"Macros y Controles en Excel. Automatiza tus procesos." |
"Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Excel 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. En este curso, descubriremos de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Las macros de Excel que nos permiten automatizar tareas El uso de formularios y de los numerosos controles y objetos que es posible agregarles. Toma este curso y empieza a automatizar tareas y mejorar de manera notable la entrada de datos en las hojas de clculo! + una seccin BONUS incluida en este curso: Aprende a revisar, proteger y compartir tu libro de clculo. I. Trabajar con Macros Grabar y guardar una macro Ejecutar una macro Usar referencias relativas o absolutas Eliminar una macro Guardar y abrir libros con macros Modificacin bsica del cdigo Visual Basic II. Insertar controles Los controles de formulario Ejecutar una macro a travs de un botn Crear un formulario de datos Controles ActiveX III. Revisar, proteger y compartir tu libro de clculo Revisin del contenido Administrar comentarios Proteger la hoja de clculo Controlar la edicin de celdas Dar acceso a rangos especficos Proteger el libro Otras opciones de proteccin Preparar la combinacin de documentos Combinar libros Preparar para compartir Guardar y enviar"
Price: 54.99

"Inserta elementos grficos en Excel e ilustra tus ideas." |
"Una imagen dice ms que mil palabras! Enriquece tu libro con imgenes, WordArt, SmartArt, copias de pantalla y formas. Olvida las hojas rellenadas de nmeros y dibuja imgenes ms persuasivas para acompaar sus dato. Aprenda como insertar esta ilustraciones en tu hoja de clculo y aprovecharlas para dar vida a tu trabajo. + BONUS: Diseo de pgina e impresin: Aprende a ajustar rpidamente tu hoja de clculo para obtener resultados de aspecto profesional. Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Excel 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. I. Insertar elementos grficos Crear cuadros de texto Editar el formato del cuadro de texto Editar el tamao de un cuadro de texto Organizar los cuadros de texto Ajustar el texto en el cuadro Los comandos comunes Orden de apilamiento Imgenes Quitar el fondo de una imagen WordArt Formas Imgenes prediseadas Copia de pantalla SmartArt Ejemplos concretos del uso de ilustraciones II. Diseo de pgina e impresin Mrgenes y orientacin Tamao y ajuste de escala rea de impresin, saltos y fondo Insertar un encabezado y un pie de pgina Imprimir ttulos y encabezados de filas y columnas Imprimir comentarios Vista previa de impresin e imprimir"
Price: 54.99

"Esquemas, subtotales y anlisis de datos con Excel" |
"Aprende a sacar provecho de las herramientas de anlisis, un complemento de Excel que agrega funciones adicionales al programa y que ayudan en el anlisis (Solver, Histograma...) Adems, alivia tu trabajo con los esquemas y los subtotales en Excel que te permiten obtener sumas, promedios, productos, mximos, mnimos,...de una serie de datos, de forma automtica y resumida. Dominar estas herramientas te permite realizar un anlisis de los datos de forma rpida Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Excel 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. I. Esquemas y subtotales Crear un esquema manualmente Autoesquema Insertar subtotales II. Anlisis de datos Escenarios Combinar escenarios Crear un resumen de escenarios Buscar Objetivo Crear una tabla de datos de 1 variable Crear una tabla de datos de 2 variables Solver Utilizar Solver con restricciones Estadstica descriptiva Histograma Muestra"
Price: 54.99

"Editar y dar un formato profesional a tu trabajo en Word" |
"Descubre funcionalidades de Word de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te mostrar cmo crear documentos de texto bien estructurados y organizados, con contenido enriquecido que te ayudarn a captar la atencin del lector de principio a fin con claridad e inters. Aprenderemos a realizar trabajos profesionales facilitando su navegacin y optimizaremos el tiempo de creacin. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Word 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. I. Empezar a editar Insertar texto Seleccionar texto Cortar, copiar y pegar texto II. Dar formato al texto Formato de caracteres Copiar el formato La mini barra de herramientas III. Dar formato a los prrafos Ajustes de sangra, espacio y alineacin Insertar tabulaciones va el cuadro de dilogo Insertar tabulaciones manualmente Numeracin y Vietas Guiones Espacio de no separacin Bordes y sombreado Letra Capital IV. Los estilos Aplicar y modificar estilos Estilos de prrafos y estilos de caracteres Crear nuevos estilos y conjunto de estilos Modificar una plantilla"
Price: 54.99

"Configurar tu pgina en Word y dar un salto de calidad" |
"Descubre funcionalidades de Word de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te mostrar cmo configurar documentos de texto e insertar encabezados y pies de pginas, que te ayudarn a captar la atencin del lector de principio a fin con claridad e inters. Aprenderemos a realizar trabajos profesionales y adems veremos como compartir e imprimir documentos. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Word 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. I. Configuraciones de pgina Establecer saltos de pgina Saltos de seccin Crear reglas de prrafos Ajustes de pgina Aplicar temas Disponer el texto en columnas Insertar una marca de agua El fondo de pgina El borde de pgina II. Encabezado y Pie de Pgina Insertar una numeracin de pgina Las opciones de los nmeros de pgina Insertar encabezados y pies de pgina Vincular y desvincular las secciones + Bonus: III. Compartir e imprimir documentos Compartir documentos Opciones de impresin"
Price: 54.99

"Enriquece tu documento Word con hipervnculos y referencias" |
"Descubre funcionalidades de Word de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te mostrar cmo sacar provecho de herramientas poderosas: Tabla de contenido, ndice, Notas al pie y Notas al final, Citas, Bibliografas, que te ayudarn a captar la atencin del lector de principio a fin con claridad e inters. Aprenderemos a realizar trabajos profesionales! Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Word 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy I. Crear vnculos Insertar hipervnculos Los marcadores Insertar ttulos Referencias cruzadas II. Referencias Insertar una tabla de contenido Actualizar la tabla de contenido El ndice - Marcar las entradas El ndice - Insertar el ndice El ndice - Automarcar Notas al pie - Notas al final Citas y bibliografas Tabla de autoridades"
Price: 54.99

"Inserta elementos grficos en Word 2010 e ilustra tus ideas" |
"Descubre funcionalidades de Word de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te mostrar cmo insertar elementos grficos en tu documento y organizar estos elementos en tablas que facilitarn su bsqueda y consulta por parte de los lectores. Aprenderemos a ilustrar tus ideas y realizar trabajos profesionales! Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Word 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. I. Tablas Crear tablas Editar el diseo de la tabla Aadir caracteres en las celdas Editar la estructura de la tabla Insertar frmulas Opciones de frmulas II. Insertar ilustraciones Insertar cuadros de texto Editar el formato del cuadro de texto Editar el tamao de un cuadro de texto Organizar cuadros de texto Ajustar el texto en el cuadro Los comandos compartidos entre elementos Orden de apilamiento Imgenes Quitar el fondo de una imagen Imgenes prediseadas Copia de pantalla Formas WordArt Insertar un SmartArt Editar un SmartArt III. Insertar grficos Insertar un grfico Modificar los datos de un grfico Las herramientas de grficos El cuadro de dilogo IV. Smbolos, portadas y tabla de ilustraciones Smbolos y otras opciones Insertar portadas y pginas en blanco La tabla de ilustraciones V. Los elementos rpidos El autotexto Propiedades del documento Campos Bloques de creacin Guardar un elemento en la galera de elementos rpidos"
Price: 54.99

"Crea una Correspondencia y usa Macros y Formularios en Word" |
"Descubre funcionalidades de Word de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te mostrar como crear una correspondencia y ejecutar Macros en Word. Aprende a automatizar procesos y crear un conjunto de documentos, como una carta modelo personalizada que se enva a muchos clientes! Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Word 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. I. Correspondencia Abrir el asistente Crear un origen de datos Importar un origen de datos existente Editar la lista de destinatarios Insertar campos Especificar reglas Vista previa y comprobacin Finalizar y combinar Etiquetas y sobres II. Macros y formularios Grabar y guardar una Macro Ejecutar una Macro Seguridad de Macros Crear y editar formularios III. Bonus: Las vistas Las vistas de documento Las vistas esquema y borrador Las opciones de Zoom Dividir la pantalla Mostrar varios documentos a la vez"
Price: 54.99

"Aprende a revisar, proteger y compartir tu documento en Word" |
"Descubre funcionalidades de Word de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Tu trabajo vale mucho, este curso te mostrar cmo revisar, proteger y compartir tus documentos con seguridad. Toma este curso y asegrate de compartir un trabajo completo, sin falta y protegido! Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Word 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. I. Review and protect Review Options Review the document Reference panel and synonyms Translate the document Add comments Show Marks and Patch Panel Control changes Accept or Reject changes Combine documents Compare documents Protect the document with a password Other protection options Restrict editing II. Share and print documents Share Documents Print Options III. Bonus: The views Document Views Schema and draft views Zoom Options Split screen Show multiple documents at once"
Price: 54.99

"Configurar y editar diapositivas en PowerPoint" |
"Descubre como configurar tus diapositivas e insertar el texto justo y necesario en PowerPoint de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te ayudar a dar un paso adelante y hacer que tus presentaciones sean profesionales e impactantes. Conseguirs captar la atencin de tu pblico de principio a fin sacndole el mximo jugo a la herramienta. Mejorars tus presentaciones organizando el contenido en secciones y mostrando tu dominio y conocimientos a tu audiencia. En definitiva, esta herramienta te permitir mostrar todo el potencial de tu trabajo captando el inters de tu audiencia e impactarles con una presentacin llamativa, con vida y sobretodo profesional. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! I. Las diapositivas Iniciar la creacin de una presentacin Tamao y Orientacin de las diapositivas Insertar diapositivas Volver a usar diapositivas Diapositivas del esquema Organizar las diapositivas Eliminar y Ocultar diapositivas El tema Estilo de fondo El pie de diapositiva Crear secciones Patrones de diapositivas II. Introducir y editar texto Vietas y numeracin Mover el texto Editar el texto Copiar el formato Crear cuadros de texto Editar el formato del cuadro de texto Editar el tamao de un cuadro de texto Editar formas especificas Organizar los cuadros de texto Ajustar el texto en el cuadro Ms opciones para la edicin de texto"
Price: 54.99

"Insertar elementos grficos y multimedia en PowerPoint" |
"Mejora tus presentaciones integrando elementos grficos, vdeo y audio. Descubre estas funcionalidades de PowerPoint de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te ayudar a dar un paso adelante y hacer que tus presentaciones sean profesionales, dinmicas e impactantes. Conseguirs captar la atencin de tu pblico de principio a fin sacndole el mximo jugo a las opciones de la herramienta. En definitiva, esta herramienta te permitir mostrar todo el potencial de tu trabajo captando el inters de tu audiencia e impactarles con una presentacin llamativa y profesional. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! I. Insertar elementos grficos y multimedia Dar formato a los elementos grficos Orden de apilamiento Hipervnculos Imgenes Quitar el fondo de una imagen Crear y modificar lbumes de fotos WordArt Formas Imgenes prediseadas Copia de pantalla Insertar un SmartArt Editar un SmartArt Convertir un texto a SmartArt Insertar audio Insertar vdeo II. Tablas Insertar una tabla Insertar una hoja de clculo Excel Editar una tabla de Excel Herramientas de tabla - Presentacin Herramientas de tabla - Diseo III. Grficos Insertar un grfico Modificar los datos de un grfico Cambiar el formato de un grfico El cuadro de dilogo"
Price: 54.99

"Transiciones y Animaciones en PowerPoint" |
"Descubre como animar y presentar tu trabajo en PowerPoint de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te ayudar a dar un paso adelante y hacer que tus presentaciones sean profesionales, dinmicas e impactantes. Conseguirs captar la atencin de tu pblico de principio a fin sacndole el mximo jugo a todas las opciones de la herramienta. Dars vida a tus presentaciones con animaciones y transiciones y fijars los tiempos de la presentacin para mostrar tu dominio y conocimientos a tu audiencia. En definitiva, esta herramienta te permitir mostrar todo el potencial de tu trabajo captando el inters de tu audiencia e impactarles con una presentacin llamativa, con vida y sobretodo profesional. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! I. Transiciones y animaciones Aplicar efectos de animacin a un elemento Agregar y copiar una animacin Trayectorias Trabajar con animaciones Ms opciones Transiciones II. Realizar y grabar presentaciones Herramientas de presentacin Configuraciones de presentacin Crear presentaciones personalizadas Fijar los tiempos de la presentacin Ensayar Grabar presentaciones"
Price: 54.99

"Revisar, presentar y compartir presentaciones PowerPoint" |
"Este curso te ayudar a dar un paso adelante y hacer que tus presentaciones sean profesionales. Revisa tu contenido y toma el control de tu presentacin fijando los tiempos de la presentacin para mostrar tu dominio y conocimientos a tu audiencia. Conseguirs captar la atencin de tu pblico de principio a fin sacndole el mximo jugo a todas las opciones de la herramienta. Descubre estas funcionalidades de PowerPoint de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. En definitiva, esta herramienta te permitir compartir tu presentacin y mostrar todo el potencial de tu trabajo captando el inters de tu audiencia e impactarles con una presentacin llamativa, con vida y sobretodo profesional. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! I. Revisar, Proteger y Compartir Opciones de revisin Revisar la presentacin El panel de referencia Buscar y reemplazar Trabajar con comentarios Comparar y combinar presentaciones Inspeccionar elemento Establecer contraseas Marcar como final Aadir una firma digital Compartir presentaciones II. Realizar y grabar presentaciones Herramientas de presentacin Configuraciones de presentacin Crear presentaciones personalizadas Fijar los tiempos de la presentacin Ensayar Grabar presentaciones III. Imprimir presentaciones Imprimir presentaciones Imprimir notas Imprimir documentos"
Price: 54.99

"Crear contenido y organizar sus elementos en Outlook" |
"Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Outlook 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. Descubre funcionalidades de Outlook de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Con este curso podrs dar un gran salto de calidad en la creacin de contenido a travs de los distintos comandos del programa. Veremos como organizar y sacar el mximo provecho de sus elementos a travs de las herramientas de bsqueda y las etiquetas de elementos. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! I. Herramientas de bsqueda y ayuda El buscador Otras herramientas de bsqueda y ayuda Carpetas de bsqueda Estado de la carpeta Obtener ms ayuda II. Etiquetas de elementos Las categoras de color Marcar elementos Nivel de confidencialidad e importancia del mensaje Cambiar el estado de lectura III. Crear contenido y aplicar un formato Aplicar un formato Aplicar estilos Temas Insertar elementos grficos Hipervnculos Bonus: Fuentes RSS e impresin Recibir y organizar Fuentes RSS Imprimir elementos de Outlook"
Price: 54.99

"Inbox Zero: Mejora tu productividad con Outlook" |
"Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Outlook 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. Descubre funcionalidades de Outlook de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Con este curso podrs dar un gran salto de calidad en la creacin de contenido y aprenders a gestionar y organizar eficientemente el correo para optimizar tu tiempo gracias a los diferentes mdulos del programa Outlook. Veremos cmo usar reglas, gestionar conversaciones, utilizar opciones anti-spam y mucho ms. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! I. Crear contenido y aplicar un formato Aplicar un formato Aplicar estilos Temas Insertar elementos grficos Hipervnculos II. El mdulo Correo Enviar un mensaje Opciones de votacin y seguimiento Ms opciones Adjuntar un archivo La ficha Revisar Firmas Pasos rpidos Gestionar el tamao del buzn Gestionar Conversaciones Guardar los mensajes y los documentos adjuntos Crear una regla Gestionar reglas Gestionar el correo no deseado"
Price: 54.99

"Gestiona tus Contactos, Reuniones y Calendarios con Outlook" |
"Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Outlook 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. Descubre funcionalidades de Outlook de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Con este curso aprenders a gestionar y organizar eficientemente tus contactos y eventos para optimizar tu tiempo gracias a los diferentes mdulos del programa Outlook. Optimiza la organizacin de tus reuniones de equipo, citas o eventos y administra tu red de contactos. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! I. El mdulo Contactos Crear contactos Ms opciones para la creacin de contactos Gestionar contactos Editar una tarjeta de presentacin Crear y gestionar grupos de contactos II. El mdulo Calendario El mdulo Calendario Crear nuevos calendarios y grupos de calendarios Cambiar la apariencia de mis calendarios Programar citas Crear eventos Configurar la periodicidad Privacidad y otras opciones de citas y eventos Crear Reuniones Aceptar o rechazar la convocatoria Otras opciones"
Price: 54.99

"Gestiona tus tareas y notas en Outlook - Optimiza tu tiempo" |
"Este curso esta sacado de mi curso completo de Outlook 2010, tambin disponible en Udemy. Descubre funcionalidades de Outlook de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Con este curso aprenders a gestionar y organizar eficientemente tus tareas para optimizar tu tiempo gracias a los diferentes mdulos del programa Outlook. Veremos como sacar el mximo provecho de los mdulos tareas, notas y diario. Adems en este curso veremos como recibir una fuente RSS en nuestro Outlook e imprimir diferentes elementos, Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! I. Etiquetas de elementos Las categoras de color Marcar elementos Nivel de confidencialidad e importancia del mensaje Cambiar el estado de lectura II. El mdulo Tareas Crear tareas Establecer una periodicidad Acceder a nuestras tareas Crear una carpeta de tareas Asignar y recibir tareas Finalizar tareas III. El mdulo Notas Crear y ver notas Organizar, asignar y reenviar notas IV. El mdulo Diario Guardar entradas automticamente Guardar entradas manualmente BONUS: Fuentes RSS e impresin Recibir y organizar Fuentes RSS Imprimir elementos de Outlook"
Price: 54.99

"Photoshop Magic: Changing Reality in Your Photos" |
"Being a photographer is more than taking great photos. It is editing photos in such a way that your family members (or your paying clients) are amazed at how you can get group shots so perfect. This course gives you opportunities to make extra money (or impress the socks off people) by doing swaps. The author of the course, Dr. Dave Harris, has been photographing groups for more than 10 years and uses the art of the swap to earn extra money by charging a premium for each one. Families love perfect group pictures, and this course teaches you how to make perfect group photos.This course will teach you how to edit images of groups so that the best shot of each individual in the group is used in the finished image. The course teaches eye, head, and body swaps. Using the swapping techniques, you can change reality and make each shot perfect.This course uses Photoshop and is for students who have a working knowledge of opening photos in Photoshop. At the end of this course, you will make some magic with these photos.The course teaches the basics of swapping by doing an eye swap. It then progresses from a head swap to a far more advanced body swap that requires rebuilding portions of the subject's arm in order to pull off the swap. You will literally be rebuilding someone's body.The course then moves into teaching how to color correct and highlight photos for rich color reproduction at the printer. Finally, it focuses on cropping and rebuilding missing image areas to pull off the perfect crop.As a bonus, the course includes instructions for making a custom collage. These collages have been used to make more money after the shoot using just an hour's worth of work in the edit."
Price: 19.99

"Communicating Better as a Son, Brother and Husband" |
"OVER 500 HAPPY STUDENTS HAVE ENROLLED, AND ARE ONE STEP CLOSER TO COMMUNICATING BETTER WITH THEIR FAMILIES! FEWER SHOUTING MATCHES AND MORE FAMILY BONDING!""Practical tips that I can implement today!The instructor explains clearly and covers each segment with detailed examples that I can relate and learn from. What I like most about in this course is that I learn the proper way of sending text messages even to family members and not to assume things. A powerful and thought provoking course! Thank you, Nazir!"" - KC Tan========================================================================COURSE UPDATEsGain full access to regularly updated content at ZERO additional charge after enrolling. This course will be updated with fresh information, bringing students constant value!Update 1: New Lecture Added! - We look at how to overcomecultural and language differences when communicating.Update 2: New Lecture Added! - We cover how active listening makes conversations shorter and less frustrating.========================================================================Course PricePrice will increase to $79 after next lecture is added========================================================================The objective of this course is to help others reduce shouting matches and improve communication between family members.Most families have problems communicating with one another. This is especially true between parents and their children. This course reveals how I managed to bridge that seemingly inevitable gap, and built peaceful lines of communication with my parents, spouse, sibling and relatives.I started improving my communication skills over 17 years ago, and have been successfully interacting with my family, friends and business associates. I'm now sharing the skills that have allowed me to forge close bonds with my loved ones.I've tested different theories and know what works when it comes to communicating with my family. The information in this course covers different aspects of communication, and goes into real-life examples of what I've been through with my family.So what can you expect to learn from this course?Learn communication skills I've used to maintain a close bond with my family for over 17 years.Find out how I not only avoided fighting with my family, but how we still meet at least once a week and grow closer every time!Learn practical tips and exercises that have allowed me to communicate peacefully and lovingly with my spouseDiscover the methods I've used to calm heated arguments down, and eliminate them entirelyHow I've lived in harmony with each of us having shortcomings like being short-tempered, hot-headed, introverted and even rebelliousHow I grew close with my in-laws who don't even share the same first language!The skills I've used to turn screaming matches into peaceful discussionsand more as the course gets regular updatesRemember that this course covers the tested and proven techniques I've used to maintain a close bond with my family (parents, spouse, sister and relatives) for over 17 years.You will not find fluff. Only powerful substance backed up by life's experiences. I share practical stuff and real life stories.If you're frustrated with not getting through to your family members, this course may help you find out why, and what you can do about it!If you wish to get closer with your spouse, stop shouting matches with your parents and have a better bond with your sibling, this might be what you're looking for.Last but not least, this course comes with a 30-day guarantee!What this course is NOT:I do not provide coaching on how to improve your communication with your family. I'm sharing what worked for me. I do not know your family and it would be unwise for me to try advising you in that aspect.There are no unethical or immoral ""techniques"" taught here. Those looking for shortcuts to building a closer bond with their families will not find them here.Stop wondering if it's worth it and start doing something about your situation! Learn practical tips within minutes! What took me years to acquire is now yours to take"
Price: 19.99

"Skills to Pay the Bills" |
"Students will learn the 5 steps to employment, how to write an effective resume and what to do to conduct a successful interview. Seeking job opportunities, resume writing and interviewing are terms students will become familiar with. This course provides students with a cover letter, resume and thank you letter templates. In addition, a document is available for men seeking to learn how to tie a Windsor knot.This course is 30 minutes in length. The course includes 16 videos, ranging between 44 seconds and 5 minutes. There are 5 sections in this course which include:5 Steps to EmploymentResume Writing 101Time Management SpecialistInterviewingConclusionThis course will help you create a plan of action to compete for employment opportunities and increase your chances to impress a prospective employer and ultimately receive more job offers.Thousands of students I have trained since 1998 have benefited from this knowledge and training. This course is worth the investment so start the process now."
Price: 19.99

"Complete HTML and CSS - Web Development Essential Skills" |
"HTMLandCSSare the core languages anyWeb Developerneeds if they want to monetise their skillset.All Website and an increasing number of Mobile apps are built using thesefundamentalbut easy-to-use languages. This course will quickly and comprehensively equip you with the skills you need to get you on your way to becoming a professional Web Developer.Web Development Essential Skills - Complete HTML and CSS- teaches you everything you need to know to master HTML and CSS and start building Web Apps and Mobiles today!Assuming no prior knowledge, I will show you how to get the tools and apply pro techniques to make your code clean, easy to maintain and robust.All you need is a Windows PC or Apple Mac running OSX and an internet connection - This course will show you how to get all the other tools you need - FORFREE!I'll take you step by step through themost important skills includingEverything a beginner could ever wish to know about HTML and CSSCore HTML Tags and how to use themApply CSS StylingSeparating Style from ContentUsing CSS SelectorsWorking with Links, Positioning, Tables & formsBuilding Styled ButtonsBuilding Multi Level MenuIn this course, you'll go through each element HTML in turn, and walk through all the options for styling elements using CSS Selectors and Style Sheets to create clean and easy to maintain HTML Apps.You'll also walk through recreating some of the webs most iconic websites.By the end of the course, you'll be fully confident and know everything you need to get started on your way to being a top class, professional web developer!And of course, being part of Udemy you get:FREE lifetime accessto this courseALL future lectures and upgrades (of which there will be many!) included for freeUdemy's Unconditional30 day money back guarantee- so there's NO risk"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Stock Market Success In Simple Steps" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn about investing in companies? How to trade stocks and shares?Do you like the idea of building a lucrative investment portfolio, but are scared of all the horror stories you hear? You know the ones how people have literally lost there houses on a bad investment?Would you like to take control of your wealth but dont have the time to sit and watch stock market prices all day long?Like you, I have a full time job, and like you I always wanted to get involved in the stock market but I simply didnt know where to start!Early on in my investing I made lots of mistakes. I made a bit of money, then lost someon a bad bet.But through research, a bit of trial and error, and ultimately a modicum of common sense I learnt what most other investors dont want you to know that investing in the stock market is actually easy, relatively straight forward, doesnt require you to give up your job and with a few simple rules - can be safer than you think!As my experience grew I transferred 10k into my own managed portfolio. In no time at all my investments had grown to 30k! All without having to put any more money in.Lets be clear on this Im not a financial wiz. I just learnt a handful of basic principles and then did it all whilst holding down a full time job and busy family life!Now I want to show you just how easy it can be and help you succeed too!In my course Ill teach you;The basics of investing what exactly ARE stocks, shares, ISAs, SIPPs bonds and gilts?Where to find stocks that are growing and have real potential;All the FREE tools you need.How to perform SIMPLE analysis of a company get to the core of what you need to know.How to separate the good investments from the badHow to reduce risk as much as possible to stop you from losing it all on one bad deal.Ill assume you dont know the first thing of investing, that you dont have time to spend all day scouring the financial times or glued to stock price tickers.By the end youll know your PE Ratios from your Market Caps and youll have the confidence to invest without putting you house at risk!So join my course EASYSTOCK MARKET SUCCESS INSIMPLESTEPS and take control of YOUR finances."
Price: 19.99

"Brain Washed: 7 Day Mental Detox" |
"Each day for seven days you will make a mental shift that give you control and power over your thinking...Day 1: Influenced to Impact - You receive millions of messages a day. Most of them make you worse off. One simple technique will help you from being influenced without your knowing and move you to only letting things of positive impact into your mind.Day 2: Cluttered to Clear - You're thinking too much about the wrong things. Today you get the 5 thought filters to keep your head from getting cloudy and cluttered.Day 3: Obsessed to De-Stressed - Do you get consumed with a thought or idea and can't let it go? It stresses you and makes you say and do things you normally wouldn't. Learn how to end the obsession and breathe again.Day 4: Overwhelmed to Overjoyed - If your life feels heavy, let's make it light. Discover how to smile even in tough circumstances. Find out how you can keep your joy when the darkness surrounds you.Day 5: Trapped to Mapped - It's easy to get trapped in the past or stuck in a rut of mediocrity. Today we'll create a map to get you moving in the right direction.Day 6: Stumbling to Sprinting - Plan your week and your day effectively. Avoid the most common mistake of scheduling that make you fail fast.Day 7: Reactive to Proactive - If you're reactive you're at the mercy of your emotions. Gain perspective and take positive action with today's lesson. Never let what others think about you bother you again.Special Bonus Quick Wash: Dam the Flood of Doubt & FearDoes it seem like every time you have a vision for something (like writing a book or getting in shape), there's always that voice of doubt? It whispers things like, "Who are you to..." "What makes you so special?" "This has already been done." "You always fail and this time will be no different." You know the voices well, right? What if you could silence them? What if you could put them to rest?Well, you can and this Quick Wash will show you why you hear those voices and how to quiet them. Move toward your goal with confidence instead of insecurity."
Price: 19.99

"40 Days of Focus to Improve Productivity and Goal Setting" |
"This course will help you become more productive and reach more goals. Can you stick with it for 40 days? I know you can!Goal setting is easy taking the daily action is the hard part. There are two obstacles that are likely preventing you from being a massive action-taker right now: A lack of clarity, and a lack of motivation.That's it!Here's why clarity and motivation matter:A confused mind always says no! If what you need to do each day isn't clear and and understandable to you, your brain is going to create resistance to taking action (you experience a similar restrictive reaction when you're blindfolded and asked to move - it's a form of what is often called 'fear of the unknown').Without clear reasons WHY you need to take action, you often find yourself without the fuel and motivation for taking action!Without clarity about what you need to do, and reasons for doing them, your mind easily wanders, and your heart lacks any kind of motivation for taking meaningful action. As a result, distractions and procrastination take over and your ability to produce significant results becomes a fraction of your potential.FLIP THE ACTION SWITCH IN YOUR HEAD FROM 'NO' TO 'YES'No longer will overwhelmingly big tasks paralyze you from taking little to no action. Use 40 Days of Focus to break these monsters into smaller, bite-sized pieces you WANT to eat!LAUGH AT PROCRASTINATIONTake any task you've been putting off, give yourself 30 minutes to get it done, start your timer, and watch what happens. This simple process creates a 'virtual' space in your brain for that task that you feel unexplainably compelled to fill with its completion! SHARPEN YOUR FOCUSUsing 40 Days of Focus daily helps you get into the habit of eliminating productivity-killing distractions so you focus your concentration and energy on the task-at-hand.BUILD UNSTOPPABLE MOMENTUMWith each task you complete using 40 Days of Focus, you build up a momentum that propels you to not only get even more done, but get it done faster and more efficiently than ever!CONTROL YOUR TIME INSTEAD OF IT CONTROLLING YOUUsing 40 Days of Focus helps to become more aware of how and where you spend your time each day. As you become more aware of your habits, you easily discover ways to use your time more productively, and eliminate previously hidden time-wasters. MAKE TIME FOR YOUR DREAMSAre you neglecting your dreams and letting everything else gobble up your limited time, energy, and resources? Use 40 Days of Focus to make time every day to take even a little action to move you closer to things you want in life!SMASH THOSE NAGGING SMALL GOAL SETTING TASKS WITH A SLEDGEHAMMERYou know the kind; they're important, and they need to be done, but they're small and you never seem to find time get them done and cross them off your list. Use 40 Days of Focus, set aside a measly 30 minutes, and don't just whittle away at your list - smash it to pieces! LIMIT YOUR INTAKE OF 'TIME-SNACKS'Quit checking email, twittering, and updating your Facebook page mindlessly, with no regard for how it's eating-away at your time, then feeling guilty about it all later. Use 40 Days of Focus to 'allow' yourself a specific amount time to enjoy it as much as you want.I look forward to you taking this course, getting focused, defeating procrastination, setting goals you can wait to reach, and increasing your productivity by getting more done in less time.Success is NOT an Accident!Paul"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Master the Rubik's Cube in 5 Quick and Easy Videos" |
"In this course, you will watch 5 videos to learn about the Rubik's Cube and also how to solve and master the Cube. You will learn about each side and how each square on the cube has a specific role. You will be able to determine the difference between a center square, an edge square, and a corner square. After you learn about the cube, you will start to follow the instructional videos on how to solve the cube. You will get all the moves required to solve the cube! After you complete the course you will have solved your cube for the first time! If you are tired of all the confusing ways to solve the cube, this course makes it easy so that you can follow along and finish it within 30 minutes. With practice, you can finish the cube in under 5 minutes!"
Price: 19.99

"Forex Killing Divergence - How to trade with precision" |
"This short course is all about developing a strategy that will give you edge in market. Divergence is tricky concept and trading it alone can build substantial losses. This short will address those potential pitfalls and how to avoid them but also give you extra technique to refine Divergence Trading with precision for maximum profit. This course will take you step-by-step and build your basics and then finally address how to trade with precision. please do share it with others and make the most out of it."
Price: 19.99

"Forex - Top Equity Management Strategy" |
"Course AboutThis course is about money management and how different aspects of financial markets help to control the risk. You will be able to learn from basics to advance that how managing money with mathematics can be profitable in long run.Background in TradingYou must have general understanding of trading or executing orders.Material IncludedI'll cover theory with hands on practice approach and will also provide additional document that will help you to automate calculations. We will also cover Live charts analysis for examples.Course Structure and Timing and Why this courseIt will take you approximately 30 minutes to go through the theory and i'll highly recommend to executive them on Demo prior to Real Account. If you already have experience in financial markets, you can easily add it to your trading tool and enjoy the strategy with great profits. Money management is so pivotal that it will define your success in trading business. Keep practicing and you will enjoy the course."
Price: 19.99

"Forex - Calculate Lot Size Like Pro" |
"Course AboutThis course is aboutmoney managementand how different aspects of financial markets help to control the risk.Background in TradingYou must have general understanding of trading or executing orders.Material IncludedI'll cover theory with hands on practice approach and will also provide additional document that will help you to automate calculations. We will also cover Live charts analysis for examples."
Price: 19.99

"Forex - Price action Reversal Strategy" |
"Course AboutThis course is about trading in financial markets with Price action and identifying the reversal zones. Also it includesmoney management strategyand how different aspects of financial markets help to control the risk. You will be able to learn from basics to advance that how managing money withmathematicscan beprofitablein long run with high probability price reversal pattern.Background in TradingYou must have general understanding of trading or executing orders.Material IncludedI'll cover theory with hands on practice approach and will also provide additional document that will help you to automate calculations. We will also cover Live charts analysis for examples.Course Structure and Timing and Why this courseIt will take you approximately 40 minutesto1 hourto go through the theory and i'll highly recommend to executive them on Demo prior to Real Account. If you already have experience in financial markets, you can easily add it to your trading tool and enjoy the strategy with great profits. High probability setup andMoney management is so pivotal that it will define your success in trading business. Keep practicing and you will enjoy the course."
Price: 19.99

"Forex - Trade Gartley with Precision - Complete Strategy" |
"Course AboutThis course is about trading in financial markets with Price action and identifying the High Probability trading setups. Also it includes, how to identify low and high probability setup along with completemoney management strategyand how different aspects of financial markets help to control the risk. You will be able to learn from basics to advance about Gartley Pattern andhow managing money withmathematicscan beprofitablein long run.Background in TradingYou must have general understanding of trading or executing orders.Material IncludedI'll cover theory with hands on practice approach and will also provide additional document that will help you to automate calculations. We will also cover Live charts analysis for examples.Course Structure and Timing and Why this courseIt will take you approximately 1 to 2 hoursto go through the theory and i'll highly recommend to executive them on Demo prior to Real Account. If you already have experience in financial markets, you can easily add it to your trading tool and enjoy the strategy with great profits. High probability setup andMoney management is so pivotal that it will define your success in trading business. Keep practicing and you will enjoy the course.What are the requirements?Basic understanding of financial marketsWhat am I going to get from this course?Identify Financial Market structureTechnical analysis with price patternIdentify reversal zonesMoney Management and Risk ControlWhat is the target audience?Business and Finance should take this course to calculate risk.Investors should use it to calculate risk exposure and portfolio management."
Price: 19.99

"Forex - Cypher is Deciphered with complete Money Strategy" |
"Course AboutThis course is about trading in financial markets with Price action and identifying the High Probability trading setups. Also it includes, how toidentify lowandhigh probabilitysetup along withcompletemoney management strategyand how different aspects of financial markets help to control the risk. You will be able to learn from basics to advance about Cypher Pattern andhow managing money withmathematicscan beprofitablein long run.Background in TradingYou must have general understanding of trading or executing orders.Material IncludedI'll cover theory with hands on practice approach and will also provide additional document that will help you to automate calculations. We will also cover Live charts analysis for examples.Course Structure and Timing and Why this courseIt will take you approximately 1 to 2 hoursto go through the theory and i'll highly recommend to executive them on Demo prior to Real Account. If you already have experience in financial markets, you can easily add it to your trading tool and enjoy the strategy with great profits. High probability setup andMoney management is so pivotal that it will define your success in trading business. Keep practicing and you will enjoy the course.What are the requirements?the expectation from student is to haveBasic understanding of financial markets and trade executions.What am I going to get from this course?At the end of this course, you will be able read thestructure of market movementAnalysing markets through Technical pricepatternYou will be able toIdentify tradeable zone for investmentsYou will be able to calculate Risk and management portfolioWhat is the target audience?Business and Finance Professional.Investors and hedge fund tradersmanagers."
Price: 19.99
