"Curso completo de Unity 2020: domina el mundo de videojuegos" |
"Buenas estudiante y bienvenido al nuevo curso de desarrollo de videojuegos con Unity 2020 donde vas a aprender a utilizar el motor gratuito ms extendido del mercado de la mano de Juan Gabriel Gomila, uno de los pocos instructores certificado oficialmente por Unity para ensear a dominar este motor de videojuegos. Adems, usaremos un lenguaje de programacin muy sencillo de aprender, C#, el cual llegaremos a dominar com ejemplos de videojuegos prcticos. Durante el curso trabajaremos en diversos mdulos que combinarn toda la teora y matemticas detrs del mundo de los videojuegos junto con el desarrollo de diversos videojuegos, optimizacin para PC, para mvil, algunos en 2D, otros en 3D... Vamos, una gran variedad para que domines Unity si nunca antes lo has practicado hasta sus ms profundos entresijos.Introduciremos para empezar todos los conceptos necesarios para entender los videojuegos, toda la teora que rodea el mundo del desarrollo de videojuegos para que conozcas el lenguaje y lo domines a la perfeccinSeguiremos con una introduccin a la interface de Unity y la programacin haciendo uso de los conceptos de programacin bsicos que ya tratamos en el curso Aprende C# creando un videojuego, de cero a experto (y que es pre requisito indispensable para disfrutar y sacarle el juego a este curso).Aprenderemos a crear mecnicas comunes a muchos juegos en 2D y 3D con todo lo que involucra el Game Design, la configuracin y la puesta a punto del mismo. Desde el concepto a la programacin pasando por la animacin o el control de la cmara entre otras. Y lo ms importante, podrs crear todo un portfolio para demostrar tus habilidades como creador de videojuegos en 2D y 3D que te abran las puertas a uno de los trabajos ms divertidos del siglo XXI.Y la verdad, todo lo haremos de forma muy natural pues este es un curso que no he grabado para ensear online, si no que lo ofrec de forma presencial y se me ocurri grabar las clases para poder difundirlas en todo el mundo y vierais como enseo de forma presencial a la gente y os encontris con los mismos problemas que ellos se encuentran a la hora de aprender.As que si todava no has empezado a hacer videojuegos con Unity 3D, no s que ests esperando pues sin duda alguna este curso te ensear todo lo que necesitas para convertirte en un profesional. Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 199.99

"Colossians - 4 Life Lessons - For Effective Transformation!" |
"I once had friends who tried to indoctrinate me into legalism by insisting that I must observe the Sabbath as one of my Christian duties. At the time I was unfamiliar with the scriptures but my spirit told me to ""Watch Out"" Months later I stumbled into Colossians 2vs1-19! I was immediately delivered from their legalistic philosophy and focused on Christ. Paul warns the Church in Colossae to do the same ""Watch Out""Apart from the warnings, we receive in this book, the revelation of who God is and who we are in Him holds as a central feature. The tapestry of our; life in God and how it affects others is stiched with the written mastery Paul displays with the help of the Holy Spirit.Colossians not only paints the vivid picture of our rescue by God but teaches how we can affect that rescue against those who attempt to capture us in their legalistic grip. ""Watch Out!""Recent Review from a previous course:# ""Wonderful teaching, clear and easy to understand very interesting"" - Wilma Brown# ""I took this course over a year ago and I come back to it now and again for a refresher. What is taught is clear and in little pieces, so we can understand the meaning of the scripture. But, as I said he is a good place to return to whenever you need a lift, clarification, or just closeness to the Lord."" - Andrea Philpotts # ""I have I have had great Enlightenment with this course"" - Edward Max Mosher# ""I have heard our instructor before and he is excellent."" - Florence Taber-Brown"
Price: 19.99

"SAP MM Certificate como consultor internacional MM S/4HANA" |
"Enhorabuena! Si ests en esta pgina es porque ests considerando aprender ms acerca del sistema SAP. Incluso puede que ests considerando cambiar de trabajo para dejar de ser slo un usuario y convertirte en un consultor con todos los beneficios y retos que eso implica y aunque pudiera parecer un reto enorme nosotros hemos creado este curso con la mayor dedicacin posible para que tu aprendizaje sea ptimo. Lo que es ms importante es que ests considerando dar el salto y estar certificado en SAP MM versin S/4HANA.Uno de los mayores retos es sortear con xito una entrevista por parte de un experto que te har preguntas desafiantes.Otro de los mayores retos pero una de las mayores satisfacciones es poder decir que eres un consultor certificado.Cmo puedes superar estos retos?Lo cierto es que la prctica hace al maestro. Inscribete y prctica con lo que tendrs acceso a dos tests los cuales contienen preguntas suficientemente complejas para que tengas la confianza de contestar rpidamente aplicando lo que ya has aprendido e incluso puesto en prctica con clientes pero que no has podido dominar hasta el momento. Y despreocpate pues tendrs todos los intentos que desees en ambos tests.La plataforma informtica hace un poco difcil el que puedas obtener las respuestas debido a que la intencin es que estudien a profundidad, sin embargo, la forma en que debes proceder para obtenerlas es que tienes que finalizar la prueba y abajo de tu resultado numrico aparecer un botn que indica ""Repasar las preguntas"" si presionas dicho botn tendrs acceso a cada pregunta con su respectiva respuesta para que al practicar te des cuenta que preguntas tuviste bien (marcadas en verde) y cuales tuviste mal (marcadas en rojo) para que sepas que debes estudiar con detenimiento para as poder presentar con seguridad el examen de certificacin y/o entrevista de trabajo.Tendrs acceso de por vida, as que no te preocupes podrs practicar tantas veces como sea necesario y con nuestro apoyo logrars cualquiera de los objetivos que te hayas planteado. Podrs adems detener cualquiera de las dos pruebas pues son tan extensas que tendrs que dedicar bastante tiempo, sin embargo con la funcionalidad de pausa no tendrs que preocuparte si te surge un imprevisto.Puedes adems dejar pendiente una pregunta que sea tan difcil que prefieres revisar al final y de hecho podrs repasar todas estas preguntas que hayas marcado antes de enviar la prueba para as estar seguro de tus respuestas.La plataforma tambin hace un poco confuso el resultado y es que si al finalizar el examen, el resultado dice que has suspendido, significa que no has aprobado ese intento de examen y debes seguir repasando (no significa que detuviste el intento).Por el contrario, si aprobaste te felicitar al igual que todos tus colegas una vez que hayas obtenido la certificacin oficial y/o ese trabajo deseado en cualquier pas del mundo!No lo pienses ms! Ya no hay excusas para obtener eso que tanto has buscado as que inscribete y a comenzar a practicar!"
Price: 199.99

"- LinkedIn Ads" |
Price: 99.99

"Cybersecurity Fundamentals: Architecting a Solution 2020" |
"Become a Cyber Security Architect. Cybersecurity architects require an advanced understanding of technical security as well as a thorough understanding of systems development and project and risk management.The global cybersecurity market is currently worth $173B in 2020, growing to $270B by 2026Cybersecurity is the convergence of people, processes and technology that come together to protect organizations, individuals or networks from digital attacks. In other words, Cybersecurity and IT Security is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware, software and data from cyber-threats. The practice is used by individuals and enterprises to protect against unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems.In this course you will learn:NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) Cybersecurity frameworkCyber risksCOBIT 5 and DSS05Kali Linux for penetration testing your networkUsing Python, conduct hands-on SSL Port Scans, SQL Injection, Brute Force, Sniffers and moreLearn how to implement control frameworksUnderstand Cyber essential framework and IT securityWork with security threats, malware, cyber crime, callbacks, ransomware, and rootkitsUnderstand advanced persistent threats (APTs)Learn how to architect a security riskWork with managing user access and identityImplementing preventative security, monitoring, and setting alertsBe able to successfully prepare, manage, and respond to incidents, and much moreSee what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and application of cybersecurity, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Jonathan PeskasThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Ravi Sharma.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!This course also comes with:Lifetime access to all future updatesA responsive instructor in the Q&A SectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadA 30 Day Money Back GuaranteeFREE E-book Securing Systems Applied Security Architecture and Threat ModelsWhy take this course?As an IT Enterprise Architect, AWS, Microsoft, and Cisco Certified, managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects, my experience with AWS has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now in Cybersecurity Fundamentals: Architecting a Solution 2020 today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed Team ClayDesk"
Price: 149.99

"Lean 2: AIGPE's Certified Lean Expert Simulation Exam" |
"This simulation exam will help you prepare for AIGPE's Lean Expert Certification Exam. It contains 30 multiple choice questions. The simulation exam will guide you in understanding what type of questions to expect in the Certification Exam.This simulation exam is necessary to equip you with the needed skills and abilities to be successful in the final AIGPE Lean Expert Certification exam.30 questions are divided into two tests of 15 questions each. You are expected to finish one test, take a quick break and come back to do the second test. Although AIGPE Lean Expert Certification exam does not have a time-limit, you are required to finish the entire exam in one-sitting (that is, once you start the exam, you should ensure it is completed till the end). This simulation exam helps you prepare mentally, physically and emotionally for the final exam.At the end of each test you can see your total percentage score for the test. For answers that are incorrect, you are expected to explore those topics by going through the video lectures and activities.You can review each question and sort them as correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.Do this Simulation exam multiple times to see the grasp of your knowledge on the course material. You can take this Lean Expert Certification Simulation Exam as many times as you want. I would suggest 60%+ of right answers consistently on all knowledge areas using multiple practice tests before applying for the certification exam.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to prepare for your AIGPE Lean Expert Certification today!"
Price: 29.99

"AIGPE's Certified Just-In-Time Specialist Simulation Exam" |
"This simulation exam will help you prepare for AIGPE's Just-In-Time Specialist Certification Exam. It contains 30 multiple choice questions. The simulation exam will guide you in understanding what type of questions to expect in the Certification Exam.This simulation exam is necessary to equip you with the needed skills and abilities to be successful in the final AIGPE Just-In-Time Specialist Certification exam.30 questions are divided into two tests of 15 questions each. You are expected to finish one test, take a quick break and come back to do the second test. Although AIGPE Just-In-Time Specialist Certification exam does not have a time-limit, you are required to finish the entire exam in one-sitting (that is, once you start the exam, you should ensure it is completed till the end). This simulation exam helps you prepare mentally, physically and emotionally for the final exam.At the end of each test you can see your total percentage score for the test. For answers that are incorrect, you are expected to explore those topics by going through the video lectures and activities.You can review each question and sort them as correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.Do this Simulation exam multiple times to see the grasp of your knowledge on the course material. You can take this Just-In-Time Specialist Certification Simulation Exam as many times as you want. I would suggest 60%+ of right answers consistently on all knowledge areas using multiple practice tests before applying for the certification exam.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to prepare for your AIGPE Lean Expert Certification today!"
Price: 29.99

"Herramientas para Trabajo Remoto Home Office Trabaja en Casa" |
"El teletrabajo o trabajo remoto, es una forma de trabajo a distancia, en la cual el trabajador desempea su actividad sin la necesidad de presentarse fsicamente en una empresa o lugar de trabajo especfico.Para ello necesita estar al da con las nuevas tecnologas que permiten comunicarnos e interactuar de forma remota.Desde un grupo de trabajo que est desarrollando un proyecto desde distintos lugares, hasta el trabajador independiente que interacta con sus clientesDesde el trabajador administrativo que tiene que colaborar con sus compaeros de forma remota, hasta el estudiante que tiene que hacer un trabajo prctico con sus compaeros que viven lejosDesde el docente que se comunica y pasa las tareas remotamente, hasta el empresario que est donde est, necesita estar comunicado en tiempo real con sus empleadosTodos ellos necesitarn conocer una serie de herramientas que le permitan hacer todo esto de forma eficiente.Y para eso cre este curso, que te ensear a utilizar las siguientes aplicaciones:Zoom, la herramienta ms utilizada para videoconferencias y reuniones en lnea.Google Drive, una de las aplicaciones ms utilizadas para el almacenamiento en la nube y el trabajo colaborativo en tiempo real.Calendario de Google, la agenda y calendario digital ms utilizado que te permite compartir calendarios con grupos de personas.Slack, la herramienta de mensajera instantnea orientada al trabajo, por excelencia.Trello, una de las herramientas ms utilizadas para gestionar proyectos grupales.Y Smash, una utilidad que te permite enviar archivos muy grandes.Adems vers como utilizarlas en tus dispositivos mviles.Este curso te dar las bases para utilizar las herramientas necesarias para gestionar informacin y estar en contacto con colegas, clientes, proveedores y empleadores, desde cualquier lugar.Por lo tanto te ser de utilidad si quieres trabajar de forma remota, desarrollar un proyecto grupal con otras personas que se encuentran alejadas, o simplemente mejorar tus oportunidades laborales."
Price: 49.99

"Accelerating your professional growth" |
"This course is all about Accelerating your professional growth by understanding the science of growth in a professional environment and investing yourself. Whether you are working for yourself as an entrepreneur or working for others, you become professional. Growing in a profession is essential from all perspectives like survival, wealth creation, social status, and for fulfillment. But in reality, some people are growing steadily and some people stuck at some point. The reason is that the fundamentals of growth in a professional environment are not learned and applied. This course will give you an insight into the science of growth and the need for investing yourself, the aspects in which you need to invest yourself for accelerating your professional growth.This course is structured with basic understandings of professional growth and the importance, misconception of professional growth, the science of growth in a professional environment, enablers of improving your performance and relationship, step by step process of developing your leadership qualities. Also in each approach, and I have shared my experiences and also you are encouraged to think about the gap and opportunities for your developmentThis course is very useful if you struggle to accelerate the growth and aspiring for growth. This course is meant for all the professionals from any industry.At the end of the course, you will be able to re-look at your personal and professional development process from a different perspective, able to identify the gaps and opportunities for development to accelerate your growth.I am available for a 1-1 conversation with you to clarify your mind blocks, implementation aspects post your completion of the course."
Price: 24.99

"How To Overcome the Fear of Putting Yourself Out There" |
"Two Case Studies with Real Clients: Personal Branding Coaching CallsStop holding yourself back, overcome self-doubt, fulfill your potential, be unstoppableYou want to be confident so you can stop holding yourself back from your dreams.So you can stop setting goals that you never actually reach.So you can be brave enough to take the risk and go for it. So you can stop playing small and actually reach for the potential you know that is trapped within you.You owe it to yourself to develop a mindset of true confidence. If you do youll find that:Instead of feeling socially anxious and dependent on the positive judgment of others in order to feel good about yourself, youll learn how to feel deeply confident even in the face of rejection and criticism.Instead of sugar coating your flaws and failures, youll develop healthy self-esteem built upon true unshakable confidence. Youll feel good about yourself in a way that doesnt get knocked down by failure or judgment.Instead of shrinking back from risk or being crushed by failure, youll learn how to turn challenges and setbacks into the fuel you need to ignite your life.Instead of wasting energy trying to avoid revealing your weaknesses, youll know once and for all that your TRUE strength lies in your ability to improve and move forward no matter where you are now or what stands in your way.Instead of arguing for your limitations and holding back your true gifts for fear of failure or ridicule, youll develop such a strong belief in your own potential and that nothing, NOTHING, has the power to hold you back anymore. Youll be unstoppable!In this course were not going to offer you a quick fix or an ego boost. Were going to dive deep into the most up-to-date leading edge research into the psychology of success and what creates genuine, long-term, unshakable confidence.In this course, youll learn:The #1 core underlying belief that unlocks genuine confidencethe growth mindsetThe biggest traps of self-doubt and how overcome themPowerful tools for taking action even when you feel paralyzedHow to take your power backHow to overcome fear of failure, risk, and change"
Price: 199.99

"Transform your Self Confidence" |
"If you can become truly confident in yourself, your decisions andyour actions, then you will completely transform your life.Very few people fully acknowledge the power of self-confidence,but here are just a few things it will do for you and a few ways itcan change your life for the better: Being self-confident makes you more attractive to membersof the opposite sex to a great degree Being self-confident makes you more impressive to colleagues,clients, customers and employers, resulting in bettersuccess Being confident makes you take more positive chances Being confident makes you happier with yourself and greatlyboosts your enjoyment of life after all, youre stuck with yourself! Being confident makes you a better friend and more supportivepartner And more!"
Price: 19.99

Hypertrophy |
"Building muscle is at once very simple and simultaneously incredibly complicated.If that sounds like something of a frustrating contradiction wellthen get used to it! As you learn more about growing muscle and gettingjacked youll find that almost all the information you come across onlymakes things more complicated and more difficult. Everyone has a differentopinion and no-one seems able to agree on what the best way to get intopowerful shape actually is.When you start out though, it all seems very straightforward. In order togrow, you need to exercise more and eat more protein. When you do this,you start to build more muscle and you see yourself constantly increase instrength. If you arent seeing any growth or strength gains, then it mightwell simply mean that you arent going to the gym regularly enough, orworking out hard enough when you are there!What you will learn:The difference between fast and slow twitch muscle fiberThe difference between sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophyHow to work out your training philosophyThe Types of Hypertrophy ExplainedHow Hypertrophy WorksUnderstanding the Types of HypertrophyTraining for Power, FunctionalStrength With High WeightThe Role of the Central Nervous SystemThe Mind Muscle ConnectionTraining for Size, Time UnderTension and Slow EccentricsPowerbuilding + Cardio for SupremeStrength!How to Eat for Size, And Why it Really Matters!The Importance of Rest and RecoverySupplementation, Your Complete GuideThe Weider Principles and OtherAdvanced Methods for Increasing IntensityHow to Stay Ripped When Getting BiggerYour Complete Program for Power and Sizeand much more....."
Price: 19.99

"Applied Statistics Masterclass" |
"Taught 3000+ students offline and now extending the course and experience to online students like you.Winners don't do different things, they do things differently. Training, quizzes, and practical steps you can follow - this is one of the most comprehensive Statisticscourses available. We'll cover Probability, Advance concept of Permutations & Combinations, Descriptive statistics, Inferential statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, Modelling, Ch- Squared Test, ANOVA, Business Forecasting, and many more. This course is a great ""value for money"".By the end of this course, you will be confidently implementing techniques across the major situations in Statistics, Business, and Data Analysis.You'll Also Get:- Downloadable workout Notes for competitive exams and future reference purpose- Lifetime Access to course updates- Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section- If you are a student or preparing for the competitive exam you may opt for education notes/ handouts-Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you a valuable chance for learning and to outstand.These courses come with a 30-day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started."
Price: 199.99

"Research Statistics: Scratch to Master" |
"Taught 3000+ students offline and now extending the course and experience to online students like you.Winners don't do different things, they do things differently. Training, quizzes, and practical steps you can follow - this is one of the most comprehensive Statisticscourses available. We'll cover Probability, Advance concept of Inferential statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, Modelling, Ch- Squared Test, ANOVA, Business Forecasting, and many more. This will help one in his/her research projects to finish confidently.You'll Also Get:- Downloadable workout Notes for competitive exams and future reference purpose- Lifetime Access to course updates- Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section- If you are a student or preparing for the competitive exam you may opt for education notes/ handouts-Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download"
Price: 199.99

"Sell Your Video Courses on Stack Commerce for Passive Income" |
"This Complete Guide to Stack Commerce for Course Instructors is invaluable for people who already have content, videos, & online courses.If you already have any of those things, you NEED to be on Stack Commerce.This brief Course will show you EXACTLY how to apply to Stack Commerce, get accepted to the site, & leverage their platform to turn your videos & courses into a Full Time Income.The best part about this is it takes no extra work on your part.That is NOT a typo. It takes no extra work on your part.You simply upload your Courses to Stack Commerce. Then they'll market & sell your courses for you.You won't need to answer student questions or spend any extra energy for this extra revenue. They'll do it all for you.Sound too good to be true? Enroll in The Complete Guide to Stack Commerce for Course Instructors today & see for yourself."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Unity Game Development Course" |
"Getting started in game development doesn't have to be scary. All you need is the passion to learn and an inquisitive, experimental nature for combining code, animation, graphics, artificial intelligence, art and audio. Sounds like a lot? It is, but when you see how you as a solo developer can bring it all together there's a touch of magic in the air.Unity is the number one game development engine due to its ease of use and yet powerful abilities. It works on all platforms and can export to desktop, console and mobile devices. It's a great way for the beginner to jump straight into the world of game development and get their hands on the tools used by AAA game studios to produce games such as Hearthstone (Blizzard Entertainment), Cities: Skylines (Colossal Order) and Monument Valley 2 (ustwo Games) and best of all, for the beginner and hobbyist it is free!In this course, Penny demystifies Unity's interface and plethora of tools to bring art, code, design, and more together to produce a fully-fledged First Person Shooter game completely from scratch. Using her internationally acclaimed teaching style and knowledge from over 25 years working with games, graphics, and having written two award-winning books on games A.I., Penny will take you from complete noob to a confident user of Unity. Throughout, you will follow along with hands-on workshops designed to take you through every step of becoming familiar with all the functionality of the game engine. Throughout, you will work towards the creation of a First Person Shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world complete with zombies out for the player's brains!This course was created with Unity 2019.3.11f however is compatible with Unity 2019.4.2f1 (LTS) on either Mac or PC.Learn how to code, animate, and work with:The Unity Development Environment. Unity's C# interface.Terrain Sculpting Tools for creating game maps.First Person Characters and Animations for Walking, Shooting, and Reloading.Pickup Items for Medical Kits and Ammunition.3D Models of Zombies to add Animations for Walking, Chasing and Attacking.An inventory system to keep track of player health and ammunition supplies.Navigation Meshes for programming the movement of zombies and path planning on a terrain.Finite State Machines for defining enemy A.I. behaviours.Constructing Ragdoll models for dynamic death animations.A Heads Up Display to inform the player of their health level and ammunition level, complete with a radar for locating zombies and a compass to guide the player home.Special Effects such as fire, blood splatter, and lighting techniques.Building the game to a standalone product.All assets and incremental project files are included.Contents and OverviewThe course begins with a section to introduce you to the Unity interface. If you are already familiar with Unity, you can skip to Section 3. In this introductory session, we will cover Unity's window system, how to add models and textures, the creation of code to manipulate the properties of models, and the physics system.Following this, we will start work on the First Person Character (FPC). You will learn how to add physics and code to move the character around, as well as add animated arms and a weapon that you can see in the game view. You will also work to add animations for firing and reloading the weapon. Audio effects for the player's footsteps and jumping will also be included here.Next, you will create pickup items for medical kits and ammunition that can be scattered around the game environment to provide extra resources to the player when their health or bullet levels get low. Here you will learn about how colliders and triggers can be used to fire off code to update values on the player that store an inventory.We will then jump into the Unity Terrain Sculpting tool and work through the creation of a large game map on which to place the FPC and enemies. You will work with textures to colour the terrain and models, to add extra details such as trees and grass. High-quality models of houses, rocks, fences, and other props will be included for you to be as creative as you like in developing the game environment.By this point, you'll be ready to start adding the zombies. You will first begin with the zombie models and learn how to add animations to them and then move them about on the game environment using navigation meshes. Then we will cover one of the most popular artificial intelligence techniques used in games for creating simple behaviours in non-player characters; the Finite State Machine. You will develop enemies capable of wandering, chasing, attacking, dying, and standing idle. These actions will be linked to the location of the player such that the zombies will ignore the player when they are far away and only attack when in range.Once these mechanics are in place, you will learn how to use raycasts to link the player's shooting animations with a hit to the zombie. When hit, the zombie death animation will play and you will also be able to add in a ragdoll instead at this point. We will work with spotlights to create a crosshair aiming system and program dead zombies to sink into the ground, to remove them from the game.Last but not least, we tie everything together with a Heads Up Display complete with health meter, an ammunition count, a radar for detecting nearby zombies, and a compass to point the player toward their goal location.Once you have put all the game mechanics in place, you'll learn several techniques for taking your game to a more professional level with special effects, extra audio & feedback, and a main menu switching system.This is the perfect course to get started with Unity if you are an absolute beginner or learn a few extra techniques if you are familiar with the engine. What students are saying about Penny's courses:Excellent course!! I am already in game development industry and there is one quote here that ""Whenever you are not able to solve complex problem, its the right time to get back to the BASICS""Penny is a natural born teacher, able to explain otherwise difficult concepts in a fun, engaging way that just make such simple sense, and makes you wish you would have had her for a high-school teacher so long ago. This course is absolute gold! I am a Software Engineering Teacher as well as a solo game developer, and of all the courses I have taken on Udemy, this is has been the most useful and eye opening by far."
Price: 29.99

"Write with the Great Writers: Literature & Creative Writing" |
"Do you love both reading and creative writing? Would you like to learn the techniques of some of the greatest writers in English literature, including Shakespeare, Tolkien, Kipling, Austen and J.K. Rowling? If you want to develop your creative writing technique whilst learning about English literature, this is the course for you.In this course we will look at the work of some major writers and explore their writing techniques.Learn how to write lyric poetry with William WordsworthWrite an action poem with Sylvia PlathWrite a character poem with Lord ByronWrite drama with Shakespeare and Arthur MillerStructure a novel like Dickens, Faulkner, Emily Bronte or Jane AustenWrite novel characters using insights from Jane Austen and J.K. RowlingWrite short stories with Rudyard Kipling and J.R.R. TolkienAlso covered:Creative writing exercises to stimulate your imaginationPublishing your work on KindleSelling printed copies of your workAs a professional lyricist, short story and memoir writer with two degrees in English Literature, I am hoping to help guide you through this course in a way which will help you to reflect on and adapt your writing. You can send me your work for feedback any time.If you are excited to enter into the world of English literature as both a critical reader and a writer, enroll today. Udemy offers a 30 day money back guarantee so you can enroll without risk. I'm looking forward to joining you on the course!"
Price: 49.99

"Narrativa interactiva y guin no lineal para vdeo juegos" |
"Guin no lineal, interactivo.Videojuegos, audiovisual (cine, TV, web), transmedia.Industrias que cuentan historias interactivas, donde el espectador ya no se limita a mirar, tambin participa. Los nuevos formatos que exige el mundo del entretenimiento.Durante el curso vemos teora narrativa y enseamos a disear y escribirguiones interactivose hiperficciones.Pods ver las clases grabadas cuando quieras y a tu ritmo. Una vez que comprs el curso, es tuyo para siempre. Hablamos sobre narrativa formal, interactiva, emergente, digresin ludonarrativa, herramientas de software y otros temas relacionados a la generacin de contenidos para videojuegos, la industria audiovisual y las producciones transmedia.TEMARIOEl rol del narrador interactivo.Tipos de narrativa interactiva.Estructuras de progreso narrativo.Multitramas.Game Spine, Golden Path.Breacrumbing, funneling.Control autoral.Finales mltiples.Identificacin de vehculos narrativos.Formatos de entrega.Proceso de escritura sugerido.Digresin ludonarrativa.Combinando narrativa con gameplay.Librojuegos.Guin clsico versus interactivo.Hiperficciones.Guin para videojuegos.Produccin de voz.Formatos efmeros.Twitter Storytelling.Software de edicin."
Price: 199.99

"Diseo y narrativa transmedia: qu es y cmo hacerlo" |
"Para transmediar un proyecto no es necesaria una inversin millonaria, sino entender cmo aplicar el mecanismo correcto a lo que estamos creando.En este curso online no slo teorizamos,te enseamos cmo trabajarmediante una metodologa prctica.Qu es Transmedia Storytelling y por qu importa?Es la ltima y ms evolucionada forma deretencin. La implementacin inteligente de la narrativa transmedia permite recuperar inversin y fidelizar nuestros proyectos.Transmedia Storytelling implica contar una historia distribuida estratgicamente a travs de mltiples formatos enlazados por las redes sociales. Hoy existen productos notables que se extienden por medio de videojuegos, cmics, series de TV, msica, twittersodes y otros.Entender transmedia es indispensable en el diseo moderno.Permite que ahorremos recursos, al mismo tiempo que nuestras creaciones cobran valor. Ejemplos de producciones transmedia sonHarry Potter, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Assassins CreedyOverwatch, entre muchos ms.Al contrario de lo que podra pensarse, hacer transmedia es ms un tema de tcnica e ingenio que de costos."
Price: 199.99

"Redaccin creativa: el arte de inventar historias" |
"Novelas, relatos, cine, TV, web. Industrias que cuentan las historias que nos atrapan. No te gustara escribir guiones, o tu propia novela? En este curso aprendemos a escribir mejor, a corregir, a vencer el bloqueo del escritor, a ser creativos. Inventamos universos narrativos, personajes y dramas interesantes, usando las herramientas ms sencillas y tiles. Te enseamos a trabajar y te mostramos cmo lo hacemos con ejemplos."
Price: 84.99

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Price: 154.99

"PTE Academic (English Test) - Mastering Writing - Score 79+" |
"NEW!!This PTE Academic Writing course provides everything you need to hit full score in Writing module of PTE exam, when paired with your dedication to do so.Starting with how you are scored and important points and, we then proceed with main lectures covering all different formats of questions you might get at the test. All question types, how to answer each, common mistakes, tome management, practicing techniques, etc are discussed, as well as examples, to give you a better understanding of how it all works. You will also find all needed resources and study material attached to the course, for you to study and practice.There is also an additional section at the end of each question type called ""Emergency"", useful for when you fail to apply what you have learned, and things do not go as expected at the time of the test. "
Price: 44.99

"C# 8.0 - OOP - Ultimate Guide - Beginner to Advanced" |
"***** THE BEST SELLING C# COURSE ON UDEMY *****C# 8.0 - OOP - Ultimate Guide - Beginner to AdvancedLearn C# by doing, with real world projects.**********************************************************************************************************************List of topics that ARE covered in this course: - .Net Basics: Introduction to .NET, CLI, CLR, .NET Framework Architecture, Versions of .Net Framework, Overview of .Net Core, Introduction to Visual Studio, Basics of C# - Language Basics: System.Console class, Variables, Primitive Types, Control Statements - OOP Fundamentals: OOP Basics, Classes, Objects, Object References - Fields: Fields, Static Fields, Constants, Readonly Fields - Methods: Methods, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Local Variables, Parameters, this keyword, Static methods, Default arguments, Named arguments, Method overloading, ref, out, out declaration, in, ref returns, params modifier, Local functions, Static local functions, Recursion - Type Conversion: Type conversion, Implicit casting, Explicit casting, Parse, TryParse, Conversion methods - Constructors: Constructors, Static constructors, Constructor overloading, Object initializer - Properties: Properties, Readonly properties, Writeonly properties, Automatic properties, Automatic properties accessibility, Automatic property initializers, Indexers - Inheritance: Inheritance, Various types of inheritance, base keyword, Calling parent class's constructor, Method hiding, Method overriding, Sealed classes, Sealed methods - Abstract Classes and Interfaces: Abstract classes, Abstract methods, Interfaces, Dynamic polymorphism with interfaces, Multiple inheritance, Interface inheritance, Explicit interface implementation - Namespaces: Namespaces, Nested namespaces, Importing namespaces, Creating using alias, Using static - Partial & Static Classes: Partial classes, Partial methods, Static classes, Enumerations - Structures: Structures, Readonly structures, Primitive types as structures - System.Object: System.Object class, Overriding methods of System.Object class, Boxing, Unboxing - Generics: Generic classes, Multiple generic parameters, Generic constraints, Generic methods - Working with Null: Nullable types, Null Coalescing operator, Null propagation operator - Extension Methods: Extension methods, Pattern matching, Implicitly typed variables, Dynamically typed variables, Inner classes - Garbage Collection: Garbage Collection, Generations of GC, Destructors, Finalize, IDisposable, Using Declaration - Delegates and Events: Single-Cast Delegates, Multi-Cast Delegates, Events, Auto-implemented events, Anonymous methods, Lambda expressions, Inline lambda expressions, Expression bodied members, Switch expression, Func, Action, Predicate, EventHandler, Expression Trees - Arrays: Creating arrays, Arrays with for loop, Arrays with foreach loop, Methods of System.Array class, Mult-Dim arrays, Index from-end operator, Jagged arrays, Array of objects - Collections: Working with various collections, List, Dictionary, SortedList, Hashtable, ArrayList, Stack, Queue, HashSet, typeof operator, Collection of objects, Object relations, IEnumerator vs IEnumerable - Anonymous types, Tuples, Value Tuples, Discards, String class - Exception Handling: Try, Catch, Finally, Multiple catch blocks, Built-In Exception classes, System.Exception, Catch when / Exception filters, Throw, Custom exceptions, nameof operatorREAL-TIME PROJECTSA mini project, ""Banking application"", where the bank user can create / edit bank accounts and also can perform deposit, withdraw, balance enquiry, account statement etc. operations.Some of the above features are given as assignments; so that you can exercises coding practices based on the guidelines provided.List of C# 3.0 New Features covered in this course:Auto-Implemented PropertiesAnonymous TypesLambda ExpressionsQuery Expressions (LINQ)Expression TreesExtension MethodsImplicitly Typed Local Variables / Type InferencePartial MethodsObject InitializerCollection InitializerList of C# 4.0 New Features covered in this course:Dynamically Typed VariablesNamed ArgumentsOptional ArgumentsCovariance and ContravarianceList of C# 5.0 New Features covered in this course:Async & AwaitList of C# 6.0 New Features covered in this course:Static Imports (using static)Exception Filters (catch when)Auto-Implemented Property InitializersNull PropagatorString Interpolationnameof operatorList of C# 7.0 New Features covered in this course:Out Variable DeclarationTuplesDiscardsPattern MatchingLocal FunctionsExpression Bodied MembersList of C# 7.1 New Features covered in this course:Default literalsInferred Tuple Element NamesList of C# 7.2 New Features covered in this course:'private protected' access modifier'in' parameter modifierList of C# 7.3 New Features covered in this course:Ref returns== operator on tuplesList of C# 8.0 New Features covered in this course:readonly structsSwitch ExpressionsUsing DeclarationsStatic Local Functions***********************************************************************************************************POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THIS COURSEBy the end of this course, you will create all of the source code for a complete C# project, by using collections as backend for storage.You will type in every line of code with me in the videos ... all from scratch. No copy-paste of ready-made code.I explain every line of C# code that we create. So this isn't a copy/paste exercise, you will have a full understanding of the code. I am a RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR .... post your questions and I will RESPOND in 24 hours, ASAP.All source code is available for download.English captions are available.***********************************************************************************************************No Risk Money-Back GuaranteeFinally, there is no risk. You can preview first few lectures of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee.So you have nothing to lose, sign up for this course and learn how to build C# Projects from scratch!Key Points about this Course: All C# programs are demonstrated using 'Console Applications' and 'Class Library' projects in Visual Studio 2019.Each concept is first explained theoretically like understanding what is that concept, different types / syntax to write code. And then we will show the same with a real-world-like scenario. At last, I'll explain where exactly we use this concept in real-word applications.All the concepts explained in both theoretically and practically.We use C# 8, Visual Studio 2019.Video lectures are not downloadable.The lectures related to the following topics are pending as of now; but will be ready by end of December 2020.String MethodsException HandlingI promise to complete all of above by end of December 2020.*********************************************************The following topics are NOT covered in this course:Multi-ThreadingADO.NETLINQEntity FrameworkWPF / WCFNetworkingWinFormsCryptographyWindows ServicesAssembliesSystem.IO / File IO"
Price: 1280.00

"1Y0-301 - Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions" |
" ***************************** ## Guaranteed Success ## *****************************Welcome To The Citrix 1Y0-301 exam preparation Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From Certification Success Academy: Gain Citrix 1Y0-301 - Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions Certification Easily! The objectives and examples for the 1Y0-301 exam are developed by domain experts based on tasks that relate to install, configure and roll out common XenDesktop solutions.Exam details;Exam Name - Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 SolutionsExam Code - 1Y0-301Exam Price - $200 USDTime Limit - 90 minutes*Number of Questions - 68 (multiple choice and simulation)Passing Score - 70%"
Price: 19.99

"Citrix ADC Advanced Topics - Security Management and Optimiz" |
" ***************************** ## Guaranteed Success ## *****************************Welcome To The Citrix 1Y0-340 exam preparation Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From Certification Success Academy: Gain Citrix ADC Advanced Topics - Security Management and Optimiz Certification Easily!Exam details;Exam Name - Citrix ADC Advanced Topics - Security Management and Optimization (CCP-N)Exam Code - 1Y0-340Exam Price - $300 USDTime Limit - 90 minutes*Number of Questions - 62 (multiple choice and simulation)Passing Score - 66%Citrix Web App Firewall Overview 8% - Identify common web application attacks.- Determine the Functionality of Citrix Web App Firewall, given a scenario.- Understand the audit for PCI-DSS compliance.Citrix Web App Firewall Profiles and Policies6%- Determine how to create (or implement) Citrix Web App Firewall profiles.- Determine how to configure Citrix Web App Firewall Policies.- Determine how to analyze application firewall settings.Regular Expression5%- Identify PCRE metacharacters.- Determine how to apply regular expressions for Citrix ADC.Attacks and Protections21%- Determine how to configure security checks to meet given requirements.- Identify various attacks and protections.- Determine how to configure the generation of simple and generalized rules based on given requirements.- Determine learned rules per security check.- Determine how to deploy, skip and edit learned rules.Monitoring and Troubleshooting8%- Determine how Citrix Web App Firewall interacts with applications in a given environment.- Determine how to Implement logging and monitoring.- Identify troubleshooting methods for Citrix Web App Firewall.Security and Filtering6%- Determine how to implement IP reputation.- Determine how to implement IP rate-limiting.- Determine how to Implement AppQoE.- Determine how to implement HTTP Callout.Citrix Application DeliveryManagement: Introduction and Configuration8%- Determine how to perform the initial configuration of Citrix Application Delivery Management.- Determine how to deploy Citrix Application Delivery Management based on a given scenario.- Determine how to create additional instances of Citrix Application Delivery Management.Managing and Monitoring Citrix ADC Instances11%- Determine how to manage multiple instances in a single Citrix Application Delivery Management deployment with Inventory Management.- Determine how to manage and monitor the aspects of Authentication, Authorization, and Logging with User Management.- Identify what data is captured and utilized with Analytics and Automation.- Determine how to configure and install SSL Certificates on Citrix Application Delivery Management.Managing Citrix ADC Configurations5%- Determine how to create, manage, and configure StyleBooks.- Determine how to utilize Citrix Application Delivery Management recommendations to assist in resource delivery.Citrix ADC Web Logging3%- Determine how to install and configure Citrix ADC Web Logging.- Determine how to troubleshoot issues using Citrix ADC Web Logging.Integrated Caching6%- Determine when to use static or dynamic content requests.- Determine how to configure cache policies.- Determine which content group settings to configure based on a given scenario.Front-End Optimization5%- Determine how content is currently handled by browsers based on a given environment.- Determine how to utilize front-end optimizations based on a given scenario.Tuning and Optimizations6%- Determine how the Citrix ADC system uses HTTP connections based on a given description.- Determine how to configure Surge Protection and Priority Queuing.- Determine how to Tune HTTP and TCP behaviors in Connection Profiles.- Determine how to utilize HTTP DoS protection deployment guidelines to meet the needs of a given environment."
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a la Economa Social" |
"El curso esta disenado para introducir a los estudiantes en el mundo de las ciencias economicas, entregando los conceptos principales que subyacen a esta ciencia social. La economia esta presente en la sociedad, en la vida de las personas y, en general, en las transacciones diarias que se realizan, de manera que entender la economia ayuda a comprender el mundo en el que se vive. La gestion de recursos de la sociedad es fundamental, pues son finitos y esa escasez y su correcta gestion es el objeto de estudio de la economia."
Price: 99.99

"Aplicaciones Cuantitativas para la Gestin" |
"Los saberes que se desarrollan en este curso son referidos a que el estudiante sera capaz de explicar y calcular los conceptos relacionados con el analisis de datos desde la estadstica y las probabilidades.Este curso contempla 3 grandes unidades: Razonamiento lgico reflexivo, aplicacin del mtodo cuantitativo y el riesgo y su medicin."
Price: 99.99

"Adobe XD crer des prototypes" |
"Adobe XDAdobe XD est un logiciel de la srie Adobe qui permet de crer des applications mobiles, mais galement tous types de conception web. Il offre une grande simplicit dans son interface, ce qui veut dire que la conception n'a jamais t aussi pratique que dans Adobe XD. Contrairement des logiciels comme Photoshop ou Illustrator qui demandent beaucoup plus de fonctionnalits pour crer des maquettes mobiles ou web, Adobe XD est l'outil de conception idal pour crer ce type de conception. On y intgre les polices, les formes, les couleurs, les icnes et les images. Il est possible de choisir toutes les tailles de dpart. Adobe XD possde galement un systme de calque trs pratique. On travaille galement avec les actifs et les composants. Adobe XD vous permet de- Crer une application mobile- Crer des landing pages- Crer le design d'un site web- Crer des interactions entre les diffrents plans de travailA la fin de votre travail, vous pourrez utiliser votre maquette et cette dernire pourra tre prte pour un dvelopper web. La formationDans cette formation, vous allez apprendre comment crer un prototype en partant de rien avec Adobe XD. En agissant tape par tape, prise en main du logiciel, utilisation des outils, gestion des couleurs, des images et bien plus, vous pourrez voir l'ensemble des fonctionnalits. Le design n'aura plus aucun secret pour vous. Vous pourrez galement travailler sur des exemples concrets travers la cration d'applications web avec diffrents plans de travail, en terminant par les interactions entre ces derniers."
Price: 49.99

"Creative Lens Flares with Blackmagic Fusion 9" |
"There are lots of Lens Flare plugins out there but if you are using free version of Blackmagic Fusion, then you are out of luck because you can't use external plugins. Creating a lens flare is not very difficult once you know the basics steps. In this course I will show you how you can create a lens flare from scratch."
Price: 19.99

"Editing and Compositing with Hitfilm Express 13 (Hindi)" |
"Have you ever wondered how can I learn editing or compositing or both without spending a lot of money on software subscription? Well, there is 'Hitfilm Express' from Fxhome which is absolutely free and gives you the power to create your masterpiece. In this course, you will learn the basics of editing and compositing tools to get you started."
Price: 1280.00

"Coping With Teachers' Stress & Burnout" |
"The module activates the different levels of stress which the teachers need to go through and how they can achieve the best with the march of time through various strategies and keeping in pace with the learning spectrum both for self and for the stake holders in particular. It marvels the spectrum of learning as a priority to go stand by and come up to manage things effectively with the preface of win-win approach towards achieving excellence as a habit rather than an occasional occurrence."
Price: 19.99
