mklwdufm |
"! VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Python Java. . , , . VBA , Microsoft Office. , VBA . ."
Price: 1799.00

"Finanzplan selber erstellen" |
"In diesem Videokurs werde ich Ihnen viele Mglichkeiten zeigen, Ihren Finanzplan zu erstellen. Sie erhalten von mir viele Tipps aus der Praxis, aus meinem tglichen Leben als Unternehmer, ich gebe Ihnen Ratschlge und zeige Ihnen auch Dinge, die Sie mit Sicherheit nicht zu trumen gewagt haben. Ich zeige Ihnen auch, wie der Finanzplan aufgebaut ist und wie Sie Ihren Finanzbedarf ermitteln, welche Kapitalarten und Finanzierungsmglichkeiten es gibt. Und, ja, das geht alles mit Excel. Wer das kann, beherrscht die Welt oder besser gesagt, versteht Finanzen und Excel. Sie knnen es auch lernen, garantiert!"
Price: 24.99

"Positive Leadership: The Art of Making a Difference" |
"Much of the leadership we encounter may be regarded as negative leadership: It's more about solving problems than it is about building on opportunities. Positive leadership,, which draws on several key principles of positive psychology, seeks to use positive interventions that capitalize on what's working, not what's broken. In this course, students will learn fundamental principles that can be applied to any leadership situation, now matter whether that situation involves a formal leadership title or an informal leadership role. They will learn why positive leadership can actually be far more effective than many of the leadership and management strategies commonly taught."
Price: 29.99

"Design Thinking and Product Development" |
"This course will cover the following topics.Design thinking (Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype & Test)Challenges of Product develomentCharacteristics of Product developmentCost & Duration of product developmentCase study on Electronic brakeforce distribution systemDifference between Agile, Design thinking Design sprintAt the end of the course, you will have a good knowlede on Design thinking approach that is carried out in almost all big companies and also the Product development strategies followed there.In this course, a case study on Electronic brake-force distribution is compared with the explained Design thinking steps for your easy understanding."
Price: 1280.00

"TikTok Marketing Ads" |
"finalmente arrivato il corso su TikTok ADS definitivo pi completo per il tuo successo su TikTok! Non dare nulla per scontato!Impara OGGI a sfruttare al meglio TikTok e scopri come CONQUISTARE la tua fetta di MERCATO, la FIDUCIA dei tuoi potenziali CLIENTI grazie al miglior manuale in circolazione che ti permetter di fare il salto di qualit.Imparerai a non fare i tipici ERRORI che il 90% dei principianti commettono quando si avvicinano a questo nuovo Social Network. Troverai anche tutte le news sul tema TIKTOK ADS per avviare una campagna pubblicitaria di SUCCESSO che in breve tempo ti porter raggiungere QUALSIASI obiettivo.Indice del corso:Introduzione1. Come creare un profilo sulla piattaforma;2. Tipologie di annunci pubblicitari;3. Caratteristiche Multipiattaforma, non solo TikTok;4. Le strutture degli annunci;5. Uno sguardo alla piattaforma;6. Creazione di una campagna;7. Posizionamento;8. Promozione;9. Crea la tua audience personalizzata;10. Destinazione Targeting;11. Budget campagna;12. Ottimizzazzione e offerta;13. Inserzione panoramica;14. Inserzione Video;15. Inserzione Immagine;16. Creazione di un video partendo dal modello template; 17. Creazione video con AI (parte 1);18. Creative Video AI (parte 2);19. Impostazioni per il pagamento;20. Dashboard."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de grficos profissionais no Excel" |
"O Excel uma das ferramentas mais importantes j desenvolvidas pela Microsoft. O software o produto do gnero mais popular do mundo e de fundamental importncia, principalmente no meio corporativo, que utiliza o Microsoft Excel como ferramenta diria de acompanhamento financeiro, administrativo, entre outras inmeras funes.Este curso estar segmentado para a parte grfica do Excel, aos que desejam aprimorar as suas habilidades e aprender tcnicas diferentes de grficos. Ideal para inovar nos projetos e sair do convencional.Melhore de maneira significativa seus relatrios do Excel, aprendendo a criar grficos elegantes que comuniquem suas informaes da melhor maneira."
Price: 39.99

"ANXIETY REMEDY: Eliminate Stress and Anxiety" |
"The ANXIETY REMEDY is a life-changing workshop that will dramatically reduce your stress and anxiety so you can experience more peace and joy!NO 12-hour classesNO 300-page workbooksNO BS bonusesJust exactly what you need to get rid of your stress and anxiety for good!In this easy-to-follow course, you'll learn how to:Recognize the signs and symptoms of anxietyIdentify and release your triggersInstantly shift from anxious to alignedDetermine your core values to reduce stressEstablish boundaries at work and in relationshipsTake action towards achieving your goals without the overwhelmCreate a daily routine that energizes instead of drains youPlug up any energy leaks that cause stress and anxietyNavigate lifes ups and down with confidence and easeEnroll NOW to gain immediate access to the transformative workshops and power-packed bonuses to help you shift from anxious to aligned."
Price: 19.99

"Solidworks Simulations" |
"En este Curso Master prenders a simular profesionalmente estudio estticos y dinmicos basados en la tcnica de elementos finitos FEA, con lo cual utilizaremos el vanguardista software CAD Solidworks y su herramienta de Simulation para realizar diversos tipos de estudios, la finalidad es converger en un estudio de diseo, que es la conjuncin de todos los tipos de estudio que de sesean hacer y verificar si se puede optimizar para fines de cuanto material se puede remover el componente y/o ensambles cuyo fin es minimizar los materiales con los que se elaboran estos, pero, que a su vez, estos puedan seguir cumpliendo con las especificaciones tcnicas de los propios clientes o consumidores finales, adems de tener la posibilidad de cambiar el tipo de material para simular el comportamiento mecnico. ESTE MASTER CURSO DE SOLIDWORKS SIMULACIN TE INCLUYE:1) Permitir hacer tus actividades sin problema alguno en el programa Solidworks 2018, 2019 o 2020 segn tu eleccin2) Soporte tcnico para la instalacin del software gratuitamente y durante la duracin de tu curso3) Acompaamiento en tiempo real para garantizar tu correcto aprendizaje4) Podrs tener la iniciativa de pedir alguna clase basada en alguna simulacin especifica derivado de tus necesidades profesionales o educativasPor todo esto, este Master Curso de Solidworks Simulations es la nica opcin en el mercado con la que te garantizo que aprenders de manera eficiente y profesional el prototipaje rpido enfocado en FEA que demanda la industria 4.0 en la actualidad.Cualquier duda que requiera ms especificacin, no dudes en hacerla en los comentarios."
Price: 1020.00

"web accessibility testing using a screen reader" |
"note!!!I am still uploading content to this course. I had planned to publish this course at a later date. Do to the pandemic, accessibility is more important than ever and I wanted to make sure that people could learn about accessibility when it is needed the most. While the amount of content seems short now, I will be adding new content weekly. Check back weekly to see the new content an I will make frequent announcements.This is an interactive course which will teach you how to use NVDA at a basic level. I also will teach you how to test a website by actually practicing on an interactive website that I made just for this class. What sets this course apart is that you will learn from someone who has a disability and also has a developer background. In addition, I use a screen reader daily to use the computer.objectivesLearn to use NVDA at a basic level.Learn to use accessibility checking tools to complement your manual testing.Learn about accessibility checklists.Learn how to make an accessibility report.Be able to find accessibility issues using NVDA.While I will talk about accessibility as a whole, screen readers are the main assistive technology focused on during this course.This course is specifically covering testing. I will make a future course about accessibility remediation/development."
Price: 19.99

"Audition Technique and Acting Methods" |
"During this course, we'll focus on the process of how to prepare for an audition scene using acting methods and techniques to create memorable performances. I am offering this class to help students gain confidence not only in acting but in life. I feel that my acting skills have given me the confidence needed in performing well during interviews, relating easily to other people, and being more understanding of others by studying behavior. I also have more than 15 years of film and television experience as shown on my IMDB page and would love to share my personal techniques and knowledge for students who would like to pursue this career."
Price: 199.99

"Sketchup e Layout" |
"O Sketchup tem crescido significantemente entre a comunidade de Arquitetos, Engenheiros e Designers de Interiores pelo mundo. Muito devido a sua facilidade de uso, mas tambm pelo crescimento do prprio software.A primeira verso do software no apresentava grandes ambies, a partir da verso 2014, se firmou como uma ferramenta de exibio de projetos incrvel. Com o lanamento do VRay for Sketchup da Cahos Group, j era possvel apresentar imagens fotorrealistas de qualidade.A partir de ento, o Sketchup tem se desenvolvido como uma ferramenta essencial para projetos incorporando anlise de conforto climtico e tecnologia BIM.Ou seja, se voc estudante de Arquitetura, Engenharias ou Design de Interiores, o Sketchup se tornar to essencial para voc quanto sua trena.Se voc um profissional j firmado no mercado e ainda no utiliza esse software, sinto muito te dizer, mas voc est ficando para trs.Ento, hora de mudar."
Price: 174.99

"Install your personal SAP HANA on Azure for free" |
"This course is created for any professional, fresher who is learning HANA database and would like to install their own personal database server for free to use anytime anywhere. As Hana requires High end hadware resources which is not supported by our work desktop and personal machines. So we would be using the Power of cloud infrastructure and computation engines with our fastest in-memory database SAP HANA.Course content to be covered :1. HANA software downloads for free 2. Creation of account on Azure cloud 3. Cost management on Azure4. Creating resources and configuration on Azure5. Network setup on Azure6. Installing Hana on Azure Cloud7. Connecting to Hana as plug and play"
Price: 1280.00

"Rock the Job Interview, Succeed at Work & Get Promoted" |
"If you are still in college, a recent graduate or someone who has had a hard time finding a job, in this course, we cover everything you need to know about:- what recruiters are looking for in job applicants- how to get them to notice your resume and cover letter- find out what interviewers want to hear when they ask you questions- if, when and how to negotiate your salary offer- know what to do your first week on the job And so much more! This playbook will help you successfully transition from college to work."
Price: 64.99

"Essentials of 5G: A Concise Technical Introduction" |
"This 5G course from Dr. Nishith Tripathi (Samsung Research America and Virginia Tech) and Prof. Jeff Reed (Virginia Tech and Reed Engineering) provides a concise technical overview of 5G through a series of 7 video lectures and quizzes. These sessions are based on the worlds first 5G multimedia book: 5G Cellular Communications- Journey and Destination. Lecture 1- 5G: Target Services and Performance Goals. Learn about the amazing services that 5G offers. Along the way, find out what performance goals 5G is aiming to achieve. You will also be able to compare 5G performance with 4G performance.Lecture 2- 5G: How Did We Get Here? Lets look back at the history of cellular communications. If you feel a little nostalgic and ponder over the days gone by upon reviewing the history, rest assured that you are not alone. You never know...we may have a crystal ball and may even tell you about 6G! Join us on this journey.Lecture 3- Building 5G in 5 Minutes. Building 5G is a Herculean task. However, the good news is that we already know the key building blocks. Watch this short video to quickly get a handle on the key 5G components.Lecture 4- 5G New Radio (NR) Air Interface: An Overview. 5G introduces a new air interface called New Radio (NR). The NR air interface helps 5G achieve superior performance compared to LTE. Watch this video to learn about key characteristics of the super-duper 5G NR air interface with unprecedented performance capabilities.Lecture 5- 5G Network Architecture: Salient Features. 5G defines a brand-new radio network and core network architectures. These architectures, along with concepts such as Network Slicing and MEC, provide flexible deployments. Watch this video to learn about salient features of the 5G network architecture.Lecture 6- Virtualization and Automation Technologies. The network architecture of 5G has been designed to be virtualization-friendly so that virtualization and automation technologies can be exploited to provide scalability, flexibility, and agility and to reduce costs. This video provides an overview of key virtualization and automation technologies that will facilitate the design, deployment, and maintenance of 5G networks in the coming months and years.Lecture 7- Devices and Applications for 5G. 5G will offer a variety of services to consumers and enterprises and serve many different industries on a massive scale. Such variation in service offerings requires the support of different types of devices and applications. This video provides a glimpse of potential types of devices and apps that we will experience and hear about in the coming years."
Price: 19.99

"Investing in Stock for Beginners (NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED)" |
"If you have ever thought of investing in the stock market or have started but are struggling, this course is made for you! In this short course, you will learn the fundamentals of the stock market and key tips on how to create a winning strategy.This includes:How the stock market works The importance of strategy and how to create one in less than 10 minutesThe types of stocks and which to choose based off your strategyThe power of dividends How to evaluate riskEvaluating your portfolio and how to make adjustmentsMany of the course concepts are inspired by the teachings of billionaire investors like Warren Buffett and my own successes and failure.Best of luck!"
Price: 149.99

"Importar de China y el Mundo con Alibaba. El Curso Completo" |
"Por medio de este curso completo vas a aprender a utilizar el portal de Alibaba correctamente y a importar tus productos a tu pas. Aprenders a buscar Productos ganadores entre los miles existentes en Alibaba, as como a elegir a los mejores proveedores existentes en el portal y diferenciar a un buen proveedor y a un excelente proveedor con quien estars haciendo negocios continuamente. Podrs importar desde pequeas hasta grandes cantidades y empezar a vender desde tu primer compra. Vas a aprender a comprar de manera segura utilizando herramientas y servicios disponibles para proteger tu compra. Aprenders a realizar el proceso de compra completo correctamente y te dar consejos en base a mi experiencia para llevar este proceso. Vas a aprender como importar tu producto y los diferentes mtodos para importar para que dependiendo en la etapa que ests sepas elegir la mas conveniente. Tendrs acceso de por vida al curso para repasar las lecciones las veces que quieras. Conforme agregue nuevas lecciones y materiales seguirs teniendo acceso a toda esta informacin de forma gratuita de por vida."
Price: 345.00

"Angular Essentials" |
"Angular Essentials is a course for absolute beginners who learn by doing. We will be building an app from scratch, right from installing Angular to styling with Angular material and everything in between.By end of this course you will have mastered the basics of Angular and will feel confident creating your own apps and taking your web development skills to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Drone para as Engenharias" |
"Nesse curso vamos abordar em uma linguagem fcil para os profissionais quem pensam em trabalhar com o uso do drone para a engenharia ou autnomos que queiram atender empresas de engenharia. Iremos ver os tipos de drones, melhores marcas e modelos, regulamentao e como fazer a regulamentao passo a passo, qual drone comprar, os cuidados que devem ser adotados para evitar acidentes e o uso do drone para as aplicaes das engenharias(Civil, Eltrica, Topografia,Minerao,Eng Ambiental,...)"
Price: 309.99

"Microbiologia e Gesto da Segurana de Alimentos" |
"Este curso possui mais de 30 aulas, as quais foram dividas em 07 mdulos, aonde so abordados detalhadamente os temas fundamentais da Microbiologia e da Segurana dos Alimentos, alm de trazer com bastante riqueza de detalhes as principais metodologias empregadas na anlise dos principais microrganismos indicadores e patognicos.Ao final do curso emitido um certificado, o qual pode ser usado para comprovao do conhecimento adquirido."
Price: 39.99

"Gesto gil com Scrum" |
"Alcance maior produtividade, aperfeioando suas tcnicas de liderana e gesto. Domine as habilidades de Scrum Master e Product Owner, papeis to importantes do Scrum e to requisitados pelo mercado de trabalho. garantido que que voc encontrar tudo isso no curso online de Gesto gil com Scrum da D1UP.Entenda como os mtodos geis podem apoiar a alavancar sua carreira, seus times e seu negcio, com ajuda do framework scrum, os participantes so desafiados a pensar e aplicar os princpios geis no seu dia a dia. Neste curso online de scrum, definiremos a agilidade e o seu papel no dia a dia de um time de sucesso. No tenha mais dvidas quanto ao que um scrum master ou qual a resposnsabilidade de um Product Owner (PO scrum), pois com esse treinamento essas dvidas e muitas outras acabaro.Se voc j conhece as reunies, papeis e artefatos do Scrum, chegou a hora de dar o prximo passo com o curso de Gesto gil com Scrum Avanado. Saber as responsabilidades de Product Owner ou Scrum Master bom, mas dominar tcnicas e ferramentas teis para o dia a dia destes papeis melhor ainda. Por isso, neste curso abordamos conceitos avanados de comunicao, planejamento, estimativas, priorizao e mtrica geis. Tudo isso para que voc consiga se destacar e dominar as habilidades de um time gil que o mercado tanto necessita"
Price: 39.99

"Yaratc Fotoraflk renin" |
"Bu evrimii fotoraflk kursu, akll telefon, aynasz veya DSLR kamera kullansanz da, artc grntler nasl ekeceinizi retecektir.Bu fotoraflk kursu, deneyimli fotoraflar veya deneyimsiz fotoraflarmz iin uygundur. Deneyiminiz ok az olsa da, olmasa da, kalabaln arasndan syrlmanza, olduka beeni toplayan, yarmalarda dl alabilmenize yardmc olacak grntler oluturmanza yardmc olabilmek iin tasarlanmtr.Olaanst Grntler Oluturmak iin Usta Fotoraf Tekniklerini reneceksiniz!Belirli stillerin veya ekipmanlarn nasl kullanlacana odaklanan ok sayda dijital fotoraflk kursu olsa da, yeni balayanlar ile ileri dzey fotoraflar iin her alana dokunan ve sizin genel kltrden ustalamaya doru yolculuk edebilmenizi salayabilen kapsaml bir kurs bulmak zordur.Bu kurs, becerilerini gelitirmek, her zaman vg alacak baarl grntleri ekmek ve fotoraflaryla para kazanmak isteyen tm fotoraflar iin tasarlanmtr - herhangi bir DSLR veya aynasz kamera kullancs iin iyi bir eitimdir.zellikle akll telefon kullanclar iin yol gsterici ve harikadr.Ne reneceksin: Kameralarn nasl altn ve hangi ekipmanlara ihtiyacnz olduunu anlama Manuel modda ana ekim ve kameranz anlama Bteniz ne olursa olsun hangi ekipman satn almanz gerektiini bilme Evde kaldmz bu pandemi dneminde evde yaratc fotoraflar nasl ekeceinizi grmek iin pratik atlye gsterilerimizi izleme Daha iyi fotoraflar ekmek iin kompozisyon, k ve uygun ayarlar kullanm Daha da iyi grnmeleri iin fotoraflar temel dzeyde dzenleme ( Photoshop eitimi deildir)reneceiniz fotoraf alanlar: Portre fotoraf Manzara fotoraflManzarada nsan Figuruelaleler ve Kadife SuBeyaz KarPerspektifYansmaSiluet rn fotorafl Yemek fotorafl Dk kta fotoraflk Spor ve aksiyon fotorafl Sokak fotorafl Mimari fotoraflk Haber ve belgesel fotorafl Hava fotorafl Moda fotorafl Sualt fotorafl Vahi Yaam fotorafl Gece fotorafl DSLR fotorafl Aynasz fotoraflk Akll telefon fotorafl Yaratc Modern FotoraflkFotoraf Tekniklerinizi Gelitirin, Deneyim seviyeniz veya ne tr bir kamera kullandnzdan bamsz olarak, bu derinlemesine kurs, fotoraflk becerilerinizi bir sonraki seviyeye tamak iin ihtiyacnz olan her eyi size sunmak iin tasarlanmtr.Doann, hayvanlarn veya insanlarn fotoraflarn, yada kendi yarattnz sahneler ile duran nesnelerin modern fotoraflarn ekmeyi tercih edin, bir fotorafnn nasl harika bir fotoraf ekebileceini, onu aydnlatacan ve dzenleyeceini renin.Bu becerileri gelitirerek fotoraflarnz satabilirsiniz, bylece tutkunuzu kariyere dntrebilirsiniz.Kapsam daha snrl olan dier fotoraflk derslerinden farkl olarak, bu eksiksiz kurs size nasl muhteem fotoraflar ekeceinizi deerlendireceinizi retir.indekiler ve Genel BakBu ders, Fotoraf Tekniklerinizi gelitirmek iin ne gerektiini retmeyi amalamaktadr. Temel bilgilerle balayacak ve bir kamerann nasl altn, mevcut kamera ve lens trlerini ve hedeflerinize ulamak iin ihtiya duyacanz ekipmanlar reneceksiniz.Daha sonra odaklanabileceiniz farkl fotoraflk alanlarn inceleyeceksiniz. Manuel modda nasl ekim yaplaca da dahil olmak zere kamera ayarlarnz (DSLR, aynasz veya dier) reneceksiniz. Sabitleme aralarn kullanacak ve bir sahneyi nasl dzgn bir ekilde oluturacanz ve aydnlatacanz , doru renkleri nasl kullanacanz, ksaca kompozisyon teknikleri konusunda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Bir akll telefon veya tabletle nasl harika fotoraflar ekeceinizi ve grntleri nasl dzenleyeceinizi bile reneceksiniz.Yaratc fotoraf atlyelerini izleyerek kendinizi gelitirecek ve dnce biiminizi deitireceksiniz.Bylece fotoraflarnz satmay, kendinizi nasl markalayacanzn temellerini atabileceksiniz.Bu dersin sonunda bir fotoraf olarak kendinize olan gveniniz artacak.Unutulmaz fotoraflar ekmek ve karl bir fotoraflk kariyerine balamak iin fotoraf makinenizi ve donanmnz tam olarak anlayacaksnz.Hangi kameray kullanmalsn?Bir DSLR fotoraf makinesi veya aynasz fotoraf makinesi bu kursu almak iin mkemmel bir seenektir. Pahal veya ssl bir model olmak zorunda deil. DSLR veya aynasz gibi deitirilebilir lensli kameralar kullanabilirsiniz.Bu derste kapsadmz tm manuel ayarlara ve seeneklere, pahal makinelere sahip olmasanz da, bir akll telefon veya kullan-at tek ekimlik kameralar bile kullanabilirsiniz.Eitmen kimdir?Burak Aksz, Teknoloji ve Fotoraf sanatn bir araya getirmi multidisipliner bir profesyonel ayn zamanda dll bir sualt fotorafsdr.Fotoraflk ve Kameramanlk niversite eitimini tamamlam olmasnn yansra yksek bilgisayar mhendisidir.Eitmenimiz iki disiplini birletirerek olduka karmak fotoraf tekniklerini, basit ulalabilir ekipmanlar ve basit bir dille, bolca grsel ve atlye almas ile destekleyerek aktarmaktadr.Bu eitimle, daha iyi bir fotoraf olmanza yardmc olacak sorularnz iletebilir ve zel destek ve geri bildirimleri alabilirsiniz!renecekleriniz Ailenizi ve arkadalarnz etkileyecek harika fotoraflar ekmeyi bileceksiniz Kamerann gerekte nasl altn bileceksiniz, bylece manuel ayarlar kullanarak daha iyi fotoraflar ekebilirsiniz Aile portreleri, manzaralar, hava, rn, yaban hayat ve ok daha fazlas gibi farkl senaryolarda nasl fotoraf ekeceinizi bileceksiniz. Temel fotoraf kurallaryla grntleri gzelce nasl oluturacanz bileceksiniz. Nesnelerinizi fla ve doal klandrma ile nasl aydnlatacanz bileceksiniz Fotoraflarnz profesyonel gibi nasl dzenleyeceinizi bileceksiniz Akll telefonlarnzla nasl daha iyi fotoraflar ekeceinizi bileceksinizKurs gereksinimleri veya n izleme var m? Fotoraf renmekten heyecan duymal ve harekete gemeye hazr olmalsnz! Ssl bir kamera gerekmez, kamera (akll telefon bile) bulundurmanz, size pratik aktiviteleri isterken renmenize yardmc olur. nceden fotoraf bilgisi gerekmez - bu kurs, yeni balayanlar iin hazrlanmtr.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun: Daha iyi fotoraf ekmek isteyen herkes Yetenekli fotoraf olmak isteyen yeni balayanlar Anneler, babalar, ocuklar, bykanne ve bykbabalar ve hayatlarn gzel bir ekilde belgelemek isteyen herkes Becerilerini gelitirmek isteyen amatr fotoraflar"
Price: 69.99

"3ds Max UVW Unwrapping Mastered - From Beginner to Pro" |
"In this in-depth course, we'll cover everything you need to know to simplify the often antagonizing process of UVW Unwrapping. Using simple, functional, and quick tools at your disposal - we'll show how to master every aspect of UVW Unwrapping in a simplified way within 3ds Max. Stop struggling with out-of-date-methods, confusing 3rd-party softwares, or techniques that are losing you valuable time (and even precious money) Master the simple UVW unwrapping techniques with this course, and learn to UVW Unwrap everything from simple primitives to complex assets."
Price: 19.99

"Blender Tips and Tricks!" |
"In this Blender Tips and Tricks course, instructor Alan Thorn explains how to power-up your Blender workflow with this course on tips and tricks for Blender. In bite sized chunks which you can watch anywhere, youll learn many tools, techniques and workflows for doing more with less in Blender. Optimise the way you work and get the most out of the software. Learn how to clean-up and enhance meshes. See how to get UVs done fast. Understand how to model with easy-to-use add-ons. Learn how to export models for other applications like game engines. And see tools for precision and measurement, for architecture and game environments. Plus lots more! In this course youll learn tip after tip of useful information. By the end, youll have learned many useful tricks that change the way you see and work with Blender!"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Developing for the AppExchange" |
"You are required to have successfully completed the following Udemy courses before you take this one:Salesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin BeginnerSalesforce Trailhead 2020 - Admin IntermediateSalesforce Trailhead 2020 - Developer BeginnerSalesforce Trailhead 2020 - Developer IntermediateWhen you have completed the courses above, this is the next step to have your awesome Apps listed on the Salesforce AppExchange!Boom!"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de ingls para profesionales - Business English Basics" |
"Aprenda los conceptos bsicos del ingls de negocios con un profesor de habla inglesaEste no es un curso de ""Business English"" para todos. Es un curso para ti.Usted est seguro y usted es un profesional en el mundo de los negocios - pero cuando habla ingls, se siente incmodo. En ingls, tus tareas parecen difciles e incluso frustrantes.Imagina dnde podras ir en tu trabajo y cunto ms eficiente sera tu trabajo si pudieras comunicarte y hacer tus tareas con confianza en ingls.Con sus capacidades y su experiencia empresarial, Jennifer te ensear a evitar los errores y puntos de pronunciacin especficos con los que los hispanohablantes nativos tienen dificultades.Practicars frases en ingls para estas reas esenciales de actividad: Presentaciones Correos electrnicos Llamadas telefnicas ReunionesPara cada actividad, realizar ejercicios para practicar y aplicar lo que ha aprendido en las lecciones.Practicars estas habilidades en ingls: Hablar con naturalidad Comprensin auditiva La escritura Gramtica Pronunciacin*Las lecciones estn en ingls con algunas traducciones al espaol.Tendrs una gran cantidad de recursos, incluyendo: Listas de frases tiles en ingls y espaol (PDF) Hojas de prctica (PDF) Exmenes y revisiones (PDF)Tome este curso si desea aprender ingls con el fin de obtener un mejor trabajo, una mejor posicin o puede que desee probar suerte en el extranjero en un pas de habla inglesa."
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Flauta Aprende Flauta Dulce. Vol.2" |
"La flauta dulce es sin duda uno de los instrumentos musicales ms conocidos. Su uso en las escuelas como mtodo para la iniciacin musical de los nios le ha dado gran popularidad. El mtodo de flauta que Virtuosso Producciones pone a tu alcance te guiar desde los conceptos bsicos hasta las tcnicas que te llevarn a los niveles ms avanzados de interpretacin. Aprenders las tcnicas de ejecucin, escalas, tonos, acompaamientos y esos grandes secretos que te convertirn en un gran flautista. El curso incluye ejercicios y material para mejorar tu tcnica. Con el Curso de Flauta de Virtuosso Producciones conocers los secretos que te convertirn en un profesional. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Flauta Aprende Flauta Dulce. Vol.3" |
" La flauta dulce es sin duda uno de los instrumentos musicales ms conocidos. Su uso en las escuelas como mtodo para la iniciacin musical de los nios le ha dado gran popularidad. El mtodo de flauta que Virtuosso Producciones pone a tu alcance te guiar desde los conceptos bsicos hasta las tcnicas que te llevarn a los niveles ms avanzados de interpretacin. Aprenders las tcnicas de ejecucin, escalas, tonos, acompaamientos y esos grandes secretos que te convertirn en un gran flautista. El curso incluye ejercicios y material para mejorar tu tcnica. Con el Curso de Flauta de Virtuosso Producciones conocers los secretos que te convertirn en un profesional. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Flauta Transversal Domina las tcnicas Vol.2" |
" Ahora con Virtuosso Producciones podrs aprender a tocar la flauta transversal guiado por la excelente flautista Mara Vakorena. El curso de flauta de Virtuosso Producciones te guiar desde los conceptos bsicos hasta las tcnicas ms avanzadas de interpretacin. Aprenders respiracin y vocalizacin, tcnicas de ejecucin, escalas, tonos, acompaamientos metodologa de estudio, protocolo en el escenario y otros temas que te convertirn en un gran flautista. Adems, el curso incluye un cd adicional con pistas y material para mejorar tu tcnica. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Bajo Sexto Aprende las mejores tcnicas Vol.2" |
" El bajo sexto es sin duda imprescindible en diversos estilos musicales, por lo que aprender a tocarlo con precisin y sabor te permitir convertirte en un experto en ritmos populares como el norteo, ranchero y cumbia. La nueva edicin del curso de bajo sexto de Virtuosso fue totalmente rediseada. Contiene nuevos temas, explicaciones ms detalladas, acercamientos de cmara para que veas con precisin los movimientos del maestro. Esta nueva edicin del curso de bajo sexto, con material totalmente renovado y con la instruccin de uno de los mejores exponentes de este instrumento, Virtuosso te devela los secretos para que te conviertas en un gran intrprete. No importa tu nivel de conocimiento, con este curso de bajo sexto quedars totalmente satisfecho y asombrars a quienes te escuchen tocar. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Bajo Sexto Aprende las mejores tcnicas Vol.3" |
" El bajo sexto es sin duda imprescindible en diversos estilos musicales, por lo que aprender a tocarlo con precisin y sabor te permitir convertirte en un experto en ritmos populares como el norteo, ranchero y cumbia. La nueva edicin del curso de bajo sexto de Virtuosso fue totalmente rediseada. Contiene nuevos temas, explicaciones ms detalladas, acercamientos de cmara para que veas con precisin los movimientos del maestro. Esta nueva edicin del curso de bajo sexto, con material totalmente renovado y con la instruccin de uno de los mejores exponentes de este instrumento, Virtuosso te devela los secretos para que te conviertas en un gran intrprete. No importa tu nivel de conocimiento, con este curso de bajo sexto quedars totalmente satisfecho y asombrars a quienes te escuchen tocar."
Price: 270.00

"Mastering Big Data Analytics with PySpark" |
"PySpark helps you perform data analysis at-scale; it enables you to build more scalable analyses and pipelines. This course starts by introducing you to PySpark's potential for performing effective analyses of large datasets. You'll learn how to interact with Spark from Python and connect Jupyter to Spark to provide rich data visualizations. After that, you'll delve into various Spark components and its architecture.You'll learn to work with Apache Spark and perform ML tasks more smoothly than before. Gathering and querying data using Spark SQL, to overcome challenges involved in reading it. You'll use the DataFrame API to operate with Spark MLlib and learn about the Pipeline API. Finally, we provide tips and tricks for deploying your code and performance tuning.By the end of this course, you will not only be able to perform efficient data analytics but will have also learned to use PySpark to easily analyze large datasets at-scale in your organization.About the AuthorDanny Meijer works as the Lead Data Engineer in the Netherlands for the Data and Analytics department of a leading sporting goods retailer. He is a Business Process Expert, big data scientist and additionally a data engineer, which gives him a unique mix of skillsthe foremost of which is his business-first approach to data science and data engineering.He has over 13-years' IT experience across various domains and skills ranging from (big) data modeling, architecture, design, and development as well as project and process management; he also has extensive experience with process mining, data engineering on big data, and process improvement.As a certified data scientist and big data professional, he knows his way around data and analytics, and is proficient in various types of programming language. He has extensive experience with various big data technologies and is fluent in everything: NoSQL, Hadoop, Python, and of course Spark.Danny is a driven person, motivated by everything data and big-data. He loves math and machine learning and tackling difficult problems."
Price: 124.99
