"Como usar el celular: gua para adultos mayores." |
"En este curso esta dedicado a los adultos mayores. Aqu aprenders a utilizar el celular , explicado de forma sencilla, paso a paso, desde como sostener el celular correctamente hasta aprender a utilizar el WhatsApp y as poder estar comunicado con tus seres queridos!Ademas de los vdeos , tendrs material descargable que te sera de mucha ayuda!"
Price: 79.99

"ISO 21001:2018 Sistemas de Gestin de Org Educativas" |
"Objetivo del Curso: Al finalizar el curso, el participante conocer los requisitos de un sistema de gestin de organizaciones educativas basado en la norma ISO 21001:2018.ISO 21001:2018 Sistemas de Gestin de Organizaciones EducativasLa educacin no slo es un derecho fundamental, sino una parte fundamental de la sociedad, por lo que la calidad de los proveedores de educacin es una preocupacin de todos. Aqu es donde aparece la norma ISO 21001. Si bien no necesariamente puede garantizar resultados, existen muchas instituciones educativas que pueden hacer para estimular el aprendizaje y garantizar que los estudiantes reciben el nivel de calidad esperado. Se est desarrollando un nuevo estndar para ayudarles a hacer esto, y que slo se ha llegado a una etapa crtica.Estos son algunos de los beneficios de su implementacin:Ayuda a responder con rapidez y ecacia las necesidades de las partes interesadas. Mejora la coordinacin de los procesos, la alineacin de la misin, visin, objetivos y planes de accin de la organizacin, as como la comunicacin entre todos los implicados. Mantiene un proceso de mejora continua basado en el anlisis y evaluacin de la informacin para generar los niveles ptimos de rendimiento. Facilita a un mayor nmero de personas la disponibilidad, accesibilidad y equidad de los servicios educativos. Propicia la incorporacin de distintos estilos de aprendizaje para necesidades y entornos diferentes, promoviendo su implicacin e inclusin en el mbito educativo. Contribuye a un desarrollo sostenible que incluya educacin de calidad para todos.Contenido temtico del curso El presente curso tendr la siguiente estructura: Seccin 1. Aspectos Generales de un Sistema de Gestin de Organizaciones EducativasSeccin 2. Capitulo 4. Contexto de la OrganizacinSeccin 3. Capitulo 5. LiderazgoSeccin 4. Capitulo 6. PlanificacinSeccin 5. Capitulo 7. ApoyoSeccin 6. Capitulo 8. OperacinSeccin 7. Capitulo 9. Evaluacin del desempeoSeccin 8. Capitulo 10. MejoraSeccin 9. Conclusiones y proceso de certificacin"
Price: 345.00

"Javascript React Next.js" |
"Javascript Javascript Next.js Node.js Javascript React Javascript React 2020 React / Javascript 2 Next.js SSR Server Side Rendering React Component, JSX, Props Functional Component React 16 React Hooks useState, useEffect, useRef hooks Next.js SPA React Router Redux Next ReactJS React Router & Redux Next.js 1000 2020 Glove Javascript React Next.js Javascript ReactJS Next.js"
Price: 5600.00

"AWS Certified Security Specialty Latest 2020 Practice Exams" |
"ComTech is offering 300 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Certified Security Specialty Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.4 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 60+ Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real AWS Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AWS Certified Security Specialty Exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR AWS CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AWS Certified Security Specialty exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AWS Certified Security Specialty practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using ourAWS Certified Security Specialty Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AWS Certified Security Specialty exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AWS Certified Security Specialty practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the realAWS Certified Security Specialty exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 300 PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 4 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 60 Questions each with a pool of 300 Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AWS Certified Security Specialty Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 29.99

"Assistantes de direction et secrtaires" |
"Les objectifs et tches- Le rle gnral de lassistante de direction et de la secrtaire- Le carr de la performance organisationnelle- Les deux dimensions de la qualit de travail- Le travail administratif et les relations avec employs et clients internes ou externes- Tout le monde est client de tout le monde- La dfinition dun service la clientle impeccable- Comment tonner un client- Les normes de serviceLa communication- Les composantes de la communication- Le message efficace- Les 3 moyens de la communication- Le silence- Conseils pour la voix- Conseils au tlphone- La technique SOSComment raliser un bon acceuil- Les tapes de laccueil et du service la clientle interne- La prparation dun contact interne ou externe- La prise de contact avec le client externe ou interne- La prise de contact au tlphone- coute des besoins- Ce quil ne faut pas faire- La reformulation- La solution apporter : laisser au directeur un choix pour les priorits- Rpondre aux rclamations- Conclure lentretienComment raliser un bon travail- Le carr des priorits- Que faire avec les tchesGrer son stress- Dfinition de la gestion du stress- Causes du stress- Deux types de stress- Techniques de gestion mentales- Techniques de gestion physiques- Approche globale de vie et de sant"
Price: 44.99

"Performance Management:" |
":I. PM:- Performance Management?- PM- 3 PM- 10 PM- PM- PM- PMII. :- - Canvas- - BSC (Balanced Scorecard)- - - - KPIs- - OKRs ( )."
Price: 34.99

"Como Gerar Renda Passiva No Udemy Com Cursos - Unofficial" |
"Ideia, validao, produo e divulgao. Aqui voc vai aprender tudo o que precisa para criar cursos e treinamentos altamente lucrativos de forma eficiente e prtica. Voc no precisa reinventar a roda. No crie seu curso antes de ver esse treinamento. Depois de dezenas de cursos criados eu aprendi na prtica o que funciona e o que perda de tempo. Voc no vai ficar milionrio do dia para a noite, mas voc pode facilmente criar uma renda passiva de 2.000, 3.000 ... 7.000 reais por ms trabalhando apenas algumas horas por dia na criao dos seus prprios treinamentos. Esse conhecimento vale ouro. Voc pode gerar fontes de renda passiva rapidamente. Imagina dentro dos prximos 3 meses voc criando um verdadeiro imprio de cursos e treinamentos gerando renda passiva para o resto da sua vida. Voc finalmente poder ter a segurana e liberdade financeira que sempre sonhou.O fato que voc pode perder muito tempo e dinheiro se voc no sabe o que est fazendo. Eu vejo muitos empreendedores dizendo que voc precisa criar pginas de captura, investir em funis de email complicado ou mesmo contratar uma agncia de marketing.Acontece que tudo isso pode ser uma tremenda perda de tempo para quem est iniciando. s vezes voc quer vender seu curso de maquiagem, de adestramento de ces, de dicas de viagem, de emagrecimento mas voc no sabe criar sites e nem usar ferramentas complicadas de marketing digital.Ento voc fica preso, limitado. Com dificuldade para escalar e crescer seus resultados. Achando que necessrio muita habilidade para ter sucesso e tudo isso mentira. Voc pode vender seus cursos em plataformas EAD sem precisar de criar sites ou nada muito tcnico e cansativo.Basta focar no que voc j sabe fazer. Transforme sua paixo e o seu conhecimento em um treinamento que ajude outras pessoas a alcanarem seus objetivos.Apenas foque em criar o melhor curso que voc pode criar e eu irei te ajudar a vender e lucrar com esse treinamento sem estresse. Tudo bem simples e prtico.Ento isso eu j mostrei e demonstrei tudo o que podia para que voc entenda que muito fcil criar cursos lucrativos na internet agora sua vez.Clique no boto para fazer sua inscrio neste treinamento e aprenda como se tornar o prximo professor best seller que vai ter a sua vida transformada. Gere renda passiva e ganhe liberdade financeira e de tempo.Um forte abrao e te aguardo no treinamento."
Price: 159.99

"Como iniciar uma Transformao Cultural na sua empresa" |
"Para iniciar uma transformao cultural na sua empresa necessrio encontrar as prprias definies do que a palavra ""empresa"" e seus significados representam para cada pessoa dentro dela.Neste curso iremos mergulhar e ressignificar conceitos sobre Empresa e Cultura Organizacional, pois sem alinhamento destes temas com a equipe, qualquer transformao poder ser mal recebida ou melhor, mal interpretada, j que cada pessoa tem sua experincia com o tema.Alm das definies, necessrio tambm encontrar os Benefcios da transformao cultural dentro da empresa, vamos trazer inmeros benefcios prticos e proporcionar que voc e a sua empresa tambm possam encontrar seus prprios pontos positivos, fortalecendo as possibilidades de aceitao diante da mudana.Toda empresa pode proporcionar uma abertura para alinhamento dentro da sua prpria cultura, encontrando formas de melhorar o que j est bom e revendo pontos para atingirem um novo estado de conscincia."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende Blazor desde Cero - Curso Completo de ASP.NET Blazor" |
"En este curso aprenders desde cero la vibrante y moderna nueva tecnologa includa en .NET Core: Blazor. Blazor permite construir Single Page Applications (Aplicaciones de Pgina nica), utilizando cdigo C# en el frontend, lo cual representa un gran avance respecto a lo que se poda hacer hasta antes de Blazor, en donde la nica opcin era integrar la aplicacin .NET con Angular, React o Vue.Adems, Blazor se perfila como una de las tecnologas con mayor proyeccin dentro del universo .NET debido a que incopora WebAssembly como una de sus alternativas para que la totalidad de la aplicacin se ejecute del lado del cliente. Esta es otra de las razones para aprender y prestar especial atencin a Blazor.En este curso iremos de menor a mayor: comenzaremos por entender e incorporar los conceptos bsicos de Blazor y construiremos un sencillo CRUD con eso. No te preocupes si no ests familiarizado con la sintaxis de Razor ya que aqu aprenderas todo lo que necesitas saber sobre esto.Luego agregaremos poco a poco elementos ms complejos acompaados con la teora necesaria como para que comprendas no slo cmo funciona Blazor sino porqu funciona de esa manera y cual es el potencial que tiene. Luego convertiremos ese simple CRUD inicial en una aplicacin escalable, con la arquitectura de una aplicacin del mundo real y con los desafos que las soluciones reales conllevan. Por ltimo, agregaremos a nuestra aplicacin un vistoso dashboard con un grfico de tortas utilizando ChartJs para Blazor.Cuando hayas terminado el curso, sers capaz de crear soluciones Blazor complejas, entenders como los componentes interactan entre s y nada te detendr a la hora de escribir tus propias aplicaciones dinmicas de pgina nica."
Price: 29.99

"Azure Cost Optimization Inside-Out [created July 2020]" |
"Welcome to the Azure Cost Optimization Inside-Out course.Glad that I am able to help you with one of the most important learning objectives on Azure.This is one journey that every Azure admin or customer has to undertake, irrespective of the size of the organization, they have to take steps to address ballooning costs at some point.With Azure Cost Optimization, it ""pays"" to be proactive rather than reactive!You might have already read many articles or heard about methods for reducing Azure Costs, this course not only covers the most common methods for cost optimization, but also discusses several uncommon strategies to keep costs in control and also to achieve better performance.Unlike other course, this is not a PowerPoint based course. It has,Detail discussion on Why, What for the choices madeDemosUseful ScriptsQuizzesThis course is presented as 4 Levels of optimizations.Level 1 covers the usual suspects and low hanging fruits.Level 2 covers recommendations that require a bit more effort to implement, but doable.Level 3 covers options that are advanced and can be looked at for mature users/environments.Level 4 takes you to ACE level in Azure cost optimizations...with more to come in the future as the Azure services adapt.You will never approach Azure resource provisioning the same way after going through this course!I encourage you to try out this course to improve your skills.Thanks, Sumesh P."
Price: 19.99

"Como fazer projeto de pesquisa jurdica" |
"Pesquisar na rea do Direito apresenta algumas dificuldades, tanto para estudantes de graduao quanto para quem est buscando entrar em mestrados e doutorados jurdicos ou interdisciplinares. Este curso foca em lhe dar ferramentas simples para superar esses obstculos e ter diferenciais na academia!APRENDA SOBRE METODOLOGIA E ELABORE SEU PROJETO DE PESQUISA AO LONGO DESTE CURSO!Compreenda as caractersticas bsicas de uma problematizao cientfica;Defina uma pergunta de pesquisa vivel e bem delimitada;Planeje seus objetivos e procedimentos metodolgicos para alcan-los;Saiba que fontes pode ou no usar para seu marco terico;Justifique a sua pesquisa dentro de parmetros acadmicos; eFamiliarize-se com o papel de estudante e professor(a) na orientao.Assegure um projeto de qualidade, para um desenvolvimento suave da pesquisa em si. fundamental ter um projeto de pesquisa slido, bem estruturado e recortado, para viabilizar um bom desenvolvimento do seu TCC, dissertao ou tese. No se pode pesquisar nas cincias jurdicas (ou em quaisquer outras) sem dominar ao menos o bsico sobre metodologia. Ainda que se conte com a orientao, o ideal que voc v ganhando autonomia sobre o delineamento, desenvolvimento e concluso de suas pesquisas.Este curso vai lhe ajudar nisso. Com olhar prtico, aliado ao compromisso de slido embasamento terico, vai contribuir para que voc, estudante e/ou pesquisador do Direito e/ou interdisciplinar, se sinta seguro e preparado para articular seu conhecimento nos seus projetos de pesquisa.Contedo e viso geralVoc ter acesso a material exclusivo elaborado por mim, professora e pesquisadora, com doutorado e trabalhos publicados sobre temticas jurdicas e interdisciplinares. So vdeoaulas com slides, apostilas e exemplos de cada elemento do projeto de pesquisa. As apostilas contm indicaes de bibliografia, para que voc saiba que boas fontes buscar para seus estudos. Alm de tudo isso, voc ter acesso a recursos externos (artigos acadmicos publicados e modelos) que selecionei especialmente para enriquecer seu aprendizado e lhe incentivar.Ateno: esse curso no ensina formatao de ABNT.Ao final de todas as sees, voc ser direcionado(a) a um simulado, para aplicar tudo que aprendeu e terminar o curso seguro(a) sobre o contedo.Em concluso, voc obter um certificado e ter avanado na compreenso do dos aspectos metodolgicos fundamentais ao pesquisador jurdico/interdisciplinar contemporneo."
Price: 144.99

"Grade 4 STAAR Test Prep Course for Reading, Math & Writing" |
"INFORMATION FOR PARENTS ABOUT THE STAAR TESTWho?All public school students in Texas, grades 312, take STAAR tests.What?STAAR is the states testing program and is based on state curriculum standards in core subjects including reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies.When?Grades 38 STAAR tests are given in the spring. End-of-course assessments (EOC) are given throughout the year. The number of tests your child takes each year will depend on what grade he or she is in. Most students will have two to four testing days during the school year.Where?STAAR tests are given to students at their own school, in regular classrooms that have been set up to make it easy to focus on the test. If students have certain special needs and require special accommodations, they may be tested in a different area of the school.Why?STAAR tests are designed to measure what students are learning in each grade and whether or not they are ready for the next grade. The goal is to ensure that all students receive what they need to be academically successful. Meeting these individual student needs depends greatly on schools, parents, and community members working together.How?STAAR tests for grades 38 and EOC assessments are offered in both online and paper formats."
Price: 34.99

"Video Editing Facile per Youtube con Adobe Premiere Rush" |
"In questo percorso vedremo tutti gli strumenti che Adobe Premiere Rush mette a disposizione per montare i propri video. Imparerai a:Aggiungere clips alla timeline ed editarle velocementeAggiungere titoli, musiche, rumori, transizioniRendere pi ""Cinematografico"" il tuo video regolando i colori e aggiungendo le bande nereEsportare il tuo video pronto per essere caricato su YouTube o per essere condiviso sui tuoi social preferiti"
Price: 19.99

"Chakra Master Certification Course" |
"In this course you'll learn the 7 chakras, the masculine and feminine chakras, how to ballance the chakras, the Earth chakras, the advanced chakras and more. You'll also learn the chakras that correlate to food, herbs, crystals, planets, zodiac signs, days, and frequencies. This course will take you to beginner level to expert level. At the end of the course you will receive a chakra master certification."
Price: 49.99

"Object Oriented Programming with C++" |
"C ++ C . . C ++ . . . -"
Price: 24.99

"Fear to Manifestation" |
"Learn how to co-create becoming the manifestor of your life. Fear is an emotional density that will prevent you from moving forward in life. You could experience fear from day to day or during different cycles of your life. Fear creates emotional stagnation which gets trapped and has you repeating unwanted patterns. Fear can stop you from making decisions, or paralyze you from taking action. Fear can be subtle but can also take a stronghold. The opposite side of fear is co-creation, those stuck in fear will have problems manifesting a life they feel connected to or even want to be a part of."
Price: 49.99

"Guilt to Acceptance" |
"Guilt creates emotional stagnation which gets trapped and has you repeating unwanted patterns. Guilt can be initiated by the people around you having you question your choices and left feeling confused or hurt. Guilt can also be self-induced having you constantly battling right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, depending on your own life choices. The opposite side of guilt is acceptance, those stuck in guilt will have problems accepting their authenticity and distrust in the choice they make. Through recognition intention and techniques this course translates guilt into acceptance."
Price: 49.99

"Figma to bootstrap: Learn The Complete Web Design Process" |
"Hi everyone. I'm Sofiullah and I'm a full-stack web developer. I started this career as a front end web developer. In the beginning, I was not so good with the user interface designing. Do you know that most of the front and back end web developers are terrible in the case of designing skills? But without a great UI design, there is no chance of getting any user satisfaction at all. For those reasons, developers are dependent on UI UX designers. They use complex tools like adobe photoshop to create UI designs. At that time, I don't have enough money to hire a designer or to buy a website design template. So, I tried to create the HTML template based on my own design and to sell it. I used to create an imaginary design in my mind or do a basic sketch or mockup on a piece of paper. Then I would just jump into the coding process. But that was very tough. If I don't like a style I have to change the code to change the style. And I had to keep changing the codes until the style feels good. But that was a terrible way of doing things. It was very time-consuming and not productive at all. Because as you already know...coding takes a lot of time. Then I decided to create the basic design first then to code this. Although, most of the graphics designers use adobe photoshop to create a PSD website template. But the problem with photoshop is...it is a bit costly and not easy to learn. I don't need to learn all the complex functionality of photoshop to create a basic template of a website. That's why I have chosen figma...its totally free and extremely easy to work with. You can create your own UI design also by using simpler tools like Figma. Figma is an innovative and brilliant tool for User Interface design. It's used by everyone from entrepreneurs and start-ups to Apple, Airbnb, Facebook, etc. So, that's what this course is about. In this course, we will create a mockup using Figma. We will use almost all of the functionality of the Figma UI to create this template. We will learn by creating real-world template design. No boring stuff needed to learn anything, right?After creating the UI design by Figma, we will move on to the front end part. We will convert the template in a static bootstrap template. In this course we will design a template from scratch by using Figma and than we will convert it into a bootstrap template. If you are stuck with designing or just starting out your web design career then this course is a great start for you. I have tried to share all the experiences I have gathered on my journey as a web developer and tried to explain everything very simply for your better understanding. So, I think u will be very much benefited from the course. And if you don't like this course after enrolling in....no problem...you can get your money back within 30 days. Udemy guarantees you that. So guys....see you in the course. Take care!"
Price: 119.99

"Cambridge English C1- Essential Essay Writing (2020 program)" |
"Are you taking the Cambridge English C1 Exam and finding the writing part difficult? Or maybe you feel like you're writing a lot but you're not improving? If so, this course will help you to write like pro and pass the C1 exam easily!Learn step-by-step how to plan and organise a C1 essay Get easy tips to improve your writing Discover essential structures to keep your writing ordered and logical Change repetitive, boring writing into a high-level, engaging essay Learn the vital, complex grammar forms that examiners look for when they read your essayDiscover amazing apps and websites to help you study at homeThis course will show how to build your writing skills from B2 level to C1 level and put those skills into practice in the exam.By the end of this course, youll be able to write a top-scoring C1 essay that will wow your examiner and help you get the score that you need.So go ahead and click on the BUY NOW button and come and join over 17,000 students who are currently studying with i-Speak English!"
Price: 24.99

"Design, Implement and Update the Collection Policy" |
"This course consists in five chapters, in the first chapter, we will see the importance of a collection policy in companies and an overview of payment practices in some countries.Next, we will look the accounts receivable life cycle in order to design the collection policy.In the third chapter, we go to see how to implement effective policies and procedures and the suggested contents for the elaboration of the collection manual.Then, we'll show the analysis of the collection measures of performance and the implementation of corrective measures for the update of the collection policy.Finally, we will see the potential contents for a collection manual and an example of a collection policy manual."
Price: 59.99

"A Practical Approach to Instructional Design" |
"Conducting effective and engaging training sessions is easy if you have a proper Instructional Design process in place. Developing training using the proven Instructional Design methodologies is important as it helps with the ultimate goal of knowledge retention and engagement.A Practical Approach to Instructional Design course will help you create successful courses. It covers best practices and theories of Instructional Design, starting with the basics and leading to the advanced level to bring your career to the next level. It will provide you a step-by-step process of how to create courses from scratch.This course includes 41 video lectures, approximately 2.5 hours of content and is divided into six modules that provide practical tips and techniques to analyze course content, course creation and design methods, course development best practices, and how to evaluate a course. With the help of these materials, you will be able to develop effective and instructionally sound training courses in a short period of time. Dont wait! Start your Instructional Design journey today!"
Price: 19.99

"Lessons from Modern Entrepreneurs' Success Stories" |
"This course is for young executives and budding entrepreneurs who need some inspiration from the success stories of legendary entrepreneurs of our era. A lot of us aspire to be entrepreneurs, but don't have the courage to take the leap. At such moments, it's best to look at the successes, failures, and stories of successful entrepreneurs to:Learn from their failures and successesGet motivated by their stories, andTake the leap to achieve your entrepreneurial goalsLearn the fundamentals of EntrepreneurshipLearn the fundamentals of an Entrepreneur's MindsetHowever, learning from the lives of entrepreneurs from varying sources can take time. So, we've made this small and inspirational course to help you get inspired and interpret the life-lessons and quotes from the legendary entrepreneurs, such as:Bill GatesSteve JobsMark ZuckerbergHenry FordLarry PageJeff Bezos"
Price: 19.99

Macroeconomics |
"Welcome to the macroeconomics course on Udemy! This course teaches everything you should know about the economy. You will start by learning about basic concepts and models regarding employment, inflation, GDP, and other such founding economic principles. After that, you will dive into the world of economic models, using the Solow-growth model, the AD-AS model and the IS-LM model to describe economic movements and events. At the end of this course you will be able to:- Speak with economists about issues in national economies.- Analyze and describe economic situations.- Explain how these situations came to be.- Predict how economic situations may develop.- Think critically about economic policy issues affecting national economies.- Talk about economics in business contexts.So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of macroeconomics!"
Price: 24.99

"The Animal Communication Guide To Assisting Missing Animals" |
"Learn to connect and understand animals on a deeper level and gain the ability to guide the lost to safety, confidence and harmony with nature.With additional resources to download forever and an industry expert a message awayThe ultimate gift to guide the animal kingdom...Animals are as complicated and emotionally diverse as human animals, with incredible intelligence were yet to tap into, until now.When an animal being close to us goes missing its a scary and emotional experience, so Ive created this course specially to help you awaken and fine tune your skills, developing the ability to reassure and guide lost animals to safety.In this course you will learn to: Understand why animals go missing How to find and guide lost animals to safety Develop your telepathic abilities & remote viewing skills Connect with the animal kingdom Attune yourself to the world's most exclusive conversationsThis course is perfect for those who want to further their animal communication knowledge or those who wish to fine tune what they already know. This course will help you develop your expertise in animal communication during and long after you've finished your course!Additional content to enhance your learning...This course is over 3 hours long with useful downloadable content to keep you learning throughout and come back to anytime you like.Ive also included exercises within so youre not only learning but deeply ingraining your newfound knowledge for years to come.You can also contact me with any guidance youre looking for.Modules include:- Inspirational stories- Why animals go missing- Developing a simple plan- The first steps & Initial contact- The emotions of your missing animal- Helping them to find home, or a new homeIve been a spiritual communicator for over 30 years working all over the world with the top experts in this field, animals and indigenous tribes. Let me guide you through your new journey to animal communication excellency and discovering the secrets within.Enrol Now & Invest in yourself to begin!"
Price: 99.99

"Google Data Studio - Entregue Inteligncia!" |
"Curso planejado e feito para que voc aprenda tudo sobre Google Data Studio e entregue dashboards com:Telas com dados intuitivos;Grficos dinmicos e relevantes; Anlises, aprendizados e recomendaes poderosas;Aprenda todas as funes bsicas da ferramenta como: Bsico: Funes em nvel de arquivo, editar, exibir, organizao de pginas, recursos.Intermedirio: Inserir elementos/grficos, saber lapidar os dados e implementar um design amigvel e tecnolgico, introduzindo mapa de calor, mtrica comparativa de um ms ao outro, escala de registro; Avanado: Dados combinados entre origem de dados (Google Ads + Facebook Ads), filtros dos dados a partir de alguma mtrica especfica (Separar o investimento de Facebook e Instagram e seus respectivos resultados ou separar e identificar o trfego do Google Analytics), padronizao de cores em grficos desenvolvendo o Ecossistema da marca; Chuck Norris: Compreenso do significado de todas as mtricas disponveis em cada origem de dados, transformao de dados em informaes e depois em conhecimento, podendo assim extrair o mximo de todos os dados, fazendo comparaes e elaborando uma excelente anlise, aprendizado e recomendaes, entendimento do melhor processo para elaborar dashboards perfeitos e relevantes para seu cliente ou para sua equipe. Origem de dados/Conectores: Fontes manuais de extrao de dados: Microsoft Excel e Google Sheets (Planilhas). Fontes automticas e gratuitas:Google Analytics e Google AdsFontes automticas e que precisam de uma conta paga (podendo usar um trial do Supermetrics):Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Insights, Instagram Insights e LinkedIn Company Pages;"
Price: 54.99

"Automating Twitter using Python, Tweepy and Building a Bot" |
"Learn how to Automate Twitter using Python, Tweepy And the Twitter API. Using the most popular programming language (Python) we cover the basics from set up to creating your first bot! A class for all levels and hobbyist in Python Automation.In this class we cover...Signing up for Twitter and the DeveloperSetting up Python and TweepyProgramatically working with Twitter (Search, Trends, Like, Follow, Retweet, and More)Build a Simple bot to Find and Like Tweets for a specific keyword"
Price: 29.99

"TPM - Manuteno Produtiva Total e OEE" |
"TPM - Manuteno Produtiva Total um programa de desenvolvimento e implementao de uma estrutura na empresa com o objetivo de:- Integrar produo e manuteno- Maximizar o rendimento do sistema produtivo e de toda a empresa;- Alcanar a Quebra/Falha Zero;- Alcanar Acidente Zero;- Alcanar Poluio Zero.OEE - Eficincia Geral do EquipamentoConceitualmente, OEE uma mtrica de performance compilada com dados de mquina ou qualquer processo contendo disponibilidade, performance e qualidade"
Price: 39.99

"Quant Expert - Estratgias Quantitativas" |
"Muita gente sempre me pediu para desenvolver esse curso.Na prtica as pessoas acham que vo fazer um curso de 5 horas e vai equivaler a 10 anos de conhecimento.No entanto, atendi a pedidos e desenvolvi o primeiro passo para voc entender e desenvolver estratgias quantitativas de investimento.Mas, ser um primeiro passo de um longo caminho...Voc vai aprender:- O que uma estratgia sistemtica/quantitativa- Como realizar uma simulao de resultados (backtest)- Conceito de estratgias de tendencia (trend-following)- Conceito de estratgias de mean-reversion. - Conceito de Factor Models- Principais erros no backtestE receber o caminho de livros e artigos para se aprofundar em todos os temas."
Price: 579.99

"Foundation course - Dog Jim Training" |
"Our five part course is recommended for those who want to gain an understanding of how to get the best out of their dog training. It covers subjects such as:What your dog needs - the basics and how this affects training;Body language why is it important? Includes simple exercises to keep your dogs focus;Rewards - how to scale them effectively to enhance learning;Setting up training sessions;Entertaining your dog - and unlocking the nose.Its ideal for new puppy owners or experienced owners who want to understand how their dog works and how to best set up training sessions.Jim is a dog handler and member of the National Search and Rescue Dog Association in the UK. He works alongside the Police in the UK and has had a number of successes in searching for missing people.He has worked with dogs for over 20 years in various settings such as a dog warden, dog walker and dog trainer. He holds local dog training classes , teaching people basic obedience, advanced obedience and scent discrimination. When he's not training owners he can be found handling a variety of different dogs walking them in idyllic locations and training his own search and rescue dog with team colleagues.Having worked alongside some of the best dog handlers in the world, Jim is now utilising his dog training skills to help customers understand their own dogs better and provide them with valuable advice to help build a loving happy relationship with their own dogs.Jim has also featured in Dogs Monthly Magazine and appeared on the BBCs Crimewatch Roadshow. The series episode guide is as follows:Video 1 - Basic needs:Bonding with your dog and why it is important to you and your training;Labelling dogs and what they achieve;Basic Needs - what are they and how can they help your training?;Physical reactions - whats going on inside your dog?Video 2 - Body Language:Reading your dogs body language - signs of anxiety, happiness, etc.Your Body language and how to use it to benefit your trainingBody language signsTeach your do to focus on you - 'watching you' demonstration.Video 3 - Rewards:How do dogs learn?What to reward your dogThe Reward scaleMarking behaviourVideo 4 - Getting the most out of training sessions:Before you beginThe Training EnvironmentGeneralisationTraining complex tasksKeeping a recordVideo 5 - Entertaining your dog and unlocking the nose:ExerciseUsing the NosePuzzle SolvingSocialisingCourse SummaryThis course is great for everyone interested in dogs - from beginners, (those who've just bought their puppy or are thinking about buying one) to experienced dog owners who want to understand their dog better and become more efficient at training their dog.It is the first in what will be a series of training modules designed to help you train your dog to become more obedient and to teach them how to search for things using their nose."
Price: 39.99

"Lecture Rapide & Mmoire - Changez votre faon d'apprendre !" |
"Bienvenue! Ce cours s'adresse toutes les personnes souhaitant radicalement changer leur faon d'apprendre ! La Lecture Rapide et ces Techniques de Mmorisation permettent d'assimiler une plus grande quantit d'information tout en gagnant un temps considrable. Pourtant, peu de personnes les connaissent et savent les utiliser, c'est pourquoi je vous explique dans cette formation comment optimiser votre faon d'apprendre en appliquant ces mthodes au quotidien. Votre crativit, votre sens de l'analyse, votre mmoire ou encore votre concentration seront dmultiplis, de quoi changer votre faon de comprendre, analyser et changer le monde qui vous entoure. Alors, prt lire et assimiler un livre de 250 pages en moins d'une heure ?"
Price: 24.99

"Agricultura de Preciso com ARCGIS" |
"A Agricultura de Preciso, a partir de uma perspectiva prtica, consiste aplicar o conjunto de tecnologias geogrficas na gesto espao-temporal de ativos agrcolas em dada rea de interesse.A vantagem da preciso do manejo agrcola est na otimizao de insumos, conhecimento da variabilidade de nutrientes, dados de produtividade, monitoramento de atividades agrcolas, dentre outros.Este curso ensinar como utilizar ferramentas e conceitos de anlise espacial com a finalidade de apoiar a gesto agrria.Alm disso, sero abordados os conceitos de geodsia e posicionamento, a fim de compatibilizar aerolevantamento com inscrio no Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR). Anlises de terreno e anlise espacial sero exemplificados no contexto da agricultura a partir de um levantamento areo. Por fim, ser abordado como otimizar Processamento Digital de Imagens (PDI) para composio de imagens, NDVI e classificao.O software utilizado o ArcGIS 10.5"
Price: 189.99
