"Stata Level 1 Fundamentals of Data Analysis" |
"In this introductory course, you will learn how to use Stata for data analysis. You will learn how to manipulate and create databases, manage variables and information, construct datasets from several data sources , perform simple quantitative data analysis, reproduce your work for further analysis using do-files and solve common quantitative problems found in real world scenarios in data management. The course follows a goal-oriented approach. Each lesson is oriented to solve a common problem or challenge you may find in your work or research with quantitative data. The course uses real - world exercises to check your understanding and lessons are short to encourage your learning and commitment. The course doesn't examine statistical methods (regression analysis, logistic regression, ANOVA , etc)."
Price: 24.99

"Curso Online Diseo Textil Digital" |
"Alguna vez has soado con disear tu propia tela impresa? En este curso aprenders a crear patrones de repeticin sin fin! Es un curso nico para aprender de forma muy didctica a disear e imprimir tus propias telas para crear los productos que quieras! Aprenders a crear diseos textiles digitales hermosos, divertidos y coloridos con una diseadora textil profesional!*No se requieren conocimientos previos para participar.El enfoque del curso es ensear el proceso de disear e imprimir estampados de telas, desde la creacin del concepto, luego crear dibujo o pintura, traspaso digital en Photoshop, luego editar y convertir los diseos en patrones, y finalmente llegar a la impresin en tela.Podrs crear colecciones de todo tipo de productos, desde vestuario hasta decoracin como cojines, papeles murales, grficas, bolsos, etc. Las posibilidades son infinitas!El curso est dirigido a personas de cualquier rea que quieran aprender algo nuevo y crear sus propias telas!*Para la clase se requiere tu computador con Photoshop instalado. Si no tienes el programa, puedes obtener una versin de prueba gratuita en la pgina del software.El curso se compone por 6 captulos que incluyen 14 secciones de clases que explican el paso a paso para crear conceptos, patrones en Photoshop y tambin para entender cmo funciona el mundo textil. El curso es muy completo ya que incluye ejercicios dinmicos, prcticos y tareas a realizar para lograr los objetivos."
Price: 44.99

"Curso de estilo e imagem pessoal" |
"Oi! Se voc chegou at aqui porque est cansada de procurar roupas no seu armrio ou em lojas tentando montar looks estilosos mas no final voc no fica feliz com o seu visual.O Curso de estilo e imagem pessoal servir como um guia para as mulheres que desejam sentir-se bem com a sua prpria imagem. Aprenda comigo truques infalveis, fceis e rpidos de estilo e imagem pessoal que faro voc se transformar em uma mulher cheia de estilo e personalidade em questo de minutos, mesmo que voc no tenha experincia com moda. 100% garantido.Descubra o seu biotipo e o seu estilo pessoal de forma fcil, prtica e rpida. Aprenda a combinar roupas e acessrios com diferentes modelagens, tecidos, texturas e cores, com os truques comprovados que valorizam cada tipo de corpo e personalidade. Saiba quais cores mais combinam com voc e aprenda a valorizar ou camuflar as partes do seu corpo. Esta uma oportunidade nica para voc comear uma mudana slida, com tranquilidade, segurana e garantia.Se inscreva agora, alm das 17 aulas de estilo e imagem pessoal voc tambm receber como bnus 100% gratuito:meu ltimo e-book com 70 dicas para se sentir bonita todos os dias,um guia de estilo pessoal,lista com 50 lojas online,e o manual Dede Leme para escolher o culos ideal.Voc ainda tem garantia incondicional de 30 dias da Udemy! Eu espero que voc goste do meu curso, mas se no gostar, voc pode ter o seu dinheiro de volta de forma simples e sem burocracia.Esta uma oportunidade nica para comear uma mudana em voc. Se inscreva agora pois esse preo com mais de 50% de desconto pode mudar a qualquer momento! Agora a hora! Voc vai se sentir mais confiante todos os dias!Seja a sua consultora de estilo e imagem pessoal."
Price: 114.99

"Desarrollo de apps Android desde cero a profesional 2020" |
"En este curso aprenders a desarrollar aplicaciones Android con las tecnologas recientes para crear apps en Android, tambin haremos una app con todo lo aprendido en el curso incluyendo el desarrollo de tu propio Java Backend REST con JavaEE, conectado a firebase FCM para crear tambin tu servidor de Push Notifications y adems aprenders a monetizar tus apps, para ganar dinero con Google AdMob, con este curso podrs desarrollar tus apps de manera profesional.Podras tener acceso a varios recursos como:-Cdigo de todas las apps vistas en el curso.-Enlaces oficiales a recursos de Google.Puedes tener una mejor idea de lo que podrs hacer con este curso descargando la red social que he publicado Iwalnexus en Google PlayTemarioSeccin 1 Introduccin al curso Presentacin del cursoSeccin 2- Introduccin a Java Java Sintaxis, variables, constantes Tipos de datos en Java Operadores Bifurcaciones Estructuras iterativas POOSeccin 3- Introduccin a Android Android studio Creando dispositivos virtuales Creando proyecto en Android Studio Utilizar dispositivo fsico Estructura de un proyecto Android GradleSeccin 4 Elementos bsicos y diseo en Android Activity, Ciclo de vida, Contexto Elementos, propiedades y diseo de la UI Conectar la UI con el cdigo Intents explcito Intents implcito Toast y Snackbar Debugging Cambiar conoSeccin 5 RecyclerView manejo listas en android Patrones de diseo RecyclerView y adaptador RecyclerView GridLayoutManager Option menu Context menuSeccin 6- Manejo de imgenes Glide y Picasso CardView Manejo de imagenes Picasso y GlideSeccin 7- Layouts Linear, Relative, Constraint Layout LinearLayout RelativeLayout ConstraintLayout ConstraintLayout GuideLines ConstraintLayout ChainsSeccin 8- Fragments, Toolbar, Tabs y ViewerPager Fragments Ciclo de vida y contexto en Fragments Toolbar, TabLayout, ViewPager Implementando Toolbar, TabLayout, ViewPagerSeccin 9- Navigation Drawer NavigationDrawer Implementando NavigationDrawer Cambio de Fragmento y actividades con NavigationDrawerSeccin 10- SharedPreferences y Splash screen SharedPreferences Guardando datos en SharedPreferences Login con SharedPreferences SplashScreen Modificando SplashScreenSeccin 11- WebServices REST con Retrofit Introduccin a Web Services Retrofit y web services Retrofit creando Call Mostrando datos Retrofit + RecyclerView InterceptorSeccin 12- Notificaciones Introduccin a Notificaciones Creando notificaciones PendingIntents Agrupar NotificacionesSeccin 13- Room persistence library Introduccin a Room Room cdigo Database, Entities, DAO, Repsoitory, ViewModel Room cdigo UI Room cdigo repasoSeccin 14- ""App social"" parte 1, -base de datos y backend JavaEE- Diseo de BD App Social Creando Java backend App Social Creando REST webservices en Java backend App SocialSeccin 15 - ""App social"" parte 2, - Preparando app Android- App Social preparando proyecto Android App Social diseo pantallas login y registro App Social cdigo ViewPager2 en MainActivity, fragmentos post, users App Social conexin retrofit App Social creando entidades en android appSeccin 16- App Social parte 3, -Desarrollando la app- App Social cdigo registro App Social cdigo login App Social cdigo SplashScreen App Social NavigationDrawer App Social cdigo UsersFragment App Social cdigo PostFragment App Social creando post en PostFragment y backend App Social mejorando diseo y modificando DB App Social creando web service para subir fotos en backend App Social cdigo para subir fotos desde app App Social adaptador mltiple tipos de vistas App Social creando likes y amistades App Social finalizando app, fragmento perfil, framento amigosSeccin 17- App Social parte 4 -Implementando Android Jetpack: MVVM, Paging, Room- App Social utilizando MVVM en fragmento usuarios App Social utilizando paginacin en fragmento post App Social utilizando Room + API para sincronizar datos locales y en backenSeccin 18- App Social parte 4 -Notificaciones FCM y backend javaEE- App Social creando servidor de notificaciones App Social creando FirebaseMsgService y NotificationHelper App Social finalizando el cdigo de notificaciones y envindolasSeccin 19 Admob, Google Play console, mutilenguaje Anuncios con Google AdMob App con mltiples lenguajes Google play console App Bundle exportando nuestras apps"
Price: 199.99

"SQL on Impala" |
"Learn SQL using Impala on Cloudera Big Data Environment:Why Impala? SQL queries comprising filtering, summarizing, joining multiple tables, case statements, sub queries and unions. This should prepare a required skill to get into data analyst, database analyst or SQL skill for any IT related job. Knowing queries in Impala will add value to job skills."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Practice Real Exams 2020-PMBOK6th Edition _Agile" |
"Practice exam very close to the Real PMP Exam and it will keep you more confident to pass the Real PMP Exam also will lead you to close all gaps in project management knowledge further to agile part adaptive planning and management , so you have to read /understand each knowledge area and process goups first then try to solve these mock exams which will close all gaps accordingly you will clear all concerns and understand the project management and pass the PMP Exam easily with above target try to got more than 85% in the practice exams ."
Price: 24.99

"Lgica de Programao Divertida" |
"Nesse curso, pais e professores, podero aprender lgica de programao brincando, para ensinar crianas, utilizando uma plataforma internacional para criar animaes e games com blocos de cdigo. Steves Jobs dizia que toda criana deveria aprender a programar, porque ensina a pensar. Com este curso a criana desenvolve o raciocnio lgico, concentrao, entende a linguagem do computador e o melhor, nem v o tempo passar. Sero 10 aulas bem divertidas. Aps essas aulas, os alunos podero ingressar no segundo nvel."
Price: 69.99

"Curso COMPLETO CERTIFICADO Como criar a Vida dos seus Sonhos" |
"O curso COMPLETO CERTIFICADO Como criar a Vida dos seus Sonhos vai dar-lhe as diretrizes que precisa para mudar de vida. Quantas vezes j tentou mudar de vida? Quantas vezes desejou ter uma vida fantstica mas isso nunca aconteceu? Muitas vezes comea algo e no consegue terminar? Quer abrir o seu prprio negcio mas no tem coragem? A sua famlia est sempre a pressionar? Parece que a cada dia que passa a sua vida piora? Voc sente-se to mal, cada vez com menos esperana? As contas no param de aparecer? Quer comprar o seu carro de sonho mas no tem dinheiro? Quer encontrar o amor da sua vida? Quer simplesmente ser feliz? Seja qual for o seu dilema veio ter com a pessoa certa. Se h algum que j passou por tudo e mais alguma coisa fui eu. Alm de ter experincia para poder falar sobre tudo isto com voc, tornei-me recentemente autora de livros de auto ajuda e tenho feito formaes para o efeito. Eu mesma consegui mudar a minha vida seguindo as diretrizes que lhe vou fornecer neste curso. Voc no imagina o quo valioso este curso e como a sua vida ser transformada. Vamos comear? Venha comigo! Comece agora mesmo assistir a primeira aula da sua transformao."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Electric Circuits Course for Electrical Engineering" |
"Welcome To Our Course ""Complete Electric Circuits Course For Electrical Engineering"" This course is designed for absolute beginners who has zero knowledge about electric circuits , i start from zero until you understand all the fundamentals with hundreds of examples !!What are we going to learn from this course? Understand Ohm's law Difference between an Open Circuit and Short Circuit Difference between Fixed and Variable Resistance Definition of Conductance Know difference between series and parallel connection Definition of the Nodes, Branches and loops in Electric circuit Definition of the Kirchhoff's laws Definition of Kirchhoff current law Definition of Kirchhoff voltage law Series resistor and voltage division Know parallel resistor and current division Wye-Delta transformations and vice-versa Understand Applications as Lightning Systems Understand Nodal analysis no voltage source Understand Nodal analysis with voltage sources Understand the supernode Understand Mesh analysis no current Source Understand Mesh analysis with current Sources Understand the supermesh. Compare between Nodal and Mesh analysis Understand applications as DC transistor circuits Understand the meaning of the linearity property Use the Superposition theorem Understand Thevenin's theorem Understand Norton's theorem Maximum power transfer Understand the source transformation Understand application as resistance measurement Understand the various types of operational amplifiers Understand ideal op amp, inverting amplifier , non inverting amplifier Understand summing op amp circuit Understand difference op amp circuit Understand cascaded op amp circuit Know the applications of op amp like Digital-to-Analog converter Know the applications of op amp like instrumentation amplifiers Know what is a capacitor Understand how to simplify series capacitors Understand how to simplify parallel capacitors Know what is an inductor Understand practical capacitors and practical inductors Understand how to simplify series inductors Understand how to simplify parallel inductors Know how to get energy stored in capacitor Know how to get energy stored in inductor know the applications of capacitors and inductor as integrator know the applications of capacitors and inductor as differentiator.Who this course is for: Anyone who wants knowledge about electric circuits or engineers Anyone who is interested in Knowing the Main concepts of electric circuits Anyone who is student and wants to learn about DC Circuits easily"
Price: 1280.00

"Azure Face API" |
". . ."
Price: 104.99

"Automatisation des tests avec Robot Framework A-Z" |
"Vous vous noyez dans une collection sans cesse croissante de tests de rgression? Vous devez les automatiser! Si vous avez t trop intimid pour apprendre l'automatisation des tests en raison d'un manque de comptences en programmation , vous serez ravi de dcouvrir avec quelle facilit Robot Framework vous permettra d'automatiser vos tests.Robot Framework est un framework d'automatisation de test. Par comparaison. Robot Framework est beaucoup plus facile apprendre que Selenium Webdriver (avec Java, Python, C # ou PHP) car vos scripts sont crits avec des mots anglais au lieu de code.Ce cours vido de plus de 4 heures va: Fournir une vue d'ensemble de l'outil d'automatisation de test Robot Framework Vous apprendre installer et configurer Robot Framework en plus des bibliothques pour Selenium, API, base de donnes, etc.Vous aider crer et excuter votre tout premier script d'automatisation de test en quelques minutes Vous montrer exactement comment crer plus facilement un script d'automatisation de testVous montrer comment rendre un script d'automatisation de test simple beaucoup plus efficace et lisible Vous aider dcouvrir comment les variables et les objets de page peuvent rendre vos scripts d'automatisation de test plus flexiblesLe cours suppose que vous ne savez absolument rien de l'automatisation des tests et vous guidera travers chaque dtail de l'installation et de la configuration pour vous aider vous diriger immdiatement dans la bonne direction. Le son clair et articul vous permettra de comprendre rapidement chaque dtail."
Price: 79.99

"Organised crime infiltration of public procurement" |
"This course gives students an insight into into organised crime groups including a comparison to white collar crime and how on occasions are used to support criminal activity by both groups. We outline how organised crime groups can diversify into legal business and how their supply chains are created and used, how corruption and other methods are used to infiltrate public procurement and risk mitigation that can be used to identify and mitigate organised crime risk within procurement."
Price: 29.99

"GST Returns 2020 Course (Live Working) : Get Certified Today" |
"Aim & Future Prospects:The aim of the course is to help individuals, businessman, accountants, CAs and other professionals to upgrade their knowledge regarding the Goods and Services Tax by offering most of the real time practical knowledge on GST Portal in an updated and systematic approach that help them to accelerate their skills and knowledge required for self-employment & employment at industrial level as well.Benefits of the course:The course is specially focused & designed on ""Real-Time Online""working model on GST Portal.The course will help in an exponential growth of job opportunities available to individuals. You can start your own consultancy services as wellThe course will help to accelerate your skills and knowledge required for self-employment & industry both.Course Contents:Introduction to GST?Deep Dive in GST Practical knowledge.""Registration Services"" on GST Portal.""Ledger Services"" on GST Portal.""Returns Services"" on GST Portal.""Payment Services"" on GST Portal.""User Services"" on GST Portal.""Refunds Services"" on GST Portal.GST Law from GST Portal.Real - Time ""Download Services"" on GST Portal.""Searching Taxpayer Services"" on GST Portal."
Price: 5760.00

"1Y0-264 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Support Review Exam" |
"135 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-264 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Support Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-264 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Support Review ExamTotal Questions : 135Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : 75 (101 of 135)"
Price: 144.99

"156 to 215.75 R75 Check Point Security Administrator Exam" |
"247 UNIQUE practice questions for 156 to 215.75 R75 Check Point Security Administrator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156 to 215.75 R75 Check Point Security Administrator ExamTotal Questions : 247Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (185 of 247)"
Price: 174.99

"250-270 Administration of Symantec Net Backup 7.0 Unix Exam" |
"225 UNIQUE practice questions for 250-270 Administration of Symantec Net Backup 7.0 Unix ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 250-270 Administration of Symantec Net Backup 7.0 Unix ExamTotal Questions : 225Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (168 of 225)"
Price: 169.99

"Become a pro dancer in a little time!" |
"This course is about simple and effective moves, that require no efforts and attainable to everyone ! It has a follow along system so you don't have to worry about memorizing the moves So, if you are looking forward to improve your dancing skills, please join me in my course and you won't regret it"
Price: 19.99

"Masterclass in Design Thinking, Innovation & Creativity" |
"Design Thinking is the leading discipline in the field of innovation.In this masterclass, we will embark on a journey and discover new opportunities for innovation led by Rinat Sherzer, founder of Of Course Global, a purpose-driven innovation consultancy.We'll go through the entire Design Thinking process from inception to validation.Its a process of crafting solutions while using creative problem-solving techniques. And is used by the most groundbreaking companies out there such as Apple, Capital One, and Airbnb.It wisely navigates between wild big ideas and actionable steps.Design Thinking is a process that not only allows you to create a validated solution but also gets you to know your users at a deep level and solve problems that really matter.Design Thinking widely been adopted by UX Designers, product owners, entrepreneurs, and social entrepreneurs around the world.We live in a saturated world of products and services. A world with many short term solutions that fail to benefit our society and environment. Wouldnt you like to create the next big game-changing idea?By the end of this masterclass, you will have deeply understood your target audience, uncovered surprising insights, came up with many exciting ideas and then prototyped and tested the chosen idea with real users.Over the past 12 years, Rinat has helped thousands of people sharpen their creative skills and build purpose-driven solutions.From managers in Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft, Capital One and Pfizer to students in acclaimed universities such as Cornell, Parsons and Columbia University all the way to emerging entrepreneurs working on their first venture.She helped startups grow into multi-million worth companies and designed strategies for global peace movements all by using the tools taught in this masterclass.In this masterclass, you will learn the ins and outs of purpose-driven innovation through the Design Thinking. You will learn from real case studies and top creative tools out there.Its going to be a hands-on experience!You will be encouraged to step out of your comfort zone, a lot! Its going to be messy, eye-opening, and fun!So if value-driven solutions, collaboration, and creative thinking speak to you, this Design Thinking, Creativity & Innovation masterclass is for you!Music used in the videos by: Bensound"
Price: 129.99

"autocad basico nivel 1" |
"un curso que ayudara a usar las herramientas y comandos que pueden aprender lo basico para realizar grandes distinciones de cada comando que pueden aprender mediante el transcurso y proceso del curso.realizar ejercicios y cada comando que se aprendera mediante los videos y utilizar cada uno de ellos...muchas graciasuna oportunidad de que pueden aprender y la metodologiaque sera:*ejercicios:realizaremos este caracter que tendra en cuenta el repaso que se puede determinar en cada proceso del video*comandos:en cada video se enseara 3 tipos de comandos,para el desarrollo del conocimiento de cada comando y sus funcionalidades.vamos que seran muy basico todos los comandos que pueden llegar ha conocer y ampliar todos los conocimientos.por lo tanto sera una gran oportunidad para que puedan aprender todas las caracterisiticas de los comandos sera de nivel 1 este curso que despues seran mas complejos para el uso de cada una de ellas.asi que hechele las ganas al curso de nivel 1 de autocad basico que poco a poco aumentamos mas en la comunidad de conocimiento."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Control & Instrumentation Cables" |
"Through this course you will learn about various parameters which affect signal integrity and transmission properties. At the same time, you will also learn how to keep control on various parameters and remedies for getting quality products. Most importantly you will be able to analyze process problems and will be able to give effective solution."
Price: 1600.00

"VMCE_V9 Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) V9 Practice Exam" |
"168 UNIQUE practice questions for VMCE_V9 Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) V9 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VMCE_V9 Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) V9 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 168Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :105 minsPassing Score : 75 (126 of 168)"
Price: 154.99

"CompTIA Security + Bridge BR0-001 Certified Practice Test" |
"142 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA Security + Bridge BR0-001 Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA Security + Bridge BR0-001 Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 142Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :95 minsPassing Score : 75 (106 of 142)"
Price: 149.99

"The Full Passive Income Dropshipping Course." |
"Dropshipping is one of the most profitable and most powerful businesses you can start. I got into dropshipping around 2 years ago, at first I never made any profit, so I analyzed everything and started thinking why I never made any profit, then I applied the changes I thought of. And that's exactly when I actually succeeded with dropshipping. In this course I'll be teaching you how to find the right products to sell, make a professional, good looking Shopify store, find your suppliers, and apply a powerful marketing strategy."
Price: 89.99

"Learn DRAW AND PAINT if you want to make carrier in Design" |
"Welcome to the creative world of Learn How to Draw and Paint !!Learn, entertain and get inspired by a new age visual learning experience.Through these videos, you will learn drawing and painting in a step by step and very easy way.We have systematic designed this modules. We have 30 videos in this course, Few will be uploaded soon. As initially I am keeping this course free and for that Udemy has some time limit.Very carefully designed for you in order to empower your imagination, creativity, problem solving attitude and also to boost your confidence.Every video consists of exercises of various drawing and painting techniques like memory drawing, still life, abstract, portrait, texture painting, folk arts, and many more.Learn entertain and get inspire, with Learn how to draw and paint."
Price: 29.99

"How to GO FB Live & Transform Your Business Life" |
"This is for total newbie only. For those who have never done FB Live. Let's start ...Would you like to leverage your business using Live ?Would you want to go global and be known ?Do you want to increase your personal brand ?Hey business owners, during this tough time , it is time to move your business from offline to online. Even after post Covid-19, it is time to move online. Don't wait. Not only online, you have to GO Live and leverage on the largest social networking platform. Let your brand, products and services be known.This program is for :-- Business owners- Entrepreneurs- Start up companies- and Aspiring entrepreneursThis step by step program is for total newbie only. If you have been doing Live, then this program is not for you.This program is base on more than 50 Live done within the past 1.5 months, and clocking more than 50+ hours on Live. Prior to this, Johan and Cherry also did a lot of Live at ground events at shopping malls.What is inside the program ?- The landscape of social media, e-commerce and e-learning. What is the shift right not ?- The 4 sets to have the winning edge. ( Mindset, Heartset, Toolset and Skillset )- Toolset includes what hardware do you need to go Live ? You won't believe this.- Toolset also includes software to go Live. Why this software ?- Skillset. You can have the best hardware and software, but what do you say during your live show ? This content gives you the winning edge to create ""almost"" unlimited content.- Case studies and bloopers. How we screw up some of our episodes online ?- How to be confident in front of a video camera ?- Speaking on stage VS Speaking online.This program is a 2 hour 42 mins pre-recorded videos. You can watch it at the comfort of your own home. Rewind and replay if you need to. More importantly, implement and DO, that is the key. So come on board and Go Live & Transform Your Business Life.About the trainers.The content above are base on real-life experiences of Johan & Cherry. Johan and Cherry are both founders of Johan Speaking Academy. Their signature program is teaching kids in public speaking, and have taught more than 3000 kids to speak on stage. Kids have stood in front of large audiences in venues such as MidValley, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Sunway Lagoon, IPC Mall, Sunway Velocity Mall and Atria Mall just to name a few. Both Johan and Cherry have been featured in media channels such as Bernama TV, RTM Malaysia, The STAR, Feminine Magazine, AFO Radio, Channel W, SME Malaysia, Focus Malaysia and Feminine Magazine. Johan also conducts corporate public speaking and business storytelling for adults."
Price: 19.99

"Windows 10 User Guide for Beginners" |
"Windows 10 is a series of operating systems produced by the American multinational technology company Microsoft and released as part of its Windows NT family of operating systems. It is the successor to Windows 8.1, released nearly two years earlier, and was released to manufacturing on July 15, 2015, and broadly released for the general public on July 29, 2015.Windows 10 was made available for download via MSDN and Technet and available as a free upgrade for retail copies of Windows 8 and Windows RT users via the Windows Store. Windows 10 receives new builds on an ongoing basis, which are available at no additional cost to users, in addition to additional test builds of Windows 10 which are available to Windows Insiders. Devices in enterprise environments can receive these updates at a slower pace, or use long-term support milestones that only receive critical updates, such as security patches, over their ten-year lifespan of extended support"
Price: 2560.00

"CCNA Security 210-260 Practice Test 2020" |
"In this CCNA Security 210-260 course there are CCNA Security 210-260 practice exams in total. There are over 240 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.We are highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your CCNA Security 210-260 examWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 240 Questionsii.All 240 Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:Want to pass the CCNA Security 210-260 certification.Want to find your weak areas for the CCNA Security 210-260 certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"How to efficiently plan and study your next IT certification" |
"Do you want to advance your IT career path by achieving as many IT certifications as you want? Have you tried before and you faced challenges in time management? If the answer is yes, then this course is for you. This course is designed for busy IT professionals who want to achieve more.It is providing a detailed step by step guide during any IT certification journey. Whether you are a programmer, an administrator, or an architect this course will help. By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently plan & achieve your target IT certification as we will be applying techniques used in project management & psychology."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Reasoning and Aptitude in easy and effective way" |
"In this course you will learn the 8 main topics of Reasoning and Aptitude that are appearing frequently in most of the competitive exams. PDF files of the lectures, imp formulae, practice papers will be uploaded where ever required. Students can contact me to clarify thier queries in any problems. I'm would be glad to extend my support outside the course as wellSimple and effective answers and explanationsImportant Practice sessionsThis course will provide complete formulas and concepts of all the mentioned topics.Helps you to handle the questions related to these topics confidently.Those who are enthusiastic to learn but thinking about the price, I can help such students. Please contact me to get discount coupons. I want to help who NEEDS to learn but money is a hurdle for them. I know how it feels, not having enough financial support to learn something which we are keenly interested in. Contact me and I will try my level best to help such students..."
Price: 1280.00

"Beginner Flamenco Guitar: Technique Toolbox #1 (por Sole)" |
"Have you always wanted to learn how to play Traditional Spanish Flamenco Guitar? My ""Beginner Flamenco Guitar: Technique Toolbox #1 (por Sole)"" course is for you!~I developed the Beginner Flamenco Guitarist's Technique Toolbox #1 (por Sole) for guitarists (from Beginner to Intermediate Level) that want to learn REAL flamenco music and rhythms WHILE learning the most essential techniques for Spanish Flamenco Guitar.Flamenco has HUGE VARIETY of technical requirements to play the art form as well as very unique and diverse musical influences.I created this STEP-BY-STEP program that will bring you through each technique, allowing you to practice and perfect, understand and then move on to the next technique, layering, building and by the end of this course, IF you put in the practice... *YOU will be able to play a SOLO FLAMENCO GUITAR piece!!!You... yes...YOU!!!, will have the knowledge and (if you practice diligently) the skills to play a full SOLO FLAMENCO GUITAR piece!!!!*I'm COMPLETELY serious!We're going to dive right into what is considered to be the ""Mother of all Palos (song forms)"" in flamenco music...SOLEARES.You will learn the chords, the rhythms, the first foundational techniques, the scales and THE SKILLS... then you will put it all together to make ACTUAL MUSIC!!!This course gives you the solid foundation from which you will be able to build your flamenco guitar knowledge exponentially! After this course, you will be able to take what you have learned from this course and have the understanding and know-how within the art of flamenco to more quickly learn and understand other flamenco music of interest. HOW is that?Because you will know what to look for and how to apply it within your next phases of learning! **This course is not to be missed if you're at all interested in studying flamenco guitar.**""The technical fundamentals, musical concepts and understanding you will take away from this course will serve you in all of your future guitar and music studies...for the rest of your life."" - Chris B. Jcome (Course Creator)~Even More reasons to ENROLL TODAY!!!*This is a thoroughly tried and tested method taking you step-by-step, layering technique upon technique with in-depth and precise technique tips.*With this 100% Linear Curriculum, YOU CAN play flamenco guitar! I PROMISE!**""Your lessons are so good. The way you break it down, into half a measure at a time and explaining the beats, really I dont think its possible to break it down any further, and it makes it accessible to me. "" - Elaine H.**Aren't you tired of learning random guitar skills and techniques from various online sources and feeling like you're really getting nowhere?I've been teaching guitar for more than 30 years! I have multiple fixes for every possible question but one of the BIGGEST MISTAKES I see guitar students make is by skipping the absolute fundamentals. That's why I start from the very beginning so I KNOW that you have everything you need to play the guitar well from the very beginning.**""I would recommend Chris Jcome to anyone who wishes to learn Flamenco guitar, or to just experience this beautiful style."" - Wes W.**By the end of this course you will know more about how to play guitar, how to improve and how to practice CORRECTLY to achieve RESULTS than many highly-advanced guitarists.My more than 30 years of guitar teaching experience has yielded many tools, techniques and tips that I share with all my students to provide maximum understanding and results as quickly as possible. I have found that by sharing the WHY behind the techniques allows online students to self-correct and get extraordinary results.So, what are you waiting for?You'll get an exceptional guitar course, acquire essential flamenco guitar skills PLUS you will learn about the rhythm, scales and harmonies so prevalent in Spanish Flamenco!Oh...and you will also receive PRINTABLE PDF Lesson Plans of ALL THE MUSIC in the COURSE!!!!!Yep! => nearly 30 Pages!!!GET STARTED NOW!I'm looking forward to hearing YOUR success story!!!**""As one of the premiere flamenco guitarists residing in the U.S., Chris' talent and love of the art are unmistakable. Chris comes highly recommended for anyone interested in studying flamenco guitar."" - Michelle A.**"
Price: 149.99

"Learn Fundamentals of Stock Investing in 1 Hour" |
"""An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."" - Benjamin FranklinDo you want to learn the Investment Secrets of the greatest investors of all time?People interested in learning about investing drown in the never-ending waterfall of financial news and get-rich-quick schemes, they no longer know what works and what doesn't. This is why they miss focus and generally lose money.This investment course teaches you a powerful strategy which the greatest investors of our time, like Warren Buffet who focused on finding companies with durable competitive advantageWhile many courses cover these concepts in long videos and tutorials, the purpose of this course is to bring crisp and precise information and get you up and running for selecting right stocksValue investing is a powerful, low-risk, proven strategy which allows you to consistently earn above-average returns. Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:Understand all aspects of Value Investing and fundamental analysisCalculate the intrinsic value of any stockUnderstand which are the companies with durable competitive advantageFind and identify attractive investment opportunitiesManage your own portfolio with confidenceUnderstand basics of annual reports - profit and loss statement, balance sheet and cash flow statementUnderstand how stock investing should be handled emotionallyManagement AnalysisPlus much more!"
Price: 1280.00
