"Como hacer una Olla de Barro" |
"Hola!! Mi nombre es Fernando Durao, y en este Curso aprenders a hacer una Olla de Barro para fuego directo, y lograr ese sabor particular en tus comidas, que solo la arcilla y el fuego pueden lograr. Desde tu casa, aprenders a amasar la arcilla, el estirado por planchas, y el armado de la Olla ademas del preparado de las asas y su pegado. Y algo que podras usar muchas veces en tus piezas: La formulacin de la Arcilla para Fuego directo!! Gracias por visitar mi Curso y saludos!!"
Price: 69.99

"Easy Tarot for Beginners" |
"Welcome to Easy Tarot for Beginners. In this course you will learn & gain a clear understanding of the 4 suits of the Minor Arcana, The Major Arcana Cards and Various Spreads without the confusion of immense interpretations. You are given clear, concise guidance on how to professionally conduct a basic tarot reading for yourself and others."
Price: 119.99

"Natural Light Portrait Retouching" |
"IMAGE FILE INCLUDED! You can follow along and practice what you learned by downloading our included image file. From the RAW adjustments to the Post production, this course will teach you the step by step process in retouching portraits taken with natural light. You will learn how to create a workflow and employ advanced techniques that industry professionals uses. You will discover new and different post processing methods of retouching with Photoshop. By the end of this course you will feel confident with your retouching skills."
Price: 19.99

"Bye bye, Prokrastination!" |
"Stelle dir vor, du prokrastinierst kaum noch.Schluss mit den Stunden und Tagen, in denen du eigentlich etwas Wichtiges zu tun httest... stattdessen aber Youtube-Videos guckst. Oder die Wohnung putzt. Oder etwas anderes erledigst, das gar nicht dringend ist.Schluss mit dem schlechten Gewissen und wachsenden Druck.Nein, jetzt fllt es dir immer auf, wenn du prokrastinierst, und du verstehst auch immer, wieso. Dann gehst du strategisch dagegen vor und tust etwas, das dir hilft, dich wieder zu motivieren. Du erledigst die wichtigen und dringenden Dinge nicht mehr in letzter Minute, sondern ganz entspannt - und dann geniet du eine wohlverdiente Pause bzw. einen gechillten Feierabend oder ein erholsames Wochenende.Das knnte deine Zukunft sein - wenn du diesen Kurs bearbeitest.Denn hier sprechen wir darber, was Prokrastination wirklich ist. Wie sie entsteht. Und wie man sie bekmpfen kann.Dabei lernst du keine ""One-Size-Fits-All""-Strategien, die unter Umstnden gar nicht zu dir und deiner Situation passen. Nein, hier lernst du, wie du angemessene Strategien entwickelst, die auf dich und deine Bedrfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Die Inhalte des Kurses basieren auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen - und sind trotzdem verstndlich und bersichtlich. Dazu gehren Themen wie:Ziele formulierenPerfektionismusSelbstkritikSelbstmitgefhlGrowth vs. Fixed Mindsettzende AufgabenZeitmanagement-Tricks(Digitale) Ablenkungen minimierenDie Sucht nach sozialen MedienMithilfe von Videos, Quizzen und Arbeitsblttern wirst du dein neues Wissen ber die Prokrastination sortieren, festigen und mit deinem Alltag in Verbindung bringen. Nach dem Kurs wirst du fr deinen Kampf gegen die Prokrastination mit neuen Ideen und einem neuen Selbstbewusstsein ausgerstet sein. So kannst du nachhaltig mehr Motivation und Selbstdisziplin genieen.Deine Dozentin: Nina Bach, M.A. Bildungswissenschaft. Ich habe im Studium selbst viel prokrastiniert - in meinem Nebenfach, VWL. Ich wei genau, wie sich das anfhlt. In meinem Hauptfach Bildungswissenschaft habe ich zum Glck gelernt, wie das Lernen und die Motivation funktionieren. Das Wissen konnte ich gleich anwenden, um VWL doch gut zu meistern. Und in meiner Masterarbeit habe ich mich sogar ganz intensiv mit der Prokrastination und motivationalen Selbstregulation beschftigt. In diesem Online-Kurs bringe ich mein fachliches Wissen und meine eigenen Erfahrungen als Prokrastinatorin und als Lerncoach zusammen, um dir den besten Weg zu zeigen, wie du dich besser motivieren kannst.Klingt das so, als wre dieser Kurs etwas fr dich? Schn! Ich freue mich schon darauf, dich im Kurs zu begren!Bis gleich! :)Deine Nina"
Price: 19.99

"Email Marketing Hero - Build an engaged & profitable list" |
"Email marketing is the most powerful system of online marketing. Once you build an engaged list of buyers, you can sell to them again and again at nearly 0 cost. If you haven't built a list yet, then it's high time you did that. That's the most important thing you can do for your business today.This course, built by professional email marketers, will show you everything you need to create the correct email marketing strategy for your business. From setting up forms, creating lead magnets, tricks to grow your engagement, sales techniques, inboxing techniques, email marketing good practices; you'll find everything.Take this course in its entirety, or use it as a reference to clear specific concepts, you are going to get extreme value and real-world advice.This is the most detailed email marketing course online, so enroll now and turn into an ace email marketer.You can also ask questions about email marketing inside the students area and get advice from our professional team."
Price: 89.99

"Curso de Percusiones Congas, bongs, maracas y ms Vol.2" |
"Llega la nueva edicin del curso de percusiones de Virtuosso con contenidos renovados y ms de 3 horas de instruccin para que aprendas a tocar los ritmos cubanos y caribeos con un toque especial. Este nuevo curso de percusin de Virtuosso es impartido por el gran percusionista Nicols Alfonso Gutirrez con quien aprenders a tocar congas, bongs, timbal, maracas, giro, claves, maracas, tambora dominicana y cencerro. El curso est dividido por segmentos para que aprendas a tocar cada instrumento en diferentes ritmos como el son, guaguanc, merengue, mambo, danzn, conga, bolero y muchos ms. Cada instrumento tiene una forma especial de tocarse de acuerdo al ritmo, por lo que te explicaremos detalladamente los secretos para interpretar la msica que te gusta con las diferentes percusiones. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Flauta Transversal Domina las tcnicas Vol.3" |
" Ahora con Virtuosso Producciones podrs aprender a tocar la flauta transversal guiado por la excelente flautista Mara Vakorena. El curso de flauta de Virtuosso Producciones te guiar desde los conceptos bsicos hasta las tcnicas ms avanzadas de interpretacin. Aprenders respiracin y vocalizacin, tcnicas de ejecucin, escalas, tonos, acompaamientos metodologa de estudio, protocolo en el escenario y otros temas que te convertirn en un gran flautista. Adems, el curso incluye un cd adicional con pistas y material para mejorar tu tcnica. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Trompeta Aprende a tocar la trompeta Vol.2" |
" Virtuosso presenta el curso de trompeta, un innovador sistema de aprendizaje en video, con el cual logrars resultados en el corto plazo. Descubre lo sencillo que es aprender cuando eres guiado por profesionales. Este curso est enfocado para que aprendas a tocar la trompeta de manera gradual. Consta de tres volmenes especialmente diseados para que paso a paso aprendas a dominar la trompeta; empezars con los temas bsicos para el conocimiento del instrumento y el funcionamiento del mismo y terminars con tcnicas que slo los grandes profesionales conocen. A travs del curso aprenders a controlar el aire y la respiracin, elementos necesarios para producir el sonido a travs de la boquilla de la trompeta. Adems, aprenders escalas, arpegios y notas pedal. Tambin te explicaremos cmo llevar a cabo temas ms complejos como las ligaduras y los ataques. Adems, realizars una gran cantidad de ejercicios que te permitirn mejorar la digitacin. Con el curso de trompeta de Virtuosso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para destacar como msico "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Trompeta Aprende a tocar la trompeta Vol.3" |
" Virtuosso presenta el curso de trompeta, un innovador sistema de aprendizaje en video, con el cual logrars resultados en el corto plazo. Descubre lo sencillo que es aprender cuando eres guiado por profesionales. Este curso est enfocado para que aprendas a tocar la trompeta de manera gradual. Consta de tres volmenes especialmente diseados para que paso a paso aprendas a dominar la trompeta; empezars con los temas bsicos para el conocimiento del instrumento y el funcionamiento del mismo y terminars con tcnicas que slo los grandes profesionales conocen. A travs del curso aprenders a controlar el aire y la respiracin, elementos necesarios para producir el sonido a travs de la boquilla de la trompeta. Adems, aprenders escalas, arpegios y notas pedal. Tambin te explicaremos cmo llevar a cabo temas ms complejos como las ligaduras y los ataques. Adems, realizars una gran cantidad de ejercicios que te permitirn mejorar la digitacin. Con el curso de trompeta de Virtuosso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para destacar como msico "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Piano Blues Ejecuta las mejores tcnicas Vol.2" |
"Tocar blues es una de las grandes fantasas de casi todos los msicos. La posibilidad de generar las notas ""blue"" que le dan el sabor caracterstico a este estilo musical es sin duda uno de los placeres musicales ms grandes que existen. El curso completo de blues para piano y teclado te brindar todas las herramientas para que puedas tocar en este enigmtico estilo musical. Aprenders los 12 compases del blues, progresiones armnicas propias de este gnero, escalas pentatnicas, adornos y efectos blue, acompaamientos y ritmos de blues entre muchas otras tcnicas que te permitirn transformar el sonido de tu piano o teclado. El curso completo de piano blues est dividido en tres volmenes (bsico, intermedio y avanzado). En cada nivel aprenders tcnicas ms avanzadas de modo que tu aprendizaje sea progresiones y consistente. Msicos profesionales y expertos de la enseanza han creado este curso especialmente diseado para aprender a tocar blues en el piano o teclado. Las explicaciones del instructor son complementadas con acercamientos de cmara para lograr que observes las tcnicas de forma clara. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Piano Blues Ejecuta las mejores tcnicas Vol.3" |
"Tocar blues es una de las grandes fantasas de casi todos los msicos. La posibilidad de generar las notas ""blue"" que le dan el sabor caracterstico a este estilo musical es sin duda uno de los placeres musicales ms grandes que existen. El curso completo de blues para piano y teclado te brindar todas las herramientas para que puedas tocar en este enigmtico estilo musical. Aprenders los 12 compases del blues, progresiones armnicas propias de este gnero, escalas pentatnicas, adornos y efectos blue, acompaamientos y ritmos de blues entre muchas otras tcnicas que te permitirn transformar el sonido de tu piano o teclado. El curso completo de piano blues est dividido en tres volmenes (bsico, intermedio y avanzado). En cada nivel aprenders tcnicas ms avanzadas de modo que tu aprendizaje sea progresiones y consistente. Msicos profesionales y expertos de la enseanza han creado este curso especialmente diseado para aprender a tocar blues en el piano o teclado. Las explicaciones del instructor son complementadas con acercamientos de cmara para lograr que observes las tcnicas de forma clara. "
Price: 270.00

"Mastering JMeter 5.0" |
"JMeter has become an industry-standard tool for conducting functional, load, performance, and regression tests on web applications. It scales web development by helping you measure and analyze application performance.In this course, youll learn to invoke key features of the latest version of this testing tool to achieve peak performance for your web applications, all the while improving the testing teams productivity by developing realistic and scalable test plans and automation.You'll start by mastering assertion types and scripts. Then you'll immerse yourself in the world of logic controllers and apply them to scripting. You'll get to grips with samplers, which help you send a request to the web server. You'll learn advanced scripting, work with test controllers, design test plans, and much more.By the end of this course, you will be able to use JMeter 5.0 for performance and load testing.About the AuthorAfsana Atar is an accomplished test engineer with over 10 years' extensive experience in software testing. She extends her thought leadership to teams in a variety of domains from digital advertising, education, and healthcare to financial sectors, including banking, insurance, and trading.She has worked for various organizations including Google, IBM, Principal Financial Group, and The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. Currently, she works for Susquehanna International Group, a financial trading firm.Afsana is a Certified Scrum Master (CSM), an Agile scrum practitioner, and part of the scrum alliance community. She has managed and worked on projects worth over a million dollars in various capacities ranging from Quality Assurance Engineer to QA Manager. She believes in sharing her experiences with the testing community to help foster greater learning and innovation."
Price: 124.99

"Hands-On Kotlin Web Development with Ktor" |
"Ktor is a Kotlin-specific framework for building asynchronous client- and server-side web applications. It is one of the most widely-adopted and supported alternatives to Java for Android app development. Ktor has gained massive popularity remarkably quickly, and you'll rapidly create connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.This course provides hands-on training in a practical and engaging way to get you started building an end-to-end web application using Kotlin's popular framework, Ktor. You will begin by swiftly covering Kotlin and Ktor basics (for this, you'll benefit from some basic knowledge of Kotlin before starting this course).You'll cover setting up your projectwhich will be full-stack (client and server)and create your web application in the Ktor framework using Kotlin as your language. You'll cover some important Ktor features and solutions, and will cover routing and HTML Builder. You'll also run your configured application and test it.By the end of the course, you will have learned how to build web applications with Kotlin using the Ktor framework.About the AuthorMike Mller Nielsen is a Danish software developer with a passion for programming and tech and works on a freelance basis developing full-stack applications. He gained a BSc in Chemistry from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) before he migrated to IT engineering. He has more than 22 years' experience with programming and IT engineering.Mike has a YouTube channel where he spreads his knowledge and solutions to everyday problems. He obtained his knowledge of Ktor from showcasing Kotlin and Ktor on his YouTube channel."
Price: 124.99

"Python 3 for Beginners Learn by Creating a Simple Game" |
"Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages. Everyone should know how to use Python. Even if you don't want to become a full-time computer programmer, Python can make you faster and more efficient at your job and even help improve your career prospects. Understanding Python can help you to solve complex problems that don't seem to have a solution outside of programming. Learning programming can feel very intimidating at first. That's why this course is designed for beginners to get you familiar with programming in Python in a fun and accessible way. If you've never done any programming or even installed programming software on your computer, this is the course for you! Alex's explanations are simple and easy to follow. He doesn't use a lot of complex jargon like so many computer programming instructors do. He'll walk you through every step, so you can follow along and learn all of the concepts taught in the course.As Alex will tell you in the course, once you have the basics of Python programming down, you can then go out on the internet and lookup other things that you want to code. You can learn as you go and program whatever you want, growing your skills every step of the way. Here are just some of the things people do with Python: Track the movement of stocksUpdate you when a website changesCreate video gamesCreate websitesDo financial analysisSupercharge your computerSo, if you're ready to change your life (and maybe even your career) with Python, then this is the course to get you started. Click the button and join the course today. Or watch some of the free preview lectures to make sure that you'll love Alex's easy-going teaching style.And remember, with Udemy, you get a 30-day money back guarantee on this course. So, if for any reason you're not happy or feel like you didn't learn the basics of Python programming, you can get a full refund. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from jumping in and learning Python today!"
Price: 84.99

"Manuale del Content Marketing e Copywriting" |
"Decine di template e esempi per sapere come scrivere i tuoi post,i tuoi interventi sui social,pianificare i tuoi video,imparare lo storytelling.Un manuale pratico da usare sempre non appena la pagina bianca ti mette paura o vedi poco interesse in chi ti segue!8 Video + mappe mentali e foglio di lavoro da scaricare.Abbiamo aggiunto un manuale con 573 pagine di esempi,esercizi,pratiche,idee,suggerimenti.UN LAVORO GIGANTESCO .Il corso era in vendita sui miei siti a 147 adesso avete l'occasione di averlo per un prezzo ridicolo"
Price: 24.99

"3ds Max ve Vray ile Banyo Modelleme Render" |
"5 saat ve 35 video dersten oluan eitim ile sizde 3dsmax te mobilya ve i mekan modellemeyi, vray ile render ve grselletirme yapmay reneceksiniz.Bu Eitim Seti ile banyo dolab modelleme , lavabo modelleme, du teknesi modelleme, duakabin modelleme, havlu modelleme gibi mobilyalarnn modellemesi yan sra banyo imekan modelleme vb renceksiniz.Modelleme ilemi tamamlandktan sonra 3ds max hazr modellerin kullanm ve eklenmesi kameralarn kullanm ve ayarlarVray plane k ve gn ekleme ve ayarlar vray ahap, vray seramik , sar metal, ayna, cam, krom, plastik, metal vb vray materyallerini oluturulmas ve uygulanmasn reneceksiniz.son olarak vray render ayarlar ve i mekan gndz render alnmasn reneceksiniz."
Price: 59.99

"3ds Max ve Vray ile Yatak Odas Modelleme Render" |
"6 saat ve 35 video dersten oluan eitim ile sizde 3ds Max te mobilya ve i mekan modellemeyi, Vray ile render ve grselletirme yapmay reneceksiniz. Bu Kurs ile karyola ve yatak bal modelleme, komodin ve ifonyer modelleme, elbise dolab modelleme, yastk kuma ve yatak modelleme, kartonpiyer perde vb. Modelleme ilemi tamamlanyor sonra 3ds max hazr modelerin kullanm ve eklenmesi kameralarn kullanm ve ayarlar Vray dzlem k ve gn ekleme ve ayarlar vray ahap, vray kuma, ayna, cam, krom, plastik, metal vb.son olarak vray render ayarlar ve i mekan gndz render alnmasn reneceksiniz."
Price: 59.99

"3ds Max ve Vray ile Ofis Modelleme Render" |
"3ds Max ve Vray Kullanarak Ofis Modelleme ve Render Yaplmas.8 saat ve 50 video dersten oluan eitim ile sizde 3dsmax te mobilya ve i mekan modellemeyi, vray ile render ve grselletirme yapmay reneceksiniz.Bu Eitim Seti ile ofis Koltuk modelleme , ofis masas modelleme, bilgisayar masas modelleme, ofis ember koltuk modelleme, sehpa modelleme gibi mobilyalarnn modellemesi yan sra imekan modelleme, asma tavan modelleme, gizli iiklar oluturmay renceksiniz.Modelleme ilemi tamamlandktan sonra 3ds max hazr modellerin kullanm ve eklenmesi kameralarn kullanm ve ayarlarVray plane k spot k ve gn ekleme ve ayarlar vray ahap, parke, kuma, deri, cam, krom, plastik, metal vb vray materyallerini oluturulmas ve uygulanmasn reneceksiniz.son olarak vray render ayarlar ve i mekan gece gndz render alnmasn reneceksiniz.render sonras alnan resimdeki dzeltmeler iin photoshop da dzeltme yaplmasnda anlatyoruz."
Price: 59.99

"3ds Max ile Klasik Sandalye Sehpa Modelleme ve Render" |
"3ds Max ve Vray Kullanarak Sandalye Sehpa Modelleme ve Render Yaplmas.3 saat ve 16 video dersten oluan eitim ile sizde 3dsmax te Sandalye Sehpa Modellemeyi, vray ile render ve grselletirme yapmay reneceksiniz.Bu Eitim Seti ile sandalye ve sehpa torna ayak modelleme , sandalye kayt ve arka ayak modelleme, yuvarlak sehpa modelleme ve sandalye oturum ksmlarn modellemeyi reneceksiniz.Modelleme ilemi tamamlandktan sonra 3ds max hazr modellerin kullanm ve eklenmesi kameralarn kullanm ve ayarlarVray plane k spot k ve gn ekleme ve ayarlar vray ahap, parke, kuma, deri, cam, krom, plastik, metal vb vray materyallerini oluturulmas ve uygulanmasn reneceksiniz.son olarak vray render ayarlar ve render alnmasn reneceksiniz."
Price: 59.99

"Curso de Painis Administrativos com JSP" |
"O curso de Java JSP para criao de Painis Administrativos possui 67 aulas, neste curso mostrado o passo a passo de como desenvolver um sistema completo de login com segurana e como redirecionar para os painis de acordo com os nveis de cada um dos usurios, este sistema ser aplicado de forma prtica no projeto do curso de Sistema Imobilirio que estaremos criando com JSP, este o segundo curso da montagem completa do sistema, aconselhvel o aluno acompanhar antes o curso de Site Imobilirio com JSP onde motamos todo o template do Projeto."
Price: 414.99

"SAP MM S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement Certification Q&A" |
"Get certified in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement and fulfill the first and most important step for your resume: an SAP internationally valid certification.The key element to approve an SAP certification exam is practice and we are so confident in our practice exams that we guarantee you will approve the exam or we refund the full amount of your purchase. No questions asked!Plus you'll get access to a third test intended to help you practice topics that strictly speaking you should not master because these are not SAP S/4HANA MM topics but that might come up during interviews. The main technologies discussed are of course SAP S/4HANA but also HANA as a standalone database management system , Fiori , SAPUI5 , SAP Leonardo, etc.With our practice tests you will be able to simulate the exact same conditions of your exam: 180 minutes to complete 80 questions exactly as in the SAP certification exam which means no images and no true/false questions, a minimum approval rate of 65 and of course certification exam level daring questions so that you have the experience to approve and get certified.And after you finish you'll get immediate feedback with the correct answer for each and all the questions.But worry not! If the time runs out you can try again, in fact you can repeat the practice test as many times as needed. Also, if you start but you run into a problem you can pause or even cancel that attempt and try again anytime you feel like practicing. You have finished practicing and in fact you have already approved the exam but you are nervous about the job interview and you need to refresh a topic, come again and also reference the content for your work with a lifetime access to the content.Don't think twice and invest in yourself, the best investment you can pursue!We will be at your service to answer any queries! Contact us at any time! We will answer all of your queries!Trust our thousands of satisfied certified students!"
Price: 199.99

"- Facebook Ads" |
Price: 99.99

"Basic Arabic Reading" |
"Learning Arabic is challenging in many ways. This course focuses on building the skill to read any Arabic word, by both learning the alphabet, including learning the name, sound, and shapes of each letter. In addition, the diacritics that guide the pronunciation of words are also explained. Finally, major prefixes and suffixes are also introduced. After you complete this course, you will be able to recognize the letters of any word and sound it out, which is the first step to read Arabic script."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Spring Framework Fundamentals" |
"This course takes you head first into the exciting world of Spring development! You'll get to know and understand the major parts of the core framework such as:The Spring container and how it manages your beans for you and delivers a flexible runtime environment for applicationsThe concept of dependency injection: how it works and is applied in SpringInversion of Control - what it is and why it's so usefulSpring property management and how to manage application properties and stateProfiles in Spring and how they are used and appliedProxies and proxying and how that works to magically do things like make service methods transactionalThe various lifecycle and callback interfaces and events you need to know to integrate with and access lower-level components of the Spring container Spring JDBC and how to work with databasesWorking with Spring Aspects to apply Aspect Oriented Programming in the containerSpring MVC and web application development with Springand much much more!In this course we don't waste time going into the esoteric parts of the Spring framework which you'll never encounter. Instead, we focus just on the 90% of stuff you need to know to get the job done.Spring is the most in-demand skill for Java developers beyond a knowledge of the Java programming language itself and in this course you'll be up and running and be able to confidently work with existing Spring applications, and have the confidence to start building your own, from the ground up.I hope you'll join me on this fantastic exciting world of Spring development and I'll see you in class!"
Price: 199.99

"FLOW Persuasin" |
"Este curso te ofrece 11 captulos llenos de ejemplos sencillos, ejercicios y situaciones de venta reales para que consigas que sea tu cliente sea quien te venda tu propio producto a ti. Cuando tu conversacin de venta fluye por el cauce correcto, vendes. O mejor dicho, tu cliente te compra. Esto es lo que vas a aprender:1. Vas a descubrir que es ms eficaz que tu cliente te compre el producto que argumentar para que te lo compre. 2. Manejars la objecin precio y cualquier crtica de tu cliente.3. Rompers los mitos que hay en venta: contestar a las objeciones, argumentar o cerrar la venta. Si eso fuera eficaz, venderas mucho ms. 4. Usars un termmetro para medir en tiempo real si ests vendiendo. 5. Vas a saber qu hacer ante la famosa peticin ""vndeme este bolgrafo"":6. Aprenders a formular las preguntas correctas para que tu cliente te pida el cierre.7. Aprenders a poner el foco sobre el cliente para que sea la estrella de su propia pelcula.Este curso mejora tu habilidad para vender.Te has encontrado perdido delante de un cliente sin saber hacia dnde dirigir tu conversacin? Quieres vender sin objeciones? Te gustara saber en tiempo real si ests vendiendo? Vas a descubrir, por ejemplo, cmo dirigir la conversacin para que fluya por el cauce correcto. Aprenders a prevenir las objeciones y a persuadir sin necesidad de argumentar ni contar rollos. Depus del curso sabrs encauzar cualquier conversacin de venta para que sea tu cliente quien te convenza a ti de tu propio punto de vista. Y todo con 3 pasos y un sencillo termmetro que repetirs las veces que quieras como marco para todas tus conversaciones de venta."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Tableau By Developing 4 COVID-19 Dashboards" |
"In this course I have shown you 4 different dashboard that you can create from scratch with me and learn step by step how to do the dashboard development in Tableau. This course will help you take your skills to a next level for building the interactive visualizations and dashboards within tableau by applying many concepts.I am sure by the end of this course you'll have all the knowledge that you need to create any dashboard either related to business or to a social cause."
Price: 69.99

"Creating Video Lessons with Online Video Maker InVideo" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a dynamic and attention-grabbing video lectures fast and easy with InVideo. Together we shall go through all steps of creating process, starting from InVideo features, designing a lecture by scenes, adding and editing a voiceover.You can use your article/post/thesis and get a custom video lecture in the end of this course. Or you can use the attached materials to this course: my companys article on 4 Principles of Design in PowerPoint, a text for a voiceover and a script for each scene, graphic materials regarding the topic, and mp3 files for a voiceover.At InVideo online video maker you will work with: more than 3000 unique hand-crafted templates with more than 100 templates being added every month; in-built media library of more than a million images and stock footage (any topic and not only for a video course) to use from premium sources like Shutterstock and Storyblocks; a background music of all genres by categories + automated voiceover that you can generate in any language!Together, we step-by-step will learn how to search and use and Article-to-Video templates and create a stunning video lectures for your YouTube channel, Udemy, SkillsShare courses, auto webinars for your business in Internet etc. You will do it fast and easy with intuitive InVideo editor.In the process of learning and as its result, youll get: video editing skills; a video lecture (mp4 file 2:32 minutes length) by NeitDesign article on 4 Principles of Design in PowerPoint; or your video lecture if you use your article.You can use InVideo editor absolutely free! All you need is to sign up at the website to log in to your cabinet and download the projects youll create.NOTE! With a free InVideo plan youll get: full editing features, besides premium templates and premium media library resources; access to all free in-build medial library resources of Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash; export up to 60 videos per month with a watermark.With any InVideo pricing plan you will get: access to InVideo premium templates; 1M+ Premium photos and videos from Storyblocks Shutterstock; export video lectures up to 15 minutes without watermarks and much more!More than 150000 people use InVideo across 150 countries. At the present, the editor interface is in English language, but you can type in your videos text in any language and use a multiple-language automated voiceover.InVideo opens new possibilities for online educators around the world. Use this opportunity to get to the new level of teaching your students!"
Price: 19.99

"Image Processing in Python using Pillow (PIL)" |
"This course will allow you to learn starting from basics of Pillow (PIL) in Python. PIL Library is used for manipulating or processing Images of various formats. Once you complete this course, you will be in a position to process images using python PIL library and you will also can write the code on your own. This course will cover Pillow library from basics with examples.This course is mainly for those who do not have any programming experienced and experience people can take this course to refresh their knowledge.This course will starts with fundamentals and then slowly will cover required concepts of Pillow (PIL) in Python. In this course for each topic, there will be a lecture and the same content has been attached in ppt format."
Price: 19.99

"How To Create a Print On Demand Face Mask Store with Wix" |
"Due to Covid-19, many people have started to wear face masks as the new normal and as we go into a new post corona reality i believe this will be common place and that most people will be wearing face masks, as such they will want to diffrentiate themselves from the crowd and i believe that having your own custom face mask will be the new normal as companies will start to sell designer face masks so now is the time to capitalize on this new reality we are facing and get started before anyone elseWhat Is Included In This Course? Learn how to make an online face mask store with Wix Learn how to sell print on demand custom face masks online and make passive income Learn how to market your face mask designs Learn how to optimize your website for search engines---What my past students say about me and my other courses:""Lee ably shares a step-by-step means of becoming a profitable book publisher using Amazon KDP""""Very helpful course, thanks Lee! Will be looking out for any follow-up courses Lee puts out to help us publishers become more profitable.""""Found it very useful as someone with almost no idea about how Kindle publishing works. The instructor is quite straightforward with not just information but also his own experiences and expertise""""Straightforward, action-based and no BS (something hard to find in ""make money online"" courses these days lol)""--- Be trained by a serial entrepreneur who does this for a living! Get a fantastic look for your website that will impress! 2020 course!. no outdated content! Get a demonstration of how to create a beautiful websiteThis lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your Wix website from scratch as a beginner."
Price: 199.99

"Data Visualization with Matpoltlib & Seaborn in Marathi" |
", . . , ."
Price: 1280.00

"Total Confidence: The Pillars Of Unshakeable Confidence" |
"In This Online Video Self-Confidence Training Course You Will Learn Easy Ways To Build Your Confidence. Discover How Successful People Create Greater Confidence Fast! Self-Confidence Is The Master Skill To Success. Having These Self-Confidence Tools & Strategies Will Make Your Life So Much Easier, Dramatically Increase The Results You Get & Help You Achieve Your Goals In Less Time.This Course Will Give You The Hidden Secrets Of Self-Confidence In The Following Areas: 1) Learn Secret Language Of Confident People 2) Learn The Steps To Building Unshakeable Confidence 3) Discover How To Bounce Back From Failure 4) Specific Tips & Practices For Unshakeable Confidence. But This Is Just The Beginning, You Will Also Learn How To Have The Proper Confidence Mindset This Will Make You Healthier, Happier And More Successful!If You Want To Feel Totally Self-Confident This Is The Perfect Course For You! The Goal Of This Confidence Training Is To Help You Achieve This In The Fastest, Simplest And Easiest Way Possible. This Course Will Save You Years Of Research, Struggle And Frustration. So Start This Course Today And Start Feeling, Acting & Performing Better Tomorrow! START The Course Now!By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover The 3 Secret Pillars Of Unshakeable Confidence2) Learn The Importance of Having Confidence3) Discover The Steps To Building Unshakeable Confidence4) Learn Secret Language Of Confident People5) Discover How To Bounce Back From Failure FAST!6) Learn How to Stick Up For Yourself & WHY It Is SO Important7) Discover Why Friends Are A Critical Part Of Self-Confidence8) Learn Specific Tips & Practices For Unshakeable Confidence. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!NO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! :)Sign Up NOW!!! :)"
Price: 129.99
