"Mastering Google Classroom" |
"In this course, you will work through all of the sections of Google Classroom and learn how the platform can be used in class as well as for online instruction when necessary. You'll learn how to communicate with students on the platform, assign and grade assignments, as well as some pro tips along the way."
Price: 19.99

"Fresher Hiring the Complete guide : Best Hiring Practices" |
"Section 1 : Introduction A. What is Recruitment and Selection, how it is different in case of Campus/Fresher Recruitment B. Advantages and Disadvantages of Fresher Recruitment Section 2 : Planning and ImplementationA. Gap analysis and Capacity BuildingB. Industry Connect and Pre-Placement SessionC. Conducting the Interview Process : Selection Process, Interview and EvaluationSection 3 : Offer and On-boardingA. Post offer Followup and ConnectionB. On-boarding and Induction of FresherC. Outline of Fresher Training PlanSection 4 : Course Work and DocumentsA. A Case study based assignment B. Template, Online Material and Structure C. Assignment : A 5 Years Road Map"
Price: 1280.00

"CIEL Compta volution 2019" |
"La formation vido comprenant vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel CIEL Compta 2019 pour bien enregistrer vos oprations comptables. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel avec des cas concrets pour chaque mode de saisie, les traitements comptables de la TVA, lettrage, rapprochement bancaires, chanciers clients et fournisseurs, la comptabilit analytique et budgtaire.Ainsi que les nouveauts pour tout ce qui concerne les attestations pour tre en conformit avec l'administration fiscale."
Price: 59.99

"CIEL Paye 2019" |
"La formation vido comprenant vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel CIEL Paye 2019 version 26.61 avec la DSN et la mise en place du prlvement la source pour bien raliser vos bulletins de paye Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel ainsi que tout le traitement mensuel de paye, les dclarations sociales et appliquer toutes les procdures pour bien gnrer vos DSN mensuelles ainsi que les signalements d'arrt de travail et de fin de contrat.La formation vido sur CIEL Paye 2019 vous permettra d'tre autonome pour grer votre paye sur CIEL Paye 2019 ,vos DSN mensuelles ainsi que le prlvement la source."
Price: 64.99

"La formation vido comprenant vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel EBP Compta 2019 pour bien enregistrer vos oprations comptables. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel avec des cas concrets pour chaque mode de saisie, les traitements comptables de la TVA, lettrage, rapprochement bancaires, chanciers clients et fournisseurs, comptabilit budgtaire et analytique, clture de l'exercice.ainsi que l'export des critures FEC.La formation vido sur EBP Compta 2019 vous permettra d'tre autonome sur votre travail comptable."
Price: 69.99

"Bordando com a Vov Socorro" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender alguns pontos diferentes para bordar de forma simples, sendo eles: 1. Ponto laada simples; 2. Ponto laada margarida; 3. Ponto laada folha; 4. Ponto Arroz; 5. Ponto haste e de BRINDE voc ainda aprender mais 3 trs, isso mesmo TRS pontos do bordado. O objetivo principal que voc consiga bordar um conjunto de banheiro apresentado no curso, mas na verdade, com o conhecimento adquirido voc poder bordar onde voc quiser, seja: colchas de cama, toalha, e muito mais! ficar a seu critrio. E ai? est pronto para bordar?"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Numerologa completo" |
"En 66 videos giles y sencillos, aprende a tu ritmo a hacer una lectura numerolgica, a partir de una fecha de nacimiento. Entindete mejor a ti y a la gente que te rodeaComprende tus energas positivas y negativasConoce las diferentes etapas de tu vida, sus metas y retosObtn una herramienta para hacer alquimia en tu vida"
Price: 1920.00

"Options Trading Master class along Technical Analysis" |
"Options Strategies Course will cover following topics in options . 1. Basic of options (ATM, ITM,ATM and Call - put options etc.)2. Implied volatility and options pay off for trading3. Factors affecting options 4. Nut and bolts of options 5. Time value in options6. Basic of option and relationship with stock7. Time decay in options trading8. Future vs options9. Risk Graphs in options and application to use for profitable trade10. Greek options and option Impact11. Greek options - Theta, Delta,Vega, Gamma trading with options and application , Impacts 12. Technical Indicators, Candlestick , Patterns , Pivot points, Fibonacci, Support and resistance 13. Options and stocks relations ships14. Option chain and it application to use for option trader (Process)15. PCR (Put call ratio) and application to use by option Trader16. VIX, Its relationship with other index, Beta and it application for Trader and Investor17. Prediction of upcoming Trend using call and put18. Day Trading Tips for Intraday Trader and his basic requirements for trader19 . More than 28 different trading options strategies in below sections which are profitable in options with examples to help trader to be profitable .Strategies covered with examples are1. Long combo and collar strategy2. Covered call and put strategy3. Married put and bull calendar strategy4. Portfolio management options strategy5. Straddle strategy6. Strangle strategy7. Butterfly strategy8. Bull call and put strategy9. Index Strategy10. Diagonal spread and Christmas calendar spread ( Call and put) strategy11. What is hedging and its application for Trading, Risk reversal Trading strategy12. Qualities of good option trader 13.Rules to avoid mistakes in options trading"
Price: 8960.00

"Certified Indian Dance Workout And English lessons Online" |
"Both Indian Classical Dance lessons and English language learning online has been made possible together, here in an interesting way to learn for students.Prose as a lesson for English incorporated into Indian Classical Dance Art as a form of culture based activity is the theme of this course.Traditional Epics and their interpretation in the modern day class for absorbing maximum information in minimum time is attempted here.It is an effort to bring the intriguing heritage of the land of India, with its vast and fascinating cultural aspects into a course, with lessons put simply together with English, as a Universal language for the medium of instruction.This is also intended to be an English class learning experience too for non native speakers.Much of the work is captioned and the music chosen has the feel of spirituality, as a spiritual Indian Dance course with the myriad nuances English language learnt, as well simultaneously.Theory and practical lessons are imparted for fundamental level learning of the dance.This is in addition to the already existing different basic courses, in the same subject here.This particular course is geared more to choreography for programs or specific needs of instructional video learning, for items based on songs from tales of Indian mythology."
Price: 1600.00

"Creating Your Personal Soundscape" |
"This course helps you bring awareness to your daily life and a deeper understanding of how sound impacts you, in ways youve likely never considered before. With this course you'll deepen your awareness and create an intentional plan to use sound for health, deeper spirituality and overall well-being to create a more peaceful, harmonious life."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Improvisao Total II V I Jazz Puzzle" |
"Aprenda a criar e desenvolver frases no estilo que voc quiser tendo o conhecimento do que utilizar e em qual situao. So 44 video aulas em alta definio com tablaturas e explicaes em PDF para cada frase. Um material vasto para voc melhorar seu fraseado e conhecimento da guitarra ."
Price: 444.99

"Introduction to PROCESS ENGINEERING" |
"Learn all about what process engineering is, all the interesting and brainstorming activities in Process Engineering, the career opportunities, roles and responsibilities, interaction with other disciplines and phases of a project in industry. Also know the expectations and challenges for a young engineer in this field. Finally decide why Process Engineer can be the perfect career choice for you."
Price: 19.99

"Drafting 5 creative sleeves for fashion designers" |
"At this course we're a going to make 5 different sleeve alterations. Each sleeve variation has its own video tutorial where we will do each project step by step. Are you ready?This course has been thought for fashion design or pattern drafting students, fashion designers and people who love pattern drafting and making their own garments.Its a creative experience to continue learning pattern making while we do exercises with different and original designs. To take this course its recommended to have basic skills about pattern making. Knowing what a basic pattern block is and knowing basic marks in a pattern.The audio for the videos is in spanish but all the material (PDFs) in the course in in english, furthermore the videos are subtitled in english.Before watching the videos turn on the subtitles!"
Price: 19.99

"Clinical Anatomy, How Doctors Treat and Diagnose Disease" |
"Have you been interested in studying human anatomy? Have you ever wondered what kinds of careers utilize anatomic knowledge? This course aims to teach you anatomy through the lens of an actual doctor. Human anatomy is not only learned through colorful illustrations during medical school, instead doctors use various modalities (x-ray, CT etc.) to assess anatomy and ultimately diagnose disease. This course provides a general overview using actual patient examples to provide an insight to the clinical application of human anatomy. This course is a beginner level course that can appeal to medical students, residents as well as students with limited/no prior anatomic knowledge."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de cocina viva con fermentados probiticos." |
"Nos adentraremos en el mundo de los fermentados, para conocer qu son, sus beneficios, los efectos que producen en nuestro organismo y cul es el papel que ejercen. Aprendemos a realizar nuestros propios probiticos de manera natural, mediante antiguas tcnicas y modernas; trataremos nuestros probiticos, disfrutando de ellos en nuestros platos, a travs de sus tcnicas de tratamiento y curiosidades.PODRS DISFRUTAR:Curso formativo, que incluye contenido audiovisual acompaado de PDFs explicativos.Asistencia completa tutorizada, va email, donde podrs preguntar todas las dudas que te surjan.Acceso para toda la vida. Acceso a grupo privado de Facebook, donde podrs compartir con el personal docente y otr@s alumnos temas de inters y experiencias. Se irn abriendo lneas de debate para quien quiera participar y crear un feedback donde compartir y recibir, tambin despus del curso y seguir aprendiendo.Material de inters que se ir enviando durante el transcurso del curso.Un recetario completo con platos, explicados paso a paso y fotografiados, de recetas realizadas con probiticos y/o prebiticos.Diploma a tu nombre acreditando la asistencia al curso, una vez superados los tests y el ejercicio final."
Price: 69.99

"Photoshop Compositing: Create Like a Pro!" |
"Learn everything you need to do start creating stunning Photoshop composites just like the pros! I will walk you through the process from beginning to the end and give you some useful tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I first started. At the end of this course, you will have created your own awesome Photoshop composite and have the skills to create many more!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time i've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you get started with compositing images, to be like a pro, and to give you all the skills you need to make out of this world composite creations!This class is designed for beginners and really anyone who has any interest in learning how to combine images into composites in photoshop. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that i've learned over the years that have helped improve my workflow and that have helped me create pieces that caught the eyes of some very cool clients! Whether you want to create composites for yourself or to make money with, this class will be useful to all of you! And don't worry, I will provide you with all needed material for this project, including starting images and brushes.This course is made using the creative cloud version of photoshop, specifically Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 is what I use in this course, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Photoshop CC from adobeIn this course you will learn:How to use the photoshop interface and toolsWhere and how to find completely free to use imagesHow to composite your images quickly and in a non-destructive wayColor Correction, learn how to properly color correct all elements of your composite so that it looks cohesiveHow to add special effects to your composite, including clouds, smoke, particles, and more!How to properly save and export your image for various platforms and uses"
Price: 49.99

"B2B Sales and Business Development" |
"Learn more about B2B sales and business development and become better at closing leads. I will start by discussing key topics in sales including crm, cold and hot leads etc. We will also talk about objections and consulting and then I will give you some closing tips. This will wrap up the B2B sales section. Then we will move to the business development section where I will discuss operations and important account handling. I will also talk about new business development which is an important part of this course. Finally we look at a few case studies for B2B sales & business development. And there is also a bonus section about sales business ideas!!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Freelancing : To Grow Quickly at Marketplace's" |
"This course is meant to teach the tips and tricks of freelancing in the simplest and effective way. The do`s and don`ts are discussed, about which a freelancer must be aware of. The introduction of different types of freelance marketplaces is given in this course. Web portals like Freelancer, Upwork, Fiverr, Fivesquid, and 99 Design are introduced and discussed in detail so that a trainee could effectively make money by using these portals.What you will learn :After completing this course, a trainee will be able to:Define the term Freelance?How to get started as a Freelancer.What's Essential for freelancing to get startedWhat's Essential to be a FreelancerWhere should I work as a Freelancer?Identify different types of freelance marketplacesIdentify the pros and cons of freelancingIdentify and apply their strengths/skills in the freelance market.Sign up as a freelancer at different platformsCreate an effective profile on freelance platformsSearch the right projects & winning proposals.Define the importance of communication skillsManage a project once it is awardedManage project payments (escrow, invoicing system)Identify the importance of feedback for profileIdentify the steps to keep projects comingIdentify the mistakes and problems every freelancer's facesIdentify steps to become a Successful FreelancerIdentify the steps for effective Bidding to get the most from the processIdentify the steps to grow as a freelancerIdentify how to retain existing clientPlease feel free to review the course curriculum and I look forward to going through the material with you on your freelance journey!"
Price: 19.99

"Activez efficacement vos dons psychiques et extrasensoriels" |
"=== Prsentation ===Ce cours simple et efficace tourn vers la pratique va vous apporter les principales techniques pour dvelopper vos dons psychiques, ces talents naturels de clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentence que vous possdez sans en avoir conscience. Utilisez la comptence des mdiums et devenez plus inspirs pour faire de meilleurs choix en accord avec vous-mme, apportez le succs dans votre vie.Chacun possde de l'intuition et c'est grce vos ressentis que vous pouvez accrotre votre connexion un monde qui ne demande qu' vous aider pour russir vos objectifs. L'univers ne cesse de vous adresser des messages pour vous aider mais tes-vous prts utiliser vos capacits extrasensorielles pour les recevoir ?Toute personne dsireuse de se fier d'avantage son intuition pour son business ou l'amlioration de sa vie professionnelle ou personnelle peut suivre ce cours. Le succs et la russite sont la cl. Quelles que soient vos croyances ouvrez-vous juste aux multiples possibilits que peut vous apporter l'ouverture de vos dons psychiques et votre talent extrasensoriel aussi appel sixime sens.Utilisez les mthodes des clairvoyants et mdiums, sans pour autant faire appel des rituels ou objets. VOUS tes le principal outil de connexion votre intuition. Le dveloppement personnel en gnral peut bnficier de ces techniques ""magiques"" que tout le monde possde, il suffit de les dvelopper l'instar de toute autre comptence. Les dons psychiques et capacits extrasensorielles sont inns, vous apprendrez dans ce cours vous y reconnecter.Concrtement vous pourrez recevoir plein d'informations sur un environnement, une personne, le pass, le futur ou le meilleur choix faire selon ce que vous souhaiter obtenir comme rsultat. La visualisation distance ou remote viewing est une des technique pour accder ce savoir. La voyance ne sera plus un mystre pour vous. Ceci vous permettra de ne pas reposer vos choix uniquement sur une analyse strictement rationnelle mais de vous ouvrir aux expriences enrichissantes que vous avez choisi de vivre et que vous apporte votre intuition, vritable don extrasensoriel. Un tel apprentissage ne peut que bnficier tous les domaines de votre vie.Ce cours propose une approche claire et ludique qui va l'essentiel pour toute personne souhaitant s'exercer dvelopper son inspiration au quotidien travers ses dons psychiques et capacits extrasensorielles, vritable sixime sens.=== Objectifs ===Dveloppez votre intuition et initiez-vous au remote viewing pour dompter votre sixime sens. Utilisez les techniques de clairvoyance des mdiums au service de votre dveloppement personnel afin d'atteindre les objectifs que vous allez vous-mme dfinir.=== Contenu === Un cours richement illustr et anim pour une exprience d'apprentissage fun et captivante Une approche pratique tourne vers les exercices pratiques : apprenez directement les techniques essentielles d'coute de l'intuition Une comprhension globale du fonctionnement de l'intuition Pas de rituels, cartes, oracles ou boule de cristal : VOUS tes le rcepteur d'informations Des techniques simples et applicables en toutes circonstances Une connexion vos cinq sens pour faonner votre sixime sens Une reconnaissance de vos aspirations personnelles pour mieux cibler vos objectifs Une introduction au remote viewing (visualisation distance) qui va l'essentiel de la technique Une technique indite pour faire taire le mental et recevoir les messages de l'univers"
Price: 24.99

"ServiceNow Certified CIS -PPM -Practice exam tests questions" |
"Practice tests include questions covering latest release - Orlando Release - for ServiceNow PPM. ServiceNow Certified Project Portfolio Management (PPM). I have curated set of questions, based on my experience and knowledge, covering CIS PPM certification exam content PPM fundamentals, test framework, and implementation activities. I have converted the notes, and tips that I used to gain my certification into questions. How to prepare for the exam? Complete required ServiceNow training(s) General familiarity with general industry terminology on PPM Gain hands-on experience on ServiceNow or on Dev instance (PDI) Practice, Practice and Practice - make use of these practice questions to prepare well Wishing you the best! #OrlandoRelease #CIS-PPM #ServiceNowCISPPM"
Price: 69.99

"Carto Interativo no Adobe Illustrator" |
"Voc ir aprender como adicionar todos os elementos necessrios para se criar um carto interativo elegante e completamente funcional!Veja na prtica como usar e manipular as ferramentas bsicas, cones, logo e textos para chegar a um resultado profissional dentro do Adobe Illustrator. Alm disso, veja como tornar seu arquivo PDF em um carto interativo com links para as principais formas de contato do mundo online e offline!"
Price: 39.99

"Tax Secrets for Small Business Owners" |
"This 12-video course explains the best tax strategies for each month of the year. This is NOT a tax technical course trying to turn you into a CPA. It's for business owners who want to know how to make smarter business decisions related to their tax situation. I'll show you little-known secrets that anyone can use to pay less in taxes."
Price: 29.99

"Linux QA" |
", Linux , , ! 60 , . LinuxOS . , , Q. "
Price: 29.99

"AZ-900 Practice Tests : Microsoft Azure Fundamentals 2020" |
"NO NEED TO BUY ANY OTHER MATERIAL AS YOU GET FREE STUDY MATERIAL WITH THESE TESTSThis is the ONLY practice tests/exams you need to pass the exam!The cloud is the future and many people are interested in entering the world of cloud computing and earning their first certification. AZ-900 is the perfect place for you to start! With these practice tests and comprehensive answers, you can significantly increase your chances of passing as well as solidify your concepts and fundamentals.With relevant questions and detailed explanations for each answer, you won't need any other practice tests and will be fully prepared to tackle the original exam!Added separate sections to help you focus on specific concepts and PASS your exam in the FIRST go.Added a new tricky questions and cloud concepts sectionAdded an Azure storage & compute questions setAdded an Azure Pricing question set***********************************30 day no questions asked money back guarantee!Answer to any question within 24 hoursHelpful student community which allows you to learn moreSharpen your conceptsIdentify your weak areas and work harder on themPass the exam in the very first go!Ready to enter the world of cloud? Let's dive into it!"
Price: 24.99

"Azure Cloud for beginners" |
"This course provide foundational level knowledge on cloud concepts; core Azure services; security, privacy, compliance, and trust; and Azure pricing and support.This audience wants to learn about our offerings and get hands-on experience with the product. This course primarily uses the Azure portal to create services.This course combines lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on labs."
Price: 19.99

"Create A Mobile App Development Business By Outsourcing" |
"In six months I have published more than 70 Apple iPhone / iPad apps by following the blueprint outlined in this course. This is a course which includes baby step by baby step videos in which you will learn exactly how to publish apps on the App Store to make passive income. You will learn:How to Create A Mobile App Development Business By Outsourcing Every method that I teach in the course is super easy to implement, and if you implement my methods you will have an army of apps - each app creating for you a new passive income stream. When I have just started this business it took me months to publish a single app, but now I will show you exactly how you can publish a new app every single day! I will keep updating this course all the time, and once you join the course you will get lifetime updates for 100% free. There is simply zero risk with Udemy 30 day guarantee. This course is perfect for people who know nothing about publishing apps, and also to people who have been publishing apps for a long time, but don't know how to publish a new app every single day! Please notice: I am not going to cover basic things like setting up your Apple developer account, paying the Apple Fees, uploading your apps, revising your apps, and all kind of other technical issues which can easily be found by doing a simple search online or by contacting the Apple support team (I will show you how you can hire a person to do this for you). Now, because I am fully aware that one of the biggest problems that beginners encounter when they try to make money online is ""Information Overload"" I have kept each video extremely short, so you will not be overwhelmed by information. If you want to know exactly how I have been able to publish more than 70 iPhone apps (also a few Android Apps, and Amazon Apps) in just 6 months without needing a Mac, iPhone, Android, and knowledge in programming and design - Enroll Now! "
Price: 199.99

"Productivity And Time Management Course For Total Beginners" |
"This is a course which includes life changing lectures in which you will learn exactly how to maximize your productivity by eliminating negative beliefs. The class is most suited for total beginners who want to be productive, and for advance self improvement learners who want to be even more productive than they already are. Your aim in this course is to take one single tip that I share with you, and implement it for 6 months to a year in order to see lasting results. Because I am fully aware that one of the biggest problems that beginners encounter when they try to make money online is ""Information Overload"" I have kept each video only a few minutes long, so you will not be overwhelmed by information."
Price: 199.99

"OBS: Realizar clases y seminarios online profesionales. 2020" |
"IMPORTANTE: Este es un curso en espaol pero la interfaz de la aplicacin (ventanas, comandos, etc) se muestran en ingls.Hola! Soy Marlon Ceballos, Adobe Community Professional y consultor de aplicaciones Adobe con ms de 22 aos de experiencia pedaggica de los cuales he dedicado la mayor parte a la capacitacin online. Te doy la bienvenida al curso OBS - Realiza clases y seminarios online profesionales. OBS es la aplicacin gratuita ms conocida para realizar streamings o transmisiones online profesionales. Puedo asegurarte, sin dudarlo, que este es el curso de OBS ms completo y extenso que podrs encontrar, el cual est compuesto por 60 videos organizados en 10 captulos que suman ms de 7 horas de contenido totalmente prctico.Al finalizar este curso, estars en capacidad de realizar, de forma eficiente y efectiva, clases online o seminarios online haciendo uso de las diferentes opciones que ofrece OBS. Empezaremos conociendo los conceptos fundamentales de OBS y conoceremos qu necesitamos para instalarlo y usarlo eficientemente. Posteriormente, conoceremos aspectos bsicos de video y streaming los cuales son necesarios para realizar una correcta configuracin de OBS y del servicio de streaming que planeemos usar. Pasaremos luego a conocer la interfaz de OBS y a crear escenas y fuentes para luego aprender a configurar un evento en Facebook y Youtube y aprender a configurar OBS para despus iniciar el streaming. En el siguiente captulo aprenderemos a usar diferentes tipos de sources o fuentes con los cuales mostraremos diferentes tipos de elementos como imgenes, animaciones y videos, entre otros. Despus, aprenderemos a usar filtros y scripts para luego finalizar con recomendaciones y tips que harn ms eficientes y efectivos tus streamings.La metodologa usada en este curso est basada en ejemplos prcticos, por lo cual, ste curso incluye los archivos de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlos y practicar cada uno de los temas mostrados.Si eres un usuario que ya conoce OBS, no necesitas ver todos los temas ni seguir un orden especfico, por el contrario, puedes ver la descripcin de cada seccin y leccin y decidir qu temas ver. Adems, si an tienes dudas sobre la calidad pedaggica y de contenido del curso, te invito a ver los videos gratuitos que contiene cada captulo.Al igual que en mis otros cursos, en este curso uso la interfaz de la aplicacin en ingls pero siempre estar indicando el correspondiente comando u opcin en espaol.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a crear streamings o transmisiones profesionales, llevando a otro nivel tus cursos online y/o seminarios online.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xpert o por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy"
Price: 99.99

"LumaFusion 2: iPhone Video Editing Quick Course - LumaFusion" |
"This project-based course will quickly teach you how to edit video like a pro, using an iPad or iPhone and an app called LumaFusion 2.Master the time-saving video editing workflows that pros use to edit their videos.LumaFusion 2 is the most powerful multi-track video editor ever created for mobile devices.Used by mobile journalists, filmmakers and professional video producers to tell compelling video stories, LumaFusion gives you all of the power and flexibility to create your video story.Watch the free preview videos to get a taste of what you will learn in this clear, and practical course.The LumaFusion app is taught with lessons lessons drawn from high quality video projects from a working video professional. This course starts out with basic edits and moves quickly into working with advanced features and sound editing techniques like audio ducking for narrated feature films.Text and graphics overlays are shown in detail as well as how to work with 4K footage filmed with Anamorphic lenses, LOG mode, ND filters and color-graded with custom LUTS. BONUS 360 VR video section is also included.It is possible to edit 360 VR videos on your iOS device and this course walks through every step.Enroll now!"
Price: 24.99

"Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE Chinese (8CN0-01) 2018 New" |
"The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Chinese (spoken Mandarin/ spoken Cantonese) is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite of AS/A Level qualifications offered by Pearson. These sample assessment materials have been developed to support this qualification and will be used as the benchmark to develop the assessment students will take. Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCEChinese (spoken Mandarin/spoken Cantonese) Advanced SubsidiaryPaper 1: Listening, Reading and TranslationPaper Reference: 8CN0/01 The total mark for this paper is 64. Time: 1 hour 45Total 3 Sections: SECTION A: LISTENINGQuestion 1 (6 marks) Multiple ChoiceQuestion 2 (6 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseQuestion 3(a) (8 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseQuestion 3(b) (4 marks) Summaries the following conversation. You are not required to write in full sentences and you may respond using short phrases.SECTION B: READINGQuestion 4 (4 marks) Multiple-choice questions Question 5 (6 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseQuestion 6 (8 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseQuestion 7 (10 marks) Answer Questions in ChineseSECTION C: TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISHQuestion 8 (10 marks) Translate the following article about the Chinese language into English."
Price: 69.99

"Fundamentals of Helicopter Engineering" |
"This course comes with a promise - any query of yours will be replied and resolved within 24 hours. Sundays included!Helicopters are one of the most under-rated marvels of engineering. The one that works, where no other flying machine can even think off! A helicopter appears a simple machine with just two sets of rotating blades, but then and there the simplicity ends. The amount of engineering complexity that is handled in balancing an inherently unstable flying machine is mind-blowing.Top features of the course All lectures are real white-board lectures with diagrams and explanations made in an engaging manner. You will watch me in the person doing all the stuff on the board. (I hate PowerPoint presentations, and I know you too!)All queries will be replied within 24 hours. No excuses. On completion of course you will have a strong understanding of How a Helicopter works in detail and the various engineering blocks that go underneath. What are pre-requisites?You should be able to understand my English accent. So, please check the preview lectures to see if that holds good.You have basic knowledge of physics - so things like Newton's laws of motion, vectors, gravity, shouldn't be new to you.A system with internet to watch the videos and complete the course.Curiosity to Learn.FAQsWhat the course is all about?The course is about understanding how Helicopters work, from basics. All concepts can be explained just using school level physics. There is no need to unnecessarily complicate the beautiful subject.What makes this course different?The usage of live whiteboard style lectures will make it very engaging to learn. I ensure throughout the course to avoid any jargon and short-forms that are quite common in this subject. This will enable you to ""Learn"" Helicopter and not memorize it!Also, I have tried to not leave any aspect related to this subject. So, all fundamental aspects of Helicopters are covered.What if any topics aren't covered?I love this subject and would respond to new topic suggestions by creating more content regularly. The course curriculum is not a fixed one.Format of the course?95% of the course is in video format. Any certificates?Yes! All students who complete the course will receive a signed certificate.Anything else?Go and watch the preview lectures, check out the curriculum. If you are able to comprehend the lectures then go for it and be part of an exciting journey on Learning Helicopters!I have some more questions not answered above. How to connect?Click on the instructor names and drop us a message."
Price: 39.99
