"Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) Preparation" |
"This course is for those who want to prepare for Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT).This practice test will give an idea of what a candidate could expect in the exam.Have added three practice sets right now and will add a couple more in coming weeks (Most likely one new sets every week to have total set around 10 or so).In a test, there will be 50 questions on following 3 topics:logic and math (basic calculations, average, percentage, permutation, probability, logical series, true/false/uncertain)verbal reasoning (synonym, antonym, fill in the blanks, word relationship)spatial reasoning (shape sequences changing spatially, clockwise/anticlockwise rotations)Test Duration: 15 mins (Less than 20 secs per question)Tips:Read questions properly. Don't spend much time on hard question. No negative marking, so do the best guess and move on. No option to come back to previous questions and you can't move to next question without answering the current one. Focus more on questions which match your strength. Try to manage time well and attempt all questions. Most of the time, later questions could be easier than previous ones and we should not leave them untried. The more questions you attempt, more chances to get better result. Spend time wisely per question.This course is a practice test only. To learn concepts in detail, I created a separate course:""Introduction to Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test"""
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT)" |
"This course covers all the topics you need to know to pass Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT). It covers every concept in detail and also provides quick tips to solve problems quickly. It provides general tips which can help you to get better score.Following topics are covered in this course1. CCAT Overview2. General Tips3. Verbal 3.1 Synonyms and Antonyms 3.2 Sentence Completion 3.3 Word Relationship 3.4 Exact word(s) comparison 4. Spatial Reasoning 4.1 Shape Rotation 4.2 Pattern Matching 4.3 Odd One Out5. Math and Logic 5.1 Order of Numbers - Smallest, Largest Numbers 5.2 Arithmetic Operators - addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) 5.3 Percentage and Ratio 5.4 Time and Work 5.5 Sequences and Series 5.6 Average (Arithmetic Mean) Problems 5.7 Perimeter, Area 5.8 Permutation 5.9 Line and Bar Graph, Table 5.10 Sentence Logical Problems - True, False, UncertainEach concept is discussed 1st, then sample questions are provided which may appear in exam.Once this learning course is completed, then you can take the practice test course created separately.Practice test course name is ""Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) Preparation""."
Price: 19.99

"Master Lambda Expressions in Java 8" |
"What others say about this course:""A really great course touching on a subject that is severely undervalued or overlooked by a lot of developers: lambda expressions and pure functional programming. I love the simple code examples discussed in this course that allow you to understand easily and fast the practical way of using lambda expressions and how they can enhance your software problem solving abilities.Also enjoyed the positive and friendly vibe of the course overall. Personally, I highly recommend it!""""Very nice structured, good English, good examples, easy to follow!""Welcome to this course!Why is this course different from others?Because it is Simple, Practical and Complete - these are the basic ingredients for a successful learning.You want to be able to fluently code using Lambda Expressions.You want to learn everything there is to know about Functional Programming in Java - all the different syntax and visibility rules, all the various cases of Method References, all the new Built-In interfaces and many more.You want to understand all these new concepts FAST and EASY.You want to understand why learning these new features is WORTHWHILE.You want to be able to teach others about Lambda Expressions - THIS is the sign that you yourself have achieved a deep comprehension about these concepts.You want to do many practical examples and exercises - this facilitates learning and profound understanding of the new conceptsYou want to finish the course and jump into code and realize you can already juggle with Lambdas without any problem.ALL of these you will get from this course.The main topics covered in this course are:What is Functional Programming and what are its Benefits?What are Lambda Expressions - learn the syntax and accessibility rulesWhat are the benefits of Lambda Expressions?What are Functional Interfaces and how to use them in practiceLearn to use all types of Method ReferencesLearn to use the Basic Built-in Functional Interfaces from JavaLearn to use the Primitive Functional Interfaces from JavaMake a comparison between Lambda Expressions and Anonymous Inner ClassesPractice, Practice, Practice - lots of examples, exercises and quizzesTELL ME AND I FORGET. TEACH ME AND I REMEMBER. INVOLVE ME AND I LEARN. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN"
Price: 49.99

"How to overcome Perfectionism and Fear of Failure?" |
"Do you strive to be perfect? Never feeling fully satisfied with where things are now? Do you think you are not good enough, think of yourself as a loser?If you want to be the most, the first and the best of allStop it! Perfectionism is destroying you.Perfectionists are highly critical of others and themselves. They strive to achieve their best performance and goals in everything they do. What they cant accept in themselves is something they reject in others.They try to please others with their performance. And although it encourages them to excel, it also instills a fear of failure.If you strive to be perfect, you tend to compare yourself with others and often try to demean them.People try hard to have their lives look perfect in order to mask massive underlying issues.Do any of these statements sound familiar to you?I have been told I am too judgmental, often thinking the worst of othersI feel that others have unrealistically high expectations of meI hate asking for help, because it can be perceived as a flaw or weaknessI cant stand being interruptedI cant stand it if my house/office is not organised meticulouslyI think that others are constantly judging me and feeling dissatisfied with me.I get really upset when I feel criticizedI feel I have to do everything myself because nobody can do things properlyI cant stop thinking about a mistake I madeIt is difficult for me to delegateI want something either perfect or not at allI am constantly checking and rechecking work before considering it finishedI am careful about how I phrase things so people will like meI find it very difficult to say noI feel guilty if I take time for myselfAsking for what I want is hard for meI avoid any situation which could be confrontationalI am reluctant to form relationships with others for fear of being rejected or looking foolishI get irritated when others dont get things rightWhen I have made a decision I often doubt my choiceI avoid social situations because I feel uncomfortableI feel inferior to people more successful, more attractive than mePeople will look down on me if I look foolish or make a mistakeI feel devastated if I make a mistakeI am very competitive and cant stand doing worse than othersI avoid trying things I might not be good atI don't want others see my imperfectionsI worry about what people will think of meI want to be thought of as a nice personI am a fault-finder, I must correct other people when they are wrongI find myself obsessing about the finer details of a taskI felt that I could never meet my parents expectationsIt is hard for me to complain about a poor product or serviceI tend to be quite critical of my family/colleagues which causes arguments and bad feelingsI feel anxious if I think someone might think badly of meI am very self-conscious about making mistakes in front of other peopleIf I dont do well all the time people wont respect meI hate it if I dont get something right from the beginningEvery project I do has to be 100-percent perfectI dont like it when others don't do something the way I doI like to be ready for everything that can happenIf I gain a few pounds, I will look like a pigI am often tense and depressed when I need to do somethingI can be very fixated on detailsIf people knew my true self, they would dislike meIf during a diet I eat one cookie, I continue to eat because I have already ruined the dietI will look terrible if I wear shorts because my legs are fatI often use the word must.Entertaining is good, but only after I finish all the workI am never really satisfied with my work; it never feels completely finishedMy self-confidence depends on my achievementsIf I fail, I tend to ruminate about it over and over again.I can never have anyone over to dinner because my house is messyIts hard for me to finish projects because I can always do something more to improve themIf my report isnt perfect, Ill get firedIm indecisive because Im afraid of making a mistakeI have to volunteer for every projectI have to endlessly prove my worth at work and it is exhaustingIt is hard for me to think outside the boxNobody ever appreciates meAlthough I earn good money, I constantly think that its not enoughI want to feel and look successful, so I spend a lot of money on clothes and status items (cars, phones, etc.)Perfectionists tend to be:CompetitiveDefensive and over-emotionalAmbitiousCritical, pickyFussy, judgmentalAggressive or hostileAfraid of criticismFast walking, talking, speakingHere are some negative effects of perfectionism:AnxietyDepressionBeating yourself upPanic disorderSocial isolationInsomniaExhaustion and tirednessMuscle tensionWorking endless hoursRuminationIncreased self-criticismSexual dysfunctionLow self-esteemRepeated checkingObsessive-compulsive disorderExcessive amount of time spent on tasksPutting off tasks (procrastination)List-makingBeing over-thoroughHating to waste timeDecreased creativityDecreased job satisfactionEating disordersIn this course you will learn:How to deal with challenges and failuresHow to stop worrying about everythingHow to overcome inner criticHow to achieve your goalsHow to behave at workHow to say NOHow to deal with negative thoughtsHow to stop being harsh and unforgivingHow to make a decision without stressHow to stop being rigid and inflexiblehow to overcome the fear of failureHow to stop worrying about your body image and weight lossHow to raise confident and happy childrenHow to overcome painful emotions and be happyHow to overcome jealousyHow to stop judging peopleHow to stop having high expectations of people and lifeHow to stop worrying about losing your jobHow to be pleased with yourselfHow to be a positive personHow to be assertiveHow to overcome your deepest fearsHow to deal with mean peopleHow to accept reality and circumstancesHow to deal with grief and lossHow to be mindfulHow to outgrow your childhood experiencesHow to raise a non-perfectionist childHow to deal with anxietyHow to praise yourself and your achievementsHow to be gratefulHow to communicate your needs and desiresHow to use the correct languageHow to deal with negative thoughtsHow to find a perfect partner and be in a happy relationshipHow to communicate with friends without stressHow to overcome aggression and resentmentHow to start changing your lifeHow to show empathyHow to listen to somebodyHow to overcome the fear of growing oldHow to react to criticismHow to let go of controlPerfectionists are people who are supposed to be successful and happy, but strangely are not. They are highly critical of others and themselves. They strive to achieve the best performance and goals in everything they do. Despite being wealthy, healthy, famous, and gorgeous, they are unhappy.Perfectionism makes you stay home, not take chances, and procrastinate on projects. It makes you think your life is worse than it is; it keeps you from being yourself; it stresses you out.This course will help you to give up perfectionism and start living a happy life. You will learn to overcome procrastination and keep moving toward your goals. This course will also give you some tools to overcome the fear of failure, anxiety and negativity. You will learn how to make good decisions and be more flexible."
Price: 179.99

"How to overcome Shame, Embarrassment and Humiliation?" |
"Have you ever feared of being exposed as worthless and defective, an impostor without any real talent?All of us at least once in life felt like:an outsider or a lonermisunderstoodunpopular, unwelcomeleft out, excludedweird or strangeless importantoverlooked, forgottenASHAMEDEvery normal person experiences shame. Shame is the main reason we feel lonely and inferior, and strive for perfection. Sexual disorders, depression, addiction and many eating disorders are largely disorders of shame. Both physical abuse and sexual abuse also significantly involve shame.The meaning of shame in this course is a sense of worthlessness and inadequacy many people feel. We feel unlovable, not good enough, defective and flawed. Feeling of shame is when you feel like a mistake, rather than a worthy human being. You feel inner chaos and undeserving of respect, love and caring.When you experience shame, you wish a hole would open up and swallow you. We feel that all of our vulnerabilities become exposed and magnified. We believe that others view us with disdain or disgust. We think that perhaps we can be accepted if we can only become more lovable or perfect. We direct all of our actions towards accomplishing certain goals.We feel exposed when we make mistakes, when we do or say something unintended in a public setting, or when we compare ourselves unfavorably with people around us. When we are doing well, we think its only a matter of time before we are discovered as useless. When we make mistakes, we expect a terrifying degree of anger from the people we disappoint.Shame is related to self-contempt, a sense of inferiority, and low self-esteem. Paradoxically, people who are judgmental, arrogant and contemptuous toward others, are also driven by shame.The problem is, people dont like talking about shame. There is shame about shame. We will readily admit guilt, hurt or fear before we will admit shame.Thats why we use other words to describe our experience of shame: embarrassed, shy, guilty, self-conscious, rejected or inferior.If you feel:bad about yourselflike a loserinsecure about your appearancefoolish and embarrassedself-consciousalways guilty for somethinghurt and left outvulnerable and exposedunworthy and unlovable -then you have shame problems.Topics covered in this course:Why do we feel ashamed of ourselves?When do we feel shame?How to handle shame-eliciting situations?Is it necessary to shame people?Growing up in shaming familiesDealing with childhood traumasWhy do we become addicts?Addictions (to food, sex, hobbies, etc.)How do we act when other people shame us?How to defend yourself against shaming?Shame in romantic relationshipsShame in relationships with parentsSexual and physical abuseCharacteristics of adults shamed in childhoodFeelings of embarrassment, humiliation, self-consciousness, shynessIs shame good or bad?Should we use shame to discipline children?Who are chronically shamed people?Eating disorders and shameContemptuous peoplePerfectionists are shamed peopleWhy are we attracted to wrong people?Is criminal behavior related to shame?Shame is different in different culturesHow is procrastination related to shame?How do we avoid shame?Do you envy often?Are you indifferent person?People who strive for power and controlNarcissists and their shameHow to build a healthy adult relationship?Dependency, Co-dependency and Counter-dependencyShould you share your shameful experience?How to grow up and mature?How to deal with Criticism?How to raise a healthy child?How to be empathetic?How to be resilient to shame?Strategies to cope with shameShame is a major destructive force in our life. It is at the root of all dysfunctions in families. In this course, youll learn how to deal with shame and how to develop resilience to shame.The less we understand shame and how it influences us, the more power it has over our lives. You can overcome the feeling of shame by understanding why it occurs and how to deal with the experience.This course will give you solutions and tools to address the shame you are feeling. After you implement the ideas, I hope youll be more confident to move forward, take chances, and create a better future."
Price: 189.99

"How to deal with Arrogant, Narcissistic and Toxic People?" |
"There are people among us who are incredibly self-centered. We often call them pompous, egocentric or grandiose. They are pretentious, insensitive and snobbish. These conceited people are often described as narcissisticNarcissists are generally unhappy unless they are receiving accolades and tributes from those around them. They tend to lack empathy and have a limited capacity to love. Narcissists often have fantasies of unlimited power, brilliance, or wealth.What youll learn from this course:What is Narcissism?Who are Narcissists?Why are some people arrogant?Where does arrogance and superiority come from?How do people become narcissistic?Hidden narcissistsGrandiose narcissistsNarcissistic citizens and culturesDealing with superior and arrogant peopleHow to know if you are a narcissist?About self-important and obnoxious peopleUnderstanding an arrogant personPeople who like to display high social statusPeople who feel envy and contemptA sense of entitlement about some peopleDo you believe that you are superior to others?People who are concerned about appearancesPeople who humiliate and degrade youAnger Rage and MaliciousnessWhat sets you above other people?Immature and entitled behaviorFeelings of inferiorityExaggerated posture of importanceFeelings of bitternessPeople who feel entitled to the things they wantVain, Conceited and Boastful peopleDisdainful and pretentious attitudeMean Destructive and Vicious PeopleCondescending and Haughty behaviorsPretending to be someone you are notOur true self and false selfDo you think youre special and better than others?Those who showcase the image of successful personInner life of a narcissist. What do they really feel?Compensating for feelings of inferiorityBragging and showing offThe antidote to NarcissismHow to change the narcissist?People who cant accept agingHow to behave with a narcissist?The need to denigrate othersHow to overcome Narcissism in yourselfDealing with vanityWhy are we easily bored and never finish anything?Why are some people so toxic?Emotionally immature peopleMaterialistic individuals and their self-imageHow can you be kind and understanding?How to manage narcissists?This course is designed to help you deal with narcissists through insight and information. It will give you strategies to build, fortify, and develop yourself and better deal with people who demonstrate narcissistic traits.It will also help you identify these characteristics in yourself and try to overcome narcissism in your own behavior."
Price: 199.99

"Overcoming guilt. How to deal with the feeling of guilt?" |
"The destructive feeling of guilt and how to overcome it.Shame and guilt are major destructive forces in our life. They are at the root of all dysfunctions in families. In this course, youll learn the difference between shame and guilt, and how to deal with guilt.The less we understand guilt and how it influences us, the more power it has over our lives. You can overcome the feelings of guilt by understanding why it occurs and how to deal with the experience.In this course you will learn:What is guilt?Is it good or bad to feel guilt?What is the difference between shame and guilt?Shame vs. Guilt. Which one is better?How to Overcome the feeling of Guilt?This course will help you to address the guilt you are feeling."
Price: 29.99

"Excel Bear Necessities: Achieve Efficiency in Excel" |
"Most people spend way too much time on Microsoft Excel. If you are spending hours on it, there's a high chance that a more efficient way can be used. At the end of the course, you will be able use less effort, save hours of work and improve accuracy in your work:via keyboard shortcuts, using data entry tips, manipulating dates, place checks in work, use summary functions with condition, retrieve another field using a match, and create reports quickly with PivotTables.Excel 2013 has 448 functions and many other tools and features you can use. If you focus on everything, you will learn nothing. You don't want to learn every aspect in Excel, but just bare (BEAR!) necessities. We hand-picked just the crucial ones for you to start saving lots of time. Our classroom training with the same topics has an average of 91% deemed as applicable to the learners.We also want to help you solve your real work problems. A 70-20-10 model for Learning and Development shows that adults typically have 70% of their knowledge based on work experiences (20% from peers and 10% from formal training). If we can help you solve a real work problem, what you learn will stick more deeply in your mind. So make sure to use the Q&A and ask away.I love Excel a lot (I will explain more about this romance later on) but most of you probably don't. And despite loving Excel so much, it's hard for me to watch Excel tutorials. It can be pretty boring. I can totally feel your agony to sit through an Excel tutorial video. And that's why we made our videos more enjoyable to watch. We added animations to help explain better, interactive assignments to to facilitate learning, and our very own program to help you understand how to use functions. We are not going to force you to memorize what arguments to input in the functions but rather learn how to translate the logic in your head into the functions. And the program will help you do that.So who am I? My Name's Benne. I studied Accountancy instead of any IT-related course if you were wondering. I don't have any advantage over you that gives me any edge. I did have some Excel topics during some modules in my school days, but I didn't find it useful at the point of time. Hence, I went to the workforce stumped with almost zero knowledge of Excel. Thankfully, my first organization had wonderful templates with array formulas. If you know array formulas, these are advanced formulas not many know about. Without them, we have to spend much more time preparing the report. And being the careless person I am, formulas helped me became more precise in my work. I quickly fell in love with Excel and started to learn on my own. I helped out in Excel forums and nominated to an Excel Guru, and assisted thousands of people around the world. I became an Excel trainer as well and what brings me the most satisfaction is helping people save hours of work, so jump on the bandwagon!"
Price: 149.99

"ABC-XYZ-Analyse - Artikelklassifizierung mit Microsoft Excel" |
"Was knnen Sie tun, um hohe Lagerbestnde und Lieferbereitschaftsprobleme zu vermeiden?Hufig beklagen Unternehmen verlorene Umstze aufgrund schlechter Lieferfhigkeit. Dabei steht das Lager randvoll mit Rohmaterial, Halb- und Fertigfabrikaten. Nur liegen nicht die Produkte am Lager, die der Kunde bentigt. Um die richtigen Artikel in der richtigen Menge zu fertigen mssen Sie wissen, welche Artikel fr den Unternehmenserfolg relevant sind. Des Weiteren spielt die Bedarfsschwankung eine entscheidende Rolle fr die Planbarkeit eines Artikels. Aber wie gelangen Sie zu diesen Erkenntnissen? Eine Frage, die sowohl den Vertrieb, wie auch Disposition, Produktionsplanung und Arbeitsvorbereitung betrifft.In meinem Kurs ""ABC-XYZ-Analyse - Artikelklassifizierung mit Microsoft Excel"" mchte ich Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie die Artikel Ihres Produktportfolios strukturieren knnen, indem Sie deren wirtschaftliche Bedeutung sowie das Verbrauchsverhalten analysieren. Dazu stelle ich Ihnen das Verfahren der ABC-XYZ-Analyse vor. Dieses Verfahren aus der Materialwirtschaft liefert eine der wichtigsten Grundlagen fr die Bewertung der Ist-Situation in Ihrem Unternehmen. Darauf aufbauend leiten sich smtliche Handlungsmanahmen fr eine gezielte Verbesserung der Lieferfhigkeit und der Bestandssituation ab. Erfahren Sie, welche Strategien Sie aus den Ergebnissen der ABC-XYZ-Analyse ableiten knnen.Sie lernen, wie Sie diese Methode auf Ihre individuelle Situation bertragen. Dazu gehen wir Schritt fr Schritt vor, so dass Sie am Ende dieses Kurses direkt mit der Umsetzung beginnen knnen.Die praxisorientierte Umsetzung der ABC-XYZ-Analyse erfolgt mit Hilfe von Microsoft Excel. Hierzu zeige ich Ihnen einen Weg, wie Sie mit Pivot-Tabellen zur schnellen Datenanalyse gelangen. Sie erstellen dabei eine eigene Vorlage, die Sie immer wieder nutzen knnen, um eine aktualisierte Klassifizierung Ihres Produktportfolios durchzufhren. Lernen Sie auerdem die Ergebnisse der ABC-XYZ-Analyse mit Pivot-Charts professionell und anschaulich darzustellen."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Excel Pivot Tabellen Kompakt Kurs" |
"Pivot Tabellen sind das wohl mchtigste Werkzeug in Microsoft Excel. Und Excel ist wiederum das meist genutzte Tabellenkalkulationsprogramm weltweit.Wenn du zu denjenigen gehrst, die tglich mit Excel arbeiten, aber noch nicht wissen, was Pivot Tabellen berhaupt sind und was man alles damit anstellen kann, dann solltest du dich in diesen Kurs einschreiben.Denn durch den Einsatz von Pivot Tabellen kannst du deinen Workflow in Excel deutlich steigern. Aufgaben, die sonst Stunden bentigen, knnen oft bereits in wenigen Minuten erledigt werden.Ich habe die wichtigsten Werkzeuge und Funktionen von Pivot Tabellen so in diesem Kurs zusammengefasst, dass du auch ohne Vorkenntnisse ganz einfach einsteigen kannst. Anhand verschiedener Beispiele wirst du an dieses Thema herangefhrt. Du wirst lernen, dieses Tool zu beherrschen und gewinnbringend fr dich einzusetzen.In den rund 3 Stunden Videomaterial erarbeiten wir Schritt fr Schritt alle Funktionen, die dieses Werkzeug zu bieten hat. Zu jeder Lektion erhltst du die dazugehrigen Beispieldateien zum Download. Diese enthalten Aufgaben, um das erlernte sofort in der Praxis ben zu knnen.Du wirst anschlieend deutlich effizienter im Umgang mit Excel sein. Mit Pivot Tabellen kannst du nmlich groe Datenmengen im Handumdrehen analysieren.Komplexe Fragen, gezielt und einfach beantworten und deine Ergebnisse super ansprechend mit Pivot Charts visualisieren.Die Lektionen behandeln folgende Schwerpunkte:Was ist berhaupt eine Pivot Tabelle? Vorbereitung von Daten fr eine Pivot Tabelle Erstellen einer Pivot Tabelle Erweiterung um zustzliche Zeilen- und Spaltenfelder Der Filter-Bereich Sortieren von Daten Layout: Entwurf und Analysieren Feld- und WertfeldeinstellungenPivot Charts Datenquellen ndern und aktualisieren Datenschnitt Zeitachse Berechnete Felder und Elemente GruppierungFilter- und Berichtsverbindungen Erstellung von DashboardsABC-Analyse mit Power Query und Pivot TabellenExtentions: Transponieren von DatenIntelligente TabellenAm Ende dieses Kurses verfgst du ber die Kenntnisse eines fortgeschrittenen Anwenders und bist damit dem Groteil der Excel Anwender einen groen Schritt voraus.Wenn du Fragen hast, die in diesem Kurs nicht beantwortet werden sollten, nutze einfach die Fragen und Antworten Option. Ich werde dir zeitnah antworten und dir helfen, dein Problem zu lsen.Bist du nicht zufrieden? Entspricht der Kurs nicht deinen Erwartungen. Kein Problem. Du hast eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck Garantie."
Price: 199.99

"Effektives Supply Chain Management und Logistikstrategien" |
"Dieser Kurs liefert allen Fach- und Fhrungskrften aus den Bereichen des Supply Chain Managements, Produktionsplanung und -steuerung, Arbeitsvorbereitung, Disposition und Materialwirtschaft eine kompakte Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Strategien und Methoden, um eine wirtschaftliche Wertschpfungskette aufzubauen.Wenn Sie in einem mittelstndischen, produzierenden Unternehmen arbeiten, kommen Ihnen folgende Probleme sicherlich bekannt vor. Zu hohe Lagerbestnde, schlechte Lieferfhigkeit, zu hufiges Rsten, Materialengpsse, schwankende Nachfrage, Kapazittsengpsse etc.Oft werden kurzfristige Manahmen in Form von Projekten zur Bestandsreduzierung oder zur Verbesserung der Lieferperformance ergriffen, die aber allzu hufig keine nachhaltigen Vernderungen mit sich bringen. Und schneller als einem lieb ist, liegen die gleichen Probleme wieder auf dem Tisch.Um eine nachhaltige Lsung fr einen wirtschaftlichen Wertschpfungsprozess zu schaffen, indem die bestmgliche Lieferfhigkeit bei geringstmglichen Bestnden erreicht wird, bedarf es einem Zusammenspiel aus verschiedenen Strategien und Methoden.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie diese Strategien und Methoden sowie deren Wirkungszusammenhnge zu verstehen und die einzelnen Puzzleteile mit Blick auf die gesamte Supply Chain richtig zusammenzusetzen. Sie werden anschlieend wissen, welche Manahmen Sie ergreifen mssen, um Bestnde und Kosten zu senken, ohne dabei die Lieferbereitschaft oder die Materialversorgung zu gefhrden.Werfen Sie gern einen Blick in den Lehrplan, um sich ber die Themen dieses Kurses zu informieren. Wir befassen uns zum Beispiel mit:Logistische PositionierungProdukt-Portfolio-ManagementDispositionsstrategienLosgrenoptimierungSicherheitsbestandProduktionsstrategienLogistischer EntkopplungspunktDurchlaufdiagrammAusreiererkennungBestandswert-Reichweiten-AnalysePeitscheneffektAm Ende dieses Kurses verfgen Sie ber ein umfangreiches und komplexes Wissen aus den Bereichen Bestandsmanagement, Produktionslogistik und Supply Chain Management.Wenn Sie Fragen haben, die in diesem Kurs nicht beantwortet werden sollten, nutzen Sie einfach die Fragen und Antworten Option. Ich werde Ihnen zeitnah antworten und Ihnen helfen, Ihr Problem zu lsen.Sind Sie nicht zufrieden? Entspricht der Kurs nicht Ihren Erwartungen. Kein Problem. Sie haben eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck Garantie."
Price: 199.99

"Bedarfsprognose verbessern - Forecasting mit Microsoft Excel" |
"Dieser Kurs liefert allen Fach- und Fhrungskrften aus den Bereichen des Supply Chain Managements, Produktionsplanung und -steuerung, Disposition, Materialwirtschaft und Vertriebscontrolling eine kompakte Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Prognoseverfahren, um eine zuverlssige Bedarfsprognose sowie Vertriebs-Forecasts mit Hilfe von Microsoft Excel zu erstellen.Gerade kleine und mittelstndische Unternehmen verfgen oft nicht ber die ERP- oder APS-Systeme, um aus ihren Bewegungsdaten eine brauchbare Bedarfsprognose zu erstellen.Doch nur, wer sich verlsslich auf die Nachfrage in der Zukunft einstellen kann, ist auch in der Lage eine wirtschaftliche Wertschpfungskette aufzubauen, in der ein reibungsloser Materialfluss gewhrleistet und trotz niedriger Bestnde, eine hohe Lieferbereitschaft erzielt wird.Erst die Bedarfsprognose mit einer guten Vorhersagequalitt erlaubt es, die richtigen strategischen Entscheidungen zu treffen. So knnen die passenden Dispositions- und Logistikstrategien erst gewhlt werden, wenn man wei, wohin die Reise geht.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, welche Prognoseverfahren fr eine vorausschauende Absatzplanung eingesetzt werden. Sie erhalten einen berblick, ber die verschiedenen Verbrauchsmodelle und welche Prognosemethoden fr welches Modell die besten Ergebnisse erzielen. Sie werden verstehen, wie diese Verfahren funktionieren, wie sie berechnet werden und wie das Ganze mit Hilfe von Microsoft Excel durchgefhrt werden kann. Sie erhalten zu jedem Prognoseverfahren eine bungsdatei in Excel, in der Sie auch Ihre eigenen Daten prognostizieren lassen knnen.Werfen Sie gern einen Blick in den Lehrplan, um sich ber die Themen dieses Kurses zu informieren. Wir befassen uns zum Beispiel mit:Grundlagen der BedarfsprognoseMethoden der BedarfsermittlungDie wichtigsten Prognoseverfahren und VerbrauchsmodelleEignung unterschiedlicher PrognoseverfahrenPrognostizierbarkeit des ProduktportfoliosDer PrognoseprozessMethoden der MittelwertbildungDer Methode des gleitenden MittelwertsDer Methode des gleitenden MediansMethoden der exponentiellen GlttungDer Exponentiellen Glttung 1. OrdnungDer Exponentiellen Glttung 2. OrdnungDem Verfahren von HoltDem Verfahren von WintersMethoden der RegressionsanalyseDer linearen RegressionDer multiplen linearen RegressionAnwendung der Prognoseverfahren mit Microsoft ExcelAm Ende dieses Kurses verfgen Sie ber ein umfangreiches und komplexes Wissen rund um das Thema Bedarfsprognose.Wenn Sie Fragen haben, die in diesem Kurs nicht beantwortet werden sollten, nutzen Sie einfach die Fragen und Antworten Option. Ich werde Ihnen zeitnah antworten und Ihnen helfen, Ihr Problem zu lsen.Sind Sie nicht zufrieden? Entspricht der Kurs nicht Ihren Erwartungen. Kein Problem. Sie haben eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck Garantie."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Quntica de Alta Performance" |
"Nesse treinamento voc ir desenvolver habilidades para aumentar a sua prpria Performance e trazer mais autocinhecimento para sua vida. A Fsica Quntica hoje em dia esta tomando grandes propores e trazendo benefcios extraordinrios para humanidade. Se voc uma pessoa de mente aberta, busca um MindSet diferenciado e tem o desejo de realizar seus sonhos, com certeza este curso para voc!"
Price: 354.99

"Mude sua Mente & Mude sua Vida" |
"Este treinamento visa que todas as pessoas possam pensar diferente para obter resultados diferente. Voltado para o desenvolvimento humano, busca despertar os recursos que esto inativos dentro do ser humano e com este despertar causar a manifestao da prosperidade, relacionamentos saudveis, disposio fsica, controle emocional entre outras. Venha ser feliz e adquira comportamentos e atitudes que iro sustentar esta performance"
Price: 54.99

"Lumen Micro Framework - Guia (Incl. Eloquent, MySQL e JWT)" |
"Os frameworks de backend so extremamente populares porque facilitam na hora de implementar funcionalidades mais complexas para deixar nossas aplicaes mais completas e seguras.Atualmente, o uso de API est cada vez mais amplo, pois possibilita que clientes (Web ou Mobile) possam obter as mesmas informaes sem a necessidade de criar um backend especifico para cada. Mesmo que eles mostrem essas informaes de maneiras diferentes.Para isso surgiu o Lumen, que um dos Micro Frameworks mais rpidos que existem e ele fantstico para criar REST APIs. ### Este curso vai te ensinar tudo! ###Comearemos com o bsico, o que o Lumen e os princpios bsico, so entao iremos para tpicos mais avaados. Deixa eu listar aqui pra voc o que vamos aprender neste curso:O que o Lumen e por que utiliz-lo?O que so REST APIs?O que o Eloquent ORM da Laravel?Instalar e Configurar um projeto Lumen com MySQL e Eloquent.Criar rotas, migrates, models e controllers.Adicionar Validao Bsica dasinformaes.Instalar e Configurar JWT na nossa REST API para gerar token e fazer autenticaes.Tratar Exceptions.O que o CORS e Como Corrigir o Erro de CORS.E ns vamos fazer tudo isso em uma REST API que voc poder utilizar como base para criar suas REST APIs futuras.Esto prontos? Ento vamos mergulhar fundo no Lumen agora!"
Price: 99.99

"American Idioms: Part I-Animal and Body Expressions" |
"Americans use idioms all the time. What are idioms? Idioms are a group of words that have one meaning instead of individual meanings for each word. For example, ""He is made of money,"" means he has a lot of money. It is an expression with one specific meaning. You can learn grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary but idioms are the ""secret"" language among Americans. This course is designed to teach you the most popular idioms that American English speakers use every day. The course has everyday example conversations (dialogues) that are just like what Americans actually say to each other.This course is perfect for intermediate and advanced English students who are having trouble understanding expressions and want to understand Americans when they use idioms and expressions. When do they use idioms and expressions? Americans use them ALL THETIME.The best part of this course is that there are pictures that match every idiom. Also, there are quizzes and games to help you have fun while you are learning! Because learning should be fun. Here are just some of the 16 idioms and expressions that you will learn in this course (part I):1 - black sheep2 - work like a dog3 - copycat4 - pain in the neck5 - big mouth6 - play it by earIf you are ready to expand your understanding of REAL AMERICAN CONVERSATIONS and learn how to better understand American English speakers, join us today and let's get started with The Best American Expressions - Idioms for Understanding and Speaking EnglishThere will be 4 more parts to this course for a total of 80 idioms. This first class is an introduction (Part I).We'll see you in the course!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to better understand spoken English by Americans.Anyone who needs to practice listening to spoken American English.Anyone who wants to learn popular idioms, taught through real examples, pictures, and games."
Price: 19.99

"Forex Trading Strategies For Beginners - Step by Step Manual" |
"New updates very soon to come!---------About this courseThis course discusses an easy way to identified good opportunities in the market of forex, how to do not fail in the process, how to have success without a lot of knowledge and experience.What you'll learnHistory of ForexBasics of ForexWhat is a PipWhat is a LotWhat is a TrendWhat is a Counter TrendHow to use the Forex PlatformHow to create an OrderHow to create your own strategyHow to have self-confidence in tradingIf your dream is to work part-time or full-time trading Forex and making a living from the markets then you need a good education behind you and this is the course for you.Every day trillions of dollars are traded in the Forex markets. Every second of the day opportunity is for you to take a slice of the profits generated in these exciting and challenging market.Thanks to the internet you can trade from any computer or digital device, anywhere in the world.It is our pleasure to bring this opportunity to life for you with my Forex training course. Forex Trading It is a lifestylewhat is your dream?"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Affiliate Marketing Course for 2020" |
"Surfing through the internet looking for some side hustle, you are facing a phrase over and over again called Affiliate Marketing and you are wondering what the heck is that exactly? Is this Familiar?You might have the following questions that we are going to cover in the course.How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?What is Affiliate Marketing?What Affiliate Programs or networks should I join?How Do I make money with Affiliate Marketing?How do I get paid with affiliate marketing?Should I start with low ticket or high ticket affiliate marketing?So, summarizing: How To Start Affiliate Marketing Today?orYou are facing the problem that 90% of this market-facing that they are struggling to make sales or make a living, even more, make 6 or 7 figures with Affiliate Marketing, and you can't imagineHow those big gurus were able to break through and make 6 or 7 figures? In this case, this course is also for you, because you will be able to implement a perfect blueprint, that if you follow you will be able to succeed and make a significant amount of money from Affiliate Marketing.However, this course doesn't promise overnight success, but if you are willing to invest in yourself and put the effort into your education and meanwhile take the correct and massive action your reward will show up sooner than you can imagine.""In the short run, people always over calculate their results but in the long run, they underestimate their capabilities and their successes.""in other words: ""Rome wasn't built in a day.""See you in the inner circle of students soon ;-)"
Price: 199.99

"The Agile Way for QA , Dev and Scrum Master" |
"Below are the items that we will cover as part of this course :What is Agile Why Agile Benefits of Agile Different Players in Agile - Dev , QA, Scrum Master, Business Analyst, Product OwnerWhat are each of their Roles/ResponsibilitiesWhat are the challenges faced by QA's and Dev's and how do we address them. The solutions provided here are based on our experience as ITengineers for more than 10 years. How do we provide value to the team and become a key player in the team. Scrum Process. Scrum Components - EPIC, Feature, User Story, TaskDemo:Project Management Using Team Foundation server and JiraDemo:Test Management using Zephyr - JIRA If you follow along the course well you will learn how to efficiently manage a Project"
Price: 29.99

"Understanding Track and Trace for Pharma" |
"In this course, you will get a basic understanding of GS1 standards, Basic Understanding of IT architecture of Serialization process, few important business terms used in Pharmaceutical industry and basic understanding of Drug verification methodologies (Full Track and Trace and Point of Dispense). This will help you to learn softwares such as TraceLink or SAPATTPbetter."
Price: 1280.00

"How to become British?" |
"Time to be British, is a cutting edge training course designed not only to assist immigrants in passing the Life in the UK test citizenship test, but also help them fully integrate into British society, becoming valuable members of their communities. Its a fact that 36% of applicants FAILED the Life in the UK test in 2016, and with time ticking failure is not an option for many of todays applicants. Which is why the Time To Be British Course offers such a GREAT opportunity, helping applicants pass the test 1st time. The Time to be British course is built around engaging video tutorials, that quickly enable viewers to learn and practise in the most flexible way possible. The course has been developed by an international team of experts who understand the struggles associated with learning a new language. AS such, students will find an easy to use, concise and highly effective training course that will yield great results help them secure the future they have always dreamed of."
Price: 99.99

"Presentation Skills Mastery: Gain Confidence, Win Trust" |
"Is fear of public speaking holding you back?Are you tired of giving mediocre presentations? Do you want to learn how to connect with your audience at an even deeper level? Would you like to learn a simple 4-step formula to delivering a powerful presentation or speech?Then join me on this course where I'll be showing you:How to find your identity as a speakerHow to attract your audienceHow to engage your audience deeply using your storyHow to project credibility even in front of a tough audienceHow to write a dynamic presentationMIndset Hacks to quash limiting beliefs about yourself""I have a strong belief that anyone can present with impact once they discover and tap into their greatness....The rest will follow"" - Tony Namdi (presentations expert and instructor)This Course is for you if:You need better communication skills when dealing with customers and clientsYou're an entrepreneur trying to build trust and credibility with your customerYou're an educator struggling to capture the imagination and interest of your studentsYou simply want to up your game and see public speaking and presenting as a pathway to career progressionMoney-back GuaranteeIf within 30 days of applying the strategies you notice no difference to your mindset, your message or your understanding of your audience then simply end the course and claim your money back. No quibbleYou have absolutely nothing to lose...apart from becoming a more accomplished communicatorWhy not preview some of the lessons now?"
Price: 99.99

"Besser Schlafen: Durch Schlafoptimierung zu mehr Leistung" |
"Hallo und herzlich willkommen zum Kurs Besser Schlafen: Durch Schlafoptimierung zu mehr Leistung!Du mchtest:schneller einschlafen knnenbesser schlafenmorgens fitter aufwachenmehr Energie habenproduktiver und effizienter arbeiten knnen? Dann bist du in diesem Kurs genau richtig! Dieser Kurs ist fr dich geeignet wenn du deinen Schlaf und dich selbst optimieren mchtest um mehr aus dir und deinem Leben zu machen. Du erhltst hier keine Theorie sondern 1:1 sofort anwendbare Strategien zum Umsetzen.Was dich in diesem Kurs erwartet:Eine kurze Einfhrung in die Prozesse, die whrend dem Schlafen passierenWas Schlafphasen sind und wie du sie aktiv nutzen kannst und optimierstDie Grundlagen von Schlaftracking und drei Techniken um es anzuwendenWie du deine Schlafumgebung gestalten solltestWelche Routinen du rund um deinen Schlaf aufbauen solltest Was du bereits tagsber fr eine gute Erholung tun kannst Welche natrlichen Mittel du zu dir nehmen kannstDu mchtest deinen Schlaf optimieren, besser schlafen und gleichzeitig fitter und effizienter sein?Dann melde dich jetzt an und sei dabei! Du hast eine 100% Geld-zurck-Garantie und somit nichts zu verlieren aber viel zu Gewinnen, nmlich Zeit und Energie! Lass uns loslegen!"
Price: 199.99

"Como Criar Hbitos na Prtia" |
"Aprenda como criar hbitos e ter mais disciplina com um passo a passo totalmente prtico.E com este passo a passo, voc no s ter acesso a mudar hbitos como tambm trazer para toda a sua vida. E o que isso quer dizer... Que muitas coisas acontecem ou esto presente em nossas vidas devidos a escolhas ruins, muitas delas escolhidas por temos HBITOS ruins. E este curso tem como objetivos principal passar prtica e teoria tambm, por que quando entendemos o que fazer o que fazemos fica bem mais fcil para eliminar e modificar algo em nosso vida."
Price: 39.99

"[Part 1 of 4] Defusing the Love Bomb (Shift Into Love)" |
"Are You Ready to Truly Love YOU?If you have been guided, nudged, or drawn to this page, then there is something here that your soul would like you to know about.This is an emotional self-healing course, which will help you to understand, integrate, and embrace yourself as a complete multidimensional being.This course requires a 100% commitment to healing yourself on an emotional level.""The path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell, right to the top."" - Imagine DragonsBuilding a house on a faulty foundation will only serve to assure that it will crumble and collapse later. When we operate from a place of subconscious conditioning or programming (95% to 99% of our activities are run by the subconscious mind), we are essentially trying to build a new life on top of the scraps of the old one. Wouldn't it make more sense to do some clearing and heavy duty clean-up before attempting to rebuild?This is not a course on how to ""fix"" yourself or become some idealized version of yourself that still leaves you feeling empty and incomplete. Rather, this course is designed to help you accept and love yourself on much deeper levels, allowing you to maintain joy, peace, happiness, and a sense of purpose without needing validation from others.When you truly love yourself, you are aligning your mind, body, and spirit, connecting to Source energy, and balancing your entire system.Please enjoy this free introductory webinar to get you started on your journey toward unconditional self-love. This is not egotistical or superficial, arrogant self-love. This is a sacred and divine energy that you have access to at any time by going within and connecting with your soul through the frequency of unconditional love.Unconditional love feels like peace, joy, inspiration, creativity, beauty, being alive, gratitude, appreciation, enjoyment, being in love.... All of these emotions are the energy through which we can align ourselves with Source... with unconditional love. Through practice, we stay in alignment.We are all connected; you are a reflection of me, as I am a reflection of you. If you have been guided here, there's a good chance you will find information that resonates for you and will help you reach your next level of consciousness, emotional well-being, and ultimately, inner peace and genuine happiness."
Price: 114.99

"[Part 2 of 4] Defusing the Love Bomb (Knowing Yourself)" |
"Are You Ready to Truly Love YOU?If you have been guided, nudged, or drawn to this page, then there is something here that your soul would like you to know about.This is an emotional self-healing course, which will help you to understand, integrate, and embrace yourself as a complete multidimensional being.This course requires a 100% commitment to healing yourself on an emotional level.""The path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell, right to the top."" - Imagine DragonsBuilding a house on a faulty foundation will only serve to assure that it will crumble and collapse later. When we operate from a place of subconscious conditioning or programming (95% to 99% of our activities are run by the subconscious mind), we are essentially trying to build a new life on top of the scraps of the old one. Wouldn't it make more sense to do some clearing and heavy duty clean-up before attempting to rebuild?This is not a course on how to ""fix"" yourself or become some idealized version of yourself that still leaves you feeling empty and incomplete. Rather, this course is designed to help you accept and love yourself on much deeper levels, allowing you to maintain joy, peace, happiness, and a sense of purpose without needing validation from others.When you truly love yourself, you are aligning your mind, body, and spirit, connecting to Source energy, and balancing your entire system.Please enjoy this free introductory webinar to get you started on your journey toward unconditional self-love. This is not egotistical or superficial, arrogant self-love. This is a sacred and divine energy that you have access to at any time by going within and connecting with your soul through the frequency of unconditional love.Unconditional love feels like peace, joy, inspiration, creativity, beauty, being alive, gratitude, appreciation, enjoyment, being in love.... All of these emotions are the energy through which we can align ourselves with Source... with unconditional love. Through practice, we stay in alignment.We are all connected; you are a reflection of me, as I am a reflection of you. If you have been guided here, there's a good chance you will find information that resonates for you and will help you reach your next level of consciousness, emotional well-being, and ultimately, inner peace and genuine happiness."
Price: 114.99

"[Part 3 of 4] Defusing the Love Bomb (Accepting Yourself)" |
"Are You Ready to Truly Love YOU?If you have been guided, nudged, or drawn to this page, then there is something here that your soul would like you to know about.This is an emotional self-healing course, which will help you to understand, integrate, and embrace yourself as a complete multidimensional being.This course requires a 100% commitment to healing yourself on an emotional level.""The path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell, right to the top."" - Imagine DragonsBuilding a house on a faulty foundation will only serve to assure that it will crumble and collapse later. When we operate from a place of subconscious conditioning or programming (95% to 99% of our activities are run by the subconscious mind), we are essentially trying to build a new life on top of the scraps of the old one. Wouldn't it make more sense to do some clearing and heavy duty clean-up before attempting to rebuild?This is not a course on how to ""fix"" yourself or become some idealized version of yourself that still leaves you feeling empty and incomplete. Rather, this course is designed to help you accept and love yourself on much deeper levels, allowing you to maintain joy, peace, happiness, and a sense of purpose without needing validation from others.When you truly love yourself, you are aligning your mind, body, and spirit, connecting to Source energy, and balancing your entire system.Please enjoy this free introductory webinar to get you started on your journey toward unconditional self-love. This is not egotistical or superficial, arrogant self-love. This is a sacred and divine energy that you have access to at any time by going within and connecting with your soul through the frequency of unconditional love.Unconditional love feels like peace, joy, inspiration, creativity, beauty, being alive, gratitude, appreciation, enjoyment, being in love.... All of these emotions are the energy through which we can align ourselves with Source... with unconditional love. Through practice, we stay in alignment.We are all connected; you are a reflection of me, as I am a reflection of you. If you have been guided here, there's a good chance you will find information that resonates for you and will help you reach your next level of consciousness, emotional well-being, and ultimately, inner peace and genuine happiness."
Price: 114.99

"[Part 4 of 4] Defusing the Love Bomb (Trusting Yourself)" |
"Are You Ready to Truly Love YOU?If you have been guided, nudged, or drawn to this page, then there is something here that your soul would like you to know about.This is an emotional self-healing course, which will help you to understand, integrate, and embrace yourself as a complete multidimensional being.This course requires a 100% commitment to healing yourself on an emotional level.""The path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell, right to the top."" - Imagine DragonsBuilding a house on a faulty foundation will only serve to assure that it will crumble and collapse later. When we operate from a place of subconscious conditioning or programming (95% to 99% of our activities are run by the subconscious mind), we are essentially trying to build a new life on top of the scraps of the old one. Wouldn't it make more sense to do some clearing and heavy duty clean-up before attempting to rebuild?This is not a course on how to ""fix"" yourself or become some idealized version of yourself that still leaves you feeling empty and incomplete. Rather, this course is designed to help you accept and love yourself on much deeper levels, allowing you to maintain joy, peace, happiness, and a sense of purpose without needing validation from others.When you truly love yourself, you are aligning your mind, body, and spirit, connecting to Source energy, and balancing your entire system.Please enjoy this free introductory webinar to get you started on your journey toward unconditional self-love. This is not egotistical or superficial, arrogant self-love. This is a sacred and divine energy that you have access to at any time by going within and connecting with your soul through the frequency of unconditional love.Unconditional love feels like peace, joy, inspiration, creativity, beauty, being alive, gratitude, appreciation, enjoyment, being in love.... All of these emotions are the energy through which we can align ourselves with Source... with unconditional love. Through practice, we stay in alignment.We are all connected; you are a reflection of me, as I am a reflection of you. If you have been guided here, there's a good chance you will find information that resonates for you and will help you reach your next level of consciousness, emotional well-being, and ultimately, inner peace and genuine happiness."
Price: 114.99

"How the LGBT Movement is Expanding Collective Consciousness" |
"""Some of you may not agree, but from my perspectiveespecially now that I've recognized some of the ways in which I have been conditioned and brainwashed throughout my own lifethe LGBTQ movement (and anyone who has ever and will ever question their own sexuality, gender, orientation, etc.) are here to teach us about the many different types of love that exist (which helps to develop more refined discernment and compassion), and about accepting those who happen to be born ""different"" than the majority of human beings (and we can all be born ""different"" in other ways, too; it doesn't have to have anything to do with our sexuality). In order to cover this topic in the ways I feel compelled to, I first want to go into more detail about masculine and feminine energy because each of our souls is made of BOTH and energy itself has no gender. What is an eternal soul? Energy. Love and light. Not gender or prejudice, bigotry, judgment, fear, or hatred of something we do not understand. I invite you to join me as we explore some of the ways in which this movement is actually helping our eternal souls evolve by opening up and expanding our consciousness surrounding the topic of love and what it ""should"" look like.""Part 1: How the LGBT Movement is Expanding Collective ConsciousnessPart 2: The Eternal Soul's Masculine and Feminine EnergiesPart 3: Brainwashing Used by Organized Religion to the Detriment of HumanityPart 4: From the Perspective of EternityPart 5: Dehumanization of People as a Manipulative Method for ControlPart 6: To Anyone Struggling with Gender Identity or Coming Out"
Price: 39.99

"A Beginner's Guide to Linear Equations in two variables" |
Price: 179.99

"Easy Course-Start Mixing- And Creating Now!" |
"If you look a track you would see they all have the markers. And these markers apply to every type of track from any genre. All tracks have markers inside of them, these markers control how well a track will mix with another track. When a marker is not positioned correctly on the beats it will not stay in sync, even if you use the sync feature. When the markers are positioned correctly on each beat that track will always stay in sync with any track. These markers are called the grid of a track. Also know as (beatgridding). This tutorial will show you the quickest and most effective sure fire way to grid any track from any genre.Once the grid is set in a track you will have complete control over how the tracks perform when you are creating a mix even if you use the sync feature or not. Instantly your mixing will become seamless and effortless and your confidence will sky rocket know that each mix is going to sound great and on beat.I will show you how to create a master track, to check the accuracy of the grid in new and extremely old tracks. Accapellas can make your mixes standout, but using them becomes a challenge as you try to make them stay in sync. I will show you a quick and easy way to grid accapellas so they will stay in sync. Now you can create cool original mashups.So who can really benefit from this tutorial is beginner Djs because the way its designed it speaks to you in a language that easy to understand and follow. Wedding DJs will find it extremely useful because the ability to transition from one genre smoothly to the next quickly is key. Djs who create mixes on social platforms will standout, your creativity and stand out sound will help build your brand.Check out the introduction video and watch me mix 8 track at one time using the sync feature!"
Price: 19.99
