"Creating harmony of colour in clothes, make-up, interior etc" |
"This course is clear, systematic, brief basic knowledge on Practical Colour Science (main terms, colour schemes application training, lots of visuals, tests and practical tasks for better information digestion after each lecture). It is useful for professionals who deal with colour schemes every day (designers, make-up artists, manicurists, stylists) and ordinary people interested in beauty and colour harmony of their appearance and surroundings."
Price: 19.99

"Scala pour le Big Data En Franais" |
"Le but de ce cours est de vous familiariser avec la programmation fonctionnelle et le langage Scala.A la fin de ce cours vous serez capable d'crire des fonctions et des programme Scala concis et lgant.A la fin de ce cours vous aurez tous les bagages ncessaires pour le cours de Traitement et Analyse de Donnes Big Data en Spark"
Price: 19.99

easymovie |
"? ! - , , . , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Virtualizao com Oracle Virtualbox do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O Virtualbox se usado corretamente pode ser uma excelente ferramenta para alavancar sua carreira de TI ou at mesmo criar uma do zero (Se for do seu interesse).Ele nada mais que uma ferramenta de virtualizao, que permite a voc instalar sistema operacionais no seu computador de maneira virtual e criar ambientes complexos, ideal para aprender novas tecnologias, solues e softwares.Ao longo do treinamento vou te mostrar como fazer tudo isso de uma maneira bem didtica e te propor desafios e tarefas que vo ajudar a fixar melhor o seu conhecimento.AO FINALIZAR O CURSO VOC SER CAPAZ DE EFETUAR AS SEGUINTES TAREFAS:Montar ambientes reais de maneira local para testar alguma soluo de TI, tais como ZABBIX, PFsense, FreeNAS, Windows Server 2016, Elkarbackup e etc.Instalar os mais variados sistemas operacionais para testar de maneira simples, como o Ubuntu, Debian, BSD, Manjaro, Kali Linux e etc.Configurar aplicaes locais para efetuar testes e melhorias, tais como, Wordpress, Servidor Web, Mongo DB, Mysql e etc.Aprender uma tecnologia (Virtualizao) que est em alta no mercado e que voc vai precisar entender se quiser se profissionalizar em qualquer que seja a rea de TI.Tudo isso e muito mais, est disponvel para voc, e de maneira segura. Se comprar e no gostar, ter reembolso completo. Sem enrolao, papo ou letras midas.PS: Esse preo promocional muda o tempo todo, melhor aproveitar antes que suba.Abrao, te vejo por ai :)"
Price: 174.99

"Fundamentals of IT Acronyms Practice Questions (FC0-U61)" |
"Want a great start to CompTIA based IT Fundamentals take these Practice Questions based off industry standard acronyms. Having mentored and instructed hundreds of students with successful careers, this course takes some of the toughest acronyms and breaks them into manageable segments.Her enthusiasm for the field is infectious, and as a result, she has inspired many to pursue cybersecurity.""I learned new concepts and material in each class. Thanks for being awesome.""The time you took in creating the material and the care in which you delivered the material was amazing. It really shows the amount of care you have for you students.""Learning made easyThese practice questions will help you on your journey of learning the core concepts and definitions that were created to help you fully understand the material found in the objectives for CompTIA IT fundamentals. Learning technology is similar to learning a foreign language the terms are new, the definitions may be hard to understand, using techniques to memorize acronyms and descriptions is the first start in a promising career, or just learning about technology. With this set of questions, no experience is necessary; all you need is a desire to learn something new. 150+ Questions on Acronyms- 150+ Acronym Definitions Proceeds from this course will go to creating content for a full IT Fundamentals courseChristy has been an active member of the Information Security community and has devoted many hours of her time to help build the community and guide others when they needed it.Christy is awesome to work with, and she is a wonderful communicator.She has championed and lead multiple continued education classes at Truist. Her continued drive for personal success and the success of others makes Christy a great leader within the company."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a produzir e gravar suas msicas em casa - Cubase 5" |
"Tem o sonho de produzir e gravar suas prprias msicas em casa? Este o curso certo para voc!Neste Curso voc ir aprender de forma simples e objetiva a gravar e a produzir suas primeiras msicas em casa. Mesmo sem muitos recursos, possvel voc produzir uma msica ou at um cd de qualidade com uma banda completa de instrumentos virtuais ou pessoas reais dentro da sua casa.Criamos um cronograma passo a passo que te guiar na gravao e na produo da sua primeira msica. Basta assistir as aulas na ordem que colocamos."
Price: 99.99

"Acento Americano - Pronunciacin en Ingls [22 Vocales]" |
"En este curso, te enfocars en 22 de los sonidos ms incomprendidos y mal hablados en ingls americano, las vocales. Es un curso divertido y enfocado que utilize un sistema de lecciones en video, prctica extendida a travs de la msica y herramientas de autoevaluacin en lnea (software / aplicacin). Adems podr planificar sus estudios, grabar su voz, obtener comentarios instantneos y medir su mejoramiento. Aunque el curso est completamente en ingls, a travs de texto y imgenes, el uso de entrada comprensible facilita el aprendizaje autntico y inmersivo. Cmo sabr si este curso es adecuado para usted?Para empezar, el curso no se recomienda para ingls nivel cero. Si necesita mejorar su pronunciacin en ingls rpidamente para IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, comunicacin comercial, o simplemente porque ama el ingls, este podra ser el curso para usted.Qu tiene de especial el curso?1. Las lecciones usan dibujos de vista lateral y videos de vista frontal para ayudarle a ver, escuchar y comprender cmo se hacen los sonidos2. Utilizando un sistema de smbolos codificado por colores, en IPA (el alfabeto fontico internacional), para ayudarle a recordar los diferentes sonidos que aprender3. Este es el nico curso que le brinda una comprensin completa entre Ortografa y Pronunciacin para Vocales de Ingls Americano (Gringo)4. El software de reconocimiento de voz y una aplicacin se utilizan para medir su discurso, identificar errores y ayudarle a desarrollar una pronunciacin clara y naturalGracias por considerar este curso con 1enyu. :)-Elliot (Mr. E)"
Price: 119.99

"Emagrea treinando funcional em casa com peso do corpo" |
"O que o Funcional em Casa?O mtodo Funcional em Casa baseia-se em exerccios Hiit!As pesquisas comprovam os inmeros benefcios do treino HIIT (Treino intervalado de alta intensidade).Aumento do metabolismo;Melhora da capacidade cardiovascular;Ganho de massa magra;Queima de gordura acentuada;E muitos outrosImagine se voc pudesse ter todos esses benefcios sem precisar ficar horas na academia, em aulas de apenas 15 minutos por dia, que podem ser feitas onde e quando voc quiserCom o Funcional em Casa voc vai finalmente conseguir queimar gordura corporal, principalmente na regio da barriga, tonificando o seu corpo com treinos rpidos, porm, altamente eficientes! Tudo sem equipamento, feito com o peso do prprio corpo."
Price: 39.99

"Administrao de Servidores e Servios de Rede" |
"Este curso descreve os conceitos e o funcionamento dos principais servios de rede (como DNS, HTTP, DHCP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, entre outros), demonstrando a implementao e resoluo de problemas nas plataformas GNU/Linux e Microsoft.O objetivo fazer com que as pessoas compreendam o conceito, de modo que a implementao seja possvel em qualquer plataforma/ambiente, alm de explorar o aumento da capacidade de Troubleshooting (pois a partir do conceito, a resoluo dos problemas muito mais assertiva).Conte comigo como apoio sempre que precisar, enviando perguntas quando houver dvidas (e se for o caso, com prints, para facilitar o processo).Grande abrao e sucesso!"
Price: 144.99

"Merhaba sevgili matematik kaifleri; Uzun yolculuklarda en fazla ne kadar yol gittiniz? Gittiiniz yolu ne ile ltnz elinizdeki cetvelle mi? Gl kenarnda otururken suya frlattnz ta paras ile okulda kalemlerinizi koyduunuz kalem kutusu ayn yeri mi kaplar acaba? Bu dersimizde matematikte nemli yeri olan geometrik ekillerin uzunluklarn lmeye, uzunluklar ifade ederken nelere dikkat etmemiz gerektiini renmeye var msnz? Haydi etrafmzdaki geometrik cisimlerin ne kadar yer kapladn hesaplayalm. Bu dersi tamamladnzda uzunluk lme birimlerini renecek, verilen cisimlerin ne kadar bir alana sahip olduunu, ne kadar yer kapladklarn hesaplaya bileceksiniz. Uzunluk, alan, hacim birimlerini renecek benzerlik ve farkllklarn kefetmi olacaksnz. yi dersler diliyorum."
Price: 49.99

"Westcoast Swing Stylen leicht gemacht Teil 3" |
"Westcoast Swing, ein Trendtanz aus Kalifornien. Er ist nahezu zu jeder Musik tanzbar und macht ihn deshalb zu etwas Besonderen. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Euch Fustyling und ein Grundelement, den ""Left Side Pass"".Es geht nicht darum endlos viele Figuren zu beherrschen sondern auch mit wenigen Elementen die Tanzflche in Staunen zu versetzen! Wie?. - Das lernt Ihr in diesem Kurs!Legt los und habt Spa.Bis gleich! :-)"
Price: 44.99

"It carries 100 Exam-style MCQs from Chapter 4 Governance & Enforcement from CGSS Textbook. This exam will not only test your theoretical knowledge that you have taken from the textbook, but it will also prepare you how to respond to the case studies/case scenarios style questions in the exam. Completing this test will give you a boost in confidence that you have a good grip on the topic. All answers are supported with Textbook page references or/and narration wherever applicable. We are working hard to bring quality material for the remaining chapters."
Price: 19.99

DevOpsKubernetes(2020) |
"DevOpsLinuxSTDINSTDOUTTTYDocker(VMDocker composeVolume)KubernetesK8s1DevOps: K8sCKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application DeveloperK8sMinikubeKubernetesCKA(Certified Kubernetes Administrater)AWSGCPK8sAWS EKSKubernetes DockerKubernetesKubernetesNode?Pod?DockerK8s DockerKubernetesGoogle1Docker1DockerDockerWebK8sKubernetesKuberneteskubectl LinuxKubernetesDevOpsKubernetesK8sKubernetesDockerKubernetesK8s2017CSCSDevOpsDevOpsKubernetesDockerDevOps,AWSKubernetes1OKLinuxSTDINSTDOUTTTYVMKubernetesLinuxKubernetesPod, Service, Replica, Deployment, Ingress, ConfigMap, VolumeReplicasetPodPod3ServiceClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancerPodLayer7IngressPodValueConfigMap Volume mountKubernetesPodDockerVolumePersistent Volume, Persistent Volume ClaimYAMLDevOpsIaC(Infrastructure as Code)Docker-ComposeWebNodejs + Python + Redis + Postgres + C#K8sYAMLDevOpsCKACKADLinuxSTDINSTDOUTTTYDocker(VMDocker composeVolume)Kubernetes(Pod, Service, Replica, Deployment, Ingress, ConfigMap, Persistent Volume)1. DevOps(CKA: Certified Kubernetes Adminitrator)CSDevOpsKubernetesDockerDevOps2. 3. 4. LinuxDevOpsLinux5. DevOpsLinuxK8sConfigMapYAML6. K8sClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, IngressK8sTraffic7. YAMLDevOpsDevOpsBest Practice1IaC(Infrastructure as Code)8. Docker-ComposeWebNodejs + Python + Redis + Postgres + C#K8sYAMLDockerDocker ComposeYAMLK8sPod, Service, DeploymentYAML9. 10Focus"
Price: 69.99

"Psychic Abilities & their application in Wicca & Witchcraft" |
"This course explores how Psychic abilities can be used as a part of Wiccan practice, Witchcraft and other Pagan beliefs. It looks into the difference between being Psychic and being a Medium. It offers a deep dive into the Clairs (Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and Claircognisance) and further studies how information is transmitted through the use of projecting energetically and via Channeling. Also included is an exploration into the human energy field, that is the energetic layers surrounding our bodies, along with some great exercises that will help you to develop and hone your Psychic and Mediumistic skills which can be particularly useful to use as part of ritual."
Price: 19.99

"Self Diet & Nutrition Crafting" |
"You will certainly admit the fact that the fitness industry today works like a blessing for many by reversing people's medical conditions, maintaining their metabolic age, keeping you fit and healthy, keeping you active, maintaining your joint health, maintaining bone health & keeping your overall health levels elevated. Now Diet & Nutrition plays a major role in this however, like there is a good side to an industry, there is a dark side too. Because of excessive commercialisation and also the number of wrong unethical influencers, there is a lot of deception that is observed in the market today in the form of wrong knowledge, fake supplements, promotion of unnatural substances and a lot of incorrect information that is shared for which simple people who just wish to achieve a fitness goal fall prey & end up loosing a lot of money for zero benefit in return.My GOAL is to eradicate these practices and the only way and the best way I can do this is by advocating the right set of knowledge to my coaches, clients & the ones who take up my course. Knowledge is virtue and if it can be simplified, it can do wonders. While I spent over 10 years understanding the science of well being, I've summed it up in the simplest way possible in the form of this course where you can craft a diet plan & you can craft the same for your loved ones too. I can assure you that you will save the cost of visiting a nutritionist or a dietician after going through this course not just for yourself but for anyone in your family. It may take just 4 to 12 weeks for you to learn how to craft a diet plan like a pro & in the process, you will fall in love with your new upgraded self whenever you see your body transforming because of the new lifestyle you've adapted in regards with clean eating as per the diet you crafted.You can learn all the necessary details of diet crafting whether you are a fitness professional or just a simple person trying to understand what needs to be done to achieve your fitness goalsSO GET READY TO LOOSE WEIGHT OR GAIN IT WITHOUT A NEED TO VISIT A NUTRITIONIST OR A DIETICIAN...Sign up for this course and complete it as per your convenience and availability between 4 weeks to 12 weeks to start crafting diet plans like a proALL THE BEST!"
Price: 2560.00

"3D Art Creation For Absolute Beginner Using Free Software" |
"This course is about creating a 3D still image using a free software called Blender. The main motive of this Course is to give you a quick start guide into the 3D basics with the help of real time project. Topics Covered will be:-1) Basic of Blender Software2) Modelling3) Applying Material4) Basic Lighting5) Render out the final Scene to post on Social Media.According to me its difficult to categorize the Beginner, Intermediate & Advance level. But if you are satisfied with the introductory video, that you are going to learn something new with this course. Then you are most welcomed with the open heart. I'll try to help at each point related to this course.Stay Happy & Stat Motivated.Because a change starts with you."
Price: 24.99

statistic |
", ' ' , ! , , "" ! 100 ."
Price: 34.99

"Rilievo fotogrammetrico del costruito con drone o fotocamera" |
"Oggi tutti noi possiamo ottenere misure precise da semplici foto realizzate con una fotocamera o con un drone grazie alla fotogrammetria terreste.Ma quando molto sembra semplice spesso dietro si celano delle difficolt che non fanno altro che farci impiegare male il nostro tempo e magari metterci di cattivo umore.pinomangione, un vero appassionato della materia fotogrammetrica, ti illustrer tutte le azioni pratiche che ti porteranno ad avere sempre il miglior risultato in tempi brevi.Se ancora non sei attrezzato o non hai iniziato lavventura di ottenere modelli e misure da fotografie, questo corso ti far innamorare della materia e ti dar subito le nozioni e le indicazioni necessarie per decidere quando e come anche tu divenire un tecnico competente in fotogrammetria.Infine ti regaler dei software per provare subito e potrai anche allenarti con i quiz e i documenti che potrai scaricare gratuitamente direttamente dal corso stesso.Non esitare, inizia subito questa avventura, vedrai sar semplice, pratico e veloce.Buona visione da pinomangione"
Price: 69.99

"Salesforce Data Management" |
"This class will run you through the Tools and a proposed approach when talking about Salesforce Data Management. I will cover the out of the box tools and also an advanced solution.Also I will be showing some great features of DemandTools to better manage your environment. Feel free to reach out for any questions."
Price: 49.99

"Technical analysis:Professional Trading Strategies with RSI" |
"STOP JUMPING FROM ONE TRADING STRATEGY TO THE NEXTYou need to pick a trading strategy, commit to it and then perfect it. Rain or sunshine, stick to it. Success will follow when you do that.One of the reasons many traders are not making money at all is that is that they are jumping here and there. This is called trading system hoping.Now every trading strategy out there has its weakness. For example, if you are using a moving average cross-over strategy, you know that this trading strategy is a really good if the market is trending nicely. If the market is ranging or going flat, you will get too many false signals and your stop loss gets hit.What happens when a trader starts using a system in a market condition that is not good for using this system? The system wont perform well. So after a month of trying this strategy, he thinks the strategy is rubbish and looks for another one to try. But if he could have just waited one more month, the system could have performed extremely well and all the trading loses for the previous month could have been insignificant compared to the profits he could have made.Now, the trading system is all about ruleswhen this happens, you buy here or sell here. Thats what a trading system does.A trading system does not tell you to over trade.A trading system does not tell you to take trades even when you know you you shouldnt but you did anyway.A trading system does not tell you take revenge trades to recover your lossesin fact revenge trades cost you more-you lose more in doing that.All these actions are self-sabotage actions cause by the trader himself/herself.Youve got to be able to learn to handle losing streaks. Even though it can be emotionally nerve wrecking, youve got to stay cool. You need to continue to follow your plan even in losing streaks. Dont panic, dont worry. Eventually the system will win if you stick with it.As I said above, every trading strategy is designed for certain market conditions. If the current market condition is not good, thats where loses come in.So right now you may be in a market condition where the trading strategy is getting beaten up so bad. But youve got to stick with it during the storm. Dont jump ship yet. See it through. Maintain your risk per trade-if your risk 1% per trade, make sure you stick to that.Dont force trading setups to happen by going to other timeframes where you would not normally go. Dont try to look for other types of trading setups based on other trading systems youve used before. You need to maintain consistencyTrade the same setups time and time again.The storm does not last forever. A sun always shines after a heavy rain has ended.I am telling you all this because the RSI strategies that I am going to teach you in this course are working very well. But I know that what I just explained might happen to you so I want to prevent it. These strategies are profitable and if you want to make money in the market you have to stick with it.Do you want to learn how to use RSI like the top 1% do?You cannot use a tool invented 40 years ago in the same way that most people are using it and to expect the market to reward that! Join me and I will teach you how to use it with an edge!RSI is an ultimate powerful tool used in technical analysis.It has perfect accuracy which generates perfect Buy and Sell Signals.I have explained everything about this indicator in my course.We will go very deep and you will learn how to use RSI in many different ways for different purposes.What is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 199.99

"Technical analysis:Trading Strategies with Moving averages" |
"Let me give you a few facts:All traders start with the dream to get rich quick40% trade only for one month80% quit within the first 2 yearsOnly 7% remain after 5 years1% of all traders can profit net of feesWhat does that all mean?It means that only 1% of the people in this business are actually making money... Picture this data as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is this 1% and all the people below (99%) are actually losing money. The 1% on the top are not there by accident. They invested a lot of time and capital to master this skill. Trading is NOT a ""get rich quick opportunity"" ... this is a LIE that is being used because it SELLS. Everyone searches for the easy and fast success without efforts so salesmen are very aware of that fact so this is why they use it. Trading is actually a get poor quickly opportunity for most of the people!Do you want to learn how to Trade like the top 1% do?They simply trade with an EDGE. And this is what I am teaching in all my courses. I am teaching how to always have an edge. This is what you will get taking this course.Do you want to learn how to use Moving averages like the top 1% do?You cannot use a technique invented decades ago in the same way that most people are using it and to expect the market to reward that! Join me and I will teach you how to use it with an edge!Moving averages are an ultimate powerful tool used in technical analysis.It has perfect accuracy which generates perfect Buy and Sell Signals.I have explained everything about this tool in my course.We will go very deep and you will learn how to use Moving averages in many different ways for different purposes.What is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 199.99

"Arapa YDS/YKDL iin Kelime renme/Ezberleme Kursu" |
"Arapa YDS/YKDL snavlarnn temeli olan kelime hazinesini artrmak amacyla siz deerli rencilerime faydal olmaya alyorum... Arapa haber sitelerini takip edebilecek veya herhangi bir arapa makaleyi okuyup anlayabilecek seviyelere sizleri karmak istiyorum. Bu eitimlerimiz geleneksel metodlar kullanlarak deil de rencinin zevkle heyecanla kursu takip edebilecek halde olmasn salayan metodlar kullanlarak hazrlanmtr. Hepinize baarlar diliyorum..."
Price: 79.99

Haircut |
"Welcome!Dear Trainee, the 8 techniques that we are presenting, are the result of our years of experience in education. We are going to guide you through the long and the short of the world of hairdressing, at the proper degree of difficulty and in a way which is clearly understandable. Hairdressing tools you need: scissors, comb, water spray, clips, blow dryer, round hairbrush, training head with hair length of 60 cm.Tips: Follow the correct order of cutting hair and the length of the guide line - this way you can go through all techniques on one training head. Before cutting the hair make sure you are doing it in the same way as the instructor in the movie. Don't rush, if you are going to do everything in the right order and understanding the techniques, it will help You to achieve success in your chosen career! Important information: Before watching the movie, print PDF materials where you can write your private notes and comments. Then watch the whole movie and afterwards, watch one more time and try to do it step by step. If you need more time to do something, press stop, and to continue press start. Good luck :)"
Price: 159.99

"Kurs: Testautomatisierung mit Selenium fr Java + Python" |
"Kurs Update: 06.09.2020 - Testautomatisierung mit TestNG und Cucumber sind jetzt auch verfgbarKurs Update: 03.09.2020 - Die Browser Erweiterung Chropath wird nicht lnger aktualisiertDas neue Tool trgt den Namen SelectorsHub. Neues Video im Kapitel 5 Lokatoren und Techniken verfgbarKurs Update: 30.08.2020 - Abschnitt Objektorientierung fr Ein und Umsteiger ist jetzt auch verfgbarAufgrund von technischen Strungen, konnte ich seit 1. Monat keine Inhalte hochladen/verndern. Tut mir leid fr die Versptung.Kurs Update: 18.07.2020 - Abschnitt Logging mit Log4J2 und logging ist jetzt auch verfgbarKurs Update: 17.07.2020 - Abschnitt DataDriven Tests ist jetzt auch VerfgbarKurs Update: 08.07.2020 - Initial Commit Du hast Interesse Testautomatisierung mit Selenium zu lernen aber hast noch keine Programmiererfahrung? Kein Problem! Ich biete dir in diesem Kurs einen Crash Kurs in Python und Java an, damit du die Grundlegenden Methodiken kennst, um professionelle Selenium Tests zu entwickeln.Ich biete allen Kursteilnehmern einen langzeit Support an. Entweder du nutzt das Frage-Antwort Board von Udemy oder nimmst direkt Kontakt mit mir ber Email oder Skype auf.**** Test-Applikationen fr alle Tests**** Fr meine Beispiele nutze ich Webapplikationen die auf einem eigenen Testportal fr dich bereitgestellt werden. Du kannst die Tests aus meinen Lektionen problemlos nachbauen. Dieses Portal werde ich mit weiteren Tests erweitern.Dieser Kurs deckt folgende Themen ab: Entwicklungsgrundlagen in Java und Python + Selenium Webdriver + Experten Selenium Techniken + Framework design ( JUnit, PyUnit, TestNG, Page Object Model, pip, Maven, Jenkins, Excel Datadriven, Cucumber, log4j , Docker) + Selenium Grid + Selenium Grid und Docker + Selenium Test Server. Auerdem erhltst du langzeit Support (Auf Anfrage mit skype) + Materialien + Zugriff auf ein Testportal ***************************************************************************************************Was unterscheidet meinen Kurs von den anderen Seleniumkursen?Fr meinen Kurs bentigst du keine Vorkenntnisse. Ich biete den Kurs fr Java und Python an. Und zu beiden Programmiersprachen, findest du in meinem Kurs jeweils einen Crash Kurs.Auerdem biete ich dir ein ganzes Testportal mit Beispielseiten an, auf dass du zugreifen kannst.Lehrplan walkthroughHier findest du die Inhalte, die du von Grund auf lernen wirst.1. Java in Verbindung mit Selenium2. Python in Verbindung mit Selenium3. Installation einer IDE (Eclipse + PyCharm)4. Page Object Model5. Aufbau von Unit-Tests6. Lokatoren Speziell XPath, CSS Selector7. Selenium Webdriver Hauptfokus8. Tests mit mehreren Browser9. Selenium Server Remote Webdriver10.Selenium Grid mit Docker11.PyUnit12.JUnit13.Parameterized14.TestNG15.Maven, pip16.Jenkins 17.Log4j18.CucumberFalls du etwas in meinen Inhalten vermisst, lass es mich wissen. Schreib mir einfach eine Nachricht und ich werde die Inhalte berarbeiten.Falls du irgendwelche Fragen hast oder Hilfe bentigst, kannst du gerne einen Post im QA Board hinterlassen. Ich werde versuchen, dir so schnell es geht zu antworten.Willkommen an Board!"
Price: 149.99

"Voc j iniciou algum processo de emagrecimento e logo na primeira dificuldade abandonou o projeto? Ou at finalizou, mas depois de obter o resultado voltou a engordar novamente? Chegou a hora de comear e dar o primeiro passo para um resultado duradouro!Esse programa para voc!!! Aqui voc vai descobrir tcnicas que iro te ajudar a se manter focado no seu objetivo. uma sequncia de aulas super prticas que iro te auxiliar na criao de hbitos REALMENTE eficazes, voc aplicar estas tcnicas nos 3 pilares do emagrecimento: Alimentao, exerccios e PRINCIPALMENTE daro um ""up"" na sua motivao. importante ressaltar que neste curso voc NO vai encontrar exerccios e dietas prontas e sim um processo para criao de hbitos para conseguir tirar melhor proveito do seu potencial e a sim, EMAGRECER de forma saudvel e duradoura. Vamos trabalhar com conceitos de programao neurolingustica, coaching, neurocincia... Nossos professores somam juntos mais de 35 anos trabalhando com emagrecimento e obtendo resultados extraordinrios, neste curso eles te daro todos os segredos para a criao de hbitos para o emagrecimento!"
Price: 54.99

"Modelagem de vestido de festa com a TEORIA DO APERTO." |
"Meu nome Neyrivnia Magalhes, designer de moda e proprietria do ateli Neyrivania Festas e Noivas. Trablho com vestidos de festas e noivas a mais de 20 anos. Quero ajudar voc que deseja aprender uma nova profisso ou trabalha com costura a fazer modelagem com a TEORIA DO APERTO que aprendi com Maria Cecilia Duarte e levar voc a ser uma modelista de sucesso.Eu comecei a me interessar por costura aos 11 anos, estudei e realizei meu sonho. Quem costura sabe o quanto ruim fazer acertos em uma pea depois da primeira prova, eu perdia mais tempo concertando que fazendo o vestido. Eu sofria muito com isso, era uma sensao de tempo perdido. Depois que aprendi essa tcnica maravilhosa da TEORIA DO APERTO nunca mais passei por isso, a pea sempre fica perfeita, sem folga, sem boquinha, eu no perco mais tempo concertando. Abri meu prprio ateli , eu passei a confeccionar vestidos de festas e de noivas. Alm do ateli tenho loja de aluguel roupas de festas noivas de confeco prpria.Minha pergunta para voc : Voc est fazendo o qu para crescer? Voc quer sair da mesmice? ter sucesso? Deixar de ser uma simples costureira para montar seu ateli e atender com profissionalismo? Ou caso no costure quer aprender uma nova profisso?Se voc no est fazendo nada comece agora! Saia da sua zona de conforto, corra atrs que ainda d tempo. aprendendo a tomar medidas, fazer modelagem para cortar com perfeio, profissionalize-se e logo voc ser uma fashionista de sucesso.Esse curso ir passar para voc a modelagem em uma linguagem fcil e descomplicada, nele ser mostrado como voc deve tomar as medidas da sua cliente , fazer clculos para definir tamanhos e entender como cortar no fio de urdume.Aprender a fazer Modelagens de festa e tambm adaptar para outros estilos que possa atender sua clientela."
Price: 54.99

"Curso Excel Bsico para principiantes" |
"Con este curso de Excel para principiantes adquirirs unos conocimientos bsicos slidos que te permitirn iniciarte en Excel. Se trata de un curso sin rodeos, que va directamente al grano, a lo que es importante aprender, ya que todos sabemos que el tiempo es realmente valioso. En menos de 2 horas adquirirs estos conocimientos bsicos con vdeos de contenido terico, cuestionarios de evaluacin y ejercicios prcticos que harn la experiencia de aprender Excel mas amigable."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle 1Z0-100: Linux System Administration Practice Exams" |
"Exam Title: Oracle Linux 5 and 6 System Administration 1Z0-100. You get over 140 latest practice questions.Duration:150 minutes. Number of Questions: 80 and Passing Score: 61%Exam Topics:Linux EssentialsInstalling Oracle LinuxUnderstanding System Configuration optionsManaging KspliceManaging System LoggingManaging Users and GroupsManaging Storage DevicesManaging File SharingManaging Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)Monitoring and Troubleshooting Oracle LinuxCovered in UNIX and Linux EssentialsDescribing Oracle Linux ConceptsUnderstanding and Configuring the Linux Boot Process and Service AdministrationInstalling and Maintaining Packages and automating tasksManaging Kernel ModulesManaging Filesystems and Swap on Oracle LinuxManaging the Network ConfigurationUsing OpenSSH and managing Linux securityManaging Oracle on OracleWho this course is for:Anyone who are preparing for the Oracle Linux 5 and 6 System Administration 1Z0-100 examPassing this exam is required to earn these certifications. OPN Certified SpecialistOracle Certified Associate, Oracle Linux 5 and 6 System AdministratorWhat our students say:""This is an amazing site, and recently got my certification with other exams, and just passed my Oracle exam. Very happy with Ultimate exams. Thank you"" Nitu Mehra""Fantastic real exam question. I will definitely recommend this to my colleagues and friends"" Jay NormanNote: Please note that you are responsible for registering and paying for the actual exam to Oracle. Register for this exam with Pearson VUE and pay for the exam using the voucher you purchase from Oracle University or with a credit card applied during exam registration.Best of luckTeam ClayDeskTeaching over 1+ Million students online"
Price: 79.99

"Diet and Nutrition: Your Complete Fitness Guide" |
"OBJECTIVESThe primary goal of the program is to introduce the users to the fundamentals of diet and nutrition as well as the fundamentals of planning out a self-designed diet plan with balanced nutrition. The secondary goal of the program is to provide the users with the necessary techniques that would self-sustain their fitness in day to day life with understanding on various aspects of nutrition that include macro and micro nutrients. The program is expressed in a manner to ensure that the users are able to progress throughout the program with easy to grasp summarized knowledge that can be practically executed by preparing a balanced diet and nutrition plan.COMMENTS FROM AXE:""I have developed the course to provide you with easily understandable diet and nutrition planning that is focused on fitness as it's primary focus. Nearly 81% of the people are unaware of the importance of diet and nutrition in our day to day life that can help them achieve their fitness goals. The very course is designed by Axefit to ensure that users are provided with quick relevant knowledge about Diet & Nutrition. It is highly recommended that you execute the provided knowledge as explained in the course and your chances of achieving your fitness goal are going to be higher""ON BEHALF OF AXEFIT, WE WISH YOU A HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube SEO mini course (Get more views) in Arabic" |
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Price: 19.99

"Game QA/Testing Short Course" |
"This course is a conference level detailed short course, for complete coverage of Game Testing and Game QA details. Whether you are a total beginner, or an experienced tester in the field of game development, this course is aptly suitable for you to enhance your skill set to another level."
Price: 19.99
