"Growth Hacking. Cmo hacer crecer rpido tu negocio" |
"Hemos hecho una gua prctica para emprendedores donde te enseamos desde cero a hacer tu negocio y una vez establecido aumentar dramticamente el flujo de clientes.Abarcamos temas como qu es el Cross-Platform (Cross-Channel Marketing) y cmo puede ayudarnos a generar ms clientes. Te ensearemos cmo hacer tu canal de YouTube, promocionar tus videos y obtener tus primeros suscriptores de forma rpida. Tambin damos un vistazo a la red social mas importante, Facebook y te explicamos los pasos para crear tu pgina y tus grupos.En este curso te compartimos nuestros trucos y secretos que utilizamos diariamente en nuestro trabajo al administrar nuestras redes sociales. Te enseamos nuestros secretos detrs de los videos de nuestro canal de YouTube y de nuestras pginas de Facebook, te explicamos la magia tras la edicin.Adems, en este curso aprenders cmo programar tu propia pgina web, sin importar tu experiencia previa, tenemos dos unidades completas, una dedicada a Wordpress y un BONUS orientado totalmente a programacin web.Si siempre has querido aprender a programar, este curso es un excelente pretexto para que aprendas a programar tu propia pagina web de forma profesional. Cubrimos a fondo: HTML, CSS, Maquetacin Responsiva y JavaScript. Esta unidad ha sido creada especialmente para este curso por mi socio, el ingeniero Ricardo Guzmn, programador con mas de 10 aos de experiencia. El curso est diseado para ser amigable y efectivo. Durante el curso encontrars actividades muy divertidas, las cuales te ayudar evaluando personalmente y dndote mi opinin, as como asesora tcnica en caso de que lo necesites. Realmente, mi intencin es compartir el conocimiento que he adquirido a lo largo de estos aos ayudando a negocios a hacerse notar en Internet, la mayora de los conceptos son muy sencillos pero efectivos y el primer paso es ""animarse"".Tambin incluimos material muy tcnico para aquellos usuarios ms avanzados que les gusta aprender a hacer de todo. Aprende a ser autosuficiente o por que no, entrena a tus colaboradores con este curso que SI FUNCIONA y que te volver un emprendedor muy verstil.El conocimiento es poder.Qu esperas? Te esperamos en el curso!"
Price: 1095.00

"Sabidura de la Salud" |
"En este curso aprenders conocimientos bsicos en medicina que podrs aplicar en tu vida diaria para mejorar notablemente tu Salud. Aprenders sobre los principales padecimientos que aquejan a las personas, as como consejos que te ayudaran a entender mejor el origen y tratamiento de estas enfermedades.Mejora tu calidad de vida, aprendiendo de la mano de un profesional de salud, quien te explica de manera clara y sencilla las preguntas ms comunes sobre enfermedades como la diabetes, presin alta y cncer."
Price: 1095.00

"Curso Completo de Composio Musical (+3 E-books Incrveis)" |
"O Curso Completo de Composio Musical foi criado para ensinar pessoas do 0 atravs de um passo a passo simples como compor msicas memorveis. Aprenda a compor msicas em qualquer estilo musical! Este curso apresenta os conceitos bsicos de composio popular, como construo de msicas, tcnicas de criatividade, desenvolvimento meldico e harmnico, como escrever letras impressionantes e outros tpicos centrais. Os exerccios tornam o curso 100% prtico e os exemplos ilustram os conceitos para aqueles que ainda no tiveram contato com msica.Desde a ideia inicial e o primeiro esboo at a publicao da sua msica para o mercado musical moderno, o curso passa pelos diferentes estgios do processo criativo para ajud-lo a comunicar melhor sua mensagem, seja ela qual for. Dentro de voc encontrar as chaves para desenvolver seu prprio estilo, fugir dos clichs, evitar a monotonia e dizer exatamente o que voc quer dizer. Voc poder utilizar qualquer instrumento musical: Violo, guitarra, ukulele, piano, teclado, viola caipira, acordeo, contrabaixo, violino, sax, flauta doce, cajon, bateria, trompete ou outros. Se no sabe tocar nenhum instrumento no se desespere. No curso encontrar alternativas para compor de forma intuitiva na mesma qualidade de quem msico. Alm da possibilidade de poder aprender a tocar violo ou teclado/piano com os contedos extras do curso. No sabe cantar? Nos contedos extras vocs ir encontrar um material para aperfeioar sua voz. No espere mais para transformar suas experincias em letras que vo transformar as vidas dos ouvintes. Assista agora a primeira aula do Curso Completo de Composio Musical!!!Se inscrevendo agora voc ter acesso a:Curso completo de composio. 3 Contedos extras. (E-book: Curso de Canto Para Compositores, E-book: Curso de Violo Para Compositores e E-book: Curso de Teclado/Piano Para Compositores)Comunidade online para alunos do curso.Dezenas de exemplos de udios de alta qualidade para aplicar suas composies.Suporte no caso de dvidas.Certificado de compositor aps concluir o curso.E muito mais..."
Price: 99.99

"5 Princpios Extraordinrios de Infoprodutores de sucesso" |
"Os 5 Princpios Extraordinrios do Infoprodutor de Sucesso apresentado de forma descomplicada por Adriano Vieira, fundador da Integridade Digital Marketing.Finalmente voc vai entender quias so os princpios empregados pelos maiores produtores de contedo, treinamentos e cursos online do planeta.Uma vez que voc empregue estes princpios de forma adequada e venha cultiv-los, nunca mais enfrentar obstculos sem encontrar a possvel soluo quando se trata da criao de um novo produto digital.Esse treinamento composto de 5 vdeos completamente transformadores junto a 5 exerccios em PDF para sua aplicao prtica. Adriano, recomenda fortemente a qualquer pessoa que pretende criar um produto digital de qualidade, pois o contedo do treinamento sobre Os 5 Princpios Extraordinrios do Infoprodutor de Sucesso como uma base slida que pode determinar o sucesso definitivo neste mercado to cheio de mistrios."
Price: 489.99

"Embracing Disruption" |
"In this module you will understand the impact of digital on the customer journey and your customer's micro-moments. You will be inspired to creating a customer-centric model, breathe new life into your marketing efforts and use innovative strategies to uncover new pathways to disrupting the way you interact with your customers.Not only will we teach you concepts, frameworks and new marketing approaches for your business, but you will learn how to practically deliver these methods to benefit your brand, grow your skills and advance in your career. Every lesson includes high quality learning resources including articles, books suggestions, reports and case studies examples of blue chips companies so that you can further explore and increase your understanding on each topic.Each lesson provides you with hands-on projects related to real-world business scenarios in order for you to gain practical experience and directly apply it to your company.You will learn how the digital revolution and its trends change your consumer behaviour. How the customer journey changes and how to use it to your companys benefits. Finally you'll be able to recognise the disruption and act to your advantage"
Price: 19.99

"Build A Killing Brand" |
"In this module you are going to use the digital revolution to your own advantage to build a killing brand. We will have a look at the business modelling frameworks of today that are needed to help us describe how our organisation intends to create, deliver, and capture value.You will learn brand positioning strategies to position your brand in todays digital landscape and branding your company making sure that you place your companys value at the centre of your brands mission.Not only will we teach you concepts, frameworks and new marketing approaches for your business, but you will learn how to practically deliver these methods to benefit your brand, grow your skills and advance in your career. Every lesson includes high quality learning resources including articles, books suggestions, reports and case studies examples of blue chips companies so that you can further explore and increase your understanding on each topic.Each lesson provides you with hands-on projects related to real-world business scenarios in order for you to gain practical experience and directly apply it to your company."
Price: 19.99

"Remember a Chinese Word Every 2 Minutes (Nouns for Nature 4)" |
"This course adopts the Natural Approach How do native Chinese people learn their language? Through listening, listening, and listening. Before Chinese kids know the word's definition, they try to mimic the sounds again and again. Then, by being exposed to different uses of the same word, they get closer and closer to the exact meaning of each word. That is how they learn a language. It's also how you learn your mother language. This is also what my outstanding students do in my years of observation. No rote memorization, no pain at all. Only imitation and comprehension! Therefore, this course will follow the natural, yet the truly efficient way for learning Chinese. By the end of the course, you will find your Chinese vocabulary bank gets richer day by day! The words you will learn You will learn nouns for nature. Why are these words included? They are chosen according to three principles, basic, high frequency, and HSK (Chinese proficiency test). Basic words refer to vocabulary well known by Chinese children under 6 grades (12 years-old) in elementary school. High frequency words are selected according to the Chinese corpus of Academia Sinica. The top 20% words of the corpus is covered in my database. This is to sort out the most frequently used words. The last one is the words on HSK word list. My selection of vocabulary words helps you learn the most useful words first. This course includes:Native speakers pronunciationSlow animation and sound for Pinyin (Chinese pronunciation) 9-times repetition for each target wordBoth simplified and traditional characters Three hints for each new wordCollocations: including measure word, compound noun, adjective, verb before the noun, verb after the noun Free downloadable game-based exercisesStep-by-step method:Repeat the new word three times after me.Pay attention to the Chinese characters.When listening to the hints, try your best to figure out what the word means. You are advised to pause to think about the given information. After thinking, check the answer. This step helps you relate the meaning to the sound.After you learn the meaning, repeat after me three times to reinforce the relation between the meaning and the word.Repeat each collocation after me. In this session, instead of rote learning, focus on associating the meaning of the words in combination to the target word in order to reconfirm the words definition. Always pay attention to the definition, instead of the translation in English. Lastly, repeat after me three times. While doing this, recollect the word's meaning. Play the word game. Each game is to help you further understand the word. Be sure to watch to this video at least 3-5 times to acquire every word.Listening materials These lectures are also listening materials for you to learn anytime anywhere!Now let's get started with this easy and fun course!"
Price: 2000.00

"Remember a Chinese Word Every 2 Minutes (Nouns for Food 1)" |
"This course adopts the Natural ApproachHow do native Chinese people learn their language? Through listening, listening, and listening. Before Chinese kids know a word's definition, they try to mimic the sounds again and again. Then, by being exposed to different uses of the same word, they get closer and closer to the exact meaning of each word. That is how they learn a language. It's also how you learn your mother language. This is also what my outstanding students do in my years of observation. No rote memorization, no pain at all. Only imitation and comprehension! Therefore, this course will follow the natural, yet the truly efficient way for learning Chinese. By the end of the course, you will be able to master the pronunciation, various uses of the words covered. Besides, you will be more confident when hearing those words spoken.The words you will learnYou will learn loanwords for food. Why are these words included? They are chosen according to three principles, basic, high frequency, and HSK (Chinese proficiency test). Basic words refer to vocabulary well known by Chinese children under 6 grades (12 years-old) in elementary school. High frequency words are selected according to the Chinese corpus of Academia Sinica. The top 20% words of the corpus is covered in my database. This is to sort out the most frequently used words. The last one is the words on HSK word list. My selection of vocabulary words helps you learn the most useful words first.This course includes: Native speakers pronunciation Slow animation and sound for Pinyin (Chinese pronunciation) 9-times repetition for each target word Both simplified and traditional characters Three hints for each new word Collocations: including measure word, compound noun, adjective, verb before the noun, verb after the noun Free downloadable game-based exercisesStep-by-step method: Repeat the new word three times after me. Pay attention to the Chinese characters. When listening to the hints, try your best to figure out what the word means. You are advised to pause to think about the given information. After thinking, check the answer. This step helps you relate the meaning to the sound. After you learn the meaning, repeat after me three times to reinforce the relation between the meaning and the word. Repeat each collocation after me. In this session, instead of rote learning, focus on associating the meaning of the words in combination to the target word in order to reconfirm the words definition. Always pay attention to the definition, instead of the translation in English. Lastly, repeat after me three times. While doing this, recollect the word's meaning. Play the word game. Each game is to help you further understand the word. Be sure to watch to this video at least 3-5 times to acquire every word.Listening materialsThese lectures are also listening materials for you to learn anytime anywhere!Now let's get started with this easy and fun course!"
Price: 2000.00

"Using Digital Ocean Spaces" |
"So you've just been told you need to integrate with Digital Ocean Spaces. Or you've been exploring the Digital Ocean website, and stumbled across Spaces, but have no idea what it is. Or perhaps you know what a Space is, but aren't sure how you can integrate with one in your iOS, Android or web app?As part of this course, you'll also receive:Nearly 2 hours of tutorials and how-to demonstration videosA full Postman collection to make API calls to the Spaces APIA glossary with all the common Spaces terminology"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Microsoft Teams (2020)" |
"Are you a new user of Microsoft Teams? Looking for tips and tricks on how to improve your use of Teams? Then this course is for you!In this course, you'll walk through the basics of getting started with Microsoft Teams including:Signing up to Teams, and downloading the appsCreating new teams and conversationsCreating scheduled and ad-hoc meetings with colleaguesExtending Teams with Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow)And so much more...Little tips and tricks to improve your productivity are sprinkled through out the course.Microsoft Teams is the future Microsoft platform - so by learning how to master it now you'll be prepared for the future.Each lecture is specifically targeted towards a certain topic, and can be taken independently allowing you to skip to the information you're most interested in."
Price: 24.99

"Curso: Sistema Controle de Cursos em MS ACCESS" |
"O Curso: Sistema Controle de Cursos em MS ACCESS ir lhe ensinar a criar sistema em Access do PERFEITO zero. Com ele voc aprender a criar Tabelas, Formulrios, Relatrios, Mdulos, Cdigos em VBA e Designers poderosos. Voc aprender a criar um sistema de forma rpida e eficaz. Irei lhe ensinar passo a passo at o fim. Vem comigo!"
Price: 39.99

"The Ultimate Instagram Growth Hacking Course" |
"Discover How This 21 Year Old University Drop Out Used This Step By Step Formula To Grow His Instagram Following To Over 40,000 People In Just AFew Months""Dear Friend,If youre reading this youre probably one of the smartest people I know.Heres whyIf you want to have an engaged online following in the 21st century without going through all the struggle and nonsense thats on the internet today leaving you nowhere, frustrated that you couldnt do it yet again This is one of the most important pieces of text youll ever read. But before that I want to make sure we're on the same page...This Is NOT For EverybodyWhy?Well, if youre one of those people that dont invest in themselves and thinks that spending money on a course thats going to make you an expert in a skill is stupid...STOP Reading.This is definitely NOT for you.If you are one of those people that is looking for a quick fix, a get rich quick scheme, instead of wanting to build a real engaged following through social media...STOP READING.Again, this is NOT for you.If on the other hand, you want to know and become an expert in social media, growing your audience and really impacting the world this is JUST FOR YOU.Now here comes the good partHow To Get Raving Fans, Have Fun And Travel The World...Here are some stats:Facebook has A SHOCKING 2 BILLION Users, YouTube has 1.5 BILLION Users and Instagram has 800 MILLION UsersAmazing right?Social Media is getting bigger and bigger every year and a few ordinary people not that different or smarter than you and me all around the world have figured a sure fire way to use Social Media to make their life a dream...How?Imagine having 100,000 Instagram followers. Pretty cool right?But whats even cooler is the IMPACT you can make by having those followers.See... Everyone has a message that they want to share with the world...And in my opinion... Everyone SHOULD share their message because it can change someone's life.But in today's world it's getting harder and harder...Why?There are more influencers than you can count and they have the right knowledge to build huge audiences of fans.With so many influencers, it's getting harder to get noticed in today's crowded marketplace.This is where this course comes in...In this course you will learn EVERYTHING you need in order to grow a big Instagram audience so you can share your message, become an influencer and of course... Change other people's lifes for the better.Here are just some of the things you'll learn:Why Waiting For Organic Growth IsAPath To Failure The EXACT Tools I Used To Grow My Personal Account To Over 40,000 Followers In Just AFew Months How To Growth ""Hack"" Instagram To Gain 1000 Followers Every Single WeekAn Advanced Strategy To Gain 5000 Followers EVERYSINGLEWEEKHow To Join SecretInstagram Engagement Groups With People Who Have 1,000,000+Followers FOR FREE What Content To Post For Maximum EngagementHow To Gain HUNDREDS Of Comments On Your PicturesThe Dark Strategy Huge Brands Use To Go Viral Over Night That They Don't Want You To KnowHow I Amassed ATotal Of Over 500,000 Followers Across All Of My AccountsAnd Much Much More...So if you want to learn ALL OF THIS today...Purchase the course NOW because I might increase the price in the future!"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook, Twitter And YouTube Marketing (3 Courses In 1)" |
"""Discover The Secret Social Media Marketing Strategies You Can Use To Gain Thousands Of Followers And Make Money""Here are just some of the things you'll learn when you purchase this course: The Exact Tools I Used To Grow My Facebook PageWhy Facebook Is Limiting Your Reach And How To Play The GameMy Secret ""Facebook Light Speed Method"" That Can Grow ANYPAGE To 10,000 Followers In 24-48 HoursHow To Create VIRALFacebook Content EFFORTLESSLY That GetsShared And Gains You FollowersHow I Grew My Twitter Account To 2000 Followers In Less Than AWEEKHow I Create Viral Tweets That Make Me ATONOf MoneyThe Secret Technique Behind VIRAL YouTube VideosHow I Rank YouTube Videos In ONEDAY And Gain Thousands Of ViewsThe EXACT Strategy I Used To Get 20,000 Subscribers For One Of My Clients In Less Than One MonthHow To Create Infinite YouTube Videos FASTAnd you get ALL of this for less than the price of a breakfast in Starbucks?Yup, that's right.Purchase the course now because I might increase the price soon!"
Price: 19.99

"7 FIGURE Mindset" |
"Dear Reader,Let me tell you a story...My name is Daniel Barada. I'm 21 years old and in the last 2-3 years I started my first company, scaled it and made over $100,000 in my FIRST YEAR.A few months ago my brother told me I should start teaching people how to do the same thing.I was hesitant.I didn't think I'm a good teacher.Yes, I was making A LOT of money...But who would listen to a 20 year old guy from a country most people haven't even heard about?I thought about it for a very long time...After all...I want to change the world and HELP people achieve success.So...I created ""Savage Digital Marketing Agency"" and I started teaching people how to start their own digital marketing agencies.IT BLEW UP.After we launched the course, I was getting hundreds of emails and messages every day from people saying this is the best course they have EVER invested their money in.The training had MORE success stories than I could have EVER imagined.But I noticed something strange...Every single one of my most successful students has internalized and mastered the information in the ""Mindset"" part of that course...I created that part because my mindset has been the single thing that has made all the difference in my life and business.And because it's not that easy to find these little mindset hacks...I was able to beat every single one of my competitors...I had a secret weapon that nobody could take away.My mindset.So today... I want to give you this mindset course. It's one of the MOST important things you'll learn.And it will DEFINITELY change your life.Here's what you'll learn:The REAL Formula Behind Why You Have Or Haven't Been Successful In Everything You Do And How To Use It To Your Advantage)Exactly How To Make As Much Money As You Want By Learning ONE Psychological BiasThe Scientifically Proven Formula To Success That Has People In ShockHow To Triple Or Even Quadruple The Results You Get By Understanding One Simple Mind ShiftHow To Stop Procrastinating And Self-Sabotaging Once And For AllUnderstand The Mindset Of Every Successful PersonWhat NOT To Do When You Don't Get The Results You ExpectA Simple Graph That Shows You The Exact Steps You Should Take On Your Path To Success (Included In Video 1)And much, much more!Are You Ready To Finally Change Your Mindset, Live The Good Life And Start Making 2-3x More Money?This is the time you have to decide.Do you want to continue living NOT knowing what real success is based on?If so, please DO NOT purchase this course.On the other hand, do you want to know the exact steps you need to take in order to reach success as fast as possible in anything you do? Be it money, relationships or even losing weight and gaining muscle?If so, by purchasing this course you're making the best decision of your life..."
Price: 19.99

"7 FIGURE Facebook Ads 2019" |
"If you've ever wanted to learn how to use Facebook ads to increase your sales or to offer them as a service to local businesses...You've come to the right place.My name is Daniel and I'm the owner of a Facebook Ads Agency. I've spent more than $100,000 on Facebook for myself and my clients.In that time I discovered strategies and techinques that put me miles ahead of my competitors...I was shocked...These strategies seemed to work for virtually everybody I taught! I was contemplating whether to create a course and teach other people about these powerful methods for a long time. See, I could have easily just kept them for myself and my inner circle and we would be making a lot of money. But I remembered my beginning, I would have paid $1,000,000 for someone to teach me the strategies I know now, because I knew it would pay off in the future in 10X quantities.All of that without a single employee...I have no employees. My friends too. All of the money we make is almost pure profit. That's the life I wanted to live. No answering to anybody. Living on my own terms and having a steady cash flow every month for something that was so easy to do after you get the hang of it. And believe me, through this course you'll not only get the hang of it... You'll become an expert.Here's just some of the things you'll learn when you purchase this course:How To Use The Ads ManagerHow To Create Traffic Ads That Actually Sell!A Weird But Absolutely Amazing Virality Trick To Increase Your ConversionsHow To Create Video Ads That Capture AttentionExactly How To Target Your Perfect CustomerHow To Use Facebook Marketing and Facebook Ad Tools To Grow A Loyal AudienceHow To Generate Thousands Of Leads In Just A Few DaysStep-By-Step Instructions On How To Deploy Targeting And Retargeting StrategiesThe Best Objective To Use To Get More SalesHow To Create Custom Audiences In Just A Few MinutesHow To Properly Set Up The Facebook Pixel (Many People Mess This Up!)The Two Highest Converting Facebook Ads Sales FunnelsDo not BUY this course. INVEST in it and get ready to take action, learn a lot, have fun while doing it and most importantly...GROWYOURBUSINESS.You will also get:Lifetime access to all Future Facebook Ads UpdatesFast and Friendly Support in Q&A sectionA 30 day ""no questions asked"" money back guaranteePurchase and learn Facebook Ads quickly!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Social Media Growth Hacking Course" |
"""Discover The Secret Social Media Growth Hacking Strategies You Can Use FOR FREE To Gain Thousands Of Followers And Finally Start Making MoneyOn Social Media""Here are just some of the things you'll learn when you purchase this course: My Exact Strategies To Growth Hack Instagram To 30,000 Followers (FOR FREE)How To Grow Your Twitter Followers To 10,000How To Gain Thousands Of Friends And Likes On FacebookHow I Grew My LinkedIn Account To Over 10,000 ConnectionsHow To AUTOMATE All Of This For FREE So You're Not Tied To Your ComputerHow To Do All Of This WITHOUT Any Paid ToolsAnd you get ALL of this for less than the price of a breakfast in Starbucks?Yup, that's right.Purchase the course now to learn all of these strategies!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Guide To Getting Social Media Marketing Clients" |
"""Discover The Secret Client Getting Strategies You Can Use FOR FREE To Get Hundreds Of Clients And Finally Start Making MoneyWith Social Media Marketing""Here are just some of the things you'll learn when you purchase this course: The Most Profitable Niches For Social Media MarketingExactly What Services To Offer To Your Clients To Make The Most Money PossibleExactly How To Price Your Services So You Never Ask For Too Little5 Top Secret Strategies To Get Local Clients That Have Made Me Over $100,000How To Get Your First Client FastHow To Get The Email And Phone Number Of Any Business OwnerAnd you get ALL of this for less than the price of a breakfast in Starbucks?Yup, that's right.Purchase the course now to learn all of these strategies!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Instagram And Twitter Client Getting Guide" |
"""Discover The Secret Instagram And Twitter Client Getting Strategies You Can Use FOR FREE To Get Hundreds Of Digital Marketing Clients And Finally Start Making MoneyWith Social Media Marketing""Here are just some of the things you'll learn when you purchase this course: Over 10+ Strategies To Get Clients From Instagram And Twitter FASTThe Instagram Story Client Getting Machine (DO NOT Overuse This, It's VERY Powerful)How To Use Instagram Hashtags To Find INSTANT BuyersA Little Known Instagram DM Technique That Made Me $5000A Twitter Posting Technique That Will TRIPLE Your SalesHow To Create Groups Of Instant Clients On TwitterThe Twitter Poll Strategy Make Clients Come To YouHow To Close Clients With Twitter DMsAnd you get ALL of this for less than the price of a breakfast in Starbucks?Yup, that's right.Purchase the course now to learn all of these strategies!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Facebook And LinkedIn Client Getting Guide" |
"""Discover The Secret Facebook And LinkedIn Client Getting Strategies You Can Use FOR FREE To Get Hundreds Of Digital Marketing Clients And Finally Start Making MoneyWith Social Media Marketing""Here are just some of the things you'll learn when you purchase this course: How To Find Business Owners Ready To Buy Your Services On Facebook And LinkedInThe Little Known Facebook Post Strategy That Made Me $5000How To Get An Infinite Amount Of Clients From Facebook GroupsHow To Automate Facebook To Get Clients On Auto PilotHow To Get Hundreds Of People To View Your Facebook Post For Free And Get You ClientsThe Curious Student LinkedIn Strategy That Got Me A Client The SAME DayThe Secret LinkedIn Content Strategy That Will Have You Raking In Messages From Business OwnersThe LinkedIn Image Strategy That Gets Me Clients Every TimeHow To Create Quick Little Videos On LinkedIn To Get Clients FASTThe Secret LinkedIn And Facebook Message Strategy That Gets Responses EVERY TIMEHow To Find Any Business Owner's Email And Phone Number From LinkedIn So You Can Contact Them And Get Them As A ClientThe Secret LinkedIn List Building Strategy So You Don't Have To Search For Potential Social Media Clients All The TimeHow To Get Your Posts Seen By Hundreds Or Thousands Of People On LinkedIn And Get Targeted ClientsHow To Rank Your LinkedIn Account And Be Seen By Hundreds Or Thousands Of Targeted People Every WEEKAnd you get ALL of this for less than the price of a breakfast in Starbucks?Yup, that's right.Purchase the course now to learn all of these strategies!"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ad Account Mastery: Avoid The Marketer's Nightmare" |
"BANKRUPT!Entrepreneurs Are Going BROKE Because Of Facebook's NEW Ban Hammer!Dear Reader,As you can see the title is in huge bold letters, for two reasons:I have something VERY important to tell you and I just had to catch your attentionSince what Im about to tell you concerns you, your business and YOUR money I thought a little eye catcher is appropriateMy name is Daniel Barada. Over the last 2 years I have grown my marketing agency to multiple 6 figures.Since my agency is virtually fully automated, I started teaching other people how to start their own wildly profitable marketing agencies.Within just a year, each one of my students has earned an average of $5148 per month.But Im NOT telling you this to brag.Im telling you this to earn some credibility with you before I tell you about the ban hammer Facebook is currently implementing and how this is putting all social media marketers in danger of going bankrupt.COLD SWEATThats exactly what I felt when it happened to me.I was sitting in my home office, about to create a new advertisement on Facebook for one of my premium clients and then it hit meFacebook BANNED the ad account.I was in shock.I just hit the Create Ad button and in less than a SECOND I got the dreaded emailI decided Ill deal with that later, and Ill create a new ad on a BRAND NEW ad accountBANNED!Out of nowhere, this brand new account got banned too!New ad, new picture, new accountBanned in seconds.I started researching onlineIs it just me? I thought.Turned out, countless business owners, in different industries all over the world were experiencing the SAME thingI WAS ONTO SOMETHINGI contacted Facebook and told them about the issue.After waiting for 3 whole days, I got the emailConsider this decision final.They didnt re-enable the accountsI still had 3 more ad accounts so I tried creating the ad again.New ad, new picture, 3 new accountsALL BANNED.I had no ad accounts left.In just a few days, all of the 5 ad accounts I had were disabled forever.Advertising on Facebook was OVER for me.OR SO I THOUGHTSee, I remembered that I knew a way to ethically create a virtually INFINITE number of ad accounts and how to NOT get them banned.In fact The Facebook Support Team does it FOR YOU!But they do that in VERY rare and specific cases.Unless you know what to do and sayImagine having an infinite number of ad accounts!Youre basically IMMUNE to the Facebook Ban Hammer if you follow their policies!I used the method and in less than a weekI had more ad accounts than Ill EVER need!Heres a small part of what youll learn when you purchase this course: How To Follow Facebook's Advertising Policies Effortlessly!(This ISVERYImportant)How To Ethically Create An Infinite Number Of Facebook Ad Accounts that are ONLY yours (this method doesnt include using your friends and familys Facebook accounts)How To Make the Facebook Support Team To Answer Your Questions IMMEDIATELYThe SINGLE Sentence You Need To Say To The Facebook Support Team To Gain Their Respect And Make Them WANT To Help YouHow To PASS All of Facebooks Trick Questions EFFORTLESSLYExactly What To Say And Do So You Can Have A 100% Chance Of Getting The Infinite Number Of Ad AccountsExactly What NOT To Do So You Can Keep Those Accounts Enabled FOREVERNot So Fast! This Is NOT For Everybody.This Is NOT For You If:You dont plan to EVER advertise on the biggest social media platform in the worldYou dont consider yourself a serious entrepreneurYou think Facebook will never ban one of your accounts (almost impossible)This Is DEFINITELY For You If:You want to start making money online at any point in timeYou want to be able to advertise your business on the biggest advertising platform in the world FOREVERYou want to protect your business from BANKRUPTCYPurchase now and learn all of these valuable lessons!Don't wait until you learn them the hard way!"
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Cash Machine: Affiliate Marketing On Instagram" |
"DONT READ THIS IF YOU KNOW EXACTLY HOW TO MAKE $731 PER DAY FROM INSTAGRAMFinally Revealed! A Weird, NEW Money-Making Method That Is Turning Average Folks Into 6 Figure Earners In No Time Flat!Dear Friend,If you would like to know exactly how I and a few others make upwards of $700 per day, every day, from Instagram in as little as 20 minutes of workThen read on, because this is just for YOU.Yes, its true.I was also a total skeptic when I heard about this for the first time...Until about a year ago when I decided to try it out.I wouldnt lose anything after all, right?It certainly doesnt cost anything.And it is very, very easy to start.The worst thing that could happen was to not earn a single dollar.Well, let me tell you thisIT WAS ONE OF THE SINGLE BEST DECISIONS I MADELet me tell you the storyMy name is Daniel Barada, and I have a multiple 6 figure digital marketing agency.Every month I make thousands and thousands of dollars helping people market their businesses and make more sales.But there was one BIG problem.I wanted to create a second flow of income.Something that would make me money even if I turned off my computer and went on a vacation for a month.The method I willnreveal to you is something I heard about from a friend, but as expected, he didnt share his EXACT strategy with me so I was left out in the dark.I wanted to try this out but I didnt know where to start.I searched online, on forums, on YouTube, everywhere I couldBut nobody would share their strategy.I felt miserable and frustrated.Why is everyone hiding this?LITTLE DID I KNOW THIS IS ONE OF THE EASIEST WAYS TO MAKE PASSIVE INCOMEI decided to take a leap of faith and do it myself.So I started aimlesslyAfter months of failing miserably, starting over, tweaking and learningI found a patternA step-by-step system that allowed me to multiply my results 10X and do it faster than anybody else.After about 2 months, I had multiple accounts that were cashing in more than $500 A DAY every single day.I taught this to a few of my friendsAnd in no time flat, they were able to quit their jobs and do THIS for a living.I decided to take a leap of faith and do it myself.So I started aimlesslyAfter months of failing miserably, starting over, tweaking and learningI found a patternA step-by-step system that allowed me to multiply my results 10X and do it faster than anybody else.After about 2 months, I had multiple accounts that were cashing in more than $500 A DAY every single day.I taught this to a few of my friendsAnd in no time flat, they were able to quit their jobs and do THIS for a living.SO WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS ALL ABOUT?You may have already heard about Affiliate Marketing.It is a quite popular way to make money online.But in order to succeed with itYou have to go through months and months of writing blog posts or even worseCreate very expensive online advertising campaigns and build sales funnels that go on foreverThat doesnt sound very passive to meAnd its certainly not very beginner friendlyTHE NEW WAYI developed a new, better way to make money through affiliate marketing without all the confusion, tech skills and without actually having to spend ANY MONEY!INTRODUCING THE NEW INSTAGRAM CASH MACHINE COURSEThis is the exact step by step system me and my friends have been using for the past few months to generate thousands upon thousands of dollars through Instagram and Affiliate Marketing.The best part about all of this?Once you set it up (which takes less than 30 minutes)You can work for as long as you want and still make at least $100 a day!How cool is that?Imagine going out with friends and buying everyone a drink because you know youll be receiving more than $100 in your bank account AGAIN on the next day.OrImagine being able to provide for your family and loved ones WITHOUT having to spend hours and hours working a 9 to 5 job.OrImagine being able to create a stable income online WITHOUT having any tech skills, spending a ton of money, and without all the confusion those fake get rich quick gurus create.Heres Only SOME Of The Things Youll Learn In This Amazing Content Packed Training:The Secret Best Selling Niches That Are PROVEN To Bring In At LEAST $500 Every Single Day! (You HAVE To Know These Niches To Make This Work) - $697 ValueHow To Set Up Your Instagram Account So You Can Gain Thousands And Thousands Of Followers That Literally WANT To Buy From You (This Simple Strategy Alone Will Pay Off This Course) - $997 ValueThe Simple Money Catcher Sales Funnel That Is Responsible For More Than $50,000 Profit! - $1997 ValueThe 3 Highest Earning Affiliate Programs To Join That Will Make You Money In Your FIRST WEEK (If I Knew These In The Very Beginning I Would Have Made A LOT More Money) - $997 ValueThe Weird Trick I Use To Choose The Best Offers That Make Me Money In The First 24 Hours (I Reveal EVERY STEP) - $997 ValueHow To Automate Your Instagram Cash Machine So It Makes You Money EVEN IF You NEVER Touch Your Computer Again $1997 ValueThe 5 BEST Ways To Sell Your Offers On Instagram For Instant Profit (Everything Else I Tried Didnt Work Except For These) - $997 ValueHow To Set Up Your Instagram Cash Machine To Become Your Personal ATM So You Can Live The Life You Want - $697 ValueThe Secret Fool-Proof Strategy To Network With Million Follower Influencers And Leverage Their Following So YOU Can Make 10X More Money - $497 ValueHow To Scale Your Instagram Cash Machine To $3000, $5000 Or Even $10,000 A DAY (And Beyond) - $997 ValueAnd Much, Much MoreI Want To Make This Clear:This Is NOT For EverybodyIf you are one of those people that is looking for a quick fix or a get rich quick scheme and is not ready to put the work in You will not find it here.Building a sustainable, long term, passive income business requires some work up front. And if youre not ready to put even a little bit of work in I have no hope for you and its better for you if you dont buy this course.This is for people who want to build real, sustainable businesses that are going to make them money over the long term. For people who are NOT afraid to work hard at times. For people who do NOT give up easily.If thats you, youre welcome.HERE IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO RIGHT NOWQuickly click on the button that says Buy Now. Do this now.It will take you to the checkout page, where you can enter your details and purchase the course.After that youll get instant LIFETIME access to the course and you can start learning and implementing right away.Please do this NOW. Because of the HUNDREDS of requests I got to create this training, there will soon be a lot of people using this method.Dont miss out.To your success,Daniel"
Price: 19.99

gis-water-network |
"Esri ArcGIS Softwares (arcgis Desktop arcgis server arcgis map arcgis Catalog ArcPortal) (HTML5 CSS3 JavaScipt C # SQL Asp ESRI JS API ArcObject Python Asp MVC) 6 . . ."
Price: 99.99

"(ArcGIS Desktop)" |
"ArcGIS Desktop Esri ArcGIS Softwares (arcgis Desktop arcgis server arcgis map arcgis Catalog ArcPortal) (HTML5 CSS3 JavaScipt C # SQL Asp ESRI JS API ArcObject Python Asp MVC) 6 . . ."
Price: 99.99

"ArcServer&JS -GIS" |
"ArcGIS Server & Esri javascript api Esri ArcGIS Softwares (arcgis Desktop arcgis server arcgis map arcgis Catalog ArcPortal) (HTML5 CSS3 JavaScipt C # SQL Asp ESRI JS API ArcObject Python Asp MVC, Node js, Express.js) 6 . ."
Price: 109.99

"Complete ArcGIS Course : Beginner To Expert" |
"If you are interested in GIS This course is for you. Learning the Fundamentals besides the advanced level techniques of GIS in ArcGIS : Arcmap - Arccatalog -Arctoolbox . No prerequisites needed. Do NOT FORGET"" Practice makes Perfect.""Enjoy GIS World With US !!!course author is Eng. Ahmed Gamal Ghazi , Translated by Ayman Gamal Ghazi."
Price: 99.99

"Tinkering with Paper Circuits" |
"This is the Paper Circuit Designing Course. In this course you'll learn basic of electronics and complete knowledge about paper circuit designing. You'll get to know about what are paper circuits? why we use them? You'll also learn in-depth knowledge abuot various electronic components like LED, battery and many more."
Price: 2880.00

"Terapias com Tambores e Cristais" |
"Nas prticas xamnicas busca-se o encontro do homem com seu propsito de vida. o reconectar com sua sabedoria interior, o ancoramento do poder pessoal, a limpeza dos corpos energticos e a harmonizao plena do Ser, despertando a conscincia no aspecto espiritual e a sua relao com a natureza no meio em que vive. buscar a firmeza necessria para realizarmos nossas aes cotidianas na totalidade, onde a alma e corao estejam presentes, permitindo transcender nossas sombras e evoluirmos com sabedoria utilizando nossa energia interna de forma inteligente e equilibrada.A terapia promove um bem-estar de forma natural, respeitando seu ritmo, seus ciclos, restabelecendo o fluxo de energia vital, aumentando a frequncia de vibrao dos campos energticos, dissolvendo as energias intrusas.Desta forma, as terapias restabelecem os fluxos de energia, permitindo que a fora vital desempenhe novamente seu papel de proteo e nutrio do organismo. O Universo xamnico possui diversos simbolismos e tcnicas profundas que enriquecem nossas vidas atravs de ensinamentos bsicos como: Respeito ao Planeta que nos acolhe, a conexo profunda com a Me Terra, Pachamama. Respeito pelo prximo, pois para os nativos todos somos irmos. Respeito a energia criadora o Pai-Cu, o grande mistrio. Agradecer e abenoar constantemente, pois essas prticas geram curas nas nossas vidas. Manter-se conectados com os quatro blsamos de cura; o contar histrias, o canto, a dana e o silncio.Assim as prticas xamnicas, possibilitam uma jornada de total integrao com o caminho sagrado, ativando o poder pessoal, permitindo acessarmos os quatros arqutipos: o Guerreiro, o Curador, o Visionrio e o Mestre, transformando assim nossa existncia.Entre as diversas terapias xamnicas abordaremos em especial a terapia de alinhamento dos chakras fazendo a juno dos cristais com tambores."
Price: 84.99

"Crash Course on Web Frameworks 2019" |
"This Udemy course is based on the module Ive been teaching to my Bachelor's students. The entry requirement for this course isnt strict, I believe that everyone having basic programming knowledge of any web related programming languages likePHPJavaScriptPythonwill be able to cope with this material. This course is also for those who had some experience with Content Management Systems like WordPress and Drupal, but would like to try something more flexible.In the beginning, Im gonna give you an overview of the topic and then Ill explain all the necessary basic steps to choose the right code editor and to set up your development environment. Then we go straight to the development of 2 simple web applications using 2 popular and different type frameworks. One of them is a back-end PHP frameworkLaraveland another one is a front-end JavaScriptReactframework. Exploring the features of these 2 popular frameworks will give you a notion of basic nature behind back-end and front-end frameworks"
Price: 19.99

"Make Drupal 8 twig theme in 1.5 h + useful tips" |
"This course is right for you if youd like to learn how to make your own Drupal 8 theme using twig templating engine. Our theme is going to be based on Bootstrap 4 framework and it will also be using SASS (forget about vanilla CSS in 2019).In the beginning, well walk through Drupal 8 installation and setup procedure using composer (which is a recommended way of installing Drupal 8). Ill show you how to use twig templates and the main principles of template overriding in Drupal 8. Im gonna share some useful tips (that I use daily on my projects) on how to set up your Drupal 8 instance for smooth and painless development if you plan to continue exploring and developing on Drupal 8.In the end, Ill give you a small task regarding templating that will simplify your further theme development.All the code we add during the course is also available on GitHub repo (see resources of the last video).Let's go!"
Price: 19.99

"Drupal 8 module development + useful tips" |
"This course is right for you if youd like to learn the basic principles of module development for Drupal 8. In this course, Im creating a module that takes data from RESTful API as an input and builds an interactive map of railway stations in France. We go through important stages of module development like defining a librarycreating blockcontrollerroutingmaking our module configurableIn the end, Im gonna share some useful tips (that I use daily on my projects) on how to set up your Drupal 8 instance for smooth and painless development if you plan to continue exploring and developing on Drupal 8.All the code we add during the course is also available on GitHub repo (see resources of the last video).Let's go!"
Price: 19.99

"iDoceo es el cuaderno digital ms popular por su potencia y versatilidad. Es capaz de adaptarse a las necesidades de cualquier enseante, convirtiendo la gestin docente en una tarea sencilla y productiva. Como toda herramienta informtica, y an teniendo una interfaz muy intuitiva, iDoceo requiere de un periodo de aprendizaje previo que puede convertirse en una labor larga y tediosa. Es por ello que muchos usuarios, tras instalar la aplicacin y adquirir un manejo bsico, desisten de dar un paso ms all y nunca llegan a exprimir todo su potencial. Este completo conjunto de lecciones permite dar ese salto y posibilita el manejo de la aplicacin de una forma sencilla, prctica y eficaz, pudiendo prescindir de largos e interminables manuales y de videotutoriales dispersos e incompletos.El curso consta de 25 lecciones. En cada una de ellas se plantea un objetivo concreto y se explica de forma sistemtica cmo llegar a manejar determinada funcionalidad. Los guiones estn escritos desde el conocimiento que da la prctica docente, sin dejar de lado un esmerado trabajo de edicin que facilita al mximo la comprensin y el seguimiento de las lecciones."
Price: 19.99
