOf method, your custom base algorithm , absolute & relative tolerance.OOP - We'll cover Prototype Chain, __proto_ and much more.What you don't know about closures!Looking forward to seeing you inside the course.* course image taken from Vecteezy"
Price: 19.99

"How to learn Docker quickly by doing !" |
"Have you always wanted to learn Docker but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you know already linux and then you want now to learn Docker ?Hello and welcome to the ""How to learn Docker like a pro ? : Containers and Images"" course. This fully updated course is one of the best way to master Docker and go straight to the point !But you no longer have to waste your time and money learning Docker from lengthy books, expensive online courses or complicated Docker tutorials.And therefore Complex concepts are broken down into simple steps to ensure that you can easily master Docker easily even if you have never used Docker before.*Carefully Chosen Docker Examples*Examples are carefully chosen to illustrate all concepts. In addition, the output for all examples are provided immediately so you do not have to wait till you have access to your computer to test the examples.*Careful selection of topics*Topics are carefully selected to give you a broad exposure to Docker, while not overwhelming you with information overload. These topics include creating and using containers, mount volumes, use Images and create them in a very simple way.How is this course different ?The best way to learn Docker is by doing. This course includes dozen of examples of all the concepts taught previously. Doing the same examples through the course will not only give you an immense sense of achievement, it'll also help you retain the knowledge and master the Docker environment.What you'll learn:- What is Docker?- What are the differences between virtualisation and containers?- What are containers?- How to use containers?- How to use the basic commands for containers?- What are images?- How to use the basic commands for images?What you won't learn in this course :- Kubernetes- Docker SwarmEach lecture in this course is crafted to help you gradually build your Docker skills, focusing on one or two concepts at a time and increasing in level of difficulty as we progress through the chapters.Ready to start practicing and building your Docker skills?"
Price: 29.99

Storytelling |
"In dem Kurs ""Storytelling - wie du mit deinen Geschichten berzeugst"" lernst du, wie wichtig Geschichten fr uns Menschen sind. Du lernst, wie du deine Botschaften anhand von Strukturen in einer Geschichte aufbauen kannst. Im Dritten Teil lernst du dann noch, wie du deine Geschichten wirkungsvoll prsentierst. Der Kurs ist fr alle gemacht, die regelmig kommunizieren, die ihre Softskills verbessern wollen oder sich einfach fr Geschichten interessieren."
Price: 19.99

"Amazon Advanced Keyword Research Publisher Program" |
"Are you an author, publisher or writer?Have you published a book before but have failed to see any sales or traction?What if I told you that 80-90% of most publisher's success heavily relies on finding and leveraging profitable keywords.There difference between success and failure lies within understanding keywords! - This truth alludes most authors, publishers and writers.Having the ""best selling book"" does not necessarily mean the book itself is great! Perhaps you have a book that's best selling potential, but lack the understanding of utilizing and leveraging profitable keywords.You have to understand Amazon is a ""search engine"" and therefore, search term phrases a.k.a ... keywords play an integral part of customer search and buying behavior. Understanding how to leverage keywords alongside with Amazon's algorithm will give you a huge edge over your competitors.Do you want to understand why 99% of self-publishers fail? Inside this course I will provide you the necessary insights, personal experiences and knowledge to developing the knack to help you identify profitable keywords and help you find massive success.I have been publishing for years now. I personally generate over thousands of dollars passively every single month from my books because of the strategies and methods I use, which I will reveal to you inside this course.What You'll Learn...Keyword fundamentalsIdentifying profitable keywordsMy keyword criteria Discovering markets where there is low competitionthe truth about fiction Vs non-fiction How to make more money outside of Amazon - diversifying And, much, much more!There are so many ""publishing gurus"" claiming they have the secret formula, however, most of them just give you half-truths and leave you in the dark guessing. I reveal all the insider secrets inside this course.Therefore, if you're tired of not making sales and want to find success with self-publishing I highly recommend you join this program and gain deeper level insights to the world of self-publishing.This entire course is dedicated to understanding keyword profitability and how to leverage them on Amazon. At the end of the course you'll have grasped deeper level insights and have a better understanding on self-publishing and how to pivot in the right direction.This will be an eye-opener for many as this information is withheld by most ""publishing gurus"". - This is information they don't want you to know! Once you have the proper understanding of keywords and how to leverage Amazon's search engine, you will have the knowledge to survive in this ever changing terrain of self-publishing that is continuously evolving.Hence, invest in your knowledge. The greatest investment is an investment in yourself!Buy Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Edicin de fotografa en Smartphone" |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo relacionado a la edicin fotogrfica, antes pasaremos por la composicin as como los colores y su significado en la fotografa, posterior a eso entraremos a la App de fotos de iPhone para conocer los principios bsicos de edicin para as dedicarse al objetivo principal del curso, Adobe Lightroom y Adobe Photoshop, aplicaciones profesionales que nos permiten realizar cambios extraordinarios en nuestras fotografas."
Price: 495.00

"Corso di Investimento e Risparmio completo" |
"DescrizioneIn questo corso, ci siamo voluti rivolgere ad una persona che preferibilmente abbia gi un'infarinatura di base dei prodotti finanziari e/o conosca in parte la terminologia utilizzata. Se tu infatti conosci la terminologia e leggi il termine ""azione"" sai che una cosa diversa da un ""obbligazione"" , anche se entrambi sono emesse dalle aziende. Se non lo sai, poco male, ti consiglio comunque di seguire il corso base di Investimento e Risparmio dedicato alla famiglia presente anche su Udemy. anche se il corso organizzato in modo tale che riprendo gli argomenti diverse volte proprio per venir incontro anche ai neofiti della finanza.Sono convinto che questo sia il percorso migliore per chi vuole fare l'investimento pi giusto ed adeguato per salvaguardare il proprio benessere finanziario ed anche psicofisico.""Ogni giorno c' chi trova una nuova ricetta per battere i mercati: investitori professionali e piccoli investitori continuano a credere di poter fare meglio dei mercati. Ti dimostrer che semplicemente impossibile e ti indicher la strada pi sicura per amministrare con successo i tuoi risparmi"". Un corso per chi interessato a capire davvero come funziona la borsa, ripercorrendo la storia delle pi incredibili ondate speculative degli ultimi quattro secoli e comprendere l'utilizzo di strumenti apparentemente arcani ed oscuri. Una guida su come bilanciare il proprio portafoglio in funzione della propria et e della propria propensione al rischio. Una visione delle pi attuali dottrine economiche che aiuta a comprendere e prevenire di conseguenza gli errori commessi da investitori professionisti e non.Usando un linguaggio di assoluta semplicit e una grande dose di umorismo, Gianluca Grillo aiuta gli studenti a comprendere come la miglior strategia d'investimento consiste nell'acquistare e tenere a lungo i fondi indicizzati (ETF) sui principali mercati mondiali, ed eventualmente riservando la passione per andare a caccia del ""prossimo Google"" con quote minime dei propri investimenti.Tutto ci seguendo una semplice regola: ""meno si rischia pi si guadagna"", e dimostrando che con un ragionevole impegno anche il singolo investitore a volte pu far meglio dei professionisti."
Price: 199.99

"WordPress Fundamentals 2020" |
"welcome to Wordpress fundamentals, in this course im going to teach you everything that you need to know about Wordpress and website creation.This is a step by step guide from my humble personal experience. I've been developing Wordpress websites for my clients for 1 year and a half now, its been an amazing journey for me and I'm happy to share it with you.So basically this is a course for those of you who are interested in learning how to create websites, stores, blogs and dont have the knowledge in web development ( Html, Css, Js). You dont have to worry about that because as i mentioned before Wordpress is making everything easy for you. Of course if you have some basics of coding that would help you speed up the process.What exactly am I going to learn?What is WordPress?WordPress_org vs WordPress_comWhat To Know Before Using WordpressHow to use WordPress_orgHow to use WordPress_comWordPress Dashboard OverviewGutenberg WordPress EditorCreating and Customizing Your Wordpress website.Why is this class different From Other Class's?this is different because i'm going to teach you in a way that i've been using for the last year, this is how i learned Wordpress and i think you will learn it too because it's so simple and easy."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de R para Modelos Bsicos de Machine Learning" |
"Te gustara aprender cmo hacer modelos de regresin, clasificacin y clustering R y RStudio?En este curso veremos las ideas principales detrs de estos modelos y las problemticas de Machine Learning que resuelve. Trabajaremos con distintos conjuntos de datos precargados en R que nos ayudaran a realizar un anlisis completo utilizando el Ciclo de Vida de los modelos. Este ciclo consta de fases como identificar, explorar, implementar, interpretar y validar un modelo para garantizar que estamos haciendo las cosas bien.En este curso aprenders a:Identificar problemas de machine learning y plantear una solucinPredecir valores numricos utilizando la regresin lineal Clasificar datos con etiquetas implementando rboles de decisinAgrupar datos por categoras usando tnicas de clustering (k-means)Sobre el instructorMi nombre es Rafa y trabajo como cientfico de datos en Madrid. He utilizado modelos estadsticos y machine learning a lo largo de mi carrera. Por ejemplo, cuando terminaba mi tesis de Licenciatura apliqu la Prediccin sobre datos de galaxias. Otro caso, en mi primer trabajo en la Ciudad de Mxico, colabor con un equipo para desarrollar un mecanismo de Clasificacin para el anlisis de sentimiento en tweets de candidatos polticos. Con estas experiencias, espero poder ayudarte a despejar todas las dudas que tengas para tu desarrollo acadmico y profesional.GarantaEste curso cuenta con una garanta de satisfaccin de 30 das. Por lo que si no ests contento con el curso puedes pedir un reembolso de tu dinero. No se hacen preguntas.Espero verte pronto en el cursoRafa"
Price: 29.99

"Como Construir sua Grfica em Casa" |
"Est pensando em abrir uma grfica rpida, mas no sabe por onde comear?Uma grfica conhecida por ser uma loja, que presta servios de impresso e diversos tipos de materiais, seja em papis ou plsticos, as impressoras tem a funo de transferir tintas nesses materiais para confeccionar banners, flyers, cartes de visita, panfletos e afins por meio de impresses offset, digital e outras. As grficas so muito procuradas por micros, pequenos ou at grandes empreendedores, que querem divulgar sua marca ou empresa e utiliza-se da confeco de materiais personalizados para fazer sua propaganda.Mas voc acha que vai gastar com equipamentos caros e enormes? Se engana, com um computador com acesso a internet e pequeno conhecimento no Photoshop, voc j pode comear a sua produo.Neste curso voc ir aprender, como captar clientes, como precificar seu produto, quais programas usar e como buscar parcerias para produo dos materiais impressos.Trabalhe no conforto da sua casa e transforme essa renda na renda principal.S depende de voc."
Price: 99.99

"Krav Maga For Women" |
"In the next lessons, you will learn the basics yet most effective strikes, you need to know to survive, and fight off any attacker. The strikes, are based on gross motor skills, no fancy moves or complex technics, just straight up survival. Through each lesson, you will learn how to strike effectively, with power and attack all the primary targets."
Price: 24.99

"Intermittent Fasting" |
"Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular eating plans but is it safe for most people? Skipping meals may not be the most prudent way to develop and manage a healthy weight and lifestyle. Is it another passing fad or is it here to stay for the long haul as an effective plan for healthy living? What does the science say?"
Price: 24.99

"Crie Apresentaes Profissionais no PowerPoint" |
"Por que fazer um curso de POWERPOINT se eu posso baixar modelos prontos na internet e utilizar nas minhas apresentaes? Primeiro que QUALQUER UM V que voc est usando modelos prontos. Depois, exatamente na hora que voc tem a oportunidade de mostrar que um profissional DIFERENTE mostra que faz como quase todos fazem? optam por preparar suas apresentaes em modelos baixados da internet?No curso voc ter acesso a DIVERSAS FERRAMENTAS que, se for procurar em tutoriais, ficar horas fazendo isso. Alm do mais, vou te dar ferramentas para apresentao que voc no vai encontrar em lugar nenhum, so tcnicas que desenvolvi ao longo de anos utilizando o PowerPoint.Neste curso voc vai aprender de forma OBJETIVA as ferramentas necessrias para preparar uma apresentao PROFISSIONAL e que sabero que foi feito por VOC, e se dedicou, investiu horas para aprender. Mais do que isso, saber criar apresentaes que vo FACILITAR o entendimento da sua mensagem; sua apresentao ser sua maior aliada para vender a SUA IDEIA. Voc NO vai precisar aprender CorelDraw ou Photoshop para preparar uma apresentao que se destaque, aprender TUDO NO POWERPOINT.Uma apresentao bem feita passa uma IMAGEM POSITIVA sobre voc e pode ser a pea chave para uma PROMOO NO TRABALHO, uma boa AVALIAO ACADMICA ou o FECHAMENTO DE UM CONTRATO.Voc sabia que uma APRESENTAO PROFISSIONAL pode...Aumentar suas chances de ser PROMOVIDO na empresa que voc trabalha;Fazer voc se DESTACAR no seu ambiente de trabalho como um bom comunicador;Dar-te mais argumentos na hora de pedir um aumento!Se voc professor, pode elevar bastante a COMPREENSO DOS CONTEDOS que voc expe;Para palestrantes pode passar a CREDIBILIDADE necessria para cativar uma plateia;ELEVAR O NVEL das suas apresentaes acadmicas;Gerar credibilidade para que seu CLIENTE tome uma deciso positiva de compra.Voc ter acesso, num nico arquivo (pdf), a todo material com o resumo das atividades realizadas nas aulas e no vai precisar perder tempo acessando vrias aulas para baixar e organizar seu material de estudo. Ento no perca mais tempo! Faa sua inscrio agora e vamos juntos nessa caminhada!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn & Master Python to Create & Invent Exciting Software" |
"No matter whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or an expert, this course is for you, because of this unique approach: My Zen of Teaching (my motto):VisualsSimplicityFirst PrinciplesFeedbackPracticeInteractivenessApplications What I mean by that:Visuals: Unlike other courses on Udemy, this course is full of great visuals, stunning images, pics, and animations, that help you better connect with the material and understand it more intuitively... Simplicity: Unlike other courses on Udemy, this course doesn't just say that it's from scratch and then throws tons of complex terms and definitions, saying that it's obvious... Instead, we really start from the very beginning, and using only everyday English and analogies, we break everything down to intuitive components, aiming for intuition and mastery. Each tech term is explained and further mastered. Your learner (user) experience should be really pleasant and smooth due to the very gradual rise in difficulty.First Principles: Unlike other instructors on Udemy, I don't just teach you facts, I teach you how to think like a programmer, how to think like a computer scientist, how to think like an inventor... Together we ask important, fundamental questions that shape our deep understanding. Even though we start from scratch, the level of knowledge and skills you're gonna end up with is gonna be Cutting-Edge (i.e. enough to work for Top Tech Companies or even invent your own thing and have a start-up)Feedback: Unlike other instructors on Udemy, I really care about you learning the subject in the most efficient and productive way, (I do coz I myself come across this problem all the time) I really care about what sort of knowledge you're gonna have at the end of the course. Ideally, you should learn it very fast and remember it forever. And that's why I'm gonna provide you with:- Quizzes after each video, so you can get immediate feedback, (i.e. see what you don't understand and fill in the gaps) - Spaced Repetition System that will allow you to remember things forever. Practice: Unlike other courses on Udemy, this course focuses on Mastery, instead of getting superficial knowledge and skills that you're gonna forget tomorrow. I want you to overlearn the most important and commonly-used concepts, ideas, and skills. Overlearning via constant repetition and applying it in different places, constantly referencing it, makes you learn this thing in a way that you'll never forget it. There will be tons of coding exercises, assignments, quizzes for that.Interactiveness: Unlike other courses on Udemy, this course is not gonna be boring, monotone, academia-like experience. Instead, I'm gonna try to make it entertaining and engaging, with some suitable jokes, pop-culture references, memes, etc. I'm gonna try to make it personal, like a conversation, instead of a typical, academic, authoritative, one-way, lecture style.Applications: Unlike other courses on Udemy, this course doesn't only provide you with learning material, we're actually going to build things, real things, working things. We're gonna have tons of different projects in cool domains, to get a ton of real-world experience. We'll work on exciting real-world applications of Python, that you can later use for your portfolio.Currently, the course is at the early stage of development, which means that most of the content is not available yet. But I'm working full time to update the course and to bring more and more functionality and content every day.The following topics are available now:A complete breakdown of Python definition: - Programming languages, different types - General-purpose languages vs Domain-specific languages - High-level vs Low-level programming languages - Programming Paradigms: - Procedural - Object-oriented - Functional - Logical There is much more coming soon!"
Price: 19.99

nourzazanutrition |
Price: 124.99

"A'dan Z'ye Siber Gvenlik Part-1 Hack" |
"Bu kutsta tm online tehditleri alt etmek iin pratik bir beceri seti reneceksiniz. Ve bunlarn yan sra windows linux ve mac gibi farkl platformlar da anlayacak ve bu online tehditlere kar ne gibi durumda olduklarn anlayacaksnz.Siber gvenlik uzman olmak iin kariyerinize balang yapabileceksiniz.Siber sulularn dnce yapsn tanyacak ve saldr mekanizmalarn ve aralarn tanyacaksnz. Kursu bitirdikten sonra kendi tehdit modelinizi oluturabilecek ve risk deerlendirmesi yaparak gerekli grdnz gvenlik kontrollerini seebilecek ve uygulayabileceksiniz.Bu kurs siber gvenlik kurslarnn ilk kursu olup serinin devam yapm aamasndadr. Siber gvenlik serisi sonrasnda hemen hemen internette bir siber gvenlik uzman olarak bilmeniz gereken hereyi biliyor olacaksnz."
Price: 19.99

"Primavera P6 Oracle Primavera P6 Essentials Master Class" |
"Learn and Start with Oracle Primavera P6 Essentials Training:-High-quality training by the professional trainer-Practice along using demos/exercise filesThis Oracle Primavera P6 course will help get you up and running quickly with your project schedules. Think of this course, as a Primavera P6 project scheduling fundamental and essentials crash course for your project.Oracle Primavera P6 is one of the most robust and widely used Project Management, Scheduling, Planning and Control tool around the globe. Primavera P6 is a great project management software for managing and controlling projects, activities, issues and resources etc.Oracle Primavera P6 allows you to manage, portfolios, programs, projects, plan and schedule project tasks, control and coordinate activities, resources, communicate and manages risks and issues, project budgets and expenses, work on project documents and at the same time, make project decisions, solve projects problems, reports, and manage your projects etc ...The course covers the followings:Admin preferences in PrimaveraDefining user preferencesEnterprise Project Structure (EPS)Project creation in PrimaveraSetting project calendarsWork Break Down Structure (WBS)Addition of activitiesMilestone activities in Primavera P6Activity relationshipConstraintsAssignment of resources (labor, non-labor, material)Cost assignment to the project activitiesProject baselinesImporting and exporting of project schedule in different file formats i.e. MS Excel, MS project etc.Setup and printing of the project layouts, reportsBeneficial for:The project management professionals, managers, business students, project planners, project coordinators who want to learn or refresh their knowledge of the Oracle Primavera P6 software, working across different industries or services sectors such as IT, Telecommunications, Engineering, Procurement and Construction, Oil and Gas etc. Ideal for those, who are looking for learning essentials of the Oracle Primavera P6 software, and want to understand and grab the topics that are important for building their project schedules, quickly."
Price: 199.99

"UDEMY: Make Money Online. Unofficial" |
"Are you ready to create another source of income?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Start Selling On Udemy In 2 Hours.50 million students.Thats the recent amount of people enrolled on Udemy to take online courses.College students, businessmen and everyday people come to Udemy every single day to learn and improve their skills in various fields.And heres the good news...Trainers Are In High DemandUdemy is a marketplace filled with people who LOVE to learn.Buyers are waiting for you to sell them something. They are eager to learn new skills and expand their knowledge. Thats why they are afterall!But what can you train them on?Anything and I mean it.If you can think of it, then theres a niche for it. Someone will be eager to learn from you.From gardening to business...From yoga to simple life hacks and tricksTeach them what you know and youll get paid for that.No Marketing Needed.The beauty of this platform is that there are already millions of people searching for courses everyday.The traffic is there already. You do not have to market your online courses heavily.You do not have to buy traffic or even set up a website because...Udemy provides you all the tools you need to get your training up and running in just a few clicks.It sometimes even promote your online courses to their targeted buyers list.Isnt that awesome?So lets take a deeper look at...Why You Need To Get Started Now:User Friendly. No website needed. Everything is provided to you to get your course up and selling in no time.Build Up Your Brand. Just by listing your product on Udemy gives you instant celebrity status and credibility in your niche.Promotion Assistance. Udemy continuously promote its vendors through various marketing channels.Passive Income Potential. You can keep making sales over and over again as its a high traffic marketplace.Community Support. You will not be lonely. Meet other vendors and share your experiences and knowledge to grow your business further.And the list goes on and on.Udemy can help you build another stream of income in a very short amount of time and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.IntroducingStart Selling OnUdemy In 2 HoursHow To Create Passive Income With UdemyTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to start selling on Udemy in hours and build another source of income in days from now.I reveal my best tips for using this amazing platform. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guess work.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:Learn how to get started with Udemy and discover how it's going to help your business overall.How to correctly set up your Udemy Account within just a few minutes.How to select the right topic of your online course.Learn the easiest way to create and deliver your online course on Udemy.Learn the fastest way to create your course outlines, checklist and text content.How to use case studies in your content for maximum credibility.Harness the power of Udemy's online community and get help from other people when you need.How to effectively use free coupons and other promotional strategies.How to build up your business brand and maximize your revenue.Protecting your content and understand the rules to follow.Learn how to use advanced stratgies to best use Udemy.Learn how to use Udemy's course promotion feature to make more sales.Learn how to get reviews from your customers quickly.How to gather and record results from your students for social proof.How to harness the power of Udemy Affiliates.How to use the forum to your advantage.Discover to share documents quickly and easily.Learn how to integrate Twitter and Facebook to Udemy.IMPORTANTPlease make sure that you consult and apply the current updated Udemy policies and guidelines as they can be subject to change. Utilize the Udemy Instructor resources to keep updated."
Price: 19.99

"Desserts of the world" |
"A dessert is basically the sweet course that completes a meal which leaves you mouth watering even after you have your belly full.Don't Miss out on our chef with Traditional Indian as well as International, with over 30 delightful dessert recipes. We all know that that desserts can win hearts of every one kids and adults so why not learn to make it. Home made is a bonus for you!So why wait? Learn to make here and experience the burst of flavors on your Tables!!!Note- The video contains subtitles in English with basic info in Hindi."
Price: 1280.00

ultimate-portrait-drawing-arabic |
"- . . . . . . / . / . ."
Price: 19.99

"Structural Masonry with ETABS - Module 4" |
"Prepare a real project of housing with Structural Masonry Walls, using the most powerful tool on the market in structural calculation Software ETABS 17.0.1Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulations for Design and Construction of Buildings in Structural Masonry R-027. and the latter will be compared with the ACI318-14 recommendations regarding the design of shear walls.Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulation for Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures R-001.Detailing of a Structural Masonry Wall.Incorporation to the Model of the Design of Foundations of running footings, using Interaction-Soil-Structures. In addition, there will be a Real Land Study of the AreaSpecific goal:Structural Masonry with ETABS 17.0.1-Module P4Center of Stiffness Correction, Wall Capacity Demand, Static Vs Dynamic Cut, Drift Calculation, Floor Slab Mesh, Dead Load Adjustment.This module includes:IntroductionLecture 1: IntroductionLecture 2: P2 Stiffness Center CorrectionLecture 3: P3 Stiffness Center CorrectionLecture 4: P4 Stiffness Center CorrectionLecture 5: Walls capacity demandLecture 6: Static Vs Dynamic CutLecture 7: Drift CalculationLecture 8: Slab Mesh FloorLecture 9: Dead Load AdjustmentThe AulaGeo team worked hard on this course. It was developed in Spanish by Orozco, voiced by Gabriella for English speaking students."
Price: 59.99

"Structural Masonry with ETABS - Module 5" |
"Prepare a real project of housing with Structural Masonry Walls, using the most powerful tool on the market in structural calculation Software ETABS 17.0.1Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulations for Design and Construction of Buildings in Structural Masonry R-027. and the latter will be compared with the ACI318-14 recommendations regarding the design of shear walls.Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulation for Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures R-001.This module includes:Lecture 1: IntroductionLecture 2: Diaphragm and Participatory Mass CorrectionLecture 3: Foundations DrawingLecture 4 and 5: Wall MeshLecture 6: Foundation MeshingLecture 7: Soil Allocation FoundationsLecture 8 and 9: Ceiling MeshThe AulaGeo team worked hard on this course. It was developed in Spanish by Orozco, voiced by Gabriella for English speaking students."
Price: 59.99

"Gramtica Espanhola - do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Todas as vdeo-aulas tm facilidades para assistir e realizar os exerccios. Solicito que tenham em mos material escrevente para, no final, verificar o seu aprendizado.Este curso possui:a) Gramtica Espanhola A1/A2b) Gramtica Espanhola B1/B2Eu tive grandes dificuldades no aprendizado do idioma. Mas observei que, para o ensino de idiomas, devemos fazer como criana e a imerso extremamente importante.Por isso que eu trabalho muito a capacidade auditiva. Para falar bem, voc precisa ouvir bem. E para escrever bem, voc precisa ler bem. Assim fiz o Curso neste formato.Eu desejo todo o SUCESSO nesta nova caminhada."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende excel desde cero - Curso bsico" |
"En este curso aprenders cmo utilizar Excel desde cero.Al final del curso sers capaz de navegar en una hoja de excel. Reconocers las funciones ms importantes de excel y podrs crear tablas de calidad, dar formato y utilizar frmulas y funciones que te faciliten tus procesos. Aprenders a mejorar el aspecto de tus tablas para visualizar datos de forma mas fcil y eficiente. "
Price: 19.99

"Design Instrucional na Prtica" |
"Voc conhece ao j ouviu falar de Design Instrucional? Ento, resumindo o design instrucional uma tcnica para planejar cursos ou treinamentos. O profissional que atua nesta rea conhecido como Designer Instrucional. Neste curso, alm de serem abordados os conceitos de design instrucional, voc ter a oportunidade de conhecer ferramentas e metodologias para tornar a sua matriz de DI mais atraente. O objetivo principal aqui ensinar a criar experincias de aprendizagem incrveis.Por que este tema importante?Para criar um curso ou treinamento importante levar em considerao o pblico-alvo, ou seja os alunos. E atravs do conhecimento acerca do pblico-alvo e de seus interesses que um curso desenhado ou projetado. O design instrucional tem como premissa a criao de cursos que sejam verdadeiras experincias de aprendizagem. E quando um curso bem projetado, com certeza o seu nvel de reteno maior.E o mercado de trabalho?Um Designer Instrucional ganha em mdia R$ 3.400,73 no mercado de trabalho brasileiro para uma jornada de trabalho de 41 horas semanais de acordo com pesquisa da empresa Salario (acesso em 04/2020) junto a dados oficiais do CAGED no perodo de 05/2019 at 12/2019 com um total de 569 salrios.A faixa salarial do Designer Instrucional CBO 2394-35 fica entre R$ 3.103,81 (mdia do piso salarial 2020 de acordos, convenes coletivas e dissdios), R$ 2.893,50 (salrio mediana da pesquisa) e o teto salarial de R$ 8.027,19, levando em conta profissionais com carteira assinada em regime CLT de todo o Brasil.Esse curso prtico?Sim. Neste curso voc aprender, da teoria prtica como um curso ou treinamento pode ser projetado atravs das tcnicas do design instrucional, ferramentas e metodologias. Vamos trabalhar com a metodologia de aprendizagem baseada em projetos. Portanto ao final do curso voc ter o seu curso totalmente projetado e implementado para lan-lo em uma plataforma de marketing e venda de cursos.Portanto, voc aprender:O que o design instrucionalO modelo ADDIE e como coloc-lo em prticaCriar experincias de aprendizagem incrveisAplicar abordagens pedaggicas na criao de cursosComo criar uma matriz de DIDesenvolver rotas de aprendizagem envolventesFerramentas de autoria de contedoComo criar um storyboard atravs das tcnicas de storytellingComo gamificar um cursoDesign de AvaliaoTcnicas de Learning AnalyticsLanamento de um curso ou treinamento: plataformas e marketing"
Price: 99.99

"Crie aplicativos multiplataforma com Flutter" |
"Ol sejam todos muito bem vindos ao curso Crie aplicativos multiplataforma com Flutter, com esse curso voc ir aprender a desenvolver seus prprios aplicativos do ZERO, aps concluir esse curso voc ser capaz de construir aplicativos para serem disponibilizados nas principais lojas de aplicativos Play Store e Apple Store, sem precisar de nenhum conhecimento em Android/Java ou IOS/ Swift para construir aplicativos nativos. Flutter um SDK que oferece um conjunto de ferramentas para compilar Dart em cdigo nativo, e ainda oferece um conjunto de Widgets pr compilados e pr estilizados para serem utilizados durante os desenvolvimentos, com isso temos um ganho enorme em performance de desenvolvimento.A proposta desse curso entregar o mximo de conhecimento de forma concisa, sem perder horas repetindo contedo ou com materiais que no agreguem VALOR, meu objetivo que aps concluir este curso voc passe a ser capaz de desenvolver qualquer aplicativo sozinho, no iremos ficar copiando aplicativos existentes no mercado, aqui voc ir aprender todos os conceitos e os caminhos para enfrentar qualquer desafio quando for criar seus prprios apps.A popularidade de Flutter aumenta a cada dia e j temos grandes empresas alm do Google utilizando essa tecnologia em produo, a tendncia o surgimento de inmeras oportunidades para se trabalhar com essa tecnologia nos prximos anos. Com esse curso voc ir aprender o que Flutter e como ele funciona, a linguagem utilizada Dart, mas no se preocupe caso voc no a conhea ou no tenha experincia com outras linguagens de programao, teremos uma seo somente para abordar os principais conceitos de Dart que serviro de base para o desenvolvimento do curso.Alguns dos conhecimentos que voc ir adquirir:Configurar um ambiente de desenvolvimento para Windows, Linux e MacIntroduo ao Flutter e os principais conceitos da linguagem DartComo utilizar o depurador para encontrar e solucionar problemasComo realizar o deploy em dispositivos fsicosComo construir belas interfaces e personalizar tudo conforme sua necessidadeComo adicionar animaesQuais as formas de realizar navegao entre pginasComo gerenciar o estado em WidgetsComo comunicar com APIsComo gerenciar cadastro/loginComo salvar dados em um banco de dados local SQliteComo trabalhar com ProvidersComo utilizar recursos nativos (Cmera, Localizao, BD)Como compilar o projeto para ser enviado para cada lojaE muito mais!Conte comigo durante sua jornada de aprendizado, estou aqui para ajud-lo com qualquer dvida ou dificuldade que possa surgir durante seu aprendizado, abaixo alguns comentrios de alunos que j concluram algum de meus cursos:""O curso tem bastante informao. Mesmo quem j trabalha com API REST vai aproveitar o curso. O professor muito didtico e o curso organizado. O professor responde suas perguntas bem rpido. Recomendo muito."" - Thiago Gomes de Oliveira""Didtica excelente e aulas bem elaboradas. Direto ao ponto."" - Osmar de Oliveira Martins Filho""Tive uma dificuldade durante o andamento do curso (falha minha), mandei uma mensagem para o professor e ele respondeu rapidamente e acertivamente apontou onde estava o erro. Professor dedicado a ajudar os alunos do curso, parabns."" - Cleverton Decker"
Price: 199.99
