"Curso de Testes para Ruby on Rails com RSpec" |
"Aprenda a desenvolver testes automatizados usando o Rspec atravs de aulas rpidas e exerccios prticos neste curso gratuito da escola de programao OneBitCode. O que so testes e porque eles so importantes O que o Rspec e como utiliz-lo Como integrar o Rspec com o Ruby On Rails Como testar Models Como testar Controllers Como testar APIs"
Price: 39.99

"Day Trade: Estratgia Operacional para Mini ndice" |
"Nesse curso vou te ensinar de forma objetiva a estratgia operacional que utilizo para operar contratos futuros de mini ndice, passo a passo, para que voc possa ter conhecimento tcnico suficiente para encontrar os melhores pontos de entrada, alvos e stops, gerenciamento adequado de lotes e posio, com intuito de reduzir seu risco e aumentar sua lucratividade."
Price: 99.99

"Boolean Search For Recruiters & Search Professionals" |
"This is not Sourcing Course this course is for learning Boolean Search, Logic and Operators. This course is for someone who is a beginner or a junior recruiter who can learn fast and improve his and her boolean search strategy for jobs. Boolean Search strings are widely use by Human resources executives, managers and recruitment professionals to search candidates online, on LinkedIn or on Job boards like Monster, Dice, Tech Fetch, CareerBuilder, Indeed and etc. This course will help those aspirants know boolean searches, operators, modifiers and use cases using various examples and explanations. Note: You will need to be patient and attentive so that while the course is on you can view whats going on the screen and what I am speaking. and I am sure you will gain good knowledge about creating boolean search for your jobs for searching resumes."
Price: 19.99

"Drohnen Starter-Kurs" |
"Du hast eine Drohne geschenkt bekommen oder gekauft und mchtest sicher und legal fliegen ? Du mchtest Dir die Grundfertigkeiten zum Drohnenflug aneignen und die wichtigsten Regeln und Gesetze kennen ?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige, denn nicht selten enden die ersten Flge ohne die ntige Vorbereitung mit einem unangenehmen Absturz, einer teuren Reparatur, einem Bugeld, wenn in Flugverbotszonen geflogen wird, oder schlimmstenfalls mit einem vermeidbaren schmerzhaften Personenschaden.Dieser Kurs bringt Dir in nur 1 Stunde alles Notwendige bei, dass Du mit Deiner Drohne sicher loslegen kannst. Didaktisch aufgearbeitet und von echten Sportpiloten und Drohnen-Enthusiasten erstellt. Der Kurs umfasst die drei wichtigsten Kerngebiete des Drohnenflugs:Drohnen kennen: Du weit, was Deine Drohne kann und was sie von anderen Drohnen unterscheidet. Begriffe wie ""UAV"", ""TOW"" oder ""Geofencing"" sind bald keine Unbekannten mehr fr DichDrohnen sicher steuern: Handbuch lesen ist das eine, aber begreifen, wie Fluggerte - egal ob Drohne oder ein echtes Flugzeug - in der Luft bewegt werden ist essentiell, damit Du Deine Drohne spter sicher und zielgerichtet steuern kannst. Wir zeigen Dir, wie Du sicher startest und landest, stellen Dir erprobte Checklisten an die Hand und vertiefen das mit passenden und einfachen Flugbungen, die Du mit Deiner Drohne nachfliegen kannst. Auerdem wirst Du die unterschiedlichen Fluguntersttzungsfunktionen Deiner Drohne kennen und einsetzen lernen - oder weit Du etwa, was ein fehlender Reset des Geofence so fr rger bereiten kann?Drohnen legal fliegen: Der Aufstieg von Drohnen in Deutschland ist an vielen Stellen untersagt und es gibt eine Menge Regeln zu beachten - einfach drauf losfliegen kann im Falle des Falles teuer und unangenehm werden - Bugelder bis 50.000 EUR drohen. Du wirst Luftrume und Flugverbotszonen kennen und bewerten knnen, ob, wo und wann Du fliegen darfst. Ein Abschluss-Test zeigt Dir, was Du im Thema Luftrecht vielleicht nochmal wiederholen solltest.Hinweis: Die ursprnglich fr Mitte 2020 geplante Umsetzung der EU-Drohnenverordnung ist vom Bundesministerium fr Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI) verschoben - es gelten daher nach wie vor die Regeln der Deutschen Drohnenverordnung aus 2017. Dieser Kurs gibt Dir daher die heute geltenden Regeln wieder. Ein Update, sobald die Umsetzung der EU-Regeln stehen, werden wir zeitnah bereitstellen. Die Einfhrung wird fr 2021 erwartet."
Price: 34.99

remove-the-bias |
Price: 24000.00

"JN0-130 Juniper Networks Certified Specialist E-Series Exam" |
"103 UNIQUE practice questions for JN0-130 Juniper Networks Certified Specialist E-Series ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JN0-130 Juniper Networks Certified Specialist E-Series ExamTotal Questions : 103Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (77 of 103)"
Price: 144.99

"Aprende Hacer Copy Trading Como un Profesional" |
"Hacemos que el trading sea accesible!El copy trading es una solucin poderosa que automatiza el trading para operadores que desean tener acceso al vibrante mundo del trading pero nunca tuvieron el tiempo para hacerlo antes.Independientemente de la confianza en s mismo(a) que alguien tenga respecto al trading, pueden convertirse en seguidores, copiar una estrategia y comenzar a aprender.Adems, cualquiera que decida convertirse en seguidor puede invertir fondos en copy trading, teniendo control total sobre su propia cuenta, y podr depositar y retirar, as como cerrar operaciones, segn lo desee, y mucho ms.aprende los secretos para hacer copytrading de una manera correcta y empezar por fin a obtener ganancias en los mercados financieros"
Price: 19.99

"Fsica para quem detesta Fsica" |
"Aulas presenciais no fazem mais sentido! Estamos no sculo XXI! Para que trocar de roupa, pegar nibus no frio ou chuva apenas para assistir uma aula se voc pode assistir um curso com qualidade sentado na sua cama, de pijama e tomando um copo de caf? Esse curso aborda todo o contedo de Fsica. Voc pode assistir as aulas quantas vezes quiser, onde quiser e ainda pode tirar dvidas comigo. Uma monitoria para voc!Alm disso nesse curso voc ter exerccios e simulados com resoluo em vdeo! Dessa forma voc entender como resolver exerccios de Fsica. Afinal, no adianta apenas estudar a teoria e no praticar.Espero que voc tenha vontade de estudar comigo. Meu objetivo como professor fazer com que muitos alunos tenham acesso ao conhecimento.Obrigado!"
Price: 39.99

"Kennzahlen im Controlling" |
"AllgemeinWenn ein Kennzahlen-Cockpit im Controlling erstellt werden soll, stellt sich oft die Frage, welche KPIs hier zwingend mit aufgenommen werden sollen.Kein Manager mchte ein Dashboard auf einem DIN/A3 Blatt mit Schriftgre 7 haben.Jedoch werden in den Zeiten der Digitalisierung immer mehr Kennzahlen und Daten fr eine Analyse herangezogen.In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie Schritt fr Schritt inkl. praktischer bungsaufgaben, wie Kennzahlen im Unternehmen priorisiert und im Controlling effektiv eingesetzt werden."
Price: 99.99

"Introduo ao Zabbix" |
"Adquira conhecimento com um super desconto.Todos os meus cursos esto com desconto, utilize os cupons abaixo:Especialista em Excel - Bsico Avanado Dashboard VBAUtilize o cupom: ESPECIALISTA_25.99Office 365 Completo - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: OFFICE_25.99Lgica de programao, VBA e MySQL - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: VBA_25.99Excel 365 - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: EXCEL_25.99Word 365 - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: WORD_25.99Introduo ao ZabbixUtilize o cupom: ZABBIX_25.99Wix - Criao de Websites - CompletoUtilize o cupom: WIX_25.99Introduo ao Office 2016Utilize o cupom: INTRO_OFFICE_25.99Aprenda do zero a configurar o Zabbix, uma das melhores ferramentas de monitoramento de TI e meu curso foi organizado para ser bem prtico e sem enrolao, onde o aluno ir realmente seguir os passos dos vdeos para colocar a mo na massa e realmente aprender Zabbix, as aulas demonstram prticas de instalao do Zabbix Server e Agent dentre outros pacotes importantes para o seu funcionamento e configuraes de monitoramento.O aluno ser capaz de monitorar diversos hosts e sistemas operacionais, o curso abrange conceitos bsicos para quem quer comear a entender a ferramenta."
Price: 39.99

"Introduo ao Office 2016" |
"Adquira conhecimento com um super desconto.Todos os meus cursos esto com desconto, utilize os cupons abaixo:Especialista em Excel - Bsico Avanado Dashboard VBAUtilize o cupom: ESPECIALISTA_25.99Office 365 Completo - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: OFFICE_25.99Lgica de programao, VBA e MySQL - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: VBA_25.99Excel 365 - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: EXCEL_25.99Word 365 - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: WORD_25.99Introduo ao ZabbixUtilize o cupom: ZABBIX_25.99Wix - Criao de Websites - CompletoUtilize o cupom: WIX_25.99Introduo ao Office 2016Utilize o cupom: INTRO_OFFICE_25.99O Pacote Office de longe o mais usado por empresas de todos os portes, tornando o conhecimento bsico desta ferramenta indispensvel para qualquer pessoa que queira ingressar no mercado de trabalho e ter novas e melhores chances no disputado mercado.Neste curso voc ir conhecer os recursos dessas poderosas ferramentas de edio de textos, criao de planilhas e apresentaes, que vai te ajudar a ganhar mais produtividade no dia a dia, com os recursos: formatar planilhas, funes bsicas, formatar slides, inserir imagens, formatar textos, formatar pargrafos, configurao de pgina para deixar seu texto no padro ABNT e muito mais.Explico todo contedo sem enrolao, de forma bem simples e direta. Demonstro a aplicao das ferramentas passo a passo, o que facilita e muito a assimilao do contedo."
Price: 84.99

"Produccin de msica electrnica en Ableton (A-Z)" |
"Quieres aprender a producir tus tracks con calidad profesional? Este es un curso 100% prctico donde trabajaremos sobre una produccin real desde cero.Me acompaarn desde la creacin de una idea musical hasta la mezcla de un tema completamente terminado.Las habilidades que aprenders son aplicables a cualquier gnero! Algunos de los temas que desarrollaremos son:BeatsSamplesSidechainLayeringArpegiadoresAutomatizacinMezclaMasteretc.. Ventajas de tomas este cursoA diferencia de Youtube, no necesitas estar buscando entre decenas de videos. Toda la informacin est en un solo lugarPuedes acceder al curso desde cualquier lugar del mundo, las 24 horas del da, los 7 das de la semanaAtencin personalizada Si el curso no te gusta, te regresamos tu dinero"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Fashion Sketching 101: BEGINNER'S COURSE" |
"Welcome to Easy Fashion Sketching 101! If you've been thinking about creating your own fashion line and you don't know how to put your ideas onto paper, this class is perfect for you! Sign up today to begin your journey towards designing your very own collection! If you already draw and want to enhance your sketching, we've got you covered. Step-by-step, our instructor, Heather Pittmon, will walk you through everything you need to know about creating amazing fashion croquis! Don't waste any more time...let's get started!In this course, you will learn how to:Sketch the front, back and side view of the fashion figureIllustrate basic movement on a croquicreate a face templatemeasure correct proportions for select facial featuressketch a basic medium height hairlinedraw short hair, long hair with a widow's peak, and up-do, and an afro in three different stylesIllustrate basic garments (shirt, skirt, jacket, pant)practice movement lines for your garmentsapply style lines to you individual designs to make them look realLeeeeeet's goooooooo!"
Price: 69.99

UISketch |
"sketchUI UI ( illustrator photoshop ) Sketch UI Sektch UI Sketch UI UISketchsketchUISketch+sketchsketch~"
Price: 59.99

"Twinmotion dla projektantw wntrz wizualizacja apartamentu" |
"Witaj na kursie Twinmotion dla projektantw wntrz. Ten kurs nauczy ci jak tworzy doskonae fotorealistyczne wizualizacje i to w czasie rzeczywistym w najlepszym obecnie programie do renderingu midzy innymi w zakresie projektowanie wntrzJeeli pracujesz w takich programach jak Sketchup Archicad Revit 3Dmax Cinema 4D czy innych aplikacjach do modelowania 3D, chciaby prezentowa swoje projekty w formie fotorealistycznych renderingw lub prezentacji 3D VR ten kurs nauczy ci nie tylko obsugi narzdzi do tworzenia wizualizacji ale rwnie trikw stosowanych przez profesjonalistw.Nazywam si Adam Kciuczyk jestem czynnym zawodowo architektem czonkiem Izby Architektw RP oraz Stowarzyszenia Architektw Polskich.Rwnolegle z prowadzeniem pracowni projektowej od wielu lat organizuj stacjonarne kursy szkolenia warsztaty z zakresu modelowania 3D i wizualizacji architektury, wntrz, mebli, ogrodw. Dzielenie si swoim dowiadczeniem i wiedz praktyczn daje mi wielk satysfakcj -mam poczucie tak jakbym przekazywa tajemne kody, ktre w grach komputerowych su do pozyskiwania nowego rodzaju umiejtnoci lub przejcia do kolejnego etapu.wietnie rozumiem jak to jest by pocztkujcym. Bdc jeszcze na studiach na wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki Politechniki lskiej w Gliwicach zaczynaem swoj przygod z oprogramowaniem 3D.Jestem przekonany, e po ukoczeniu kursu z powodzeniem bdziesz potrafi tworzy doskonae grafiki 3D na podstawie wasnych projektw.Bdziemy opracowywa projekt wntrza nieduego apartamentu. Na pocztek zajmiemy si nawigacj w wirtualnym wiecie Twinmotion, nastpnie edycj materiaw, ustawimy meble oraz elementy wyposaenia wntrz. Owietlimy scen wiatem dziennym i sztucznym, ustawimy kamery, skomponujemy i wykadrujemy obraz. A na koniec, najwaniejszy punkt programu wyrenderujemy wietne fotorealistyczne wizualizacjeJednake tak jak ju wczeniej wspominaem rendering w Twinmotion jest generowany w czasie rzeczywistym -jak w grach komputerowych w zwizku z tym zmiany bdziesz obserwowa na biecoJako architekt korzystam z omawianych technik na co dzie. Na kursie przeka ci praktyczn wiedz wynikajc z mojego dowiadczenia zawodowego -poznasz tajne kody :)Doskonale zdaj sobie spraw, e uruchamiajc program po raz pierwszy mnogo funkcji, narzdzi, ustawie moe oszoomi -dlatego przygotowaem ten kurs dla takich osb jak Ty, ktre dopiero stawiaj pierwsze kroki w tworzeniu grafiki 3D i chc nauczy si najlepszego programu do wizualizacji.Dziekuj za zainteresowanie tym kursem. Widzimy si na pierwszym wykadzie - Zapraszam !"
Price: 159.99

coachingbusiness |
Price: 24000.00

"Como Passar em uma Entrevista de Emprego na Prtica!" |
"Neste curso voc aprender tcnicas para personalizar o seu currculo e ferramentas para envia-lo para qualquer vaga de emprego. O que fazer antes de uma entrevista de emprego e o que fazer durante uma entrevista de emprego! Dicas prticas de algum que j participou de muito processo seletivo com histrias de fracasso e sucesso pra contar."
Price: 39.99

"Deep Learning con Python" |
"Te gustara conocer el mundo del Deep Learning? . Hemos creado este curso para que aprendas todo lo que necesitas saber para introducirte en esta rama del Aprendizaje Automtico. El curso est estructurado de menos a ms para facilitarte el aprendizaje y dividido en los siguientes mdulos:Programacin en Python, aprenderemos las aspectos fundamentales del lenguajePandas, con esta librera podremos realizar toda la parte de transformaciones y manipulacin de los datos Numpy, nos ayudar en el manejo de operaciones matemticasIntroduccin a la redes neuronales, que nos servir de trampoln para entender los conceptos fundamentales del Deep LearningIntroduccin al Deep Learning, exploraremos la diferentes tcnicas y veremos la implementacin de redes de aprendizaje profundo usando Keras y TensorFlowPytorch, Veremos una de las libreras mas empleadas en Deep Learning a travs de un ejemplo realEl curso est pensando para personas que no tengan conocimientos previos puedan aprender, ya que el curso va progresivamente aumentando la dificultad. A lo largo del curso vers como implementar las redes neuronales profundas, a travs de ejemplos prcticos desarrollados en Python"
Price: 99.99

"Violo sem segredos - Como tocar em apenas 6 lies" |
"Tocar violo sempre foi um sonho seu? Agora isso possvel! Com nosso mtodo rpido e prtico voc aprender lies bsicas para comear a tocar aquela sua msica favorita e surpreender sua famlia e seus amigos. Tudo isso ensinado de forma didtica em apenas 6 lies, dentre elas: afinao, acordes, ritmos, e muito mais...lhe convido a estudar conosco e comear hoje mesmo a se desenvolver neste instrumento maravilhoso.Bons estudos!"
Price: 19.99

"Copywriting: Tcnicas de Persuaso para Alavancar Vendas" |
"Saiba como criar uma copy irresistvel e capaz de alavancar suas vendas pela internet!A habilidade de escrever textos persuasivos essencial para profissionais que trabalham com a venda de produtos fsicos ou digitais e que utilizam a internet como forma de divulgao, ferramenta de vendas e captao de clientes.No concorrido mercado digital, muitas vezes no basta ter apenas um produto de tima qualidade, necessrio saber fazer a venda desse produto e mostrar como ele pode ser responsvel pela soluo de um problema ou a realizao de um sonho.Por isso, conhecer, pelo menos, as tcnicas bsicas de escrita persuasiva fundamental para quem quer ter sucesso no mercado digital!Assim sendo, desenvolvi este curso no intuito de: ajudar os alunos a entenderem de maneira estruturada e organizada o que copywriting, alm de mostrar o que essencial para a criao de uma boa copy (texto persuasivo); disponibilizar contedo gratuito para quem no pode, no quer ou no sabe se vale a pena fazer um investimento em cursos de copywriting; e apresentar outros materiais, vdeos e cursos que acredito que podero ser muito teis para aqueles que quiserem aprofundar seus estudos na rea.E, ao final do curso, o aluno ter uma boa noo: do que copywriting; da importncia de dominar esta tcnica; de como criar um bom texto persuasivo; do que so os gatilhos mentais; e de que forma esses gatilhos podem ser utilizados. Espero que gostem do contedo e bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Power BI DAX Masterclass - Measures & Calculated Columns" |
"From beginner to profesional in DAX Master advanced analysis in Power BI with Measures & Calculated Columns DAX is a really powerful language if you want to get all the advanced insights from your data. Wether you want to create custom columns or use more advanced calculations with Measures and realize the full potential of Power BI - DAX is the key to that. Yet I know that many people feel discourage because they don't know where to start and without help it can be a bit frustrating and difficult. That's why I have created this course!In this course you will finally be able to learn DAX for your advance analysis in Power BI - and that in an easy and well structured way.Get a fundamental understanding right from the beginningIn this course I will teach you everything clearly by looking at actual examples. Therefore we will be looking together at some sales data that you will also be able to download - so you can work and practise as much as you want.Step by step you will then learn everything you need to know regarding DAX, Measures and Calculated Columns in Power BI.At the end of this course you will be able to do your own analysis in DAX. At this point it will be easy for you to do and learn more in DAX because you have gained a fundamental understanding in DAX, Measures and Calculated Columns.What you will learn in this course? DAX fundamentals: fundamental understanding of Measures & Calculated Columns Measures vs. Calculated Columns Filter context vs. row context DAX in the data model Aggregation functions Logical Operators and IF-Statements Automatically create comprehensive data tables with date features Advanced topics: Row based functions such as SUMX & AVERAGEX Running Totals, Moving Average Variables RANKX Custom Top-N-filtering CALCULATE All you need to know about CALCULATE Filter functions ALL, ALLSELECTED, ALLEXCEPT FILTER, VALUES How to use them the right way Quick Measures All you need to know about Quick Measures & how to use them properly Time Intelligence Year-to-Date, Date-To-Month etc. The most important time intelligence functions and the right way to work with them And much more!"
Price: 179.99

"Learn to Oil Paint - Paint-a-long" |
"Have you ever looked at a painting and thought, it was so inspiring to you, you just wanted to create it for yourself? Or does the medium of oil painting confuse you? Come join this course to not only get a break down of how to use oil paint, but also paint along and create your own night scene landscape painting featuring the milky way over a peaceful flower field and mountains in the distance.Similar to a Bob Ross or paint night class, you will be painting along with your teacher to create a magical and inspiring piece of art. Addison treats the class as friends learning to paint together, so you never feel pressured.While you are painting, you will learn the basics of oil painting, how to use the supplies, different techniques and some tips and tricks to help you along the way. The skills you learn creating this painting, will be applicable to any piece of art you create in the future, and will especially add to your knowledge of oil paint.While this course is designed for beginners, even experienced artists may benefit from this course if they have ever struggled with, but had the desire, to create galaxy/milky way scenes and landscapes."
Price: 199.99

"Marketing Multinvel: no perfeito, mas o melhor!" |
"Curso que instrui de maneira objetiva e simples (mas no simplria), os passos para se tornar um profissional no Marketing Multinvel (ou Marketing de Rede). Aprenda a planejar e auxiliar pessoas na busca de seus objetivos. Assista sempre que quiser e passe para o maior nmero de pessoas que compem sua equipe, visando evoluir sempre mais."
Price: 39.99

"Master Microsoft Excel 2019 - Basic to Advanced" |
"Just having an intermediate knowledge of Excel isnt enough. Take your Excel skills to a whole new level with our Advanced Excel course. By the end of the training, you will soon be using advanced excel formulas, creating graphs and charts like a pro and much more. If you want to use the Excel with confidence and ease at work opt for this course today.The Advanced Excel training at Learnitix covers the basic and advanced Excel modules. Under this training, you will learn all about Concepts of Microsoft excel and how to use Excel. For clearing any doubt, students can post their doubts and get solutions within 24 hours.Microsoft Excel is one of the most important industry-standard spreadsheet programs worked for data analysis, visualization, calculations, etc .it is considered as the best tool for financial calculations, statistics, data modeling and one can obtain data from its external databases. Advanced Excel courses are needed for business analytics, accounting, and data analysis jobs.Excel is a handy tool and can be utilized for anything that you can imagine: Charts and Diagrams, Cards, calendars, budgets, Agendas, Flyers, financial tools inventories, forms, Invoices, Planners, reports, Timesheets, Schedules, Reports and many more."
Price: 1920.00

"Microsoft Python Certification (98 - 381) Exam, PCEP, PCAP" |
"Q.Which among the six practice test should I practice for PCEP Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certificationAns. Practice test 1, 2, 3 and 4Q.Which among the six practice test should I practice for MTA 98-381 Microsoft Python Certification ExamAns. Practice test 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5Q.Which among the six practice test should I practice for PCAP Certified Associate in Python Programming certificationAns. Practice test 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6Format questions in this practice test are:-Multiple-Choice questionsSingle-choice questionsFill in the blanks using Single-choice questions Questions divide according to question levels are as follows:-Hard level -> 98Medium level -> 66Easy level -> 76Topics Covered in this python practice test:-1.Python fundamentals -> Number of Questions : 162.Operators -> Number of Questions : 163.List -> Number of Questions : 214.Functions -> Number of Questions : 115.Tuples -> Number of Questions: 106.Loops -> Number of Questions: 87.Dictionary -> Number of Questions : 118.Variable -> Number of Questions : 149.Input and Outputs -> Number of Questions : 1110.String -> Number of Questions: 1211.Set -> Number of Questions: 1312.Numbers -> Number of Questions : 313.Exception -> Number of Questions : 1814.Command Line arguments -> Number of Questions: 615.Formatting -> Number of Questions : 316.File Handling -> Number of Questions: 817.Date and Time -> Number of Questions: 518.Static -> Number of Questions : 1219.Encapsulation -> Number of Questions : 720.Polymorphism -> Number of Questions : 621.Inheritance -> Number of Questions : 1122.Super -> Number of Questions : 923.Classes and Objects -> Number of Questions : 424.Abstract -> Number of Questions : 5PCAP: Exam InformationDuration: 65 minutes (exam) + 10 minutes (Non-Disclosure Agreement/Tutorial)Number of Questions: 40Format: Single-choice and multiple-choice questions Python 3.xPassing score: 70% (PCAP-31-02)PCEP: Exam InformationDuration: 45 minutes (exam) + approx. 5 minutes (Non-Disclosure Agreement/Tutorial)Number of Questions: 30Format: Single-choice and multiple-choice questions, drag & drop, gap fill Python 3.xPassing score: 70%[MTA 98 - 381] Microsoft Python Certification: Exam InformationDuration: 45 minutes Number of Questions: 40Format: Multiple Choice, Drag and Drop and Selection from the drop-down listPassing score: 70%"
Price: 29.99

"Intro to Dog Parkour: For Titles or Just For Fun" |
"Sure, dog parkour involves jumping, crawling, running, and balancing. But is it SO much more than that!Your dog won't just learn parkour in this class. Kate's parkour exercises also teach skills that are critical for everyday life: impulse control, recall, focus, and communication with you... even when distractions are present. Kate is a certified dog parkour instructor, certified dog trainer, certified dog behavior consultant, and award-winning author of dog training books, so you and your dog are in the best hands.Parkour exercises -- jumping, balancing atop objects, running in patterns, and more -- should not be about daredevil tricks that risk your dog's health or trust in you. Kate emphasizes safety and skill-building from the ground up, as in any competitive sport.By the end of this class, you'll be ready to start earning your Level 1 title with All Dogs Parkour, an international dog parkour organization that awards titles via video submission. Dogs of all shapes, ages, and abilities are encouraged to participate in ADP.Lessons are short and clear, with tons of step-by-step videos you can easily follow. Join the parkour party with Kate and her Chihuahua mixes, and you'll learn skills that go far beyond just fun and games!"
Price: 89.99

"How to Sell on Amazon FBA in 2020" |
"As the Amazon marketplace grows increasingly competitive, many potential sellers become discouraged from ever beginning. Are you wondering how you could utilize FBA to start your own business? Are you scared its too late? Im here to tell you this:It is NOT too late to turn a profit and make an income selling on Amazon FBA in 2020By the end of this course, youll be convinced of this too. The content, resources, and videos you will find are meant to be comprehensive, meaning you don't need to waste your time with any other book or other courses on Amazon FBA. EVERYTHING you need to know is here, and once you complete the course you will be immediately ready to start your own business.This course first takes you through product research, where youll learn how to select the best products to sell on Amazon. Then you will learn how to source products through FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), and youll see that importing really isnt as scary or intimidating as it may seem. Finally, you will learn how to build and optimize a product listing to maximize sales and improve your product ranking.Along the way you will discover 7 FBA SECRETS that experienced Amazon sellers generally keep to themselves, but that can turn any beginner on Amazon into a best seller. Moreover, this guide will instill in you the fundamentals of growing a business not only on Amazon, but beyond. The concepts youll learn in this book can be applied to any businessAmazon FBA is only the beginning."
Price: 19.99

"Hands On: Azure Sentinel Cloud SIEM & SOAR" |
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"DEV-501 Sales Force Advanced Certify Developer Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What three classes along with messages. Incoming Handler used to control incoming email messages in the sales force?a) Apex Code, pages visual strength, and driversb) Messages. Incoming emails. Incoming email messages results. input envelopec) Messages. incoming Handlerd) Call methods using both valid and invalid entries.e) NoneQ) How can the default profile web services make the change?a) share with the keywordb) web servicec) statements SOQLd) buildere) NoneQ) What are some other full caption service HTTP verbs?a) GET, POST, PUT, DELETEb) purification systemc) Detail list of objectsd) POS settings menu ~~ ~~ = TRUNC POS = HEAD COMPe) NoneQ) What is the maximum size of a SOAP request or response that regulate?a) @Read onlyb) RETURNc) Trigger. oldd) a regulatory limite) None"
Price: 169.99

"Sun 310-091 Developer Java EE 5 Components Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which statement about a life cycle instance of the entity is correct?a) A new entity instance is an instance of a fully populated state.b) An independent entity instance is an instance without persistent identity.c) An instance of the extracted entity is not associated with a context of resistance.d) A managed device example is associated with a persistence context.e) NoneQ) What two types of class implicitly or explicitly specified in the descriptor persistence. xml managed persistence classes are part of a persistence unit? (Choose two.)a) entity classesb) interceptor classesc) embedded classesd) entity listener classesQ) Which statement about a combination of default mapping, annotations and XML descriptions are accurate?a) All survey notes should always be treated by the persistence provider.b) Some comments that @Entity note should always be treated by the persistence providerc) Map information for a specified device class for annotations and XML descriptions should be clear.d) If you hear multiple defined units, the order in which calls are defined or written in the XML description.e) NoneQ) A developer working on an application for registration of the user using EJB 3.0. A user registers in the register of commercial practice bean performs stateless session bean user registration. The user records the method runs in a transaction context initiated by the client. If an invalid user makes registration fails, call logs user client again with the corrected data using the same transaction. What design can meet this requirement?a) Having method records the user calls EJBContext.setRollbackOnly () method after registration fails.b) User records are launching method javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRequiredException after registration fails.c) It has records user method EJBException throwing unchecked recovery after registration fails transactions.d) Create a program with the exception of reversal set of attributes with the method of fake user and records throw after registration fails.e) None"
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