"Especialista em marketing digital em 1 Hora" |
"Voc est procurando um treinamento completo de marketing digital que vai te transformar em um especialista e mestre em marketing digital, certo?Voc encontrou o curso de marketing digital certo!Com as habilidades e estratgias que vai aprender aqui no nosso curso de marketing digital, voc pode:Crescer seu prprio negcioConseguir um timo emprego no setor de marketing digitalAjudar aos seus clientes a aumentar e crescer seus negciosQueremos te ajudar a expandir seus negcios com marketing de redes social, marketing de contedo, email marketing e muito mais!"
Price: 39.99

"Laudos Botnicos" |
"O desenvolvimento de mtodos eficientes de pesquisa e de troca de informaes propiciou a descoberta de uma quantidade muito grande de dados em todas as reas tcnico-cientficas. Para acompanhar essa demanda, os cursos universitrios tornam-se cada vez mais especializados (no-generalistas) e preocupados com aspectos tericos.Com isso, quanto mais alto o grau de formao (mestrado, doutorado, ps-doutorado), maior tem sido a tendncia superespecializao. Ou seja, o histrico de trabalho e relaes acadmicas fazem esses profissionais pensarem que no tem a competncia ou a habilitao para fazer nada que no esteja exatamente dentro da sua subrea de conhecimento, enquanto que, na verdade, o que realmente conta na maioria das situaes sua formao bsica de curso superior.Tais nuances fazem com que muitos tpicos relativos ao mercado de trabalho fiquem esquecidos. Ou seja, formam-se acadmicos com grande quantidade de conhecimento, mas que no sabem como utiliz-lo para sobreviver. E, paradoxalmente, o motivo para algum cursar uma faculdade, costuma ser o de trabalhar nessa rea, seja porque se tenha afinidade com ela (o que o ideal), ou porque seja mais rentvel, ou por algum outro motivo.Este curso baseado no livro Laudos Botnicos, de minha autoria, publicado como e-book pela Amazon Kindle ( - tal livro contempla material mais completo e 12 exemplos de laudos, com 10 tipos de trabalhos diferentes!). O curso composto de narraes em fundo simples, com atividades disponibilizadas nos materiais complementares, incluindo questionrio, artigos cientficos e, o mais importante, uma atividade prtica que deixar o estudante preparado para iniciar no ramo de laudos tcnicos autnomos."
Price: 39.99

"PMP Exam Changes 2021 - What is different? New Exam format.." |
"This course gives you a complete overview about the changes to new PMP Exam 2021. After this course you will be aware of:How is Current format different from New format?What and When is PMP Exam changing?How does it impact me?I am preparing for PMP. Should I give the exam before/after the change?Reference material..How should give the exam in COVID 19 crisis?"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Mindfulness y Psicologa: Ser y Vivir a Conciencia." |
"Este curso desarrolla las herramientas del Mindfulness y la Psicologa para aprender a vivir a conciencia y mejorar as la calidad de vida. Este curso es para todos aquellos que deseen adentrarse en la practica del Mindfulness, quieran indagar si el desarrollo de esta habilidad puede dar lugar a una mejora en su calidad de vida, en su salud en general, en su relacin consigo mismo y con los dems, en su gestin de emociones e impulsos.Es para quien quiere aprender a escucharse y observarse, conocerse y entenderse, para vivir con mayor claridad y conforme con la coherencia entre lo que siente, piensa, dice y hace.Es para quienes quieren aprender a vivir a conciencia, con propsito y coherencia.Por ltimo, desarrollaremos un apartado especial en donde veremos la articulacin del Mindfulness y la Psicologa en los tratamientos de adicciones."
Price: 54.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Professional" |
"1Z0-997-20: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Professional certification is the Professional level OCI Architect certification that serves as the next level of credential for those who have already earned an OCI Architect Associate title. You must have already earned the Associate level certification to qualify for this certification. An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Certified Architect Professional has demonstrated hands-on experience and knowledge required to plan, design, implement and operate solutions on OCI. The abilities validated by this certification include: Plan and design solutions; implement and operate solutions; Design, implement and operate databases; Design for hybrid cloud architecture; Migrate on-premises workloads to OCI; Design for Security and Compliance Up-to-date training and field experience are recommended."
Price: 19.99

"HTML & CSS For Beginners" |
"You will learn all the common HTML tags used to structure HTML pages, the skeleton of all websites. You will also be able to create HTML tables to present tabular data efficiently. You will start from the very basics of HTML5 by learning what it is, why it's something you should learn and the new elements that have been added to HTML. Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions. Students who want to learn how to Develop Web Pages using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) will find the fundamentals they need in this course.Who This Course Is For:Anyone interested in Web DevelopmentWeb DesignersProgrammersSolutions ArchitectsCloud EngineersDevOps EngineersCybersecurity AnalystsNetwork Security EngineersSystem Administrators"
Price: 19.99

"CCNA 640-802:Cisco Certified Network Associate Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to this CCNA 640-802 course What you get?360 High Quality practice questionsAnswers & Explanations are verified by subject matter expertAlways updated30 Days money back guarantee bu udemyAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No prerequisites needed as this is a practice testWhat will students learn in your course?360 Practice question will help you score at least 80% on the CCNA 640-802 main exam."
Price: 19.99

"Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python for Beginners" |
"Welcome to KGP Talkie's Natural Language Processing course. It is designed to give you a complete understanding of Text Processing and Mining with the use of State-of-the-Art NLP algorithms in Python.We will learn Spacy in details and we will also explore the uses of NLP in real-life. This course covers the basics of NLP to advance topics like word2vec, GloVe, Deep Learning for NLP like CNN, ANN, and LSTM. I will also show you how you can optimize your ML code by using various tools of sklean in python. At the end part of this course, you will learn how to generate poetry by using LSTM. Multi-Label and Multi-class classification is explained. At least 12 NLP Projects are covered in this course. You will learn various ways of solving edge cutting NLP problems. In this course, we will start from level 0 to the advanced level. We will start with basics like what is machine learning and how it works. Thereafter I will take you to Python, Numpy, and Pandas crash course. If you have prior experience you can skip these sections. The real game of NLP will start with Spacy Introduction where I will take you through various steps of NLP preprocessing. We will be using Spacy and NLTK mostly for the text data preprocessing. In the next section, we will learn about working with Files for storing and loading the text data. This section is the foundation of another section on Complete Text Preprocessing. I will show you many ways of text preprocessing using Spacy and Regular Expressions. Finally, I will show you how you can create your own python package on preprocessing. It will help us to improve our code writing skills. We will be able to reuse our code systemwide without writing codes for preprocessing every time. This section is the most important section. Then, we will start the Machine learning theory section and a walkthrough of the Scikit-Learn Python package where we will learn how to write clean ML code. Thereafter, we will develop our first text classifier for SPAM and HAM message classification. I will be also showing you various types of word embeddings used in NLP like Bag of Words, Term Frequency, IDF, and TF-IDF. I will show you how you can estimate these features from scratch as well as with the help of the Scikit-Learn package.Thereafter we will learn about the machine learning model deployment. We will also learn various other important tools like word2vec, GloVe, Deep Learning, CNN, LSTM, RNN etc. At the end of this lesson, you will learn everything which you need to solve your own NLP problem."
Price: 199.99

"How to Become a Life Coach - Life Coaching Blueprint" |
"Do you want to become a life coach? If you have the hunger to impact other people's lives positively, then let me introduce you to a lucrative career with unlimited earning potential. Life coaching is a growing trend that you can capitalize on!It's easier than ever before to set up your own coaching business and start having clients pay you for your expertise. This is the first step towards an entirely new career that is fulfilling, rewarding, and impactful. In this program, you'll get the business blueprint for a successful life coaching business so that you can just focus on what you do best... coaching. You don't want to have to worry about how to package your services, market them, and sell them. You just want to make great connections, help your clients, and watch as they experience a transformation in their life. As you go through this course you will:Get a clear sense of what life coaches doClarify your services and form your coaching packagesLearn how to sell high-ticket coaching to eager clientsLearn tricks for distinguishing your solutions from every other life coachHave your hand held every step of the way as you set up this business. You can always reach out to me with questions and inquiries :).I can't wait for you to take the first step towards becoming a life coach! I'll see you on the other side. - Sal"
Price: 199.99

"All-in-One:Machine Learning,DL,NLP,AWS Deply [Hindi][Python]" |
"This course is designed to cover maximum concepts of machine learning. Anyone can opt for this course. No prior understanding of machine learning is required.Bonus introductions include natural language processing and deep learning.Below Topics are covered Chapter - Introduction to Machine Learning- Machine Learning?- Types of Machine LearningChapter - Setup Environment - Installing Anaconda, how to use Spyder and Jupiter Notebook- Installing LibrariesChapter - Creating Environment on cloud (AWS)- Creating EC2, connecting to EC2- Installing libraries, transferring files to EC2 instance, executing python scriptsChapter - Data Preprocessing- Null Values- Correlated Feature check- Data Molding- Imputing- Scaling- Label Encoder- On-Hot EncoderChapter - Supervised Learning: Regression- Simple Linear Regression- Minimizing Cost Function - Ordinary Least Square(OLS), Gradient Descent- Assumptions of Linear Regression, Dummy Variable- Multiple Linear Regression- Regression Model Performance - R-Square- Polynomial Linear RegressionChapter - Supervised Learning: Classification- Logistic Regression- K-Nearest Neighbours- Naive Bayes- Saving and Loading ML Models- Classification Model Performance - Confusion MatrixChapter: UnSupervised Learning: Clustering- Partitionaing Algorithm: K-Means Algorithm, Random Initialization Trap, Elbow Method- Hierarchical Clustering: Agglomerative, Dendogram- Density Based Clustering: DBSCAN- Measuring UnSupervised Clusters Performace - Silhouette IndexChapter: UnSupervised Learning: Association Rule- Apriori Algorthm- Association Rule MiningChapter: Deploy Machine Learning Model using Flask- Understanding the flow- Serverside and Clientside coding, Setup Flask on AWS, sending request and getting response back from flask serverChapter: Non-Linear Supervised Algorithm: Decision Tree and Support Vector Machines- Decision Tree Regression- Decision Tree Classification- Support Vector Machines(SVM) - Classification- Kernel SVM, Soft Margin, Kernel TrickChapter - Natural Language ProcessingBelow Text Preprocessing Techniques with python Code- Tokenization, Stop Words Removal, N-Grams, Stemming, Word Sense Disambiguation- Count Vectorizer, Tfidf Vectorizer. Hashing Vector- Case Study - Spam Filter Chapter - Deep Learning- Artificial Neural Networks, Hidden Layer, Activation function- Forward and Backward Propagation - Implementing Gate in python using perceptronChapter: Regularization, Lasso Regression, Ridge Regression- Overfitting, Underfitting- Bias, Variance- Regularization- L1 & L2 Loss Function - Lasso and Ridge RegressionChapter: Dimensionality Reduction- Feature Selection - Forward and Backward- Feature Extraction - PCA, LDAChapter: Ensemble Methods: Bagging and Boosting- Bagging - Random Forest (Regression and Classification)- Boosting - Gradient Boosting (Regression and Classification)"
Price: 59.99

"Aprende a Vender en Mercado Libre de Manera Profesional" |
"Deseas aprender a vender producto en Mercado Libre de manera profesional? Todas las personas que comenzamos a vender productos en este sitio queremos llegar a la perfeccin en nuestras publicaciones y con este curso, vas a poder lograrlo.Mercado Libre es la plataforma de E-Commerce mas importante de toda Latinoamerica y en este curso vamos a aprender todos sus secretos.No solo aprenders todos los secretos de la Venta de productos en Mercado Libre, sino que tambin aprenders como lanzar campaas de Publicidad en la plataforma y como realizar una tienda online con Mercado Shops.10 Razones para tomar el curso:Incrementaras notablemente tu Volumen de Ventas en el sitio.Entenders con detalle todos los conceptos relacionados con la Venta de Productos en Mercado Libre.Aprenders las mejores tcnicas para la creacin de ttulos en tus publicaciones.Sabrs como crear las mejores descripciones para tus ventas.Entenders que es necesario para subir imgenes perfectas y como editarlas para mejorarlas.Entenders cmo funciona el SEO de Mercado Libre.Aprenders a detalle que es lo que hay que hacer para mejorar tu reputacin en el sitio.Sabrs como encontrar un producto para vender y tambin como analizar a la competencia.Aprenders a crear campaas publicitarias para promocionar tus publicaciones.Aprenders como activar tu tienda online profesional y personalizable sin necesidad de conocimientos tcnicos o programacin.Espero que hayas tomado la decisin de llevar tus publicaciones al siguiente nivel y solo te pido una cosa, estate listo para empezar a concretar ventas como nunca habas imaginado."
Price: 124.99

"SAP S4 HANA C_TS450_1809_Sourcing & Procurement-PracticeExam" |
"Is getting SAP S4 HANA Sourcing and Procurement (C_TS450_1809) Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your SAP S4 HANA Sourcing and Procurement (C_TS450_1809) Certification Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the SAP S4 HANA Sourcing and Procurement (C_TS450_1809) Certification concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.SAP Provided Certification Details:Certification Name: SAP S4 HANA Sourcing and Procurement Certified Solution ConsultantExam Code: C_TS450_1809Exam Level: AssociateExam: 80 questionsExam Passing Score: 60% (48 of 80)Type of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)Our Practice Exams:Total Questions out of 4 Practice Tests: 100Type of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)Passing Score: 60% (You can retake any number of times )What is Included in this Course?4 Practice Exams with 25 questions each and 100 Questions in total so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are challenging to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that make this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time SAP S4 HANA Sourcing and Procurement (C_TS450_1809) Certification Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 24.99

"Creacin de Aplicaciones web modernas con Laravel y VueJS" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones web profesionales, veremos la fabricacin de un SPA, Roles y Permisos, control versiones con Git y BitBucket, reportes en formato PDF y Excel, enviaremos correos electrnicos a los clientes ficticios de nuestra aplicacin, as mismo construiremos un mdulo de mensajera instantnea, para enviar mensajes entre los usuarios de la aplicacin, notificaciones visuales y con sonido, agregaremos la funcin susurro para ver en tiempo real quien nos est escribiendo, funcin que tiene incorporada WhatsApp, construiremos la funcionalidad para cerrar sesin en tiempo real, con el fin de desconectar a nuestros usuarios de la aplicacin, adems veremos grficos, eventos, carga de imgenes y ms"
Price: 19.99

"Curso integral de locucion" |
"El alumno conocer el campo de accin profesional del locutor al tiempo en que aprender a utilizar su voz como instrumento creativo, comercial y radiofnico asi como mtodos de grabacin y listado de equipo necesario para tu mismo poder grabar tu voz.El curso est dirigido a todos los interesados en conocer la locucin y desarrollarla como una herramienta profesional. As tambin, para estudiantes de carreras de comunicacin o afin as como a personas involucradas con la produccin profesional en radio o televisin de mensajes basados en el trabajo de locucin.Hoy son numerosas las profesiones o situaciones del da a da en las que se requiere una correcta expresin hablada para dirigirnos a los dems. Por ello, es necesario formarse en la oratoria o locucin con el fin de lograr una perfecta diccin de la lengua hablada.Curso que desarrolla en sus mdulos los parmetros adecuados para una correcta locucin. Desde la lectura, la respiracin, velocidad, ritmo, la vocalizacin gestual y expresin corporal, el tono, el silencio, la pronunciacin correcta del castellano, la improvisacin, la importancia del receptor o el miedo escnico, entre otros."
Price: 29.99

"Wiccan & Pagan Sabbats, Esbats & The Wheel of the Year" |
"There are 8 Sabbats making up the Wheel of the Year. The Sabbats are seasonal and represent the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. Sabbats combine both religious and community celebrations, celebrating life and are equally spaced around the wheel of the year. This module offers a deep dive into each of the Sabbats and explores how they are celebrated and honored. Also included are the Esbats which are times for worship and magick and are known as the full moon rights. Esbats are the celebration of the 13 full moons that occur every year. They celebrate birth and life and are always held on a full moon to worship the Goddess. The wheel of the year is central to the Wiccan and Pagan faith system and helps us to tune into the annual cycle of amazing seasonal changes and their associated festivals."
Price: 19.99

"How to be assertive at work to achieve success" |
"In this course, you will learn about Assertiveness. Assertiveness is a powerful approach to engaging with people in conversations, conflicts, difficult situations, and high emotional engagements. This course will teach you about the benefits, mindset of assertiveness, key steps to be assertive and some interesting techniques to be effective in difficult situations."
Price: 19.99

"Watercolour Designs for Modern Cakes" |
"Have you ever wanted to create cakes that have subtle, gorgeous colours?Would you like your cakes to be more artistic, unique and charge accordingly?Do you want to explore new, modern ways of adding colour to your cakes?If the answer is yes!, then this course might be for you! For only USD 24.90 you can learn my signature Watercolour technique. I will got through all the materials needed, how to work with Gel-colours as well as Duster colours, and how you can make use of the colours/ liquids that are available to you.Learn why I chose the colours, and how to mute them (a little bit of fun dabbling in colour theory, which is probably my most favourite cake-design tool / technique I use pretty much in every single cake design).Prepare to have fun, to experiment, and find your own artistic voice and colour palette... this technique lends itself so beautifully to each artist's preferences and styles...I know you will be excited by the time you have gone through the course, and you will probably want to whip out the colours as soon as you're done. So the sooner we get started, the sooner you can get to painting gorgeous, interesting, layered and artistic watercolour effects on YOUR cakes.Let's get started."
Price: 24.99

"Advanced Level Fashion Illustration and Design" |
"This course will take your Illustration and Designing skills to the next level and will help you design your dream dress so you can amaze others with your creative talent. In this course I'll teach you how to illustrate a sheer like chiffon and sequin fabrics, prints, ombr, ripped jeans, fur, party wear gowns, face sketching and much more."
Price: 79.99

3d_animation_in_maya |
Price: 59.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Master Classes" |
"Udemys best-selling Illustrator course by one of the Top 10 Adobe Instructors in the world teaches you to use this industry-leading vector graphic application as a creative professional. The whole course content, including examples, techniques, exercises and quizzes have been carefully selected and refined to offer the most efficient and enjoyable way to master Adobe Illustrator.This course has been purposely designed for users of all experiences, from complete beginners to existing Illustrator users, who want to take their skills to the next level. Being able to confidently work in Illustrator is an essential skill for any Graphic Designer or Illustrator, but it is an equally useful tool for Product Designers, Fashion Designers, UI/UX designers and various other areas within and outside of the creative industry.The course has great content, well explained and having you feeling confident with the software at the end.James PopeMore about Adobe Illustrator:Illustrator is the industry-standard vector graphics application that lets you create logos, icons, sketches, typography and complex illustrations for print, web, interactive, video and mobile devices.Its time saving features allow users to create work quickly and efficiently at the highest professional standard.A closer look at what you will learn:We will start with the basics, so you feel totally at ease with the interface, preferences, setting up new documents. We will also cover fundamental principles like the difference between vector and pixel graphics.The next two chapters will teach you everything you need to know about working with objects in Illustrator. These are the buildings blocks of all vector graphics so these initial lessons will help you to understand and work with more complex tools later on.Next up, in the drawing section of the course, master drawing modes, the Pen tool, Curvature tool and all the different ways you can draw and manipulate paths.Next learn about the different types of Brushes and how to make the most of their unique features. You will also learn how to create your own custom brushes.In the next chapters you will learn about tracing photographs with a powerful feature called Image Trace and everything you need to know about adding type to your illustrations.Once you are comfortable with all of that you can move onto the Advanced Techniques section, which will introduce more complex features like Symbols, Graphs, Gradient Meshes, Perspective Drawing, Recolor Artwork and workflows like Masking.Finally, discover how to correctly export your work for print and screen, and ways to share and archive your projects.An outstanding course! I've taken many Udemy courses where the instructor just rambles on, or circles around the same point several times. But here, every word uttered is part of the lesson. No fluff, no uhms, no nonsense. With that level of focus, it's very easy to follow, learn and remember. Laurie KnappThis course includes:94 Videos (12 hours of total playtime)Interactive quizzes testing what you learnt in each chapterDownloadable working filesCourse content updated with the latest CC 2020 new featuresAll future updates to Illustrator will be included in this course for no extra paymentEstimated finish time: 25 hours (including finishing all exercises and quizzes)Preparation guide for the official Adobe Certified Associate exam: Graphic Design & Illustration using Adobe IllustratorCompletion certificate upon finishing the entire courseMartin is an Adobe Certified Instructor voted as one of the Top 10 Adobe instructors in the world with years of experience teaching in classrooms, seminars and webinars. He also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects for clients such as Disney, Accenture, Mattel, etc.This course includes really great and useful practical exercises for each chapter. I also enjoyed the quiz at the end of each chapter as you learn the things explained in more depth. Seriously, there's nothing I would've wanted to change about this course. A great masterclass for beginners to learn fast and start being a graphic designer.Jessica MuellerWho will find it useful:Perfect for anyone looking to start or develop their career in the creative industry.Complete beginners will be able to master the software from the very beginning to the most advanced features.Self-taught users and existing professionals can use the course to take their skills and knowledge to the next level, refine their workflows and learn to do everything the right way!Existing and more experienced users of Illustrator may also discover hidden gems and workflows or catch up with all the new features released in CC 2020.Skills you will gain:Producing vector graphics for print and screenUsing all the time-saving features of Illustrator and work efficientlyDesigning logos and brand identities for clientsCreating vector illustrations, infographics and iconsTracing scanned drawings and sketches and turning them into scalable vector graphicsProducing repeatable patterns for product packaging, apparels and stationaries.Ready to master and create brand new work with confidence in Adobe Illustrator? Enroll on this course and lets get started.Who this course is for:This course is aimed at anyone who wants to get into the creative industry and gain a rock solid foundation of Illustrator.Although it is providing a beginner to intermediate level learning experience it can be useful for experienced Illustrator users too as there are many self-taught users who are missing out on a lot of techniques and features."
Price: 1280.00

"SD0-302 - Service Desk Manager Qualification Practice Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 4 Practice Exams with 230+ Unique Questions from ""SD0-302 - Service Desk Manager Qualification"" Certification Exam covering all the topics for the SD0-302 SDM Exam.What do you get in this course?4 Mock Tests with 230+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed SD0-302 - Service Desk Manager Qualification practice exams to help you prepare for the SD0-302 SDM certification exam. These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual SD0-302 - Service Desk Manager Qualification Certification exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the SD0-302 - Service Desk Manager Qualification certification syllabus. Simply, our SD0-302 SDM practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the SD0-302 SDM certification exam.All things you need to know about SD0-302 - Service Desk Manager Qualification Exam : SDI certifications are highly demanded across large and small IT organizations across the world. Hiring managers prefer candidates who not only have an understanding of the topic and experience, but having Training certification in the subject.Exam Name : SD0-302 - Service Desk Manager QualificationExam Duration : 120 minutesExam Questions : 55-60 multiple-choicePassing Score : 65%"
Price: 19.99

"SCP-500 - SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP) Mock Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 3 Practice Exams with 140+ Unique Questions from ""SCP-500 - SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP)"" Certification Exam covering all the topics for the SCP-500 Exam.What do you get in this course?3 Mock Tests with 140+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed ""SCP-500 - SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP)"" practice exams to help you prepare for the SCP-500 certification exam. These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual SCP-500 - SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP) Certification exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the ""SCP-500 - SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP)"" certification syllabus. Simply, our SCP-500 practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the SCP-500 certification exam.Overview of SCP-500 - SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP) Exam : Becoming a SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP) helps ensure you have the technical expertise to effectively use and maintain SolarWinds network and systems management products. Earn a SolarWinds Certified Professional certificate to improve your marketability as an IT professional and stand out from the crowd.Exam Name : SCP-500 - SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP)Exam Duration : 90 minutesExam Questions : 45-50 multiple-choicePassing Score : 65%"
Price: 19.99

"BTA - Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF) Exam" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Practice Exams with 80+ Unique Questions from ""BTA - Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF)"" Certification Exam covering all the topics for the BTA-CBBF Exam.What do you get in this course?2 Practice Exams with 80+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed BTA - Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF) Practice exams to help you prepare for the ""BTA - Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF)"" Certification Exam. These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual ""BTA - Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF)"" Certification Exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the ""BTA - Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF)"" certification syllabus. Simply, our BTA-CBBF practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the ""BTA - Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF)"" Certification ExamAbout BTA - Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF) Exam : The Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF) exam is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in this emerging space. This exam is designed for non-technical business professionals who require basic knowledge about Blockchain and how it will be executed within an organization. This exam is NOT appropriate for technology professionals seeking to gain deeper understanding of Blockchain technology implementation or programming.A person who holds this certification demonstrates their knowledge of:What is Blockchain? (What exactly is it?)Non-Technical Technology Overview (How does it work?)Benefits of Blockchain (Why should anyone consider this?)Use Cases (Where and for what apps is it appropriate?)Adoption (Who is using it and for what?)Future of Blockchain (What is the future?)PREREQUISITES :Its recommended that professionals seeking the CBBF certification should attend the Blockchain Training: An Overview for Business Professionals course.The exam tests on four sections:General Blockchain KnowledgeWhy Use BlockchainHow Blockchain WorksUsing Blockchain for BusinessREQUIRED EXAMS : The CBBF exam is a 70 question multiple-choice exam that lasts 1.5 hours (90 minutes) and is a performance-based evaluation of basic Blockchain skills and knowledge. Internet access is not provided during the exam, nor is any course material or study guides. A passing score is 70% (49 questions answered correctly). Your score will be presented immediately following the exam from Pearson VUE. Exam results are reported PASS/FAIL and you will be provided your percentage. Blockchain Training Alliance does not report scores on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request.RECERTIFICATION :Your certification expires two years to the date you take and pass the exam. Re-certification can occur after a 12-month period by following the standard enrollment process and passing the current exam"
Price: 19.99

"Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics Advanced Mock Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 6 Practice Exams with 440+ Unique Questions from ""Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics Advanced"" Certification Exam covering all the topics for the Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics Advanced Exam.What do you get in this course?6 Mock Tests with 440+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed ""Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics Advanced"" practice exams to help you prepare for the real certification exam. These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics Advanced Certification exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics Advanced certification syllabus. Simply, our Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics Advanced practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the actual certification exam.Overview of Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics Advanced Exam : Exam Name : Google Ads/Adwords Reporting & Analytics AdvancedExam Duration : 150 minutesExam Questions : 70-75 multiple-choicePassing Score : 70%Objectives :Advanced Google Analytics walks you through how data gets collected and processed into readable reports. Google Analytics primarily for measuring website traffic Unit 1: Data Collection and ProcessingLesson 1: Google Analytics data collectionLesson 2: Categorizing into users and sessionsLesson 3: Applying configuration settingsLesson 4: Storing data and generating reportsLesson 5: Creating a measurement planUnit 2: Setting Up Data Collection and ConfigurationLesson 1: Organize your Analytics accountLesson 2: Set up advanced filters on viewsLesson 3: Create your own Custom DimensionsLesson 4: Create your own Custom MetricsLesson 5: Understand user behavior with Event TrackingLesson 6: More useful configurationsUnit 3: Advanced Analysis Tools and TechniquesLesson 1: Segment data for insightLesson 2: Analyze data by channelLesson 3: Analyze data by audienceLesson 4: Analyze data with Custom ReportsUnit 4: Advanced Marketing ToolsLesson 1: Introduction to remarketingLesson 2: Better targeting with Dynamic RemarketingLesson 3: Course Summary"
Price: 19.99

"BTA Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE) Exam" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Practice Exams with 100+ Unique Questions from ""BTA Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE)"" Certification Exam covering all the topics for the BTA-CBDE Exam.What do you get in this course?2 Mock Tests with 100+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed BTA Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE) Practice exams to help you prepare for the ""BTA Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE)"" Certification Exam. These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual ""BTA Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE)"" Certification Exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the ""BTA Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE)"" certification syllabus. Simply, our BTA-CBDE practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the ""BTA Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE)"" Certification ExamTop Reasons to take the CBDE exam now. Lets Get Started!This is the first to market professionally developed Blockchain exam around Ethereum. It clearly had funding to develop the exam and some effort put into the exam from experts which is unlike most other blockchain certifications I have seen from competitors.If your a developer that knows JavaScript, Node or similar languages then this course and certification is for you. The growth of the blockchain clearly is going to change the dynamics in specific verticals such as financials, logistics and government.Get you first blockchain certification before your coworkers to help distinguish your level of expertise. Fact is your job is going to be more competitive to keep.You must go to a testing center at Pearson to take the exam and be proctored. Being proctored is something that some other blockchain certification dont require. The other certifications you pay a fee, pass an online test with open book and you an blockchain expert with no real credibility. When you pass the CBDE exam your credibility is deserved and even validated on the Etheruem blockchain. You passed the challenging exam with no open computer monitors of books and a Congratulations is in order.Overview of BTA Certified Blockchain Developer Ethereum (CBDE) :The Certified Blockchain Developer Ethereum (CBDE) exam is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in this emerging space. Additionally, you will become a member of a community of Blockchain leaders. Your certification will come with monthly industry updates via email and video. Certifications will be registered on a blockchain platform where professionals and employers can easily verify their certificates on a trusted network, using a unique cryptographic hash given to each certificate holder.A person who holds this certification demonstrates their ability to:Plan and prepare production ready applications for the Ethereum blockchainWrite, test, and deploy secure Solidity smart contractsUnderstand and work with Ethereum feesWork within the bounds and limitations of the Ethereum blockchainUse the essential tooling and systems needed to work with the Ethereum ecosystemThis exam will prove that a student completely understands how to:Implement web3jsWrite and compile Solidity smart contractsCreate secure smart contractsDeploy smart contracts both the live and test Ethereum networksCalculate Ethereum gas costsUnit test smart contractsRun an Ethereum node on development machinesPREREQUISITESIts recommended that professionals seeking the CBDE certification should attended the Blockchain Ethereum Training: Hands-on Development Bootcamp course or have extensive Ethereum development knowledge and experience.REQUIRED EXAMSThe CBDE exam is a 70-question multiple-choice exam that lasts 1.5 hours and is a performance-based evaluation of Ethereum development skills and knowledge. A passing score is 85% (60 questions answered correctly). Your score will be presented immediately following the completion of the exam from Pearson VUE. Exam results are reported PASS/FAIL and you will be provided your percentage. Blockchain Training Alliance does not report scores on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request. Internet access is not provided during the exam, nor is any course material or study guides.RECERTIFICATIONYour certification expires two years to the date you take and pass the exam. Re-certification can occur after a 12-month period by following the standard enrollment process and passing the current exam."
Price: 19.99

"Human Computer Interaction & Machine Learning" |
"Welcome to Human-Computer Interaction Course - (HCI). This course will elaborate almost all the basics of Human-Computer Interaction principals with real-world examples. Following are the list of Learning Objectives (LO) covered in this module.To understand what is Human-Computer Interaction - HCITo understand requirement collection techniques in HCITo understand how to design HCI experimentsTo understand how HCI evaluations are taking place.To understand the evolution of the Graphical User Interfaces - GUIsTo understand the difference between Virtual Reality and Augmented RealityMachine Learning Setting up the Environment for Machine Learning:-Downloading & setting-up Anaconda, Introduction to Google CollabsSupervised Learning Techniques:-Regression techniques, Nave Bayers, Artificial Neural Networks Unsupervised Learning Techniques:- Clustering, K-Means clustering"
Price: 19.99

"AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Practice Test" |
"As you landed in this page, I think you are going to take the Microsoft AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies exam?I strongly recommend to take few practice tests to validate your learning before taking the real Microsoft AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies exam.This practice test course is designed to cover every topic, with a difficulty level like a real exam.That's 5 complete timed practice tests. Each test contains 50+ questions, that's 250+ unique questions to test how well prepared you are for the real exam. These tests also has case study questions.Every question has a detailed answer with the links back to the official Microsoft docs.These practice tests are designed and formatted just like the real exam questions. Unfortunately, we cannot create every type of question that appear in real exam due to limited type of questions we can offer. However, I tried my best to format questions like the real exam.Microsoft's AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies exam is one of the way to prove that you have a deep and thorough understanding & experience in Microsoft Azure. As you may aware, employers always look for latest certifications in the resume while filing up vacancies. Getting the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification is the ultimate proof of your expertise in Azure.This practice test course covers every topic in AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies exam curriculum:Implement and Monitor an Azure Infrastructure* Implement cloud infrastructure monitoring* Implement storage accounts* Implement VMs for Windows and Linux* Automate deployment and configuration of resources* Implement virtual networking* Implement Azure Active Directory* Implement and manage hybrid identitiesImplement Management and Security Solutions* Manage workloads in Azure* Implement load balancing and network security* Implement and manage Azure governance solutions* Manage security for applicationsImplement Solutions for Apps* Implement an application infrastructure* Implement container-based applicationsImplement and Manage Data Platforms* Implement NoSQL databases* Implement Azure SQL databasesI wish you all the best for your learning and exam. See you inside the course.Please feel free to drop a message on LinkedIn if you have any queries."
Price: 34.99

"Game Development Essentials with Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints" |
"This is a beginners course meant to help you get started as an indie game developer. This course is focused on using Unreal Engine 4 and coding with blueprints (Programming without code) but we also explain and explore some basics of designing and modeling in Maya. This course is a complete beginners guide and after this course you will be able to make your own game or sell your own assets. During this course you will develop your own platformer game and at the end I will also teach you how to upload your game on popular game platforms for feedback."
Price: 99.99

"Career Planning for Freshers Build your career plan!" |
"The employment landscape can be volatile and scary, and in most cases, we don't have clarity about the path to the desired job. In this course, you will understand the challenges of the world of work, the importance of being self-aware when planning a career that focuses on your strengths, and what matters to you. Through multiple exercises and self-assessments, you will create a career profile and an action plan with clear long-term and short-term career goals. By the end of this course, you will be aware of yourself and what type of career you must pursue aligned with your personal mission."
Price: 24.99

"Theoretical physics: Kinematics" |
"This course is a theoretical physics course about kinematics. The main goal of this course would be to analyse the kinematic quantities in Cartesian and curvilinear coordinates. First, we will analyse kinematic quantities (velocity, acceleration and sector velocity) in Cartesian coordinates. Then, we will derive the expressions for the kinematic quantities in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, and apply those expressions to various problems. Also, we will analyse the curvature of the curve. We will derive the expression for the curvature of a plane curve and show how to apply a derived expression. Finally, we will talk about the special (but very important) case of motion with a constant sector velocity. In this course, there are plenty of activities for you. The activities will help you to get more confidence. Some new concepts are introduced through activities. The ideal student for this course is the undergraduate student or the high school student who wants to learn more than is necessary for the curriculum. For this course, you need a basic knowledge of physics. Also, basic knowledge about calculus is required. The standard high school physics course is more than enough."
Price: 49.99

"FULL Travel guide for International Volunteer after COVID-19" |
"Are you planning to join an planning to join an international volunteer project?Are you wishing to know friends from different countries?Are you wondering how could we travel safety after COVID-19?Stop searching now and welcome to FULL Travel guide for International Volunteer after COVID-19!In the course, we would share about items and attitudes to prepare before joining an international volunteer project, ways to keep connected with the world under COVID-19 and tips to build relationships with people from different backgrounds.No matter you are preparing to join an international volunteer project after COVID-19, or you want to explore more possibilities of traveling after COVID-19. This course would offer you enough practical tips and ideas for your international volunteer journey!"
Price: 99.99
