"Microsoft 365 Excel - Productivity Tips, Tricks and Skills" |
"This course teaches Excel tips and tricks for beginner to advanced Excel users. You will benefit from these tips and tricks to improve your productivity and learn some new Excel skills. The course covers basics to advanced topics and can make your life easy, work efficient and save your time. You will be using Microsoft Excel like a professional after viewing this course."
Price: 19.99

"Inversin Total: Bolsa, Opciones, Forex, CriptoMonedas y Ms" |
"No tienes ni idea de cmo comenzar a invertir en instrumentos financieros o te encuentras frustrado, porque al invertir solo pierdes dinero. Djame platicarte que as comenc yo, durante la crisis de las hipotecas suprime, sin conocimientos invirtiendo en base a corazonadas y perdiendo dinero constantemente, hasta que decide educarme financieramente y mis resultados y ganancias cambiaron substancialmente.En este curso te enseo a invertir en instrumentos financieros mediante un margen de seguridad que te permita sacar ventaja de tus inversiones. Conocers como invertir en acciones aplicando un margen de seguridad, los mejores fondos de inversin y cuales elegir, el mercado Forex, Opciones Binarias y estrategias de operacin. Diversificar tus inversiones en Criptomonedas y Crowdfunding para rentabilizar tu portafolio.Invierte en la bolsa de valores usando el anlisis Tcnico y FundamentalFondos de inversin cmo funcionan? cuales son los mejores?Mercado Forex Como Opera?Opciones Binarias Cmo generar ganancias en este mercado?Invertir en criptomonedasDiversificar tus inversiones Mediante Crowdfunding (Prestamos personales, Inversion en propiedades, Comprar franquicias)Al terminar este curso sers capas de abrir una cuenta en lnea y comenzar a operar en cualquiera de los instrumentos financieros que elijas, aplicando un margen de seguridad a tus inversiones.Un curso para todo aquel que quiere empezar a invertir y no sabe por donde empezar"
Price: 495.00

"The Van Conversion Course" |
"This course will take you on a journey... Taking you from the very start, to the very end on how to convert your own campervan.In this 50 part series, we will be covering EVERYTHING. From planning and preparation, to insulation and cladding, to plumbing, electrics, and carpentry.Four reasons to convert a van:SUPER FUN!DIY skills for lifeEconomical - far cheaper than renting.Lifestyle design - Take the first step in designing the kind of life you want to live.What will I show you?I show you 3 ways to get power: Solar Panels, Shore Power, and a Split Charge RelayI show you how to install gas, powering your heater and your stove.I show you how to PROPERLY insulate and clad your van.I show you how to build beautiful furniture.I show you how to install running water.I show you how to install a window.I show you how to hook up the main electrical appliances such lights, fridge, plug sockets, heater, etc.I show you everything you will need to make your camper feel like home.Overview of the sections:PlanningPrepare the vanElectrics - preparationElectrics - InstallationInsulation & Wooden skeleton frameWood panellingCarpentryElectrics - permanent hook-upGasEverything else"
Price: 39.99

"Kariyer-in: CV Hazrlama + Linkedin + Mlakat + Bulma" |
"Bu ilanda beni aryorlar, ama ne bir telefon geldi ne de bavuruma cevap!Bu cmleyi 1 i ilan iin bile kurduysanz, muhtemelen bunun sorumlusu ATS (Aday Takip Sistemleri) dir.Yurtd younluklu olmak zere Fortune 500 irketlerinin yaklak yzde 98'i ie alm srelerini kolaylatrmak iin ATS yazlmlarna gvendiini aklamtr.Kariyerin iin gerekli TREND aralar, aratrmalar ve ngrleri renecein harika bir ierik hazrladm!Bu eitimde size utan uca ""ie alm sreleri ve ATS deneyimlerimi"" aktaracam:ATS (Aday Takip Sistemleri) nedir ve nasl alr?ATS dostu zgemi (CV) nasl hazrlanr? (CV rnei Hazrlama ile i bavuru ve i bulma sreci) Mlakat iin bir elinizde bir kopya kadnz olsa nasl hissederdiniz?Mlakat telefonundan 2. ve 3. mlakat taktiklerine kadar her ey!Tm kariyer srelerinde yardmc olacak bu eitim tam bir BONUS!"
Price: 24.99

"The Complete JavaScript Bootcamp for Beginners 2020 with ES6" |
"Javascript is an an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.Today javascript became one of the most powerful languges in the web developmentThis tutorial coversJavascript BasicsDom ManipulationJqueryAjaxModern Javascript ES6Javascript AnimationsTop Javascript LibrariesNode Js CrashCourseBy the end of the course students will be able to develop good interactive websites using modern javascript,Node js etc"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a la Gestin de Activos" |
"En este curso introductorio a la Gestin de Activos, empezaremos aprendiendo los conceptos generales involucrados, hablaremos sobre los objetivos y funciones de la Gestin de Activos, sobre el ciclo de vida de los activos fsicos, y nos introduciremos en las nociones bsicas de la norma ISO 55000, los beneficios de su aplicacin y los requisitos para su implementacin."
Price: 19.99

"Hipnoterapia Clnica" |
"Voc gostaria de aprender as melhores estratgias para uma sesso de Hipnoterapia eficiente? Eu sou Thiago Sampaio, Trainer de Hipnoterapia e meu compromisso a partir de agora te ensinar o passo a passo do Mtodo Krasner de Hipnoterapia e at o final do curso voc vai aprender as melhores tcnicas para extrair resultados alm das suas expectativas."
Price: 294.99

"Blender 2.8 and Substance painter - 3D modeling game assets" |
"In this course you will learn about useful addons in blender 2.8 . you will also learn how to properly make 3d models with good topology . and sculpt the details on the high poly models , then we will optimize a version of the model to make it game ready . then we will unwrap it and bake the textures with a method that will avoid most baking issues that occur to most people . we will also texture our model in substance painter and then export the textures to work with unreal engine , unity , and blender . we will also learn how to render a turntable in both blender and marmoset toolbag . the section with marmoset toolbag is a bonus so if you don't own that software you can still follow the whole course without any issues . In this course you will learn : High poly modelling in Blender 2.8Making the model game ready and low polyUv unwrapping our modelBaking and texturing in Substance painterImporting the model into unreal engine Rendering a turntable in Blender 2.8Rendering a turntable in Marmoset toolbagexporting a 3d viewer that you can upload to your portfolio from Marmoset toolbagEnroll now and start making your game assets ."
Price: 59.99

"Fundamentals Of Engineering (FE) Practice Exams (July 2020+)" |
"Preparation for the Fundamentals of engineering exam Modeled after reference texts, NCEES practice questions and using the handbook timed and scored using NCEES known practices, as well as going over key concepts in Electrical engineering, Mathematics, Engineering Economy etc. A good resource to prepare for the exam and know what to expect, as well as check you preparedness level. Relearn or learn certain concepts. Recent Graduates with exceptional academics may use as a refresher and to ascertain what to expect. Useful to anyone seeking to take the exam at any level (In general for all disciplines to be adequately prepared for the general areas as well as EE/CE and Mechanical(slowly being added) will have more complete content once complete, several subject areas overlap for certain disciplines like dynamics, statics etc. for Structural and more) Constantly being Updated and added to!**The intro video is for the full course associated with this practice course available soon for $10 more**"
Price: 19.99

"Comunicacin comprensiva: Conversar para conectar" |
"Conocer la diferencia entre el proceso de comunicarse y el proceso de dialogar (o conversar).Conocer las causas naturales de los conflictos de la comunicacin interpersonal.Conocer paso a paso un proceso prctico, efectivo y poderoso para mejorar notablemente la comunicacin (el dilogo) con las personas ms importantes de nuestra vida, que elimina los malos entendidos y aumenta la comprensin mutua.Dos ejemplos de la vida cotidiana.Guas para la auto-reflexin y plan de accin de mejora para la comunicacin comprensiva."
Price: 24.99

cryptography-e |
".. .. , .."
Price: 1280.00

"Yiddish For Fun" |
"Welcome to Yiddish For Fun. Yiddish is the language used by Jews all around the world. A language shared throughout the diaspora with Jews from all countries. In recent years a revival of Yiddish has begun and many people Jews and non-Jews have enjoyed the particular character of this emotional language. Adela Lassman, Yiddish actress, teacher and singer teaches Yiddish in an easily accessible fun way for anyone interested in a taste of conversational Yiddish. This includes common phrases, Yiddioms, common Yiddish words, songs, stories and Jokes. Whether you remember words from your childhood and want a trip down memory lane, would like a few words to share with your family friends, a chance to hear some Yiddish humour and song then this is for you."
Price: 19.99

"Transform Your Academic Performance And Finish Your Degree" |
"""Great tone, clear and understandable content delivery. Feeling inspired and capable."" - Baden ""Just the push I needed"" - Calistus, ""extremely instructive, very clear and concise"" - Jeanette ""It was very informative and inspired me. I have recommended it to my friend and will recommend to more in the future"" - PercyThis course will teach you how to take control of your academic life, get motivated, get organised and get your degree finished. At any stage of your research-based study you can apply these methods to gain the confidence you need to be a successful student in your field. Postgraduate research can be tough going, especially when you need to be self-disciplined about deadlines to make consistent progress. I'll explain key concepts and share lessons from my own journey of doing a part time PhD over four years. You can immediately apply these techniques to enhance your relationship with your supervisor and improve your confidence and motivation. Each technique builds on the previous one to transform your outlook about your degree. Whatever your field, level or progress, this course will be useful for you; the new skills you learn will undoubtedly help you finish your degree.Each lesson unpacks a technique that will help you to finish your degree and transform your academic performance:The weekly status update will drive consistent delivery and help manage your relationship with your supervisorUse Lean Kanban thinking to discipline yourself about making progress and committing to next stepsWell timed and well written discussion papers mark your academic progress and will be useful content for your final reportThe importance and benefits of a well written proposal and how it positions you for success in your degreeHow to balance quality and progress between different phases of your studyApproach your study like a project and understand the phases of proposal, field work, analysis and writing upHow to develop the right mindset that benefits you by taking ownership of your degreePlanning techniques, how I used them in my own degree and how you can use them to get through important deadlinesCompleting this course will provide useful and practical tips and techniques to help you finish your degree. Just changing a few things in your study can have a significant impact on your overall performance, I'll show you how."
Price: 104.99

"Sube tu pagina web al hosting, correos, mysql, Indexar web" |
"En el curso aprenderas las diferencias entre un hosting gratuito y un hosting pagado, donde comprar un dominio, como subir los archivos de tu pagina web, crear correos corporativos, redireccionar mensajes que llegan al correo, crear base de datos y conectarlo a nuestra pagina web, etiquetas keyword y Description para el posicionamiento web, Generar archivo Sitemap para finalmente subirlo a google y lograr asi que nuestro dominio se indexe en el buscador Google."
Price: 19.99

"COVID 19 - Salon Risk assessment course" |
"Students will have the opportunity to learn risk assessing a salon for COVID-19 and managing the risk on an ongoing basis. Including getting to grips with the very fundamentals of a risk assessment. How to correctly fill in a risk assessment form and learning some of the useful management methods that a person can use to identify control of hazards.They will also be walked through the method I use to fill in my own risk assessment for my own salon."
Price: 29.99

"Building Self Confidence and Self Esteem" |
"This is Short and powerful course integrated with videos that raise your awareness and powerful tools and techniques having the potential to transform your inner self. What you get - Videos that enhance your awareness on Building Self Confidence and Self Esteem Powerful time tested methods that guarantee to give you resultsPowerful therapeutic technique that can dissolve and resolve your inner barriersSupporting documents for each technique and methodA quick guide on how to use the entire courseBONUS - Powerful Hypnotic Audios to program your subconscious mindThe basic difference between an average and a champion is, while the average is just thinking about it, a champion has already acted on it! - Harrish Sai Raman (HSR)"
Price: 5760.00

"Una visin tecnolgica para gente de negocio" |
"Desde emprendedores hasta empresas.Los perfiles de negocio, no conocen el idioma de la tecnologa.Este es un buen curso para tener una base practica a la hora de desarrollar tu proyecto.Veremos conceptos generales desde el inicio de un proyecto.Hasta las diferentes soluciones que podemos crear.Finalmente veremos casos prcticos de la vida real y como no cometer los mismo errores."
Price: 89.99

"Python ile Veri Bilimi. Sfrdan bala! 2020" |
"Bu kursta sfrdan Python Veri Bilimcisi olmak iin ilk adm atacaksnz. Veri bilimcisi olmak iin gerekli olan teorik ve pratik bilgileri 85'e yakn altrma ile kolayca reneceksiniz. Python ve ktphanelerinin veri analizinde ne kadar nemli bir yere sahip olduunu, getirdii muazzam kariyer imkanlarn, neden bylesi popler bir dil olduunu reneceksiniz. Verileri nasl elde ederiz, ayklama ilemleri nasl yaparz ve verilerimizden nasl muazzam grseller oluturarak eitli karmlarda bulunabiliriz gibi sorularn yantlarn birlikte bulacaz."
Price: 119.99

"Become Fast Learner: Triple your memory triple your Success" |
"""Never settle for less."" Why you liver ordinary life when you can become Extra ordinary.One of India's Top Memory training Courses of All Time - New & Improved Version 3.5!Discover How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Success bySimply Harnessing the Power of Their Memory REVEALED AT LAST:How to Develop a Perfect, Computer like Memory In Just 15 Minutes A Day!Presented by : Dr. K.krishna kailas, developer of the POWER BRAINS REFINE MIND. Benefitted more than 10,00,000 people to aware of natural hidden potentials and success in lifeThis online memory training makes studies loving .course will guide you how to ""triple your memory triple your success.""Anyone can become Master of memory and Smart in Studies!So if you have ever been frustrated with yourself for failing to remember even the simplest things in life things like birthdays, telephone numbers or even where you left your keys take heart.You can improve your memory.In fact, you can easily improve it so dramatically that it will change your life foreverThis course helps you to how to memorise easily success wisely.You can improve your ability to learn new life skills or tons information easy fast and effective way. You can learn advanced memory techniques to help you to understand and remember subjects and data in a joyful way.You'll learn how to input and retain information in a whole new way - a faster, better wayThis Memory training makes studies loving involves 3 Important Super Skills:Super memoryHigh concentrationSmart Study skillsHow this new course will change your life and triple your learning speed:With 15 years of experience in educational field, after touching more than 1500 schools in India understanding students psychology we created this course. This is fusion of East and west study skills.Fortunately, our team of expert instructors (experts in the fields of Learning master, Advanced memory techniques, and High concentration meditation camps) come together. to transform their their knowledge and expertise into the best ever memory training digital course , to help more students worldwide . This course is going to be the best udemy course on memory and study skills and going to help millions of students world wide.How is it different from other couses.As we said earlier for last 15 years we have been conducting live workshops for more than 10,00,000 students from different parts of world. We collected tens of thousands of feedback ( you can see in our video) to improve the quality of programme This new course has more (and better) content than ever before, including:Completely re-modified version of lecturesAll-new creative way of teachings on topics of more helpful! Free downloadable PDFHigh quality graphic videos and audioInteractive excel worksheets of study planners to print and achieve your goalsEven MORE supplemental resources!We can proudly and confidently say that this is the best, most useful accelerated learning product on Udemy.The course will require 2-3 hours of memory and concentration technique practice and training per week, and last roughly 5-6 weeks. just you need commitment rest leave with us.In addition to the lectures, there is an additional 3 hours of supplemental video content from YouTube, and other text and audio formats which are compliment for this programmePower brains , RefineMind , Success Guide are the registered in India.BENEFITS FROM THIS PROGRAMMEThink of the tremendous impact this could have on your life! Think of how improving your memory could:Help you excel in your careerImprove the quality of your lifeMake you more confidentBecome best public speakerSo Isnt It Time You Discovered How to Unlock the True Power of Your Mind & Achieve a Level of Success That You Never Thought Possible?Thats exactly what you can do when you get our Memory Improvement Program.What you can do with your Brain after this courseMemorize long lists, such as answers of lessons, shopping lists, , important facts, and moreAchieve higher grades at school or university, all while cutting your study time in half.Remember long numbers even 25 digits or more. Perfect for recalling phone numbers, confirmation codes, or mathematical answers. Improve your visualization skills and creativity in life.Preparing notes effectively entire lesson in one page and able to revise each lesson in 3 to 5 minutes.Come out of examination fears, more concentration in studies.Able to remember theorems, complicated formulae, and poems.Memorize essays and other types of text in very short time and remember for long time Learn any foreign language using these techniques and slash your learning time in half. Never again forget the birthdays or anniversaries of your family and friends.Have more confidence then you ever thought possible.Speed reading skills, spelling techniques, vocabulary building, and more.Become aware of hidden potentials, and lead happy life."
Price: 12800.00

"Instagram Masterclass for Individuals, Brands and Businesses" |
"Coronavirus changed the way we live and now more and more people want to be a part of online business.As one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, Instagram is a perfect place to start making money from!Over the past few years, its evolved from a simple photo-sharing app to a powerful marketing tool that influencers and businesses of all sizes are using to reach their target audiences. You can stay among them!This masterclass will help you create and promote your perfect Instagram account, even if you're just in the beginning of your journey. Ready to rock it on Instagram? Then click PLAY button and enjoy!"
Price: 24.99

"Dark & Curious Course" |
"This Dark & Curious Course is a beginners course for students who want to learn more about all your favourite Dark Topics from all over the world in small bite-sized chunks. It is a mixture of Dark Tourism, Urban Exploration, Folklore/Legends & other dark topics. Some of the topics that will be covered are below: Dark TourismUrban LegendsHorror FilmsUrban ExplorationWitchesWerewolf LegendsGrimms' FairytalesNuclear TourismSerial Killer ToursTombstone TourismVampire Films & LegendsParapsychologyCryptozoologyExtreme TourismAbandoned Theme Parks"
Price: 29.99

"La Majr & Fa# Minr Dictes / Dikte - Dikteler" |
"Klasik Mzik eitimi veren konservatuarda okuyan renciler iin La Major ve Fa# Minor tonlarnda dikte kaytlar ve partisyonlar. Sekizlik, onaltlk onaltlk triole, sekizlik triole, byk-kk senkop ve bunlarn es deerlerini ierir. Tm diktelerde 4 l vardr ve her l 2 kez alnr. Durdurabilir veya tekrar oynatabilirsiniz, ancak seviyenizi tam olarak anlayabilmeniz iin bunu ok fazla yapmamaya aln.Dictation recordings and partitions in La Major ve Fa# Minor tonality for students studying at the conservatory providing Classical Music education. The content includes eight, sixteened, sixteened trioles, eight trioles, sencopation and their rest values. All the dictees has 4 bars and is played each bars 2 times. You can stop or replay it, but try not to do this too many times so that you can fully understand your level."
Price: 69.99

"The Event Caricature Drawing Course - Beginer to Advanced" |
"Join me now in this course and start gaining the caricature drawing skills you've always wanted.This Ultimate Caricature Drawing Course will show you how to create professional live event caricature art that will stand up against other caricaturing styles and artists. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of live event caricature.The course is your opportunity to now obtaining drawing skills like you always knew you should have and master the art of drawing caricatures that people like and buy, and this in just 3 minutes or less!This course will take you from having little knowledge or no knowledge in drawing caricatures to having a deep understanding of the live event caricatures that people love to see and are not ashamed of.So what else is in it for you?Youll go over every step that you need to take you from beginner to expert in the field! Meaning basic line drawing fundamentals to gain speed, insight for interpreting and drawing every part of the human face to the up to date tricks to make your audience smile.Youll gain instant access to all 30 sections of the course.The course is set up to quickly take you through step by step, the process of drawing live event caricatures. It will equip you with the correct knowledge to create good looking caricatures that people like to have and keep as memories over the years!Not the ones that make one look older or that make fun of people.Dont believe me? I offer you full money-back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 30 sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of commercial caricature drawing from the ground up. Over 5 hours of practical lessons with examples.All at your fingers tips instantly: The course starts with the basics not many know. You will get an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of drawing lines with speed, how to control your strokes and make them have a printed like look. How to draw caricatures without the old sketchy pencil and rubber techniques that take lots of time. At lives events, people do not sit 30minutes on the chair. Fundamentals are the most important part of creating professional good looking caricatures. During the Technique of Drawing section, you will learn anything from the correct use of instruments, tips for speed, and likeness all the way to actual drawing, shading, and coloring with the modern technique of markers. Masters are just better at the basic techniques. Next youll learn the elements of the faces, how to observe, and create a database of categories in your head so that you can quickly identify and draw the characteristics of the person. I will deconstruct for you each element of the face:- Head shapes, basic forms (dont waste time thinking what shape it is- How to draw facial hair, eyebrows hair, and actual hair types with insights on the only things you have to focus on when drawing hair (and get lost into details, especially for drawing women).- Drawing the eyes, how to transition from basic shapes to complex shapes. Eye types and variations. How to translate color in b&w drawing- Mouths and the combinations you might find.- Nose types and basic forms to recognize themYou will get information about how to express more threw your strokes than the actual line: how to express info of age, gender, colors, texture and much more just by black & white drawing.Once you know about how to draw all face elements youll be ready to start drawing the human face. You will be given two methods of putting together the caricature on paper, one which is easier for the beginning phases and one that more advanced professionals use. We will spend some time at drawing the caricatures from an angle because not all people stand front face towards you or they might move.Next youll be given some modern techniques from my own experience that I use to draw babies fast and that parents love. Moreover I will also show you simple techniques to apply when drawing elderly persons and not to offend them.As you have gathered all this knowledge up to this point I created a section where you will watch live draw after pictures randomly chosen so you can see in real practice how to do and draw what I teach.Next be ready to complete you caricature arsenal with a top of cake precious lesson concerning adding bodies to the drawing. Add a personal touch to the caricature by asking the person about his passions and drawing a body accordingly. Will put a smile on ones face.Lastly I will provide directions for you to take after completing this course for mastering your art, like starting drawing live people amongst your friends and one idea that will put yourself in front of a live audience fast.Over the 9 chapters you will learn:How to draw caricatures in a way that people will love you How to draw more people in 1 hour as a caricature artistHow to make more money by people recommending you at other events.How to avoid insulting people by drawingHow to be fast in drawing and not use the same old pencil and rubber techniqueTo communicate texture, gender, age, color threw basic lines and strokes.To develop your muscle memory of the hand so that drawing caricatures will be second nature.Drawing nice-looking caricatures that are demanded in live events, trades and fair.Moreover you indirectly get all these extra benefits :Social media presence by people uploading photos of their good caricatures onlineVIP treatment at events when people asking you to take pictures with them and tagging you.Admiration of friends and family for your new skill.You have a higher self image of yourself now as you own a new skill.What else will you get? Personal contact with me, the course tutorLifetime access to course materialsUnderstanding of how live caricatures are created Practice sections and exercise worksheetsI will be here for you every step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and start drawing live event caricatures that people l like, in just 3 minutes or less!"
Price: 99.99

"Own Your Web: Professional Website & Email" |
"You want a professional look, custom domain and email but you don't feel like spending months or hundreds of dollars on development. You need something easy to learn, quick to build, with no maintenance and expensive monthly subscriptions. If that's you, I'm going to teach you how to create and own your professional online presence for free.By the end of the class you will know how to build and publish your own websites, add content, pages, analytics, social media links and contact forms. You will also learn how to register your own domain name and how to use it for both your website and email.In this class, you will learn:Fundamentals of web developmentHow domains and hosting work and how to easily set it all upYou will also become familiar with those indispensable free tools:GithubVisual Studio CodeHomebrewHugo"
Price: 19.99

"Componentes de Terceros en React JS! Curso 100% Prctico" |
"Curso Realizado en 2020. Curso 100% prctico! Te gustara que los usuarios quedaran asombrados al ver tus aplicaciones de React JS, pero no sabes por dnde empezar. Bienvenido al nico curso existente sobre Componentes de terceros en React JS. Aprenders a instalarlos, personalizarlos y utilizarlos en tu aplicacin. Logrars escribir menos y hacer ms.Adems, disminuirs drsticamente tu tiempo y esfuerzo de codificacin.Hoy en da hay poca documentacin en espaol acerca de estos componentes, as que en este curso los aprenders paso a paso.Para todo componente que realicemos en este curso nos ayudaremos de libreras (o componentes) de terceros.El primer componente que aprenders a crear, ser un Sidenav (una barra de navegacin temporal), la cul utilizaremos como contenedor de todos nuestros componentes que creemos. A continuacin, empezaremos con la creacin y personalizacin de los siguientes componentes: Iconos de Font-AwesomeDatepicker (Selector de fechas)Crear Archivos PDF (Tamao carta e incluso oficio)Datatables (Incluye una barra buscadora, paginacin, y varias cosas ms)Reproductor de VdeoGrfica de Barras (Tanto esttica como con Api Rest)Grfica Crcular (Tanto esttica como con Api Rest)Ventana Modal Creacin de un Login (Con Api Rest)Cookies Al final de este curso sers capaz de dar un valor agregado a tus aplicaciones de React JS."
Price: 19.99

"Complete 5th Grade Math Curriculum Walkthrough" |
"During the e-learning that followed the rise of the pandemic, it is estimated that students across the board are going to enter the next grade level 90 days behind in their learning paths. With this in mind, I have created this course to help fill the gaps of students going into middle school next year. This is a comprehensive instruction into every standard covered in the 5th grade standards."
Price: 49.99

"Shopify Store MasterClass: Build A Beautiful Brand, 0 Coding" |
"A simple step by step, A to Z guide, on how to create a highly profitable and beautiful Shopify Store along with your professional Brand from scratch.From Logo to store design and most importantly Marketing your new Shopify Ecommerce website with NO CODING KNOWLEDGE.Join professional Digital Marketer and Shopify Expert Azmat Baig on how to successfully set up and run your Ecommerce business from the beginning. Packed full ooIf you're also interested in starting a fully-automated Business this year using the power of Shopify then this is the perfect class for you too.You'll discover fist-hand all the tips and tricks and best-practice that Azmat uses to help big brands such as Mercedes-Benz and hundreds of Start-Ups become highly successful in today's digital era. IN THIS SHOPIFY MASTERCLASS, YOU'LL DISCOVER:How to Create a beautiful Brand. Starting with a punchy LogoSourcing high-quality professional images for Free (includes a secret bonus website)How to create and setup a Shopify user accountStep by step dashboard walkthroughPicking a theme - FREE vs Paid and what I recommendHow to build & Customize your Shopify Ecommerce Store step by stepThe best and latest Apps to power your store, (Free & Paid)Dedicated Dropshipping Lesson (All above can be applied for setting up your Shopify Store). HANDPICKED SHOPIFY MARKETING:SEO & Meta TagsGoogle Analytics set up and overviewFacebook PixelsFacbook Messenger MarketingEMail MarketingThe power of SMS MarketingOver 4 hours of powerful tips, tricks and step by step tangible guides to master Shopify and Drop-shipping. This will give you the confidence to start and grow your own Shopify ECommerce Brand inside 1 week! LET'S GO!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Read Financial Statements: Analysis - Apple Inc." |
"Learning Financial Statements is like learning how to drive a car. At first, you dont know what to look for since there is a lot of information competing for your attention. But once you learn the foundation and you know what to look for, its a life-long skill which you will not forget.I look at this course as an investment in yourself.- Aubrey ApolinarioIn this course, we will cover the following topics: Why Financial Statement are important Learn how to interpret the Face of Apple Inc.s Financial Statements which includes the following: Balance Sheet Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement Cash Flow Statement Equity Statement Breakdown and comprehend the Notes to Apple Inc.s Consolidated Financial Statements"
Price: 174.99

"Accelerated Piano Course - Beginner Piano" |
"Hi, my name is Eduardo Orozco, and together we are going to learn how to play the piano using different learning strategies which will allow you to develop new music skills to enjoy for the rest of your life.We will learn...The basis of our music system.How to play piano either by reading music notation or by rote/ear.We cover everything you need to start learning about music and piano. From learning how a piano works and the names of the keys to learning how to play a variety of pieces. We will use a combination of learning strategies in the process.There are exercises and music scores you can download and then work along with me. You will be able to learn on an acoustic piano, digital piano, or electronic keyboard. We will delve into all the good stuff such as rhythm, names of the notes, music notation, repertoire pieces, technique, scales, arpeggios, chords, and more. You will...Understand the mechanics of the pianoPlay pieces by the two most common learning and teaching approaches:reading traditional music notationplaying by rote, also known as playing by earStart to develop an efficient piano techniqueForm a solid foundation in music theory, which will include:understanding and reading rhythmic notationunderstanding and identifying note namesunderstanding and reading from the music staffidentifying intervals in musiclearning how to build major and minor scales, chords, and arpeggios.Learn and apply the symbols and terminology used to play music with expression including dynamics, articulations, pedal, accents, and other symbols used to manipulate time and sound volumeDiscover and develop your own learning style and practice routine that best work for your personalityThere are class projects for you to work on, which will enable you to practice what you learn. By the end of this course you will have a great understanding of the basis of music and piano to get you started playing music you have always wanted to learn. If that all sounds a little too fancy, don't worry, this course is aimed at people new to the piano or who have never played music before. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step. Who am I?I'm Eduardo, and I've been teaching and playing as a professional concert pianist for about 30 years. You can hear me play in the course under the lesson ""meet your instructor"". I enjoy teaching students of all ages since I consider important to pass on my love for music, the piano and also my experience to students of all ages and skill levels. I firmly believe all people are capable to enjoy music by learning how to play a musical instrument. It is my job as a professional teacher to discover my students' learning styles in order to develop the best teaching strategies. I have taught beginner students as young as 3 years old as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students at different universities. Time to upgrade yourself?Sign up for the course and let's learn how to enjoy the world of music and piano."
Price: 79.99

"Ableton Live Completo" |
"En este Curso de Ableton Live Completo abarcaremos de una forma globalcomo iniciarse en este DAW de produccin en su versin 10, la ms actual.El curso es 100% Online as que podrs aprender desde casa y a tu aire.Tan solo necesitas un ordenador Pc o Mac y tener instalado Ableton live 10.Puedes usar otras versiones anteriores aunque habr ciertas particularidadesque solo vienen con la version 10.6 horas de Video Tutoriales de la mano del productor de Techno David Molen.20 aos de experiencia y mas de 500 temas editados lo avalan.Este es tu curso, comenzaremos el curso desde 0.No necesitas ningn conocimiento previo.Si ya estas familiarizado con el tambin te puede ayudar.Manejaremos todas las herramientas que nos brinda este potente software.As podris crear un track por vosotros mismos y adentraros en el mundo de la produccin.Ableton Live es un software rpido y fluido para la creacin e interpretacin musical.Utiliza su flujo de trabajo basado en una lnea temporal o improvisa sin limitaciones en la Vista Session de Live.Su avanzado proceso de Warping te permite estirar tus muestras de audio. Puedes ajustarlas a la velocidad de tu proyecto en tiempo real.Todo esto sin tener que detener la msica.Graba instrumentos virtuales, cajas de ritmos o audio del mundo real.Aprenderemos a generar sonido con un sintetizador.Veremos las partes de que se compone.Tambin a como fabricar nuestros propios loops.Captura notas MIDI despus de haberlas tocado.Transforma tus ideas ms espontneas en realidad de una forma intuitiva y rpida.Los efectos, instrumentos, sonidos y funciones creativas de Live te permiten crear msica teniendo como lmite solo tu imaginacin.Adntrate en el enorme y magnifico mundo de Max for Live.Usa cientos de dispositivos creados por la comunidad.Maneja los dispositivos nativos de Live como base del diseo sonoro.Moldea y convierte a todo un rango de Packs cuidadosamente seleccionados en algo nuevo.Y puesto que el software lo mantiene todo sincronizado,Live es tambin perfecto para improvisaciones e interpretaciones en directo.Personaliza el software para que se adecue a tu forma de interpretar.En este Curso de Ableton Live Completo, una vez finalizadas todas las lecciones realizaremos un track de principio a fin.Dentro del curso podris descargar racks exclusivos, instrumentos de Max for live como Lfo etcy la plantilla del proyecto final de la creacin de un track completo."
Price: 64.99

"Curso bsico de direccin de arte para medios audiovisuales" |
"En este curso veremos qu es la Direccin de arte para medios audiovisuales con nfasis en cine, quines conforman el departamento de arte, etapas, elementos importantes para el departamento de arte, escenografa, ambientacin, utilera, vestuario, todos sus componentes, color, psicologa de color para personajes y para la escenografa, como se realiza una propuesta de direccin de arte, para qu sirve, cortes de cabello, peinados, simbologa y haremos algunos ejercicios de prctica."
Price: 19.99
