"It carries 100 Exam-style MCQs from Chapter 3 Sanctions Due Diligence from CGSS Textbook. This exam will not only test your theoretical knowledge that you have taken from the textbook, but it will also prepare you how to respond to the case studies/case scenarios style questions in the exam. Completing this test will give you a boost in confidence that you have a good grip on the topic. All answers are supported with Textbook page references or/and narration wherever applicable. We are working hard to bring quality material for the remaining chapters."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Project 2013 / 2016 Professional use" |
" / "
Price: 39.99

"Beginners guide of Team Building" |
"Team Building: Theory and Practice introduce students to a team performance model and expose students to research regarding the structural and interpersonal factors that can affect team performance. Within this course, students learn how to manage interventions that can strengthen team performance. They discover how to identify team performance issues, and link those issues to underlying dysfunctional team dynamics. Students also learn how to manage team interventions through the application of a five-step model that includes consultation, contracting, education, assessment, climate setting, and intervention. Students are also introduced to a variety of skills for helping to expedite team problem solving, and for addressing performance challenges within and across work teams. Learn....An effective process to drive organisational purpose' to handle gains and pains while managing GROUPS. How Groupe is different from TEAM and what are the building foundation to consider for its performance and cohesiveness plus how to inhabit and enhance the team.What CEO Identifies as key leadership traits, Process of Leadership and Ethics, Internal and External team leadership models, S.C.O.R.E. Factor, Leadership Standing Principals and BE-KNOW-DO and how the leader is different from non-leader. Myths and Leadership Casestudy. How to pull out people from dysfunctional communication with transactional analysis and Understanding what people do well or poorly and how they communicate it and then identify how to observe talented people than identifying common structure about it and creating a supportive model and get other people to do it. Role of Communication, Defining conflict and its countereffect, role of negotiation and dealing with conflict as a manager and managerial issues. Interpersonal Communication, Effective and Efficient Communication and Communication Channels, Substensive, Constructive, Destructive, emotional conflicts and culture, Various views faced by managers on conflicts situations and resolution styles and how to arrive win-win outcomes.Emotional account management. When and when not to be supportive Vs. directive. How to turn the poor performance into good performance? When to Reprimand and Redirect? Phases to communicate bad news or lead an exit. How to reward good performance. Different shapes and forms people are motivated by. Team performance priorities and case study and recommendations and Team Assessment Dys/functional conflicts and charactasticst for High-performance.When a team member give up? Where to focus while intervening? Behaviour assessment tools. Effective model to gain insights about themselves and how they interact with others and improve how they communicate to learn and work. A powerful framework for building a relationship, driving positive change, harnessing innovation and achieving excellence. A profound and powerful guide to understanding our personality and inner workings. How to Narrate Professionally."
Price: 199.99

"[2020] Leap Business Process & Operations Management" |
"Certificate Business Process & Operations Management, a bunch of hand-pick most implacable lectures from the MBA program by a professor with 17 years of experience as a project manager, Certified PMP, and Six Sigma professional.The course is decision-oriented and provides students with a broad understanding and knowledge of several operations management concepts. Such concepts include (but are not limited to) operations performance, operations strategy, process design, forecasting, and facility layout.To Get Sustainable Productivity Of Any Business Without Any Bumps A Strong Standard Of Operations Is Must And That Is What This Program Enlightens The Candidate On. Any Candidate Willing To Succeed In Strengthening Their Organization With Strong Operational Talent Should Have This Courses Learnings Implied To Fast Track The Professional Goals.Lecture Descriptions for more details. The business definition for operations managers to understand the difference between goods and services, Production & productivity. How to compute single-factor & multifactor productivity and To identify the critical variables in enhancing productivity. The supply chain, strategic decisions, and Operation Manager's KRA & opportunities, certifications. Plus case studies.Defining Product, Product Development Continuum, Benefits of Manufacturability and Value Engineering, Types and Benefits of Product Designing, Sustainability, and Life Cycle Assessment, Product Life Cycle Management, Service Desing, Process Chain Networks, Improving Service Efficiency, Decision Tree and other powerful concepts. Understanding Productivity computation methods, productivity challenges, productivity measurements, and key variables of improved productivity. Learn Practical theories and its application with case studies of Goods and Service Selection, Generating new products, product development, issues of product design, product development continuum, the transition to production.Amazing project scheduling to answer all the questions like when will project get ended, what are the critical and noncritical activities with the help of drawing Activity on Node (AON), and Activity on Arrow (AOA) networks, completing forward and backward passes for the project, and determining the critical path. Project controlling, reports, Program Evaluation, and Review Technique (PERT), scheduling algorithms like Critical Path Method (CPM). Understand Performance objectives of operational management and strategic planning to Evaluate the quest of the variation in unit cost - due to changes in the volume - a manufacturer produces - and the variety of products produced. Tention between cost minimization and quality maximization. Learn the top 7 fundamental quantitative tools used in Lean, Six Sigma, and PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach.Understand types of outsourcing, strategic planning core competencies with the theory of comparative advantage and outsourcing trends, and political repercussions. Outsourcing risk, methodologies with multiple criteria with factor rating, and break-even analysis of outsourcing. Evaluation and Ethical issues. Understand types of outsourcing, strategic planning core competencies with the theory of comparative advantage and outsourcing trends, and political repercussions. Outsourcing risk, methodologies with multiple criteria with factor rating, and break-even analysis of outsourcing. Evaluation and Ethical issues."
Price: 199.99

"Beginners Guide on Entrepreneurship (CPE-EU)" |
"Your professor on this program, Dr Gursel Has Been A Very Successful Coach In The Given Domain Of Entrepreneurship Development And In This Program, He Focuses On Answering All The Crucial Questions For Any Business Mindset Crowded With Numerous Questions Based On Planning To Successfully Grow The Business To Its Well-Established Stage."
Price: 199.99

"Beginners Guide to Marketing Management" |
"Being At The Right Place And At The Right Time That Is What A True Marketer Needs To Be And This Program Exactly Tracks You To The Same High In Demand Needed Such Knowledge, Any Individual Willing To Boost Their Progress Within The Organization Or For Self-Empowerment On Marketing Skills Should Definitely Invest In This Worthy Program.CPMM (Certificate Program In Marketing Management)"
Price: 199.99

"CURSO DE FOTOGRAFA PROFESIONAL. El alumno sabr hacer fotografas con su cmara como un profesional. El alumno dominar la tcnica y su equipo fotogrfico sacndole el mximo partido. El alumno dominar la composicin y las poses. El alumno sabr iluminar perfectamente los objetos y personas. El alumno sabr realizar fotografas alucinantes de Paisajes, Modelos, Retrato, Bodas, etc. El alumno dominara la profundidad de campo y sabr hacer que todos los elementos o personas de inters salgan enfocados. El alumno sabr sacar fotos vlidas dominando la apertura y la velocidad de obturacin. El Alumno sabr el porqu de las cosas conociendo las tcnicas. El Alumno podr dedicarse al mundo profesional de la fotografa. Mediante de realizacin de fotos correctas, vendiendo servicios aplicando las tcnicas estudiadas.Requisitos:Puedes realizar el curso con cualquier cmara DSLR bsica o cmara sin espejo.El alumno necesitar un ordenador que sea capaz de ejecutar Adobe Lightroom o cualquier software de edicin o revelado de fotografas.Deber estudiar el manual de funcionamiento de su cmara o tenerlo a mano.No es imprescindible, pero en alguna ocasin usaremos un fotmetro. Nos vale una APP para el telfono mvil gratuita.No es imprescindible perro para alguna ocasin se citar la utilidad de un trpode.Ganas de aprender y de mejorar en tcnica, conocimientos y habilidades.Descripcin:Con este curso aprenders a realizar fotografas con tu cmara DSLR sin necesidad de tener experiencia inicial hasta conseguir fotos perfectas y vendibles.El curso est perfectamente estructurado y su sistema de aprendizaje es tal, que resuelva las carencias tpicas de los que se inician en el mundo de la fotografa que van aprendiendo todo lo relacionado con la fotografa a base de talleres, videos y seminarios sin relacin ni estructura alguna.Nos alejaremos de ideas de gurs y de sistemas fuera de toda lgica de resultado inciertos o personalistas.5 horas de vdeo, ms de 50 vdeos y prcticas.Algunas de las cosas que aprenders: Manejar perfectamente la cmara, decidiendo en cada momento que modo usar, tanto automtico como manual. Conocer las limitaciones de tu equipo y solucionarlas con tcnicas adecuadas. Conoce que mquinas, objetivos, flashes te interesan para tu equipo de fotografa para evaluar su compra. Que en las fotos de parejas y grupos, todos salgan perfectamente enfocados e iluminados. Aprenders experimentalmente a partir de qu momento es preciso meter luz de flash para evitar la aparicin de ruido. (simulando el caso de interior de iglesia). Trabajar con ficheros en formato RAW y saber revelarlos. Tcnicas para fotografiar, componer e iluminar. Componer perfectamente un paisaje para que la foto tenga inters. A realizad fotos en HDR, alto rango dinmico. Tanto en paisajes como en interiores. Estudio de reglas de composicin. Estudio de las leyes de precepcin y uso a nuestro favor. Trabajar con modelos, parejas y grupos para obtener las mejores poses. Sabiendo potenciar los rasgos interesantes y ocultando los defectos mediante nuestro saber hacer. A preparar tus fotos tanto para su impresin como para su publicacin en la Web y que se vean increbles.Para quin es este curso? Este curso es para cualquier persona que quiera hacer fotos perfectas, tanto de paisaje, de retrato de personas, deportivas Este curso es para fotgrafos iniciados que quieres mejorar su tcnica fotogrfica o habilidades para mejorar en su trabajo y conseguir clientes. Este curso es para cualquier persona que quiera revelar y editar fotografas como un profesional. Este curso es para los que an iniciados en la fotografa se frustran ante la incapacidad de hacer fotos buenas por falta de conocimiento. Este curso es para cualquiera que quiera disfrutar de la fotografa o trabajar de ella."
Price: 199.99

"Introduccin a la filosofa" |
"Sin lugar a dudas la filosofa es una de las disciplinas mas nobles y que mas humanos nos hacen ser, pero hay ocasiones en las que sino sabemos como introducirnos, dicha experiencia termina siendo catica y fastidiosa. Justamente este curso esta diseado para hacer la inmersin al mundo filosfico de forma mas ameno,comprensible y divertida.Al igual que tu, alguna vez fue un ingenuo estudiante que crey que la filosofa era una carrera fcil de cursar... y estaba muy equivocada, por eso aprendiendo de mis errores he diseado este curso para que tu puedas aprender de forma rpida y segura que es la filosofa.Por lo tanto, si quieres empezar a introducirte al mundo de la filosofa pero no tienes ni la menor idea de por donde empezar... no te preocupes estas en el lugar correcto, qudate que este curso esta diseado para ti. Bienvenido a esta introduccin a la filosofa... filosofa para principiantes!."
Price: 345.00

"Aprenda a criar Mods Profissionais para o game Minecraft" |
"Neste curso, o aluno aprende a criar mais de 16 Mods Profissionais no game Minecraft, alm de receber receber uma Apostila Gratuita, dividimos o curso em 4 partes:-> Introduo: Voc far o download do programa central que vamos utilizar e aprender a configur-lo.-> Nvel 1: Vamos criar objetos no game da forma que quisermos: ferramentas, armaduras e seres vivos totalmente originais sairo daqui. O mdulo segue com a criao de um Bioma original e o colocaremos em uma Dimenso nossa, na qual vamos usar um portal exclusivo para entrar.Esse Nvel conta com um exclusivo curso de Pixel Art onde voc ampliar seus conhecimentos de modo a fazer texturas Profissionais.-> Nvel 2: Aqui criamos modelos 3D totalmente novos, vamos comear fazendo moblia para uma rea externa da nossa escola, e voc aprender os principais conceitos da Modelagem e Mapeamento UV de objetos tridimensionais.O mdulo segue com a criao de um Tapete Voador e um Pet totalmente original criado por voc, cada pixel deste animal ter a sua criatividade como base, e voc poder controlar o seu comportamento.-> Nvel 3: Voc j ser um Profissional na criao de Mods, e a partir daqui no havero mais limites para o que voc poder criar e neste nvel ns vamos juntar os conhecimento de Modelagem 3D e Pixel Art e programar, de maneira simples e sem o uso de cdigos.Essa programao far com que os objetos faam exatamente aquilo que quisermos, vamos criar uma gua que quando colocada atrair raios e nos enviar direto para o Nether! Alm de um pincel capaz de pintar as paredes da escola e um carro totalmente dirigvel, o mdulo segue com a criao de uma super bomba! Com o potencial destrutivo que voc escolher, em nveis mais altos essa bomba pode explodir um mundo inteiro, basta programarmos.De um modo geral, voc aprender a Texturizar, Modelar em 3D e Programar por meio de modificaes dentro do jogo Minecraft. Ser possvel criar todo tipo de Mods aps a concluso desse curso, usando os 3 conhecimentos base que aprender. Esta metodologia inclusive, utilizada em Universidades Americanas como Stanford, Harvard e MIT para iniciar alunos na carreira da Cincia da Computao. Matricule-se agora a seja o(a) mais novo(a) aluno(a) da Mineschool!"
Price: 234.99

"Giriimcilik Kursu" |
"Eitim ieriinde grdnz Martin Luther Kingin hepimizin bildii I have a dream-Bir hayalim var benim sz harekete geirdi bizi. nk o tarihi konuma yle balar; Bugn size diyorum ki, dostlarm, u ann getirdii glklere ve engellemelere ramen bir hayalim var benim. Biz de u ann ve zamann getirdii glklere ve engellemelere ramen ylmam, yola km, baarya ulam giriimcileriz.Hayatmn Fikri; insanlarn hayallerine giden yolda, karlarna kan yol ayrmlarnda kartp bakabilecekleri bir yol haritas olarak hazrland.Keza Martin Luther King ayn konumada Bir sorunu zmenin en iyi yolu, nedenini yok etmektir. diyor. Biz de giriimcinin kafasndaki en byk sorun olan nasl? zebilmek iin, nasl yaplabileceini anlatarak sorunu ortadan kaldrmaya altk. Bu eitime katld iseniz sizin de hayatmn fikri dediiniz bir hayaliniz vardr. Biliyoruz, yapmamanz iin size onlarca sebep sunan var. Biz de yapmanz iin onlarca sebep vermeye abaladk. nk SpiderManin yaratcs San Lee 95 yanda yapt bir konumada Spider Man konusunda kendisini vazgeirmeye alan yapmcyla geen diyalogdan bahsetmi ve unu sylemitir; yi olduunu bildiiniz bir fikriniz varsa, salan tekinin sizi vazgeirmesine izin vermeyin.Siz de ltfen hayatnzn fikrine adm atarken kimsenin sizi vazgeirmesine izin vermeyin.- Bu eitim sizler iin yol haritas olma abas ile oluturuldu.- Bizler de yol arkadanz olmak iin alyoruz.Aklnza taklan her trl soru iin eitmen aracl ile iletiime geebilirsiniz.Giriimci Kaln"
Price: 409.99

"Technical analysis:PRO Trading Strategies With Stochastic" |
"Let me give you a few facts:All traders start with the dream to get rich quick40% trade only for one month80% quit within the first 2 yearsOnly 7% remain after 5 years1% of all traders can profit net of feesWhat does that all mean?It means that only 1% of the people in this business are actually making money... Picture this data as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is this 1% and all the people below (99%) are actually losing money. The 1% on the top are not there by accident. They invested a lot of time and capital to master this skill. Trading is NOT a ""get rich quick opportunity"" ... this is a LIE that is being used because it SELLS. Everyone searches for the easy and fast success without efforts so salesmen are very aware of that fact so this is why they use it. Trading is actually a get poor quickly opportunity for most of the people!Do you want to learn how to Trade like the top 1% do?They simply trade with an EDGE. And this is what I am teaching in all my courses. I am teaching how to always have an edge. This is what you will get taking this course.Legendary CEO Jeff Welsh has been quoted saying: ""If you don`t have a competitive advantage, don`t compete""Do you want to learn how to use Stochastic like the top 1% do?You cannot use a tool invented 60 years ago in the same way that most people are using it and to expect the market to reward that!Join me and I will teach you how to use it with an edge! Stochastic is an ultimate powerful tool used in technical analysis.It has perfect accuracy which generates perfect Buy and Sell Signals.I have explained everything about this indicator in my course.We will go very deep and you will learn how to use Stochastic in many different ways for different purposes.What is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 199.99

"Technical analysis:Professional Trading Strategies with MACD" |
"Let me give you a few facts:All traders start with the dream to get rich quick40% trade only for one month80% quit within the first 2 yearsOnly 7% remain after 5 years1% of all traders can profit net of feesWhat does that all mean?It means that only 1% of the people in this business are actually making money... Picture this data as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is this 1% and all the people below (99%) are actually losing money. The 1% on the top are not there by accident. They invested a lot of time and capital to master this skill. Trading is NOT a ""get rich quick opportunity"" ... this is a LIE that is being used because it SELLS. Everyone searches for the easy and fast success without efforts so salesmen are very aware of that fact so this is why they use it. Trading is actually a get poor quickly opportunity for most of the people!Do you want to learn how to Trade like the top 1% do?They simply trade with an EDGE. And this is what I am teaching in all my courses. I am teaching how to always have an edge. This is what you will get taking this course.Do you want to learn how to use MACD like the top 1% do?You cannot use a tool invented 40 years ago in the same way that most people are using it and to expect the market to reward that! Join me and I will teach you how to use it with an edge!MACD is an ultimate powerful tool used in technical analysis.It has perfect accuracy which generates perfect Buy and Sell Signals.I have explained everything about this indicator in my course.We will go very deep and you will learn how to use MACD in many different ways for different purposes.What is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 199.99

"Technical analysis:Draw Support and Resistance like a PRO" |
"Let me give you a few facts:All traders start with the dream to get rich quick40% trade only for one month80% quit within the first 2 yearsOnly 7% remain after 5 years1% of all traders can profit net of feesWhat does that all mean?It means that only 1% of the people in this business are actually making money... Picture this data as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is this 1% and all the people below (99%) are actually losing money. The 1% on the top are not there by accident. They invested a lot of time and capital to master this skill. Trading is NOT a ""get rich quick opportunity"" ... this is a LIE that is being used because it SELLS. Everyone searches for the easy and fast success without efforts so salesmen are very aware of that fact so this is why they use it. Trading is actually a get poor quickly opportunity for most of the people!Do you want to learn how to Trade like the top 1% do?They simply trade with an EDGE. And this is what I am teaching in all my courses. I am teaching how to always have an edge. This is what you will get taking this course.Are you tired of failing to catch the breakouts and losing money consistently?This course shows you how to apply support and resistance to the financial markets, step-by-step and in a systematic way.Technical analysts use support and resistance levels to identify price points on a chart where the probabilities favor a pause or reversal of a prevailing trend. Market psychology plays a major role as traders and investors remember the past and react to changing conditions to anticipate future market movement.In this course I will teach you:-3 Easy Ways To Draw Your Support And Resistances Like A PRO-How To Identify And Anticipate Breakouts-How To Be Protected From Fakeouts-How To Spot Swing Failure Patterns And Take Advantage of it-How To Identify Market Structure-How To Be On The Side Of The WinnersWhat is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 199.99

"ULTIMATE SUCCESS strategy-Stock Trading and Bitcoin Trading" |
"Im going to tell you a true story that has stuck in my mind for a very long time and this story about being 3ft from gold. Keep persevering in trading because many times you will be very close to being a successful trader but you dont know it.But how can you know how close you are to success until you actually get there?Its like this story hereHE WAS JUST 3 FEET FROM GOLD - A TRUE STORY ABOUT PERSEVERANCEThere was a gold prospector in Alaska, who had gold fever so he staked his claim and got to work-digging. It was hard work but he kept digging and digging until he found a gold vein. He realized this was a good find and he would need quite a significant sum of money to bring the gold ore to the surface.So he covered up his find and went home to raise some money to buy machinery that would be needed to bring the gold to the surface. He raised the money, bought the machinery and went back to the site to make his fortune.Things were looking good and he made enough money to pay of his debts. Once they debt was clear, he was excited because from now on, its was pure profits after subtracting the operating costs.Then suddenly, the supply of gold ore stopped. There was no more gold vein-it simply disappeared. He kept on digging but found nothing. Nothing! Zilch! Nada! The vein of gold simply disappeared!He quit in frustration and sold all his machinery to a junk man for a couple of hundred dollars and went home in disappointment.But that was not the end of this story.The junk man was a bit smart.He figured out that theres got to be a reason or explanation why the gold disappeared like that and he needed somebody smarter than himself who was knowledgeable in such things who could investigate and find out.So what did he do? He hired a mining engineer.The mining engineer checked the mine and calculated that there was a vein of gold just 3 feet from where the other guy had stopped digging!The junk man went on to make millions of dollars from that mine.Are you feeling sorry for the other guy now? Well, you should bebecause he went home almost empty handed.But hang on, that is not the end of the story just yet!Long story short, the other guy learnt a very valuable lesson about perseverance. Even though he walked away 3 feet from gold, he learnt that one must never give up in life about what you set out to do-keep persevering.At the point where you want to throw your hands in the air and say Ive had enough. I quit! At the very point, your success may be very closer than you think!Guess what happened to the other guy? He ended up becoming a very successful insurance salesman making many more millions of dollars than he would have made from that mine. That one mistake was the lesson he learnt from to change his fortune around.Thats a happy ending.Now back to you: how many mistakes you make in trading that you continue to do time and time again? What would happen if you stop completely doing all these mistakes?Well, the answer is very simpleit brings trading success much closer. Seriously.TRADING SUCCESS MAY BE CLOSER THAN YOU THINKA lot of you may be right on the verge of success in your trading but you dont know it. You may be just 3 feet away from gold and one more dig of the shovel and you will hit the gold vein and BAM-the gold starts flowing.Now with traders, its not about shovels and digging but its that moment when you understandyou simply just get it. This is a moment where you understand or come to a realization of something you have previously not fully understood. It is this moment that will help you in the future.Whatever it is, this thing is something you have battled with for a very long time in your trading path until it finally clicks and you have the aha moment.You see, theres only two paths for every trader, one path is a very wide path where majority follow and the other path is very narrow, only a few find it and follow it.The narrow path leads to success in trading. To find the narrow path, every trader much reach their aha moment. Thats your discovery. Things can only get better from that moment on.I will share with you the mistakes that was preventing me from being successful and how I stopped doing them so that you can use this knowledge to get you started in the right direction so you get closer to your gold.Are you losing money in the markets ? Are you tired of that?In learning to trade we all pay, some pay teachers to cut down the learning curve and most pay far more in losses by attempting to learn on their own. Once I was there too so I know how it feels and I also now how to get out of the hole and I am very confident I can teach you to do that too. This course will teach you exactly how I switched from not profitable to profitable in an INSTANT.What are you going to get from this course?-First you will learn the main reasons why people FAIL in this business so you can find out what you are doing wrong!-Then after we address the problems I will give you solutions for every one of them!-I will teach you my trading strategy that makes me a lot of money in the markets!-You will learn how to have strict Risk management!-I will teach you also how to use the power of the Compound Interest in trading so you can have a massive success!-My goal with this course is for you to switch from losing trader to being Profitable!What is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 199.99

"Hammering Profits for Financial Freedom" |
"This course is aimed at people interested in investing in property but don't know where to start. It will give an overview of how to do it without outlaying extraordinary amounts of cash early on.STAGE 1 5 Core Modules are covered which are the fundamentals to investing.1) Profit Strategy Profile this profile will cover the 2 main strategies when investing in property and their various sub-strategies. What suits you and who do you need as part of your power team?2) Profit Location Profile - as the saying goes, location, location, location. Doing your research is imperative to making a profit or suffering a loss. Here we explain how you can make it work for you. Research is key. 3) Profit Planning Profile this will cover how to spot an area to invest in based on facts. How do you know it will work? How to delve deeper into conducting Due Diligence. Start building your Power Team.4) Profit Pricing Profile - so you've completed the basics - this module focuses on continuing the Due Diligence on areas, identifying the importance of pounding the streets, speaking to potential power team members while particularly focusing on HOW to CRUNCH those numbers!5) Profit Renovation Profile - if you are going to buy property that requires work you need to be able to IDENTIFY what work needs doing. Here you will learn the difference between a COSMETIC and ADVANCED refurbishment and how to work out your PURCHASE PRICE at the onset.Upon completing this stage, you will have a good understanding of terms used within the property world. You have an area or 2 suitable for your strategy, can crunch numbers by calculating Return on Investment (ROI) to judge whether a property is worth looking further at or not."
Price: 49.99

organhealing |
Price: 15000.00

kubi-kata-koshi |
Price: 2400.00

"Modern Six Sigma: Hands-On White Belt" |
"If you want career growth and a path to Six Sigma expertise, this is the course for you. You will walk away with a better understanding of Six Sigma methodology and tools, having used several of them in this course. You will immediately have a new way of thinking about problems in both work and life and you will be a Certified White Belt who knows more than a traditional White Belt student.Learn from an experienced Six Sigma Master Black Belt who has worked with Fortune 500 companies to solve problems and implement processes for success. General Electric, Prudential, Bank of America, and others have sought the expertise of Master Black Belt Ken Ramaley to help them. Now, Ken Ramaley and his Agile Sigma Academy will apply those same methods to help you. His Modern Six Sigma training is aimed at achieving certification and fast-paced knowledge through an experiential case study. This is more than lectures it is participation and practical applications you can use immediately.In this training you will: Experience each phase of DMAIC Method by working on activities to Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control a process to solve a companys problem. Write out a Problem Statement; Interpret a Process Map; Complete a Measurement Plan; use a Fishbone Diagram for Root Cause Analysis; generate solutions using SCAMPER; and more. Identify Six Sigma projects you can do now. Learn history and structure of Six Sigma with an engaging scavenger hunt. Understand how Six Sigma will aid in your career growth, starting at the White Belt level. Work with tools you can use immediatelySix Sigma certified professionals are highly sought-after in all industries including Manufacturing, Financial Services, Retail, Healthcare, and IT where ongoing quality and performance improvement is critical to success. In todays fast-paced world, Six Sigma is used to develop processes that reduce error and increase data-driven solutions that increase revenue, decrease waste, and improve effectiveness.Over 50% of Fortune 500 companies use Six Sigma: General Electric, Amazon, Bank of America, Boeing, Dell, Caterpillar Inc., and many more. Smaller organizations have also adopted Six Sigma due to its impact on workflow productivity, expense reduction, ecommerce, and continuous improvement.You will start thinking like a Black Belt immediately, having been actively engaged in this Modern Six Sigma training.You will have confidence in your ability to use your new knowledge and the experience to meet and exceed demands of your employer. You will be ahead of your competitors.Modern Six Sigma White Belt Certification is a powerful way to begin your Six Sigma future.Jump-start your Six Sigma experience. Enroll now."
Price: 89.99

"ENGLISH GRAMMAR : A rigorous course on English Grammar" |
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Price: 2400.00

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"67 UNIQUE practice questions for A00-281 SAS Programming Clinical Trials Using Practical ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : A00-281 SAS Programming Clinical Trials Using Practical ExamTotal Questions : 67Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :40 minsPassing Score : 75 (50 of 67)"
Price: 144.99

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"157 UNIQUE practice questions for C_HANAIMP_1 SAP HANA 1.0 Certify Application Associate ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_HANAIMP_1 SAP HANA 1.0 Certify Application Associate ExamTotal Questions : 157Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 157)"
Price: 169.99

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"92 UNIQUE practice questions for PDDM Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PDDM Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Practice ExamTotal Questions : 92Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (69 of 92)"
Price: 149.99

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"92 UNIQUE practice questions for Digital Marketing Professional Diploma Review Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Digital Marketing Professional Diploma Review Practice ExamTotal Questions : 92Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (69 of 92)"
Price: 144.99

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"175 UNIQUE practice questions for Sales Force DEV-401 Application Visual Strength Certify ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Sales Force DEV-401 Application Visual Strength Certify ExamTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 164.99

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"130 UNIQUE practice questions for STI-884 SOCA Sales Small _ Medium Businesses Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : STI-884 SOCA Sales Small _ Medium Businesses Practice ExamTotal Questions : 130Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (97 of 130)"
Price: 159.99

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"Exam 70-764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure Practice Exams. Pass on your first attempt.Take 6 70-764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure Practice Exams with real scenarios, references, and solutionsThis exam is intended for database professionals who perform installation, maintenance, and configuration tasks. Other responsibilities include setting up database systems, making sure those systems operate efficiently, and regularly storing, backing up, and securing data from unauthorized access.Skills measuredConfigure data access and auditing (20-25%)Manage backup and restore of databases (20-25%)Manage and monitor SQL Server instances (35-40%)Manage high availability and disaster recovery (20-25%)Who this course is for:Anyone who are preparing for the Microsoft Exam 70-764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure examWhat our students say:""This is an amazing site, and recently got my certification with other exams, and just passed my SQL exam. Very happy with Ultimate exams. Thank you"" Prakash Mehra""Fantastic real exam question. I will definitely recommend this to my colleagues and friends"" Nitu SinghNote: Please note that you are responsible for registering and paying for the actual exam to MicrosoftBest of luckTeam ClayDeskTeaching over 1+ Million students online"
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"199 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TADM-51702 Technology Associate System Admin ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TADM-51702 Technology Associate System Admin ExamTotal Questions : 199Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (1149 of 199)"
Price: 169.99

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"100 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-518 Oracle EBS R12.1 Claims Essentials of Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-518 Oracle EBS R12.1 Claims Essentials of Practice TestTotal Questions : 100Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (75 of 100)"
Price: 144.99

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"98 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-519 Oracle E-Business Suite R12 inventory Essential ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-519 Oracle E-Business Suite R12 inventory Essential ExamTotal Questions : 98Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (73 of 98)"
Price: 149.99
