"Pierde peso de forma eficiente parte1 + ebook" |
"En este curso aprenders los principios bases de la nutricin, adems tocaremos puntos muy importantes sobre los mitos que tenemos en las redes sociales sobre los macros. Tambien ha cerca de la alimentacin, entenderemos la importancia de la alimentacin en toda su esencia y de como podemos comer de forma saludable sin pasarla mal, ya que damos parmetros para que puedas disfrutar del proceso."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam 2020" |
"The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Deine Metamorphose zur Identitt 2.0" |
"Es ist eine Tatsache, dass jede Vernderung - auch innere - immer mit Risiken, Kosten und Zeitaufwnden verbunden sind.Aus diesen Grnden schrecken viele Menschen vor groen Vernderungen, z.B. in der Partnerschaft, im Beruf, oder beim Wohnortwechsel, zurck. Die meisten sehen dies wie einen Sprung von einer hohen Felsklippe. Sie wissen nicht, ob das Wasser tief genug ist, um ihr berleben zu sichern.Und, sie springen selbst dann nicht, wenn vor ihnen schon viele andere gesprungen sind, die ihnen versichern, was fr ein erhebendes Gefhl dieser Sprung war. Welches Gefhl von Freiheit und Mut sie whrend des freien Fluges versprten.Aber nein, sie springen nicht. Sie halten fest. Sie klammern. DOCH: Wer klammert, hat Angst. Wer Angst hat, hat kein Vertrauen. Er hat weder vertrauen in sich selbst und schon gar nicht ins Leben. Und frage dich hier, wer will gerne mit einem Angsthasen zusammen sein? Und wie kannst du jemals anderen vertrauen, wenn du dir selbst nicht vertraust? Wie kannst du anderen helfen, wenn du dir selbst nicht helfen kannst?In diesem Kurs gehen wir den den Gesetzen des Lebens auf den Grund, nehmen uns dein Wertesystem vor und ich zeige dir kreative Tools, mit denen du jede Vernderung meistern kannst."
Price: 39.99

"Streamer Eitim Seti (yi bir yaync m olmak istiyorsun?)" |
"Herkese selam,Bu kursumuz da yaynclk ile alakal detayl anlatmlar yer almaktadr.Ayrca rnek olarak gstermi olduum Facebook,Youtube,Twitch,Dlive,Nonolive ve Nimo tv gibi canl yayn platformlarn da nasl yayn aabilirsiniz bunlar anlatyorum.Dikkatli bir ekilde dinlemeniz de ve notlar almanz da fayda var.Aklnza takl kalan her konuda benimle iletiim kurabilirsiniz.Aslnda birtek yaynclk deil,bu bilgiler hayatnzn her kesin de size lazm olabilir."
Price: 119.99

your-niche-market |
". : , . . , , . , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan Kapsaml Java Eitimi-2020" |
"Bu Java kursu, programlama hakknda bilgisi olmayan kiiler iin tasarlanmtr. Hi program yazmam olmanz ya da programlama hakknda hibir fikriniz olmamas nemli deil. Kursumdan sonra tm bunlar deiecek. Java, en ok talep gren ve en yksek cretli programlama dilinden biridir.Java'nn slogan: ""Bir kere yaz, her yerde al.""Android uygulamalar, masast uygulamalar, oyunlar ve ok daha fazlasn oluturmak iin Java'y kullanabilirsiniz.Bu dersten sonra Java dilinin gelimi bileenlerini kullanabileceksiniz.Java, Android uygulamalar gelitirmek iin birincil dildir. Android gelitirme iin Java renmelisiniz.Bu kursu satn alarak deerli zamannz koruyun. Hzl ve kolay bir ekilde programlamay reneceksiniz!Kursun toplam sresi 15 saatin zerindedir! Teori renecek ve ayn zamanda birok pratik kazanacaksnz. Kurs srasnda, Java'da birok program yazacaz.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Videolar izledikten sonra bu Java kursunda ele alnan konularla ilgili herhangi bir sorunuz varsa ltfen sormaya ekinmeyin. Her zaman yardmc olmaktan mutluluk duyarm.MD katln ve bugn Java Uzman olun!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aada kurs boyunca ileyeceimiz konulardan rnekler grebilirsiniz:Java Temel BilgilerDeikenlerOperatrlerKoul Durumlar ( ifElse - switch)Dngler ( for - while )MetodlarConstructorlar InheritanceComposition Encapsulation PolymorphismArray, ArrayListInterfaceAbstract SnflarInner ClassGenericCollectionsSwing"
Price: 49.99

"Easy Stressmanagement Einsteiger" |
"Multimodales Stressmanagement in der Nuschale. Die Teilnehmer lernen einfache Methoden, um Krper und Geist effektiv zu entspannen und Stress abzubauen. Wir ben eine Atembung und verschiedene mentale Techniken der Stressreduktion. Der wichtigste Aspekt des Zeitmanagements wird verdeutlicht und die bertragung der Methoden in den Alltag vorbereitet. Die Teilnehmer bekommen einen kleinen Instrumentenkoffer zur Bewltigung und Prvention von Stress."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Admin -Sample Test Latest" |
"This course is designed to let you experience the exam via close-enough practice tests.Some times knowing things and passing the exams are completely different things. You might know the concepts but multiple answers could throw you off. These practice tests are here to help youThis course is designed to not only get you familiar with the exam but also to make you comfortable enough to pass in ONE-GOThe course contains 2 practice test with 80 questionsPractice test-1 : 30 QuestionsPractice test-2 : 50 Questions"
Price: 54.99

"Write that Bestselling Novel" |
"Have you always wanted to write a book, but have never felt you know how to?Or have you always wanted to write a book but not thought you would be a good enough writer?We all have amazing ideas and incredible imaginations. In fact, we all have stories to tell, its just a matter of knowing how to.Well, heres howThis course will take you step by step through how to write a novel whatever the genre from the first idea through to the final draft.Im a writer across several genres, with best-sellers and award-winners amongst the 13 books Ive written. Im also a writing teacher and a ghostwriter. Through this course, I can help you write YOUR story too.How can this course help you?Writing a novel is about finding that one great idea and then knowing what to do with it. Once you have the idea and this course can even help you with that its all about how you craft your story and how you develop your writing style. Following the lesson modules in this course, youll learn how to do both, and as your knowledge grows, so will your confidence.We all have a story in us and this course will show you how to bring your story to life as intriguingly and amazingly as in any bestseller in the shops now. It will guide you through the tips and techniques of writing, and once you know the basics, youll find your life story will simply take off and practically write itself!TESTIMONIALS...Your advice and instructions were very helpful, and I am sure I shall be pouring over both your notes and your book Write Publish Promote for inspiration from now on. - Ruth M.The best writing course Ive been on. Ive learnt so much. Debrah is an excellent teacher. That first novel is nearer than ever!Well done on putting together a hugely informative workshop. - JeremyWhats inside this courseThis course will take you through:Finding and developing an idea into a storyline.Plotting a great story.Creating hooks and twists to keep readers intrigued.Organizing the main content of your story to create pace and tension.Building credible characters. Your readers will fall in love with or hate!Developing your writing style and finding your voice.The trickier techniques of writing Point of View and building atmosphere.How to edit your first draft.Plus an overview of what you could do with your finished story."
Price: 99.99

"How to get your Book Published" |
"Have you written a book and would love to see it published but dont know how?Have you decided to self-publish your book, but dont know how?If youve worked hard to write a great book, no wonder you want to see it in print or online and why not? But deciding whether to seek traditional publication or to self-publish is tricky and trickier still to actually achieve.Not with this course!From reviewing your publishing options to taking you through each step to self-publishing your book, this course tells you exactly how it all works. Dont worry that there is technical stuff involved, or that you may know nothing about publishing at all. I will show you exactly what to do and how to do it, holding your hand every step of the way.Im a writer across several genres, with best-sellers and award-winners amongst the 13 books Ive written. Some are traditionally published and others are self-published, so I understand both publishing routes. Im also a writing and self-publishing teacher. Through this course, I can help you get YOUR story in print too.How can this course help you?Publishing a book can take many forms, and that can be bewildering, but it need not be if you follow the process through in simple steps. Such areas as:Traditional or self-publishing which is right for you?How do you know your book is ready to be published.How you approach literary agents and publishers if youd like to try getting traditionally published, including writing a synopsis and book submission?How do you format your book if you decide to self-publish?How do you create a book cover?How do you write a back cover blurb?Where do you self-publish/ sell your book?How do you promote your book so it sells?How do you get yourself known as an author?And of course, how do you make your book into a bestseller?Well, this course answers all those questions and more, guiding you through each of the stages of publishing, promoting, and selling your book, including the legalities you need to comply with.TESTIMONIALS...Thank you, Debbie, for a mind-blowing few days - right now, I'm trying to assimilate everything. - Catherine MMy mind seemed full to overflowing, the course was filled with such useful info. - Pat DThank you again for your inspiring course. It was just what I had hoped for. - Hilary PWhats inside this course?This course will take you through:A comparison of Traditional and Self-publishing.Writing a convincing synopsis and book submission.Creating a professional Author platform, including Social Media accounts, website, and mailing list.Developing a book launch strategy specific to your book.Formatting your book for digital and print publicationDesigning a professional book coverWriting a back cover blurb for your book.The options for self-publishing, and how to set about it.The legalities you must comply with when publishing a book.How to promote your book so that it sells.How to use Amazon to promote and sell your book.How to create your own customer base without relying on Amazon.How to get your book onto bestseller lists.Many resource lists covering book awards, where to promote your book, software the professionals use for promotion and marketing of books, cover designers and book formatters, and much, much more.Plus an overview of what you could do with your finished story."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Python Basics" |
"Are you fed-up of boring lectures and wanted to try something different in codding. Then you are selecting the right course. In this Course you will Learn the complete basics of Pyhton programming andIn this Course I am going to cover the following topics -1.Introduction of python2.Variables3.Numbers4.Operations of Numbers5.Strings6.Lists7.Tuples8.DictionaryAnd many more"
Price: 1280.00

"A-Z of Professional Scrum Product Owner I Certification Prep" |
"Description:This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum dot orgHowever, this course will help to prepare for the Professional Scrum Product Owner I course also know as PSPO I exam from Scrum dot orgThis course will help to prepare for the Professional Scrum Product Owner I exam form zero scrum knowledge. No previous Scrum Product Owner experience is required.Youll Learn: Basic understanding of the Scrum Guide Good understanding on Scrum Framework Understand the Scrum Roles, Events and Artifacts Topics related to the PSPO I exam does not explain in Scrum Guide Understand Agile and Scrum Basics Prepare well for the Professional Scrum Product Owner I exam Test your learnings during the course quizzes Simulation tests will give you a good shape for the PSPO I exam Exam tips that will make difference in real exam Answer explanation will provide clear understanding for the examRequirements: No prior knowledge is required.Who should take this course: Anyone preparing for the Professional Scrum Product Owner I exam Anyone who want to learn the basic of Scrum Anyone who want to get a Scrum Product Owner JobWhat is Scrum?Scrum is a framework which deals with complex problems while delivering products. Scrum is very lightweight which is easy to understand but difficult to Product Owner. Scrum has been used for managing work on complex products since the early 1990s. Scrum is not a process, technique, or definitive method. Rather, it is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques. Scrum makes clear the relative efficacy of your product management and work techniques so that you can continuously improve the product, the team, and the working environment.PSPO I Exam:Once you feel prepared, you can register for the PSPO I exam in scrum dot org. It will cost you 200 USD for every attempt, and if you attend a Scrum dot org training centre, then your first attempt would be free. All you get is a personal password without expiration date through which you can get connected to their page and can give exams.The main topics covered in the PSPO I exams are: Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework: Empiricism, Scrum Values, Roles, Events, Artifacts, Done. Developing People and Teams: Self-Organizing Teams, Facilitation, Leadership Styles, Coaching and Mentoring. Managing Products with Agility: Forecasting & Release Planning, Product Value, Product Backlog Management, Stakeholders & Customers.Try to take the product owner open assessment, Once you start getting 100% on every effort, consider yourself ready for the test."
Price: 29.99

"Taller Prctico de SolidWorks 2020" |
"Este curso se basa completamente en la prctica, el software de solidworks se trata de disear y crear piezas, ensamblajes y prototipos por lo que constantemente te enfrentas a diferentes problemas que con una buena base de practica y ejercicios podrs crear tus propias soluciones para mbitos como el laboral o una materia en la universidad."
Price: 345.00

"How To Book A Tour" |
"How to book a tour.10 videos and8 worksheetsIn this step-by-step program you will learn how to book a tour (and you will actually book one during this course) and how to create a system that will keep you focused and organized.This course comes with assignments, worksheets and templates for:EmailsDatabase formatsContractsItineraryChecklistsAutomated e-mail follow upsAutomated personalized e-mailsHow to stay or organizedBasically, everything you need to start reaching out to clubs, building relations and book shows!Lets get organized and lets get your band on the road!"
Price: 29.99

"Curso Bsico de Qumica" |
"Curso bsico de qumica Este curso bsico de qumica tem como objetivo aprender os conceitos fundamentais de qumica, tendo em vista, a dificuldade que os alunos possuem em compreender os tpicos mais complexos por deficincia em uma base forte na disciplina. Por isso, conceitos tericos e exerccios sero mesclados para uma abordagem eficiente dos tpicos abaixo:Aula 1:A importncia de se estudar qumicaAula 2:Transformaes fsicas e transformaes qumicasAula 3: Modelo atmico (Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford e Bohr)Aula 4:tomo, elemento e molculaAula 5:Tabela Peridica (Distribuio eletrnica e organizao)Aula 6:Propriedades da tabela peridica (Raio atmico, energia de ionizao, afinidade eletrnica, eletronegatividade e eletropositividade)Me siga no instagram @andrezasantana_quimica para mais dicas de qumica!"
Price: 39.99

"Invata limbajul de programare JAVA si Android Studio" |
"Salut, numele meu este Andrei si am facut acest curs pentru cei care vor sa invete programare de la zero si mai ales pentru cei pasionati de aplicatii mobile.In acest curs o sa inveti bazele programarii folosind limbajul de programare JAVA. Deci nu trebuie sa ai cunostiinte de programare (o sa inveti programare de la zero).Pe langa limbajul de programare o sa inveti Android Studio, pentru a dezvolta si testa aplicatii android.Deci daca ai rabdare si dorinta de invatare acest curs este pentru tine."
Price: 39.99

"How To Pay Your Mortgage Off Quicker" |
"You'll learn all the ins and outs of a mortgage in plane simple English as I get straight to the point of:How Mortgages WorkHow You Can Find The Best Deal For Your CircumstancesThe Secret The Banks Won't Tell You, On How To Pay It Off Significantly QuickerFlexibility In MortgagesHow To Avoid ""Fast Payment"" Fees, And Other Hidden Fees When Paying It OffI go into personal detail with charts and numbers so you can see how my past mortgages looked good, but if you do the math and numbers there were better things available and even I got sucked in. You'll get golden tips so you can pay your mortgage off quicker, learn from my own mistakes and spot what is truly best for you without getting sucked into something that looks good on the surface"
Price: 199.99

"Memoria de Calculos para Engenheiros" |
"Treinamento sobre preparao e contedo de memria de clculo. Consideraes sobre organizao de memria de clculo.Ministrado por engenheiro mecnico com mais de 20 anos de experincia em departamentos de engenharia de empresas na rea de Petrleo.Uma abordagem prtica, onde um tirante de uma unidade de bombeio verificado a trao segundo critrio da AISC 360-05."
Price: 19.99

"Bienvenue toi sur le cours qui te permettra de devenir FULL-STACK.Que veut dire FULL-STACK ?C'est savoir crer un site web en matrisant toutes les technologies qui assurent son fonctionnement.Le FULL STACK se dcompose en 2 parties:-Le FRONT ( ce que tu vois sur ton navigateur )-Le BACK ( ce qu'il se passe derrire ton ordinateur )C'est pourquoi, cette formation vise regrouper efficacement TOUTES les technologies les plus utiles dans les annes venir afin de perfectionner ton CV, de devenir dveloppeur FREELANCE/pour une entreprise....L o tu aurais du chercher diffrentes ressources sans savoir par o commencer, tu auras ici accs plus de 40 HEURES de contenu. Oui plus de 40 HEURES!Ainsi tu gagneras normment de temps en apprenant en detail toutes les particularits du Web :-FRONT :HTMLCSSBOOTSTRAPJAVASCRIPTjQUERYTerminal avec le BASHGIT/GITHUB-BACK : PHPNODE JSEXPRESS JSEJSAPIsRESTFUL-BASES DE DONNEES:MYSQLMONGODBMONGOOSE-AUTHENTIFICATION :PASSPORT JS-ASYNCHRONOUS JAVASCRIPT :PROMESSESASYNC/AWAITSOCKET.IOVous serez capables de crer n'importe quel site web de facon autonome.Pour solidifier votre apprentissage, je vous propose de crer plus de 15 sites web.La pratique est le matre mot!Si vous comprenez cela alors je peux vous assurez que ce contenu ne vous sera que BENEFIQUE.Ces sites raliss ensemble vous serviront de tmoin lors de vos projets futurs aussi divers soient-ils !Mettez en place un portfolio et montrez ce dont vous tes capables !Ce cours vous fera passer de dbutant professionnel en seulement 44 heures!"
Price: 149.99

"Como atrair dinheiro e se livrar da ansiedade" |
"Este um programa seguro, com incio, desenvolvimento e resultados para voc que est no caminho da prosperidade, por isso, voc adquiriu mais do que um treinamento ou um curso.Voc ter contato com segredos de como atrair dinheiro e se livrar da ansiedade. Junto com as preciosas informaes que este programa contm, aprender a mudar seu ambiente mental, seus pensamentos e sentimentos para um novo patamar de conscincia. Aprender a explorar a energia do dinheiro respeitando seu poder e fora ainda pouco conhecidos para o Bem. Voc receber ferramentas para colocar a servio da sua qualidade de vida financeira, mental e emocional, por isso dever cumprir cada passo do programa, relendo, escrevendo quando for necessrio at que tudo fique muito claro em sua mente. Isso garantir suas prticas e seus resultados porque como voc sabe, somente o agir gera resultados.Este programa de como atrair dinheiro e se livrar da ansiedade um roteiro seguro e nele ter de forma muito clara tudo o que precisar fazer ou deixar de fazer para mudar para melhor sua relao com o dinheiro e com sua mente. Sero apresentados fatos como exemplos para esclarecer as leis ocultas de prosperidade que esto neste programa.Atitudes corretas para lidar com a energia do dinheiro e com os fatores inconscientes que so decisivos na construo do seu sucesso financeiro e pessoal esto muito fortemente colocados entre os contedos.Tudo foi pensado, desenhado e apresentado de forma absolutamente clara e segura para que voc alcance os resultados que busca e merece. Vamos ao programa com bom nimo e atitude de vencedor!"
Price: 69.99

"Piano em 8" |
"O mtodo piano em 8 tem como objetivo ensinar voc a tocar piano com a maior praticidade possvel. So oito aulas especficas que voc pode assistir quando e onde quiser. Cada aula ter um assunto que ser ensinado e praticado no instrumento junto com o professor. Dentro do curso voc receber materiais em PDF para o melhor desempenho do seu aprendizado.Saia do bsico, seja um pianista!!"
Price: 129.99

"Ultimate Guide to Deploying Flask to AWS" |
"In this course you will learn how to use and deploy to AWS Cloud the professional grade, open source, and battle tested technologies Nginx, uWSGI, and PostgreSQL in conjunction with the popular Python based Flask web framework. I cover a variety of architectures ranging from the simple all-in-one monolith EC2 architecture to more distributed approaches with RDS (PostgreSQL) Instances and Auto Scaling Groups of EC2 Application servers sitting behind Elastic Load Balancers."
Price: 49.99

"Zatrzymaj KORTYZOL i hormony STRESU - Co pi zamiast kawy?" |
"? Stres towarzyszy ludziom kadego dnia, nie kady jednak zdaje sobie spraw jak katastrofalne skutki niesie on za sob. O ile stresu nie wyeliminujemy z ycia o tyle nale dba o swj organizm i blokowa wytwarzanie hormonw stresu. Dziki temu poczujesz si innym, nowym, spokojnym czowiekiem.? Zatrzymaj produkcj kortyzolu dziki tym zioom, poczuj spokj i relaks.Zanij w nocy jak dziecko, obud si wyspany i zadowolony.Ju nigdy wicej nie bdziesz niewolnikiem stresu i negatywnych emocji.Dziki tym zioom zawsze zachowasz spokj i rozwag.? Jak dba o nerki, jak je wspomaga w codziennym funkcjonowaniu?Przepis na zioa wspomagajce prace nerek oraz dobry sen.? Cudowne ziele Matki Ziemi skpane w promieniach soca posane ludziom, aby im suy w potrzebie.? Wszystkich kawoszy zapraszam do zapoznania si ze szkodami, jakie powoduje codzienne picie kawy. Dowiedz si, jakimi polskimi zioami zastpi kaw, aby czu si wietnie kadego dnia a poranek wita z umiechem.? Mieszanki zi, jakie podaj w kursie obudz cudowne siy Twojego organizmu, sprawi, e Twj umys stanie si jasny i chonny jak nigdy dotd. Ogldajc ten film i stosujc zawarte w nim porady, diametralnie zmienisz swoje ycie na lepsze.? Wychodzenie organizmu to bardzo powany problem 90% Polakw. luz, wilgo i zimno towarzysz im kadego dnia powodujc rne objawy od zmczenia, znuenia i problemw ze wstawaniem rano przez cige przezibienia i infekcje, depresj, astm, alergie, problemy z zajciem w ci, guzy, torbiele, cukrzyc, problemy ukadu krenia, serca itd....Kady Polak powinien zna zioa, ktre ul mu w jego dolegliwociach. Pamitaj, e mowa nie o warunkach atmosferycznych lecz o wewntrznym zimnie.? Peen zakres niezbdnych informacji jest dostpny wanie w tym kursie, ktry stworzyam dla Ciebie, aby dzieli si moj wiedz z tak otwartymi osobami jak Ty ?"
Price: 69.99

"Rzu palenie skutecznie! ?Dam Ci klucz do Twojego sukcesu!" |
"? PRZYSTPUJC DO KURSU STANIESZ SI WOLNYM CZOWIEKIEM? Panuje bdne przekonanie, e palenie papierosw jest ciko rzuci i wymaga to bardzo silnej woli. Kolejne bdne przekonanie na temat palenia papierosw jest takie, e rzucajc palenie na pewno si przytyje Ot, rzeczywicie, aby rzuci palenie potrzeba troch siy woli, ale na pewno nie wicej ni do zwleczenia si rano z ka. Nadmiar kilogramw u rzucajcych palenie wynika jedynie z zajadania wystpujcego ssania w odku, bdcego skutkiem odwyku nikotynowego. Wszystkie objawy mona bardzo atwo zniwelowa dostarczajc do organizmu naturalne substancje, ktre przyczaj si do tych samych receptorw, co nikotyna, jednak jednoczenie stanowicych odywk dla caego organizmu i mzgu czowieka, dziki czemu procesy mylowe znacznie przyspiesz, zniknie mga umysowa i poprawi si humor.? PRZYSTPUJC DO KURSU STANIESZ SI WOLNYM CZOWIEKIEM?"
Price: 69.99

"3 kroki do poznania podstaw Excela" |
"Szukasz pracy? Pracodawcy coraz czciej wymagaj znajomoci Excela? Chcesz co zmieni w swoim yciu? wietnie e tu jeste.Kurs ten jest przeznaczony dla Ciebie jeli:szukasz aktywnie pracy, ale cigle co staje Ci na przeszkodzie,niewiele pracodawcw si odzywa,potrzebujesz podnie swoje kwalifikacje aby uzyska wymarzon prac,wiesz, e poznanie obsugi programy Microsoft Excel pomoe Ci znale now lub pierwsz pracchcesz pozna to narzdzie pracy bo nigdy nie miae na to okazji lub si bae, a Excel nie gryzie ;)nie chcesz paci za kurs setek zotych bo na razie Ci to nie potrzebne i wolisz pozna Excela po kawakuPrzedstawiam Excela w sposb zrozumiay, prosty i praktyczny. Zrozumie Excela, to mj cel. Przekazuj swoj wiedz w taki sposb aby zrozumia i wykorzystywa to narzdzie w jak najbardziej przystpny i efektywny sposb. Pokarz Ci jak zrozumie Excela.Kurs z Cyklu Zrozumie Excela. Nie taki Excel straszny, jak go maluj."
Price: 174.99

IT_ |
"Packet TracerCisco()CCNA"
Price: 7800.00

"Apprendre utiliser l'EFT" |
"travers ce cours vous apprendrez les techniques de base de l'EFT. C'est un outil puissant que l'on peut utiliser en toute autonomie pour apaiser ses motions, ses douleurs physiques et autres. C'est un merveilleux alli et selon moi, il devrait tre enseign dans les coles pour que ds le plus jeune ge, chacun de nous soit en mesure de grer ses motions et aborder les situations de la vie de faon sereine. la fin de ce cours, vous serez en mesure d'effectuer la procdure de paix personnelle, de neutraliser les rsitances du subconscient face aux changements afin de dpasser les croyances limitantes et mettre fin aux shmas rptitifs. La procdure de paix personnelle consiste en la libration des traumatismes petits et grands subis pendant l'enfance et qui ont conditionn votre faon d'aborder la vie aujourd'hui. Vous aurez en main un outil indispensable au bonheur.Bien sr la pratique de l'EFT ne se subtitue en aucun cas un traitement mdical, elle peut en revanche constituer un complment efficace un accompagnement thrapeutique."
Price: 189.99

"Blender 2.90 ile Sfrdan Modelleme renin" |
"Blender Nedir?Blender, dier btn 3 boyutlu tasarm programlarna kafa tutabilecek kadar iyi olan, bir de stne cretsiz olan bir 3D Tasarm programdr. Blender ile aklnza gelebilecek her eyi modelleyebilir, hatta bu modelleri sata bile kartabilirsiniz. Kursa Balamadan nce Blender'a Ne Kadar Hakim Olmalym?Bu eitim setine balamak iin herhangi bir Blender bilginiz, veya herhangi bir 3D tasarm programna ait bir bilgi birikiminiz olmasna gerek yok. Bu eitim seti sfrdan balayp sizi ileri seviye bir Blender kullancs haline getirmek zere tasarland. Kursu tamamladnzda ise, yapmak istediiniz ya da hayal ettiiniz projelerinizi, hemen hemen btn kat cisim modellerini yapabileceksiniz. Bu Kurs Bana Neler Katacak?3D model tasarmn kimileri kariyer, kimileri okul, kimileri ise sadece hobi iin renmek istiyor. lkemizde ise bu alana olan ilgi gnden gne artyor. Blender'n ise hem cretsiz, hem dk boyutlu, hem ak kaynak kodlu, hem de yapabileceklerinin snrsz olmas Blender'n poplerliini yldan yla katlayarak arttryor. Hangi 3D tasarm programn kullanmalym sorusunu soracak olursak bu ie Blender ile balamak harika bir fikir. Blender' sfrdan temelleriyle ve bol uygulamayla renmek iin de doru adres buras. Bu eitim setinde gereksiz detaylar yok, her eyi anlatmalym diye dnp ortal bilgi karmaasna eviren bir eitmen hi yok. Bunlara karlk, iinize yarayacak ve kullanacanz her ey var. Bunlar sralayacak olursak;Blender ile modelleme temelleri ve temel komutlarModifiers sekmesi ile ilerin kolaylatrlmasYaplan modellerin renklendirilmesi, texture atama ve uv mappingModellerimizin ktda (render) en gzel ekilde sunumu iin sahne, k ve kamera ayarlamasRender'larmzn en gzel ekilde sonu vermesi iin modele ve sahneye uygun render ayarlarsttekilerin hepsini gzelce yaptktan sonra bu modelleri sata karma ve onlar satarak para kazanma7 ayr adm adm model yapm, oda tasarmSu alt otel odas ile harika bir final projesiSfrdan balayp harikalar yaratacanz bu yolculukta hepinize baarlar dilerim."
Price: 49.99

"Generate ID Cards with Python" |
"This course will teach you how to use python to generate ID cards. During the course you will learn: how to generate realistic data and download it as an Excel filehow to start and setup your project in PyCharmhow to read data from an Excel file and iterate over it by using pandashow to draw text and image on a canvas by using reportlabhow to generate QR code by the help of pyqrcodehow to merge canvas and a PDF file template to create new PDF file.The course consists of an intro and 7 lectures.Who this course is for:People with the basic understanding of python who want to know how to use it to work with PDF files and generate a QR code"
Price: 19.99

"A'dan Z'ye Android Mobil Programlama Kursu: Java & Kotlin" |
"Kurs ierisinde zellikle elimden geldiince uygulama yapmaya zen gsteriyorum ve uygulamalar nceki konular da tekrar edebilecek bir ekilde yapmaya alyorum imdilik kursun dersi ve sresi az ama hedef 70+ saatEitimin iindeki blmlerde anlatlacak konulardan bazlar unlar: Android Studio Java Temelleri Class Ve OPP Layoutlar Menler Diyaloglar Programatik Ve Deklaratif Kullanm Nesnelerin Listelenerek Kullanm Birbirinden Farkl Birok Ktphane SharedPreferences Ve Sqlite Kullanm Firebase Chat App Yapm Wallpaper Uygulamalas Yapm Sosyal Medya Uygulamalar Yapm Online Uygulamalar Ticari Uygulamalar Admob Uygulama i Ve Abonelik rn Ekleme 2D Oyun Yazma"
Price: 49.99

"CorelDRAW for beginners in Hindi language: Graphics Design" |
"In this Tutorials students will learn to create beautiful, geometric designs using tools that enables to produce amazingly complex, symmetrical designs by simply moving nodes. you will learn the best tips, ideas, and tactics to creating designs. if you are a beginner, these helpful video tutorials will teach you everything you need to know about using CorelDRAW ."
Price: 1280.00
