"TOGAF 9.2: The Open Group OG0-091 Practice Test 2020" |
"In this TOGAF The Open Group OG0-091 Practice Test course there are over 200 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your TOGAF The Open Group OG0-091 Practice Test examWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 200 Questionsii.All TOGAF The Open Group OG0-091 Practice Test 2020 Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:Want to pass the TOGAF The Open Group OG0-091 Practice Test 2020 certification.Want to find your weak areas for the TOGAF The Open Group OG0-091 Practice Test 2020 certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Python Certification Exam (98-381): Practice Tests" |
"Exam 98-381: Introduction to Programming Using PythonCandidates for this exam should be able to recognize and write syntactically correct Python code, recognize data types supported by Python, and be able to recognize and write Python code that will logically solve a given problem.Candidates are expected to have had, at a minimum, instruction and/or hands-on experience of approximately 100 hours with the Python programming language, be familiar with its features and capabilities, and understand how to write, debug, and maintain well-formed, well documented Python code.Candidates for this exam should be able to recognize and write syntactically correct Python code, recognize data types supported by Python, and be able to recognize and write Python code that will logically solve a given problem.Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), French, German, KoreanCertification cost: $127 USDRetirement date: none"
Price: 19.99

"Python for Beginners and Data Science" |
"DescriptionHave you always wanted to learn how to program but didn't know where and how to start? Have you ever dreamt to transition your career into the most in-demand domain of data science and Machine learning? If, yes, you are in the right place! I created this python course keeping in mind to help everyone learn all the basics of this programming language. This course is really straight to the point and will give you all the notions about python. Also, the course is not that long and the way the material is presented is very easy to assimilate. So if python is something that you are interested in, then you will definitely like this course.Enjoy your learning :)"
Price: 12480.00

"Calculate Productivity rate: Formwork in construction" |
"My course will give a very simple way to understand how to estimate and calculate the productivity rate of carpenters working on formwork installation till dismantling in construction projects, based on a real project already completed.All the explanations will be directly provided based on site Photos and Excel sheets calculation formulas and site data information.The project under study is a tower of 28 stories where i was directly involved in its construction."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) Practice Test" |
"The CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) certification is one of the most challenging exams. This Practice Exam will help you on your final preparation for CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) exam. After successful completion of this tests you will be easily able to pass Core II (220-1002) exam in 1st attempt. These Practice Questions are designed especially from exam perspectives to evaluate your preparation.This CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) exam."
Price: 39.99

"CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Practice Exam" |
"The CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) certification is one of the most challenging exams. This Practice Exam will help you on your final preparation for CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) exam. After successful completion of this tests you will be easily able to pass CompTIA PenTest+ exam in 1st attempt. These Practice Questions are designed especially from exam perspectives to evaluate your preparation.This CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) exam."
Price: 39.99

"CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Exam" |
"The CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) certification is one of the most challenging exams. This Practice Exam will help you on your final preparation for CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) exam. After successful completion of this tests you will be easily able to pass CompTIA Network+ exam in 1st attempt. These Practice Questions are designed especially from exam perspectives to evaluate your preparation.This CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) exam."
Price: 39.99

"CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Practice Exam" |
"The CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) certification is one of the most challenging exams. This Practice Exam will help you on your final preparation for CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) exam. After successful completion of this tests you will be easily able to pass Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) exam in 1st attempt. These Practice Questions are designed especially from exam perspectives to evaluate your preparation.This CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) exam."
Price: 39.99

"Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exam" |
"The Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification is one of the most challenging exams. This Practice Exam will help you on your final preparation for Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam. After successful completion of this tests you will be easily able to pass GCP exam in 1st attempt. These Practice Questions are designed especially from exam perspectives to evaluate your preparation.This Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam."
Price: 39.99

"Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Exam" |
"The Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer certification is one of the most challenging exams. This Practice Exam will help you on your final preparation for Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exam. After successful completion of this tests you will be easily able to pass Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exam in 1st attempt. These Practice Questions are designed especially from exam perspectives to evaluate your preparation.This Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer exam."
Price: 39.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviye Php Eitimi Web Gelitirme 2020" |
"Bu kursta kendi gelitirmek isteyen ya da php renmek isteyen arkadalarmz iin hazrlanmtr.Kurs yaklak 30 saate yakndr. Ve srekli ierikler gncellenerek paylalmaktadr.Eitim ierisinde e ticaret sitesi komple tamamlanmtr.Ve ierisinde en nemli olan blmler de u ekildedir.Sepet ilemleriSipari ilemleriKategori ilemlerirn ekleme ilemleriMail gndermeKullanc kayt ve giri ilemleriGvenlik ilemleriifremi unuttum ilemleriifremi deitir ilemleriOlduka faydal bu eitimi sizlerde hemen alarak eitime balayabilirsiniz. Ve bu eitim bittiinde emlak sitesi, firma sitesi, haber sitesi, blog sitesi gibi aklnzda bulanan tm web sitelerini yapabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

skills2b |
"PMP . * * . 5 KSA K S A . : . . SKILLS SKILLS . 24 . SKILLS . . . . . . PMBook 6th Edition PMP PMI. . . . PMP . PMP PMP . . . . 35 PMI PMP .: : : : : : .: .: .: .: :: .: (PMP) PMP. PMP . (PMI) PMBOK . PMP . PMBOK . PDU 35 35 PDU."
Price: 24.99

govtexcmeters |
"- 2030"
Price: 39.99

"Hacking web" |
"Vulnerar un sitio web no es tarea fcil, y existen diversos mtodos y tcnicas dependiendo del objetivo que pueden usarse. En este mdulo explicaremos algunos de ellos, no todos, pero s los ms comunes y una base slida en la que estn basados la mayora de los intentos de ataque, con el fin de comprenderlos y evolucionar hasta mtodos, Incluso propios, mezclando varias tcnicas. A qu ests esperando para, por una vez, ponerte en el lugar del malo ? Quieres descubrir el otro lado de la seguridad web ?"
Price: 119.99

"Umstellung auf vegan -Leicht gemacht." |
"Du mchtest vegan werden und mehr ber diesen Lifestyle erfahren?Du fragst dich, warum Menschen sich pflanzenbasiert ernhren?Du willst dich endlich gesnder fhlen?Dann bist du hier richtig!In diesem Kurs helfe ich dir bei deiner Umstellung auf vegan. Du lernst dabei, warum sich Leute fr den pflanzenbasierten Lebensstil entscheiden. Zustzlich gehe ich auf Herausforderungen wie Restaurantbesuche, Reisen und Unverstndnis im Freundes- und Familienkreis ein. Ich erklre auch, wie einfach es ist, gengend Protein ohne tierische Produkte zu erhalten.Du wirst nach meinem Kurs erstaunt sein, wie einfach die Umstellung zu einem veganen Leben ist!Dieser Kurs eignet sich fr Personen die: Sich fr den veganen Lifestyle interessieren. Bereit fr eine Vernderung sind. Sich energiegeladener und gesnder werden wollen. Massentierhaltung verachten. Die Umwelt schtzen mchten."
Price: 19.99

qukrutxk |
"? ? , , ! ! 10 . : , , , ! ! , , ,. 2 ! , . !"
Price: 1799.00

"Process Mining for BlockChain Analytics" |
"Discover how Process Mining can be used to thoroughly understand complex fluid processes. Especially BlockChain as an upcoming database evolution. Learn all about the value of (BlockChain applications gained) data in the context of data markets. See how BlockChain information is relevant, where to get it, who is involved, and what major factors are present. This course provides a theory on Process Mining and BlockChain in the context of analytics. The theory is supported by links to articles as well as a specific example (process) from the diamond industry. Finally, there is an exercise including exercise data that the student can use to explore. For example in ProM."
Price: 19.99

"KPSS Eitim Bilimleri" |
"Eitim Bilimleri ders notlarn daha rahat aklda kalc hale getirecektir. Boyut snav hakknda daha iyi fikirler verebilir. KPSS ye hazrlanmak, alyor iyi analiz etme ile balar. Dur btn bu konu - btn test - geri bildirime gre ulalmayan kazanmlar zerinde tekrar durma. .. niteyi tm kazanmlara ulalyor sonra bitirecektir. Dersler konu konu eklenmeye devam etmektir. Mutlaka takip edin. Baarl olmann yolu dzenli ve verimli alma ile olur."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Deno with Typescript" |
"Hi, This is Mustafa Alroomi constructor and creator of this course.In this course we will learn about Deno from scratch.Why is Deno?- Deno gain a lot of attraction in these days since it ships with more features also it comes from the same creator of NodeJs. Since NodeJs is the most popular back-end runtime.What are we going to do?Learn Deno and difference between Deno and NodeJsDoing basic example and building a real applications that includes:Developing an app to work with system files.Developing an app CRUD app.Using HTML templates to view contentWriting tests for Deno apps."
Price: 19.99

"Designing Landing Pages in Figma: Techniques and Processes" |
"I'm Oluwatobi, a user experience designer, and an Adobe Certified Associate.For the past six years, I've been designing for brands and products both on a full-time basis and on a consulting basis. I stumbled into the world of user experience by actually looking through the internet for things that I find visually appealing and then making attempts to recreate them. I would usually be on the site of Pentagram, site of Landor and then look through the work of their client and then see if I could recreate these in Photoshop or Illustrator.In this particular course, we will be taking a similar approach by teaching you how to design any landing page of your choice in Figma. Though this course will be done in Figma, you can actually follow along with any design tool of your choice. I hope by the end of this course, you will be able to take the skills, the knowledge and the techniques that you've learned into designing any landing page of your choice or even any concepts that you have."
Price: 19.99

"Become an Excel Pro & Financial Analyst with 9 case studies" |
"Are you among the 750 million people out there who use excel to carry out their tasks? Even if you are a student and have not been exposed completely to excel, sooner or later, excel is most likely to be your most utilized business application at work. This course if designed for existing and prospective excel users at all proficiency levels. Entire course is based on proven case studies approach to solve real life problems or complete common tasks related to data analysis, excel modeling and financial planning and analysis. While solving these case studies, you will learn loads of excel functions and techniques and above all the ability to apply them in a variety of real life tasks. Learn to achieve the goal (complete the task) instead of learning an excel function. Excel functions are only tools at our disposal to help us through our work, they are not the goals!You may expect the following to achieve through this course:Become an Excel Guru in your organizationCreate multiple scenarios to carry out sensitivity analysisTransform raw data into analytical reportsLearn advanced features of ExcelBecome agile at your work - Carry out financial modeling and analysis tasks faster than beforeLearn industry best practices related to excel modelingBuild financial model from scratchLearn complex excel formulasLearn most powerful excel functionsAutomate reportingLearn best techniques from financial expert with multi-industry experienceLearn to solve the problems in various different waysLearn various excel keyboard shortcuts to increase your speed at workThe instructor for this course has vast experience in excel financial modeling gained through working in various sectors and geographies. The crux of 17 years of on-job learning has been summarized in this courseThe course is divided into following sections. Each section is based on a case study where you have to solve a problem or complete a task.SectionsCase Study 01 - TextophobiaLearn the techniques to deal with texts in ExcelCase Study 02 - Crack the databaseMaster the art of dealing with information to carryout insightful analysisCase Study 03 - Consolidation made easySimplest way to consolidate similar data sets and rearrange them the way you likeCase Study 04 - Ahead of GameUse what-if analysis to stay ahead of gameCase Study 05 - Be like a Boss!Simple but very powerful techniques to drive the performance of teamsCase Study 06 AutomantiaLearn how to showcase your hard work by presenting in an interactive mannerCase Study 07 - I am sensitiveScenario analysisCase Study 08 - TOP SECRETHow to keep your secret work safe from spying eyesCase Study 09 - To Do ListThis course will enable you to stand out and progress faster in your career. This might be the turning point - go for it!"
Price: 174.99

"Google Apps Script" |
"30Google Apps Script(GAS)150Google Apps Script(GAS)Google Apps ScriptV8Google Apps ScriptGoogle Apps ScriptV8Excel/Google Spreadsheet/AWS/GCP/Azure/G-suite/Office365Google Apps Script(GAS)GASGASGASgoogle FormslackAPIHTTPBCCccbccKPIGASpdf:GASJavaScriptSpreadSheey Google Calendar ()Gmail APIpdfExcelGoogle SpreadsheetAPIHTTPgoogle cloudgoogle docsgoogle formsgoogle scriptgoogle drivegoogle suite: (Windows/Mac/Linux)Google:GAS"
Price: 199.99

"Passion to Profit coaching course" |
"This course is for anyone who is looking to escape the 9-5 life, who is interested in entrepreneurship or is interested in learning more about mindset. I am an entrepreneur myself and have my own coach who teaches me weekly in order for me to keep up my knowledge to pass onto you. The course is made up of 7 modules. 1. Journaling 2. Life visioning 3. Ikigai 4. Mindset 5. Marketing 6. Sales7.Taking action"
Price: 149.99

"Diseo de la Red Area de Distribucin Elctrica en AutoCAD." |
"En este curso te ayudara a Elaborar Planos de Construccin, Ubicacin y su Perfil Longitudinal sin tener experiencia en los manejos de AutoCAD para el Diseo de la Red de Distribucin de Energa Elctrica en Baja y Media Tensin.Realizaras formulas en Excel para exportacin de coordenadas XYZ en UTM.El producto o resultado del plano final sera de precisin, es decir georreferenciado y a escala.Tambin te ayudara a elaborar un Carimbo y ponerlo a escala para su impresin.Podrs verlo las coordenadas desde tu dispositivo mvil de una manera rpida, detallados y totalmente sin cobertura ni Internet. "
Price: 99.99

"Crer un blog complet avec PHP MYSQL et JavaScript" |
"dans cette formation nous allons vous apprendre comment crer un blog dynamique en PHP accompagn bien sr des langages de base que vous connaissez bien HTML ,CSS aprs avoir suivi cette formation vous serez en mesure de creer un site dynamique nous n'allons pas nous attarder sur la thorie nous allons aller bref sur le sujet en pratique pour que vous puissiez apprendre avec nous pour mieux comprendre comment a fonctionne la thorie parfois es difficile pour les dbutant cette formation est totalement complet et adapt toutes les niveaux vous ne devez pas forcment avoir les bases en PHP en HTML CSS pour commencer cette formation vous devez juste reprendre tout ce que je fais pour mieux comprendre de quoi il s'agit pour les dbutants et si vous avez dj les bases en PHP vous allez apprendre un peu plus ici"
Price: 19.99

"Rigorous Color Theory for Artists" |
"This is a foundation course on color management. This part covers: Munsell color system, the concepts of hue, chroma, value, and their quantitative presentation in the color space, the correct color wheel to use, how to measure a color sample and see its location on the color wheel, computer color system and how it is related to Munsell system. Students will learn how we understand and organize the colors in our day to day lives and how we can represent them in paintings."
Price: 19.99

"Learn secrets of meditation with certification" |
"Once you have enrolled, the first step in journey is to download the course book, by Zainab An Easy Way To Learn The Secrets Of Meditation This book covers all that you need to know to start your meditation journey - whether it be just for your own personal development or if you want to develop yourself further and learn to guide others.As you move through the course you will learn, why you should meditate, all the steps to mediate properly to bring more Awareness, Relaxation, & Peace into your life, reduced Anxiety and Stress along with a greater focus.You will discover how meditation can help rewire your brain and deliver benefits of well being.Meditation isnt about changing yourself to a new person, or you to become some Guru. Its about getting in touch with yourself, developing a deeper understanding on how you interact with the world around you, providing you with a refreshed viewpoint. The meditation techniques in the course youre not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You will be learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.As you complete the chapters you will build you knowledge and learn 3- postures and different hand signals when doing meditation, how to breathe, correctly, learn 5 different advanced techniques to mediate so you can find the one that works for you as everybody is different.With full steps and explanations along with videos to assist you. Included is a step by step guide that will assist you in your meditation practice.As additional benefit I have written assistance based on my own experiences in dealing with the feelings and barriers that you come across when you start to mediate and how to over come them.If you looking to learn how to guide others, I have an additional section on how to guide others, a step by step guide covering your role, how to prepare and conduct sessions. I have also included one of my mediation scripts that you can use when guiding others.Once you've gone through all the lectures, read the book and watched the videos sections, you'll have all the tools to start meditating right away - and also be able to help other mediate as well. Included is a downloadable script you can use.Some of the added benefits this course provides you with stress relief, reduced anxiety, being able to sleep better sleep, more focus, better clarity and understanding leading to improvement in relationships. As you meditate more and more, you'll become more relaxed and focused in your day to day life, leading to stronger relationships at home and work, a greater sense of purpose and improved productivity due to your improved focus.As added bonus I have included a printable journal you can download and use to record your progress and thoughts.Overtime Lastly, as I continue to add more helpful information to this course over time, you'll have lifetime access to it! Relax and enjoy your journey!"
Price: 39.99

"Basic Qigong Movement and Meditation Course for Beginners" |
"An effective, accessible and basic qigong and meditation course for beginners! In this Healing tao qigong and meditation course we will learn simple practices which you will be able to enjoy in your life. As a beginner you can follow this qigong and meditation course and become a practioner of taoist movement, breath, meditation and body oriented practices.These wonderful self development practices which allow one to feel, generate and balance the life force energy in the body are important for our health and wellbeing. Life force energy, in chinese called chi, is what sustains all of life in the universe. Qigong is a practice developed in china which helps us cultivate and balance chi, or life force energy. By doing this every body system begins to function better, symptoms and diseases can disappear on their own. We gain more physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing. We can feel more energy, less tired, more vital, joyful, happy and alive.This qigong and meditation course is divided into 3 sections, a theoretical, instruction and practice section. We will look into the nature of life force energy and how it is used by the human body in the theory section. In theinstruction section we will learn how to activate, become more aware of and feel our life force energy, learn to refine it. We transform negative emotions into positive emotions and forms of stress into harmony and vitality. You learn to manage, center and ground energy in your body. We then continue with a practice section where Arie will guide you through simple, accessible and effective qigong and meditation exercises which can be practiced and repeated regulalry by anyone with any level of experience.The course is structured in such a way that after having followed and practiced with the videos you will be able to practice a basic set of exercises which you can do at home. Practice and enjoy!Qigong and Meditation practices in this course: Good standing structure Warm up rotations Warm up shake Spinal cord breathing Deep breathing Abdominal breathing / Fire breathing Locating and storing energy in the lower dan tien Various qigong movements Earth breathing Ocean breathing Inner smile meditation 6 Healing sounds meditationTopics from Theory section: What is life force energy Different types of life force energy The lower dan tien Meridian Channels Factors contributing to loss of life force energy Health benefits of qigong and meditation practiceHealth benefits of qigong and meditation practice: Reduces stress and balances the emotions Enhances deep relaxation Reduces negative emotions of fear, anxiety, impatience, anger, sadness, depression. Improves sleep Reduces blood preassure Activates the bone marrow, blood circulation, immune, respiratory and digestive system.About Arie:Arie is an interdisciplinary artist, body-oriented therapist and teacher of psycho-spiritual exercises. He is a Healing Tao instructor and Biodynamic Breathwork facilitator. His passion is to make these exercises accessible to the world in his own unique way! In his practice and workshops he uses his own music to make these psycho-spiritual exercises more effective and accessible. The music which is used in this course is composed by Arie to make the practices more accessible, effective for the practiotioner."
Price: 69.99

"Forecasting y gestin de demanda usando Excel y R" |
"La importancia del forecast radica en que son la base para todos los procesos de toma de decisiones en cualquiera sea el nivel en el que esta se deba hacer, desde los procesos de planeacin estratgica de la compaa, pasando por el S&OP, planes financieros, hasta decisiones operativas como la programacin de personal o de la distribucin.Con el incremento de la competencia, la dificultad para satisfacer a los clientes y la mayor disponibilidad de datos en las empresas, estas deben hacer mejores esfuerzos para lograr que los pronsticos, que son la materia prima de cualquier decisin, se haga de manera eficiente y efectiva.El curso busca que desarrollar capacidades de anlisis y toma de decisiones procesos de forecasting y gestin de demanda."
Price: 24.99

"Endlich Fotogen" |
"Du siehst auf allen Bildern gleich aus und hast immer nur doofe Fotos?Du meinst, du bist einfach nicht fotogen?Egal, ob Portraits beim Profifotografen oder Urlaubsfotos am besten gar nicht erst drauf gucken und sofort loschen?Fhlst dich unsicher, wenn eine Kamera auf dich zukommt? Deine Haltung ist verkrampft?Dann bist du hier goldrichtig!Was wre wenn...... du richtig Spa dabei httest, vor einer Kamera zu stehen und dich frei und selbstsicher zum Ausdruck bringen knntest? ...du nie wieder das Gefhl httest, einfach nicht fotogen zu sein? ....du dich endlich gerne zeigen magst, entweder deine Urlaubsfotos oder weil du dringend tolle Fotos fr Instagram und deine Webseite brauchst?Ja, das ist alles keine Magie!Du mut nur wissen, wie es geht. In meinem Online-Kurs ENDLICH FOTOGEN! Werde ich dir alles zeigen und du wirst am Ende sagen: ""Ja, es stimmt! Auch ich bin fotogen!""Als Werbe-und Modefotografin hatte ich viele Profimodelle vor der Kamera...ich kenne alle Tricks!Dann spezialisierte ich mich auf Frauen wie dich und entwickelte einen Bildstil, der zu dieser Zeit bahnbrechend war: normale Frauen wie Stars fotografiert, ""Like a Model"". Diese Art der Fotografie war bislang nur Stars vorbehalten. Smtliche TV Sender und Magazine berichteten. Und jetzt rate mal, was einer der wichtigsten Punkte bei diesem Bildstil ist, neben dem Foto-Know-How? Genau! Das Posing vor der Kamera!In einem einmaligen Schritt fr Schritt Programm zeige ich dir,wie du dein inneres Licht zum Strahlen bringst und dich sicher, souvern und mit Spa vor der Kamera bewegst.wie vielfltige Fotos entstehen und du nicht auf allen Fotos gleich ausschaust.wie du deine Schokoladenseite genau im Moment des Auslsens zum Vorschein bringst.Ich zeige dir im Kurs, wie du ein Doppelkinn vermeidest und schlanker auf Fotos wirkstNach demKurs wirst du immer wissen, wohin mit deinen Hndenwie du dich vor jeder Kamera, egal ob bei Urlaubsfotos, Businessfotos, Partyfotos oder demgebuchten Shooting beim Profifotografen, selbst zum Ausdruck bringst. Ich zeige dir wie du in jedem Outfit von Jeans bis Abendkleid deine beste Figur zeigst.Wie du dich dich fast wie ein Profi vor jeder Kamera bewegst: im ""Shootingflow""Mit Leichtigkeit und Spa gehst du durch wertvolle bungenSo kommst du zu Selbstsicherheit, Selbstausdruck und tollen Fotos!Auch andere werden das sehen! Vor allem, wenn du auf sozialen Netzen aktiv bist.BIST DU BEREIT...... dein schnes ICH zu entdecken? Charisma, Esprit und Lebensfreude? Dann komm jetzt in den Kurs, ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 99.99

"SAGE 50C CIEL Gestion Commerciale 2019" |
"La formation vido comprenant vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel SAGE 50c CIEL Gestion Commerciale essential 2019 pour bien mettre en place votre activit commerciale. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel avec des cas concrets pour la cration des articles, clients, le circuit des documents de ventes.Vous verrez galement lles rglements clients et fournisseurs ainsi que le transfert de vos critures de vente votre expert comptable ainsi que toutes les statistiques et tableaux de bord pour bien piloter votre activit.La formation vido sur SAGE 50c CIEL gestion commerciale essential 2019 vous permettra d'tre autonome pour grer votre activit commerciale"
Price: 39.99
