"TB0-116 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6 Practice Exam" |
"129 UNIQUE practice questions for TB0-116 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TB0-116 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 129Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 129)"
Price: 144.99

"VMware VCA410-DT Certified Associate Desktop Practice Exam" |
"173 UNIQUE practice questions for VMware VCA410-DT Certified Associate Desktop Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VMware VCA410-DT Certified Associate Desktop Practice ExamTotal Questions : 173Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (129 of 173)"
Price: 164.99

"Curso Mesa Radinica Miguel Arcanjo" |
"Esse curso te possibilita operar a mesa radionica mesmo que voc nunca tenha tido contato com o pndulo. Voc vai aprender do absoluto zero, e j terminar o curso realizando atendimentos.Com essa mesa voc poder fazer seu auto atendimento, se beneficiando das boas energias do amado Mestre Miguel Arcanjo, caso deseje, poder tambm trabalhar com a mesa de forma profissional, cobrando pelas sesses teraputicas, a distncia e/ou presencial."
Price: 99.99

"Citrix 1Y0-A02 Xen Server Enterprise Administration Exam" |
"158 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix 1Y0-A02 Xen Server Enterprise Administration ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix 1Y0-A02 Xen Server Enterprise Administration ExamTotal Questions : 158Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :105 minsPassing Score : 75 (118 of 158)"
Price: 159.99

"Formation Tiktok complte pour professionnel et influenceur" |
"**GRATUIT JUSQU'AU 30 JUIN 2020**La formation passera ensuite 94,99. La formation restera gratuite vie pour les personnes s'tant inscrites avant le 30 Juin.Tiktok est loccasion dvoluer sur un rseau social naissant et offrant plus dopportunits de croissance que nimporte quel autre rseau socialQuelques chiffres pour comprendre pourquoi investir sur Tiktok est une urgence :Tiktok a multipli par 40 son nombre dutilisateurs actifs par mois en 2020 (800 millions dutilisateurs)Tiktok est dj la plateforme de rseau social la plus apprci des jeunes aux USALa moyenne dge des utilisateurs de Tiktok narrte pas de grimper (atteignant maintenant les moins de 5 ans)Tiktok nest pas encore utilis par tous en FranceTiktok permet aujourdhui de nombreux crateurs dvoluer plus de 100 000 abonns en lespace de quelques mois. Un dveloppement impossible sur les autres rseaux sociaux. videmment cela ne signifie pas que tout le monde arrive 100 000 abonns, mais quen travaillant correctement son contenu et en connaissant les pratiques idales sur Tiktok il est totalement possible pour un influenceur ou un professionnel dvoluer rapidement sur le rseau.Pourquoi choisir cette formation ?Que vous nayez jamais utilis Tiktok ou que vous soyez un habitu de la plateforme, nous verront dans cette formation comment prendre en main tiktok et toutes ses fonctionnalits. Lvolution dun compte Tiktok ne peut se faire quavec une parfaite comprhension de lalgorithme et des murs en vigueur sur la plateforme. travers cette formation vous apprendrez donc : crer du contenu engageant qui vous apportera un maximum de visibilit crer un compte Tiktok qui convertit les visiteurs en abonns montiser votre compte rapidement faire connaitre votre entreprise promouvoir vos produits et vos services sur la plateforme"
Price: 144.99

"MS Access Practice Test for Interviews and Exams preparation" |
"Microsoft Access is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools.Microsoft Access helps you analyze large amounts of information, and manage related data more efficiently than Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications.It allows us to create the framework (forms, tables, and so on) for storing information in a database.MS Access databases are so popular because a skilled MS Access developer can create a wide range of software functionality in a far shorter timeframe than any other development platformEveryone uses MS Access but everyone is not aware of his/her Access knowledge. These tests will help you to understand where you stand in terms of using Access from basic to advanced levels.The journey to complete this course will improve your MS Access skills to a great extent, which will be helpful in the job interview, IT Certificate and Examination preparationNote: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questions, but you will get help for interviews from these questions for sure.The following topics are covered in these tests:1. MS Access Functions2. MS Access ObjectsTablesQueriesFormsReportsModules / VBA Code3. MS Access ControlsCombo BoxesText BoxesSubformsConstantsDate/Time4. MS Access Switchboard,5. Security and Database6. Important MS Access Shortcut Keys7. Important MS Access AbbreviationsAbout test:This test divided into six tests. And each test contains 30 Questions.Duration: 15 min/TestNumber of Questions: 30/TestPassing Marks: 60%Key features of practice sections and model test:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button. This test helps for Interviews, Exams preparation, and IT Certificate !!!Best of luck!!!"
Price: 39.99

"Gestin eficiente de Clnica/Hospital veterinario" |
"Bienvenidos!Este curso esta realizado para personas que estn trabajando en Veterinarias, puede ser Desde un dueo de una veterinaria que no sea veterinario, una persona que se encargue de la venta en mostrador o un Veterinario que nos realiza las consultas a nuestros pacientes.Hace mas de 12 aos que me dedico a la gestin de Veterinarias y anteriormente trabaje en lugares donde pude tener conocimientos de diferentes materias como Marketing, Manejo de personal, etc.Esto con los aos me ha ayudado a crear un grupo de personas que trabajan de una forma eficiente y aplican los conocimientos de forma constante. Lo cual nos ha dado sus frutos a lo largo de los aos.Hoy en da que vivimos una crisis mundial es necesario mejorar da a da de la forma que podamos, todos tenemos cosas que podemos mejorar, pero lo mas importante del curso es mejorar para la atencin a nuestro paciente, aumentar la confiabilidad del propietario y sobre todo aumentar nuestras ganancias.Espero que les agrade la propuesta y los espero en el curso!.Saludos.Luis Terra."
Price: 29.99

"Superar el miedo a hablar en pblico" |
"En un proceso de 29 videoclases mi objetivo es queComprendas de donde surge el miedo a hablar en pblicoTrabajes los nervios y el pnico al momento de expresarteTrabajes nuestra timidezInicies un proceso de aceptacin personalEncuentres tu orador autntico.Trabajes con dinmicas expresivas para ganar autoconfianza, generar empata y mejorar la interaccin con el pblicoTrabajes la confianza en ti mismo.Aprendas a transitar y liberar las emociones que aparecen a la hora de hablar en pblico.Aprendas y practiques tcnicas de relajacin.Salgas de tu zona de confort para exponerte a hablar en pblicoAprendas a convivir con el estado de vulnerabilidad que conlleva exponerse frente a un pblico."
Price: 24.99

"Curso Web: Desarrollo de paginas web desde cero con HTML5" |
"Quieres crear una web y no sabes por dnde empezar?Quieres convertirte en un profesional desarrollando paginas web?Bienvenido al Curso para Crear Paginas Web, curso en el que aprenders paso por paso y desde lo ms bsico a lo mas avanzado para desarrollar tu sitio web con practicas y buena explicacin en cada vdeo.No importa si nunca antes has programado o si no tienes conocimientos de pginas web. Este curso esta creado para cualquier tipo de publico.Este curso, tiene una estructura planeada, progresiva y bien guiada para que aprendas HTML y los fundamentos del desarrollo Web. Al finalizar este curso te aseguro que vas a poder aplicar para un trabajo de desarrollador Web en una empresa o trabajar como Freelancer. Qu aprender al tomar el curso?Bueno al finalizar el curso sers capaz de desarrollar sitios web con HTML , aparte de convertirte en un desarrollador web.Aprenders a programar desde cero.Aprendieras la lgica de programacin.Como estn formadas las paginas web.Que necesitas para desarrollar tu pagina web.Secuencia de pasos para crear tu sitio web.A dominar el lenguaje HTML5 utilizado en el mercado laboral.Tendrs oportunidades de salidas laboral al adquirir el curso.Se que sera una excelente actitud la que tendrs al tomar el curso!No dejes que te lo siga contando mejor, ahora slo puedo decirte: Inscrbete ya!"
Price: 19.99

"C# Programming Fundamentals" |
"This course provides students with a ""sandbox"" that allows them to learn how to code from baby steps. Each video gives students a new tool that is useful in programming.By the end of the course, students will be able to create CLI programs, automate tasks, and improve efficiency.Then the last thing we do is get into leetcode and interview questions. We break down Big O-Notation for different algorithms at an easy level. Then we show you how to get good at these problems."
Price: 19.99

"power point Design Masterclass" |
"This course is from beginner to advance and you'll learn all the headers with their tools completely and also creating professional presentation with Power-point toolsWhat you expect from this courseAsk this three questions before creating presentationlead your audience to right decisionwhat is trend in 2020home header+ toolsInsert header+ toolsmy favorite toolperfect alignmenthow write perfect textscreate professional pie chartdesign,transition and animation headercreate creative imagescreate professional contact us slidecreate professional world mapcreate professional presentation (creative slide 1-9)use transition and animate your slidestrick"
Price: 69.99

"HSE Investment Analysis - Safety PAYS" |
"The course presents the fundamentals of financial mathematics, fundamentals of economic engineering as instruments for analyzing investment projects in the prevention of accidents and diseases. It teaches how to build an investment project, how to calculate economic indicators, how to analyze the project's viability and vulnerability in terms of economic analysis. The course demonstrate that Safety Pays and prepare you to be able to include resources on your company budget to prevent accidents and occupational diseases."
Price: 39.99

"Veri Analizine Giri-Google E-Tablolar ile veri analizi" |
"Veri Analizi, ham verinin toplanmas, ayklanmas ve ilenmesi sonucunda yararl bilgiler bulma, sonulara ulama ve karar alma srelerini destekleyen modelleme sreci olarak tanmlanyor. Herkes iin veri analizi; yeni projelerde ya da devlerinizde kararlar, yaplacak yatrmlar, byme ya da klme gibi kritik karar alma srelerinde etkin bir ara olarak kullanlabilecek bilimsel bir yntem olarak karmza kyor.Veri analiz etmek temel istatistik bilgisini gerektiren farkl yntemleri ieriyor.Biz bu eitiminde;geleneksel teorik bilgileri rnek Netflix verileri kullanarak,adm adm analizimizi gerekletirdik.Google E-Tablolar uygulamasyla,aslen cretsiz olan bir uygulama ile neler yapabileceimizin farkna varp, ulalabilirlik asndan frsat eitlii yarattik.n bilgilendirme ile Excel ve Google E-Tablolar giri seviyesinde anlatmn tamamlayp,temel seviyede zgven ve bilgi kazandrmak istedim.Bylelikle Excel temeli atlm olup,belki de sizi ileri seviye Microsoft Excel Eitmenlerinin kurslar iin cesaretlendirebilirim.Teorik bilgi ve uygulamali deneyim ile veri analizi yolculuunu;Pivot tablolar,Pivot Chartlar,temel istatistik yntemleri,veri analizi i akn adm adm takip ettik, veri analistinin dnce yaps ve takm antasna hzl bir bak attk.Bilimsel yntemlerle,Netflix neri sistemine benzer sistemlerin nasl alistigiyla ilgili fikir sahibi olduk.Keyifli bir uygulama olduunu dnyorum.Umarm herkes iin deerli bir alma olur.Teekkrler."
Price: 19.99

"Guitarrear desde cero" |
"""Tocaras tu primera cancin en la primer clase"".En este curso descubrirs que:1. No es el mtodo tradicional que la mayora conoce.2. Su contenido es sencillo, completo, claro y accesible para todos/as.3. Est centrado nicamente en aprender guitarra. Ademas aprenders...1. Tcnicas de ejecucin y recursos musicales aplicados al instrumento2. Consejos y experiencias que te ayudaran a alcanzar ms rpido tus objetivos.3. Material digital de respaldo, para que puedas seguir el contenido clase a clase.Aprende a tocar la guitarra a travs de mltiples ejercicios, ejemplos, e ilustraciones que facilitan significativamente la comprensin de la teora musical sobre el instrumento. Contaras con una gran variedad de canciones que aportaran valor a tu aprendizaje, pues a travs de ellas, iras descubriendo nuevos retos y desafos que te ayudaran a ser clase a clase, un mejor guitarrista."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Exam" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then this AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Practice Exam is perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice Exam, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 39.99

"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Exam" |
"The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.This AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional exam."
Price: 39.99

"Ponad 130 minut wiedzy online, podczas ktrych Alina skupi si na edycji portretw art. Zobaczysz cay proces edycji zdj i portretw art od A do Z. Skupiamy si gwnie na programie Photoshop.Zobaczysz, jak wywoa szybko i skutecznie pliki .raw, jak wyglda sprawna edycja plikw i portretw art w Photoshop. Podczas kursu Alina wytumaczy Ci, jak moesz przyspieszy prac nad edycj zdj. Podczas ponad 130 minut kursu otrzymasz gotowe rozwizania, ktre pozwol Ci przygotowa jeszcze lepsze zdjcia art z Twoich sesji.Czego nie lubimy? Bez sensu spdzonych wielu godzin przed komputerem. Dlatego Alina przygotowaa intensywny kurs, podczas ktrego nauczysz si, jak tworzy portrety art w programie Photoshop. Bez zbdnych wstpw oraz nikomu niepotrzebnych rozwiza i skomplikowanych narzdzi. Ten kurs to konkretny proces edycyjny i praca ""na ywo"". To moliwo zdobycia nowych umiejtnoci. aby tworzy pikne portrety art od A do Z. To NIE kurs Photoshop - to konkretne przykady, jak wywoa i wyedytowa od pocztku do koca dziecice portrety art."
Price: 294.99

"Add a User-Friendly Excel Interface for Data Input & Output" |
"In this course youll learn how Worksheet Controls and Dashboards can make your Excel spreadsheet more user-friendly and secure.Main Topics:How to make data entry faster and more accurateHow to make data visualization easierHow to restrict access to critical parts of your spreadsheetSkills Required:Anyone with Intermediate Excel skills should be able to successfully complete this course. Some of the concepts covered here are quite simple, while others are more challenging. For example, a few lessons briefly touch on Pivot Tables, Named Ranges, Functions, and Macros, although we dont go into depth on those topics. Each lesson includes a downloadable exercise file so you can practice what youve learned.Data Input:In the Data Input section, we focus on creating an Excel interface that makes data entry easier for less-experienced users. Well incorporate Text Boxes, Spin Buttons, Scroll Bars, Check Boxes, Buttons, and other Worksheet Controls.Data Output:The Data Output section is devoted to creating an Excel Dashboard for data visualization and filtering. Well include a few basic Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in our Dashboard, and add Slicers to make it easier to filter the Pivot ChartsData Protection:The Data Protection section shows how to restrict access to specific parts of our project. Well unlock our Worksheet Controls and Dashboard Slicers along with the cells they link to so users can safely interact with our spreadsheet; all while protecting our critical data from unauthorized changes.Summary:Each lesson is short and to-the-point. Key concepts are clearly explained and demonstrated, and you can download the exercise files and practice as often as needed."
Price: 39.99

"DIY Budget SmartHome - Einsteigerkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du dein eigenes DIY Budget SmartHome realisierst. Wie der Titel schon verrt, liegt der Hauptschwerpunkt dabei auf den Kosten. Ich zeige dir, wie du ordentlich Kosten sparst aber dennoch alle Basisfunktionen realisieren kannst.Des Weiteren mchte ich dir zeigen, wie du aus den Herstelleruniversen diverser SmartHome-Anbieter ausbrichst und Gerte verschiedenster Hersteller einbinden und miteinander verknpfen kannst.Ich setzte dabei auf das absolute Dream Team. Auf den Raspberry Pi als Hardware und ioBroker als Software. Aufgrund seiner vielen physikalischen Schnittstellen und des relativ geringen Stromverbrauchs ist der Raspberry Pi wie geschaffen fr eine SmartHome-Zentrale. ioBroker ist mit seiner riesigen Auswahl an Adaptern (Schnittstellen zu Softwaren anderer Hersteller) das perfekte Gegenstck dazu.Dieser Kurs soll zum Einen ein DIY Budget SmartHome zum Nachbauen bieten. Aber andererseits dir einmal querbeet, anhand von 7 konkreten Beispielprojekten zeigen, was grundstzlich mglich ist.Mit diesen 7 Projekten bis du perfekt gewappnet, um in Zukunft dein DIY Budget SmartHome selbstndig zu erweitern und auf deine Bedrfnisse anzupassen. Das gelernte Wissen kannst du einfach transferieren und deine eigenen Projekte realisieren."
Price: 39.99

"Contabilidad para No Contadores" |
"Curso donde aprenders a conocer el ABC de la Contabilidad hasta elaborar Estados Financieros, conocers el origen de la contabilidad, as como la legislacin relativa a su obligacin, aprenders a identificar las cuentas del Activo, pasivo y capital, asimismo podrs identificar cual es su naturaleza y las reglas para poder contabilizar operaciones generadas por un negocio, identificars las cuentas para ordenarlas dentro de los estados financieros bsicos y aprenders a contabilizar las operaciones identificndolas con el nombre contable."
Price: 29.99

"Mindful Mental Health" |
"This course is specifically designed to support people who want to better their mental health. This course will give a bank full of knowledge and techniques that you can use daily or now and then to improve your mental health. There a plethora of skills that you will learn in these course and my students benefit hugely from the tasks I guide you through. My students finish this course with a much better understanding of how to keep themselves happy and healthy and how to overcome moments of low or anxious mood. You will gain so many valuable life skills throughout these lectures and independent tasks - you deserve to give yourself the techniques to be happy!"
Price: 19.99

"Draw Beautiful Faces from Imagination" |
"Recommended: Some drawing experience, knowledge of PhotoshopDo you want to learn how to draw and paint stunningly beautiful and handsome faces from your imagination, rather than simply copy a photograph or a model? Are you searching for a course on faces that not only shows you how to draw attractive women from imagination but also teaches how to draw men as attractive as the women? Then this course is for you! Here you will not only learn ways to draw attractive imaginary faces, but also learn various techniques to accelerate your rate of improvement of drawing a believable gorgeous male or female head. It is recommended to have Photoshop to get the most out of this course (such as painting), but you will learn valuable tricks and techniques even if you don't own it. You will also learn how to digitally paint a beautiful head using the drawings you did by starting from a grey scale painting, and then converting that into a colored image using Photoshop. You will learn a special technique I use that will make the skin of your paintings look more vibrant and lifelike in around 1 hour of work.This course will be perfect if you would like to learn the art of drawing gorgeous heads from imagination for comic book artwork, manga, concept art, or illustrations. The things you learn here will also carry over into realistic facial drawings as well, enabling you to nail down the face in less time. In this course you will get:1. 3 key concepts that will get you on the fast track towards facial drawing mastery.2. 3 training methods borrowed from Japanese Manga Greats that will greatly accelerate your rate of improvement.3. 5 angles of the face to draw from 3 eye levels: drawing demonstration in normal speed so you can draw along with me.4. A simple way to color grey scale skin.5. A special technique that will mimic the nature of skin thus making your paintings look even more vibrant.6. Tips on drawing and painting hair.7. How to draw and paint attractive women AND men."
Price: 59.99

"Writing Short Fiction" |
"Writing short fiction is about creating new realities and re-framing our own. In this 4-module class, writers will learn about how to write a strong opening, build a strong narrative plot, create vivid scenes that draw the reader in, and leave readers with a satisfying ending. The class will include an ongoing writing workshop and revision techniques, along with personalized feedback. It will conclude with information about how and where to submit work to agents, contests, and literary journals.About the instructor:Jen Knox has been teaching fiction for over a decade. She is the author of After the Gazebo (Rain Mountain Press), Resolutions (AUX Media) and The Glass City (Press Americana's Prize for Prose Winner). Her writing has been nominated for the Pen Faulkner, The Best of the Net, and a Pushcart. Stories have been featured in textbooks, classrooms, and both online and print publications around the world. Her fiction appears in The Best Small Fictions 2017 (Braddock Avenue Books), The Adirondack Review, Sivana East, Chicago Tribune's Printers Row, Chicago Quarterly Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, Crannog, Elephant Journal, Fairlight Books, Fiction Southeast, Juked, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, MJI News, Poor Claudia, The Saturday Evening Post, The Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly, NPR, Short Story America, and Sequestrum, among over a hundred other publications. Her nonfiction appears in Elephant Journal and Sivana East."
Price: 19.99

"Rigging com Cinema 4D: Corporal e Facial de um Bpede" |
"Neste curso teremos um rigging completo de personagem do bsico ao intermedirio.Veremos a diferena entre cadeias Fk, Ik e Ik Spline e usaremos um node para alternar a cadeia de Fk para Ik ou vice-versa. Faremos a cadeia Ik Spline seguir as outras e assim teremos uma maior movimentao do nosso objeto, isso para os braos e as pernas. Usaremos para o tronco o Ik Spline e faremos uma verso dele com movimentao Fk. Na a cabea teremos joints bases para a: mandbula, nariz, sobrancelhas, olhos, plpebras e orelhas. Usaremos Point Morphs para fazer expresses. Pretendo fazer aulas extras para o que tiver passado despercebido ou que no uma explicao muito clara."
Price: 39.99

"NLP Basic Course for Beginner" |
"Welcome to the best Natural Language Processing course on the Udemy! This course is designed to be your complete online resource for learning how to use Natural Language Processing with the Python programming language.In the course we will cover everything you need to learn in order to become a world class practitioner of NLP with Python.We'll start off with the basics, learning how to open and work with text, as well as learning how to use regular expressions to search for custom patterns inside of text files.Afterwards we will begin with the basics of Natural Language Processing, utilizing the Natural Language Toolkit library for Python, as well as the state of the art Spacy library for ultra fast tokenization, parsing, entity recognition, and lemmatization of text.We'll understand fundamental NLP concepts such as stemming, lemmatization, stop words, tokenization and more!Next we will cover Part-of-Speech tagging, where your Python scripts will be able to automatically assign words in text to their appropriate part of speech, such as nouns, verbs and adjectives, an essential part of building intelligent language systems.We'll also learn about named entity recognition, allowing your code to automatically understand concepts like money, time, companies, products, and more simply by supplying the text information.Through state of the art visualization libraries we will be able view these relationships in real time.Then we will move on to understanding machine learning with Scikit-Learn to conduct text classification, such as automatically building machine learning systems that can determine positive versus negative movie reviews, or spam versus legitimate email messages.We will expand this knowledge to more complex unsupervised learning methods for natural language processing, such as topic modelling, where our machine learning models will detect topics and major concepts from raw text files."
Price: 1280.00

"Description:This course is designed for those who have no knowledge about stock market. The course is for traders, investors as well as who wish to make career in the securities markets. This course can also help the aspirants preparing for NCFM Modules conducted by NSE Academy. This course is useful for all the individuals like:BeginnersEmployeesProfessionals who want to gain knowledge in securities marketsStudentsHome-makerTrainers/ Teachers etc.The goal of this course is to equip you with the knowledge of Indian stock market and give a kick start to your investment journey to achieve your financial goals.After completing this course you will be able to invest in stock market with confidence."
Price: 4800.00

"Chat Based Customer Service For Travel Consultants" |
"COVID-19 has caused massive layoffs among travel consultants. Travel companies are now focusing on implementing new automation technologies and the reality is that not all travel consultants will be hired back. Travel consultants, however, who understand the new workflows and know how to collaborate with A.I. chat bots will be invaluable in the post-COVID contact center.Understand the A.I. automated contact center and the role of A.I. chat botsLearn to operate any A.I. automation software to service customersUnderstand new customer expectations and the multi-channel customer journeyBuild your future and position yourself well in an A.I. automated contact centerA.I. Automation Training For Travel Consultants.Big crises have always caused big changes in the travel industry. The dot com bubble in 2000 gave rise to the OTAs, the financial crisis in 2008 bore Airbnb and Uber and the pandemic is catalyzing call center automation with A.I. chat bots.Travel consultants will work differently but they wont be any less valuable. Now is the time to prepare yourself for this new reality and learn new skills that will make you an invaluable part of the travel contact center of the future.This course is designed for travel consultants with no prior knowledge of A.I. based contact center workflows and technologies.The course is divided into 4 sections. Section 1 starts with the basics of what A.I. based contact center automation is and why it is relevant today. In Section 2 we will have a closer look at how customer expectations have changed in the last decade and how it has impacted the customer journey. We will learn what multi-channel customer service is and how agents and A.I. bots are working together to provide a modernized customer service. Section 3 covers the essentials for you to excel in an A.I. automated contact center. We will go through real life A.I. based call center software, step by step. You will learn how to operate A.I. based omnichannel tools, from monitoring ongoing conversations, taking over conversations from the A.I., chatting with the customer and finding the right writing style. Hands-on practice and real life examples will make sure that you will later be able to apply this knowledge at your workplace with ease. In the last section, Section 4, we will look at how A.I. customer support will evolve in the next years and you will learn how to position yourself as an invaluable resource in an A.I. automated contact center."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System Training Course" |
"About the course and contents:1. Learn Complete Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System by Honeywell Training Course Practically.2. This is a fully On-Site Practical Training Course for All Levels to boost your career.3. After completing this course you can work as an industry expert in Fire Alarm System4. I covered all topics of Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System practically to make it understandable for all level ie. Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System Lower level training video to an Advance level training video.5. This Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System Training course contains a lot of practical videos. from our different projects which will help you easily to understand this system.6. More than 6 hours 33 minutes of video lectures will let you have full practical knowledge of the BMS system.7. This Fire Alarm System Training course is for all Engineers and Technicians and Operators either you are working as a contractor or a consultant8. I ensure you, once you complete this Fire Alarm System course, you will be called Expert as Fire Alarm Engineer/ Fire Protection Engineer.9. At the end of this Fire Alarm System course, you will find a full detailed project to explain to you the system completely10. A lot of 5 stars reviews have been rated by trainees from all over the world, which reflects the superior benefits and the high quality and information you will find in this course.11. This Fire Alarm System course is a summarized course, which is very helpful to anybody who is interested to learn the Fire Alarm System in a very fast way. Without wasting a lot of time.Some of the topics which you will find in this course:1. Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System Introduction2. The Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System Architecture3. Fire Alarm System architecture and different levels of the Fire Alarm System4. GENT VIGILON Fire Alarm system- Panel inside5. Understanding of Fire Alarm system Loop and loop Circuit6. Addressable Vs Conventional Fire Alarm System7. Fire Alarm System - Devices, Use, Design and Applications.8. Detector installation, Wiring, and its components9. Detector types, design and detector ( Heat +Smoke+ Sounder) applications10. Understanding of Manual Call Point(MCP) Operation, Wiring & Designing11. Understanding of Fire Alarm Panel MCC card, Network card, Loop card12. Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System Operation13. GENT VIGILON Fire Alarm system- Operation- How to check Fire History14. The different benefits of using Fire Alarm System in a building15. GENT VIGILON Fire Alarm system-Operation- Active Fault16. GENT VIGILON Fire Alarm system-Operation- Enable /Disable17. GENT VIGILON Fire Alarm system-Operation- Find the device18. GENT VIGILON Fire Alarm system-Operation- Loop Allocation19. Understanding the Cable types and size used in the fire alarm system20. GENT VIGILON Fire Alarm system - Manual Loop recovering21. Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm How to Label Device22. Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System How to Check Panel Nodes & Net-Map23. What is IFU?- How to do fire alarm system interfacing with public address, Lift & FM20024. Fire Alarm System Installation, Troubleshooting, Testing and Commissioning25. Fire Alarm System Fault, Troubleshooting and Solution26. Understanding of Battery used and its wiring connection27. How to do Fire Testing with Smoke/Heat Detector Tester28. What is NFPA? Codes Standard and NFPA guidelines29. What is Mock drill? & Civil Defense Certification30. What to do if the Fire Alarm Panel Fails to Response?31. Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System Networking32. Fire Alarm System - RS232 / RS485 Communication33. Fire Alarm System Networking Of Multiple Panels34. Gent Vigilon Fire Alarm System Software and Programming file35. Gent Software -Report Generation36. Fire Alarm Supervisor System / Work Station37. How many devices in 1 loop?.38. Distance between detectors?These are the first courses on Udemy which provide onsite company training with in-depth knowledge.I suggest you never miss these courses to enhance your skill and get trained with the best videos on Udemy.As an instructor, I always consider the level of my course for beginners to experts.Any beginner and professional can join the courses to enhance his/her skill. After course completion, these courses ensure you become an Industry expert.I wish you a great career.Thank you"
Price: 5120.00

"Introduction to Python for Data Science" |
"Stackoverflow publishes studies on the popularity of each programming language that is used among developers. Guess which one always comes up in the top 5 each year? Python! In this introduction to python for Data Science, I've gathered all the key concepts you need to learn in Python programming. We'll learn each of them step-by-step from creating variables, conditions, building functions, all the way to make awesome data visualizations using Pandas library. Throughout this whole course, we'll be working on two projects. The first one will be to re-create a Tricount-like application where we'll be able to track a group of friend trip expenses and tell a user who owes money to who. And for the second one, we'll be studying the spread of a virus and make awesome visualizations to check whether we are at the beginning of the pandemic or at the end. So I hope to have you in my course and happy learning!"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Application Oriented Comsol Multiphysics Course" |
"COMSOL Multiphysics is a general-purpose simulation software for modeling designs, devices, and processes in all fields of engineering, manufacturing, and scientific research. In addition to using multiphysics modeling for your own projects, you can also turn your models into simulation applications and digital twins for use by other design teams, manufacturing departments, test labs, customers, and more.The platform product can be used on its own or expanded with functionality from any combination of add-on modules for simulating electromagnetics, structural mechanics, acoustics, fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical engineering. The add-on modules and LiveLink products connect seamlessly for a modeling workflow that remains the same regardless of what you are modeling."
Price: 2240.00

"Risk Management Professional Exam" |
"These Exams contains Six real PMI-RMP exams that were created based on RISK PRACTICE STANDARD and PMBOK5.The total question is more than 300 questions.It includes the right answer and justification of the correct answer and reference from PMI reference.It's a similar most popular question which you will find in PMI-RMP real exam.This course consists of the most common question for PMI-RMP exam.General notes:The Exam is provided by Bilal Mohamed and it took a huge amount of time and effort to be developed in a way that will allow students to benefit from them. The exam is not allowed to be distributed outside.Udemy by any means. Only sharing the official link to the exam is allowed.Screenshots are not allowed.In the following link, you will understand how to use UDEMY practice tests: https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/231954647-Practice-Test-FAQsPMI-RMP logos are trademarks owned by the Project Management Institute and are used with permission.Get ready to start your Risk Management journey."
Price: 169.99
