"EBP Devis facturation classic 2019" |
"La formation vido vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel EBP Devis facturation classic 2019 pour bien grer votre activit commerciale. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel avec des cas concrets pour la cration des clients, le circuit des documents de vente , les rglements clients. Vous verrez galement le transfert de vos critures de vente votre expert comptables et sur EBP compta et toutes les statistiques et tableaux de bord pour bien piloter votre activit.La formation vido sur EBP Devis facturation classic 2019 vous permettra d'tre autonome pour grer votre activit commerciale"
Price: 44.99

"EBP Devis facturation btiment 2019" |
"La formation vido comprenant vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel EBP Devis facturation btiment 2018 pour bien grer votre activit spcifique du btiment. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel avec des cas concrets pour la cration des ouvrages, clients, fournisseurs, le circuit des documents de ventes, les rglements clients. Vous verrez galement e transfert de vos critures de vente votre expert comptables et toutes les statistiques et tableaux de bord pour bien piloter votre activit.La formation vido sur EBP Devis facturation btiment 2019 vous permettra d'tre autonome pour grer votre activit du btiment."
Price: 44.99

"Kiat Sukses Menjual Sesuai Tipe Kepribadian Customer" |
"Menjual produk atau jasa Anda, terutama bila Anda harus melakukan canvassing dan presentasi didepan customer, ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Dan kecenderungannya adalah Anda sering ditolak oleh calon customer Anda karena salah strategi dalam mempresentasikan produk atau jasa yang Anda tawarkan.Bagi Anda yang mau atau sedang berkecimpung didunia penjualan, mengenali strategi penjualan berdasarkan karakteristik kepribadian dan faktor kritikal calon customer Anda dalam membeli produk atau jasa Anda menjadi sangat penting apabila Anda ingin segera melakukan closing Penjualan Anda.Materi ini disusun untuk membangun kemampuan menjual Anda Secara praktis dan mudah dipahami sehingga membantu Anda dalam melakukan canvassing dan atau presentasi Penjualan produk atau jasa Anda kepada calon customer.Anda juga akan memperoleh strategi komunikasi persuasif yang sesuai untuk mempengaruhi calon customer Anda membeli produk atau jasa yang Anda tawarkan."
Price: 24.99

"Where to start with Pre-Diabetes & Diabetes" |
"This is a course in which you'll be able to understand thoroughly...-HOW to become more mindful and on purpose-HOW to set a goal, one that will propel you forward and overcome obstacles-HOW to define your desire and create a deep understanding of WHY you're shifting into a new lifestyle- WHERE to start in a new phase of your life-WHAT to focus on first to achieve results without a diet-HOW to keep consistent blood sugar levels-ADDITIONAL >> Low Carb Pantry GuideYou'll discover YOU'RE NOT ALONE! You have hope and support.What will you get from This Course?How to become on purpose, focused, and in tune with your body.A deeper understanding of your goal.A well defined WHY underneath your why to begin or keep going on your journey.Easy to obtain a defined goal.Where to start and how to begin this new unchartered territory.A community of support, encouragement, accountability, and resources.Planners, tools, guides, and many more resources."
Price: 64.99

"Beschwerde Management -mit Reklamationen erfolgreich umgehen" |
"In diesem Online-Kompakt-Seminar fr Mitarbeiter aller Branchen im Kundenkontakt lernen Sie den erfolgreichen Umgang mit Reklamationen. Wir betrachten die verschiedenen Perspektiven von Kunde und Mitarbeiter, erkennen Gemeinsamkeiten und Hintergrnde und knnen dieses Wissen ab sofort einsetzen. Anhand von Umfragen lernen wir, was Kunden strt, was das mit uns zu tun hat und wie wir durch entsprechende Manahmen Reklamationen vorbeugen knnen.Wir kommen auf Kundenbeziehungen zu sprechen und was das bei Lsungen von Anliegen hilft.Wir betrachten Fallen, in die wir ""tappen"" knnen, ohne es zu merken und wie wir sie vermeiden und betrachten das typische Verhalten von reklamierenden Kunden, damit uns das nicht mehr berraschen kann.Ein Leitfaden erhht die Wahrscheinlichkeit ungemein, den Beschwerdeprozess erfolgreich zu beenden, darum widmen wir uns den 5 Schritten ausfhrlich.Welche Entscheidungskompetenzen haben Sie im Reklamationsfall? Darber sprechen wir auch.Als kleiner Bonus zeige ich Ihnen eine Feedback-Methode, die einfach zu lernen und anzuwenden ist und statt Widerstand und Verrgerung eine Verhaltensnderung als Ziel hat.Zu allen wichtigen Punkten gibt es jeweils eine PDF zum download, damit Sie alles immer zu Hand haben knnen, wenn der ""Ernstfall"" eintritt."
Price: 54.99

"How To Make Money Online 145 Ways" |
"""How To Make Money Online 145 Ways"" is a series of videos exploring 145 ways to earn money online using creative and innovative methods. We will look at buying and selling, arbitrage and importing. Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, Alibaba, Facebook, Youtube, Fiverr and many more lesser known sites will be discussed with strategies for each. Grab a pencil and paper to take notes. You don't want to miss this one!"
Price: 99.99

nazekarano-gengogaku |
Price: 3000.00

makevideobyppt |
Price: 18000.00

"Watercolour Painting Basics" |
"This course is a fabulous introduction to Watercolour Painting. It provides basic information that is easy to understand and a step by step guide that is easy to follow, teaching you the fundamentals of this medium as though you were actually in a live Art Class.So if you have never tried Watercolour Painting before, or perhaps want to remind yourself of the basics of this field of art - then you will thoroughly enjoy this visual journey and taking part in the tutorials as they play. "
Price: 19.99

"Alteryx MasterClass - Lets get started" |
"Alteryx MasterClass - Let's get startedYou are interested in data analytics and business intelligence? Great! You have chosen not only a highly rewarding profession but also one of the most interesting ones of the future. Data is the oil of our century and getting the right insights at the right time will be the key competitive advantage for businesses.This is why you are here. Companies need highly skilled people to help them analyzing their data. During this process the data aggregation and cleaning is the most challenging part. 80% of the time of data analysts and data scientists are spend with data preparation. This can be cumbersome but is crucial to derive valuable insights. Because:""Trash in trash out!""This is why we need to explore fast and efficient ways to prepare our data which we then want to visualize in powerful tools like Tableau or Power BI.And now the most interesting question? How exactly can we achieve this? What are the best tools to do that, which do not require extreme programming skills?Meet Alteryx! One of the best ETL / data preparation tools on the market. This awesome tool with an ""Apple flair design"" and drag and drop functionality will help us to prepare and combine even the worst kinds of data sourcesThis course is my answer to students request who loved the first courseAlteryx Masterclass - a crashcourse for beginnerswhere we go through a whole data cleaning case study in alteryx and wanted to learn more about the alteryx tools which we have not covered yet in the case study.It is not required to take the case study but I personally believe both courses together are a great fit to help you becoming professional with alteryx.Here we start from scratch and a fully functional version of the software can be downloaded for free. The only thing you need to bring with you is your personal interest and willingness to learn in a data driven age.If that sound like you then..Let's dive into the case study togetherAre you ready? "
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Control Systems for Engineers" |
"This course covers everything an Introduction to Controls Course should cover and much more. I will clearly explain to you control systems from the most basic ideas to where we currently are in research. I cover a huge range of topics including: system response, root-locus, bode plots, nyquist, state-space, digital control, optimal control. I use MATLAB in the course to help you learn!"
Price: 24.99

music-theory-grade2-arabic |
". :- - - - - - . . ."
Price: 119.99

"Google Certified Educator Level 2 Technical Training" |
"Through this course, you will receive all of the technical training necessary to take and pass the Google Level 2 exam. The course is broken down into 16 sections each with 3-5, including a bonus video. At the end of most sections you will find a practice activity that is similar to the tasks you will be asked to complete on the level 2 exam. After you have completed the practice activities, there is a video showing exactly how to complete the assignment so that you can check your work and so that you can work at your own pace."
Price: 99.99

"Edexcel GCE A level Chinese (9CN01) Specimen Mock V2020" |
"Edexcel GCE A level (9CN0), AS Chinese (8CN0) Introduction (first teaching 2017 first exam 2018)We are always be with you, you are not leaning along! Thanks for your support for us to creating better contents for you! Edexcel GCE Advanced Level (9CN01) Listening Reading and Translation 2018 (first teaching 2017 first exam 2019) New Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Chinese (spoken Mandarin/spoken Cantonese) has been developed to inspire all students who have an appreciation of the language, literature, film and culture of the Chinese-speaking world.Content Year 1 A level/ASSocial issuesand trendsTheme1 -Changes in contemporary Chinese society-FamilyFamily structure and the generation gap; family planning and ageing population-Education and workSchool life and student issues; work opportunities; work-life balancePolitical and/or intellectual and/or artistic cultureTheme 2 -Chinese culture-TraditionsFestivals (Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Qing Ming Festival) and customs-Cultural activitiesFilm, television, music and reading (in relation to Chinese culture)"
Price: 59.99

"Welcome to DESTINY CREATORS ZONE.This course is for Business Owners who BELIEVE that there is a LIFE beyond BUSINESS. A life of Dreams. A life which is created by you.Your dream life could be anything from Picking up a hobby, travelling the world, or spending more time with loved ones.It could be even multiplying your business.The asset that you need to live this Dream Life is TIME. And as a Business Owner you can get that TIME only by putting your Business on a mode where it can operate on its own and is NOT or very very less dependent on you. This is POSSIBLE. But it needs some work. It is simple but I can say that it is a secret formula which is followed by all the Business owners who have made great companies that are global and run with their minimum intervention.This Course is targetted at giving you that LIFE. And to help you Live a life that you Dreamt of.The 3 main learnings from this course would be:1.How to DERIVE your DESTINY STATEMENT for your LIFE and BUSINESS2.How to use the 3 STEP POWERFUL SYSTEM that the Business Owners of great global companies use to run their businesses successfully with minimum intervention3.How to arrive at a CLEAR road map for creating your Life and Business Destiny and live your dream lifeto Live your DESTINYThis course could change your LIFE . If you are COMMITTED. If you BELIEVE in a life bigger and beyond. And willing to CREATE your DESTINY.Welcome to DESTINY CREATORS ZONE."
Price: 24.99

"Building Applications Using Java and NetBeans" |
"Java is a popular object-oriented programming language. Java is intended to be highly portable, allowing code compiled on one platform to be run on another (using the Java virtual machine architecture), even if the CPUs and operating systems of the two systems are completely different. Java is intended to be secure and is intended to be general-purpose.There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed,from laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. NetBeans is an open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for developing with Java, PHP, C++,and other programming languages.The NetBeans IDE can boost your productivity when you're working with Java.NetBeans IDE is a popular IDE for Java application development. It has editors, code analyzers,and converters, allows yot to quickly and smoothly upgrade your applications to use new Java language constructs, such as lambdas, functional operations, and method references.This course provides a very simple and quick introduction to creating Java applications using the NetBeans IDE workflow by walking you through the creation of a couple of Java applications.once you are done with this course, you will have a general knowledge of how tocreate and run Java applications in the NetBeans IDE."
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Rsum That Stands Out" |
"For any given job opening, HR personnel and hiring managers are deluged with resumes. Since they dont have the time or resources to interview everyone, they are always looking for ways to weed out candidates as quickly as possible.In fact, some merely glance at each resume before deciding whether to toss it in the ""yes"" or ""no"" pile. So, it's imperative that you make those few seconds count.Here are some ways to make your resume stand out:A good unique design can catch the attention of the recruiter Incorporate industry keywords and buzzwords into your resume, but dont overdo it. Use words and phrases like ""accomplished,"" ""developed,"" ""managed,"" and ""team player"" in the natural language of the document If your resume makes it through the filtering system, but it is evident to the reader that you were successful because of 'keyword stuffing,' the reader will feel you just gamed the system and will place your resume in the no pile. Tailor your resume to the job. Tune your resume to this specific role, with substantiating detail that shows why you are a great fit for the position. One way to do this is by including all of your skills and experience that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Use a modern, professional format. Format your resume so that it is pleasing to the eye but doesn't focus more on visuals than content. Use a header. Include a clear, hard-hitting statement at the very top of the resume that effectively defines who you are, keeping the specific position in mind."
Price: 19.99

"Criando APIs REST com .NET Core, EF, Autenticao e Heroku" |
"A Programao Orientada a Objetos (tambm conhecida pela sigla POO) um modelo de anlise, projeto e programao de software baseado na composio e interao entre diversas unidades chamadas de objetos. A POO um dos 4 principais paradigmas de programao. Os programas so arquitetados atravs de objetos que interagem entre si. Cada classe determina o comportamento (definido nos mtodos) e estados possveis (atributos) de seus objetos, assim como o relacionamento com outros objetos. Nos dias atuais, utilizamos a Programao Orientada a Objetos nos mais diversos contextos, tais como Backend (.NET Core API com C#, por exemplo), Frontend (Angular com TypeScript, por exemplo) e o mais novo e querido Mobile (Flutter com Dart, por exemplo). Alm da boa organizao do projeto usando um padro de arquitetura (DDD - Domain-Driven Design, por exemplo), podemos facilmente aproveitar dos padres de projetos (design patterns) Command, MVC, Repository, Singleton, State entre outros para criar projetos simples ou complexos com uma fcil manuteno.Este curso foi criado para ensinar voc, desenvolvedor, a criar APIs REST utilizando a linguagem de programao C# e o framework .NET Core 3.1.Apenas um detalhe, de acordo com a pesquisar anual do StackOverflow, .NET Core o framework mais amado (77%) para desenvolvimento web.O ASP.NET Core uma estrutura de software livre de multiplataforma e de alto desempenho para a criao de aplicativos modernos conectados Internet, em nuvem. Com o ASP.NET Core, voc pode:Criar aplicativos Web e servios, Internet das coisas (IOT) e back-ends mveis.Usar suas ferramentas de desenvolvimento favoritas no Windows, macOS e Linux.Implantar na nuvem ou local.Milhes de desenvolvedores usam ou usaram o ASP.NET 4. x para criar aplicativos Web. ASP.NET Core um redesign de ASP.NET 4. x, incluindo alteraes arquitetnicas que resultam em uma estrutura mais Lean e mais modular.O ASP.NET Core oferece os seguintes benefcios:Uma histria unificada para a criao da interface do usurio da Web e das APIs Web.Projetado para capacidade de teste.O Razor Pages torna a codificao de cenrios focados em pgina mais fcil e produtiva.O Blazor permite que voc use C# no navegador junto com o JavaScript. Compartilhe a lgica de aplicativo do lado do cliente e do servidor toda escrita com o .NET.Capacidade de desenvolver e executar no Windows, macOS e Linux.De software livre e voltado para a comunidade.Integrao de estruturas modernas do lado do cliente e fluxos de trabalho de desenvolvimento.Suporte para hospedagem de servios RPC (chamada de procedimento remoto) usando gRPC.Um sistema de configurao pronto para a nuvem, baseado no ambiente.Injeo de dependncia interna.Um pipeline de solicitao HTTP leve, modular e de alto desempenho.Capacidade de hospedar usando Kestrel, IIS, HTTP.sys, Nginx, Apache ou Docker.Se inscreva agora e aprenda a criar e publicar APIs REST utilizando os mais novos padres de projeto e servios de Cloud.Bons Estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Stock investing for beginners - Quick & Simple!" |
"This is a beginner-friendly course, where you don't need any mathematical skills to be able to pick the right stock to make money in the stock market. Besides, you will get to know another strategy, where you don't need to pick any stocks at all. This course gives you the skill to outperform the market. Quick & Simple."
Price: 194.99

"Risk Management Professional - PMI-RMP" |
"A Risk Management Professional PMI-RMP preparation course, all what you need to qualify for the PMI-RMP exam is here:30 credit hours needed for the exam.Covers all the risk management topics PMBOK guide.Covers all topics in Practice Standard for Risk Management.Real life examplesYou will learn how to use all the needed templatesMore than 200 Questions and answersHow to qualify for the PMI-RMP ExamTemplates for all risk management documents : PMBOKPractice Standard for Risk Management 200 PMI-RMP"
Price: 99.99

"Toon Boom Harmony 20 Essentials overview" |
"Harmony is professional software for creating 2D animations for films. But you can also create regular video's with it and publish them on the web. If you are a good at drawing, why would you not enhance your skills and breath life into your artwork?This course will help you getting started with Harmony. It will explain the tools. It will also explain animation and adding effects to your drawings. Those effects can be animated as well. Bonus: I will learn you a trick how to get 4K video out of Harmony.Bonus: I will learn you a trick how to create 3D animations out of 2D animations (create 3D models from 2D image sequences)Bonus: An update to the existing Harmony Game SDK asset, found on the Unity Asset store. With a short video on how to use it."
Price: 29.99

word-first |
Price: 2400.00

"Mobile Device Management Certification" |
"Incorporating mobile devices via automation into corporate structure can be a challenging task. This can also be a tedious process, done by hand, and riddled with errors. This is where the concept of Mobile Device Management (MDM) comes into picture.MDM or Mobile Device Management is a software program which is used in a company to control endpoints such as laptops , smartphones, tablets etc. For more and more workers using one or more of these tools, companies now shift to mobile device management in all shapes and sizes for improved data protection and enhanced productivity.This course ""Mobile Device Management Certification"" created by Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"", Sowmya and Saranya explains the whole concept of MDM with the sole intent to manage and secure your devices used in your company to the next level. The area of managing mobile devices has continued to evolve as more professionals use laptops and smartphones to work. It has increased the need for solutions that allow employees to access information wherever and at any time they may be. Early solutions focused exclusively on devices and lacked application and content management; they are now expanding into wider EMM solutions to better capture and serve the mobile opportunity.We will also show you in the course - the practical tools to deploy in your organization or educational institution. This would complete the most complex tasks extremely quick. This will also greatly ease IT workers burden and save money by reducing the amount of people required to complete the tasks. It allows the facilities staff to enjoy the versatility and efficiency of mobile devices without compromising corporate or customer data.Get ready to add a greater level of security for the devices your company staff use, daily.There is no time to waste. The course will be educative, informative, and practical at the same time.Enrol now, and let's start booming. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here, inside.Lights. Camera. Action. Let us do the magic starting now."
Price: 1280.00

"Structural Engineering Abaqus Tutorials" |
"Welcome to the Structural Engineering Abaqus Tutorial, the only course you need to learn how to deal with real-life structural engineering examples. This course is specially designed for mechanical, civil engineering students who want to expand their finite element knowledge. This course will teach you the theory behind input parameters as well as modelling and analysing the results.What you will get in this course:**This Course is the divided into the 12 sections and in order to get the most advantage of it, we highly recommend you to follow the course in order as the basic terms have been only explained in the initial sections.Section 1:An overview of this tutorial.Section 2:This section aims to teach you how to analyse various concrete beams under the 3-point bending condition. First, we start modelling the concrete beam only using CDP material property for concrete class B50, then in each video in this section, we try to reinforce the concrete beam with different methods such steel bars and strips, CFRP and metal foam. There are two assignment videos in this section that will help you to test your newly learned skills.In addition, this section provides you with some background information about the concrete damaged plasticity (CDP), Hashin damage criterial for composite material and metal foam input parameters. It is highly recommended to watch all these videos and make sure that you understand the theory behind input parameters.Section 3:This section aims to teach you how to analyse various concrete column under compressive loading. In this section, similar to the previous section, we start modelling concrete only then we reinforce the column using the combination of the CFRP laminate and Steel bars and strips.Section 4:This section consisted of two simulations, in the first simulations, we apply load to the concrete column without any reinforcement to have some damage (around 0.05%) on our column then the load will be removed, and CFRP layers will be used in the damaged area to increase the strength of the column and then the load will be applied again.Section 5:This section aims to teach you how to model the combination of the concrete beam and column under cyclic loading.Section 6:In this section, you will learn how to apply tensile loading on various engineering application. This section consists of four examples: Concrete specimen, Aluminium specimen and single lap bolted joints under tensile loading and adaptive mesh. In addition, you will become familiar with ductile and shear damage theory in this section Section 7:In this section, you will learn how to apply impact loading on the concrete plate using the rigid and non-rigid projectile. In addition, you will learn how to import damage criteria for concrete using .inp and keyword section by importing 32 required parameters. This section consists of three examples as follow: Concrete block under impact loading using rigid projectile (Example-1), Concrete block with two metal sheet reinforcement under impact loading using steel projectile (Example-2), Crushable foam under impact loading using rigid projectile (Example-3)Section 8:In this section, you will learn how to consider the thermal behaviour of the material under impact loading and how these properties could affect the results.Section 9:In this section, you will learn how to perform a low-velocity impact simulation with fun example by simulating the phone drop from the height of the 5 meters.Section 10:In this section, you will learn how to perform repetitive impact loading on the metal beam using Johnson-cook damage model. Section 11:In this section, you will learn how to use the XFEM method to study the crack growth in a concrete beam under 3-point and 4 point bending condition using 2D and 3D examples.Section 12:This section has some background information about all the damage model used in this course. I hope you all enjoy these tutorials. Please send me a message if you think anything can improve the quality of this course as I am updating the course regularly.Many thanksArmin **This course is only intended for Serious Students. A lot of efforts have been done to provide a practical understanding of the Software, theory and analysis which is not available anywhere on the internet. ** Abaqus version 6.14.1 is used for this course, therefore in order to open files in the recourses section, you should have this version or any later version. However, you can still use the older version to do this tutorial.** These course examples are not intended to apply to any particular situation. Students are cautioned to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy and results of their analyses. The author shall not be responsible for the consequences of any errors or mistake that may appear in this course.** All rights reserved, Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright."
Price: 149.99

"Project Cost Management Course - With Whiteboard Animations!" |
"Want to learn how to keep your projects cost efficient?Want to save countless hours of frustration and thousands of dollars slipping through your fingers like sand?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend Ash - he is very talented and knows project cost management inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course:Types of CostsPlanning and Cost ManagementMultiple Outputs and InputsHow to Estimate CostsHow to Determine Your BudgetHow to Control CostsAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to keep your projects cost efficient...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 74.99

"Matemtica para concurso de nvel mdio(etapa 1)" |
"O curso um curso voltado para estudantes que pretendem melhorar os seus rendimentos escolares e que, tambm, querem aperfeioar os seus estudos. E, alem disso, e um curso para auxiliar em concursos. Abordo os seguintes assuntos: teoria dos conjuntos, funes, mdulo de nmero real e muito mais assuntos a sua disposio. Imperdvel!!!Aproveite essa oportunidade e matricule-se."
Price: 144.99

"Python Object Oriented Programming Visually and in under 1hr" |
"Learn python object oriented programming visually. Learn advance python to write complex code.Learn python oop with short lectures.Classes and objectsStandard methods in classesClass dataInheritance and polymorphismOperator overloadingObject Oriented Crash Course in PythonThis course covers fundamentals of object oriented programming. You will create objects and classes. Next, you will work with standart methods in classes. After that you will learn how to store data for all objects. Most importantly, the course covers derived classes (inheritance) and super class modification(polimorphism). Lastly, we will work with addition operator overloading for classes.The course is divided into short videos with examples, and human to code translation."
Price: 24.99

"Computer Architecture: Measures for Design & Analysis" |
"Computer technology is making great progress everyday. From as big as a room sized computers, we have reached at the point in time where some computer can't be seen using naked eyes and can go into human body to perform surgeries without him even realizing it. We have reached at a point in time where computer no longer have a fixed physical description. Like a amoeba, computer today have no fixed size and shape. It is tied to your wrist in the form of a smart watch, and it is attached on almost everything in the form of Internet of Things devices. Computers came a long way to this never ending journey. Improvements in fabrication technologies and computer architecture have driven these incredible changes and thus are responsible for enhancement in performance. Performance, which equates today's smartphone to the supercomputers of just twenty years back. This course describes all the challenges computer architects faced and are still facing in an attempt to make computers more power efficient and high performing than ever. Many technologies, like Internet, have came and stabilized, but computer architecture have seen and still seeing great amount of change every single months and that's the reason you are seeing hardware vendors like Qualcomm, HiSilicon, Samsung are launching new chip-sets for different classes of computers almost every new month. Hence, it becomes very important to understand the specs of each new computer, which further requires knowledge of measurements that are essential for design and analysis of computer architecture."
Price: 99.99

"Mindfulness Stress Reduction for Teachers and their students" |
"Reduce stress and find inner peacein just 5 weeks[Without having to completely change your routine or stop doing the things you love]Are you feeling overworked, stressed out, burnt out, and underappreciated in school or at home? Do you find yourself indulging a little too much in comfort foods? Not sleeping well because youre stressed? Do you wish you could bring more peace and calm into your classroom and into your life? If you answered yes to any of these, weve got a solution for you.The daily grind of life can very quickly get on top of you and make you flustered. Some days you even wake up flustered, and tired, and lethargic. But your days dont have to look like that. Wouldnt you prefer to wake up feeling energised and ready for the day?Heres what you might not knowReducing stress isnt just good for your physical and mental health, it can also improve your performance at work.Benefit 1Mindfulness allows you to take stock of whats going on around you and inside your head. It can help you navigate your day more easily, by being more aware of how you feel and process whats going on around you.Benefit 2Eating better. What you eat can affect how you think and process whats going on. By changing your diet a little, you can feel less stressed and anxious.Benefit 3De-stress yourself. You will learn techniques to help you melt away the stress, which will give you more energy and make you feel better.Reduce Stress: Embrace the Moment and Find a Sense of Inner PeaceWant to learn how to consciously handle stress, as well as the pain and the uncertain challenges of everyday life?Learn to pass, and overcome, the oversthe overwhelmed, the overstressed, the overeating, the over-anxiousness, the over-eating, the over-thinking, the over-doing, the over-drinking, the over-shoppingwith this stress reduction course.By taking this course you overcome these bad habits and replace them with healthier habits that make you feel better, give you more energy and so allow you to spend more time doing the things you love.Want to learn how you can live with less stress and more energy?In this five-week course, you will learn the basic skills of mindfulness and mediation through a variety of practices and tools. Heres just some of what you will learn over the five weeks: Learn how mindfulness can help you in day-to-day life. Body scan relaxation meditation. How to nourish your body to improve mental health. How to move your body to de-stress. Learn how breathing exercises can help stop unhelpful thoughts. How to get better sleep. How to move your body in joy. The supplements can help you relax and destress. How to put all this together and maintain it after the end of the lessons.Yes you can Improve your mindfulness and better cope with your daily lifeHolistic Psychotherapist, Mindfulness, and Yoga Teacher Susanne McAllister will teach you exactly how to apply mindfulness in your everyday life easy and effortless. Mindfulness vs MindFULLness is such a beneficial and enriching practice that helps you to truly stay calm and unshakable even during hard and stressful times. Many teachers have found this course an amazing tool to better handle, manage, and eventually overcome the feeling of stress and anxiety. Susanne has taught this course to teachers online and face to face in a school setting with incredible results. By the end of the course, you will feel better equipped to handle your daily activities. And you will be able to better help students as you will be better able to focus on the present moment. This is a practical course. If you follow the lesson plans and practice these techniques, you can notice a measurable improvement in your peace of mind. This will help you to better cope with the overstressed, overworked, overwhelming challenges of everyday life. Sign up to this course today, and start your journey to less stressful, more peaceful daily living.I am very excited to be your guide on this journey. Let's start today ??Susanne McAllisterIf not you, then who? If not now, when?Hillel"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Solidworks - Mdulo Superfcies" |
"O curso Solidworks mdulo Superfcies traz ao aluno uma viso prtica de como funciona o processo de criao de peas simples e complexas atravs de superfcies no Solidworks. Ano 2019/2020PBLICO ALVO:Desenhistas, Engenheiros, Projetistas, Designers de Produtos, Tcnicos e demais profissionais da rea metalmecnicaPR REQUISITOS:Os candidatos devero ter cursado o mdulo de Solidworks Bsico."
Price: 114.99

"Business Communication" |
"This module enhances your language and communication skills needed in the world of business and management through the application of key business concepts and frameworks to real business case studies from various organisations. The activities you carry out will also raise awareness of your own use of language in business communication.It focuses on the presentation of concepts in a concise, complete manner in memos, letters and reports. Students will be expected to be able to read and clearly understand business communication in their fields, and write clear and precise business communications reports in a variety of forms."
Price: 19.99
