"Django Bootstrap Template Integration and Custom User Model" |
"Do you want to creating a visually appealing Django web app but have little to no experience in CSS, bootstrap and jquery, or wondered how you can integrate a bootstrap template like ADMINLTE or other templates but have no idea on how to achieve it?. Well youve come to right place.You may be a Django beginner who wants to quickly create stunningly beautiful looking web apps but would not want to waste time on designing a bootstrap template. If you want to build an e-commerce web-app, blog, content management system or anything with Django, there are tons of bootstrap templates available that could help cut down your development time, thus making your work easier so you can concentrate on the back-end development or you want to create custom admin user interface different from Django Administration dashboard. In this course I will teach you how to integrate bootstrap template into your Django project.First you will learn how to connect Django to XAMPP SERVER in order to use MariaDB, next we will create custom User Profile model (email, password, names, photo, etc) so it will be easy to add or modify the user profile model at anytime, then we will add Django Allauth authentication system to our project and make few customization and bootstrap it. lastly, you will learn how to integrate a bootstrap template into the project with less code, make ajax call for form post and get, write pure Django API, generate fake data, work with datatable, create site search, dynamically update the page content with no page reload and work with custom 404 and 500 error page handler. at the end of this course, you must have learned and acquired enough skill to build a nice looking bootstrapped web app. This course is for anyone new to Django web development."
Price: 99.99

"Solar Energy beginner to advanced. Design Solar PV Systems." |
"Hello solar friends!!Thank you so much for your interest in the COMPLETE SOLAR ENERGY COURSE with 119 lectures and extra downloadable resources to help you design, size, and price your solar system!In this course, you are going to learn from the basics to the more complex subjects on solar energy. You are going to learn in-depth and intensive content on solar energy. This is not just a regular course, it's complete, intensive, and practical, focused on both technical and commercial sides of solar energy. Solar Energy is growing exponentially and is growing non-stop, it has already created thousands of jobs in the world. It is getting more complex and more knowledge is needed to differentiate yourself in the industry to land a job or to start your own company. In this course, you will get A LOT of content and knowledge about solar energy and the industry. Including how to design and size a PV System. I'm in mechanical engineering and I've been working in solar energy for several years, both in the technical and in the commercial and business development side of the industry.I have a great overview of both sides and I focused on both in this course. That's why also with the technical information, I'll be talking about commercial tips during the lectures to help you understand how to see the business and where to stand when selling or selling a PV system. In this course, we also have a financial section in which we learn how to estimate the PAYBACK period of the PV system using the NET PRESENT VALUE method, a method used on investment analysis not only on solar but in many other industries to analyze an investment.The approach of this course is to go from the components to the system, this means, well start learning each component of the system separately, and then after we understand how each component works, well see the system working as a whole, how each component work on the system and how the system works altogether.So there we go, an in-depth, complete course on on-grid solar photovoltaic systems, prepared in a very easy to learn methodology, from the components to the system, step by step, focused on both technical and commercial skills.You will get access to download the excels that we developed to help you calculate the payback period, the solar energy generation of your PV system for different tilts and we show you how to import the irradiance for any location, the energy consumption of your location, the price per kWp of the system that you are quoting and more.Enroll in our course now! Join the green revolution and become part of the industry! The goal is to add more value for you and to spread the green revolution, we are firm believers that the world needs clean energy, and at the same time this has to be sustainableWe need more people to join to cover what the world needs, thats why we want you to join and tell your friends about us and to join as well if they are interested in solar energy!Join the green revolutionYou'll learn in detail about:SOLAR ENERGY FUNDAMENTALSTHE SOLAR CELLSTHE PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECTTHE SOLAR PANELSINVERTERSPERFORMANCE CURVESDATASHEETS AND ELECTRICAL PARAMETERSWIRING & CONDUITSPROTECTION DEVICESCOMBINER BOXSTRUCTURES FOR THE SOLAR PANELSDESIGN OF THE PV SYSTEMSIZING OF THE PV SYSTEMIMPORTING DATABASE OF SOLAR IRRADIANCE FOR SIZING THE PV SYSTEMS FOR ANY LOCATIONOPTIMIZATION OF THE PV SYSTEMSELECTION OF COMPONENTSPAYBACK PERIODWIRING DIAGRAMSCOMMERCIAL TIPSFor more details on what you'll learn you can refer to the top of the page or to our index preview."
Price: 49.99

"Blue Prism Masterclass-ll. Business Savvy Architects" |
"A course for passing Blue Prism solution designer certification exam!**108 scenario-based questions , 4 full mock certification exams **Blue Prism solution designer exam is quite intensive and require advanced knowledge of Blue Prism design concepts. This edition includes **108 scenario-based questions , 4 ull mock certification exam **, which comprise many of the questions found on the exam as well as some challenging shorter questions. This edition includes hundreds of sample questions and critical time saving tips from each of knowledge areas presented in the Blue Prism exam syllabus for solution designer certifications. These references provide an understanding of the types of exam questions that fall within each of the Blue Prism design concepts. It also includes questions specifically related to knowledge areas and the various inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs. An essential self-study resource that can help to increase your chances of passing the Blue Prism designer certification exam the first time.This course helps you to:*--> Ensure you pass the exam on your FIRST attempt*--> Focus on exam preparation*-->Acquire valuable tools and techniques for development*-->Decrease your study time by hundreds of hours."
Price: 39.99

"Viver de Caf - Curso Bsico de Barista" |
"Emlio Rodrigues Mestre Barista desde 2002 e instrutor da Casa do Barista, escola especializada na formao de mo de obra especializada para cafeterias e realizao de eventos. O curso Viver de Caf comea com a Histria do Caf, falando sobre a planta na frica e Arbia, depois na Europa e nas Amricas, finalmente abordando a chegada do caf ao Brasil. Em seguida, Emlo aborda o tema ""Sabores e percepes"", ao despertar no aluno, a ateno ao paladar, ao corpo e ao aroma do caf. No mdulo seguinte, o curso aborda a cincia do caf em seu processo produtivo, onde Emlio fala sobre a botnica, o beneficiamento, a classificao por peneiras, tipos e torras. Em seguida trata de todas as variveis para a extrao de um caf espresso perfeito. Aborda um mdulo inteiro sobre abrir ou trabalhar em uma cafeteria, desde a busca pelo ponto ideal at a montagem do cardpio. O curso dedica um msulo sobre os diferentes mtodos de preparo e ainda, como bnus, um mdulo sobre Arte Latte e Drinks com caf. Emlio acredita que apenas a prtica capaz de formar um bom barista, mas esse curso a porta de entrada para quem quer conhecer o delicioso mundo da segunda bebida mais consumida no mundo."
Price: 444.99

"Aulas de Pilates" |
"Curso de pilates para ser feito em casa com objetos simples como uma toalha, uma cadeira ou uma bola de futebol. As aulas podem ser feitas em qualquer horrio e ajudaram voc a se manter forte, alongado e muito mais saudvel. Cada aula tem aproximadamente 30 minutos iniciando com exerccios leves de aquecimento, logo aps exerccios de fortalecimento e finaliza com suaves alongamentos. Recomendo que cada exerccio seja feito com calma acompanhados de um respirao correta. Veja alguns bebefcios proposrcionados pelo pilates: Aumenta a fora D maior controle muscular Integra corpo e mente Melhora a capacidade respiratria Aumenta a energia Da maior flexibilidade Harmoziza os movimentos dirios Corrige a postura D maior concincia corporal Previne leses Aumenta a auto-estima Alivia o estresse Alivia as dores musculares"
Price: 174.99

"Web Accessibility: Practical Guide" |
"Why this Course?Web accessibility is vital for organizations that want to design high-quality websites and not exclude people from using their online services.Accessibility is required by law, and in most developed countries, all government-funded organizations' websites must be accessible, so you need the core skills and knowledge to become a web accessibility specialist.In this course, you'll get the basics needed to obtain compliance with international best practice in accessibility, the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1/2.2. The WCAG is endorsed by governments such as Australia, Canada and the EU.What will I learn?In this course, I provide learning activities such as quizzes and hands-on exercise so that you immediately apply the concepts you learn.The course is a practical step-by-step guide to web accessibility meeting WCAG. First, You'll understand when and why users need accessibility. Then you'll dive into how to make a website accessible following WCAG guidelines. You'll then learn what easy accessibility checks mean for web pages and how to perform automated accessibility testing. You'll also learn how to prepare a structure report for decision-makers to help ensure effective accessibility evaluations. Finally, I provide some key recommendations in-line with WCAG success criteria that can serve as a checklist for meeting web accessibility.This course also includes a bonus lecture to familiarize you on how to develop organizational policies on web accessibility.All the information presented are based on the Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) available online."
Price: 24.99

"Everyday Energy Healing" |
"This course offers simple energy healing tools and techniques that the everyday person can use, right away, for self care, stress relief and relaxation. No prior experience or Reiki experience is needed. You will learn breathing techniques, hand positions you can hold and ways you can work with crystals. Energy healing isn't complex and is readily available to all of us. You're already doing so many things that count as energy healing, you just aren't aware of it, until now in this class. You will also receive a brief introduction to Reiki and how it can help heal you and areas of your life."
Price: 24.99

"Travel Masterclass: Learn A-Z of Backpacking and Solo Travel" |
"Do you want to take your travel experiences to a new level or learn how to bring your dream adventure to life? We often let our unfounded fears and concerns get in the way of having deep and meaningful travel experiences, or we let a lack of knowledge and experience diminish our confidence to achieve and experience the things we dream to. This course gives you the necessary tools, insight, and support to set you up to have the most fulfilling and meaningful travel experiences. Join this travel masterclass TODAY and get ready to have the adventures you've always dreamed of!So this course will cover a number of different topics so you can put that first foot forward with confidence. The course will cover topics such as:Determining when/if you are ready to hit the roadHow to cultivate an open traveler's mindset so you can experience the world in a more enriching way and develop meaningful connections with those you meet along the wayHow to plan things out and all the gear and equipment you would need. The variety of different options you have when it comes to getting from point A to point B including hitchhiking best practices as well as the wide range accommodation and sleeping options available.How to explore beyond the help of a guidebookThe main issues and concerns that arise while traveling and how to best deal with themKeeping the travel experience going after your travels have endedArmed with the experience of traveling to over 50 countries and a decade of experience navigating and living in a wide range of diverse cultures Max Frederick teaches the course from the belief that this is the material that will lay the foundations for you to engage in and have deeper travel experiences. He has undertaken a myriad of different travel styles and accomplished a wide range of adventure feats including hitchhiking thousands of miles across Europe and Asia, circumnavigating India by motorcycle, and traveling deep in the Altai mountains of Mongolia with a dog and camel. Max has continually looked to dwell among the local population and experience countries from those who know it best allowing him to provide his students with the background knowledge and information to help cultivate a compassionate and confident travel mindset.There are a lot of reasons (and excuses) people make for themselves that prevent them from taking the steps to experience the world and live life on their terms. As mentioned before a lot of this comes down to a lack of confidence and concern of the ""what ifs"". Max knows that all it takes is a little courage to put that first foot forward to have life-changing experiences because once you take that first step the rest will follow. The course was created with the mindset that if it can help even a few to get out there and experience life in all its beauty then creating this course was worth it. Personal Commitment to YouSomething that will set this course apart is that I will offer my time outside of the course to be a resource for you to cover anything travel related. If you have any questions regarding the course or travel in general please feel free to contact at anytime. I will respond usually within 24 hours and often in much less time. Also at the end of the course I will offer a free 15 minute call to go through anything you'd like. Don't worry this isn't a sales call or anything, it's just to see where you are at in terms of your perspectives on travel and to answer any questions you might have. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe Traveler Masterclass comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. I want you to know that aside from Udemy this is also a personal promise on my end and I want to do whatever I can to help you have more fulfilling experiences. Join the course today and start having the experiences of a lifetime!This is the information and wisdom Max wished he had in one place before he started his travels. If you truly want to experience this life and this world in a more profound and meaningful way then this is the course that will help to get you there. So again, join this travel masterclass today and get ready to have the adventures you've always dreamed of!"
Price: 29.99

"Ficar em Casa Mgico - Curso de mgicas divertidas" |
"Ficar em casa MGICO! Curso de mgicas para pessoas de 0 a 200 anos Aprenda mgicas simples e fceis com objetos que voc encontra na sua casa. perfeito para impressionar, divertir e encantar seus familiares e amigos. Voc poder desenvolver essa habilidade de encantar os outros. uma forma impressionar seus amigos em uma reunio, festa, ou qualquer ocasio especial. Voc encontra os objetos facilmente em qualquer lugar, e o melhor as mgicas so fceis e de grande impacto! Se voc quer aprender mgicas divertidas, te espero nesse curso!! "
Price: 129.99

"Amazing Analytical Reporting with Microsoft Excel" |
"In this course, you will learn the ins-and-outs of analytical reporting through the eyes of an experienced professional analyst. You will learn about several key aspects of reporting data and there will be step-by-step tutorials to help you create your very own analytical model that can be used to generate key insights. This course will then teach you how to use these new skills to create a presentation that displays your insights in the best possible way.All of the techniques taught in this course is what is done in the real-world. Many of the things taught are aspects of business that are only learned once you are in a professional environment......until now.Mention what you learn, on this course, in a job interview and you will be sure to impress your potential future employer"
Price: 39.99

"Micropigmentao de Sobrancelhas - Microblading" |
"Para quem deseja ingressar na rea da micropigmentao e no sabe por onde comear. Com este curso voc ir aprender tudo que precisa para iniciar na rea e aprender a tcnica perfeita do fio a fio realista e/ou aperfeioar seus fios, com uma profissional que possui certificao internacional.Venha aprender essa tcnica maravilhosa que est ajudado muitas pessoas a montar seu prprio negocio.Vamos comear?!"
Price: 69.99

"Freelancing on Fiverr Mastery" |
"THE PROVEN STEP-BY-STEP FORMULA I USED TO DITCH MY 9-5 AND START FREELANCING FULL TIMEA Zero to Hero training on how to earn more money with fewer clients on Fiverr. Proven techniques that helped me get from a project manager to a successful freelancer and business owner.No previous experience required: You can start with literally ZERO skillsLearn & See: From setting up your account to earning $$$Go Beyond: Learn how to start selling your services out of the freelancing platformsI will reveal everything I know about becoming a successful freelancer in 14 lessons. You will learn how to charge premium prices for your services and how to turn buyers into regular customers.This is the most in-depth Fiverr (and beyond) training on the market.HOW TO START EARNING MORE MONEY REMOTELYIf you want to conquer the freelancing world, if you have lost your job recently if you want to earn more money working remotely, then this message is just for you. Heres whyYou can now learn how to earn a consistent income with freelancing with or WITHOUT any skills!And you need to realize, there is a cost to leaving things like thisIF YOU DONT TAKE ACTION NOW, IT WONT GET ANY EASIER LATERWhat most people do when they want to start working remotely is to try to learn how to do it themselves They register for a couple of freelancing websites, send CVs, or apply to job offers all day. But for most people, none of that works.THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO START WITH NO EXPERIENCETHEY DONT REALLY KNOW HOW TO STAND OUT FROM THE CROWDTHEY DONT REALLY UNDERSTAND HOW FREELANCING PLATFORMS ALGORITHM WORKSAnd what happens if you just do nothing?If you just keep doing what youve been doing? You have to spend dozens of hours struggling and HOPING that someone will hire you.HOW I CAN HELP YOU CONQUER THE FREELANCING WORLD & EARN MORE $$$Ive got an answer that works. Heres the story: I have spent months working on my Fiverr account till the point where I was making three times my salary working on the side. Then I decided to pull the plug and quit my job.Since then I was able to not only work from home and live the laptop lifestyle but to also start my own business. And it all started on Fiverr So I got this idea: What if I create a training and I help people learn how to do what I did?What if they could learn from my mistakes and achieve success much faster? What if I can help them earn more money with fewer clients?And what if I can teach them how to go beyond freelancing platforms and find clients for their services? And thats exactly how I created Fiverr Mastery: How To Earn More Money With FreelancingCURIOUS IF THIS IS THE RIGHT FIT FOR YOU?If you are a...COMPLETE BEGINNERIf you are a student, a senior, stay-at-home-mom or you recently decided to change your career and you have no specific skills or experience - you can too start selling on Fiverr!SKILLED PROFESSIONALSIf you have experience with anything related to business or creativity, you can learn how to charge a premium for your services and position yourself as an expert (even if you don't feel like one)Or if you want...INCOME ON THE SIDEIf you already have a full-time or a part-time job but you want to earn more money working on the side - you can start offering your services on Fiverr. All you need is some free time and a desire to learn.ITS DECISION TIMEYou have a choice to make: Do what youve been doing (or worse, do nothing at all). You know where that will lead. No sales. No money. No clients. Is that really where you want to go? Take a new action, and get a new result.Enroll for Fiverr Mastery."
Price: 149.99

"Existenzgrnderseminar fr zu Hause" |
"Mit diesem Grnderkurs fr zu Hause werden Sie folgendes erhalten:Schritt fr Schritt AnleitungenMuster, Tipps und SoftwarevergleicheWann und wo Sie wollenTeilnehmerzertifikatSeminarinhalte der Stiftung WarentestIn gut 60 Videos werden Sie die Grundzge des Unternehmertums erlernen und darber hinaus vieles mehr, was so von den Standards der Stiftung Warentest sowie den IHKs nicht vorgegeben und gefordert wird. Profitieren Sie von meinen Erfahrungen als Grndungsberaters und Inhaber des Grnderlexikons."
Price: 149.99

"Amazon KDP ( 1)" |
", Amazon KDP, , . (public domain book) - , , , , . , : - , . , 1000 , . . , , , . . , . , Amazon KDP . Amazon KDP, . , Amazon KDP. ( ) Amazon."
Price: 34.99

"Tameana healing" |
"Tameana uma terapia vibracional canalizada por Juan Manuel Giordano, mdium argentino e criador do Human Vortex Project, a partir da conexo pleiadiana. Tameana, o Tringulo Sagrado, ou Salush Nahi, uma terapia vibracional, que trabalha corpo, mente e alma, ajudando o corpo a liberar stress e bloqueios, colocando a frequncia do corpo em sintonia com o campo eletromagntico da terra. A tcnica trabalha com elementos minerais como os Cristais de Quartzo, Geometria Sagrada e Simbologia Pleiadiana (Cdigos que contem som). Esses elementos ativam e transmitem frequncias, gerando nos humanos um intenso trabalho de reestruturao no DNA, com importantes benefcios ao nvel fsico e emocional. um profundo trabalho vibracional, fornecendo portas de conscincia e cura em nveis multidimensionais. Tameana desperta a semente EU SOU em nossa alma, despertando mudanas dentro de ns, aumentando a conscincia e a frequncia vibracional."
Price: 264.99

"Existential Therapy, Psychotherapy & Counselling" |
"This course serves as a comprehensive overview of the central theories and practices of contemporary Existential Therapy (ET).It is ideal for anyone working in the mental health sector and is especially valuable to qualified:psychotherapistscounsellorspsychiatristsclinical psychologistslife coaches and pastoral workers. As well as those training towards such professions.Whilst the course may also of interest to non-professionals with a personal interest in psychology and philosophy: specialist academic language is used throughout the course and it is pitched at a postgraduate level; it is mainly intended for mental health professionals and refers to therapeutic techniques and strategies throughout. The Goals of Existential TherapyExistential therapies have different goals to more conventional approaches to mental health, principle goals include:Helping people to live more authentic lives and avoid various forms of inauthentic behaviour Maximising autonomy and freedom by encouraging people to assume responsibility for their choices (and their lives)Helping people to find (or construct) a sense of meaning, purpose and value in lifeCultivating wisdom and the pursuit of philosophical truth: overcoming self-deception and harmful delusionsHelping people to face reality and certain ""existential givens"" (such as death/mortality) so that they can live more full and engaged livesExistential therapies are firmly rooted in existential philosophy and often draw on the ideas of prominent existential philosophers such as Kierkegaard, Buber, Nietzsche & Sartre - most of whom were writing in a time where the distinction between philosophy and psychology was less rigid than it is today. Likewise, existential therapies tend to be heavily influenced by phenomenology and phenomenological philosophers (such as Hegel and Heidegger) .Due to this influence of phenomenology existential therapies tend to emphasise subjectivity and inter-subjectivity; the nature and significance of phenomenology are something explored in this course. Helping people to reconnect with the subjective nature of their lives (instead of viewing themselves as passive objects or labels or in terms of overly reductionist biographical narratives) is both an important goal and a central method of many approaches to existential therapy.Furthermore, these approaches to therapy emphasise the role of will, choice, and volition in the challenges (and sometimes symptoms) that present in the lives of patients/clients and in the therapeutic process: they are, in part, a reaction to overly-deterministic and reductionist accounts of human behaviour and psychology.In truth, there is no single 'Existential Therapy' but multiple 'existential therapies' - different branches of therapy and psychotherapy that are informed by different existential philosophers and existential psychologists: the course covers the three most prominent existentially-orientated approaches to therapy and psychotherapy:LogotherapyExistential-Humanistic TherapyExistential Phenomenological Therapy (and 'The British School')It also takes an in-depth look at the model of existential psychotherapy developed by Irvin Yalom and explores more recent developments in the field: Existential-Positive Psychology, Positive Psychology 2.0, and potential avenues for integrating existential therapy with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)The Aims of The CourseThis course focuses on outlining, describing and explaining the central concepts, theories and practices of Existential Therapy: it does not pretend to present a particularly critical or evaluative analysis, it does not explore the evidential basis of existential therapy nor does it attempt to 'sell you' Existential Therapy. Critical appraisal of the value of existential therapy is something I will leave to you.What I can promise, however, is that you will have a firm grasp of Existential Therapy by the end of this course as well as some new, existentially-informed, therapeutic techniques to experiment with in your practice as a mental health professional. Moreover, I can promise you that the course is well-researched and that I have done my utmost to do this fascinating and unique approach to therapy justice and to represent it both fairly and comprehensively. Aside from my hope that this course will enhance your practice as a therapist and bring great benefit to those with whom you work, it is also my hope that you will find the concepts and theories of the course personally relevant, engaging, and perhaps even challenging!Finally: one of my aims is to offer good value - this desire is borne partly out of my own frustration at how expensive high-quality training is for counsellors and psychotherapists and how limited exposure to these theories and ideas is as a result. This course is a fraction of the price of more established training courses for Existential Therapy and my ambition is not only to match those courses but to surpass them in quality.Important Information & ConsiderationsThe course includes twenty video-learning sessions*. Aside from containing in-depth explanations of Existential Therapy these sessions also include various learning and reflection activities that you should engage in if you hope to maximise your learning.Included in the course is a printable workbook** that features learning and reflection tasks: this workbook should be printed off and either bound as a booklet or kept together in a file prior to beginning the first learning session. Every learning-session has its own double-sided worksheet (as a section of the workbook) and engaging with these worksheets and learning activities is something expected of students who wish to get the most out of this course.This course asks that you utilise an 'active learning' approach and, in true existential fashion, asks that you take responsibility for getting the most out of it. If you are looking for a course in which you passively absorb information - as if listening to an audio book - this course is not for you! Likewise: if you cannot print the workbook/worksheets because you do not have access to a printer - that will be an obstacle to learning.Each learning session also includes additional links to relevant external resources such as articles and videos: these are intended to support your learning and taking the time to explore these additional resources will help you to perfect your expertise in existential approaches to therapy.My intention is to create expertise: this means it is heavy on theory and doesn't 'pull any punches' when it comes to detailed exploration of complicated ideas and concepts. It is not a 'dumbed-down' course and aims to be intellectually and academically rigorous and challenging.Those who complete the video learning-sessions will receive a certificate of completion automatically from Udemy: an 'Advanced Certificate in Existential Therapy, Psychotherapy & Counselling' can also be claimed (at no additional cost) by students who successfully complete the course and additional assessment tasks (outlined in the aforementioned printable workbook). At the time of release (July, 2020) the Advanced Certificate is not formally accredited though it is my intention to remedy this in due course.*If the course is sufficiently popular and well-received, I intend to expand upon it and add new learning sessions over time.**The printable workbook is attached to Lecture 1, once registered you should download it there."
Price: 99.99

"Design and Analysis of Experiments DoE" |
"This course covers the fundamentals of the design and analysis of experiments (DoE).Experimentation plays an important role in science, technology, product design and formulation, commercialization, and process improvement. A well-designed experiment is essential once the results and conclusions that can be drawn from the experiment depend on the way the data is collected.This course is about planning and conducting experiments and about analysing the resulting data so that valid and objective conclusions are obtained.The course begins with some basic statistics concepts to understand the fundamentals of hypothesis testing and analysis of variance. Then we introduce the idea of factorial designs, with the definition of effects and interactions between factors. The following sections will focus the widely used 2-level factorial designs. We will cover full homogeneous designs, blocked designs and fractional designs. The whole course is illustrated with practical examples to help with understanding.The course focuses on the understanding of the principles used in the design of experiments and on the critical analysis and discussion of the results.The analysis of the data will use MS Excel and R-Studio. Although this is not an R course, even students that are not familiar with R can enroll it. The R codes used can be downloaded, the functions will be briefly explained, and the codes can be easily adapted to analyse the students own data.Any person who performs experiments will benefit from this course.By the end of this course, the student will be able to:- Choose the most suitable experimental design;- Analyse the experimental data with confidence;- Present and discuss the results based on charts, contour plots and tables."
Price: 109.99

"Checkpoint Firewall Administration R80" |
"In this Course, you will learn about Checkpoint Firewall Administration from Basic to Advanced Level within just 7 hours. No prior Checkpoint Knowledge is needed. This course will also help you setup your own Lab and also prepare for your CCSA certification.I have tried to make this course as much simple as possible and as much Informative."
Price: 49.99

"Clean Code with Java examples" |
"This is a course about useful clean code principles.My aim is to teach you concepts that you can use every time you write code.The course has Java examples and I sometimes mention things like Spring and Lombok. The same clean code principles apply also to PHP, C# and Python.What can this course do for you? It can save your company and yourself a lot of development time and therefore a lot of money. How? Bad code practices can make development very slow on your medium and big projects. This means a lot of money wasted on development time.This type of projects are also remarkably unpleasant to work on.This course helps you avoid this by using clean code principles. The course is structured in 4 parts:1. Introduction - where we discuss what is clean code and why it's important2. Small Functions - I gave small functions an entire section because I think its one of the most important principles of clean code, together with small classes, Single Responsibility Principle and Not crossing Different Levels of Abstraction.3. Clean code: Fundamental Principles - I discuss here about fundamental things like method and variables names, parameters, comments and exceptions4. Clean code: Advanced Principles - Here I talk about more abstract topics like the difference between an OOP Object and a Data Structure Object, Composition over Inheritance, Symptoms of Bad Code, State, Low Coupling - High Cohesion, Command and Query Separation, Tell Don't Ask, The Law of Demeter and more.The course also contains some memes because you can't spell clean code without fun.I tried to focus on things you can use every day when programming and stay away from barren theory. There's no point wasting our time with useless knowledge that would just seem like it's helping you as a programmer, but that you will forget in 2 weeks. If that would have been the point, this would be a 10 hours course about programming patterns. But it isn't."
Price: 39.99

"React Native Instagram Clone with Hooks, Redux, Navigation" |
"Have you ever built a React Native app ? Are you a React Web developer ? See how the development of a real app ( Instagram ) looks like hands on first. We will use the latest React API's ( including Hooks ) and you will see how the components/libraries integrate with one another. Tools: Latest & Greatest1. React Native2. Redux3. Hooks4. ES6/ES75. GithubUnderstand the flow by creating multiple screens and views. Checkout the easiest way to use Redux and keep that data where it belongs. Access any data in any screen.Stop writing so much code. Just add Hooks!Code + Challenge included!Enjoy the process!"
Price: 19.99

"Music Production Masterclass - Recording,Mixing to Mastering" |
"COURSE INTRODUCTIONThis course is purposely for beginners who want to learn Cubase and Music Production from an Experienced Musician / Music Producer.Getting the fundamentals right will save you a lot of time in your workflow through your Music Production career.The course is in English with Caption.COURSE OVERVIEWIn this course, we will be learning how to Properly Create Music, Arrange, Mix, and Master a whole song.We will be creating our music during the course, and also Mix and Master before the end of the course.I believe learning by practice is the best option and the fastest way to learning.You don't have to waste a lot of time trying something you have little knowledge of.''If we had known better we would have done things better ''.COURSE DETAILHow to use the Eq and read the spectrumUnderstanding compressionHow to use Reverb and also select the right reverbhow to apply DelayAutomationHow to edit with Variaudio / Melodynehow to record live guitarsAudio ProcessingWhen to use sidechainHow to arrange a songhow to properly set up CubaseHow to edit your midiHow to Mix and MasterHow to quantize in different time signaturesAnd Many MoreAt the end of this course, students will be able to record their own music, Mix, and also Master their song.Best RegardsUriah"
Price: 19.99

"Jamaican Language (PATWA) Learning Guide for Beginners" |
"This is a exceptional course on Jamaican PATWA , where you will learn the basics of communicating with this unique broken language that Jamaican call their own . This course has insider information that generally most Jamaicans will not mention in their courses are even mention at all . You will learn the history of the language and how it was derived , the norms , values and traditions and the do's and don'ts (VERY IMPORTANT) when vacationing or visiting the beautiful country of Jamaica. Attached are also fun filled quizzes to keep you entertained as you go through this short course !!! You will learn common phrases and how to appropriately used them in a sentence.Please be sure check out the insider information about places to go that most travel agency wont inform you about !!!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"SAP Controlling(CO) troubleshooting master class" |
"TROUBLESHOOTING IN COST CENTER ACCOUNTING-Configuration in Cost Center Accounting-Master Data in Cost Center Accounting-Planning in the Cost Center Accounting-Month-end in the Cost Center Accounting: Distribution, Assessment-Reporting in Cost Center Accounting TROUBLESHOOTING IN INTERNAL ORDER ACCOUNTING- Configuration in Internal Order Accounting- Master data in Internal Order Accounting- Planning & Budgeting in Internal Order Accounting- Month-end in Internal Order Accounting: Settlement of the internal Order- Reporting in Internal Order AccountingTROUBLESHOOTING IN PRODUCT COSTING- Configuration in Product Costing- Master data in Product Costing- Costing run / Material Cost Estimate- Cost Object Accounting in Product Costing- Month-end in Product Costing- WIP and Variances Configuration- WIP and Variances Calculation- Settlement of the Orders in Product Costing - Reporting in Product CostingTROUBLESHOOTING IN PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS:CO-PA- Overview of Costing Based and Account based CO-PA in ECC and S/4HANA- Master data review: Characteristics and Values Fields- Actual values flow from Sales and Distribution-SD to CO-PA- Actual Values flow from Finance and Controlling to CO-PA- Actual Values flow from Orders settlement to CO-PA- Reporting in CO-PA"
Price: 54.99

". . OnaVolna" |
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Price: 24.99

"AI Made Simple for Everyone" |
"Are you ready for the coming AI revolution? It already started to affect us. In this non-technical course, I will try to show you how to navigate the rise of AI.""AI Made Simple for Everyone"" is carefully created to match the needs of business leaders, managers and CXOs. This program was built to be broadly applicable across industries and roles. So regardless if you're coming from IT or marketing, work as an engineer or manager, this program may well be suited for you. Despite its broad applicability, this program will be most useful for those who are looking to understand and make better decisions surrounding machine learning projects in a business environment. My focus will be on explaining concepts in a way that is easily understandable regardless of your technical background.When you finish the course, you will be comfortable with the buzzwords around Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. You will have a certain understanding of AI applications and how to apply them to your business."
Price: 19.99

"Produccin Musical, Mezcla y Grabacin de Audio" |
"Bienvenidos a este curso dedicado a Steinberg Nuendo , una de las estaciones de trabajo de audio digital ms famosas utilizadas en el campo de la produccin musical.Curso ideal para msicos, o cantantes sin demasiada experiencia en la produccin o tecnologa msical que busquen ser ms autosuficiente para grabar y mezclar de forma independiente sus canciones.En el aprenders a utilizar Nuendo de una forma ms organizada, eficaz y ordenada, conocers las tcnicas escenciales de grabacin y edicin de audio, junto a los fundamentos de la mezcla y produccin."
Price: 69.99

"Pricing: From Fundamentals to Advanced Strategies" |
"We can define the main purpose of a healthy business is Profitable Growth with also gaining market share? As a manager in your company or as business owner you always aim to grow your business with healthy profit. In this business journey, you have an effective weapon. It is Price.I see most of the times business professionals and entrepreneurs have challenges to find best price for their business.In this course, you will learn pricing from fundamentals to advanced strategies to maximize your profit.I have 15 years of professional experience in Sales, Marketing and Pricing in international markets of global companies. In this course I will present my experience and knowledge with real life examples to help you improve your pricing skills.Let s start if you are ready!"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda Operar na IQ Option Binrios ( s para iniciantes)" |
"Um curso dedicado exclusivamente a fazer com que as pessoas iniciantes possam aprender a operar na bolsa de valores, do zero. Se voc tem j conhecimento de bolsa este curso no pra voc. Dedicamos o curso exclusivamente para pessoas que desejam aprender do zero como operar, abrindo sua conta na corretora e iniciando as operaes."
Price: 189.99

"Ich Helfe Unternehmen effizient ihre Online-Prsenz zu erhhen. Ihre Kundenkreise dauerhaft zu binden. Und eine direkte Erreichbarkeit zu schaffen.1.MEHR UMSATZ! Bessere Sichtbarkeit im Netz = mehr Umsatz Unbegrenzte potentielle Neukunden Umsatzschwache Tage vermeidenKostenkontrolle(Online Bewertungen wie z.B auf Google oder Facebook.)2. BESSERER KUNDENKONTAKT!Zugang zu ALLEN Kunden UnserChatbot arbeitet 24/7 Personalisierte Angebote(Direkter Kundenkontakt durch Aufbau einer eigenen Kundenliste. )3. ECHTER HINGUCKER!Menschen lieben Geschenke Personalisiertes Design Flexible Gren und Mengen(Digitale Stempelkarte um die Kundenbindung zu steigern. )Sind mit unserem Aufsteller kein Problem mehr :)"
Price: 19.99

"Wie funktioniert TikTok" |
"Vielen Dank das du dich entscheidest TikTok verstehen zu wollen.Wir gehen in diesem Kurs gemeinsam den Weg TikTok zu verstehen und verwenden zu knnenVon der Account Erstellung bis hin zur Aufnahme und Nachbearbeitung sowie die Verffentlichung.Nach diesem Kurs bist du fr die Content Erstellung mit TikTok vorbereitet.Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle TikTok Neugierigen die noch keine Ahnung haben um was es in dieser App geht und gerne lernen mchten was sich hinter der TikTok verbirgt."
Price: 19.99

"Tcnica para guitarra" |
"Destrave a sua tcnica na Guitarra .Se voc deseja destravar a sua palhetada na guitarra , este curso para voc !Transforme a sua Palheta em apenas alguns dias de Prtica !Este o material foi compilado durante vrios e organizado de uma forma sequencial para que voc possa ter excelente aproveitamento do curso , conseguindo assim . Desenvolver a sua tcnica na guitarra e aprender vrios exerccios e padres meldicos , que passam pode idias cromticas , Pentatnicas e Modos Gregos .Ento se voc deseja destravar a sua palhetada na guitarra , este curso para voc !Neste curso voc vai encontrar exerccios extremamente eficazes para quem deseja desenvolver a sua tcnica na guitarra .Inscreva-se agora mesmo no curso ,e comece a destravar a sua tcnica na Guitarra !Voc ter acesso a vrios exerccios e padres meldicos , todos com tablatura e udio para facilitar o seu aprendizado !So vrios Exerccios e Padres meldicos , utilizando idias Cromticas , Pentatnicas e Modos Gregos . Todos os exerccios so tocados em 2 velocidades diferentes , rpido e lento . E tambm em todos os vdeos voc vai ter a opo de download da tablatura , ficando assim muito mais fcil acompanhar cada exerccio .Contedo do curso :20 ExercciosPdfsTablaturasudiosSe voc deseja destravar a sua tcnica na guitarra , este curso para voc !Se voc deseja aprender exerccios extremamente eficazes , que vo elevar a sua palheta outro nvel , este curso para voc ! Inscreva-se agora mesmo no curso ,e comece a destravar a sua tcnica na Guitarra !20 Exerccios Padres meldicosPdfsTablaturas udios Destrave a sua Palhetada na GuitarraEste o material foi compilado durante vrios e organizado de uma forma sequencial para que voc possa ter excelente aproveitamento do curso , conseguindo assim . Desenvolver a sua tcnica na guitarra e aprender vrios exerccios e padres meldicos , que passam pode idias cromticas , Pentatnicas e Modos Gregos .Ento se voc deseja destravar a sua palhetada na guitarra , este curso para voc !Transforme a sua Palheta em apenas alguns dias de Prtica !Ento inscreva-se agora mesmo no curso ,e comece a destravar a sua tcnica na Guitarra !"
Price: 114.99
