"Economa para Principiantes" |
"En este curso aprenders a entender los conceptos bsicos de economa para aplicarlos en tu da a da, para mejorar tus finanzas y entender cmo funcionan las grandes empresas. Aprenders su definicin exacta, su objetivo, as como utilidades, costos y administracin de los recursos. Todo el valor que tiene una mercanca se traduce en trabajo asignado a la mercanca? Esto y ms aprenders en este curso."
Price: 19.99

"Corso Prestazioni di Volo e Pianificazione per Piloti di APR" |
"Il corso destinato a coloro i quali intendono approfondire le loro conoscenze sulle tematiche relative a ""Prestazioni di Volo e Pianificazione"" con un taglio specifico sul settore degli Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto.Gli argomenti trattati seguono quanto prescritto dalla Circolare LIC-15-A del 14 Aprile 2020. Gli utenti interessati al corso possono essere sia eventuali appassoniati interessati agli argomenti trattati, sia futuri piloti di aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto."
Price: 19.99

"First Aid: Basic Life Support - Adult" |
"BLS is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest. The AHAs BLS Course has been updated to reflect new science in the 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. This video-based, Instructor-led course teaches both single-rescuer and team basic life support skills for application in both in-facility and prehospital settings."
Price: 79.99

"Gestalte dir den Alltag, den du liebst" |
"Herzlich Willkommen und schn, dass du da bist!Dieser Kurs begleitet dich auf dem Weg in einen Alltag, indem du zufrieden und glcklich bist, weil du beginnst, dein Leben nach deinen Bedrfnissen und Vorstellungen zu gestalten.Lern dich besser kennen, um die Themen zu identifizieren, die du verndern willst und gehe sie direkt im Kurs an. Identifiziere die Themen, die dir im Weg stehen.Du erhltst dafr klare und inspirierende Fragen und relevante Wissensinputs, die dir einen sicheren Rahmen fr deine Persnlichkeitsentwicklung geben. Sie regen dich an, Bekanntes aus einem neuen Blickwinkel zu betrachten und aktiv zu verndern.Der Kurs ist ein toller Start und eine wichtige Grundlage. Wenn du Lust auf mehr hast, dann melde dich gerne bei mir fr eine individuelle Untersttzung.AblaufDer Kurs ist in wchentliche Einheiten aufgeteilt, ich empfehle also pro Woche 1 Video zu bearbeiten.Als zustzliche Untersttzung kannst du dir die Arbeitsunterlagen herunterladen, die dich durch den Kurs fhren.Melde dich gerne bei mir, wenn du Fragen hast.Ich freue mich auf dich!Deine Ronja"
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft basics: from beginner to proficient" |
"We have Packed tonnes of valuable information in a very practical and simple way in this course. This can be easily completed in just one day with dedication. Get ready for getting to the next level.In this course you will learn from scratch how to operate the 3 software packages (MS word, MS PowerPoint, MS excel) offered by MS office. We will start with basics like changing text formats and inserting pictures to design and using animations in a very presentable way.Why take this course?Optimize your productivityMake your life easierBecome more technologically advancedAmazing value packed information in just over 1 hourWhats included?Page setupWorking with rows, columns and cellsCut, Copy and PasteFunctions and formulasFormattingCreating charts and graphsText and bulletUsing graphics, images, objects and shapesSmart-ArtWorking with Charts and GraphsTransitions between slidesSetting your slideshow optionsPresentation preparation and deliveryGetting started with WordPainter and Auto CorrectWorking with bullets and numberingPage-breaks, watermarks and stylesInserting tablesCreating workbooksEntering text, numbers and working with datesNavigating workbooksWhat it includes?On demand videoReference documentsCertificate of completion"
Price: 11840.00

"Weight loss, exercise and toning" |
"In this course you will learn why we struggle to lose weight, how to speed up the metabolism, human body basics, over 100 different exercises for all the major muscle groups (conditioning and cardio exercises for biceps, triceps, deltoids, upper and lower back, pecs, abs, obliques, glutes, quads, hamstrings and adductors). You will also learn how to combine everything that you have learned to create effective weight loss and toning workouts, and how to maximize weight loss and toning in problem areas. There are pre-designed workouts included as a bonus."
Price: 74.99

"Costruzioni Geometriche" |
"Per innalzare il successo formativo degli studenti ed implementare la qualit verso leccellenza. Uso di metodi e strumenti nella rappresentazione grafica di figure geometricheEsecuzione rapida di ogni esercizio onde evitare distrazione e diminuzione dellattenzione.Semplicit dellapprendimento che consente allo studente di acquisire progressivamente labilit rappresentativa in ordine alluso degli strumenti e metodi di visualizzazioneUso del curvilinee per il tracciamento di curve di raggio variabile di diverso tipo."
Price: 19.99

"How to become a Security Engineer from Scratch - Part 1 of 3" |
"One of the most significant challenges within the Cybersecurity Profession is where to start. My name is Jeremiah Batac, CEO Co-founder of Netsectap. My business partner Ray Caparros and I built a cybersecurity training academy to remove all the junk and focus on Outcome-based Cybersecurity Training. Our training does not use books, PowerPoint slides, or guides. The only way to learn is to do Hands-on, Take Notes and follow-through. We believe that this is the best way to enforce learning. In this 3 part series course, we will outline all the skills you need to become a Security Engineer. You can do better with your current situation, now, go ahead, enroll, and enjoy the journey."
Price: 34.99

"Intoduction to Cybersecurity !From beginner level to PRO !" |
"Students in this course will learn about basic things about cyber security. In this course introduction of cybersecurity will be teached and Pro level hacking tips also will be provided in this course and cal Linux installation tutorial also will be provided and Android mobile hacking using termux and spy note with live examples. .! And various types of attacks happening in day today life and types of hackers and students will also learn about LINUX basics how to use Linux and Windows for hacking so this course will be so beneficial for the students who are willing to join cyber security field and also in ethical hacking this course should be a great opportunity for them. .! Lab experiments with Kali live installation and spynote and termux live hacking also will be teached. This course is also for absolute beginners and intermediate level students who has some knowledge in cyber security and this course DON'T REQUIRE ANY PREREQUISITES students who have basic Android mobile and basic laptop system can also do all the lab experiments teached in the course.Introduction to ethical hacking and cyber security .Learn Android Hacking and website pentesting and install Kali Linux in a simple way. From beginner level to Pro level.Thank you !"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn English Phonics for beginners" |
"The course introduces the basic knowledge in the correct pronunciation of English sounds that help the learner to continue improving his/her English. Through the course you will be able to recognize the different sounds of English and pronounce it correctly. The course will help the learner to read and write English correctly through distinguishing the different sounds of English."
Price: 104.99

"Mengelola Boss - Tips dan Kiat untuk Meraih Kesuksesan Karir" |
"Materi ini berkaitan dengan bagaimana mengelola atasan upward management. Upward management penting untuk dipelajari dan dipahami karena bermanfaat untuk membangun hubungan yang harmonis antara bawahan dengan atasan, menciptakan kondisi kerja yang kondusif dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan produktivitas unit kerja dan karir.Materi ini terdiri bahasan yang berkaitan dengan:1: Pengantar Mengelola Boss2: Makna Mengelola Boss dan Manfaatnya3: Kesalahan Umum Anakbuah4: Mengenal Tipe Boss5: Karakteristik Boss Hebat6: Tanda Anda Mempunyai Boss Bagus7: Karakteristik Boss Sulit8: Menetralisir Boss Toksik9: Kalimat yang Jangan Pernah Anda Katakan kepada Boss10: Kebiasaan Kerja yang Disukai oleh Boss11: Apa yang Harus Dilakukan Bila Boss Tidak Kompeten12: Membangun Hubungan Kerja yang Harmonis dengan Boss13: Contoh Praktek Kalimat Berbicara dengan Boss14: Rangkuman/Summary15: Kuis"
Price: 19.99

"Poywienie, ktre leczy - PODSTAWOWA TERAPIA KADEJ CHOROBY" |
"??Z jednej strony, kady czowiek marzy o byciu zdrowym. Z drugiej jednak strony brakuje mu wiedzy aby osign wymarzony efekt.??W dzisiejszym kursie udostpniam kompletn terapi, bez ktrej adne zioa nie przynios oczekiwanych efektw. ??Terapia ta jest elementarn czci ziooleczniczych terapii.??Kurs trwa prawie dwie godziny i zawiera informacje jakich nie znajdziesz w internecie. ??W tym kursie przedstawiam rzeteln wiedz, ktra ma pomc Tobie w powrocie do zdrowia.??Wszystko czego si dowiesz, zmieni Twj sposb patrzenia na otaczajcy Ci wiat oraz na to co do tej pory znajdowao si na twoim talerzu.??Podaj Ci klucz, do Twojego zdrowia, poniewa kocham ludzi i chc kadego z Was uwiadomi, wyleczy i da Ci szans na dobre ycie w zdrowiu. Aby to nastpio musisz wzi wiedz, ktr teraz Ci daj.??Jeli chcesz wrci do zdrowia musisz przej przez szeciotygodniowy cykl odywczo-regeneracyjny, ktry umoliwi Twojemu organizmowi powrt do zdrowia.??Cykl ten uruchomi wszystkie niezbdne procesy oczyszczania i regeneracji Twojego organizmu, dziki ktrym zaczniesz wraca do zdrowia.??Cykl ten, poczony z Fitoterapi czyli zioolecznictwem dostosowanym do konkretnej choroby leczy nawet najtrudniejsze schorzenia.?? Zalecenia na, ktrych si opieram zawieraj prawdziw mdro i wiedz z zakresu naszej rodzimej fitoterapii oraz tradycyjnej medycyny wschodu, dziki czemu ludzki organizm wchodzi w stan harmonii i rwnowagi."
Price: 144.99

"Pomys na posiek czyli PRZEPISY KULINARNE DLA ZDROWIA" |
"??Nie masz pomysu na zdrowy posiek???Internet jest zalany przepisami, dietami i sprzecznymi informacjami a Ty nadal nie wiesz jak si odywia aby byo na prawd zdrowo???Zastanawiasz si jaki jest sekret dugowiecznoci? Czego tak na prawd potrzebuje Twj organizm dla zdrowia? Jak uzyska stabilizacj ywieniow???Poza przepisami znajdziesz tu duo cennych informacji, ktre zmieni Twj sposb patrzenia na dotychczasowe posiki. Zrozumiesz, co tak na prawd jest wane do trzymania w zdrowiu Twojego organizmu.??Nauczysz si co i kiedy je aby poywienie byo Twoim lekarstwem.??Zrozumiesz, dlaczego ten sam produkt jedzony o rnych godzinach moe mie rne oddziaywanie na Twj organizm.??Plik z przepisami dostaniesz do druku (format .pdf)."
Price: 204.99

"Curso Completo para Construir un Negocio Online desde Cero" |
"Nuestra academia es un curso intensivo y puesto a prueba que te ensea paso a paso como iniciar en Marketing Digital y crear tu academia online, un sistema de marketing de afiliados con cursos propios o de otras personas. Incluye acceso exclusivo a una comunidad privada de marketers.La academia Samuris es nuestro principal entrenamiento en Negocios, publicidad de pago y marketing digital. He brindado muchas asesoras a emprendedores, pero este es, por mucho, el programa ms completo que hemos creado sobre estos temas."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to the Realities of Project Management" |
"This course will cover the fundamentals of Projects (Scope, Timeline and Cost) and Project Management (Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Closing).But this is not going to be a purely theoretical class. Throughout the class, there will be a background theme stressing on the real-work experiences and the realities that Project Managers face.These realities include the issues and complexities Project Managers are guaranteed to encounter and the pitfalls that they must look out for. This course also emphasizes the fact that Project Management is not an exact science, and thus one should learn from their experiences and Adapt the way they manage their projects.The following Ready-to-Use Templates are available as part of this Course. These Templates will give new and aspiring Project Managers a head-start in managing their projects.Project Planning: Requirements and Estimates documentProject Planning: Sprint Planning documentProject Monitoring: Burn-up chartProject Closing: Lessons Learnt document"
Price: 1280.00

"Programming For Beginners: Learn To Code in Visual Basic.NET" |
"Hi there! In this course, well teach you from a complete beginner's perspective with absolutely no knowledge of programming. Well then build you up and teach you all the key skills, so by the end of the course youll be confident in programming within Visual Basic.Youll learn all the key points of Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET), as well as all the fundamentals of programming. Since Visual Basic has a more forgiving style, this means that your knowledge can be easily ported across to other programming languages. Additionally, there are four key challenges throughout the course. These are mini projects used to test your understanding. In my experience, I have found that a mixture of consuming and actually doing is the best way to learn.So thats a quick outline of the course. Hopefully you enjoyed it! So lets not waste any more time and well get started! Dive in with us and Ill see you inside."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 19.99

"The Way Music Works" |
"A step-by-step guide to using the fundamentals of music to unlock both the fretboard and your creativity. Acoustic Guitar contributing editor Gretchen Menn covers everything guitarists need to know to identify the notes on the staff and where they fall on the fretboard, understand rhythmic notation, build scales and chords, and morethe tools that make it easier to learn and understand music! Many guitar players have an aversion to anything that smacks of music theory, Gretchen Menn says. My aim is to show you that having a basic understanding of the fundamentals will benefit you as a guitarist, a musician, and a creative soul."
Price: 24.99

"Klasik Kumanda ve Mitsubishi PLC (GX WORKS3) ile Otomasyon" |
"Kontrol ve otomasyona ilgisi olan, klasik kumanda devre izimlerini ve PLC'yi renmek isteyen ya da daha fazla bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen, zellikle Mitsubishi PLC renmek isteyen ve bu alanda kendini gelitirmek isteyen herkes kursumuzun zengin ierik yapsyla rahatlkla satn alabilirler. Bu platformda Mitsubishi ile ilgili herhangi bir kurs mevcut olmadndan ilk etapta balang ve orta dzeyde bir eitim hazrladk ve bunu sizlere sunduk. Ve yine bu kurs daima kendini gncelleyerek bilgi ve birikimlerimizi bu kurs aracl ile sizlerle paylaacaz."
Price: 89.99

"How to Solve the 3x3 Rubik's Cube" |
"The ""How to Solve the 3x3 Rubik's Cube"" course will enable you, through seven videos, to solve the 3x3 Rubik's Cube. Each video will explain an algorithm--only seven algorithms are needed to solve the cube. Each algorithm will be explained so that it is easy to remember. After taking the course, you will be able to amaze anyone!"
Price: 24.99

"Kurs fryzjera - Nauka strzyenia mskiego w domu" |
"55 MINUT - TYLE WYSTARCZY! ABY NAUCZY SI Z NASZEGO KURSU STRZYENIA! Ten kurs pokae ci krok po kroku, jak poradzi sobie z mska fryzur w domu. Pokaemy ci potrzebne narzdzia oraz jak ich uywa. W czci praktycznej poprowadzimy Cie za rk i wyjanimy jak i gdzie ci, eby efekt zaskoczy nie tylko ciebie, ale i twoje otoczenie! yczymy Miej Nauki!"
Price: 24.99

"Automation and Hyperautomation" |
"In this course were going to talk about many automation aspects. Course is focused on demo and code writing that touch multiple automation silos: Pacer, Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins and RPA. We will try to design, prepare and deploy infrastructure that later going to be configured. Entire process will be orchestrated witch Jenkins that will provide 0-touch provisioning of our platform.This course is intend to IT audience that already worked as part of Operational team or have relevant knowledge about IT services and architectures. Some basic concepts can be handled also by management of to understand capabilities of products and their purpose."
Price: 49.99

"Realtime React Mobile App com Graphql e Apollo Server" |
"Uma aplicao de demonstrao com servidor node bsico que se comunica com o app(ios e android) em tempo real.Utilizaremos uma api para capturar dados de Stockmarket e criaremos uma lista com algumas aes atualizando em realtime.E no mesmo app teremos um chat em tempo real.Demonstrarei algumas formas de resolver problemas com React e React Native e tambem com Javascript.O curso foca em ser rpido e direto, sem enrolacao...Utilizamos: React Native 0.62 Apollo Client(React) v2.6Apollo Server v2finnhub API"
Price: 39.99

"Business Studies Management Concepts-Class XII,BBA , MBA" |
"To understand the framework in which business operates it is necessary to have working knowledge of business.It needs to integrate the Physical Resources , Human Resources and Technology. For this integration students should have sound knowledge of Business, its working and its various environment.Having this course help the students in developing a different perspective of Business and also helps them understand the basic principles of Management which can help them in long run."
Price: 19.99

"Cubase Crash Course For Busy Producers" |
"Want to produce professional quality music and audio using Cubase ?A complete series that takes you step by step through Cubase Pro from a commercial recording studio. This complete production course teaches you the basics of audio production in Cubase Professional from basic setup all the way through advanced mixing techniques."
Price: 199.99

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Price: 19.99

"Aprende los conceptos fundamentales de la Metodologa BIM" |
"Se trata de un curso que sirve a los interesados para zambullirse en el mundo de la metodologa BIM con un formato innovador, formado por dos instructores que van desarrollando las lecturas o temas de manera simultanea. Es decir, que son videos a dos voces, que se van enlazando y van creando una solucin comunicativa diferente y muy atractiva.En el curso se tratan todos los conceptos fundamentales para saber de primera mano, que es el BIM, sus herramientas, las fases para su desarrollo, qu est sucediendo en el mundo alrededor de esta nueva tecnologa; adems, hablaremos de comunicacin y colaboracin, de la documentacin BIM, y finalmente de los retos y el futuro de esta nueva forma de trabajar.La estructura de composicin del curso est formada por el siguiente material:31 videos. Que estn grabados a dos voces por Juan Pedro Dyangani Ose y Eduardo Silva Hernndez.31 Bloc de notas. Archivos PDF con un rea habilitada para la toma de apuntes, y que al final pueden tener tu cuadernillo con todas tus anotaciones.7 Ejercicios Test. Al final de cada seccin, se deber realizar un cuestionario de evaluacin de tus conocimientos, para que puedes demostrar todo lo aprendido."
Price: 49.99

"Detecting the Technical Debt in your software practices" |
"Why should you care about Technical Debt?Technical Debt costs the industry trillions every year and yet it frequently goes unnoticed, neither measured or managed.In 2018 the cost of poor quality software in the US was estimated by the Consortium for IT Software Quality at $2.84 Trillion. Within the same report they identified that most IT leaders lack a basis for estimating the answers to how their software practices related to quality affect the overall cost of ownership of software.Technical Debt is an escalating problem that affects all software products to some extent. If left unmanaged it increases year on year and is a major cause of frustration not just for the Developers who have to navigate it every day, but also everyone else in the software company.Sales people who cant get reliable dates to safely promise new features to customers. Support teams who have to deal with increased bug reports and unhappy customers. Senior management who have to deal with unexpected costs, delayed sales payments and ultimately reduced profits.Who this course is designed for?This course is designed for you if you work in a software organization in a management role, or if you are involved with managing the software practices of your development teams.Are you the kind of software development leader who wants to create a more productive environment for your team, where people come to work enthusiastic and excited to work on your products? Then please check the course contents out.Do you want to head up one of the elite minority of software development teams who are aware and actively managing this problem? If you are, Id love to see you in class.What well coverIn this course, we look under the hood at the software practices which lead to technical debt, and take the first step in addressing this ubiquitous software development problemWere going to take a look at some of the common symptoms and categories of technical debt that affect real world software products.Well look at common types of technical debt, and real world case studies to bring them to life.After completing this course you will know what the term Technical Debt means.You will be able to recognize key symptoms of technical debt that often hide in plain sight, so that you will be aware when Technical Debt has become a problem that is affecting your own organization's ability to meet your customers needs, or hampering your growth in your market.You will also know where to begin to look for technical debt in your company, and some of the software practices you may need to adjust.Knowing that there is a problem with technical debt in your software practices is the first step to solving it, and knowing where to look for the problem is the second step.What you will get when you purchase this course10 bite sized videos focused on delivering the information you need quickly, illustrated with real world examples. The course includes full video transcripts that you can download and keep for future reference, Exercises so that you can apply what you learn to your own particular situation.You will also get a certificate of completion to download and keep at the end of the course.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeFinally, I have built this course to share the insights I gained from my industry experience over the past 30 years because I want to help more software teams become amazing places to work. However I dont want to take your money unless you are satisfied with your course and get value from it.You can watch the course promo video, and also I have unlocked a couple of the course videos, so that you can try for free before you buy.In addition, Udemy offers a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not happy with a course, so you can take this course completely risk free. Please check out the Udemy refund policy for the full details."
Price: 49.99

"Curso iniciante de Fibra Optica com foco em FTTX" |
"O curso tem como objetivo explicar e descomplicar o mito que foi criado em cima da fibra ptica, o curso foi desenvolvido para pessoas que no possuem conhecimento sobre o assunto, mas tambm atinge a parcela que do publico que tem uma certa base no assunto mas quer continuar sempre a aprimorar seus conhecimentos. Tendo foco em redes FTTX, o curso tambm aborda de forma rpida o FTTH."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Unity and C# Programming Fundamentals" |
"Interested in learning game development? This course teaches students how to setup and install Unity. It will breakdown how to get started on creating your first project and all the different tools that developers will need to become familiar with. Learn how to navigate around Unity, play with the physics system and connect it with Visual Studio so you can start creating games today!"
Price: 19.99

"Journey To Handstand" |
"Your training towards a confident straight freestanding handstand starts here!Handstand has been my passion for years already, and the creation of this course was a mission I felt I should do, to deliver the message that everybody can do a handstand.I want you to know that ANYONE can learn how to do a handstand.Learning handstands is an enjoyable challenge that requires dedication, engagement and time. Through the course I provide you with a clear roadmap on how to train properly, so you can practice confidently on your own.This is a full step-by-step online course, designed to take you through the process of learning how to develop and balance a free handstand with literally zero experience. I've created this course out of years of teaching handstand workshops, refining and working constantly to refine my own technique. I believe this full guide provides you all you need to turn upside down safely and progressively. The program is broken down into 3 sections:Warm up and core preparationsTechnique and strength drillsPracticalityCombining all these 3 sections I hope you will gain the perfect technical understanding of the straight two arm handstand, all the necessary flexibility components, and the knowledge of how to plan your own training and build an independent, individual hand-balancing practice.What you get15 HD Course VideosBetween 5-9 minute videos fully explained and detailedResponsive SupportOnline help and support for any questions or clarificationWeekly Training ScheduleTaking you quickly and safely from goals to outcomesLifetime AccessPay once and have lifetime access to contentHelpful CommunitySharing and co-learning with supportive communityDownloadable ResourcesExtra visual aids & links for better understanding of balance"
Price: 19.99
