"WEB Level1WEB150" |
Price: 10800.00

"Jenkins (Mastering in Jenkins with other Tools)" |
"In this course, you will be learn Jenkins in details and integration with few tools like Packer, Terraform, Bash, Shell Script, Maven, Java and many more.Jenkins Download and Installation in Windows 10, Jenkins architecture with horizontal scaling and pros and cons. Jenkins Pipeline, and N-number of Jobs for diff diff tools."
Price: 1280.00

"ISTQB Foundation Level 2020 Complete Training" |
"This course is a complete explanation of the ISTQB Foundation Level material.Once you study the whole course you will be ready to apply for the exam.Each section in the syllabus is explained in a separate video which makes the learning process easier for the trainee.All course content is updated to the latest version of the ISTQB Foundation Level Syllabus."
Price: 19.99

"UX Design & Research: Better UX using Heuristic Evaluation" |
"Right from ordering food to booking flights to even finding a partner, we use in-numerous apps and websites on a daily basis. Some of these apps and websites are intuitive and easy to use while others are horrible and frustrating. So what differentiates a good app or a website from a bad one?Although there can be multiple factors responsible for this, but Usability is definitely one of them. Usability means providing users with the ability to achieve their goal with minimal efforts in least possible time. Good usability leads to:1. Better Conversion Rates2. Improved Customer Retention3. Reduced Support Costs4. Increased Productivity and 5. Greater User Satisfaction.Now as we know the importance of usability, the million dollar question here is how to evaluate usability and not just evaluate but how to improve usability of an app or a website. If you are also wondering about these questions, then you have come to the right place. I am Aman Gupta, your instructor for this course. I have been studying and implementing UX design principles for the last 12 years. I have specifically created this course to help you understand usability and the ways to evaluate usability of any user interface. Who should take this course?Whether you are a designer, developer, product manager or a startup founder this course would really prove beneficial to you. This course will teach you practical guidelines that you will be able to use immediately in your job to create world class products and interfaces. I can confidently say that by the end of this course you will be able to evaluate a website or an app for its usability and not just evaluate you would be able to provide suggestions to improve its usability. Additionally, for designers and product managers who are looking for new career opportunities, this course is really worth a shot. Generally as a part of the recruitment process for these profiles, companies ask applicants to review a product and provide suggestions for improvements in the same. And I can assure you that the framework and techniques discussed in this course will really come in handy to ace these product review assignments. Although there are different sets of guidelines available for evaluating the usability of an app or a website, but in this course we would be primarily discussing the 10 Usability Heuristics given by Jakob Nielsen, as these are the most widely used guidelines across the world to evaluate any user interface. With the help of real world examples, I will walk you through how these usability heuristics can be used to evaluate any user interface.You would agree that the best way to learn is by getting your hands dirty. Therefore this course will not be limited to theory only, and will provide multiple exercise files and interfaces for you to work on. As a usability expert, you will be evaluating these interfaces and highlighting usability issues in them. Further, I will also be sharing my Usability findings for these products and user interfaces so that you can see how you performed.So, does this all sound exciting to you? If yes I invite you to join this course and embark on this enthralling journey towards a better and an upskilled you. I welcome you all and hope to see you in the class!"
Price: 99.99

"Innovation du Business Model: Dveloppez Votre Entreprise" |
"Dans ce cours vous allez apprendre le Business Model: quels sont les diffrents composants d'une entreprise, son ""systme"", comment elle fonctionne. Le Business Model Canvas est un excellent outil pour avoir une vision d'ensemble du fonctionnement d'une entreprise.Vous allez aussi apprendre les stratgies d'innovation du business modle et surtout les ""nouveaux"" types d'innovation utiliss par les startups et les grandes entreprises tels que le Design, les Segments Client de Niche, les Canaux de Vente et de Livraison, l'Engagement Client, les Process et les Modles de Revenu. Ils vous aideront trouver de nouvelles sources de croissance pour votre entreprise et vous diffrencier de la concurrence. Dans ce cours nous allons illustrer toutes ces nouvelles techniques d'innovation grce des dizaines d'exemples de startups, PME, TPE et grandes entreprises.Ce cours est divis en 3 grandes parties:Introduction aux Business ModlesInnovation du Business ModleModles de RevenuPour toutes les stratgies d'innovation mentionnes, nous montrerons comment des startups, PME/TPE et grandes entreprises les appliquent en pratique. Ce cours ""Innovation du Business Model"" vous donnera des connaissances stratgiques pour les meilleures pratiques business. Vous serez capables d'analyser n'importe quelle entreprise, que ce soit la votre, celle pour laquelle vous travaillez, ou tout autre socit, et brainstormer des ides innovantes pour acclrer sa croissance en utilisant les techniques d'innovation du business model. Important: Ce cours est la version en franais de mon cours Best-seller ""Business Model Innovation: Differentiate & Grow Your Company"". Il a des dizaines de milliers de participants et des milliers d'avis et commentaires laisss par les tudiants. Je suis l'auteur des deux cours et je parle les deux langues, donc c'est une traduction ""originale"" faite par moi mme. J'ai galement intgr quelques exemples d'entreprises franaises l o c'tait applicable.(L'outil ""Business Model Canvas"" mentionn dans certaines parties de ce cours appartient Strategyzer et est utilis sous la license Creative Commons. Ce cours n'a aucune relation avec les auteurs du Business Model Canvas.)"
Price: 194.99

"0 to 1,000 Subscribers The Correct Way" |
"People always try to sell you on ""fastest way"" or ""get subscribers or followers fast."" In my experience those are not the right answer. The principles I teach in this course are. We all have the same goal and that is to reach success on YouTube. In this course I will teach you how to be successful at YouTube and avoid all of my mistakes."
Price: 24.99

"Bestseller Facebook ads & Facebook marketing course (A TO Z)" |
"(PRIME FEATURE:- Get fastest results with ""Free"" 365*24*7 PRO consultation...(Learn from the top 100 awarded digital marketing expert)Widest coverage on facebook marketing, facebook training & facebook ads (A TO Z).Upgrade your facebook marketing game with advanced facebook ads growth hacks.Best of the best facebook sales funnels (Highest rate of conversion)Special coverage on ecommerce funnels for facebook ads & marketing.Direct access a well renowned digital marketing expert.No more overwhelming stuff, no more random strategies, its a completely interconnected system.No more wastage of time & money. Ask me anything, all your queries, all the what, why & how's will be clarified LIVE...)What our top students are saying:-Frank Mabuduko rated his digital marketing course with top ratings.Dean is super happy with his marketing course & gives it full marks.Shakir Javed is really impressed with his marketing course.Margarie says about his other course ""I like it for sure, a complete marketing system with brilliant detailing & examples.""Ramjas Yadav says about his other course ""feeling confident about my marketing skills like never before, lots of doubts have been cleared. Mohammad makes marketing really easy.""Solvita mak is happily recommending this course to family & friends.Milos Gavranovic asks for more clarity in speaking, which is immediately solved by Mohammad & overall Milos really enjoys the course.Andrei kolozsvari says ""Very good! Exactly what I need to boost sales on my new webshop"".This facebook ads & marketing course gives you a full proof facebook marketing strategy step by step starting from the very beginning to advance strategies like:-1. How to create & engage your audience organically with facebook business page (step by step).2. Ultra accelerate your sales with facebook groups.3. Rank your business page organically with perfect facebook pages SEO.4. Don't just create a page, get the best look for your page with tabs & templates.5. Give your new products a perfect launching platform with facebook events.6. Get thousands of likes & shares within few minutes of creating the page.7. 70-20-10 rule of posting will get the right amount of engagement, which your page deserves.8. Free List of countries to get cheapest likes & clicks on your facebook page with facebook ads.9. Find your major errors & strengths with facebook audience insights.10. Steal your competitor's audience with a secret hack.11. Create hyper targeted facebook ads campaigns which convert really crazy.12. Have lots of ideas for your ads, find the perfect idea for your ads with split testing.13. Create an audience & then find similar audience from around the world with lookalike audience.14. Get more people to your store by creating irresistible offers in facebook ads.15. Retarget your website visitors with facebook ads by installing facebook pixels.16. Custom conversion VS standard events.17. Specialized lead generation ads.18. Go hyper targeted with facebook dyanamic ads.19. Get thousands of link clicks on your ads with video ads.20. Learn to create specialized ecommerce sales funnels.21. You work in a big agency, learn how to use facebook business manager to add staff to your facebook ads account.22. Learn how long should you run a facebook ad?23. How to find whether you should stop running ad.24. How many people should see your ad before you make a decision about your ad.25. Important factors to decide the success or failure of an ad.26. How to find the budget for your ad campaign.27. Find when to change the copy of your ad creative.28. What is the minimum budget required to run facebook ads.Who can join this digital marketing online course:- 1. If you want to learn facebook ads & marketing (A TO Z, EVERYTHING) 2. If you want to start your own facebook ads agency 3. If you're just looking for an extra source of income to pay your bills.4. If you're a big dreamer looking to enter into serious online business & make real money, you're at the right place.5. If you're a freelancer or a work from home expert, then you should definitely try this once & you'll forget about that workload forever.6. Tried different online courses but nothing worked, let me tell you this stuff is trusted by many pros of the industry so your success chances are extremely high.7. If you're a PRO marketer, I BET you'll learn a whole lot of new stuff...keep learning, keep growing.8. If you're a mom who wants to earn from home while taking care of kids.9. If you're a teenage looking to enter into online entrepreneurship & earn from the internet.You'll also get these free resources:- Lifetime 365*24*7 support by Mohammad via Messenger. (Exclusive offer, no other instructor offering this). Lifetime Access to this course 'facebook ads & facebook marketing'. Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section. Direct access to the instructor for your work & future client projects. Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download. A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Get the most out of this facebook ads & marketing course by going through each chapter step by step & then doing everything by yourself, then check your growth by yourself, you'll feel the change & confidence yourself.No need to worry! Just follow these steps to get a head start and if you get stuck i'm available 365*24*7 days, ask me anything and that too live.(Note: For best experience, Learn in a peaceful environment & use headphones/earphones to listen to these lectures)."
Price: 199.99

"Fsica para o ENEM: Domine Ondulatria" |
"O curso ""Fsica: Domine Ondulatria"" prepara o aluno para a prova de Fsica do Enem (Cincias da Natureza e suas Tecnologias) e tambm para o Vestibular, no tema Ondulatria. Ele inclui o gabarito comentado de todos os exerccios de Fsica Ondulatria que j caram em provas anteriores do Enem, desde 2009 (So mais de 100 questes)Esse curso inclui mais de 30 aulas e quase 4 horas de instruo. Ele apresenta vdeos didticos em alta resoluo, atividades com listas de exerccios e resolues completas para reforar os conhecimentos adquiridos, materiais didticos disponveis para o aluno baixar a cada mdulo e uma prova prtica ao final do curso para o aluno testar os seus conhecimentos em Fsica Ondulatria.A grade curricular do curso ""Fsica: Domine Ondulatria"" est organizada nas seguintes sees:Mdulo 1: Introduo ao CursoMdulo 2: Ondas - Conceitos GeraisMdulo 3: Ondas EstacionriasMdulo 4: As Ondas SonorasMdulo 5: Ondas EletromagnticasMdulo 6: Concluso do CursoEm cada mdulo, o professor utiliza diferentes tecnologias, como simuladores online e animaes em GIF, permitindo uma visualizao concreta dos conceitos ensinados, aumentando a sua compreenso. As atividades com listas de exerccios permitem que o aluno pratique a resoluo de problemas prticos e confira passo a passo o seu nvel de entendimento de Ondulatria. Todas as listas de exerccios possuem respostas comentadas para o aluno conferir seu aproveitamento e a aula correspondente a cada questo para a sua referncia.Ao final do curso, voc ir resolver uma prova prtica para testar os conhecimentos adquiridos. Se voc tiver dificuldades na prova, no tem problema! Volte e assista aos vdeos referentes ao assunto em que apresentou dificuldades, reveja os conceitos, pratique os exerccios e tente novamente. E se voc tiver qualquer dvida durante o curso, basta deixar sua pergunta na rea de Perguntas e Respostas a cada aula e eu responderei o mais rpido possvel.Veja o testemunho de alunos que j se matricularam nos cursos do professor Alexandre Raymundo:""Professor com excelente didtica, vai encaminhando o aprendiz passo-a-passo na aquisio dos conceitos fundamentais... Aprendi muito. Valeu a pena "" (Joo S.)""Gostei da forma como o professor comunica as aulas."" (Chaiane R.)""Curso de qualidade! Professor tem boa didtica, atendeu minhas expectativas!"" (Kelly A.)""O curso atendeu minhas expectativas; trabalhou-se bastante aplicaes do cotidiano... Obrigado por tudo."" (Sarley A.)""O professor muito didtico e os recursos disponibilizados auxiliam bastante no aprendizado"" (Camila F.)""Excelente curso. Me ajudou bastante a relembrar importantes temas..."" (Felipe M.)Ao matricular-se nesse curso, voc ainda ganha:Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso;Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy;Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel, TV ou Computador;Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro sem perguntasAcesso 24h / 7 dias por semana ao professor atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.Matricule-se ainda hoje, junte-se a nossa comunidade que no para de crescer e aprenda Fsica Ondulatria.Boa sorte e bons estudos!Prof. Alexandre Raymundo"
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Automotive Product Design & development" |
"The Automotive product development process is based on he Mechanical design and development process Starting from product planning to Detail DesignThis course will cover the key aspects of these stages and key activities carried out along with major milestonesConcepts coveredConcept of Concurrent engineering and how teams are formed in cross functional setupMajor milestones at each stage The nature of product development and types of product developmentHow concepts are developed and differences between industrial design and engineering design What are ergonomic analyses and H point . Importance in establishing the concept What is Vehicle architecture and types of Vehicle construction and types of Suspension used in different types of vehiclesWhat are vehicle platforms and modular designs . Importance of standardizationActivities in Systems design - Interfaces and Integration of complex systemsActivities in Detail design phase including DFMEA, DVP preparation and Concern resolutionWhat is BOM ,PLM and engineering releaseThe Main outcome of the course is to develop a holistic understanding of the whole process from idea to production level design The course is useful for Design engineering aspirants in automotive domain or for anyone interested in gaining insights how automobiles are developed in industry ."
Price: 4160.00

"Watercolour Street Scene of Tallinn, Estonia" |
"Here I am going to show you how to create a more abstract approach to painting from a photograph where you will learn how to be bolder and freer with your brush strokes and create a great painting by avoiding lots of unnecessary detail. Even figures will be added simply and easily to complement the buildings."
Price: 19.99

"Clothing Brand 101: How-To Get Wholesale Embroidered Apparel" |
"Manufacturing Your Clothing Brand: Understanding EmbroideryEmbroidery is the craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply thread or yarn. Embroidery may also incorporate other materials such as pearls, beads, quills, and sequins.i. What is Embroideryii. How Embroidery Worksiii. The Pros of Embroideryiv. The Cons of Embroideryv. Why You Probably Shouldn't DIY Embroideryvi. Getting Your First Merch Drop Embroideredvii. Artviii. Digitizationix. Stitch Countx. Locationxi. Threadsxii. Getting Art Madexiii. Digital Art vs. Digitized Artxiv. How to Get Art Digitizedxv. Stitch Countxvi. Stock vs Custom Threadsxvii. Backing Paperxviii. What Art Works well With Embroideryxix. Blank Garments to Embroiderxx. Understanding Pricingxxi. How to Get Best Pricing Advisexxii. Focus to Save on Garment Costxxiii. Finding Decoration Vendorsxxiv. Different Type of Embroidery Vendorsxxv. Thank You"
Price: 19.99

"Screenprinting 101: How to Get T-Shirts Made for Your Brand" |
"Screen printing is a printing technique where a mesh is used to transfer ink onto a substrate, except in areas made impermeable to the ink by a blocking stencil. What is Screenprinting How Screenprinting Works The Pros of Screenprinting The Cons of Screenprinting Why You Probably Shouldn't DIY Screenprint Getting Your First Merch Drop Screenprinted Art Ink Colors Sizing & Quantity Blank Garment Locations Art: Getting Art Made Art: Vector vs Raster Sizing Ink Colors Ink Types Plastisol Ink Traditional Puff Soft Hand Waterbased Ink Discharge Ink Underbases and Dark Garments Different Garment Types & Fabrics Blank Garments Blank Garments Recommendations Locations Traditional Locations vs. Speciality Locations Print Options Spot Color 4-Color Simulated Process Additional Services to Ask About Understanding Pricing How to Get Best Pricing Advise Focus to Save on Garment Cost Different Type of Printers Thank You"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Course on Data Cleaning in MS Excel" |
"Excel is one of the most in-demand skills at all levels and having complete knowledge of this tool will help you to grow and earn.Data which is downloaded from softwares, survey forms have errors in terms of formatting, duplications, numbers saved as text, numbers saved as negative, etc., There is a need to clean all these data errors to prepare the data for a meaningful and insightful interpretation"
Price: 3840.00

"Pierde peso [PARA SIEMPRE] eliminando tu ansiedad por comer" |
"Llevas toda tu vida a ""Dieta"" sin ser consciente que esa palabra resuena tanto en tu inconsciente que se echa a temblar en cuanto la imaginas. He creado este ""Mtodo definitivo para perder peso de forma fcil y segura"" en base a los resultados de los ms de 1600 clientes que han pasado por mi consulta en los ltimos 5 aos con unos resultados simplemente ""ESPECTACULARES"" que podis comprobar en el vdeo de presentacin del curso. Vamos a trabajar todo lo relacionado con el funcionamiento de tu sistema digestivo, vamos a ver los principios bsicos de alimentacin, las distintas etapas y el funcionamiento de tu sistema digestivo, la importancia de la combinacin de alimentos, la importancia del ejercicio fsico, te motivar para que no abandones hasta conseguir tu objetivo y mantenerlo a lo largo de tu vida, porque te mereces esa vida llena de salud, de energa, de vitalidad...Pero lo ms espectacular son las sesiones de Hipnosis, con las que voy a eliminar esa ansiedad que puede ser la causante de tus continuos tropiezos a la hora de comer saludablemente.No quiero darte mucha ms informacin porque vas a tener entre tus manos lo que yo llamara ""EL MTODO DEFINITIVO"" puesto que lo vas a trabajar todo. No has visto nada igual en tu vida, y te doy mi garanta de que llevando este mtodo tan sencillo da tras da tus resultados sern para toda la vida...An dudas? Solo piensa en todo el dinero invertido que llevas a lo largo de tu vida sin resultados, y que por esta pequea inversin vas a disfrutar de una vida llena de FELICIDAD...Y recuerda, SOLO T ERES LA NICA PERSONA RESPONSABLE DE TU CUERPO, as que mmate, quirete...Te veo dentro...Jess Cosano"
Price: 99.99

"Master Excel Macros" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Excel - Master Macros course. This course is designed to teach you the basics of using macros in Microsoft Excel. It's very important to have the basics down. Once you have those, you can then build upon them.We will show you two different macro examples to help illustrate the cool features of macros. Then we will show how you can add in buttons and shapes into the equation.Finally we will wrap up the macros course with class assignment to put the principals in practice. We're excited you've decided to stop by and look forward to showing you Microsoft Excel Macros."
Price: 29.99

"C/C++ Programming from Scratch - Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course will take you from a basic knowledge of programming to using more advanced features of C++. This course is for you if you want to deepen your basic knowledge of programming with C++.We'll start with a look at very basics of programming such as data types, functions,arrays etc to intermediate topics such as Pointers,structure and unions. And we are also going to study about C++ topics such as Class , Object , isomorphism, Inheritance , encapsulation etc with examples."
Price: 12800.00

"Creacin de Imgenes para Arquitectura y Concursos" |
"Curso Bajo Demanda! Velo cundo puedas/quieras. Tmate tu tiempo!Slo existe 3ds max para Windows, no para OSX (Mac).La posibilidad de visualizar un proyecto de arquitectura antes de ser construido permite no solo dar a entender de manera realista su espacialidad, sino que tambin es capaz transmitir la atmsfera que genera un proyecto en un entorno. El curso se divide en dos etapas: el primero se relaciona con las herramientas de renderizado en la plataforma 3ds max y su motor de renderizacin con Vray. El segundo se refiere a los pasos de postproduccin de las imgenes realizadas en la primera etapa en el software Photoshop. Este curso profundiza las posibilidades de la visualizacin de arquitectura en 3D, con el objetivo de lograr altos estndares de comunicacin de espacios e ideas a travs de imgenes."
Price: 144.99

"Sustainable Development: Business Fundamentals" |
"Sustainable Development: Business Fundamentals Course is a comprehensive video course where you can learn all about sustainable development and how businesses can contribute.I have handcrafted this course to allow students to acquire core fundamental knowledge on business development concept in relation to the topic of sustainable development.If you are currently interested to learn how to alleviate world poverty and create a sustainable ecosystem for our next generation or want to know how businesses can benefit from sustainable development, you will find your answers within this course.So let's get started! Let's start your fulfilling journey and mark an important point of your phenomenal career!"
Price: 99.99

"The Power Of Subconscious Mind" |
"Are You Happy With Everything Going On In Your Life Right Now?Its About Time For You To Use TheHidden Power Of Your Subconscious Mind!Take Control Of Your Life Today.Every Single Day You Wake Up, You're A Day Closer To Your Death.Every Single Day You Kick The Can Down The Road, Is A Day Wasted.Dear Friend,Chances are, if you are reading this, you are looking for some sort of improvement. Maybe youre looking for some breakthrough in your relationship, because for whatever reason, you or your partner has hit an impasse.Maybe youre stuck in a job you hate. Maybe you feel that you are not in the best physical shape youre otherwise capable of achieving. Make no mistake, pain is part of the human experience.Theres No Such Thing As A Perfect Life.Theres no such thing as a life that involves just an unlimited number of rainbows, and smiles, and lollipops. We live in reality, and believe me, there is always room for improvement.At the very least, most of us are living far below our potential. We know we are capable of so much more. We know that we have the raw ingredients for great success and accomplishment in this life.Still, for whatever reason often self-inflicted, we fail to live up to our fullest potential.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou will learn how the conscious mind works and how limited it is.You will understand why your conscious mind is your most powerful possession.You will learn how your conscious mind can be helped by your subconscious mind.You will learn how to take full ownership of your subconscious mind.You will learn how you can use your subconscious mind to your advantage.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCING How To Use The Hidden Power Of Your Subconscious Mind!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...The Conscious Mind Is LimitedJust How Limited Is Our Conscious Mind?The Conscious Mind Is Powerful But Self-Limited /li>You Conscious Mind Needs The Help Of Your Subconscious MindLearn To Control Your Subconscious MindJust Because Its Hidden, Doesnt Mean It Doesnt ExistOwn Your Subconscious MindLearn to live in the momentCompile A Subconscious Mind ProfileUnleash Your Subconscious Mind With These TechniquesPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually use the hidden power of your subconscious mind!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYoure looking for some breakthrough in your relationship.Youre stuck in a job you hate.You feel that you are not in the best physical shape youre otherwise capable of achieving.You feel you are living far below your potential.You feel you have the raw ingredients for great success and accomplishment in this life but want to learn how to use them."
Price: 184.99

"Sales Funnel Optimization Strategies" |
"Are You Ready To Optimize Your Funnels For Maximum Conversions?Its About Time For You To Learn The LatestSales Funnel Optimization Strategies!If you don't set up a funnel, it's going to be very hard for you to convert people.The sales funnel model helps you craft together working strategies that will help you turn your content and traffic into cash.My goal is to help you realize key strategies that will help you maximize conversions and thereby maximize your profits.Dear FriendA lot of people who try to sell anything online simply are not doing a good job of it.This is the main reason why the vast majority of people trying to sell affiliate products simply can't make a living off their online marketing.It's not because these people are dumb. It's not because they are incapable of making money online. I Hate To Break It To You, But The Whole Idea OfBuild It And They Will Come Is Just A Pipe Dream.It may have worked 10 years ago. But believe me. It doesn't work today.If you truly want to create passive income using online properties, listen up.You have to create a sales funnel.Heres Where My Advice For You Comes In.With My AdviceYou will learn what is a really profitable sales funnel.You will know how to identify if your sales funnel is working.You will learn about its different components.You will know where exactly effective sales funnels start.You will also learn how to optimize your funnel properly.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGSales Funnel Optimization StrategiesDiscover How To Optimize Your Funnels For Maximum Conversions!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...What Is A Sales Funnel?Effective Sales Funnels Start With Product KnowledgeTranslating Consumer Intelligence Into A Workable Content StrategyContent Funnels ExplainedUnderstanding Your Content Funnels L-PagesMake Sure Your Content Funnel Integrates Well With Your Conversion FunnelUnderstand Your Conversion OptionsOptimizing Your FunnelsPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to optimize your funnels for maximum conversions!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to convert visitors into buyers.You want to succeed with your own sales funnels.You do not want to create a leaky bucket.You truly want to create passive income using online properties.You want to make a living off your online marketing.SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 199.99

"WING TSUNG, WING CHUN, Yip man Kung Fu Wooden Dummy Form !" |
"This course is aimed at all followers of Wing Tsun, Ving Tsun, Wing Chun, Yip Man Kung Fu, Jeet Kune Do and other people interested in martial arts.In the course you learn the wooden dummy form, according to Yip Man,The concepts and ideas of the wooden dummy are conveyed and taught,The concept of going in the flankThe concept of giving in to the body,The attack concept, The pull and push concept.In the course you will also learn how to create your own skills and drills from the form,Free training,Training with gloves,Hardening of the arms/bones,Chi Sao with the wooden dummy.Other advantages of the wooden dummy,Independence from a human partner,Full contact training without protective equipment, which would not be possible with a human partner,developing or inventing own techniques,drill techniques,develop functional power,learning the special wooden puppet step work.The Wing Chun wooden dummy form, a must for every follower of this complex martial art."
Price: 29.99

"Aprender a programar desde cero con Python" |
"Aprende los principales conceptos de la programacin utilizando Python. Aprenders con la ayuda de tutoriales y ejercicios prcticos.Este curso esta condensando para que puedas empezar a programar lo ms rpido posible. Concentrado en los conceptos principalesPython es un lenguaje de programacin sencillo y que se utiliza en una gran cantidad de mbitos en el sector informtico: machine learning, web development, networking. Es un momento perfecto para unirte a la comunidad de Python."
Price: 19.99

"SAP MM Logistics Invoice Verification Process" |
"In this course, you will learn the business usage and the configuration data related to below topics. I provided testing also which will be helpful for both Consultants and End Users. The accounting entries are explained in detailed- Invoice Receipt- Credit Memo -Subsequent Debit -Subsequent Credit -Evaluated Receipt Settlement-Invoice Print -Tax Code Creation"
Price: 29.99

"ES6, ES7, ES8 dmystifis : Matriser le Javascript moderne" |
"Si tu comptes acqurir des comptences pratiques sur les nouvelles versions de javascript avec une matrise parfaite non seulement des concepts mais aussi les bons rflexes dans l'utilisation des fonctionnalits de ES6, ES7 et ES8 dans le cadre des projets rels alors, ce cours est fait pour toi.J'ai pris des cours/formations sur Javascript ES6,ES7 et ES8 , mais j'ai du mal m'en servir J'ai vu beaucoup des personnes suivre encore et encore des cours ou tutoriels de ES6 , ES7 et ES8 mais tre incapables de les utiliser dans leurs projets et ou reconnatre leur utilisation dans les codes crits par d'autres personnes.Ce cours est la solution qui va vous aider au travers des projets pratiques matriser non seulement comment les utiliser , mais surtout comment rflchir en face d'une situation o l'utilisation de ceux-ci s'avre ncessaire.Je sais crire du code Javascript , et j'ai entendu parler de ES6 et les versions qui sont venus aprs mais je ne sais pas par o commencerDans ce cours, vous allez apprendre vous servir au mieux des nouvelles fonctionnalits de Javascript, car depuis l'anne 2016 , chaque anne des nouvelles fonctionnalits sont ajouts au langage Javascript .A l'issue de ce cours , vous allez regarder les codes que vous avez crits avec des anciennes versions de Javascript avec un autre regard et voir les pistes d'amlioration mais surtout tre l'aise dans leur implmentation dans votre prochain projet.Ce que vous allez matriserLes mots cls let et const dans la dclaration des variablesL'utilisation des arrow functionsLa matrise des nouvelles mthodes spciales des tableaux telles que map(), forEach(), filter(), etc.La programmation oriente objet avec les classes en JavascriptLes promessesLes spread operatorLe rest parametreLa dcompositionBeaucoup d'autre chose... Avantages de ce coursAvec l'explosion des librairies et framworks Javascript, il est plus que jamais temps d'tre jour sur l'volution du langage JavascriptAvec le style de ce cours , je me suis rassur que les moindres difficults lies aux notions enseignes soient comprises sans de faon simpleJ'explique avec les moindre dtails toutes les notions de manire ce que vous puissiez acqurir la comptences de les enseigner ou expliquer d'autresVous allez bnficier de l'exprience d'un formateur expriment qui a enseign beaucoup de personnes crire du code et qui aujourd'hui travaillent en tant que dveloppeurVous avez accs toutes les ressources qui accompagnent les concepts que vous apprenezVous pouvez tlcharger toutes les vidos du cours afin de les visualiser hors ligne"
Price: 99.99

"AutoCAD Civil 3D Training: The Ultimate Course" |
"CIVIL 3D COURSE OVERVIEWThe AutoCAD Civil 3d Essentials course teaches all the necessary skills to design a development project in Civil 3D. This course is the launching pad to more advanced and specialized courses offered by INFRATECH CIVIL (Road design, Surveying, Stormwater Management, etc.) Civil 3D is the AutoCAD vertical product for Civil Engineering tasks. Civil 3D is used in Civil Engineering, Geotech, Hydrology, Surveying, Constructions, and even architecture to perform site-related work that can be imported in Revit. So Civil 3D is a very powerful and versatile tool. Anytime you are working with site-related work, Civil probably has a tool for you.Once you learn to master the software, just let your imagination do the work."
Price: 149.99

"Cours AutoCAD Civil 3D : La formation Ultime" |
"Le cours d'AutoCAD Civil 3D enseigne toutes les comptences ncessaires pour concevoir un projet de dveloppement avec Civil 3D. Parmi les sujets abords par le cours sont:1. L'exploration de lInterface utilisateur2. L'utilisation des donnes d'Arpentage (topographie)3. La cration dalignements et de profils4. La conception de corridors et de rseaux de canalisations5. Cration de coupes transversales; et6. L'estimation des volumes de matriaux de dblais et remblais."
Price: 114.99

"Storm Water Design with AutoCAD Civil 3D" |
"This full-fledged design course teaches how to use AutoCAD Civil 3D to perform detailed design of stormwater management systems.This is a hands-on practical course providing step by step guidance on how to use Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA), the companion of Civil 3D.This course includes a coursebook, video training, practice files, and additional design resources.The intent of the course is to allow the student to apply common hydrology and hydraulics best practices to design stormwater systems, regardless of their geographical location."
Price: 199.99

"Civil 3D Avanc: Conception des Eaux Pluviales" |
"Dans cette formation en ligne sur la conception des rseaux d'assainissement d'eaux pluviales et uses avec AutoCAD Civil 3D et Storm and Sanitary Analysis, les participants apprendront et appliqueront les outils offerts par SSA, le logiciel extension de civil 3D pour la gestion et la conception des eaux pluviales et des systmes de drainages. Nous apprendrons concevoir des composantes comme les canalisations (conduites fermes), les puisards, les bassins de rtention et de dtention, les exutoires, les bassins versants, les pluviomtries de retour, etc."
Price: 199.99

"Reverse Engineering 3: x64dbg Graphical Static Analysis" |
"If you had always wanted to learn how to reverse engineer a program and understand how it works from the inside out, then this is the course for you. Except for IDA Pro, many other debuggers out there are not capable of performing graphical representation of a disassembled software. x64dbg however can do it. It can disassemble a program and also represent it as a graphical representation. This makes it ideal as a free tool to perform what IDA Pro can do - i.e. static analysis. Unfortunately, there is not much information on the Internet on how to use x64dbg to do static analysis, hence this course. You can use its powerful graphical tool for Reverse Engineering, Malware Analysis and Software Debugging. In this course we will learn how to disassemble a program and represent it an a graphical view so as to be able to easily analyse and understand how the program works - and also to patch programs. The hidden power of x64dbg lies in its ability to run a live debugging session simultaneously with graphical static analysis. And I will show you how to do it in this course.What you will learn:How to disassemble programs into assembly code and show it in a graphical representationGraphical Static AnalysisSetting breakpoints and stepping through codeModify program behaviourReversing jumpsChanging register valuesPatching programsMoney back guarantee:This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So, go ahead and enroll in this course now and start reverse engineering programs the fun and easy way using graphical static analysis! "
Price: 19.99

"After Effects CC Essential Training" |
"Adobe After Effects Essential TrainingAre you interested in creating your own Visual Effects and Motion Graphics? Look no further! In this 100% FREE course you will learn all the basics (and some more) of Adobe After Effects CC. You will learn how to do VFX and Motion Graphics using many of the tools in Adobe After Effects. Over 2 hours of video content in this course - and yes - it's 100% FREE and will always be free!Please remember to rate this course as it really helps me a lot.Over 2 hours of 100% FREE Adobe After Effects Tutorial Videos!==What you will learn==Adobe After Effects CCBasic Introduction to Computer GraphicsIntroduction to After EffectsBouncing Balls Part 1Bouncing Balls Part 2Advanced Bouncing Balls in Simple Environment***Please remember to rate this course once you have completed it.***Thanks for watching!"
Price: 89.99

"PHOTOSHOP: Create Your Graphic Web Design & Personal Brand" |
"PHOTOSHOP GRAPHIC DESIGNBrand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Quick & Easily Create Stunning Graphics Using Photoshop.What if you can finally create amazing graphic designs without spending a dime?If youve given this a thought and you want to find a solution......then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.No Need To HireA Graphic DesignerHeard of Adobe Photoshop?Even if you are new to the world of design, it is easy to get started with Photoshop.From beginners to seasoned professionals, Photoshop has all the tools and features you need. It's simple to use and easy to understand.Photoshop can turn a beginner into an expert in no time at all.The more you get used to this software, the easier it gets to create high-quality designs without the need to hire a graphic designer.Photoshop is the #1 tool for anyone looking to create amazing graphic designs and if you're not using it, then you're missing out big time.Over 10 Million UsersBefore we go any further, let me give you some insights about PhotoshopPhotoshop was launched by 2 brothers Thomas and John Knoll in 1988.The first version of the powerful graphic design software was designed in 1990.Since then it has become the most used software among web developers and designers alike.The first major Photoshop update, Photoshop CS was released in 2003, it was the 8th version of the software and it completely changed the face of the platform.Until this day, 28 versions of Photoshop have been released so far.In an effort to increase accessibility, Photoshop is distributed in 20 different languages.Currently, Photoshop has more than 10 million users worldwide.The software is currently used by both amateurs and professionals.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Photoshop is easy to use and remains one of the go-to graphics platforms.Photoshop provides versatility.Fast, convenient, and reliable.Photoshop has a good number of useful courses.Cost-effective graphics management tool.IntroducingDesign & Enhance With PhotoshopGraphic Designs Like The ProsTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Photoshop to design and enhance images without hiring a graphic designer.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few know.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThis Video Training:How to get started with Photoshop.Learn how to get used to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to create your first image and which features to select when doing it.Learn how to work with the settings when editing images..How to quickly and easily enhance an image.How to generate images with multiple extension.How to use the configuration settings and be creative.How to work with graphic animation.Learn how to work with multiple things at once to speed up your time.Learn the different techniques involved in creating attractive designs.Useful tips to become more productive when using Photoshop.Learn some hidden features within this software to speed up your work.Integrating your work with other applications.Work smarter and accomplish more by using these secret advices that only a few know about.And so much more...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------228 HTML & PSD DESIGNS LIBRARYYou can freely use these HTML & PSD website designs partly as inspiration or fully as they are for your own website creation or helping others design their website. With this course, you will have the legal right to utilize these designs in any way you want. The files are zipped in both HTML and PSD format.These are the themes for the HTML & PSD Designs:Aching-Back-No-More, Acne-Cure, Acupuncture, ADHD, Adoption, Affiliate-Marketing-Made-Easy, Affiliate-Super-Star, Aggressive-Marketing-Tactics, Air-Purifier, Allergy-Free, Alzheimers-Disease, Antiques-Collectibles, Aquarium, Article-Marketing, Auto-Insurance, Auto-Repair, Automated-Software-System, Baby-Names, Baby-Shower, Backpacker, Badminton, Baseball, Bass-Fishing, Bathroom-Remodeling, Beagle-Handbook, Beatbox, Become-DJ, Bed-Bugs, Bee-Keeping, Beer-Tasting, Belly-Dancing, Bird-Watching, Blogging-Made-Easy, Body-Language, Bonsai, Bowling-Fundamentals, Bread-Baking, Brew-Your-Own-Wine, Budget-Traveling, Build-A-Deck, Building-Stairs, Bull-Dog, Bum-Marketing, Bungee-Jumping, Buzz-Marketing, Cake-Decorating, Calorie-Counting, Canoeing, Car-Stereo, Cardio-Kickboxing, Caribbean-Cruise, Carpet-Cleaning, Cat, Catamaran-Sailing, Ceramic-Sculpture, Chihuahua, Child-Care-Service, Chocolate-Desserts, Cigar-Expert, Coffe-Making, College-Loans, Consulting-Business, Contact-Lenses, Container-Gardening, Controlling-Cholesterol, Copywriting-Handbook, Cosmetic-Dermatology, Cosmetic-Surgery, Creative-Pants-Sewing, Credit-Repair, Crochet, Crunchy-Cookies, Cupcakes, CyberLaw, Debt-Consolidation, Decorating-Kids-Room, Designer-Handbags, Detox, Diabetes, Dinner-Ware, Dog-Training, Domino, Dress-Making, Dropshipping, Easter-Eggs, Elder-Care, Email-Marketing-Expert, Event-Planning, Face-Painting, Family-Camping, Feng-Shui, Fitness-Cycling, Flight-Simulator, Food-Nutrition, Foot-Reflexology, Foreclosure, Forex-Robot, Forex-Trading, Fruit-Cake, Garden-Pond, Gardening, Gemstones, Get-Your-Ex-Back, Gift-Basket, Gold-Rush, GPS, Grape-Growing, Green-Energy, Green-Golden, Growing-Orchids, Guitar-Handbook, Hair-Transplant, Halloween-Costume, Handbuilt-Pottery, Handmade-Gift, Healthy-Breakfast, Heart-Disease, Herbal-Medicine, High-Blood-Pressure, Hiking, Hockey, Home-Entertainment, Home-Improvement, Home-Repair-Manual, Home-Schooling, Home-Security, Hooping-Health, Horse-Racing, House-Painting, How-To-Milk-It-From-Cash-Cow-System, Hydroponics, Inflatable-Boats, Inner-Circle-Marketing, Jewelry-Design, Kidney-Stones, Kids-Birthday-Party, Kitchen-Remodeling, KOI, Landscaping, Lasik-Eye-Surgery, Lawn-Care, Lazy-Marketing, Leadership, Learn-Guitar-Overnight, Leather-Craft, Life-Insurance, Low-Carb, Manicure, Marketing-Minisite, Martial-Arts, Meditation, Mineral-Makeup, Miniature-Golf, Mobile-Ringtones, Model-Aircraft, Mountain-Biking, Muffin-Recipe, Music-Box, Oil-Painting, Online-Dating, Organic-Gardening, Origami, Paintball, Parachuting, Pergola, Personal-Finance, Pet-Grooming, Piano, Pilates-Workout, Playing-Drums, Plumbing, Pregnancy, QiGung, Quilting, Quit-Smoking, Racing-Pigeons, Raising-Chickens, RC-Glider, Real-Estate, Recycle, Reiki, Relocation, Resume, Romantic-Ideas, Rower, Scrapbook, Scuba-Diving, Search-Engine, Secret-Traffic-Formula, Self-Publishing, Sign-Language, Six-Pack, Skiing, Slam-Dunk, Sleep-Disorder, Sliding-Doors, Slot-Cars-Racing, Soccer, Solar-Power, Speed-Boat, Stamp-Collecting, Stock-Trading, Stop-Snoring, Stress-Management, Tarot, Tattoo-Design, Teeth-Whitening, Tomato, Traffic-Tornado, Training-Hamster, Turbo-Training, Vegan-Lifestyle, Vertical-Gardening, Video-Marketing, Vintage-Cars, Viral-Marketing, Web-2-Marketing, Web-Hosting, Wedding-Photography, Wedding-Planning-Secrets, Weight-Loss-Secrets, Weight-Training, Wheelchair, Wood-Turning, Wood-Working-Basics, Woodworking, Worm-Farming, Yoga.---------------------------------------------------------2000 STOCK IMAGESMore than 2000 files with Stock Image files with usage rights for your Vlog. Use it to create awesome websites.High-quality stock images in HD with reptiles, birds, houses, churches, dogs, bridges, bedroom, business, mothers day, money, workspace, outdoor, animal wildlife, food, humans, places, mountains, rivers, lakes, culture, tools, machinery, transport, urban, dating, sports, farming, plants, flowers, bridges, abstract, panorama, fishing, hospital, economy, baby, communication, shopping, fitness, marketing, writing, exercise, architecture, texture, people, beach, sunset, Halloween, abstract, landscape, fruit, travel, city lights, gif, icon, s and a lot of miscellaneous stock images. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Create your PERSONAL BRAND or company brand ""Branding is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company. It is a way of distinguishing yourself from the competitors and clarifying what it is you offer that makes you the better choice."" Photoshop is an excellent tool to support your branding, differentiate you from competitors, create lasting impressions, and clarify your brand values and what you can offer. With this branding insight and Photoshop, you can build your personal brand, a company brand, or help others to build their brand. Branding Blueprint Conversions Video CourseBranding yourself and Your Business EbookBranding Yourself Online EbookBrand Dynamics for internet marketers Video CoursePersonal branding trends to tap into on social mediaEmbrace authenticity. How important is authenticity on social media? ...Keep organized. ...Stories aren't going anywhere. ...Don't limit yourself to just Facebook. ...Embrace social media automation on your profiles. ...Build a robust community on social media."
Price: 199.99
