"Gitkraken Git GUI : Git sans une seule ligne de commande" |
"En tant que dveloppeur, vous utilisez srement un gestionnaire de version (ou VCS en anglais, pour Version Control System, aussi appel SCM pour Source Control Management) pour enregistrer lvolution du code de votre projet.Git est un systme de gestion de version trs puissant, et malheureusement pas si facile utiliser, particulirement en ligne de commande pour diverses raisons :Le nombre important de commandes retenirChaque commande a de nombreuses optionsDeux commandes utilises diffremment peuvent aboutir au mme rsultat.ce qui pousse certains dveloppeurs sorienter vers une solution graphique pour lutilisation de Git, et Gitkraken en est une.Gitkraken Git GUI est un client graphique multiplateforme puissant et intuitif qui simplifie amplement l'utilisation de Git. De manire trs simple, on peut pratiquement tout faire avec GitKraken sans une seule ligne de commande taper.Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre utiliser efficacement Git travers Gitkraken pour une gestion deux fois plus rapide de versions de votre code. Nous allons voir notamment comment crer des commits, grer des branches, raliser des fusions, manipuler l'historique des commits etc...Si vous n'avez jamais utilis Git, ce n'est pas un problme. Cette formation explique chacune des notions de Git avant une mise en pratique dans Gitkraken. A l'issue de cette formation, Git n'aura plus de secret pour vous.Je suis impatient de vous accompagner dans cette formation :)"
Price: 199.99

"Glcklich sein - In 7 Tagen zum persnlichen Glck" |
"Glck im Leben will jeder! Der Mensch strebt in jedem Moment seines Lebens nach Glck - ich, du, dein Nachbar, dein Chef... einfach jeder. Leider verirren sich viele auf der Suche nach dem Glck. Dabei ist es so einfach - Glck kann in jedem Augenblick unseres Lebens entdeckt werden. Ich mchte mit Dir gemeinsam dein Lebensglck erneuern und im hchsten Glanze erstrahlen lassen. Dazu bentige ich in den nchsten 7 Tagen deine vollkommene Aufmerksamkeit!Vielleicht kannst du dich an die schnen Zeiten in deiner Kindheit erinnern, an die Zeiten wo jeder Tag ein Erlebnis war und du aus dem Staunen gar nicht mehr herausgekommen bist. Die Tage, vor allem die Abendzeiten an dem du nicht schlafen gehen wolltest und vllig versunken in dir selbst und deiner Welt warst. Erinnere Dich an deine erste Liebe, an das se Lcheln deines Schwarms. Erinnere Dich an deine erste Reise - ein nchtliches Abenteuer oder mit deinen besten Freunden an einem fernen Ort. Du wurdest reichlich beschenkt, mit wrmenden Sonnenstrahlen und erfrischenden Regentropfen - Moment fr Moment, Sekunde fr Sekunde, Atemzug um Atemzug.Lebensglck. Du warst die pure Leichtigkeit - wie eine schwingende Blume im Wind, zart und flexibel, kein Sturm konnte Dich entwurzeln.Doch irgendwo zwischen all diesen schnen Momenten gingst du verloren... Du und dein Glck.Grnde dafr gibt es viele! Zwanghafte Rollenbilder und gesellschaftliche Ideale lassen unser tgliches Leben immer unflexibler werden. Das eigene Streben, nach Geld, Erfolg und nach unerreichbaren Zielen und Wnschen lassen uns versteinern. Statt uns zu befreien, versuchen wir uns freizukaufen oder frei zu arbeiten. Manch einer sucht das Glck in endlosen Liebesbeziehungen... Doch wo soll er oder sie das Glck finden? Wenn nicht in sich selbst?! Bei der ganzen Sucherei wird unsere Kopf immer mder und trger, zum Schluss spielt unser Krper verrckt - wir werden krank.Was bringt dich zu diesem Kurs:Bist du auf der Suche nach echtem Glck?Mchtest du Glck empfangen? Und geben knnen?Bist du bereit, dein Leben zu transformieren, hinein in tiefes Glck und unendliche Liebe?Mchtest du das Glck immer spren, soll es nie wieder verloren gehen?Dann bist du hier richtig, dieser Kurs hilft dir.Wieso habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt?Heutzutage wird unser Leben stark durch die Medien geprgt, unerreichbare Ideale und abstrakte Lebensvorstellungen schreiben uns vor, wie wir zu leben haben. Wir rennen von einem Termin zum Nchsten, sei es privat oder beruflich. Viele verlieren sich, sie verlieren ihren wahren Ursprung - den Zugang zu echtem Glck. So wie wir es in Kindern oder in der Natur erleben knnen. Vor Jahren hatte auch ich diesen Zugang verloren und mich in endlose Karrierewnsche und Beziehungskonstrukte geflchtet. Ich war stndig auf der Suche nach Glck, Liebe und Erfolg. Dann kam der Schnitt, pltzlich konnte ich nicht mehr die Person sein, die ich mir so mhsam aufgebaut hatte. Ein Burn-out und persnliche Misserfolge huften sich, nach und nach brckelte meine Maske. Erst nach einem Jahr war ich in der Lage zu meinem neuen Selbst zu stehen und es anzuerkennen - mit all den Narben und Schrammen, kein makelloses Selbstbild wie es uns in Hollywood Blockbustern vorgelebt wird. Es war gut so, es tat gut und tut es noch immer. Dieser Kurs resultiert aus meinen persnlichen Erfahrungen und wird ergnzt von den Lehren meiner Meister und Begleiter. Er dient dazu dich auf eine neue Bewusstseinsebene zu bringen. Du wirst frei und glcklich sein.Was bist du bereit an Dir aufzugeben, um dieses Glck wieder zu erlangen?Dein Selbstbild besteht aus einer Ansammlung von unverarbeiteten Emotionen, Erinnerungen und Wnschen. In diesem Kurs streifst du dieses vor allem gesellschaftlich und sozial-geprgte Selbstbild ab und beginnst zu leben. Du lernst, auf deinen Krper und dein Herz zu hren, du lernst dich selbst wahrzunehmen. Du lernst Dir, dem Universum und allen anderen zu vertrauen, dadurch wirst du frei. Nur wer frei ist, kann glcklich sein - darin liegt die Essenz dieses Kurses.Welche Fragen bringst du mit?Wie erlange ich mein eigenes Glck?Wie kann ich Lachen und Spa am Leben haben?Wie kann ich mein Leben voll und ganz wertschtzen?Wie werde ich meine ngste und Sorgen los?Wie berstehe ich schwierige Zeiten?Wie nehme ich meine Probleme leichter?Nimm dir Zeit und beantworte diese Fragen fr dich in Stille! Dann werde dir bewusst, dass du die Antworten bereits kennt. Du kennst die Antworten auf alle deine Fragen. Heute gehst du einen wichtigen Schritt!Du fngst an zu lieben, zu leben, zu fhlen, zu geben und zu empfangen.Spre das Glck in Dir, nach dem Kurs und in dem Kurs.Viel Freude mit dem Kurs ""Glcklich sein - In 7 Tagen zum persnlichen Glck"".Dein TommyPS: Die Kurssprache ist Deutsch."
Price: 19.99

"Schreibblockaden lsen - berwinde die strende Blockade!" |
"Steckst du fest und willst dich lsen, aus deiner Blockade? Mchtest du wieder schreiben knnen?Oftmals blockieren wir unser eigenes Glck, nur weil du eine Blockade bei dir feststellst, heit es nicht, dass es anstrengend sein wird, sie zu berwinden. Wir mssen einen Anfang finden und schreiben, der Weg wird sich auftun. Ich helfe Dir, eine selbstgetriebene Schreibmotivation zu etablieren. Du lernst von Anfang bis zum Ende, an deinem Schreibprojekt zu bleiben. Selbstverstndlich wird es in deiner Schreibpraxis nicht nur sonnige Tage geben. Es ist nicht immer leicht, zu schreiben. Wir knnen in unserer eigenen Kreativitt feststecken.Schreibblockaden sind selbstgeschaffen, wir schaffen sie und lsen sie! Berhmte Knstler hatten sie, Hobbyautoren haben sie, sie tauchen auf und verschwinden wieder. Darunter bekannte Gren wie Dostojewski, Samuel Beckett und J.R.R. Tolkien. Am Ende dieses Kurses wirst du gelernt haben aus deiner inneren Kraft zu schpfen und zu schreiben, egal was kommt. Ich spreche aus Erfahrung, ich hatte Schreibblockaden, teilweise ber Monate hinweg. Ich konnte nicht schreiben, Abgabetermine wurden berzogen, Projekte landeten in der Tonne. Ich war mir nicht im Klaren, wie ich wieder herauskommen sollte. Nach und nach stellte ich fest, dass durch routinierte Arbeit und Eigenmotivation meine Zeiten des Nichtschreibens immer krzer wurden. Ich entwickelte aus meinen Erfahrungen ein nachvollziehbares und leichtanwendbares System.Das lernst du in diesem Kurs:Wie du angefangene Schreibprojekte zu Ende bringst.Wie du selbstndig eine gesunde und nachhaltige Schreibroutine entwickelst.Wie du Schreibblockaden erkennst und auflst.Wie du wieder Freude und Spa beim Schreiben empfindest.Wie du Schreiben zu deiner Profession machst.Wie du die Zeitrume des Nichtschreibens verringerst.Du wirst in diesem Kurs sachte, an einfache Schreibaufgaben herangefhrt. Wir fangen klein an, Tag fr Tag wirst du sicherer werden. Nach sptestens zwei Wochen wirst du mit Freude an jedes deiner Schreibprojekte gehen knnen, egal ob wissenschaftliche Arbeit oder ein origineller Blogbeitrag. Dieser Kurs nimmt es sich zur Aufgabe, allen die schriftstellerisch ttig sind zu helfen.Melde dich an und hole dir die Tipps gegen deine Schreibblockade.Liebe Gre Dein Tommy"
Price: 24.99

"Primeiros passos com o FreeRTOS" |
"Esse curso visa introduzir os alunos no uso da API do FreeRTOS, capacitando-os para usar esse RTOS em projetos futuros com microcontroladores. Usaremos como base o framework Arduino e o kit ESP32, porm ser apenas facilidade nos primeiros passos com o FreeRTOS. O que voc aprender nesse curso o capacitar para aplicar o FreeRTOS em qualquer microcontrolador.O que voc aprender nesse curso?Introduo aos sistemas de tempo RealSetup do Ambiente de programaoIntroduo ao FreeRTOSTarefasFilasSemforosSoftware TimersEvent GroupsTask NotificationsRecursos que voc receber:Cdigos exemplosSuporte a dvidasAps este curso, voc estar ter fluncia para desenvolver projetos com FreeRTOS e poder aplicar a qualquer microcontrolador com suporte ao FreeRTOS.Pra quem este curso?O curso voltado para aqueles que nunca tiveram contato com o FreeRTOS e querem dar os primeiros passos no uso da sua API.O que voc precisa para fazer esse curso:Computador com acesso a internetMicrosoft VSCODEKit de desenvolvimento ESP32LEDsPush ButtonProtoboard importante destacar:O curso focar na API do FreeRTOS usando o framework Arduino para acesso ao hardware. No sero abordados nesse curso:ESP IDFDetalhes do Hardware do ESP32Explicao bsica sobre o uso do framework ArduinoPort do FreeRTOS para arquiteturas (ficar para o prximo curso)Espero voc no curso! Conte comigo durante os estudos!"
Price: 249.99

"Vender en Mercadolibre de cero a experto en espaol" |
"En este curso aprenders desde cero a vender en Mercado libre, conocers los secretos del xito de las ventas en internet a travs de esta plataforma. Al terminar este curso tendrs la capacidad de buscar proveedores en diferentes lugares como China y tiendas locales para obtener los mejores productos que venders en Mercado libre con excelentes utilidades."
Price: 19.99

"AutoCAD 2021 - Completo 2D e 3D do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Esse curso para quem quer aprender AutoCad de forma fcil e simples, executando comandos bsicos e usando uma lgica de criao, o curso abordar os comandos bsicos e avanados voltados para construo de projetos 2D e 3D, Escala, Cotas, Impresses, novos recursos do AutoCad 2021, configuraes, formatos de arquivos, exportao e importao de arquivos."
Price: 39.99

WordPress |
"WordPressSEOGenesis FrameworkSEO33SEO"
Price: 24000.00

"motion graphic course" |
Price: 34.99

"Al giorno d'oggi i palcoscenici dell'arte oratoria, del Public Speaking, e del parlare in pubblico, non sono solo ""dal vivo"", ma sono sempre di pi anche online, tramite video, stories, post, etc. A tal proposito sempre pi necessario capire come usare la propria voce, il proprio corpo e la propria presenza davanti alla telecamera per comunicare al meglio le proprie competenze e le proprie unicit. Oltre a questo necessario capire come fare ad incarnare al meglio il brand che si vuole rappresentare. Chi vuole (o deve) essere online deve essere coerente al proprio marchio ed efficace nel comunicarlo. Una vera e propria ricerca del personaggio! QUINDI, PRENDI IN MANO IL TUO CELLULARE E COMINCIA A RIPRENDERE!In questo percorso troverai una serie di esercizi pratici che possono fungere anche da training specifici di riscaldamento preset, come di training di ricerca per il tuo ""personaggio"".***COSA FARAI CON CRISTIANAStare di fronte alla telecamera ha le sue difficolt che possono essere risolte con un sano training. Per prepararsi al meglio prima di andare di fronte ad una telecamera possibile migliorare la propria tecnica comunicativa attraverso esercizi mirati. Lo scopo quello di trovare un proprio agio di fronte alla telecamera per evitare di risultare finti, costruiti, lenti o ""scollegati"". Per arricchire le tue potenzialit oratorie scopriremo come esprimerle, liberarle e usarle a tuo vantaggio. Per perfezionare il nostro linguaggio verbale e non verbale, e comunicare in modo efficace la tua unicit professionale, partiremo dalla respirazione, a mio avviso la perfetta chiave di accesso che apre molte porte, e impareremo insieme, a gestirla correttamente. ************************************************************************************QUESTO CORSO FRUIBILE DA SOLO O NELLA SUA VERSIONE TOTALE (cerca il titolo cos composti qui su Udemy):MAKE YOUR VIDEO come stare davanti e dietro alla telecamera I TITOLI DELLE ALTRE SEZIONI DEL CORSO COMPLETO, ACQUISTABILI SINGOLARMENTE, SONO I SEGUENTI (cerca i titoli cos composti qui su Udemy): COME FARE VIDEO: TRUCCHI E SEGRETI - MAKE YOUR VIDEO parte 1FARE WEBINAR, STREAMING, TUTORIAL - MAKE YOUR VIDEO parte 2COME COMUNICARE EFFICACEMENTE DI FRONTE ALLA TELECAMERA Parte 3Il corso totale unisce per la prima volta il mondo dell'audiovideo con quello della comunicazione. Un percorso a 360 per imparare a fare i video in maniera indipendente e imparare a comunicare davanti alla telecamera, con tanti training specifici dedicati al public speaking. Per questo la definiamo un'esperienza che tocca le basi delle varie materie in maniera ampia e molto versatile: teoria, tecnica e pratica, tutto insieme.GESTISCI AL MEGLIO QUELLO CHE STA DIETRO E DAVANTI ALLA TELECAMERA!Se sei un libero professionista questo corso ti insegner a gestire al meglio il linguaggio video per comunicare meglio il tuo messaggio.Se sei docente, insegnante, coach questo percorso ti insegner a fare ottimi video per la formazione.Se sei influencer, youtuber questo percorso ti aiuter a fare video eccezionali per i tuoi fan o per i tuoi clienti. L'ALTRO INSEGNANTE FABRIZIO COSA FARAI CON LUIAnche se non hai mai preso in mano una telecamera scoprirai i segreti dell'audiovisivo che ti permetteranno di essere indipendente nel creare i tuoi video per la tua realt, divertendoti. In queste lezioni imparerai a realizzare video professionali e belli esteticamente rendendo la tua immagine e i tuoi contenuti funzionali alle tue esigenze. Per gestire i tuoi progetti in maniera serena ed efficace, affronteremo insieme tanti argomenti con un approccio interdisciplinare e con molto senso pratico, questo ci permetter di essere diretti, brillanti e comprensibili da tutti.************************************************************************************Vuoi avere altri contenuti oltre a quelli di questo corso?Digita Cool - Cristiana Raggi nella barra di ricerca di Youtube, troverai tanti tutorial e risorse gratuite dedicati alle tecniche del public speaking / parlare in pubblico e alla dizione. E ancora corsi, esercizi, consigli per vincere la paura e la timidezza di parlare davanti ad altre persone: dagli amici, sino alle grandi platee. Ogni mese rispondo alle domande e dubbi degli iscritti con un video che entra nel programma del corso.Iscriviti e non perdere nessun aggiornamento per capire come usare la voce al meglio, in ogni occasione."
Price: 109.99

"Unshakeable Confidence" |
"Discover How The Worlds Top Achievers Dominate Every Aspect Of Their Life With Unshakeable Confidence YES! I WANT TO TRANSFORM MY LIFE NOW!Dear friend,If you are struggling to achieve all your set goals, frustrated with how your life is right now, and you feel that you deserve to get MORE... then you have to pay attention to this.This is not about luck not siding with you, or you were not given the opportunity to level-up your playing field...... its just that you havent conquered this one area of your life.As soon as you gain control over this particular aspect, I can assure you that things will no longer be the same:You will crush all your set goalsYou will dominate every aspect of your lifeYou will lead a happier, fulfilled, and satisfying lifeYou will gain an unfair advantage over any of your competitorsAnd that part of your life that you need to manage is = FEARF.E.A.R. = False Event Appearing RealFear is the one reason thats holding you, and everybody else from getting the success that they dreamed of.Fear slows you down, makes you think twice, it makes you not want to give your very best.Its the one that is holding you back from living your lifes true purpose.Ask yourself whats really stopping you?If youve been wanting to get that promotion, why not ask for it?If youve been wanting to secure that BIG client, why not go for it?If youve been wanting to break Usains Bolt 100m record, why not train for it?Sure, you can come up with thousands of excuses to why you are not living the life that you dream of... but we all know it comes down to one thing. You are afraid.You are afraid that you will fail. You want to save the embarrassment, you dont want to be judged, and you dont want people to make fun of you.But, imagine when you dont have this feeling? Will it be easy for you to reach out for your dreams?Of course, it is! Pay attention, because...Today, Is The Most Important Day For YouYou are going to discover how you can get rid of fear from your life, so theres nothing will hold you back from achieving the success that you deserved.What you are about to discover are the strategies that I personally used & learned from the Worlds TOP Achievers to be at where I am today.These strategies are the reason why I am able to achieve all my goals set in life, enjoy a happier and fulfilled life.With these strategies, I can assure you that you too can achieve all your goals and the success that you craved for.Your frustration ends here.IntroducingUnshakeable ConfidenceThe Secrets To Outliving Your Most Authentic Self""Unshakeable Confidence"" is the ultimate success guide for people who want to progress further in life with unstoppable self-confidence. The key that leads to a successful and fulfilled life is to fight your fears and by developing the self-esteem of a champion This is what this life-changing blueprint is all about.You will discover proven & powerful strategies of the elites use to develop this unshakeable confidence Step-by-step on how to build unshakeable confidence, Actionable exercises to further consolidate your confidence, the secrets to outliving your most authentic self and much more revealed inside this guide.If you want to level up your playing field, achieving all set goals, and creating your own success story... then this is the Ultimate Blueprint you have been looking for.Here are the things you will discover in this transformational program:10 reasons why youll want to ditch your traditional cardio + dumbbells for kettlebells if you want to get strong, lean, and burn fat faster.Discover The 3 Pillars Of Unshakeable ConfidenceThe ONE thing that will stop you from progressing in life (Revealed in Chapter 2)How to develop the dominant voice to silence all the fears whispering to you subconsciouslyHow to stay away from anxiety & depression easily5 powerful strategies successful people use to bounce back from failureWhy having self-confidence will help you overcome all the obstacles & adversities in lifeThe THREE secret languages of rock-solid confident peopleHow successful people are able to shift their mindset instantlyHow to deal with haters that break your self-esteemHow to create your own Success Mantras to achieve anything you want in lifeFOUR simple & actionable steps to build your unshakeable confidenceHow to build your own success tribe of high self-confidenceThis is the Golden Key for those who want to:Write their own success story and achieve the impossibleAchieve all the goals they set for in lifeLevel-up the playing field in their personal and professional livesJoin the ranks of the elites with peerless confidenceLead a happier, fulfilled, and a satisfactory lifeDevelop the self-esteem of a championBe highly motivatedEliminate all fears and negative thoughtsBe more courageous to try and experience new thingsSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 179.99

"Excel Makro Dashboard Eitimi ve Powerpoint Sunumu Oluturma" |
"Excel zerinde dinamik dashboard tablolar oluturup grsel sunumlarnzla fark yaratabileceksiniz.Uzun sren derslerdense etkili olmas iin sadece gerekli olan bilgilerle dolu bir kursta eitim alacaksnz.Bilgi kirlilii olmadan grdklerinizi birebir uygulayarak ksa srede Excel'de neler yapabileceinizi grmek sizi sevindirecek.VBA makro temellerini reneceksiniz.CV zerinde ekinmeden Excel bildiinizi yazabileceksiniz.Toplantlarda dinleyen deil yneten olacaksnz.Hazrsanz ykselmeye balayalm ...."
Price: 389.99

"SAP MM Purchasing (Procurement) Process" |
"In this course, I provided the explanation on below topics. I tried to give business usage examples along with configuration which will be handled by SAP Consultants. I also provided the testing of each process which will be helpful to both SAP Consultants and End Users. PO Output determination video and Auto PO creation will be special to all the audience as these will be helpful for mid level to senior resources also. I provided doubts session videos which helps to clarify few of your questions. - Purchasing Overview- Purchase Requisition- Request for Quotation- Purchase Order- PO Output Determination - Auto PO Creation- Doubts Session on Purchasing"
Price: 49.99

"Crer un podcast qui cartonne !" |
"Durant le confinement +90000 nouvelles chaines de podcast ont t cr !En mai 2020, Spotify a pay +100 millions de dollars un podcasteur amricain pour obtenir lexclusivit de diffusion de ses missions !Ce format de contenu audio est en train de devenir populaire et comme tout nouveau format de contenu populaire, cest au moment de la hype quil faut se lancer pour sassurer une place au soleil.Par exemple :Est-ce que tu connais le point commun entre Norman, Cyprien et Mister V ? (Plus gros YouTubeurs franais).Cest quils se sont lanc sur YouTube au moment o le format vido commenait devenir vraiment populaire.Et pour le podcasting on est exactement dans ce moment !Donc voici la formation Crer un podcast qui cartonne ! qui va te permettre dapprendre crer ton propre podcast tout en tassurant que celui-ci sera une russite.Prt.e.s recevoir un mail de spotify pour te demander une exclusivit ? ?"
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Business" |
"Welcome to the Test prep exam for Introduction to Business.This exam consists of 50 multiple choice based questions. You will have 60 minutes to complete this exam.To pass, you must answer 40 questions correctly out of 50.There are no prerequisites for this exam but it is recommended to study notes and text before attempting to take this exam."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint Start to Finish" |
"This course will provide you with all the skills and tools that you will need to create a truly impressive PowerPoint presentation. The course starts off setting the basic concepts in place. In the first section, you will learn how to create slides and navigate around the PowerPoint interface. Second two explains how to format slides and set up transition themes. The next section explains how to animate slides including advanced techniques. After learning to animate slides, the next section demonstrates how to use charts, diagrams, and photos to enhance your slide show. After these first few steps are complete, the delves into the intricacies of Microsoft PowerPoint, such as Slide Masters, narration, video and sound and much more. The course outline is listed below:The Default ScreenThe RibbonSlide ViewsChanging ViewsSlide ShowMaster SlideCreating Bullet SlidesUsing Formatting OptionsSaving a PresentationCreating a ChartCreating an Organisation ChartInserting an ObjectSlide BuildsSlide TransitionHiding SlidesMoving SlidesCopying SlidesWorking in Outline ViewWorking in Slide Sorter ViewExporting an Outline into WordSetting a Default ThemeChanging BackgroundsAdding DesignsIncluding SoundsAdding Movie ClipsUsing Action ButtonsExporting on to a Web PageCreating a Custom TemplateCreating Notes MasterSaving PowerPoint to CDSetting TimingsUsing the Loop FeatureEmbedding and Linking ObjectsUsing the Drill Down FeatureUsing the Pen OptionCreating HyperlinksRunning a Slide ShowUsing Animation EffectsCreating a TemplatesUsing the Menu OptionsRevisionsUsing Multiple Masters"
Price: 149.99

"Fundamentals of Time Intelligence in DAX" |
"Data Analysis Expression Time Intelligence FunctionsIn this course, you will get an understanding of Data Analysis Expression DAX time intelligence functions with types, examples, illustrations, use cases, and related topicsBy the end of this course, you will get a clear understanding of;-Types of time intelligence functions-Use of number of functions in time intelligence-Specific calculations for time intelligence.-Simple to complex examples.You will definitely love this course because it is simple, easy and takes levels ahead in programming without even noticing :)Good Bye, or if you are looking to connected, use the following.Thank You"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft EXCEL, POWERPOINT, WORD And Windows 10. 4-in-1" |
"This complete collection gives you the most powerful functions in the most used office software suite in the world.1. MICROSOFT EXCEL - BEGINNER TO ADVANCED2. MICROSOFT POWERPOINT - BEGINNER TO ADVANCED3. MICROSOFT WORD - BEGINNER TO ADVANCED4. MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 - BEGINNER TO ADVANCED----------------------------------------------------------1. MICROSOFT EXCEL - BEGINNER TO ADVANCEDDo you have a large amount of data?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On Quickly & Easily Organize & Manage Huge Amounts Of Data Using MS Excel.Are you looking for an easy to use software that can store and retrieve all your financial data in just a few clicks?If the answer is YES, then......then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.The Best Software ForManaging & ReportingI have good news for you...Heard of MS Excel?Excel is the most popular program for managing and reporting data.This is largely due to its availability. All computers with windows have MS Excel installed in them.It is also available on Mac OS, on different mobile devices.With the latest version of Office, Office 365, Excel has become available online.This means that users have access to the program from a range of devices, from almost any location.MS Excel is used by over 1.2 billion people on the planet and if you don't know how to use it yet, then you're missing out big time.Powerful & Very ReliableBefore we go any further, let me give you some insights about MS Excel:1. Excel is a well known spreadsheet creating and editing software.2. Excel was released by Microsoft in 1985. The initial contract was exclusive to Apple, it was not until two years later that the PC version was released.3. In 1991, Microsoft released Excel 3.0 which was the first software to use the modern toolbar.4. Since the 2003 version, over 1.2 billion users use Excel on a daily basis.5. Using the functions and formulas on Excel, users can automatically calculate and update the results on their spreadsheets.6. With basic programing skills, it is possible to use Excel and Visual Basic to create applications that manage tasks, analyze data and add interactive properties on a spreadsheet.7. The 2007 Excel version introduced the ability to save documents in different formats including XLSX files.8. Excel can be used together with some of the Microsoft office tools.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Excel helps you get your work done efficiently.Put together amazing charts and diagrams with Excel.Use Excel to stay on top of the trends.Availability and convenience of Excel.Bring and work on data on one platform.IntroducingManage & Report With ExcelStore, Manage & Retrieve FinancialData In Just Clicks!Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Ms Excel.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Excel Video Training:How to get started with MS Excel.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to create your first sheet and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn how to work with MS Excel templates and properties.How to quickly and easily work with text, formula and others.How to format attractive excel sheets that prints awesomely well.How to use the configuration settings and organize your data properly before working.How to convert your data into graphics and how to make good use of it.Learn how to work with multiple sheets at once to speed up your time.Learn the different techniques involved in creating Excel books like the pros do.Useful tips to become more productive when using MS Excel.Learn the some hidden features within this application to speed up your work.Integrating your work with other applications.Work smarter and accomplish more by using these secret advices that only a few know about.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. MICROSOFT POWERPOINT - BEGINNER TO ADVANCEDDo you have a business proposal to present to your clients?...or maybe you are just an infopreneur looking to sell your knowledge onlineIf your answer is a big yes... then this could be the most important letter you will ever read.Do It Like The ProsDo you know what all the top speakers have in common when they deliver a message to their audience?In one word: Powerpoint.Thats right.They use Powerpoint to present their ideas to the public.Why?Because its super easy to use and its very flexible.Did You Know1. PowerPoint was created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin in 1987, then it was an independent company owned by Forethought, Inc.2. The software was initially developed to work on Macintosh computers only. Microsoft decided to acquire PowerPoint the very same year it was developed, they paid $14million.3. In 1993 PowerPoint became part of Microsoft Office.4. PowerPoint's market share is estimated to be around 95% together with that of Microsoft office.5. Currently, over 500 million people use PowerPoint, with about 30 million presentations being created everyday.6. Over 6 million teachers around the world use PowerPoint for classroom lectures. While more than 120 Million people use PowerPoint to create business presentations.7. PowerPoint is now available as an app across all mobile devices.8. PowerPoint Online is a cloud-based version of PowerPoint that allows users to create, edit, and share PowerPoint presentations. Users can work with others on shared projects, in real-time.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Stay on top of your presentations with PowerPoint mobilePowerPoint online provides the highest level of convenienceMake use of PowerPoint templates in over 40 categories.Keep your thoughts and ideas organized for a presentationKeep the attention and engagement of your audienceIntroducingIdea Presentation With PowerpointHow To Organize & Present Your Ideas With PowerpointTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started on Powerpoint and how to use it organize your ideas with it.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis PowerPoint Video Training:How to get started with Powerpoint.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to create your first presentation slide and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn how to work with Powerpoint templates and backgrounds.How to quickly and easily work with body text and headlines.How to create attractive powerpoint slides that will WOW your audience.How to use the configuration settings and organize your ideas properly in these slides.How to insert graphics in your presentation slides and how to make good use of it.Learn how to clone multiple slides at once to speed up your time.Learn the different techniques involved in creating presentations like the pros do.How to use Powerpoint Animations to impress your audience.How to customize Shapes use Objects in Powerpoint.Learn how to group and ungroup functionalities with your favorite tool.How to create space within Powerpoint shapes and internal marginsHow to add and use quick access toolbar buttonsLearn how to format text, resize and rotate objects easily.How to use the slide structure and how to succeed with it.Learn the different techniques used by top speakers to make their presentation interesting.And many more...----------------------------------------------------------3. MICROSOFT WORD - BEGINNER TO ADVANCEDBrand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Write Better & Faster Using MS Word.Do you want to write better?Do you need a reliable word processing software that will help you create text documents, print them on paper or even save them as PDF files?If the answer is a big YES......then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.The Best On The PlanetI have good news for you...Heard of MS Word.No word processor is as convenient as MS Word. From formatting to split view to tracking changes and project sharing, MS Word just makes things easier.You can work on a document and have other people review and contribute to the content.Even better, you can track all changes made to a Word document and even revert to an earlier version.MS Word is the best word processing software on the planet and if you don't know how to use it yet, then you're missing out big time.90% Market ShareBefore we go any further, let me give you some insights about MS Word:Microsoft first released Word on October 25 1983. When it was released it was known as Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems.From its time of release up to 1994, Word was boasting of an impressive 90% share market.Word has different licenses for different stakeholders. Commercial versions of Word are licensed as a standalone product or as a component of Microsoft Office.Word was made available on Mac and PC, besides these two, the only other desktop platform to be graced with its own version of Word was the Atari ST.AutoCorrect was introduced to the sixth version of Word in 1993. Before then, users had to correct their own typing, spelling and grammar mistakes.In 2013, Microsoft introduced the first touch friendly version of Word.Word is available on mobile devices and online for easy accessibility.Word is included in the latest version of Microsoft Office, Office 365.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Word is available everywhere.Create different file formats using Word.Easy to use and integrate with other tools.Identify and resolve grammar and spelling issues with Word.Word is very convenient.IntroducingWrite Better With WordBetter, Faster, Smarter.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Ms Word.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Word Video Training:How to get started with MS Word.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to create your first document and which features to select when doing it.Learn how to work with MS Word templates and backgrounds.How to quickly and easily work with text, colors and others.How to format attractive word document that prints awesomely well.How to use the configuration settings and organize your ideas properly before writing.How to insert graphics in your documents and how to make good use of it.Learn how to work with multiple documents at once to speed up your time.Learn the different techniques involved in creating word documents like the pros do.Useful tips to become more productive when using MS Word.Learn the some hidden features within this application to speed up your work.Integrating your work with other applications.Work smarter and accomplish more by using these secret advices that only a few know about.And so many more...--------------------------------------------------4. MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 - BEGINNER TO ADVANCEDIt's the best OS available...Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Get Started With Windows 10 In Just Minutes From Now.Used by over 2 billion people daily on the planet...It is recognized to be the gold standard operating system for all PCs.Meet Windows 10.Microsofts FlagshipOperating SystemWindows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft's flagship operating system which was released in 2015.Windows is the most used operating system on the planet; this is probably because it is compatible with most devices.Anywhere you go you are assured of coming across a device running on windows and that makes it possible to work on the go and take some of your software with you without difficulties.Windows 10 is installed on every PC and if you do not know how to use it yet, then you're missing out big time.Superior TechnologyBefore we go any further, let me give you some insights about Windows 10:Windows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft's flagship operating system, it was released in 2015.Windows 10 introduces a range of new apps that can run across multiple Microsoft products including mobile devices and the Xbox One.The interface for Windows 10 was changed to adapt to the touch screen-optimized devices running on Windows operating systems.Windows 10 was developed to power all different kind of devices, including mobile and PC.The Windows 10 interface supports different input devices, the normal analogue input and the new digital touch screen technology.Windows 10 brings back the famous start menu, with new added functionalities of course.According to Microsoft, Windows 10 is that last version of Windows to be released.On Windows 10, Microsoft Edge replaces Internet Explorer.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Windows 10 has a free preview.Windows brought back the start menu.Windows 10 introduces the artificial assistant Cortana.Make use of Windows Virtual Desktops.Windows is compatible with most devices and is the most used operating system.IntroducingGet Started With Window 10The Gold StandardTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Windows 10.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:How to get started with Windows 10.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to create your user account and which features to select when doing it.Learn how to work with your screen resolutions and backgrounds.How to quickly and easily work with fonts, colors and others.How to install programs and add hardware.How to use the configuration settings and organize it according to your preferences.How to find all the vital hardware information you need.Learn how to work with multiple files at once to speed up your time.Learn how to do a scandisk to check and fix errors.Useful tips to become more productive when using Windows 10.Learn some hidden features within this OS to speed up your work.Integrating your work with other applications.Work smarter and accomplish more by using these secret advice that only a few know about.And so much more..."
Price: 199.99

"Creative CSS and Javascript Effects and Animation" |
"In this course i'll teach you how to make awesome and creative banner animation and parallax effects using CSS & Javascript.and many more cool stuff.So in this course you will master css and javascript animations, transitions, and transforms, starting from scratch, and not only that, were also gonna get our hands dirty and create many examples together so that you will get tons of ideas, and lots of inspiration to help you create any complex animation you can think of."
Price: 24.99

"Coaching Ejecutivo - Nivel Universitario" |
"En este curso de Nivel Universitario profundizaremos en las bases y fundamentos del Coaching. Entenderemos las semejanzas y diferencias entre Coaching y mentoring, as tambin como, cul es el papel del coaching actual y las partes que lo componen. Explicaremos en detalle los objetivos del coaching, a quien va dirigido, el perfil, las formaciones y competencias que ste debe poseer.Sabiendo que los comportamientos, competencias y cambios son importantes y necesarios, sigue persistiendo la resistencia a la hora de modificar actitudes predominantes de liderazgo, por este motivo, detallaremos los distintos niveles de modos de aprendizajes para acompaar al coachee en su evolucin y mejora de rendimiento.Gracias a los avances en tecnologa y las nuevas formas de trabajo en las distintas empresas, podemos afirmar que la forma de gestin de las personas ha cambiado drsticamente. El Coaching te ayudar a asegurar el mximo rendimiento en cualquier grupo de trabajo, posicin socioeconmica actual, nivel competencial y dentro de la empresa en la que trabajes. Por este motivo, es necesaria una formacin de lderes con visin estratgica, abiertos para mejorar sus habilidades y con una mentalidad adaptada a este nuevo paradigma empresarial.En este curso podrs ser capaz de:Entender las bases y fundamentos sobre los que se sostiene el coaching.Ahondar en el proceso de coaching y su metodologa.Aprender tcnicas y herramientas especficas para poder optimizar resultados segn objetivos marcados.Mejorar el proceso de comunicacin a travs habilidades y tcnicas que te permitirn conseguir tus metas con mayor efectividad.Tener una visin global y, de este modo, promover el pensamiento crtico.Perfeccionamiento del nivel de liderazgo, gestin de equipos, motivacin y resolucin de conflictos."
Price: 34.99

"How To Sell Knowledge (Online)" |
"How to Sell your Knowledge (Online)Discerption: This course is made to provide an Overview of 15 Different Type of online Methods/streams. The basic knowledge of field, what is the revenue model, how much Income they can expect, what tools and Softwares should be used, and what are the pros and cons of each field.The Real Problem.The real problem is that most of the people Fail while trying to earn online, Because They dont know the Various available options Not aware of various Softwares and tools required (Free & paid) Which Field is most suitable to their own knowledge & skill What are the pros & Cons of that Field?Due to above reasons mostly people try and got fail, the actual problem is not their skill, but lack of knowledge of various options available and to know the right Tools, Resources and Softwares.Purpose of this Course To aware students about 15 different fields, to earn Money online To aware students about Required Tools, resources & Softwares for each field. Giving Income Expectations of Each Field Basic Skills required in each field Giving general Overview of each field To aware students about Pros and Cons of each earning FieldWho should join This courseAny Body who has Basic Knowledge of Computer, and wants to Generate Online Income.Minimum requirement.In this Video course we are explaining the different fields and Minimum requirement of each field itself.We are providing general Idea of each field, although it would be beyond course criteria to provide much technicalities of each field.Yes, you will get Good Knowledge of all the different 15 Methods/Fields to earn online.So if you are trying it hard, or getting started to make online income, then you should go through this course onceSo that You get right approach to right field as per your Skill and Taste You can get Right Tools, Resources and Softwares to before starting You have basic idea of income estimations It will save lots of Time & Energy for you, instead of Self researching on InternetAt the End of this section you will be able to know, how to earn Money by Selling Photos online, what type of images, what equipments, How Much You can earn, and Where to Sell Photos Online."
Price: 10880.00

"ISTQB Agile Tester Certification Exam Preparation Course" |
"This course will provide you with all the tools that you need to prepare an successfully pass the ISTQB Agile Tester Certification exam. The Agile Tester certification, will greatly boost your understanding of Agile and boost your career opportunities. I will cover in detail the information below. The certification for Foundation Level Extension Agile Tester is designed for professionals who are working within Agile. It is also for professionals who are planning to start implementing Agile methods in the near future, or are working within companies that plan to do so, The certification provides an advantage for those who would like to know the required Agile activities, roles, methods, and methodologies specific to their role.The Foundation Level Extension Agile Tester qualification is aimed at four main groups of professionals: 1. Professionals who have achieved in-depth testing experience in traditional methods and would like to get an Agile Tester Certificate. 2. Junior professional testers who are just starting in the testing profession, have received the Foundation Level certificate, and would like to know more about the testers role in an Agile environment. 3. Professionals who are relatively new to testing and are required to implement test approaches, methods and techniques in their day to day job in Agile projects. 4. Professionals who are experienced in their role (including unit testing) and need more understanding and knowledge about how to perform and manage testing on all levels in Agile projects. These professionals include people who are in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers, and software developers. This Foundation Level Extension Agile Tester certification may also be appropriate for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of software testing in the Agile world, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors, and management consultantsThe following content will be covered:Chapter 1: Agile Software Development The tester should remember the basic concept of Agile software development based on the Agile Manifesto. The tester should understand the advantages of the whole-team approach and the benefits of early and frequent feedback. The tester should recall Agile software development approaches. The tester should be able to write testable user stories in collaboration with developers and business representatives. The tester should understand how retrospectives can be used as a mechanism for process improvement in Agile projects. The tester should understand the use and purpose of continuous integration. The tester should know the differences between iteration and release planning, and how a tester adds value in each of these activities.Chapter 2: Fundamental Agile Testing Principles, Practices, and Processes The tester should be able to describe the differences between testing activities in Agile projects and non-Agile projects. The tester should be able to describe how development and testing activities are integrated in Agile projects. The tester should be able to describe the role of independent testing in Agile projects. The tester should be able to describe the tools and techniques used to communicate the status of testing in an Agile project, including test progress and product quality. The tester should be able to describe the process of evolving tests across multiple iterations and explain why test automation is important to manage regression risk in Agile projects. The tester should understand the skills (people, domain, and testing) of a tester in an Agile team. The tester should be able to understand the role of a tester within an Agile team. Chapter 3: Agile Testing Methods, Techniques, and Tools The tester should be able to recall the concepts of test-driven development, acceptance testdriven development, and behavior-driven development. The tester should be able to recall the concepts of the test pyramid. The tester should be able to summarize the testing quadrants and their relationships with testing levels and testing types. For a given Agile project, the tester should be able to work as a tester in a Scrum team. The tester should be able to assess quality risks within an Agile project. The tester should be able to estimate testing effort based on iteration content and quality risks. The tester should be able to interpret relevant information to support testing activities. The tester should be able to explain to business stakeholders how to define testable acceptance criteria. Given a user story, the tester should be able to write acceptance test-driven development test cases. For both functional and non-functional behavior, the tester should be able to write test cases using black box test design techniques based on given user stories. The tester should be able to perform exploratory testing to support the testing of an Agile project. The tester should be able to recall different tools available to testers according to their purpose and to activities in Agile projects."
Price: 99.99

". YouTube?" |
", , . - - , , , , . , , . - - ! , ."
Price: 29.99

"WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? An IELTS student who is aiming to score 6.5 or above and wants to quickly improve their speaking band score. The course contains short lessons and quizzes that will help you to increase your band score in just a couple of hours. *Please watch the sample lessons before purchasing to know if this course is for you. WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO DO AFTER COMPLETING THIS COURSE?Know what the examiner needs to hear to give you a high band score. Apply strategies in all parts of the IELTS speaking test that will increase your band score. Use idioms and fluency markers in a natural way. Use some less common tenses and vocabulary that will impress the examiner. Use structures to make sure your answers are fully-developed and organised. WHO IS THE INSTRUCTOR? My name is Mal. I am a native-speaking English structure currently living in Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam!I am a CELTA-qualified instructor and I have been teaching adults for more than 5 years. I have taught business English and conversational English, but I now focus on IELTS exam preparation. I believe in making courses as simple as possible to help students achieve their goals quickly. My courses are short and only include important information so that you can get on with using English instead of studying it.COURSE OUTLINE01 INTRODUCTION TO IELTS SPEAKINGIn this section, you will learn the basics of the IELTS speaking test and what the examiner is listening for.02 STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSIn this section, you will learn specific strategies that will help to improve your band score in all parts of the IELTS speaking exam. This section covers top tips for increasing your band score in fluency and coherence, lexical resource and grammar. 03 PART 1In this section, you will learn specific tips to help you in part 1 speaking. You will then see how these strategies are applied and improve your vocabulary by watching and listening to sample answers.04 PART 2In this section, you will learn specific tips to help you in part 2 speaking. You will then see how these strategies are applied and improve your vocabulary by watching and listening to sample answers05 PART 3 In this section, you will learn specific tips to help you in part 3 speaking. You will then see how these strategies are applied and improve your vocabulary by watching and listening to sample answers."
Price: 39.99

"YouTube Advance Level Course to Make a Lots of Money 2020" |
"In this course you will learn from Basic to Advance YouTube things. We start with basic introduction and important tips to start YouTube channel and through the course we will discuss the all amazing features of YouTube. Further into the course we will start to combine all the amazing features. That is where the power of YouTube will be unleashed!We also have a section with a lot of different projects i have done in the past so you can see how amazing YouTube is! This course continue to grow. When you bought it, you will have free updates when the course expands."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Teclado DE UMA VEZ POR TODAS!" |
"Este curso tem o intudo de ensinar tudo o que o aluno precisa saber para comear a aprender a tocar teclado de forma prtica e sem enrolao. O curso vitalcio e voc acessa as aulas quando quiser. Alm disso, s paga uma vez.O ideal que seja feita 1 aula por dia, assim, voc estar capaz de tocar suas primeiras msicas em menos de 2 meses.Antes de comprar o curso, consulte a Grade Curricular do Curso que funciona tambm como uma descrio das aulas, assim, voc poder se certificar de que este o curso perfeito para voc!Neste mdulo, abordaremos sobre as notas maiores e menores e tambm as suas escalas.Ao final do curso voc ser capaz de tocar 90% das msicas, mas tudo depende do tanto que voc se dedica nos seus estudos.Sucesso nos seus estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"The Old Testament Hebrew Names of God" |
"This insightful course covers all the Major Names of God from the Old Testament. It Covers the El Names as well as the Jehova Names, names like El Shaddai, El Elyon, Elohim or Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah Shalom, and many more. This course is for anyone who Loves the Names of God, or anyone completely new to these names. If God then knows each of us by our names, shouldn't we know Him by His? Proverbs 18:10 King James Version (KJV)10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe."
Price: 24.99

"Biblical Truths regarding Heavenly Angels" |
"The course was created with the idea, that the student would have their Bible, the word of God, their sword, close to them, and open before them so that they can look up, refer to, and read scriptures and Bible passages, as referenced throughout the course. This will bring a much deeper experience, and understanding of the message of Angels, and will be worth all the hard work and potential reading ahead. The course can be done, by simply going through the video's, but would lose some Depth and the potential impact that this course can have on your life. We will discuss Angels through a Truthful and Biblical perspective, with solid biblical referencing throughout the course, subjects and referencing would look something like this: These superior beings are very numerous. Thousand thousands (millions) innumerable, etc. (Daniel 7:10; Matthew 26:53; Luke 2:13; Hebrews 12:22-23).They have different ranks in dignity and power (Zechariah 1:9, 11; Dan. 10:13; 12:1; 1 Thess. 4:16; Jude 1:9; Ephesians 1:21; Col. 1:16).They are spirits (Hebrews 1:14), as the soul of man, but without a physical body, although they can sometimes take on the appearance of a human (some have entertained angels without knowing it Hebrews 13:2 NASB).Such expressions as like the angels (Luke 20:36), and the fact that whenever angels appeared to man it was always in a human form (Genesis 18:2; 19:1, 10; Luke 24:4; Acts 1:10), and the titles that are applied to them (sons of God, Job 1:6; 38:7; Dan. 3:25; compare 28) and to men (Luke 3:38), all seem to indicate some resemblance between them and the human race.Angels never die (Luke 20:36).They possess superhuman intelligence and power (Mark 13:32; 2 Thess. 1:7; Psalm 103:20).They are called holy (Luke 9:26), elect (1 Timothy 5:21).The redeemed in glory will be like the angels (Luke 20:36).They are not to be worshipped (Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10)."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe InDesign Advanced Keyboard Shortcuts" |
"If you have been working on Adobe InDesign for years, but have not gone in-depth with the keyboard shortcuts that are available or only knowing a few, then this course is for you, improve your keyboard skills in Adobe InDesign, and improve your productivity.We will be going through the most productive keyboard shortcuts one by one, with a sample video of how this would work in an Adobe InDesign document.Not only will you learn some of the powerful Adobe InDesign shortcuts, but this course will bring to your remembrance some of the tools and features that Adobe InDesign has to offer. "
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Java Programming" |
"This course suits for every students who have interest to start Java from Scratch and master it. In this course , each and every concept has been explained clearly with standard content. Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based and object-oriented, and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need of recompilation. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture. The syntax of Java is similar to C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them. As of 2019, Java was one of the most popular programming languages in use according to GitHub, particularly for client-server web applications, with a reported 9 million developers."
Price: 12800.00

"Learn Azure Cosmos DB basics this weekend in 3 hour" |
"Why should I learn Cosmos DB?Microsoft's Azure Cosmos DB is becoming an essential tool for creating powerful global web and mobile applications. Today's applications are required to be highly responsive and always online. To achieve low latency and high availability, instances of these applications need to be deployed in data centers that are close to their users. Applications need to respond in real-time to large changes in usage at peak hours, store ever-increasing volumes of data and make this data available to users in milliseconds.This course will teach you, Cosmos DB concept and environment. You will be able to create an account, change configurations according to best practices, and add/modify data using UI.Expected OutcomesAfter this course:You will have a decent understanding of Azure Cosmos DB Service in generalYou will learn Cosmos DB architecture and how horizontal partitioning helps scale Cosmos DB unlimitedly. You will learn the advantages of Cosmos DB Automatic Indexing and Time to Live conceptsYou will learn Cosmos DB Global distribution, Multi-master, and Failover conceptsYou will learn Cosmos DB 5 consistency levelIntended AudienceAnyone interested in learning Azure Cosmos DB ServiceLevelBeginners levelPrerequisitesThere is no prerequisite for this courseLanguageEnglishIf you are not comfortable in English, please do not take a course, captions are not good enough to understand the course.What's insideVideo lectures, PPTs, Demo Resources, Quiz, Assignment, other important linksFull lifetime access with all future updatesCertificate of course completion30-Day Money-Back GuaranteeSome students FeedbackOne of the most amazing courses i have ever taken on Udemy. Please don't hesitate to take this course. The instructor is really professional and has a great experience about the subject of the course. - Khadija BadaryVery nicely explained most of the concepts. a must have course for beginners - Manoranjan SwainI appreciate this course explaining everything in great detail for a beginner. This will assist me in overcoming challenges at my work - Benjamin CurtisGood course for Beginners. Labs are really helpful to grasp the concept. Thank you - Sapna"
Price: 19.99

"Improve Your Python by taking Python Quiz" |
"Improve your python skills by taking this course. This practice test is being made for the ones who is seeking to appear for competitive technical related job fields. This practice paper will help you to figure out your weak areas and you can work on it to upgrade your knowledge."
Price: 19.99
