"80+ Earned Value PMP & CAPM SUPER Practice Questions" |
"This PRACTICE TESTS course SOLE purpose is to PREPARE you for any Earned Value Management (EVM) question that you may come across your PMP or CAPM exam. The practice tests course consists of 80+ UNIQUE EVM PRACTICE QUESTIONS. By reading and practicing ALL of the 80+ UNIQUE EVM PRACTICE questions in this course, I GUARANTEE and ASSURE you that your EVM questions will be a breeze, and you would WISH if all your PMP or CAPM exam questions are Earned Value Management (EVM) related.YOU are now on the RIGHT track on preparing for one of the most CHALLENGING calculation problems in the PMP exam. CONGRATULATIONS on taking this STEP!!SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??HURRY UP AND REGISTER FOR the 80+ EVM PMP & CAPM SUPER PRACTICE QUESTIONS COURSE!!! YOU own it to YOURSELF!!SEE YOU on the OTHER SIDE of the COURSE!!!!Happy SOLVING!!Your LEARNER, Mahmoud Akram, PMP"
Price: 29.99

"Edm production - START TO FINISH!" |
"Start to finish a track . everything you need to do to finish your Production . I will go step by step to show you what to do and how to do it .I will go over : finding your inspiration , creating the drum section , creating the bassline , song structure , adding fx , creating build ups , part c, mixing , mastering and how to release by yourself or send to labels. ive made sure to make this course as straight forward as possible to make sure you can easily go through the stages of finishing a track"
Price: 124.99

Ontspanningsmassage |
"Wil jij, zonder moeilijke technische termen en ingewikkelde technieken, je partner gewoon een fijne en liefdevolle massage kunnen geven? Dat kan! Hier leer je op een fijne en makkelijke manier jouw partner een complete lichaam-massage te geven. Daarnaast krijg je veel praktische tips, zoals de materialen die je nodig hebt voor een goede thuis-massage, maar ook de dos en donts en hoe je je aanraking nou net dat extra beetje specialer maakt zodat de massage jou en je partner echt in verbinding brengt. Het is een kleine investering voor een leven lang massage plezier."
Price: 44.99

"Workout Game Changer-Learn the Most Effective Way to Workout" |
"In this course you will learn the fundamentals of proper human biomechanics with a focus on teaching you how to get the most out of your workouts to increase strength, power, and mobility all while massively decreasing your risk of injury. This is the prerequisite to all our other programs. We believe you must learn how to move correctly first prior to starting any workout routine. This is the foundation of all workout programs.When you complete this course you will have a complete understanding of exactly how your body should move both in and out of the gym. You will also learn how to connect with your body and really 'feel' exactly what is going so that every workout in the future is at its utmost level of effectiveness."
Price: 99.99

"Yeni Balayanlar in Temelden Zirveye Javascript Dersleri" |
"Srekli gncellenip gelien web teknolojilerinin en popler dillerinden biriside javascripttir. Eitimimizde en temel javascript mantn anlamaktan yola karak deikenler,metodlar,fonksiyonlar,diziler,matematiksel ilemler,dzenli ifadeler,nesne tabanl programlama gibi konular en ince ayrntsndan en ileri seviyesine kadar nce aklayp daha sonra rneklendireceiz ve bunun nedenlerine kadar ineceiz.Dolu dolu bir eitim serisi hazrlamak istedim sizler iin."
Price: 49.99

"Nie wieder unzufrieden mit dir selbst: 9 radikale Strategien" |
"Bist du berkritisch mit dir selbst ? Bist du stndig in deinen Gedanken statt zu leben? Hast du oft das Gefhl, dass alle ihren Kram auf die Reihe bekommen, nur du nicht? Lufst du stndig deinen ToDo-Listen hinterher und fhlst dich abends wie ein Loser, weil du nicht alles geschafft hast ?Mit viel Humor und Tiefgang zeigt Krisen-Profi Ralf Schenkmann gemeinsam mit Constanze Burkert, wie du aus dem Hamsterrad der Selbstzweifel aussteigst und verstehst, warum du ein besonderer und genialer Mensch bist. Und das vllig unabhngig von deinem aktuellen ueren Erfolg.Was dieser Kurs NICHT ist:Dieser Kurs ist NICHT mit oberflchlichem Geschwtz gefllt, er stiehlt dir nicht deine wertvolle Zeit, er ist KEINE Zusammenfassung von esoterischen Gemeinpltzen oder pseudospirituellen Gefhlsduseleien, wie du sie an jeder zweiten Ecke im Internet findest.Alle Einsichten und Erkenntnisse sind WEDER angelesen NOCH theoretisch, sondern entspringen meiner konkreten jahrelangen Lebenserfahrung inmitten einer erbarmungslosen, ber 20 Jahre whrenden Krise, die ich nur durch eine extreme Anpassung und tiefe ffnung meiner Persnlichkeit und zudem durch die Gnade etlicher Wunder berlebt habe.Was Du hier siehst und hrst, wirst Du in dieser kondensierten Form NIRGENDWO anders finden, denn es ist WEDER abgeschrieben NOCH anderweitig plagiiert. Es ist 100% meine Lebenserfahrung und zu 100% meine heutige Lebensweise.Alle Erfahrungen, von denen ich berichte, habe ich selbst tausendfach gemacht und durchgemacht, alle diese kaum fassbaren Schicksalsschlge sind mir tatschlich genau so passiert, wie ich es berichte. Ich brauche hier nichts dazu zu dichten, denn das ist aufgrund meiner Geschichte schlicht nicht notwendig.Dieser Kurs ist auch KEINE pauschale Anleitung, wie du aus deinem Leid in dein Glck finden kannst. Denn in der Hlle des Lebens gibt es keine Patentrezepte. Niemand kann dir garantieren, wenn du GENAU das machst, passiert genau das. Denn jedes Schicksal und jede Geschichte ist individuell. Aber alle meine Strategien und Handlungsweisen habe ich selbst viele Jahre lang in meiner eigenen Lebenspraxis erprobt und ich kann voll und ganz versichern, dass sie bei mir genau so tiefgreifend wirken, wie ich es beschreibe. Viele meiner Klienten berichten mir das identisch.Wenn du also einen Experten fr radikale Selbstliebe suchst, der DEIN Wohl stets vor die Interessen deiner Umgebung oder der Erwartungen der Gesellschaft stellt, damit du endlich in Frieden und im Einklang mit DEINEN Wertvorstellungen und DEINEN Bedrfnissen leben kannst, und dabei aus bedingungsloser Liebe statt aus Schuldgefhlen handelst, dann bist du hier richtig.Ich freue mich auf DICH !!"
Price: 34.99

"Science of Happiness" |
"Do you ever wonder what actually makes us happy, fulfilled, and content? Do you feel that maybe the big house, the perfect job, or the next big vacation just isn't going to cut it? Does your mind often feel like a storm cloud of negativity, discontent and anxiety? Do you ever wonder how that person in your life who is always smiling, optimistic and genuinely kind and giving lives the way they do? If yes, then this program is designed for you. Thousands of people young and old have discovered the power of the science of happiness tools and techniques shared in this program, and learned how to actually make long-term changes that lead to permanent improvements in happiness and well-being by using the proven behavior change methods we share. It's your turn to move past the gimmicks and top 10's, and make the effort needed to succeed. Based directly on up-to-the-minute behavior science research from leading thinkers at UPENN, Harvard, Stanford, MIT and others, every minute of LifeDojo programs are designed to inspire, motivate, and result in changing your behavior. Imagine it. Every day you wake up looking forward to the day - you feel content with your job, your relationships, and your purpose. You move through your day aware of your thoughts and feelings, and you approach activities with purpose, positivity and relaxed focus. The negative thoughts you once had once a second are replaced by optimism, and the world around you aligns with that optimism. All of this is possible. In this program, you will learn: 1. The incredible science behind happiness science, based soundly in positive psychology research and practice. 2. The three main pillars of Happiness Science - what they are and how to integrate them into your life. 3. The six essential steps you need to take to actually improve your happiness over the long-term. No more fads, gimmicks, or trends. Just proven behavior change methods that work. Now comes the best part: Our entire class is offered in a fun, whiteboard-style story, that will have you laughing, learning, and connecting more than any other class you've taken! So don't put-off your future - sign up to improve your happiness today."
Price: 29.99

"Train your brain" |
"Do you feel as if your brain isnt working as well as it might have when you were younger? Do you feel stuck thinking the same negative thoughts and feel like an unwilling puppet to your own bad (and likely unhealthy) habits? Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to learn something new only to forget the information almost as soon as you wake up the next morning? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this class is designed for you. Up until just the past 20 years or so it was believed that once people reach adulthood their ability to learn new information was much less than when they were a growing child. Even scarier, many medical professionals believed there was an inevitable downward march to senility, with everyone eventually losing the ability to learn new things. Ground-breaking research more recently clearly shows these myths are nowhere near the truth. Studies from Johns Hopkins University, Stanford, The Cleveland Clinic and many other institutions worldwide clearly challenge the adage You cant teach an old dog new tricks YOU CAN!! How we used to think the brain works and what its limits supposedly are are dead wrong. We now know the brain is under our control much more than we used to think. We can literally rewire our brain into one that makes us more creative, luckier, faster thinkers and better able to communicate as well as help ourselves learn faster and better regardless of our age. There is a dark side to this, too: If we have unhealthy brains our mental, emotional and PHYSICAL health are all compromised. Quite literally killing our livelihood and us. Yet this is not the way it has to be. If your life, including your mental, emotional or physical health, are NOT where you want them to be sign up for this class and learn how to change your life by changing your brain. In this course, you will learn: 1. Ancient and more recent historical thoughts about how the brain works as well as a more modern take of what we now know. 2. The bad news: How an unhealthy brain impacts your mental, emotional and physical health literally a matter of life and death. 3. The good news: That you can do many things to improve your brains health. Learning about neuroplasticity, mindfulness, luck and changing your personal and world narratives. 4. The four essential steps you can take to start living a new and healthy life. No more fads, gimmicks, or trends. Just proven behavioral change methods that work. Now comes the best part: Our entire class is offered in a fun, whiteboard-style story, that will have you laughing, learning, and connecting more than any other class you've taken! So don't put-off your future one more day. For a LOT less than the cost of brain surgery, a single visit to a psychologist or pills or potions that we know dont work, you can learn everything you need to know to make your life what you want it to be. Join today!"
Price: 29.99

"Web Copywriting Corso Base di Scrittura per il Web" |
"In questo corso ti insegner i principi fondamentali di una corretta scrittura per il web con lo scopo di far migliorare da subito la qualit dei tuoi articoli, post e contenuti pubblicati online. Lo scopo di questo corso darti una ""cassetta degli attrezzi"" da tenere sempre a portata di mano quando, per piacere o per lavoro, dovrai mettere mano alla tastiera e scrivere.Quando avrai imparato l'intuitiva struttura a ""blocchi"" i tuoi articoli avranno una perfetta logica interna, si ""scriveranno dal soli"" e risparmierai moltissimo tempo perch per te sar impossibile andare fuori tema.A corto di idee? Niente paura! Nel corso sono inclusi moltissimi suggerimenti e tecniche per generare idee creative partendo da un singolo argomento!E' anche inclusa una lezione sul SEO Copywriting che ti permetter di tenere conto dei dettagli pi ""tecnici"" per permettere al tuo articolo di essere correttamente ""digerito"" da Google!In aggiunta ti insegner le regole auree da non dimenticare mai quando stai scrivendo, a scegliere il corretto stile narrativo in base al tuo pubblico e a ottimizzare l'elemento forse pi importante di un testo online: il titolo.Un corso dedicati ai neofiti (e non solo) della scrittura online: social media manager, scrittori e tutti coloro che desiderano ampliare la loro conoscenza in ambito di scrittura web (anche senza avere conoscenze pregresse).Argomenti Trattati:1. Scrivere per Far Leggere: una Competenza Web Trasversale e in continuo Aggiornamento2. SEO Copywriting, Armonia delle Keyword, Interattivit e Soglia di Attenzione3. Il ""processo tripartito"" dello Scrivere. Dalla Struttura ""a blocchi"" al risultato finale4. Come diventare un ""Generatore di Idee Creative"" per i vostri Articoli e Post5. Le Strutture Ideali dei Testi in base alle Tipologie di Comunicazione 6. Le Regole Auree da non Dimenticare quando Scriviamo Online7. Scegliere il Giusto Stile Narrativo in base al Pubblico8. Tecniche per Ottimizzare l'Elemento Chiave: il Titolo9. Ringraziamenti e Saluti"
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Entrepreneurship - The Bible of Business" |
"A step by step intimate telling of how to really start and grow a business delivered directly from 15 founders of world renown companies. An interactive series that reveals the backgrounds, insights and strategies of recognized Israeli and American Jewish Entrepreneurs. PLUS, tips from 11 other star entrepreneurs. This program is packed and needs to viewed multiple times to get all that it offers.A multi level program that features; Uri Levine/Waze, Amnon Shashua/Mobileye, Seth Goldman/Honest Tea/Beyond Meat, Kira Radinsky/SalesPredict - Now part of Ebay, Daphne Koller/Coursera, Daniel Lubetzky/KIND Snacks and others. Plus, the content is analyzed by Business Professors and Deans from MIT, Harvard, Yale, Northwestern, Stanford and others prestigious Universities. Almost 4 hours running time edited down from over 100 hours of footage and broken down into 32 interactive chapters sharing the secrets of Entrepreneurs that built substantial organizations from the U.S. and Israel - The Startup Nation. All disciplines are covered including the personal requirements and background needed to get going and growing.Each chapter provides summaries and discussion/thought questions and challenges.Featured Entrepreneurial Teachers- Ben Fischman, the founder of LIDS, Rue La La, and Launch grew LIDS from a hat cart in a mall to having over 1000 locations. He sold Rue, La, La an invitation only shopping site for over $350 million.- Seth Goldman, the co-founder of Honest Tea, grew the reach of his company to 100,00 stores, eventually selling the organic and Fair Trade beverage line to Coca-Cola. Seth is currently the CEO of Beyond Meat.- Uri Levine, the co-founder of Waze, sold his real time driver navigation technology to Google for $1 billion. Following the success of Waze he founded FeeX, a free service that helps users track financial fees.- Diane Hessan. The CEO of Startup Institute and the founder & Chairman of Communispace, who sold her business to Omnicom for well over $100 million and now is working to transform adult education.- Daniel Lubetzky. The founder: KIND Healthy Snacks and PeaceWorks has built KIND into the fastest growing U.S. snack company, with nutritious and delicious products sold in more than 150,00 stores. In 11 years, the company has sold more than 1 billion KIND bars and inspired more than 1 million kind acts through its social mission.- Natan Barak, the CEO of mPrest, leveraged his experience as a colonel in the Israeli Navy to develop key software components for Israel's Iron Dome system.- Benjamin Brafman is the principal of Brafman and Associates PC, a boutique law firm in New York, specializing in criminal defense. Mr Brafman has represented a wide range of celebrities, business and political leaders throughout the United States with a special emphasis on White Collar Criminal Defense. CNN has referred to Mr Brafman as the ""best"" trial lawyer in America and New York Magazine named him ""best"" Criminal Defense Lawyer in New York. He is also an outspoken public advocate for the State of Israel.- Adam Neumann is a founding partner of WeWork, a real estate company that rents collaborative working states in dozens of locations in the US and abroad, currently valued at over $30 billion.- Gila Bronner, President and CEO of Bronner Group, LLC, leveraged an extensive career in public accounting with female set asides in government, to expand her professional service firm from a one woman business to over 10 offices, practicing in a dozen states and more than 400 jurisdictions.- Amnon Shashua. The co-founder & CTO of Mobileye, a driver assist technology. Mobileye had the most successful IPO of an Israeli company in US history, the technology has saved dozens of lives. He also founded Orcam, which produces assistive devices for the visually impaired. Recently Intel acquired Mobileye for $15 Billion. Yes you read that right.- Talia Mashiach, the CEO, Founder & Product Architect of Eved, raised over $11 million in venture capital to build a Pritzker Group backed company automating the $770B event industry with a collaborative procurement platform servicing over 10,000 users. She's a recipient of Ernst and Young's winning women award, a member of Dells Founder Club and named in Chicago Crains 40 under 40 list.- Noa Mintz, teen entrepreneur, philanthropist and founder of Nannies by Noa serves over 200 clients, oversees more than 200 qualified caregivers and has been interviewed by Steve Harvey, Ryan Seacrest and appeared on CNN, the TODAY Show and CNBC.- Kira Radinsky, the CTO & Co-Founder of SalesPredict, created a technology that uses data from the web to help business predict sales. She's been featured on Forbes' 30 under 30 in enterprise tech list and MIT Technology Review's 35 young innovators under 35 list. Kira sold the company to Ebay and became the Chief Science Officer.- Jay Steinfeld, founder and CEO of blinds. com, grew a mom and pop blinds store into the largest ecommerce retailer of blinds and window coverings in the world, which was recently acquired by the Home Depot.- Michael Steinhardt was one of the first hedge fund mangers, developing a net worth of over a billion dollars, a large portion of which he has give to Jewish causes, including co-founding the Taglit-Birthright program.Chapter Leaders - Your Professors- Mark Achler an Adjunct Lecturer of Management & Organizations at Northwesters Kellogg School of Management co-founded an early-stage venture capital fund.- Barry Nalebuff teaches Business Strategy at the Yale School of Management. He also co-founded Honest Tea with one of his former students: Seth Goldman.- David Reibstein, Professor: Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania- Ed Roberts of the MIT Sloan School of Management is an expert in advanced technology management and entrepreneurship, a serial high-tech entrepreneur, and a leading angel investor.- Lloyd Shefsky teaches entrepreneurship and leadership at Northwesterns Kellogg School of Management.- Greg Stoller of Boston University, formerly Boston College educates MBA students on business planning, finance, and international entrepreneurship.- Noam Wasserman of Harvard Business School focuses his studies on how founders early decision can make or break a startup and its team.- Jerry Engel is an adjunct professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at the Hass School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley.- Beth Goldstein teaches entrepreneurship and marketing courses at Babson College.- Danna Greenber is a professor of organizational behavior at Babson College.- Daphne Koller is a professor of computer science at Stanford University who co-founded Coursera a massive open online course provider that has over 11 million users in every country on the planet.- Yavilah McCoy, an observant Jew of Color and the executive director and CEO of Dimensions Educational Consulting, has worked to expand global awareness of Jewish identity and culture, empowering students to contextualize their Jewish journeys.Additional Educators These Entrepreneurs are found providing added guidance on our 40 Tips chapter only- Joan Banres, Founder: Gymboree- Gertrude Gert Boyle, Chairman: Columbia Sportswear- Zalmi Duchman, Founder & CEO: The Fresh Diet- Nick Friedman, Founder & President: College Hunks Hauling Junk- Jay Goltz, Founder: Artists Frame Service- Stephanie Kaplan, Co-Founder: Her Campus- Ariel Moodie, Founder: Empact- Alberto Perlman, CEO: Zumba- Marsha Serlin, Founder: United Scrap Metal- Tom Szaky, Founder & CEO: TerraCycle- Howard Tullman, Serial Entrepreneur"
Price: 49.99

"How to add Dialogflow AI NLP to your Chatbot using Janis" |
"If you've been building chatbots for any time now, you understand the limitations of rules-based logic. Sure, you can be extremely clever and get close to the conversational abilities of AI and NLP, but let's face it ... they're not the same.What would be amazing is if you could mix the power of AI NLP with the ease and use of a visual chatbot development platform.Well, I have good news, you can using a combination of Google's DIALOGFLOW AI and JANIS' API, creating chatbots that offer the best of both worlds is now possible and in this training, I walk you through how to do it.This Fasttrack Training Includes:You'll see me create an AGENT (aka BOT) in Dialogflow and configure it for later use.You'll see me connect JANIS to Dialogflow and create the necessary ""keys"" to connect to my chatbot platform (in this example, ManyChat)And you'll see me connect them all together.Then I'll walk you through the key elements of Dialogflow and how to leverage its AI NLP powers.I'll explain the simple ""gotchas"" that get the rookies (and the #1 thing that trips up first-time AI integrators)Plus ...I'll even show you how to call-back to your bot and fire flows from inside Dialogflow (if you're not sure what that means, it's simply this ... you can have Dialogflow figure out what a user said and then call different processing flows in your bot!) Think DYNAMIC RESPONSES based on free-form language processing!Plus I show you a few other power tricks that took me a while to learn.-- WARNING --This training is NOT for bot beginners. You need to be at least at an intermediate level to grasp the concepts and follow along. If you're still building ""monkey see, monkey do"" bots, you'll want to wait until you level-up your skills to gain the most from this training.But if you're ready to supercharge your bot with the power of conversational AI and NLP, then ...ENROL TODAY."
Price: 99.99

"14 in 1 Home Business Course - Choose Your Next Online Biz!" |
"** Over 130,000 students have given us their trust and awarded us with 1,000+ 5-star reviews! **Update List - More content coming very soon!- 07/18/2020: Added full Shopify success course, from nothing to a profitable store in one week or less!Hi there,If you are struggling to start your first online business (or don't know where to start), here is a collection of our 14 best rated courses, that have already helped over 120,000 students just like you to start earning payments and commissions online.Check the video previews to discover the methods that we will reveal in this class.See you inside the training!"
Price: 199.99

"Control Anything Anywhere without Internet with Arduino" |
"Learn how to make your own Arduino Wireless long distance Controller via DTMF Decoding without the Internet, WiFi or Bluetooth!!Have you ever needed to Control a device, sensor, or a project from a long-distance location that doesn't have Internet? Are you tired of using Radio, WiFi, or Bluetooth modules that cost a lot and have a limited range + the programming pain that comes with them!! Yes? Well, You have come to the right place.In this course, we'll introduce DTMF Technique that will give Your Simple Arduino board super-powers, with DTMF you can control anything, anywhere with a simple, cost-effective solution.In this course, you will learn how to write a very simple code to control multiple devices in an easy way. Why you should learn how to Control Anything Anywhere via DTMF:It's easier to programSave time in the development phase of your projectLess effort when you want to change or update something in your Arduino based device/project.No need for extra Bluetooth, WiFi, RF, or any other module.What you will learn in this course:How to program Arduino using Arduino IDEHow to make your own DTMF DecoderHow to use interface DTMF Decoder with Arduino.How to make your own DTMF Decoder PCB Board using Eagle Free Circuit Design SoftwareHow to Simulate Your Circuit using TinkerCad Free Web Simulator How to Make a 3D Case for your Project Board to Protect them from Environmental Conditions using Fusion 360Goal From This Course: - Learn how to make your own Arduino Wireless long distance Controller via DTMF Decoding without the Internet, WiFi or BluetoothRequired Materials Arduino.Arduino IDEDTMF DecoderMobile/SmartphoneFusion 360Eagle Free Circuit Design SoftwareProteus Professional Software"
Price: 199.99

"Control Anything Anywhere without Internet PIC Micro" |
"Learn how to make your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless long distance Controller via DTMF Decoding without the Internet, WiFi or Bluetooth!!Have you ever needed to Control a device, sensor, or a project from a long-distance location that doesn't have Internet? Are you tired of using Radio, WiFi, or Bluetooth modules that cost a lot and have a limited range + the programming pain that comes with them!! Yes? Well, You have come to the right place.In this course, we'll introduce DTMF Technique that will give Your Simple PIC Microcontroller board super-powers, with DTMF you can control anything, anywhere with a simple, cost-effective solution.In this course, you will learn how to write a very simple code to control multiple devices in an easy way. Why you should learn how to Control Anything Anywhere via DTMF:It's easier to programSave time in the development phase of your projectLess effort when you want to change or update something in your PIC Microcontroller based device/project.No need for extra Bluetooth, WiFi, RF, or any other module.What you will learn in this course:How to program PIC Microcontroller using MikroC SoftwareHow to make your own DTMF DecoderHow to use interface DTMF Decoder with PIC Microcontroller.How to make your own DTMF Decoder PCB Board using Eagle Free Circuit Design SoftwareHow to Simulate Your Circuit using Proteus Professional SoftwareHow to Make a 3D Case for your Project Board to Protect them from Environmental Conditions using Fusion 360Goal From This Course: - Learn how to make your own PIC Microcontroller Wireless long distance Controller via DTMF Decoding without the Internet, WiFi or BluetoothRequired Materials PIC Microcontroller.MikroC SoftwareDTMF DecoderMobile/SmartphoneFusion 360Eagle Free Circuit Design SoftwareProteus Professional Software"
Price: 199.99

"Blackmagic fusion : Introduction" |
"Vous aussi, vous avez envie de pouvoir utiliser Fusion de Blackmagic comme un pro, mais vous tes terrifi l'ide de devoir apprendre les NODES ? Pas de panique, je suis pass par l ! Et si a peut vous rassurer, je me sens, maintenant, tellement plus l'aise avec les nodes que je prfre utiliser Fusion que powerpoint pour faire une prsentation (Vridique!)Dans cette formation vous allez apprendre tout ce que je connais, je ne retiens rien du tout ! En passant par la cration de compositions simples pour des titres, ou du compositing avanc pour des effets spciaux... Vous saurez littralement tout faire !Par contre, si vous cherchez une formation ""thorique"" hyper ennuyante, o on passe de node en node pendant des heures...Dsol mais ce n'est pas la bonne formation :)J'ai tout fait pour que vous puissiez apprendre sur le champ de bataille directement. Tout est pratique et vous avez directement le corrig avec, puisque je vous fournis toutes les compositions importantes pendant la formation.Bref, je ne vous fais pas perdre plus de temps, on se retrouve de l'autre ct !A tout de suite :)"
Price: 159.99

"Futures/Currency/Commodity Trading Master Class" |
"We will show you trade setups that will allow you to become a profitable trader using proven trade setups on Futures, Forex and Commodity markets. These trade setups are applicable on any timeframe on any chart. We will also give you a clear understanding of how the markets work and assist you to build your own successful trading business.At the completion of this course, you will have the understanding of the repetitiveness of market patterns and how one of these patterns that we will teach you is how you can become a successful trader.We teach high probability trades."
Price: 199.99

"How to Create Powerful Educational Videos Using InVideo" |
"Whether you are an entrepreneur, content creator, teacher, author, or an online instructor, developing engaging content using videos is a must have type of skills in this age of rapidly-growing technology. In this course you'll learn how to create very engaging videos for your courses.This course was created especially for people who have beginners and intermediate level of skills in graphics design and video editing field. So If you want to develop new video-making skills that can be used for building online courses and educational videos then this course is just for YOU.There will be a bonus lecture and if requested by students there will also be new lectures added to provide advice as per the discussion forum in the course. I would love to hear from you after you buy this course how do you like it and what challenges do you face in developing educational content online."
Price: 19.99

"Agile Project Management, Frameworks and Development Process" |
"If you are working in a software team or are a project manager for software project or you want to launch your software business, this is the right placeAgile software development is known today as the competitive advantage for the new digital ageIf you are not agile you are out of the market soonThere are important reasons to apply Agile principles and values and how everyone in a project or organization can benefit from it in the long run.This course is a relevant for project managers, scrum masters, product owners, software developers and those that have or are creating a company whose goal is to develop and sell software products or commission other companies or agencies to develop products for their business or processesIt is based on a real case study and it is not a guideline or handbook for those who want to get a Scrum or Agile certificateBut it will help you a lot in managing your Agile projects and processes.This course is structured in a way that you can understand the phases of the Agile software development process and project management process, their logical and temporal sequences, their relationships and the activities involvedFor each phase you will find one or more distinct sectionsWe will analyse each theoretical part focusing on a selected case study, an eCommerce web application.In details you will learn:What is AgileRoles & ResponsibilitiesDefinitionsWhere does Agile come from?The 12 principles of agile software developmentWhich are the benefits of AgileThe Benefits of Agile Software DevelopmentChanges in the organizations and SAFeSoftware Development Life Cycle (SDLC)What are the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases? Waterfall model and Agile modelAgile methodologyAgile Frameworks - ScrumThe Scrum principleThe Scrum Organization structureScrum Master checklistScrum CoachingTeam size in a Scrum projectThe Kanban Agile SystemKanban BoardsKanban Boards best practices and examplesWork In Progress (WIP) LimitsWhat is agile project management?Agile CeremoniesImplement agile programsUse workflowsAgile structures: Epics, User Stories, Themes, and InitiativesAgile EstimationMetrics: Burndown chart, Business Value, Story Points, VelocityWhat is requirement gathering?Agreement and sign offProduct BacklogUser story acceptance criteriaUser story definition of donePrioritize requirementsSoftware Implementation In AGILEAgile ManifestoAgile Software Development & TestingLeading Agile MethodsAgile MetricsRisk Assessment In AgileTools and Techniques of Agile Risk ManagementRisk Management in ScrumWhat is Change Management in Software developmentThe Change Management ProcessChange Management for effective software developmentAgile Change Management ProcessHow Agile and Scrum can Help with Change ManagementThe deployment processAgile Software DeploymentAutomated Deployment ToolsAgile deployment strategyAgile Deployment Process: Best PracticesContinuous DeploymentAgile Project Management - Project PlanningThe Retrospective Meeting and all the phasesSoftware Verification and Validation TestingAgile ValidationAgile Methodology in TestingAgile Testing MethodsHow to Align Testing with an Agile Development ProcessIndependent Validation & Verification Vs. AgileIncident ManagementThe Incident ReportThe Incident ProcessAtlassian JIRA and other project management toolsAgile project management with JIRAOverview of JIRAAdd a backlog in JIRAScrum Boards in JIRA and Sprint planningCreate a scrum boardKanban Boards in JIRAAgile ReportingMoreover you will find Software Development Improvement Tips and more material which will updated continuouslyEverything will be demonstrated with a case study: the development of an eCommerce App"
Price: 109.99

"Identity and Access Management (IAM)" |
"Identity and Access Management is a fundamental and critical cybersecurity capability, to ensure the right people and things have the right access to the right resources at the right time.In this course, you will learn about different components of Identity and Access Management, security considerations and some labs and examples."
Price: 19.99

"Google Adsense & Home-based Job Opportunities for Everyone" |
"Hello Everyone!I just felt that it is very timely to share this most effective and almost cost-free strategies to earn money from the internet.There are so many job opportunities from different platforms are available on the Internet. Upwork alone has more than 3 million job opportunities are being posted on their platform every year. There are other similar platforms with the same business model with Upwork such as Fiverr, Freelancer, Craiglist and many others.There are also ways of earning money form the contents that you share on the internet. In 2015, Google Adsense paid almost 10 Billion US$ to publishers and freelancers who have shared their contents over the internet.Contents can be in the form of Articles, News, and Blogs. It can be in the form of Videos and other similar contents. It can be photos or stunning images you have taken using your camera. You will have an opportunity to earn money from all the contents that you share on the internet.Retrenchment around the world is happening every week to almost all sectors and industries for each country affected by the Global Pandemic Outbreak.This cost-cutting strategy resulted to thousand if not millions of jobless around the world. Being Jobless will might result to depression and different types of anxiety and mental illness.Everyone is requested to stay at home which resulted to lock of options and opportunities to earn for a living.In this course. I will be discussing the different ways on how to earn money from the internet.You may not be aware but there are so many opportunities out there just waiting for us. All we need to do is focus and attentions and the courage to embrace this kind of set-up.You do not need to be good in Statistics, in computers, in business, in English because there are no pre-requisites needed for those who wants to survive. These opportunities are already made available for long years however, we are just confined with the traditional way of earning for a living - That is finding a job and go to work physically.Global Pandemic Outbreak give rise to this new normal of earning money from the comfort of our home.I was once bankrupt. I was totally bankrupt; totally bankrupt in 2016.That I am on the verge of giving up. That I am very hopeless. That I almost thinking of quitting this life; but everything has change when I discover this life changing strategy on the internet. I start exploring the power of the internet. Since then, my life is now different from that before.I now have my condominium and a house and lot in the province. A different brand of car and a business of my own.Attending in the course like this will asked you to pay for joining. The topics that they will be going to discuss during the workshops or training only tells you theory behind, but they will not tell you exactly what to do or how to do it, because the purpose of it is to encourage you to subscribe to their services in a monthly basis. They will not tell you exactly the procedures and different steps on how to monetize the contents you are planning to share over the internet.In this course, I will tell you everything you need to know. This course will have a very minimal charge of not more than 20 dollars because I am considering of having more students to enroll and to help with. Multiplying the minimal charge to thousands of students will be of no difference if I will charge you higher but of few students enrolled. I will be happier and more amazed to have more students to help. I always living in the famous quotes which says, Knowledge Exists To Be Imparted.Welcome to my course I will be willing to share insightful ideas and strategies that we can use as we go through life.My Name is Vincent Torre Bongolan, a Data Scientist and an Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast. I am currently working for the Asian Development Bank Headquarter in Manila, Philippines. I have been from different industries all throughout my 17 years of working experience. I graduated Statistics and have my master in Statistics at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. I also have units in LAW which I took up in the same University."
Price: 34.99

"Sites Administrativos com Java WEB JSP" |
"O curso de Site Administrativo com Java WEB JSP possui 78 aulas, neste curso voc ir aprender a cadastrar recursos no banco de dados e retornar estas informaes cadastradas para seu site, neste projeto imobilirio cadastramos neste mdulo os corretores e os imveis e fazemos a recuperao dos dados no site, integrando o sistema ao site, este o terceiro curso dessa srie de cursos para criao do sistema imobilirio, aconselhvel o aluno acompanhar antes os outros dois cursos."
Price: 519.99

"Erfllt allein statt einsam" |
"Es gibt einen weitgehend unbekannten Zustand des Alleinseins gibt, in dem Einsamkeit nicht mglich ist.Diesen Zustand kannst Du durch einen Schwenk in der Ausrichtung jederzeit und berall leicht herstellen.In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du, worin dieser Zustand besteht und wie Du ihn Schritt fr Schritt erreichst -und Dich somit ein fr allemal - auch im Alter - von Einsamkeit befreist."
Price: 39.99

"Flutter & Dart : Crez des applis mobiles aux perfs natives" |
"Bienvenue dans ce cours sur la cration d'applications mobiles avec Google Flutter et le langage Dart.Nous allons dcouvrir ensemble les principales fonctionnalits de Flutter ainsi que les notions fondamentales de la cration d'applis avec Flutter de faon vous permettre de crer n'importe quel type d'application mobile.Le gros avantage de Flutter est que c'est un framework ultra puissant qui vous permettra de dvelopper vos applications Android & iOS partir d'un seul et mme projet bas sur le langage Dart. Flutter compile ensuite en natif vos applications ce qui vous permet d'obtenir un design natif ainsi que des performances natives. Chose que vous ne pouvez pas avoir avec des solutions type Xamarin ou encore Cordova qui englobe l'appli dans une webview.Nous dvelopperons une application depuis le dbut afin de voir de A Z comment se droule la cration d'applications avec Flutter.Nous allons crer une application catalogue qui affichera, aprs que l'utilisateur se soit connect, une liste de formations. L'utilisateur pourra alors cliquer pour afficher des dtails et lire les avis posts sur cette formation. (Nous allons recrer une sorte de mini Udemy). En bonus je vous montrerai comment rcuprer des donnes depuis une API GraphQL avec la mise en place d'un cache de faon conserver en mmoire les donnes pour que l'application puisse fonctionner mme hors ligne. Nous apprendrons notamment :Mettre en place un environnement de dveloppementCrer un projet bas sur Flutter & DartTester une application en live sur notre mobile Concevoir des interfaces modernesProgrammer les interactions Crer des formulairesNaviguer entre les pagesConsommer des donnes provenant d'une api GraphQLEt bien plus !N'attendez plus, rejoignez ma formation et apprenez crer des applications modernes et fluides avec Google Flutter et Dart !Image base sur un design de freepik."
Price: 79.99

al-yusra |
" . ."
Price: 19.99

"Pricing Decisions" |
"Whether you are a business manager, an entrepreneur, or a freelancer; this course will help you understand how pricing works.In this course, you will learn:What Price means and why pricing is importantWhat factors impact pricing decisionsThe relationship between supply and demand, and pricingHow demand elasticity affect pricing decisionsWhat the main pricing strategies used"
Price: 59.99

"Code Red - Mental Strength for EMS Personnel" |
"How do you focus your inner thought process to maximize your mental abilities to say calm? How can you best protect yourself against the many distractions and mental hazards in the world of pre-hospital providers? If youre searching for the answers to these questions, then this program is for you!This program will provide a base of knowledge for all in the field of EMS. For new responders, you will learn a valuable perspective to more quickly maximize your confidence and skills. If youre a veteran provider in this filed, you will recognize in the teachings in this program many skills you already innately do in varying degrees.Within this program you will find ways to hone the skills you already possess and develop new ones. I hope you will find this program helpful and useful.Thank you to all that have hacked it and for the service you provide every day.Gregg Swanson"
Price: 34.99

"Getting Motivated Is Easy - Maintaining, Not So Much" |
"Can maintaining motivation actually change your life?What is motivational self improvement training? Why is motivation important? How does motivation help with self improvement? Can maintaining motivation actually change your life? There are numerous self-motivation techniques out there to be learned but this course takes a more direct and simplistic approach. You will gain nuggets in every lecture to aid you in finding your own self motivation and even a few ways to motivate other people.So the answer to my question ""can maintaining motivation actually change your life?"" is absolutely yes. Without motivation and especially self motivation nothing in your life will ever change nor improve.Let's spend some time together discovering how great your new life can be with just a little motivation."
Price: 19.99

"Lean 1: AIGPE's Certified Lean Proficient Simulation Exam" |
"This simulation exam will help you prepare for AIGPE's Lean Proficiency Certification Exam. It contains 30 multiple choice questions. The simulation exam will guide you in understanding what type of questions to expect in the Certification Exam.This simulation exam is necessary to equip you with the needed skills and abilities to be successful in the final AIGPE Lean Proficient Certification exam.30 questions are divided into two tests of 15 questions each. You are expected to finish one test, take a quick break and come back to do the second test. Although AIGPE Lean Proficient Certification exam does not have a time-limit, you are required to finish the entire exam in one-sitting (that is, once you start the exam, you should ensure it is completed till the end). This simulation exam helps you prepare mentally, physically and emotionally for the final exam.At the end of each test you can see your total percentage score for the test. For answers that are incorrect, you are expected to explore those topics by going through the video lectures and activities.You can review each question and sort them as correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.Do this Simulation exam multiple times to see the grasp of your knowledge on the course material. You can take this Lean Proficient Certification Simulation Exam as many times as you want. I would suggest 60%+ of right answers consistently on all knowledge areas using multiple practice tests before applying for the certification exam.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to prepare for your AIGPE Lean Proficient Certification today!"
Price: 29.99

"The 21 Steps Beginners Guitar Course" |
"The 21 Steps Beginner Guitar Course is suitable for everyone. It works on for electric and acoustic guitar and has all you need to start learning guitar. With elements of Rock, Blues and Pop Music, Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar and tons of great tracks to learn (all supplied at 3 different speeds), it's a whole bunch of fun and an extremely effective set of guitar lessons.So let me start by asking you a question or two...Have you tried to learn guitar before? Maybe you want to learn but dont know where to start?Does is look too difficult or did you start playing guitar and quit? Possibly you were introduced to an old school method that wasnt effective... You know the drill, play an E major chord, then a strumming pattern and then change to the next chord. Sounds easy, but its not when you first start learning guitar.This approach puts people off guitar immediately. Its frustrating, painful and boring. It can be a nightmare, especially as you have only just picked up a guitar, held a plectrum for two minutes and learned your string names. Coordinating two hands, keeping all the fingers on the strings and in the right frets etc. And then trying to change to the next chord it easier said than done. In fact 90% of beginner guitarists give up for many of these reasons. The 21 Steps Beginners Guitar Course is designed to give you 100% chance of succeeding.So what makes this course different to the multitude of beginners courses you can find?Well, I put your enjoyment and success first. I am passionate about guitar and about teaching. I want you to have a blast and continue.So firstly, we dont start with chords and strumming, and we learn rhythm guitar and lead guitar melodies back to back, so its not all just chords and pain.I spent nearly 30 years teaching guitar. Analyzing how beginner guitarists pick up guitar, what is possible for them to play immediately and whats not. What creates pain, stress or tension and I saw how NOT starting with big open chords and strumming is way more productive for all involved.We have a structured curriculum and a nice gradient to the lessons, youll never be pushed too hard of overwhelmed and youll have jam tracks at three different speeds to support your progress.We take small achievable steps, with real tracks to learn for each of the 21 steps. Youll learn all your chords and strumming patterns, but you will also learn scales - pentatonic, major and minor scales, melodies, lead guitar, triads and inversions, blues, rock and pop concepts, tons of rhythm guitar, a wealth of interesting chords, min and maj7, dom7, sus2 4, add9 and more.Of course there will be strumming patterns but only when you are ready and we will start simply. I design the first chord changes to flow very smoothly by using smaller chord shapes that flow seamlessly.As I mentioned, all the steps work back to back, so if Step 1 has some chords, in Step 2 youll learn a melody that fits over it, so we do chords and lead alternately. This gives our fingers a break and makes it way more musical and way more interesting. In this way we work on strength, coordination, dexterity, scales and chord patterns.You will be feeling like a real guitarist here in no time. Learning guitar in such a way that youll hardly notice all the chords and scales you are learning. The tracks are so much fun to play along with. You even get a bare track where you are the guitarist!So do you want to be a statistic? One of the 90% who quit or do you want to be a guitar legend? I guarantee you with this course you have a 100% chance at success. This course works, as I said I have been doing this for nearly 30 years, with 1000s of students worldwide and a bestselling course Pure Pentatonic Power.See you on the inside, GuitarJoolz"
Price: 119.99

"Tecnologias na Autonomia da Pessoa com Deficincia" |
"Dilogo sobre as diferentes formas de utilizao das tecnologias na promoo da incluso e desenvolvimento da autonomia da pessoa com deficincia.Conhecendo o marco legal brasileiro.Transformaes do cotidiano com a evoluo das tecnologias.Tecnologias para a promoo de autonomia da pessoa com deficincias.Ao final do curso, poder conhecer um pouco sobre as possibilidades de atuao da pessoa com deficincia no mundo digital e, tambm, recursos para promoo da autonomia."
Price: 39.99

"Merhaba arkadalar... Her eyden nce, eitime kayt olarak destek olduunuz iin hepinize tek tek teekkr ederim.Bu video eitim serimiz, Robotik ve Kodlama hakknda hibir bilgisi olmasa bile, bilgi edinmek ve tasarm yapmay renmek isteyen byk kk her ya grubu iin uygundur. zellikle de TKETMEKTEN sklp artk bir eyler RETMEK isteyen bireyler iin..."
Price: 19.99
