"Adobe - Create a professional logo step-by-step (Farming)" |
"Course AboutThis course is about sharing the skills and knowledge to equip you with Professional Logo Designing skills and most importantly, to build skills for passive income.This course will give you insight of Adobe Photoshop tools and techniques that i use to create a Farming Logo. Background KnowledgeNo previous knowledge is required, I'll teach you step by step the approach and technique to create a professional looking logo and portfolio presentation.Material IncludedUsers are allowed to use the design for their personal use and also source material will be provided upon request.Course Structure and Timing and Why this courseIt will take you approx 30-50 minutes to complete and follow the steps that i taught during the course. we will adopt layer approach and will divide the project into small chunks and at final stage we will assemble them all.What are the requirements?Adobe Photoshop software is required to follow this course. You can access its trial version or paid version from Adobe website. Link to down is also included in the videos.What am I going to get from this course?How to design a LogoHow to use Adobe Photoshop and its different toolsMasking techniques and effectsWhat is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn Graphic Designing or Logo DesigningMedia and Art.Anyone who wants to learn new skills to earn passive income (or full time career as designer)if you want to earn more you need to learn more"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe - Create a professional logo step-by-step (Beauty)" |
"Course AboutThis course is about sharing the skills and knowledge to equip you withProfessional Logo Designingskills and most importantly, to build skills forpassive income.This course will give you insight of Adobe Photoshop tools and techniques that i use to create a Beauty/SpaLogo. Background KnowledgeNo previous knowledge is required, I'll teach youstep by stepthe approach and technique to create a professional looking logo andportfolio presentation.Material IncludedUsers are allowed to use the design for their personal use and also source material will be provided upon request.Course Structure and Timing and Why this courseIt will take you approx 30-50 minutes to complete and follow the steps that i taught during the course. we will adopt layer approach and will divide the project into small chunks and at final stage we will assemble them all.We will also learning Brand Identity Asset management and delivery technique. This will covers.What is Brand, Identity and LogoHow to create Logo, Brand Identity set, GuidesHow to package the final deliverableWhat clouds solutions are available to share the contents with clients and maintain the variationsWhat are the requirements?Adobe Photoshop softwareis required to follow this course. You can access its trial version or paid version from Adobe website. Link to down is also included in the videos.What am I going to get from this course?How to design a LogoHow to use Adobe Photoshop and its different toolsMasking techniques and effectsWhat is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn Graphic Designing or Logo DesigningMedia and Art.Anyone who wants to learn new skills to earn passive income (or full time career as designer)if you want to earn more you need to learn more"
Price: 19.99

"Songwriting 1: How To Write A Hit Song" |
"Learn how to write a hit songinpopular music styles - rock, pop, blues, metal, reggae and more! Learn how to take a basicmusicidea and develop it into a full song.""This course has good content with good visuals. You get to see the lesson and hear it individually and then combined together for the full sound. The demonstrations Robert has included ties it all together."" - Greg RStep-by-step, you will be shown how to develop a musical idea into a hit song. A perfect course not only for musicians, but also peopleinterested in music production, recordingengineering or any other studio work. Great for digital musicians.Also great foradvertising,film soundtracks or even video game music!Over 20 original songs created just for this course.Watch animated diagrams and performer videosthat show each song being developed into a final product.The instructor describes each step.Progressive audio tracks showhow each new track contributes tothe entire song. You will also learn how to build chord progressions in any key - and even when to break the rules!To benefit most from this course you will need reasonable skill on at leastone instrument. Some theory and musical concepts are discussed through-out this course.Beginner musicians willfind some concepts hard to grasp - but will still learn valuable information that will set them way above other beginner musicians.Full PDF scores and other extras are available for download so you can really explore what's going on in this courseand build your own music reference library!""Teacher is clear, concise and interactive and lessons are easy to learn and easy to follow. Great job."" - Suppoman"
Price: 84.99

"Three Steps to Relaxation! Stress Management Class" |
"Welcome to Three Steps to Relaxation!Practicing techniques to reduce stress and encourage relaxation in our lives is a necessary part of maintaining a peaceful existence. Stress has a serious impact on our livesit has the ability to affect our health, shorten our life span and decrease coping skills. Studies prove reducing stress can significantly enhance quality of life, reduce health risks and improve overall well-being.Learning to live a relaxed, harmonious life takes practice. We owe it to ourselves to adapt a few simple exercises in our daily routine that help us welcome each day with good energy.This classfocuses on three simple steps to improve the quality of your life. In the first step, we become aware of our external energy and learn to shift it. The second step helps us find our center and stay grounded. The third step discusses the true cause of stress so we can identify the source of what ails us and work toward healing our inner child.By applying these simple steps, you can learn to manage stress so it does not manage you!When we learn to live in the moment, we can attain the relaxed state we desire, the health and happiness we deserve, and the harmony we all search for in our lifetime. It is a necessary gift we must give ourselves."
Price: 19.99

"Linux For PHP Developers" |
"In this course, I'll show you how to configure your windows machine to be your own private web developer platform.I designed this course with the assumption that you don't have any experience with Linux or server administration. Therefore, every command and technique will be described and demonstrated in context, so nobody will be left behind.I will set up a virtual machine with VirtualBox and demonstrate how to install and manage a complete Linux web server running on your windows machine!We will learn common Linux commands and software useful for debugging and development. Virtual server will be running like any other program in your existing operating system and no dual-booting is needed."
Price: 19.99

"CakePHP 3 for Beginners" |
"This course is an introduction to web development with CakePHP 3.0, the most amazing PHP framework. This course will get you up and running with the CakePHP 3.0 framework in no time, with everything from an introduction to MVC to building a fully-functional application.Starting with the basics of installing and configuring CakePHP 3.0, you will learn everything from creating a custom theme to custom components developing. We will be diving deep into JavaScript using jQuery to implement AJAX in CakePHP 3.0 application.Time is more valuable than money. I prepared this CakePHP 3.0 tutorial course to be very effective, so you can learn everything you need to know about CakePHP in less time.This course is for CakePHP version 3.X"
Price: 19.99

"Learn NodeJS From Scratch" |
"Nodejs is open source cross platform environment for creating server side and network applications. In this tutorial you'll learn how to create your own Node JS apps, from scratch. I'll teach you everything you need to launch you own app or switch careers into the tech world. Knowing NodeJS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications.You'll setup your computer with all the tools to build Node apps. Don't worry, all the tools are free. From there, you're going to cover the basics of the Node language and start building your first project.We'll dive into web sites, web apps and APIs with Express and learn how Express can save us time as Node developers.You will build your own API system and you will also learn how to secure your application with JSON Web Tokens."
Price: 19.99

"Learn NodeJS Authentication" |
"Nodejs is open source cross platform environment for creating server side and network applications. You will build your own API system and you will also learn how to secure your application with JSON Web Tokens. We will keep all data in MongoDB database and we will route middleware to protect API routes.You will also implement your own authentication system using Passport module and Twitter API.You'll setup your computer with all the tools to build Node apps. Don't worry, all the tools are free. From there, you're going to cover the basics of the Node language and start building your first project."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Node.JS Selenium Webdriver" |
"Using Selenium you can avoid boring web-based administration tasks and manual testing. Primarily, it is for automating web applications. You can schedule Selenium to test your application and make sure it's up and running. You can also create automated bots to do the job for you!You will learn how to work with Selenium WebDriver, how to create your own tests and best practices. Learn how to work with promises, how to find links and elements and how to take a screenshot using Node.JS and Selenium! It will be very usefull for your test reports!And the most amazing part of this tutorial is... you will build your own registration bot from scratch!By the end of this course, you will also learn how to work with Jasmine!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn CakePHP 3 Advanced Techniques" |
"In this course you will learn some advanced topics about CakePHP 3. Iwill guide you step by step and explain you how to protect your CakePHP 3 appalication using Cross Site Request Forgery Component.You will learn how to log events in your application and implement your custom database logger adapte to save all events to MySQLdatabase.We will talk about CakePHP 3 associations. You will understand how to work with the following relationships:BelongsTo, HasOne, HasMany and BelongsToMany. You will aslo try all the associations in action and learn eager loading associations.I will show you how to use TimeHelper and how to avoid some MySQLissues you may encounter.You will also implement your own custom database behaivor."
Price: 19.99

"Impara CodeIgniter 3 in 5 Giorni: Framework PHP MVC (ITA)" |
"Stai cercando una guida/tutorial ben organizzato che ti possa aiutare a diventare uno sviluppatore PHP migliore? O stai cercando nuove opportunit di lavoro nel campo dello sviluppo IT, e CodeIgniter tra i requisiti?Qualsiasi sia la tua motivazione per diventare unprogrammatore CodeIgniter, ti trovi nel posto giusto al momento giusto!Il corso ti porter ad un livello superiore, dove sarai capace di organizzare i tuoi progetti ed affrontarli con serenit, qualsiasi sia la loro difficolt.Questo corso veloce ed efficace ti porter dall'avere zero conoscenze ad un livello di confidenza col codice PHP mai sperimentato prima in soli 5 giorni.Inizieremo installando il Framework PHP CodeIgniter per la prima volta. Passerai dunque nel vero dell'azione andando a muovere i primi passi verso la creazione di una web app, approcciandola con criterio ed iniziando col piede giusto.Passerai poi all'utilizzo digran parte delle librerie, delle quali ti verr spiegato il funzionamento passo per passo, comando per comando.Sar l con con te in ogni momento e ti guider attraverso l'intero procedimento, spiegando ogni singola riga di codice!Sei pronto a iniziare?Partiamo!"
Price: 19.99

"Your guide to event planning" |
"Updated December 2015, setting goals for 2016!Start your new career in 2016 and become a successful event plannerWe are Leap Training and our aim is to create inspiring learning products that support people to take up new opportunities and get moving in new directions.Are you full of ideas and not sure where to start?Do you want an additional income stream?Considering the possibility of a new career as an Event Planner?We are Leap training and we have over 1000 students currently studying this course on Udemy. We look forward to working with you!This course is an A-Z of how to become a confident event manager, so if you are looking for a new career or just want some new challenges this is the course for you.Using a wide choice of inspiring learning materials, including professionally crafted films, E Books, Power-point presentations and our three Leap Training, course tutors you will start your journey on planning and delivering your own event.Event management or event planning is a growth business, that has small start up costs, follow our detailed guide and get started!We consider how to plan, create great themes, manage the practicalities including how to sort out audio visuals and we spend time looking at where potential sources of income are.We spend time looking at a step by step guide to promoting your event; utilising the best of on-line tools and your own natural networks. Event planning can cover products launch, party, music promotion, even a training course so the possibilities are endless.So if you are looking for a new career or additional income streams becoming an Event Planner could next step.We anticipate the course will take you over 2 hours to complete.We have designed the course around an actual event that you need to deliver. So our toolkit of resources will support you in your journey. We have placed a specific emphasis on marketing your course and offer multiple solutions to get your event monetised.Why choose a Leap training course?, as established educators we have worked alongside our event management colleagues to craft a course that both inspires and engages. Using the very best of event management tools as well as personal development tools like our Leap Training signature Career Workbook.This course is designed for both newbies to event planning as well as existing event planners that are looking for new ideas.Meet Jo our experienced event planner and learn her tips and guidance for beginners.Covering all aspects of event planning we include over 40 mins of films plus a wide range of downloadable tools and documents.Although we have used an example of planning and delivering a music event the training course will also be useful for any event planning, including weddings, training and party events.Leap Training have over 2000 customers on Udemy and are looking forward to developing more courses that lead individuals onto new choices and opportunities.Our courses are unique to us and are not available elsewhere"
Price: 194.99

"Configure Your Camera for Fantastic Photos" |
"This course is designed for new photographers, or those who have a new camera (both compact and DSLR).You may be overwhelmed by all the buttons and menus, so this course will quickly show you which are the most important settings, and which you can forget about.By configuring your camera to give you the best possible quality, you'll then be able to concentrate on the more creative aspects of photography.You'll finish this course with a clear understanding of basic photography principles, and know which settings on your camera need to be 'tweaked' to get the results you want, even when using the 'automatic' modes.The main areas covered by this course are:How does a camera workISO sensitivityLensesMemory cardsJPEG file size and qualityDigital zoomsImage stabilisationThe factors that affect exposureHow to use exposure compensationThe rules of compositionGetting your subject in focusDownloading photos to your computerStoring and indexing your photosImage editing"
Price: 29.99

"Web design : Make your photos look great in web design" |
"I found this course very useful. Thanks to gained knowledge on Photoshop's techniques I can not only improve my website but also preserve my private photos in a better quality. Techniques are very easy to learn and thanks to them I want to know Photoshop better. The teacher was very straight to the point and his methods were very clear and fun at the same time. I'm waiting for more courses :-)Come on, join the happy community!If You want to know how to:Resize the image and canvasTell the difference between image and canvas sizeTransform, crop and straighten an imageSpeed up working with multiple imagesCorrect colors and contrastAdd vintage effect to Your photosHandle images in a web design in Illustratorin just a few clicks, You've found the right course!Say you are working on a web design for a client and they want to use specific images that they supplied. But you can see that their quality isn't all that good and they can really mess up your design.Or you're just struggling with the photos Your auntie sent You, so You can make them prettier, 'cause You are so good at computers, but not that great at Photoshop. Well, here you will learn some simple and easy techniques that will make your photos look great in a web design or just in Your family photo album. And you will learn how to get great results with just a few simple clicks.The techniques we'll discover are super easy and yet very effective, so even a complete newbie shouldn't have problems following along.First part of this course is reserved for Photoshop: You'll learn how to resize images and canvas, how to effectively use Levels and Curves, how to add a, very trendy, retro effect and much more. Basically You will see how to make Your photos look great with just a few clicks! In the second part you'll learn how to use Illustrator to incorporate images into a web design project: how to place images, how to clip them etc.This course is also about smooth workflow between Photoshop, as a photo editing software and Illustrator as a web design software. So, if You're one of those designers who have, by far, been using Illustrator for desktop publishing or logo design projects and You want to expand Your skillset, well this is the course for You, too! So, what You're waiting for? If You're serious about starting out as web designer or you're just looking for simple techniques to make virtually any photo look great with just a few clicks, don't wait any longer! Enroll in this course and make Your work easier and faster!"
Price: 94.99

"How to create flat design icons in 15 minutes in Illustrator" |
"If you want to learn about illustrator or flat design in a rather fun, EASY!, and a straight to the point way. Then you should take this course. Dawid is an amazing lecturer who takes you step by step through each design and he shows you the perfect way to design icons you can be proud of. I cannot recommend this course enough. James WardArent you tired of spending days watching courses and tutorials on Illustrator, that get you nowhere?Thats because they mainly talk about the tools, not showing practical examples and how to get things done. And I am like you: I like to learn only the important skills.So if you want to:learn practical Illustrator techniquesdesign flat icons immediatelyand finally start using Illustrator independentlythen you are in for a treat.Because this course will easily build your confidence in Illustrator and flat design. Each lecture is a 15 minute gem pack with lots of practical Illustrator and flat design techniques, that will make you a flat design superhero.And its real.Its happening to other students in the course:Wonderful!Only finished the first icon so far and I already feel a huge amount more confident in Illustrator and the overall flat design. The quality of the videos are great, clear voice and easy to follow.Matthew InglisTake a look at just a small fraction of flat design magic, thats waiting for you inside:Powerful and simplistic techniques like long shadow effect, pathfinder, pen tool and so much moreFlat design fundamentals to feed you with all the crucial information you needClear, concise and practical videos, that get you straight to the pointPicture yourself opening up Adobe Illustrator and looking at your wonderful flat design creation, that you did independently in just 15 minutes. It doesnt matter if you are a complete beginner. It doesnt matter if you dont feel confident to design independently.It doesnt even matter if you think, that your skillset is not enough.Because, as one of my students, Sharon Yeo, put it:As a complete beginner to Illustrator, this was a great course to help me quickly get started learning useful techniques in Illustrator and designing flat icons immediately. Builds confidence in being able to design flat icons independently!There is no risk in just trying this course out. Its completely refundable. You are totally covered by an unconditional 30-day 100% money back guarantee.So its up to you now.Enroll in the course and become a flat design superstar.Thanks, DawidPS. This is what one of my students, Ioannis Tsiakos, had to say about this course:Easiest way to learn flat icon designI learnt more in one hour watching this course, than i would have if i had spent days reading online tutorials. Super easy to follow and great examples/ cases that illustrate how illustrator works and how designers think when approaching a flat icon design :) Recommended!"
Price: 194.99

"Top 10 reasons to use Illustrator for web design" |
"WARNING: If you are looking for a course on how to design a layout in Illustrator, this is not the course.I think there's been some misunderstanding as for what this course is about, so let me say this again:It's a list of 10 reasons why it's a good idea to use Illustrator for web design. It shows you 10 tools to use for web design in Illustrator.*******************I know you might not be too familiar with the concept of Illustrator being a web design tool. Well that's mainly because many people are not aware of tools built in Illustrator, that make it a really great web design software.Like the majority of aspiring designers I started designing web sites in Photoshop,. But I was really missing the artwork creation flexibility Illustrator provides.That is why I dug deep into the topic of using Illustrator as a web design tool and this course is the result of that research.In this course you will discover: Web design tools of Illustrator How to set up Illustrator for a web design job What are the most useful, practical benefits of using Illustrator for web design So join the happy community of my students and see you inside.All the best,Dawid"
Price: 44.99

"Web Design Fundamentals in Illustrator" |
"+++This course is continually maintained. New quiz questions were added in November 2016+++""I really enjoyed this course, I learned a lot, the lectures are very informative and enjoyable, Mr. Dawid is a gifted teacher, he can present the topics in a very engaging manner.But there is one thing that the potential buyers should know about this course, you learn many great concepts about using illustrator for web design and designing a template for future projects with placeholders for web content but to practice designing a real website and using those concepts you learn in this course, it is advisable to take another course by Mr.Dawid named ""How To Design a Website in Illustrator"", I highly recommend those two courses together for any one who wants to learn about web design in illustrator.""Are you a web design beginner?Have you been designing web sites for a while, but never in Illustrator? Or maybe you have been using Illustrator for some time, but never thought you could use it for web design?Stop wasting your time on wondering and guessing.Thanks to this course you will gain all the knowledge you need start designing amazing websites independently.Inside you will find unique information on:How to transform Illustrator into a web design supertool. How to easily build a wireframe and a website on top of that fast!How to master desktop, tablet and smartphone web design all in one file thanks to Illustrators artboardsHow to make your design faster and more professional with a custom, Bootstrap like 12-column gridWhat you get is an exclusive occasion to start designing wonderful websites, that you can charge thousands of dollars for. And yes, you can do that using Adobe Illustrator.But you don't have to take my word for it. Take a look at what Jason Martinez, one of the students in this course, had to say about it:""This course will help out tremendously in getting set up for web design. Takes all the guess work out of the picture and has practical tips to make the process less difficult.This course will save you time! Recommend to any beginner who wants to learn about web design. Also, covers saving in file type(s) before submitting to the client. Awesome instruction.""-This course is for all those who want to start designing websites in Adobe Illustrator.Otherwise, this course isn't for you.I know, that it is not that common to use Illustrator for web design. Well thats mainly because developers are simply used to receiving designs made in Photoshop. And thats ok! Illustrator lets you export files to Photoshop with ease!So you get the best of both worlds: design in Illustrator, deliver in Photoshop.And this goes to all you logo designers and all you dtp designers: you dont have to ditch Illustrator to design web sites! You can do that successfully in your favorite design tool!I vouch for this course. I wish I came across this kind of knowledge, when I was starting out as a designer. But if, within the 30-day guarantee period, you are not convinced, that this course is going to kick-start your web design projects in Adobe Illustrator simply ask Udemy for a refund, but I really doubt that you will have a reason for it. You risk nothing.Its up to you now.Click that Enroll button and take your first step to creating sensational web designs in Illustrator. See you inside."
Price: 194.99

"Web design : How To Design a Website in Illustrator" |
"+++This course is continually maintained. New quiz questions were added in November 2016+++When I saw this course, I was curious. I had no idea how much better I could do with Illustrator. I'm so glad that I took this course. The Instructor is friendly and genuinely cares about his students. I've just bought all of his other courses because I've been so impressed. I highly recommend this course to everyone. This Instructor has taught me that there is always something new to learn. Thanks so much. :-)Gidget HarrisThank you for choosing this course!I know that there is a lot of courses out there, that is why I am so grateful that you chose this one.This is a follow up to my web design fundamentals in Illustrator: now that you know all the basics of using Illustrator for web design, its time to design a landing page. Inside we will design a landing page for a fictitious law company and in the process were gonna use a lot of Illustrator tricks and super techniques that are going to make the whole process as easy as possible. Were going to start with a main menu design and we will focus on effective menu elements creation. Then we will design the subheader and the services part: in this section you will learn incredibly effective ways of working with images and icons when designing web layouts in Illustrator. After that we will create the remaining parts of the layout: the team section, the testimonials section, the footer everything that is needed for a modern looking website. So if you want to learn How to independently design a professional web layout in Illustrator How to use little knowns tricks to make the whole process super smooth and fun and if you are after whats practical and what will allow you to jump right into the creation part enroll in this course now!Because you will learn how to design a website in Illustrator without spending weeks on watching tutorials, that get you nowhere.Oh, and dont forget. You are totally covered by a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked, no hard feelings.Your risk is absolutely zero.So its really up to you now.Enroll in the course and I'llsee you inside.Dawid"
Price: 194.99

"How To Design A Fortune 500 Logo in Illustrator" |
"+++This course is continually maintained. New quiz questions were added in November 2016+++""The reason I chose this course is because I wanted to sharpen my skills in logo design. Dawid knows how to make everything seem so simple. And you learn so many new tricks which prove to be extremely useful when you least expect it! Also, he puts at your disposal extra materials, so you don't have to spend extra time searching for them on the internet. He is a professional from A to Z.""Who else wants to supercharge their logo design skills? Heres how to design and redesign Fortune 500 logos.With this course you get a unique opportunity to learn what everybody ought to know about designing Fortune 500 logos .Because inside you will find amazing Illustrator techniques, that will let you: Recreate logos of companies like Chevron, Tesoro or Synnex and then make them better by following the best practices of modern logo designtrends.Build confidence in your skillsGrab the tool and let your imagination guide you without feeling any stress, that you have insufficient skills to achieve a certain effect.Grow as an independent designerYou can design logos just like the big names in the design and the advertising world from the comfort of your home.Learn advanced Illustrator tools and techniquesGradient Mesh, 3d, envelope distort...Learn everything, that will allow you to design a logo you can be proud of .Give yourself the opportunity to learn the practical skills required to design big brands logos and get a sense of what it feels like to improve logos that Fortune 500 companies spend 6 figures on.This course is for those who have at least basic Illustrator skills. If you are looking for explanations of how Illustrators tools work, you wont find them here. You will find them in my fundamentals course.Just a few hours of your time cangive you a chance of jumping on a next design level and it's all because this course is a ll about getting straight to the point.No decoys, no frills. Just the practicalskills.But you dont have to take my word for it. Look at what other people are saying about my courses:As a complete beginner to Illustrator, this was a great course to help me quickly get started learning useful techniques in Illustrator and designing flat icons immediately. Builds confidence in being able to design flat icons independently!Wow, incredible. Instructor has a easy to follow style, keeps it simple and practical. Great video, I will be take his other courses too. I'd give it a triple thumbs up! Looking forward to more videos. Highly recommended!I vouch for this course, but you are free to get your money back within 30-days, should you dislike it for any reason.No questions asked. No sad faces.So its really your call now. If you want to make it big in the design world, you can start big.Enroll in the course and learn the practical skills required to design big brands logos.See you inside.Dawid"
Price: 194.99

"Most Wanted Flat Design Techniques #3: Office Space" |
"Have you ever googled flat design, looked at the fantastic flat design images and thought to yourself: Man, I wish I could do that Well, with my teaching method, you absolutely can.This is what one of my students, Ioannis Tsiakos, had to say about one of my courses:I learnt more in one hour watching this course, than i would have if I had spent days reading online tutorials. Super easy to follow and great examples/ cases that illustrate how illustrator works and how designers think (...). Recommended! Flat design is the hottest trend in the design world right now and with this course you can get your piece of the flat design pie.Take a look at just a bit of proven flat design skills you will find inside: This course isabout you learning how to create a flat design office space. Its 10 mini projectspacked with some great advanced Illustrator tools and techniques such aspathfinder, warping or blending. All that to satisfy your flat design hungerExperience the fun and straight to the point approach: feel your Illustrator and flat design skillsgrow immediatelyStep-by-step process: direct, well-paced and actionable techniques with no unwanted space in the tutorialsJoin the group of the best designers out there and start creating your own, spectacular flat designs. You can quickly learn powerful and proven Illustrator techniques to jump from the beginner to the advanced level.And dont forget, that what you get is a30-day money back guaranteeSo the risk is really on me.Enroll in the course and find out what it feels like to become a flat design superstar.See you inside!Dawid"
Price: 94.99

"Most Wanted Flat Design Techniques #2: Hipster Businessman" |
"Have you ever googled flat design, looked at the fantastic flat design images and thought to yourself: Man, I wish I could do thatWell, with my teaching method, you absolutely can.This is what one of my students, Ioannis Tsiakos, had to say about one of my courses:I learnt more in one hour watching this course, than i would have if I had spent days reading online tutorials. Super easy to follow and great examples/ cases that illustrate how illustrator works and how designers think (...). Recommended!Flat design is the hottest trend in the design world right now and with this course you can get your piece of the flat design pie.Take a look at just a bit of proven flat design skills you will find inside: How to create a flat design hipster businessman. Its 10+ mini projects packed with some great advanced Illustrator tools and techniquessuch as pathfinder, warping or blending. And also one tool that will make youforget the pen tool when you want to create gorgeous looking flat designhairdo. All that to satisfy your flat design hungerExperience the fun and straight to the point approach: feel your Illustrator and flat design skills grow immediatelyStep-by-step process: direct, well-paced and actionable techniques with no unwanted space in the tutorialsJoin the group of the best designers out there and start creating your own, spectacular flat designs.Quickly learn powerful and proven Illustrator techniques to jump from the beginner to the advanced level.But if you are not interested in any of that, you don't want to learn Adobe Illustrator nor flat design, you can just stop reading.And dont forget, that what you get is a30-day money back guaranteeSo the risk is really on me.Enroll in the course and find out what it feels like to become a flat design superstar.See you inside!Dawid"
Price: 94.99

"Most Wanted Flat Design Techniques in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Fantastic Course! This is what courses on Udemy should be! This course teaches you through hands on learning and doesn't bore you with technical details before you start. Dawid's enthusiasm and humor keep you interested throughout and in the end you have skills you can use for the rest of your design career. I found the flat design techniques particularly engaging and ended up with some beautiful designs. This course is a must have!Jeremy TuiningaHave you ever googled flat design, looked at the fantastic flat design images and thought to yourself: Man, I wish I could do thatWell, with my teaching method, you absolutely can.This is what one of my students, Ioannis Tsiakos, had to say about one of my courses:I learnt more in one hour watching this course, than i would have if I had spent days reading online tutorials. Super easy to follow and great examples/ cases that illustrate how illustrator works and how designers think (...). Recommended!Flat design is the hottest trend in the design world right now and with this course you can get your piece of the flat design pie.Take a look at just a bit of proven flat design skills you will find inside: This course isnot a new content, but its all the smaller courses from the Most wanted flatdesign techniques series brought together. So inside you will find the desertisland, office space and hipster businessman courses packed together. This shouldsatisfy even the hungriest flat design wannabes.Experience the fun and straight to the point approach: feel your Illustrator and flat design skills grow immediatelyStep-by-step process: direct, well-paced and actionable techniques with no unwanted space in the tutorialsJoin the group of the best designers out there and start creating your own, spectacular flat designs.Quickly learn powerful and proven Illustrator techniques to jump from the beginner to the advanced level.And dont forget, that what you get is a30-day money back guaranteeSo the risk is really on me.Enroll in the course and find out what it feels like to become a flat design superstar.See you inside!Dawid"
Price: 194.99

"How To Master Pen Tool In Illustrator and Photoshop" |
"Instructor is great for beginners because he explains the nuances of the pen tool. I can see where this training will eliminate a lot of frustration in the future.Terry SennetteI have picked up a number of skills in this course. Now I know there is so much more that I can do with the pen tool. Thank you!Soon Kheng ChanHave you ever grabbed the pen tool, clicked and clicked but couldnt understand what this tool is really about?Have you ever thought Why isnt this working? And arent you tired of all those tutorials that just tell you that if you click like this youll get this and if you click like that you will get something else? Now you have the opportunity to finally learn the Pen Tool the right way. So if youre: just starting out and want to set yourself on the right track to professional graphic design,or youve been around for a while, but got finally fed up with the pen tool, cause youve found it too difficult to learn,or you are really into creating your custom, beautiful typefaces and illustrations,youve found the right course for you. Because in here you will find only the practical skills required to use the Pen Tool professionally and effortlessly. But you will get more than that: say goodbye to all your frustrations and disappointment you can often get when watching tutorials that get you nowhere. This is an in-depth course that will make you use the Pen Tool and its siblings with a smile, not because you feel you have to. And as always you are totally covered by a 100% 30-day money back guarantee should you have any second thoughts. So the only risk here is you spending more hours on trying to make the Pen Tool work like you expect it to. So hop onboard and join the happy community of students who have already experienced my teaching method: simple, straight to the point and with a smile. See you inside!"
Price: 194.99

"Practical Photoshop: How To Make Your Photos Look Great" |
"""Excellent Course""How can you eat an elephant?Bite by bite. Photoshop is a huge program and learning it can be long and hard. But what if you could eat it bite by bite, learning only whats practical about it and see immediate results of your efforts? With this course it is absolutely possible, because it is all about learning the practical Photoshop. Take a look at just a fraction of great Photoshop knowledge you will find inside: How to use Photoshops interface and not get a headache from looking at it.How to quickly get the photos in the same size for you family album or for your next business presentationHow to make your photo look awesome in just a few easy steps.This course is an opportunity for you to start learning Photoshop the right way. Finally make your photos look fantastic with some simple techniques, without any prior Photoshop knowledge. This course was created with those in mind who:have ever wanted to learn Photoshop but felt overwhelmed by ithave ever started learning it, but finally gave up, because they didnt see the results of their effortsprefer to start with the most practical aspects of Photoshop that are easy to learn and give fast resultsAnd dont forget, that you are, as always, totally covered by a 30-day, no questions asked money back guarantee. If for some reason you dont like the course, just ask Udemy for a refund.Its that simple. So enroll in the course and finally make your photos look great!See you inside.Dawid"
Price: 144.99

"How To Start A Successful Design Freelance Career" |
"""Dawid is doing a great job explaining how you can become a successful freelancer. What I liked most about this course is the balance between freelancing information and web-design information because in reality the best web-designers are not always the most highly-paid ones. Even if you are a web-designer already but you want to make additional income working from home, then this comprehensive course will show you step-by-step how to do it. Highly recommended.""Arent you tired of working 9-5, answering to your boss who doesnt always get it rightBut most of all arent you tired of not getting paid for doing what you really love?Well if you are, you need a change.This course gives you a chance to gain confidence in your skills and open your eyes to the possibilities of a graphic design freelance career.Youll play a role of a graphic designer who will create a complete, real-life project.But youll also find answers to the most common questions that fresh graphic design freelancers have. So if you want to learnWhat is the best way to start as a freelance graphic designer?How to get clients?And how to avoid the most common mistakes fresh freelancers make?You will find the answers inside. Let me take you step-by-step through the whole process of creating a complete graphic design project: We will start with a client brief: you will learn what it is, what it should contain and how to set one up yourself using Ms Word.And then, based on the client brief we'll design:Fantastic logo and business cards that compliment itClean and professional website you will learn how to design it for responsive web design as wellModern flyer this skill is particularly useful when working for local clientsFacebook cover photo (and youll be amazed how simple it is to set your own template that is always accurate)This course will give you everything you need if you are looking for professional and easy to follow Illustrator and Photoshop skills that will jump start your graphic design freelance career. Its a series of standalone projects: you dont have to sit all day and watch everything: you can jump to whats your interest for the day and dont feel guilty that you didnt watch the rest. If you are taking this course, you should have some basic understanding of how to work with Illustrator and Photoshop. Click that enroll button and take your first step to having a career you always dreamed about. See you inside!"
Price: 194.99

"Job Search Success Strategies: Proven Job Hunting Strategies" |
"Tired of sending your Resume into an online black hole? Interviewers explain to you that you do not have the right track record for the job?You are frustrated that the whole process is too slow and you would like to finally get a job?Don't worry. You have come to the right place!We will teach you how to polish your Resume, how to make it SEO friendly (yeah that's right!), and how to bypass hundreds of candidates. Nowadays large firms use applicant tracking systems to screen resumes before a person looks at them. They receive hundreds of resumes for every single position and robots help them separate good from not so good candidates. That is why you need to optimize your Resume for search. If you do that, you are three times more likely to be invited for an interview! Three times! Sounds good? Well, that's not everything!This course will show you how to spin your experience in a way that Hiring Managers will consider you as the perfect candidate for the job opening that they have. You will be able to set your Resume apart from everyone else's with just a few hours of work.Most people make the same mistakes and they do not even realize it. They fail to:Understand the importance of the job description Tailor their Resume according to the specific job Explain why they will be a great fit with the company Learning how to avoid these mistakes will boost your chances significantly. Moreover, we will provide you with 8 professionally written Resume templates that were used by successful candidates who have careers in Investment Banking, Finance, Marketing and International Management. You can, of course, use their templates and wording when editing your own Resume. Sometimes the main difference between a successful and an unsuccessful application is your Cover Letter. A page of text that was written by you tells a lot about your skills and motivation to join the company that you are applying for. Don't let your Cover Letter keep doors closed for you! Learn how to write a compelling Cover Letter that will make recruiters want to meet you. It is not difficult. In one hour we will explain to you what needs to be included in your Cover Letter and which are the mistakes that you should avoid. You will also receive 6 professionally written Cover Letter templates that you can use as example.So far so good. But what about interviews? Phone interviews, Live interviews, Group assessments, Difficult interview questions?No need to panic. You will gain an unfair advantage over other candidates by going through our lessons. You will be completely aware of what to expect in interviews and what will win the job for you at the end of the day.But what about the typical interview questions that always come up? Do you feel like your answers are like everybody else's? You wouldn't impress your recruiters by memorizing canned responses that they have heard a million times before. What you need to do is show them that you understand the question, and respond to it in a way that they want to hear. Good news! We have done the hard work. After careful research and going through numerous HR blogs, we filtered the 40 most frequently asked interview questions! They fall into six categories (Behavioral questions, Brainteasers, Difficult questions, Guesstimates, Situational and Qualification questions). Each of these questions comes with a suggested answer or solution that you can take into consideration when practicing your own answers. Afterwards, provided that you have doubts, we will gladly review any of your answers if you post them in the Discussion Board or as a personal message (whichever you prefer, of course).And what about LinkedIn? We have not forgotten LinkedIn given that it is one of the greatest tools that are at disposal to job seekers nowadays. We will show you how to be successful on LinkedIn, how to build your profile in a way that it is 30 times (yeah, that's correct!) more likely to get you noticed by recruiters who are looking for people just like you!Here are some of the reviews that we have received so far for this course:The course is structured and presented very well, and is great for graduate students to get a good grasp on learning how to find their first the job. The instructor's lecture style is engaging and catches the listener's attention easily, and helps the people enrolled in the course to learn very quickly. Lilia, Udemy StudentI'm really glad I took this course because next year I will be looking for my first job and it really puts a lot of things in perspective. I think that the resume and cover letter advice will be really useful when i have to submit my own applications. good stuff! Jean, Udemy StudentJust one more thing. If you still haven't decided whether you would like to take the course, please be aware that it comes with a 30-day money-back-in-full guarantee. This means that you can subscribe, study all of the lectures and decide for yourself whether it was worth it or not. If the answer is No, you can click a button and get your money back. No questions asked. So why not try it, right?After all, what is a well-paid career worth to you? Your starting salary would be a fraction of the price of this course. Every minute you are not on the job is actually Costing you money Take the course today and improve your chances of being successful! Onwards and upwards!"
Price: 149.99

"Finance 101: Financial Skills for the Real World" |
"Welcome to our Finance 101 course!Most people don't realize how basic finance calculations play a major role in their life:- the ability to compare two investments- the understanding of how the timing of cash flows impacts their value- the preparation necessary to negotiate an advantageous mortgage or loan rateAt the end of the day all of these decisions shape the amount of money you will find in your bank account. And because money accumulates over time, potential inefficiencies have an even higer weight in the future.On the other hand, educated financial decision making goes a long way and could easily play a major role determining your net worth in the years to come.In this course, we will start from the very basics. The lessons are suitable for those of you who have not studied finance in university or during an MBA course.We'll cover the following fundamental topics:cash flow calculationsthe time value of moneythe components forming interest rateshow to compare between investmentswhat is an annuityhow interest compounds over multiple periodswhat is the difference between monthly and annual interest ratehow to calculate IRR, NPV, and many moreThe course contains plenty of useful resources such as course notes, quizz questions, practical exercises, and a vibrant Q&A section where you can contact the course tutor and ask questions.Sign up for the course today and make sure you are in control of your financial future!"
Price: 194.99

"Accounting Made Easy: A Quick Guide to Financial Accounting" |
"There are not many courses available on the market that make a complex and dry subject understandable and even fun. This course does just that!By completing it you will be able to learn the essentials of Accounting and Bookkeeping -two of the fundamental tools for a successful career in Finance.Accounting Made Easy: A Quick Guide To Financial Accounting will help you understand basic accounting concepts and offer extra practice on topics such as:...Bookkeeping, Debits, Credits, the Chart of Accounts, General and Subsidiary Ledgers, T-Accounts, Income Statement and Balance Sheet items, The Accounting Equation, the Double-Entry Principles and more...In no time you will be able to:Set up an accounting systemRecording accounting transactionsMaking accounting entriesPreparing Income Statements and Balance SheetsUnderstand Financial StatementsThe course is suitable for people with no previous Accounting or Business knowledge. You can complete it in a couple of hours and instantly improve your understanding of financial statements and accounting transactions!What makes this course different from the rest of the Accounting courses that are out there?High quality of production HD video and animations (This isnt a collection of boring lectures!)Knowledgeable instructor (experience in Big 4 Accounting + Master in Finance)A Complete Case Study that will help you reinforce everything that youve learnedExcellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 24 hoursDynamic: We dont want to waste your time! The instructor keeps up a very good pace throughout the whole course.How come Accounting is so important?Its about money, right? If you want to understand how money is coming in and going out of a business, you will have to learn accounting.Here are 5 more reasons why you should take this course and learn accounting:Jobs. A solid understanding of accounting usually lands you a sweet job as an accountant and opens doors for a number of career paths.Promotions. Accountants are promoted very easily inside large corporationsMick Jagger studied accountingSecure Future. Accounting skills remain with you and provide extra security. You wont ever have to fear unemploymentGirls dig accountants! Guys who can tell the difference between debits and credits are proven to be the most popular with womenPlease dont forget that the course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional money-back-in-full guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee, when we are convinced that the course will provide a ton of value for you?So what are you waiting for?Click the ""Take this Course"" button and start learning now!"
Price: 94.99

"Accounting & Financial Statement Analysis: Complete Training" |
"Accounting is one of the most important skills for people pursuing a career in Finance.It helps you understand whether a business is profitable.It gives you an idea of a companys size.It helps you use the past in order to take action in the present and change the future.However, its essential that you understand it well. If you want to becomea Financial Analystan Accountantan Auditora Business Analysta Financial Controllera Financial Managera CFOa CEOan Investment Bankeran Equity Research Analystan Investor an Entrepreneur Someone who is involved with a business and would like to be successfulThen you simply have to learn Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis. There is no way around it.But how can you do that if you have very limited time and no prior training? And how can you be sure that you are not missing an important piece of the puzzle?Accounting & Financial Statement Analysis: Complete Training is here for you. One of the best Finance courses available on Udemy, it includes everything youll need. We will start from the very basics and then gradually build a solid foundation that will serve you well throughout your career.What makes this course different from the rest of the Accounting courses that are out there?High quality of production HD video and animations (This isnt a collection of boring lectures!)Knowledgeable instructor (experience in Big 4 Accounting + Master in Finance)Financial Statement Analysis: We will learn how to use information about the past in order to predict how a business will fare in the futureExtensive Case Studies that will help you reinforce everything that youve learnedExcellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within two business daysDynamic: We dont want to waste your time! The instructor keeps up a very good pace throughout the whole course.How come accounting is so important?Its about money, right? If you want to understand how money is coming in and going out of a business, you will have to learn accounting.Here are 5 more reasons why you should take this course and learn accounting:Jobs. A solid understanding of accounting usually lands you a sweet job as an accountant and opens doors for a number of career paths.Promotions. Accountants are promoted very easily inside large corporationsMick Jagger studied accountingSecure Future. Accounting skills remain with you and provide extra security. You wont ever have to fear unemploymentGirls dig accountants! Guys who can tell the difference between debits and credits are proven to be the most popular with womenPlease dont forget that the course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional money-back-in-full guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee, when we are convinced that the course will provide a ton of value for you?Enroll today and let's start this journey together!"
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Financial Analyst Course 2020" |
"**Updated for September 2020!**""If youre trying to prepare for an eventual career in finance, but are still looking to round out your knowledge of the subject, The Complete Financial Analyst Course might be a perfect fit for you."", Business Insider""A Financial Analyst Career is one of the top-paying entry-level jobs on the market. ""Even in the toughest job markets, the best candidates find great positions."", ForbesYou simply have to find a way to acquire practical skills that will give you an edge over the other candidates.But how can you do that?You havent had the proper training, and you have never seen how analysts in large firms do their work ...Stop worrying, please! We are here to help.The Complete Financial Analyst Course is the most comprehensive, dynamic, and practical course you will find online.It covers several topics, which are fundamental for every aspiring Financial Analyst:Microsoft Excel for Beginner and Intermediate Users: Become Proficient with the worlds #1 productivity softwareAccounting, Financial Statements, and Financial Ratios: Making Sense of Debits and Credits, Profit and Loss statements, Balance Sheets, Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, and Growth Financial RatiosFinance Basics: Interest Rates, Financial Math Calculations, Loan Calculations, Time Value of Money, Present and Future Value of Cash FlowsBusiness Analysis: Understanding what drives a Business, Key Items to be Analyzed and their Meaning, the Importance of Industry Cycles, Important Drivers for the Business of Startup, Growth, Mature and Declining Companies, Important Drivers for an IndustryCapital Budgeting: Decide whether a company's project is feasible from a financial perspective and be able to compare between different investment opportunitiesMicrosoft PowerPoint for Beginner and Intermediate Users: The #1 tool for visual representation of your work, a necessary skill for every Financial AnalystAs you can see, this is a complete bundle that ensures you will receive the right training for each critical aspect.Here comes the fun part!We have a challenge for you! After covering each major roadblock, you will be asked to solve a challenge. You will:Calculate a companys sales in ExcelRegister its bookkeeping entries and produce useful financial statements + calculate financial ratiosCalculate a complete loan schedule for the companys debtAnalyze the companys business performanceCreate a PowerPoint presentation based on the results Receive personalized feedbackReceive a giftParticipate in our monthly Amazon Gift Card Lottery(!)Sounds interesting, right?At the end of the challenge, you will send us the work youve done, and we will reply with personalized feedback. This makes for an interactive student experience that optimizes what you will learn from the course.What makes this course different from the rest of the Finance courses out there?High quality of production: HD video and animations (this isnt a collection of boring lectures!)Knowledgeable instructor (experience in companies like Pwc and Coca-Cola)Complete training: We will cover all major topics and skills you need to become a top-class Financial AnalystExtensive Case Studies: To help you reinforce everything youve learnedCourse Challenge: Solve our Course Challenge and make this course an interactive experienceExcellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 1 business dayDynamic: We dont want to waste your time! The instructor keeps up a very good pace throughout the whole courseWhy should you consider a career as a Financial Analyst?Salary. A Financial Analyst job usually leads to a very well-paid careerPromotions. Financial Analysts acquire valuable technical skills, which makes them the leading candidates for senior roles within a corporationSecure Future. There is high demand for Financial Analysts on the job market, and you wont have to be concerned about finding a jobGrowth. This isnt a boring job. Every day, you will face different challenges that will test your existing skillsPlease dont forget that the course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional, money-back-in-full guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee, when we are convinced the course will provide a ton of value for you?Just go ahead and subscribe to this course! If you don't acquire these skills now, you will miss an opportunity to separate yourself from the others. Don't risk your future success! Let's start learning together now!"
Price: 194.99

"Microsoft Excel 2016 Beginners & Intermediate Excel Training" |
"Do you want to learn how to work with Excel 2016?Even if you dont have any prior experience?If so, then this is the right course for you!A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who complete this course.Microsoft Excel 2016 is here, and it promises to be one of the greatest versions that weve seen so far.However, its essential that you learn how to work with it effectively.If you want to become any of the followingExecutive AssistantOffice ClerkAuditorAccountantBusiness AnalystFinancial AnalystCredit CounselorSales RepresentativeSales ManagerFinancial ManagerInvestment BankerReal Estate AgentMarket Research AnalystFinancial AdvisorBusiness Operations Manager Entrepreneur Someone who is involved with a business and would like to be successfulThen you simply have to learn Microsoft Excel 2016. There is no way around it.But how can you do that if you have very limited time and no prior training? And how can you be certain that you are not missing an important piece of the puzzle?Microsoft Excel 2016 Beginners & Intermediate Excel Training is here for you. One of the best Excel courses available on Udemy, it includes everything youll need. We will start from the very basics and then gradually build a solid foundation that will serve you well throughout your career.What makes this course different from the rest of the Excel courses out there?High quality of production HD video and animated slides (this isnt a collection of boring lectures!)Knowledgeable instructor (experience in Big 4 Accounting + Commercial Finance)Downloadable materials: The course comes with a complete set of downloadable materials (handouts, Excel files, etc.)Extensive Case Studies that will help you reinforce everything that youve learnedExcellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 24 hoursDynamic: We dont want to waste your time! The instructor maintains a very good pace throughout the whole courseHow come Microsoft Excel is so important?Every large company uses it, right? So if you want to learn a new skill that is highly valued by all employers, you should start here.Here are 5 more reasons why you should take this course and learn Excel:Jobs. A solid understanding of Excel opens the door for a number of career pathsPromotions. Top Excel users are promoted very easily inside large corporationsBill Gates knows how to work with ExcelSecure Future. Excel skills remain with you and provide extra security. You wont ever have to fear unemploymentGirls dig guys who are proficient in Excel! Guys who can use VLOOKUP are proven to be the most popular with women JThis course is suitable for people without any previous experience in Excel. We will start from the very basics and will gradually move on to some of the more advanced features, such as lookup functions, functions with conditions, goal seek, pivot tables, custom formatting, Excel 2016 charts, and other tools that are often used for the purposes of Financial Modeling.Additionally, the course includes practical case studies that will reinforce everything that you learn. One of the exercises that we will see in the course consists of building a complete Profit & Loss statement from scratch. This course is perfect for University students, Entry-level Finance, Business and Marketing professionals who would like to grow faster than their peers.Please dont forget that the course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional money-back-in-full guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee, when we are convinced that it will provide a ton of value for you?Enrol today and let's start this journey together!"
Price: 149.99
