"""Stars and Stripes"" Pattern Quilt Top From Start to Finish" |
"In this course, you will be taken through an easy step by step process to create a hand-made quilt top using the ""Stars and Stripes"" pattern. You will need a basic working knowledge of your sewing machine, and really, thats about all! Basic quilting requires that your machine be able to stitch forward and backward. The rest is up to you and the hints I provide on stitching in a straight line. Ive taught folks who have never sewed before, and with care and practice, they have created beautiful quilts!"
Price: 24.99

"Create Stunning End Screens for YouTube Videos Using Canva." |
"Being a Beginner Youtuber its really difficult to scale a Youtube Channel, even attaining the Monetization criterion seems to be impossible for many..Taking all these into consideration coupled with my 6 years of experience on Youtube through this Video Course I'm going to teach you guys how you can effectively implement End Screen with your Youtube videos.End screens are short sequences that you can add at the end of your videos with call to action to motivate viewers to watch your next video or subscribe to your channel.Requirements :A YouTube ChannelA Canva account (Free or Pro)A video editing softwareI'm Exited to see you Guys..."
Price: 19.99

"E-Mail Marketing Meisterkurs mit Quentn" |
"Wsstest Du gern, wie man professionelles und top aktuelles E-Mail Marketing betreibt und das mit der intuitivsten und am einfachsten zu bedienenden deutschen E-Mail Marketing Software Quentn?In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir, wie Du ganz einfach Schritt fr Schritt professionelles E-Mail Marketing betreibst. Du erfhrst, wie Du auch ohne Vorwissen Quentn einrichtest, E-Mail Serien planst, Leads generierst und komplette E-Mail Kampagnen anlegst. Du bekommst Profi Tipps und Strategien, um mit wenigen, einfachen Feineinstellungen noch mehr Umstze zu generieren, indem Du Deinen Kunden und Interessenten durch ansprechende Inhalte einen maximalen Mehrwert bringst.Was genau wirst du jedoch im Detail in diesem Kurs lernen?E-Mail Marketing Grundlagen: Welche Begriffe sollte man kennen? Was sind Leads? Wie ist ein Funnel aufgebaut? Was sind Newsletter und Autoresponder und wie setzt Du diese in Deinem E-Mail Marketing richtig ein?bersicht und Funktionsweise von Quentn: Hier lernen wir die Einzigartigen Vorteile und die Grundfunktionen von Quentn kennen. Wie ist die Software aufgebaut und welche Features sind essenziell fr einen schnellen und leichten Start in Dein E-Mail Marketing? Wir gehen genau darauf ein, wie Du Dein E-Mail Marketing Datenschutzrechtlich sauber und DSGVO konform betreibst.Die ersten Schritte: Hier lernst Du alle wichtigen Schritte zur Steuerung Deiner E-Mail Kampagnen kennen. Ich zeige Dir, wie Du E-Mail Serien anlegst, Kontakte importierst und exportierst, wie erfolgreiche Newsletter und berschriften aufgebaut sind, wie Du Double-optin Formulare erstellst und Deine Kunden taggen kannst.Das Quentn Wordpress Plugin: Wir lernen hier, wie Du Quentn als Plugin in Wordpress installieren und mit Deinem Quentn Konto verknpfen kannst. Du lernst die genialen Mglichkeiten von Web Tracking mit diesem Plugin kennen.Dein erstes Projekt: Nachdem Du in den vorhergegangenen Lektionen gelernt hast, wie Du im Einzelnen die Funktionen von Quentn nutzt, gehen wir nun von der Theorie in die Praxis und bauen mit all dem Vorwissen gemeinsam Dein erstes Kampagnenprojekt anhand einer Beispielkampagne auf.Erweiterte Funktionen: Hier gehen wir noch einen Schritt weiter und schauen uns an, wie Du Quentn ber die Schnittstellensoftware Zapier mit hunderten von Drittanbieter Programmen und Social Media Plattformen, wie Facebook, Pinterest, etc koppeln kannst.Profi Taktiken: Jetzt geht es ans eingemachte, denn wir kommen zu den Hacks und Tricks der Profis. Du lernst, wie Du Headlines schreibst, die wirklich brennen und die ffnungsrate Deiner E-Mails damit erhhst. Ich zeige Dir, wie Du mit der ""Cashback-Strategie"" das Geld wieder reinholst, das Du fr Werbeanzeigen ausgegeben hast, so dass diese sich selbst finanzieren und wie Du Leadmagneten outsourcen kannst, Deine Texte mit der ""Revolving Content"" Strategie immer wieder verwenden kannst und wie Du das ""P.S."" in jeder Mail nutzen kannst, um zustzliches Geld zu verdienen.Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn Du mit diesem Kurs fertig bistIndividuelle E-Mail Marketing Kampagnen aufsetzen, die auf Dich, Deine Kunden und Dein Produkt/Deine Dienstleistung zugeschnitten sind.Intuitiv das deutsche und DSGVO konforme E-Mail Marketing System Quentn beherrschenMit wenigen Klicks Deine E-Mail Serien und individuelle Sales Funnels einrichtenSpielend Eintrageformulare, Autoresponder und Newsletter erstellen, sowie Quentn in Verbindung mit Wordpress und anderen Schnittstellen nutzen knnen.Profi Strategien aus dem Online Marketing beherrschen, die Dir mit wenig Aufwand hhere Klick-, ffnungs und Conversion Raten bringen werden.Also, worauf wartest du noch? Schreibe Dich jetzt in diesen Kurs ein und wir starten in einer Minute direkt mit dem ersten Video!Ich freue mich auf dich.Viele Gre,Marco Siebert- dein Dozent -"
Price: 199.99

"Big Data Analytics Using Hive In Hadoop" |
"The is a hands on based course which includes demo on all the major topics in Hive .The course includes the best practices used in the industry. This course includes all the essential skills in Hive that makes anyone start working on Hive immediately after completing the course .Introducing Big data & HadoopBasic Hadoop CommandsIntroducing HiveDatabase In HiveTables(Internal & External)In HivePerformance Tuning(With Optimization Example)Case Statement In HivePartitioning & Bucketing In HiveHive Built In FunctionsWhat Is Sqoop?Import MySql table into Hdfs Exporting HDFS file to MySqlImporting MySql Table To HiveAdditional SectionConsuming AWS S3 Bucket Data From HiveIntroduction To Spark"
Price: 1920.00

"Copywriting Headlines - 21 Copwriting Headlines That Convert" |
"Imagine you wrote the worlds best email, but the subject line sucks. Your target audience doesnt open the email, and you dont get sales. So it doesnt matter how good your body copy is. If you write the best copy in the world, but your headline sucks, no one will read it.David Ogilvy, one of the worlds greatest marketers and copywriters said, On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy"". You see, the whole point of the headline is to get people to read the first sentence then the second then the third and so on. And if your headline isnt enticing enough to get the people to read that first sentence after the headline youve lost them. And youve lost a ton of money. So its important to get the headline right. But the problem is, most people try to be creative or inventive with their headlines. And they usually end up falling flat. So why not take some of the best headlines in the history of marketing and copywriting twist them to fit your target market, audience, product or service and remove all the guesswork? Thats what the best marketers and copywriters do.And thats why I put together 21 most influential headlines that top internet marketers and high paid copywriters use. I made this course for you so you could spend less time trying to come up with a headline that works... and spend more time making money.So what are you waiting for? Enroll This Course Now."
Price: 1280.00

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Exam" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then this AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Exam is perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice Exam, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"Curso de Astrologia Evolutiva Nivel 1 Modulo 1" |
"En este curso te vas a iniciar con las primeras herramientas necesarias en el lenguaje astrologico.Comenzamos con la clasificacion de signos de acuerdo a su modalidad, elemento y polaridad, que son la base necesaria para comprender la dinamica de los aspectos en una Carta Natal.Continuamos con los 3 pilares mas importantes en el analisis astrologico, que son: el Sol, la Luna y el Ascendente natal."
Price: 24.99

"LYRICS - overcoming WRITER'S BLOCK" |
"Hi, I'm Nathan I have developed a step-by-step course blending a creative idea generating approach with a structured template to capture and present your ideas to your screaming fans! Let's face the music, a song without lyrics is an instrumental... Put lyrics and a voice behind it and you have the magic which is your favourite song speaking directly to who you are and what makes you human. The music industry revolves around one thing: THE HIT SONG and the SONGWRITER. Without songs there is no industry... or no STAR.Whatever your approach to songwriting, whatever your skill level. Whether you start with lyrics/chords/melody/hooks, the music you write will crave a lyrical concept that makes it relatable to an audience. The ABSOLUTE WORST FEELING in the world is having something to say and not knowing how to say it. i.e. WRITER'S BLOCK. This course comprises of 5+ hours of interactive videos where I lead you along the journey of LYRICAL LIBERTY. Each section has great knowledge nuggets, exercises, song studies and resources building towards a STEP-BY-STEP 'Writing Process Mind-Map' and 'Lyric Template'. At the end of this course you will be empowered with TOOLS not RULES to approaching songwriting and not just leave your next hit to chance. When you apply these resources and tools to any ideas generated before or through-out the course you will have a FULLY FINISHED and RECORDED SONG ready for your audience to indulge. (No I am not teaching how to produce the song, just write it organically with structure that will be ready for recording) Can't wait to hear the fruits of your labor and investment. Let's get started !We also have a Songwriting Community on Facebook for a community of like minded songwriters pushing each other to be the best they can be. Nathan Jean Songwriting"
Price: 19.99

karadarebirth1 |
Price: 24000.00

"Some Python Modules to Create AI Projects" |
"In this course, we are going to cover some python modules which help us to make AI projects like J.A.R.V.I.S, Face recognition, Face detection, etc. In my next course i will show you how to create J.A.R.V.I.S .python is high level interpreted language, in this project we are going to use python 3.6"
Price: 2880.00

"Basic Course in Medical Toxicology" |
"This course will give a clear idea about the basics of toxicology. You will have a clear & solid knowledge about the evolution of toxicology, different ways of classifying poisons, action fate & elimination of poison in the body, how to diagnose prevent & manage poisoning cases. By this course, you will be familiarized with Poison Information Centres."
Price: 1280.00

"CIS PPM Practice Questions" |
"The practice questions for CIS - PPM, will help the candidate to understand and practice for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Project Portfolio Management (PPM) exam. The exam is fairly straight forward with maximum questions from ""PPM Application Overview"" followed by ""Idea & Demand Configuration"", ""Resource Management Configuration"" and ""Project configuration"". The 3 practice tests will drive you to do the same approach what the CIS - PPM exam takes.The actual exam contains 60 questions, which are usually Multiple Choice, and Multiple Select."
Price: 19.99

"Apartment Locating Mini-Course (Real Estate Agents)" |
"FINALLY, An Apartment Locating Mini Course! The 1st & ONLY Course of its kind, designed for like-minded Real Estate Professionals.I'm here to reveal, what a small group of real estate brokers DON'T want YOU to know. Let me show you why Apartment Locating can take your career to the next level, reliably!I am so grateful to have earned a stable & reliable full time income with Apartment Locating. This Real Estate Niche has been the #1 reason I am able to pay my bills, go on many vacations, and live the life I want, with NO BOSS to report to!Most importantly, it has given me peace of mind because I understand that if things go bad in life, I can always fall back on Apartment Locating and generate a full-time income by working from home.It would be a privilege and an honor to take you on as a student.This course took me a long time to create, edit and deliver. It is a condensed version of our full scale Masterclass program. I am hoping that by the time you finish this mini course, you will take another 2 steps forward with me as your teacher inside of the Full Apartment Locating Masterclass!"
Price: 149.99

"The Foundation to Authentic Goal Setting: Life Direction" |
"If you have ever struggled in creating or keeping goals then this is the course for you. In this course, we will teach a unique system that we have used for ourselves as well as to help thousands of clients and students. This is the step that everyone forgets before they create goals. This is the foundation that allows your goals and you to stand the tests of time and the various challenges that come up when going after anything in life.Join our host Justin Okamoto and instructor Naokimi Ushiroda in this interactive course. Together we have over 15 years of coaching experience and over 25 years of leadership training and development experience.In this course, you will be creating a clear, simple and easily recalled identity statement that will catapult you forward in your life and move you towards the direction that you really want to go."
Price: 19.99

"Professional Selling Skills in Crisis" |
"The impact of COVID- 19 on selling in todays environment requires every organization to strengthen their selling skills to meet sales objectives. With the global economic crises rapidly depleting companies bottom line there is an urgent need to embrace robust and innovative selling strategies. Staff with excellent selling skills add more value to an organization and produce the desired result of profitability as well as gives the company an edge over competitors.Professional Selling Skills in Crisis is in essence about ensuring that your customers buy more, sell value in return for increased patronage. In the business world, it is people that influence your success or failure. Professional Selling Skills simply does wonders to your company.Most world class organizations recognize that their salespeople are their most important asset and that organizational performance is built on individual and team performance. Professional Selling Skills has now being recognized as one of the key factors in ensuring that an organization remains permanently successful.This programme will enable your staff have a robust perspective with respect to be coming excellent sales people.Contents.Recalibrated shift from basic selling relationship to advanced selling relationship-based customer focused model. Learn the latest strategies on how to escalate sales in a crisis. Build robust relationship selling, brinkmanship selling and courtship selling skills. Master advanced SKG techniques in selling. Learn relationship selling skills which help build relationships with important customers by pro-actively identifying and anticipating their needs. Develop consultative, collaborative and open plan selling skills competencies which maximize business relationships with clients. Learn how to sharpen interpersonal skills and communication skills effectively. Integrate new skills that encourage your staff to make repeat business as a lifestyle. Know how to sell value performance instead of product performance. Learn how to handle difficult customers and win at all times."
Price: 24.99

"Learn 'IFRS 16: Leases' like a pro & gain expertise over it" |
"The new standard of IFRS 16 - Leases is recently applicable globally. Understanding the standard from its fundamentals to the expertise level will provide you an edge in the market. After this course, you will gain a great understanding and grip over the standard. Have divided course in 5 parts for better understanding:1. Introduction and understanding the definition of leases2. Practical examples to gain grip over the definition of leases3. Accounting and measurement of leases4. Excel example to understand practical aspects of the accounting5. Expertise concepts such as variable payments, remeasurement, modification and transition. This will help you a lot in the long run, because the course is covered from its very basics and provides you an conceptual understanding. Happy learning!"
Price: 19.99

maghrebian |
". () . . . ."
Price: 29.99

"Leading Your Team: Management of your team post Covid-19" |
"In The Innovation Beehive's Roadmap Through Uncertainty, which has four stages: Stabilise, Sustain, Return and Renew, we all have been going on a journey of change, discovery and challenge as we try to adjust to the next normal in our businesses and society.This course helps leaders and managers work through the third stage, Return, which is where most of us stand right now. It gives methods, tools and advice on how to bring your teams back in to the business whether they have been furloughed, continued to help carry the business, or new hires.You will be taken through a series of modules which address:SETTING THE SCENE: THE ROADMAP THROUGH UNCERTAINTYMAKING DECISIONSKNOWING YOURSELF WITH THE INNOVATORS PROFILEPRIORITISATIONWHY, WHAT AND HOW TO PRIORITISELEADING YOUR TEAM TO RETURNTHE NEXT NORMALTRIED AND TESTED METHOD FOR HOME WORKINGCOLLABORATION TOOLSRECOGNISING OUR DIFFERENCESCALIBRATING YOUR TEAMEMPLOYEE TOUCH POINTSSKILLS FOR THE NEXT NORMALCONTRACTINGAGREEING AND ALIGNING YOUR TEAM."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Micro and Nano fabrication Techniques" |
"This course takes you on a tour inside the cleanroom facility and explains the basic idea behind each of the micro/nano fabrication techniques. It is an introductory course that demonstrates the basic idea behind each technique along with its pros and cons without going through the mathematical details. However, this course provides a very comprehensive view of these processes with separate modules for: Patterning techniques OxidationEtchingDeposition techniquesDopingMetallizationProcess integration & simulationsMoreover, some design practical aspects are also considered. So, it draws a comprehensive picture for the techniques used in most fields within the scope of Nanotechnology"
Price: 119.99

"Basic Algebra Skills: simplifying, substitution, expanding." |
"In this Basic Algebra Course, you will learn and master lots of basic algebra skills such as: writing expressions, simplifying expressions, substituting in expressions to find values, expanding brackets and factorising different types of algebraic expressions. It will help you and give solid algebra foundation to prepare international secondary schools maths exams."
Price: 19.99

"Win at Instagram: Generate Income for your Coaching Business" |
"""If you don't have profit, you don't have a business."" This course is designed for coaches, personal brands, and entrepreneurs looking to generate income through Instagram. Social marketing is a great tool to help grow your business on this platform. The curriculum will cover how to produce content specific for your audience and brand; it will teach you the art of engagement and how to turn a follower into a customer. You will gain clarity around your brand philosophy and who your ideal audience is. There will also be guidance on building brand collaborations and sponsorships for additional income. Various branding assignments and articles are located in the Resource section and you are encouraged to complete them. Beginners to Instagram are welcome."
Price: 34.99

"Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training & Certification" |
"Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification is for those who are new to the world of Six Sigma who has a passion to develop the basic knowledge on Six Sigma.Entry-level representatives who want to be more familiar with the basic concepts of Six Sigma and DMAIOverview of implementation of Six SigmaIntroduction to tools and techniques used within a Six Sigma project.To enable participants to understand how they may contribute to a Six Sigma program."
Price: 1280.00

"Self-Publish Your Book in Seven Days" |
"One of every new years resolution: Publish your book.You have lot of ideas and even started writing but dont know how to publish it. Self-publish it!There are hundreds of self-help guides and YouTube Videos but none can give the comprehensive guidelines.This course SELF-PUBLISH YOUR BOOK IN SEVEN DAYS will guide you to the steps needed. Your manuscripts in pieces of paper, notebooks, assorted on-line storage will get the final avatar into the readers hand. The only investment you need is to buy and learn this course. The entire self-publishing process can be done by yourself with absolutely no additional hidden costs.Repeat, no further expenses are required as a first time author. You will use online free tools that suffice the basic requirements.These steps in the course will improve your willpower and dedication to publish the book.Once you taste the success you will be releasing multiple books every year!"
Price: 39.99

"Cmo domar a mi Ego" |
"Aqu conocers y aprenders a domar a tu ego. Te aseguro que vas a comenzar a vivir siendo completamente t. No volvers a reaccionar de maneras negativas que al final te lastiman a tiTe aseguro que vas a comenzar a vivir siendo completamente t.No volvers a reaccionar de maneras negativas que al final te lastiman a ti y a los dems. Tu alma o conciencia tendrn el control completo sobre tu vida y ya no hars cosas inconscientes (que tu ego acciona) que tienen resultados negativos. Ests listo para tomar las riendas de tu vida? Bienvenido al curso que te transformarque tienen resultados negativos. Ests listo para tomar las riendas de tu vida? Bienvenido al curso que te transformar"
Price: 199.99

"Jiu Jitsu Brasileo (BJJ) en Espaol" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso Completo de Jiu Jitsu Brasileo de Estudio 47, donde aprenderis todas las tcnicas fundamentales para manejaros con soltura en un tatami. Emilio Montesclaros os guiar a lo largo de todo el curso.Emilio Montesclaros es instructor y luchador de Jiu Jitsu y MMA. Cinturn morado en la IBJJF, tambin ha sido campen de Espaa y de Europa en otras federaciones. Actualmente dirije el equipo de Competicin de Jiu Jitsu de Estudio 47.Hemos montado este curso para todos los que quieran tener una buena base de lucha en suelo. Al final de este curso seris capaces de atacar y defender con soltura las diferentes posiciones e incluso desarrollaris una estrategia desde cada una de ellas.Este curso no es una recopilacin de tcnicas inconexas, sino un camino con diferentes pasos para llegar a un fin: ganar. En cada mdulo veris los detalles de las tcnicas y luego como cada posicin enlaza con ciertas sumisiones, raspados y transiciones, la idea es darle una nueva dimensin estratgica a vuestro juego. Algo que notaris tanto si ya tenis experiencia en BJJ como si sois totalmente nuevos.El curso est completamente en espaol. No es necesaria experiencia previa para realizar este curso, slo tener un compaero de entrenamiento y una superficie blanda sobre la que entrenar, y por supuesto, ganas de aprender!"
Price: 74.99

"Marketing digital vende x WhatsApp Business y redes sociales" |
"*OBJETIVO*El asistente comprender diferentes estrategias y modelos de *Marketing Digital* y metodologas para acelerar sus prospectos. Al finalizar el alumno ser capaz de desarrollar un *sistema digital de prospectacion y cierre de ventas* por WhatsApp. *PERFIL DE ALUMNO* ?????Estudiantes, profesionistas, emprendedores y empresarios que deseen crear una metodologa efectiva para la aceleracin de prospectos. Encargados de ventas o departamentos de publicidad en empresas del sector privado o areas educativas.*QU APRENDERS?* *MDULO 1**01* Diferencia entre WhatsApp y *WhatsApp Business**02* Configura tu *perfil* de empresa*03* Crea listas de *Difusin**04* Enlace directo a tu *Grupo* de WhatsApp*05* Separa a tus Cliente por *Etiquetas**06* Enva *recordatorio* a tus clientes por etiquetas*07* Crea tu *Catlogo* en WhatsApp*MDULO 2**08 Respuestas rpidas* con WhatsApp Business*09 Mensaje* de ausencia *10* Enlace de *xito* de WhatsApp*11* Enlace *directo* con WhatsApp Business*12* Verifica que el *enlace* a WhatsApp funcione*13* Simplifica con *Bitly**MDULO 3**14* Estilo de *texto* en WhatsApp*15* Bot de WhatsApp por palabra *clave**16* Bot a WhatsApp a *Frases**17* Esquema de respuestas del *Bot* *MDULO 4**18* Campaa de *prospeccin* masiva de nuevos clientes"
Price: 19.99

"Procurement Masterclass: A Complete Guide to Purchase To Pay" |
"""Great course introducing the fundamentals of Procurement through to payments"" - Yash ""Quick and easy to understand, course instructor knowledgeable about content."" - Vernicia ""The author of the course has a good practical experience that is well used during the course sections"" - MiraLearn how companies manage the crucial purchase to pay process in their operations and why it is so important for global supply chains. Take your procurement knowledge to the next level by understanding all the key concepts of operational procurement and how they can be improved to manage spend and compliance. There is a handy workbook that you can use to capture all the learnings and apply what you have learnt so that you can take your performance to the next level. This course covers:How purchasing spend is either channel or supplier compliantCatalogues, how they are managed and why they are an important part of e-procurementSupplier portals, electronic purchase orders and invoice verificationWhat UNSPSC means and why it is a common system of product classificationHow mature purchasing activity usually shows an increase in the number of purchase ordersWhat a limit order is and how it is used for commodities which cannot be cataloguedTraining procurement users using either project based or business as usual methodsWhy its important to link procurement system access to user training certificationThe importance of the purchase order number and why the supplier must quote it on their invoicesPurchase order header and line item informationThree way matching and two way matching and how document cross checking controls purchasingCentralised buying can be more efficient, especially when employees are too busy to use purchasing systemsGood practice requires the efficient tracking and management of goods distribution from supplier to customerHow a central payments department receives invoices and makes payments using automated invoice scanningThis is one of the most comprehensive overviews of the full purchase to pay value chain. Take advantage of having all these concepts clearly explained for you to gain the insights you need to gain procurement mastery."
Price: 69.99

"Digital Photography for Youth and Adult Beginners -Fun Class" |
"Digital Photography for Beginners is a fun, informative, and simple course for everyone that allows them to learn the basics of the Camera Handling Skills, Compositional Techniques and more. By following this course to the end, you will definitely have a much more thorough understanding of Digital Photography and will hopefully be inspired to continue learning photography. This course will help you learn and improve in the following areas:Camera Handling SkillsCompositional TechniquesTypes of PhotographyHow to Transfer Your Images to a ComputerAll the videos consist of a detailed description of the concept followed by a fun and creative photo assignment. Course is open to all ages. Course instructor is a middle school photography teacher and a lot of the lessons are similar to what is taught in her classes."
Price: 24.99

"Neste primeiro mdulo eu ensinarei a voc ou a seu filho toda a estrutura bsica do incio como: * Cifras;* Acordes;* Afinao;* Partes do instrumento;* Ritmos;* Repertrio de 06 msicas populares.Tudo isto de uma maneira muito simples e divertida, aprendendo na prtica, cronograma de estudos dirios e muito mais.O curso tambm conta com auxilio diretamente com o professor, a mesma experincia de uma aula presencial no conforto de seu lar e ainda no horrio que quiser e por quanto tempo voc achar necessrio!PROFESSOR COM MAIS DE 20 ANOS DE EXPERINCIA, J ENSINOU MAIS DE 1000 ALUNOS!"
Price: 39.99

"The Joy of Singing, Learn from a Master in Opera Singing" |
"In this course, You'll learn the basics of singing, its concepts, and techniques to improve your voice. We are going to address the concepts related to the resonators and the different sections of the voice. You will get to understand the concepts of breathing, support, and alignment of the body and why these concepts are vital for singing. We will know the voice's classifications and we will find out where your voice is classified!In this course you will learn:Understand our body as a whole instrument Explore the voice resonators How to breathe for singing,Support of the Voice, how to find your Head voice Create a mixed voice.How to warm-upTechniques to improve your singing You'll get to know a fundamental part of the singing technique with simple and effective techniques. You will find videos with scales classified by low and high voices. With these scales you will be able to practice anytime you need according to your type of voice. At the end of this class, you will be able to know how to warm-up your voice, you will recognize the feelings in the different sections of your voice. You will gain flexibility and endurance every time you practice. You will be able to use these exercises to warm-up whenever you need it.This course is aimed at people who feel the passion for singing who want to sing no matter what kind of music, opera, pop, blues, jazz. We will discover the core of the singing technique in a very easy way! Even if youre new singing youll find these simple and effective techniques easy to use and apply to your voice!Let's get started!!"
Price: 29.99

"Training Needs Analysis" |
"This course is intended for Trainers, L&D Consultants, Training Managers, Training Consultants and HR Professionals. It covers the Training Needs Assessment process in detail, its need and its benefits. Having a knowledge of TNA will give an edge to Corporate and Individual Trainers when they approach organizations for their employee training needs. Even an attempt to do a TNA demonstrates trainer's commitment to add value and make a difference."
Price: 1920.00
