"Importao: Estratgias de Mestre no Aliexpress e Shopee" |
"''Em dois anos vo existir dois tipos de empresas: As que fazem negcios pela internet e as que esto fora dos negcios.'' - Bill GatesVoc tem vontade de ter uma loja EXTREMAMENTE INOVADORA e com produtos completamente fora do normal, onde com um toque de marketing, voc vai fazer MILHARES de pessoas comprarem produtos que elas dificilmente vo encontrar em uma loja de varejo em sua cidade?Esse o grande potencial do ALIEXPRESS um site onde voc vai encontrar os mais INOVADORES produtos, para as mais diversas necessidades humanas e nisso voc pode est conseguindo uma RENDA EXTRA com importao e assim vendendo produtos em sua cidade pelo INSTAGRAM.Nesse curso eu vou te mostrar como criar uma loja no INSTAGRAM, criar sua logomarca e fazer a postagem de seus produtos. Alm de que eu vou te ensinar como encontrar os produtos mais DIFERENCIADOS do mercado da importao. Ento se voc est afim de montar sua loja na rede social mais usada do brasil, conquistar clientes utilizando a internet e vender produtos fsicos em sua cidade, eu te espero dentro do curso de importao no aliexpress."
Price: 54.99

"Encouragement Consultant for Couple Certified Training Part3" |
"You're required to purchase all 4 parts at the same time to finish this course. Most of the time, people are trying to use marriage, as a way to combine two incomplete people into one complete community. This way of thinking hampered the independence and self-growth for both sides, and eventually lead to imbalance, pain and inharmony in marriage and individual.So how can we operate our marriage in a healthy way?In Encouragement Consultant for Couple, marriage is treated as the decision made by two respectively complete individual, who are willing to infill positive energy into each other's life. The goal of the relationship is to nurture and cherish each other, while loving ourselves, and provide a safe harbor to endure growth and changes.A brand new knowledge of marriage, starts with your actions!"
Price: 199.99

"Encouragement Consultant for Couple Certified Training Part4" |
"You're required to purchase all 4 parts at the same time to finish this course. Most of the time, people are trying to use marriage, as a way to combine two incomplete people into one complete community. This way of thinking hampered the independence and self-growth for both sides, and eventually lead to imbalance, pain and inharmony in marriage and individual.So how can we operate our marriage in a healthy way?In Encouragement Consultant for Couple, marriage is treated as the decision made by two respectively complete individual, who are willing to infill positive energy into each other's life. The goal of the relationship is to nurture and cherish each other, while loving ourselves, and provide a safe harbor to endure growth and changes.A brand new knowledge of marriage, starts with your actions!"
Price: 199.99

"MB0-001 Mobility CompTIA + Certification Practice Exam" |
"283 UNIQUE practice questions for MB0-001 Mobility CompTIA + Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : MB0-001 Mobility CompTIA + Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 283Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : 75 (212 of 283)"
Price: 174.99

"PEGACSSA-V6-2 Certify Senior System Architect Practice Exam" |
"190 UNIQUE practice questions for PEGACSSA-V6-2 Certify Senior System Architect Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PEGACSSA-V6-2 Certify Senior System Architect Practice ExamTotal Questions : 190Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (142 of 190)"
Price: 159.99

"Educao Financeira - Viva sem dvidas" |
"Neste curso voc aprender como organizar sua vida financeira. Ir aprender a organizar seus gastos e utilizar seu dinheiro de forma mais racional e planejada. Os alunos aprendero a fazer um Oramento Pessoal ou Familiar e com isto, criar um Plano de Investimentos para suas vidas que ajudar, e muito, a evitar dores de cabea com dvidas e juros.Tambm ser ensinado como fazer o planejamento financeiro para garantir a realizao projetos importantes na vida com a educao dos filhos, a aquisio da casa prpria ou mesmo estar financeiramente preparado para momentos como o desemprego.Um curso simples e de fcil entendimento que ir colocar sua Inteligncia Financeira em outro patamar."
Price: 99.99

"Beautiful russian ballet for beginners" |
"This ballet course is ideal for beginners. All the important steps of ballet are explaned in a very simple way. This course can be done both and in the professional ballet class. The first part of the course consists of the basic steps and the second part of basic movements and stretching. During this course you will improve your body posture, you will lose weight, you will fill with energy and well-being."
Price: 19.99

"100jel nail" |
Price: 12000.00

"Unofficial Udemy 6 figure side hustle" |
"Make your mark in the universe, and become financially independent while adding value to peopleThis course is for you if you want to start creating courses and don't know where to startFind out how you can create courses even if you are not an expert Learn the exact mindset that sets you apart from your competition Simple but proven strategies from a successful instructor on udemyYou have ever dreamt of creating a lifestyle of your dreams by adding value to other people, whether you are a technology specialist, manager, or artist, now is the best time to do so. The recent disruptions due to covid-19 mean that people are more receptive, with more time to learn. A good entrepreneur can make the best use of this time to get ahead. If you have a specific area of expertise, I will show you how you can turn your passion in to profit. Whatever your background, I will show you the exact steps to follow, create content, and create a profitable business online. Even if you are a newbie and have background or skills or expertise, I will show you how you can find the right people to turn your dream into a reality. I will show you the exact step-by-step formula I have followed to create my courses, make them valuable to your audience, and how you can make them profitable. If you follow all the steps, you will be on your way to making 6 figures from your home (or from a beach) within a few months to a year. All you need is a firm commitment to yourself, to become financially independent."
Price: 79.99

"Entrepreneur Marketing Strategies 101" |
"Marketing & PromotionsIn this course... You will learn key marketing, sales, and promotional fundamentals, principles and strategies. Find effective ways that you make sales, obtain clients, and customers. You will learn from CEO/Founder of Epiphany Consulting Works a successful consulting business. Gain access to free material and books that will help you start your own blog, land major figure deals, and understand the latest marketing trends. This course covers the following topics...AUDIENCEYOUYOUR PRODUCTKNOW, LIKE, & TRUSTSELF PROMOTION and more...Part 2a: Marketing Strategies that WorkDIVERSITYDIFFERENTIATIONPRICINGand more...Part 2b: More StrategiesA GOOD LISTENERTAKE THE CALLSTRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS.CONCENTRATIONCONSISTENCYand more...."
Price: 104.99

"InfraWorks Nivel Intermedio aplicado a Intersecciones Viales" |
"En este curso describimos la teora y modelacin de intersecciones en InfraWorks , modelamos todos los elementos que componen la inteerseccin, la forma de interseccin en cruz y rotondas, tambin las intersecciones a desnivel y los distribuidores, Todo esto observando cmo el software sigue la normativa AASHTO. Y adems la retroalimentacin es importante, si deseas una leccin que se aaadida al curso no dudes en comentarlo."
Price: 39.99

"Curso bsico: Arduino" |
"Bienvenidos al curso bsico de arduino. El curso comenzar desde que es arduino, lectura y escritura de datos, uso de sensores y actuadores hasta como hacer una aplicacin mvil sencilla que permita conectar arduino con nuestro telfono usando tecnologa bluetooth.Son 12 secciones, cada seccin contiene videos tericos y prcticos de 5 minutos aproximadamente.No olviden revisar los recursos de cada episodio.Espero que el curso sea de su agrado."
Price: 19.99

"Talend Open Studio - Big Data est un outil gratuit et open source pour traiter vos donnes trs facilement dans un environnement Big Data. Vous disposez de nombreux composants Big Data disponibles dans Talend Open Studio, qui vous permettent de crer et d'excuter des jobs Hadoop par simple glisser-dposer de quelques composants Hadoop.De plus, nous n'avons pas besoin d'crire de grandes lignes de codes MapReduce; Talend Open Studio Big data vous aide le faire avec les composants qu'il contient. Il gnre automatiquement du code MapReduce pour vous, il vous suffit de glisser-dposer les composants et de configurer quelques paramtres.Il vous donne galement la possibilit de vous connecter plusieurs distributions de Big Data comme Cloudera, HortonWorks, MapR, Amazon EMR et mme Apache.En commenant par comprendre comment traiter une grande quantit de donnes l'aide des composants Talend Big Data, vous apprendrez ensuite comment crire des procdures de travail dans HDFS. Vous verrez ensuite comment utiliser les projets Hadoop pour traiter les donnes et comment exporter les donnes vers votre systme de base de donnes relationnelle prfr.Vous apprendrez comment implmenter des jobs Hive ELT, des jobs d'agrgation et de filtrage et des jobs Sqoop simples l'aide de la palette de composants Talend Big Data. Vous apprendrez galement les bases de l'analyse des sentiments sur Twitter et les instructions pour formater les donnes avec Apache Hive.Talend for Big Data vous permettra de commencer immdiatement travailler sur des projets de Big Data, des projets de traitement simples aux projets complexes utilisant des modles de Big Data communs."
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning - Python : La formation complte" |
"Le monde a t obsd par les termes apprentissage automatique et apprentissage profond rcemment. Nous utilisons ces technologies tous les jours avec ou notre insu grce des suggestions, des traductions, des publicits, des recommandations de films, des suggestions d'amis, des ventes et des expriences client de Google. Il y a aussi des tonnes d'autres applications! Pas tonnant que les spcialistes de l'apprentissage profond et de l'apprentissage automatique, ainsi que les praticiens de la science des donnes, soient les talents les plus recherchs dans le monde de la technologie. Cependant, c'est une ide fausse commune que vous devez tudier beaucoup de mathmatiques, de statistiques et d'algorithmes complexes pour apprendre ces technologies. C'est comme croire que vous devez apprendre le fonctionnement d'un moteur combustion avant d'apprendre conduire une voiture. Un savoir-faire de base du fonctionnement interne du moteur est bien sr un avantage supplmentaire, mais ce n'est pas obligatoire.De mme, ce cours est un quilibre parfait entre l'apprentissage des concepts de base de l'apprentissage en profondeur et la mise en uvre des classes et des fonctions intgres d'apprentissage en profondeur de la bibliothque Tensorflow l'aide du langage de programmation Python. Ces classes, fonctions et API sont exactement comme les pdales de commande d'un moteur de voiture, que vous pouvez utiliser pour crer un modle d'apprentissage en profondeur efficace. Il s'agit d'un cours intensif de base avanc sur l'apprentissage en profondeur, les rseaux de neurones et les rseaux de neurones convolutifs utilisant Tensorflow et Python. Cela aidera vos comptences rpondre la demande du monde de la technologie et montera en flche vos perspectives de carrire."
Price: 199.99

"Excel for business: Upper-Intermediate" |
"Hello and welcome to my course!Excel is undoubtedly one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently operate it means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. In this third course of my Excel for Business series, you will continue to learn and practise using some of the most powerful features Excel has to offer. When you have successfully completed this course, you will be able to:- Check for and prevent errors in spreadsheets; - Create powerful automation in spreadsheets; - Apply advanced formulas and conditional logic to help make informed business decisions; - Create spreadsheets that help forecast and model data.I will be with you every step of the way, guide you through each section with real-life Excel problems and how to fix them.So please sit back, relax, and let's take charge of Excel."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Power BI: ETL, Anlisis e Inteligencia de Negocios" |
"El mundo va en evolucin constante a una velocidad increble y con ello las empresas estn adoptando nuevas tecnologas que les permita crecer (o tener una mejora sostenida) y no morir en el intento.Una de estas tecnologas son las de Inteligencia de Negocios (BI), herramientas que les permiten conocer cmo se encuentran los diferentes procesos, cmo son percibidos por los diferentes clientes, cual es el impacto que estn teniendo en las diferentes redes sociales y como si fuera poco proyectar y definir estrategias en un corto, mediano y largo plazo.En este curso podrs realizar todo lo anterior y mucho ms, ya que te enseare de manera practica y detallada todo lo que debes de tener en cuenta para construir desde cero un informe gerencial partiendo desde la consulta de los datos a los diferentes sistemas de informacin utilizando la herramienta Power Query, luego transformaremos los datos para finalmente ser cargados al modelo de Power BI.En Power BI ser el lugar donde integraremos los diferentes orgenes para posteriormente crear las diferentes medidas o indicadores utilizando de manera correcta el lenguaje DAX, por ultimo y no menos importante te enseare la manera adecuada de crear informes agregando de manera correcta las diferentes visualizaciones para que la persona que consume del informe pueda entenderlo, correlacionar diferentes indicadores, analizar de manera adecuada la informacin y finalmente tomar decisiones que impacten de manera positiva la empresa o negocio.Para que puedas dominar todo esto, primero te enseare los conceptos, funciones, conexiones, limpieza de datos y un largo largo etc, seguido de ello realizaremos pequeos ejercicios prcticos para que te quede mucho mas claro las explicaciones dadas y finalmente desarrollaremos proyectos donde puedas poner en practica todo lo aprendido.Como si fuera poco en este curso te brindare diferentes tips tanto para el consumo de datos como para la integracin y presentacin de los mismos, tambin ir subiendo nuevas clases con las actualizaciones mensuales ms importantes que realiza el equipo de desarrolladores de Power BI.Te deseo mucho xito.Alvaro Ospina"
Price: 69.99

"IoT Experiments Using Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi" |
"In this course, you will perform experiments and will derive insights on your own on the Internet of Things. You will use several sensors like Temperature sensor, Weather monitoring, Water Level, Motion Detection and Image Capture etc. You will use both Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi to perform experiments. The outcomes of this course include a practical understanding of how Arduino Uno & Raspberry Pi work and thorough clarity on the Internet of Things.Internet of Things:The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect and exchange data, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, and reduced human exertions.The number of IoT devices increased 31% year-over-year to 8.4 billion in 2017 and it is estimated that there will be 30 billion devices by 2020. The global market value of IoT is projected to reach $7.1 trillion by 2020.IoT involves extending Internet connectivity beyond standard devices, such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, to any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and interact over the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled.Sensors:Sensors are sophisticated devices that are frequently used to detect and respond to electrical or optical signals. A Sensor converts the physical parameter (for example temperature, blood pressure, humidity, speed, etc.) into a signal which can be measured electrically.PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSThe versatility of IoT has become very popular in recent years. There are many advantages to having a device based on IoT. Mckinsey Global Institute reports that IoT business will reach 6.2 trillion in revenue by 2025. There are lots of applications that are available in the market in different areas.1) Personal Home Automation System: Home Automation system is the major example in this area.Wemo Switch Smart Plug: It is the most useful device which connected home devices in the Switch, a smart plug. It plugs into a regular outlet, accepts the power cable from any device, and can be used to turn it on and off on hit a button on your smartphone.2) Enterprise: In the enterprise area many applications are there Like environmental monitoring system, smart environment etc.Nest Smart Thermostat: It is connected to the internet. The Nest learns automatically your familys routines and will automatically adjust the temperature based on your activities, to make your house more efficient. There is also a mobile app that allows the user to edit temperature and schedules.3) Utilities: smart metering, smart grid, and water monitoring system are the most useful applications in the various utility area.4) Energy Management: Advanced Metering Infrastructure is a major example in this area.5) Medical and Health Care: Remote health monitoring and emergency notification system are examples of IOT in the medical field.Health patch Health Monitor: It can be used for the patient who cant go to doctors, letting them get ECG, heart rate, respiratory rate, skin temperature, body posture, fall detection, and activity readings remotely.6) Transportation: The electronic toll collection system is the most useful example in this area.7) Large scale deployment: There are various large projects ongoing in the world. Songdo (South Korea), the first of its kind fully wired Smart City, is near completion. Everything in this city is planned to be wired, connected, and turned into a data stream that would be monitored by an array of computers without any human interaction.Another example is the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City work on improving air and water quality. French company Sigfox commenced building an ultra-narrowband wireless data network in the San Francisco Bay area in 2014.Another example is the one completed by New York Waterways in New York City to connect all their vessels and being able to monitor them 24/7.So these are large applications that are present in the market which is based on IoT. This world is going to become a better place to live with more communication with everyone. In the near future a large number of devices connected to the internet and provide great facilities to the world.FUTURE SCOPE OF IOTAccording to Gartner (an information technology research and advisory firm), consumer applications will drive the number of connected things, while Enterprise will account for most of the revenue. Gartner estimated that 2.9 billion connected things are in use in the consumer sector in 2015 and would increase to over 13 billion by 2020.The UK Government allocated 40,000,000 towards research into the Internet of Things in their 2015 budget. The British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne posited that the Internet of Things is the next stage of the information revolution and referenced the interconnectivity of everything from civil transport to healing devices to home appliances.IOT - the new revolutionWhen we look at todays state of technologies, we get a clear indication of how IoT will be implemented on a global level in the near future. The use of the internet is increasing day-by-day. Commute and connectivity became easier in the present scenario. In the near future, the number of internet-connected devices would increase exponentially.Although there are some issues in IoT. These issues can be removed in the near future. With such rapid growth, the day is not too far that we can decide our dinner even before reaching home on the way."
Price: 99.99

"AWS S3, IAM, EC2, Lambda i DynamoDb - podstawy AWS 2020" |
"Cze! W tym kursie chciabym przedstawi Ci podstawy platformy Amazon Web Services.Jestem certyfikowanym developerem AWS i rozwijam aplikacje w chmurze w oparciu o technologie takie jak S3, DynamoDb, Lambda czy EC2. S t podstawowe technologie w portfolio produktw AWS i w tym kursie chciabym je przybliy. Ten kurs, oprcz funkcjonalnoci poszczeglnych serwisw, omawia take, jak praktycznie zaprogramowa aplikacje webowe przy uyciu SDK AWS. rodowiskiem, ktrym bdziemy si posugiwa do tworzenia naszych aplikacji, jest popularny Node.js. Tre kursu jest nastpujca: najpierw zajmiemy si rejestracj i AWS IAM, czyli tworzenia i ustalania uprawnie uytkownikw. Nastpnie poka, w jaki sposb mona zautomatyzowa prac przy pomocy interfejsu konsoli. W kolejnych rozdziaach omawiamy S3, DynamoDb, a take Lambda i porednio Api Gateway. Dla kadego z tych rozdziaw przygotowaem praktyczne podsumowanie w postaci prostego projektu, gdzie w praktyczny sposb wykorzystujemy nasz wiedz.Jeli chcesz rozpocz swoj przygod z Amazon Web Services i potrzebujesz wprowadzenia w postaci kursu nakierowanego na praktyczn nauk, ten kurs jest dla Ciebie."
Price: 19.99

"First met React(Only covers the basic fundamentals of React)" |
"To those who want to learn how to React.React is a very powerful and simple framework, but if you go deep, there's a lot to learn.But you don't have to learn all that from the beginning.In this course, you will learn only the core of React, excluding all the difficult parts.It's a very wise choice to start React through this course."
Price: 19.99

"Big Data : Hadoop HDFS Spark HBASE MapReduce NoSql de A Z" |
"Le Big Data a attir beaucoup d'attention de la part des chercheurs et de l'industrie informatique.Avez-vous besoin de comprendre le Big Data et son impact sur votre monde? Cette formation est pour vous. Vous comprendrez mieux les informations que les donnes volumineuses peuvent fournir. L'exprience de programmation prcdente n'est pas requise! Vous serez guid travers les bases de l'utilisation de Hadoop avec MapReduce, Spark, Pig et Hive et de leur architecture. En suivant le code fourni, vous dcouvrirez comment effectuer une modlisation HBASE ou encore monter un cluster Hadoop multi Serveur. Nous dvelopperont des traitements des donnes Big Data via le langage JAVA, Python, Scala."
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning : Rseaux de Neurones Artificiels de A-Z" |
"Le Deep Learning permet un apprentissage efficace et prcis partir d'une norme quantit de donnes. Cette formation vous aidera surmonter un certain nombre de dfis en utilisant divers algorithmes et architectures d'apprentissage en profondeur(Deep Learning ) avec la programmation Python. Le Deep Learning est un sous-ensemble populaire du machine learning, et il vous permet de crer des modles complexes plus rapides et de fournir des prdictions plus prcises. Cette formation sera votre compagnon pour faire vos premiers pas dans le monde de l'apprentissage en profondeur(deep learning), avec des exemples pratiques pour amliorer votre comprhension du sujet. Ce formation commence par un bref aperu de l'apprentissage automatique(ML) et de l'apprentissage en profondeur (DL) et comment construire votre premier rseau neuronal. Vous comprendrez l'architecture de divers algorithmes d'apprentissage en profondeur et leurs domaines applicables, apprendrez crer des modles d'apprentissage en profondeur, optimiser les hyperparamtres et valuer les performances du modle. Diverses applications d'apprentissage en profondeur dans le traitement d'images, le traitement du langage naturel (NLP), les systmes de recommandation et l'analyse prdictive seront galement couvertes. la fin de cette formation, vous aurez une solide comprhension de tous les concepts essentiels de l'apprentissage en profondeur. Avec l'aide des exemples et du code fournis dans cette formation, vous serez quip pour construire vos propres modles de deep learning avec plus de confiance."
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes" |
"Note: The instructor of the course has the second language English proficiency, so before enrolling in the course please go through the sample videos. The course also demands an understanding of the Engineering Mathematics part.Welcome to this course!!The course will develop a basic understanding of various manufacturing processes carried out in industries. The following are the topics which will be covered in the course:WEEK 1: Casting FabricationWEEK 2: Metal CastingWEEK 3: Metal Forming WEEK 4: Sheet Metal FormingWEEK 5: Welding ProcessWEEK 6: Metal CuttingWEEK 7: Non-destructive testing"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Rust by Building Real Applications" |
"You have probably heard of the Rust Programming Language - a modern systems language that is blazingly fast, guarantees memory safety without the use of a garbage collector and most importantly is fun to write. It has a great community and excellent tooling. These are just some of the reasons why Rust was voted the most loved programming language for five years in a row. Rust is the proof that systems programmers can have nice things.In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Rust. The format will be a bit different than most other courses. Instead of jumping between unrelated concepts in every video and showing examples that have nothing to do with the real world use of the language, we will learn entirely through practice. Together we will build real Rust applications and introduce new concepts when we need them to solve actual problems.To start there will be a short theoretical section on low level memory management.Then to introduce the basics of Rust we will build a simple command line application. This will provide us with the necessary knowledge to tackle a much larger project.For our big project we will build a working HTTP server from scratch. We will write our custom implementation of the HTTP protocol and we will build a functioning web server with it. This will let us introduce all of the fundamental and some advanced features of the Rust language."
Price: 104.99

"Power Query 2 - Building an Instant Consolidation" |
"If you find it takes ages to consolidate data from various sources and process them before generating a report, or if your report users always ask you to provide snap-shots of certain entities or periods, and you may want to have a quicker way of consolidation and a one-size-fits-all report for your report consumers, then this course is for you.Join me in the course:- to learn the powerful formulas and advanced functions in Power Query- to learn how to build an instant consolidation model from scratch- to understand how to automate your Power Query model for Self-service Reporting!It does not matter if you are an Excel novice, or an Excel Advanced user, everyone is sure to learn something new, I can guarantee you on that, as this happened to me time and time again when I tuned in to other masters Excel lessons.PS: Excel 2010 and newer is needed for this course."
Price: 99.99

"Mini Importation Business Academy." |
"Learn how to start the Mini Importation Business. This course features an eight module video content on all you need to be equipped with, to be on the right path in the business of Mini Importation.You will get a better insight on Mini Importation, knowing the tools and productivity apps needed, product sourcing and different types of shipments."
Price: 34.99

"The Complete Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Course." |
"There was a wrong common thought that Risk Management is a secondary activity or function and not that important. Believers and followers of that school used to say that corporates should focus their time and efforts on revenue-generating activities only. In their views, those activities that need to be given too much importance are:Sales, Logistics, Marketing and Finance not Risk Management. In the last two decades, we have seen many crisis and risks that made many big and famous companies go bankrupt and vanish from our business world due to lack of Enterprise risk management. Those cascading risks and crisis and their impacts on businesses turned the table on the followers of the old though.Did you hear about a company called Kodak?Kodak dominated the Photography business for so long and it was manufacturing the films for the old cameras. Its films were the most famous and trusted ones in all studios all over the world. New digital cameras were introduced in the market which was a great competition RISK to KODAK. Kodak neglected that risk as they werent competent with Risk Management.Guess what was the result?????Kodak is not existing any more after dominating the whole world!I bet you are not one of those people who used to say that Risk Management is not important, thats why you are reviewing my course right now!Congrats, you are on the right path to safeguard and secure your companys assets and operations!That course will teach you the whole cycle of Enterprise Risk Management step by step!Topics Covered are:- Nature and Causes of Risk- Risk types- Risk appetite & attitudes- Importance & Effectiveness of ERM- ISO 31000- COSO Framework- Setting the context of ERM- Risk identification / Event identification- Risk assessment, Mapping, Analysis & Evaluation- Risk Treatment, Actions & strategies- Risk Communication and Reporting- Monitoring, Reviewing & Documenting ERM- Role of Insurance Companies in ERM- ERM Information Systems & Software- Credit Rating Agencies-Real life ERM examplesI hope you will enjoy the course and cant wait to start that journey with you!"
Price: 99.99

"Fotografia Nocturna: Haz fotos que Impacten! En Espaol" |
"T puedes Lograr realizar fantsticas Fotografas por la Noche!Te enseare,A enfocar en la Oscuridad, a encuadrar en la oscuridad,los pilares fundamentales de la fotografia nocturna,para que puedas obtener esas fotografas que tanto quieres..Te gustara, saber cmo Fotografiar las Estrellas?Te gustara, saber cuales son los objetivos, lentes u pticas que te sirven para fotografa nocturna? Te Gustara, saber como enfocar en la oscuridad? Te gustara dominar la Fotografa Nocturna?Lo que aprenders:A Obtener el Mximo rendimiento de tu Cmara.Conocer los 4 pilares fundamentales de la fotografa nocturna.A enfocar en la oscuridad.A Encuadrar en la oscuridad.A realizar el clculo de exposicin.Balance de Blancos para fotografia nocturna.Iluminar personas y objetos en la oscuridad.En Resumen:Te llevar de la mano para que, descubras este hermoso mundo de la fotografia nocturna, junto a tu cmara, los tres!!. para que tus fotos nunca mas vuelvan a ser las mismas!!!Temas clave que aprenders en este curso de fotografa nocturna:Que es la fotografa nocturna.Equipos para la fotografa nocturna.Habilidades necesarias para la fotografia nocturnaLos Pilares Fundamentales para fotografia nocturna.Como Fotografiar la Va Lctea, incluyendo panormicas!Como Hacer trazos de estrellas.Como hacer una tcnica llamada zooming nocturno.Como revelar tus fotografas!Y Ya estamos grabando la leccin de como fotografiar la Luna.Bonus del CursoRecursos descargables.Ebook GRATUITO Guia de Fotografa Nocturna.Tareas Prcticas.Cuestionarios para poner a prueba tus conocimientos.Para Quien es este Curso?Para todas las personas que conocen los principios bsicos de fotografa.Es decir, conocer Diafragma, Obturacin e ISO, (disparar en modo ManualFotgrafos principiantes que deseas llevar sus habilidades al siguiente nivelFotgrafos intermedios que desean desarrollar habilidades en un oficio en particularCualquiera que quiera tomar mejores fotos de noche o en situaciones de poca luzA todos los que les apasionan las estrellas y la Luna y en general los ambientes nocturnos.y como todo taller, para todos los que quieran ponerse manos a la obra ahora y poder hacer fotografia nocturna."
Price: 24.99

"CompTIA CLO-001 Cloud-Based Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Digital identities to enter the SaaS solutions must be issued by all of the following excepta) identity provider third party.b) the client organization.c) SaaS provider.d) User.e) NoneQ) Why is it important to consider the cloud ecosystem in the development of the program?a) cloud providers will make application development.b) The development process must change.c) The role of the IT department to change.d) This can speed up the development process.e) NoneQ) Which of the following steps should a company take on the cloud computing provider ceases to maintain their contracts?a) Consult the company's exit plan.b) Moving the backup provider companies a computer that was previously selected.c) Re-host, all the critical applications of internal company servers.d) Assessment of strategic options for an alternative suppliere) NoneQ) Which of these effects is not an IT outsourcing and cloud computing have in common?a) Participation of external personnelb) improved flexibilityc) reduced costsd) Reducing time to markete) None"
Price: 159.99

"CISSP Security and Risk Management Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Weakness or lack of security measures, which can be used with the threat of damaging information systems and networks, known as:a) vulnerability.b) risk.c) a threat.d) overflow.e) NoneQ) What is the probability of threat to an information system will be carried out?a) a threatb) riskc) vulnerabilityd) Holee) NoneQ) Risk reduction and management of risk reduction for the provision of information is divided into three main categories, which are then used?a) Preventive, corrective and administrative.b) Detective, corrective and physical.c) Physical, technical and administratived) Administrative, operational and logical.e) NoneQ) Which of the following would be most appropriate to oversee the development of an information security policy?a) system administratorsb) end usersc) guardiand) Security ~~ POS = Trunc administrators ~~ POS = HEAD COMPe) None"
Price: 164.99

"ECCouncil EC0-232 EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Practice Test" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Sending a piece of code that replicates and sends itself to everyone in your address book, what type of attack?a) smurfingb) buffer overflowc) Virusd) maske) NoneQ) ""Hit"" is:a) Another word for ""biscuit"".b) Buying from your own site.c) E-mail sent to your site.d) Each file request, Web-server merchant receives.e) NoneQ) Sending a piece of code that replicates and sends itself to everyone in your address book, what type of attack?a) maskb) buffer overflowc) Virusd) smurfinge) NoneQ) The organization now controls the IP-addresses and domain names:a) I CANb) IANAc) IETFc) W3Cd) None"
Price: 169.99

"Oracle 1Z0-520 EBS R12 Procurement Fundamental Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Choose the best business practice for a supplier who has recently been added to the list of approved suppliers.a) Let PO approval, Sourcing, confirmation of schedule and manufacturers Linkb) Let PO Approval, Sourcing and confirm the schedule, but not Link Manufacturerc) Let PO Approval, Sourcing and manufacturers Link and Schedule Confirmationd) Let PO approval, confirmation of schedule and Link producers and Sourcinge) NoneQ) As a control option prevents modifications or additions to the purchase order or release, but retains the ability to make and match the invoice?a) Keepb) solidc) closed) Freezee) finally CloseQ) Define two types of areas in the Daily Business Intelligence. (Choose two.)a) menub) Diagramc) folderd) reporte) scheduleQ) The global company uses Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 for business in the United States and Canada. The company now adds Mexico in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 applications. As a system administrator, you need to control the profile settings for MOs Mexico device. The client does not use the Multi-Org Access Control. You can set the device option MOs profile on ____level.a) Web siteb) userc) requestd) Dutye) None"
Price: 169.99
