"Curso De Maquiagem. Aprenda de uma vez por todas !" |
"Ol ! Meu nome Leticia Sartori, sou Maquiadora mais de 3 anos, onde durante esse perodo j apresentei workshops, tive centenas de alunas, e atendi MUITAS clientes.Neste Curso voc vai aprender de uma vez por todas a como fazer maquiagem completa, para o dia a dia e tambm para eventos.. O curso divido em vdeo aulas que foram gravadas durante um curso online ao vivo que fiz.. O pessoal que fez esse curso online, AMOU !Vamos embarcar nessa comigo? Voc no vai se arrepender !"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Programao de Torno CNC - Comando Mach(Iso)" |
"Seja muito Bem vindo ao Curso de programao de torno CNCNeste curso iremos aprender muito a programao de torno CNC com o comando Mach, So mais de 80 aulas e cerca de 14 horas, que explica diversos pontos relacionados com a programao CNC, o que abordaremos? Histria e particularidades de um torno CNC Como so os meios de fixao existentes no torno Como Funciona um painel de comando Mach Quais so as Transmisses de Dados usadas Como Funciona o Sistema de Coordenadas, tanto absolutas como incrementais Como Calcular a Rpm, Velocidade de corte e potncia de corte Como funciona as chaves de cdigos para insertos e Suportes Como encontrar as medidas atravs da trigonometria, usando Pitgoras, seno, cosseno e tangente Quais so as funes miscelneas e preparatrias no Comando Mach Como funciona a composio e estrutura de um programa CNC Como programar raios com a interpolao Circular usando G2 e G3, tanto com R ou I K Como programar os ciclos de Desbaste G74, G75, G66 e G67, e qual melhor usar em cada situao Como programar os ciclos de Canal e Faceamento G75 Como programar os ciclos de Furao, tanto o G74 como o G83, e qual melhor usar em cada situao Como programar ciclos de Rosca Simples e Automtico usando o G33, G76 e G37 Como programar ciclos de Rosca com duas ou mais entradas Como Calcular a Altura e passe, bem saber o ngulo de uma rosca mtrica Como Calcular a Altura e passe, bem saber o ngulo de uma rosca em polegada e cnicaMas por que estudar a programao de Torno CNC?Mquinas CNCs so muito comuns hoje, presentes em quase todas as empresas de manufaturas de ao e outros seguimentos e hoje vivemos numa poca em que as empresas exigem mais de funcionrios, ento apenas operar uma mquina, colocar e tirar uma pea j no suficiente hoje para ter um bom emprego, sabendo operar e programar a mquina um diferencial que com certeza ir te ajudar a conseguir uma vaga de emprego, uma promoo dentro da sua prpria empresa como programador ou preparador de mquinas CNC.Tambm profissionais que trabalham com projetos, no setor processo ou gerentes de manufaturas precisam ter um conhecimento de como se funciona uma mquina CNC, afinal como melhorar os processos de uma empresa sem saber como funciona suas mquinas?Por isso importante perguntarmos agora:Estou preparado caso surja uma vaga de preparador ou programador CNC?Se numa entrevista para processista ou gerente me perguntarem sobre CNC, saberia responder?Pense... Oportunidades Aparecem, por isso esteja preparado.... Afinal conhecimento nunca demais."
Price: 369.99

"Professional Modern Standard Arabic for Beginners" |
"Open a world of possibilities and travel opportunities by learning Arabic. Anyone with the right amount of interest can learn it! This course was developed after extensive research in that area and years of successfully teaching Arabic to non speakers in classrooms in Canada.This course has 14 interactive lectures. In each lecture you will learn reading and writing, speaking and listening skills as well as foundational grammar. So we will work on all language skills simultaneously.Therefore, by the end of this course, you will be able to read and write Arabic, you will have a sea of vocabulary and the basic Arabic grammar. So you'll be able to form sentences correctly and understand basic text.There will also be downloadable worksheets at the end of each lecture so that you can practice what you learn. The worksheets include questions on reading and writing, grammar concepts and listening skill."
Price: 199.99

"VBA na Prtica: Programando um Bot do WhatsApp" |
"Neste curso te ensino a criar um rob para Disparar mensagens no WhatsApp Web totalmente do Zero, cdigo por cdigo, linha a linha, mesmo no tendo conhecimento em VBA!Um disparador de mensagens no WhatsApp Web, que far um link com dados em uma planilha contendo uma lista de contatos e as respectivas mensagens que sero enviadas! E ainda voc pode personalizar as mensagens para cada contato!!!Este curso no visa gerar span, o objetivo criar uma ferramenta para automatizar o envio de mensagens. Verifique as regras do whatsapp para no cair em span."
Price: 39.99

"The Kabbalah of Intimacy" |
"The primordial wisdom of kabbalah is now available to all; transform your love life and relationship with this ancient knowledge. some of the enchanting topics covered in this class are Soul mates and soul connection, Names of god meditation, Tree of life meditation, The four elements, Fear by kabbalah, The sexual/sensual unity, The love tank: fuel your relationship and more."
Price: 74.99

"It's all about Whiskey and Whisky" |
"Do you love making people happy, making friends and being the life of the party? Do you mind people trust you on their best evening's? Do you enjoy knowing how things taste on the palate and don't mind staying up late into in the night? If so then Bar tending is for you. This course will give you an in depth knowledge on spirits which will help you to understand everything that you need to know about Whiskey/ky. Being a knowledgeable bartender is the key point to success and that is what will make your guest come back to you again and again. That's the goal of the course, to give you what you really need to know and prepare you for that all star position."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 le Para Kazann (Srekli Gncel)" |
"Hobi olarak video dzenleme programlar uratnz ve uana kadar kendini tekrarlayan bir ok Premiere Pro eitimi izlediniz. Srekli Programn arayz tantmlar ve sektrde en ok bilinen efektleri yaptnz durdunuz . Gerekten video dzenleme bu muydu? Bu eitim videolarnn iinde klasikleen anlatmlardan uzan srekli video gncellemesi gelen ve size ekstra gelir salayacak bir video serisi ile karnzdaym.2010 ylndan itibaren Profesyonel olarak video kurgu ve dzenleme konularnda altm. Bu sektr hakknda olduka deerli bilgiler edindim. Bu video ieriklerinde de bu bilgileri sizinle paylaacam. Paylam yaparken olduka effaf ve detayl olmaya zen gsteriyorum. Sadece yzeysel Premiere Pro anlatmayp kamera tekniklerinden ve zelliklerinden bunun Premiere pro 'ya etkisinden,kullanlan codec'lerin tiplerine ve yzlerce Premiere Pro Pf noktalarn da bu videolar da bulabileceksiniz.Her video birbirinden bamsz ve videolar ok detayl ilenmekte. Bu balangta ok bilgi yamuruna maruz kalmanz demek ama birtakm eyleri anlamasanz dahi dinleyin daha sonra farkl bir konuda beyniniz bunlar birletirip renme srecinize faydal olacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"AZ-204:Developing Solutions for Azure- Prc Test:UPDATED 2020" |
"Microsoft Azure Developer Associate exam is tougher than compared to Azure Fundamentals. Exam will test your Azure knowledge on all the topics. It's highly recommended to take practice test before taking official exam.This course offers the following features:180 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 3 sets of Azure Developer Practice Tests with 120 UNIQUE questions and a 180-minute time limit for each set.SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest Azure Developer Associate certification exam to help you pass and even ace the Azure exam!DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts.VERY ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from thousands of our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the Azure services and concepts covered in the test.VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of Azure experts is able to address all your issues and COMPREHENSIVELY answer all your questions within 5 business days.CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Azure knowledge areas you need improvement.CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post in the QA section so we can discuss any issues.Prepared by an Microsoft Certified : Azure Developer who has actually passed the actual AZ-204 exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my Azure Certificate)IMPORTANT NOTEThis course - Developing Solutions for MS Azure - Practice Test are not exam dumps and since Microsoft shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds to thousands of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of Azure services and this is what our Microsoft Certified : Azure Developer Associate practice tests are meant to do.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Microsoft Azure AZ-204 Official Exam Outline:Skills Measured:Develop Azure compute solutions (25-30%)Develop for Azure storage (10-15%)Implement Azure security (15-20%)Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions (10-15%)Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services (25-30%)Question type : Multiple choice, Drag and drop question, Yes/no questionTotal Questions: 40-60 QuestionsExam Time: 180 Minutes(3 hrs)Passing Score: 700 out of 1000Free Retake : NoBefore exam: Practise this test until you score 100%, so that you will be confident in the official exam.After exam: Once you are cleared the exam, digital badge and certification will be available in the Microsoft Certification Dashboard.All the Best!"
Price: 39.99

wspvqgre |
"PDF PDFST30AO50301"
Price: 5400.00

"Simulado PSM I Questes e Comentrios em Ingls/Portugus" |
"Esse curso ajuda voc a saber se est pronto para fazer a prova de certificao PSM-I, atravs de um simulado em ingls/portugus, em ingls ou em portugus. Se voc passar nesses simulados, voc pode fazer a prova da Scrum. Isso evita que voc gaste dinheiro desnecessariamente se no estiver pronto."
Price: 39.99

"Lead Generation Course In Hindi/Urdu" |
"In this Knowledgeable course,you will learn Lead Generation Process from Scratch. With the help of this,youll be able to Generate leads easily and quickly. For a limited time, you can enroll in this course. What Included In This Lead Generation CourseLead Generation Techniques from Local Areas.PPC techniques for Lead Generation.How to use Social Media Marketing in Lead generation."
Price: 1280.00

"Complete Forex Trading Course: All You Need to Know" |
"The complete Forex trading course covers everything a trader needs to know to succeed in the market.In this course you will learn how to actually carry out profitable trades with the help of examples and a practical approach to Forex trading. There is indeed a method to the madness that is Forex trading and everyone can learn and get better.You will not only learn theory but also see how to apply that information on the trading station.Here is what you can expect to find in this course:Live trades along with resultsExamples of chart analysisRisk managementThorough explanation of fundamental analysisA demo on how to find information for fundamental analysisTechnical analysis including the use of many indicatorsAll about currency pairsAll background information on the working mechanism of the Forex marketTested and proven psychological tipsResource documents that include bonus informationQuizzes to help you gauge how much youve learntSelf-analysis Guide to help you make important decisions about your Forex accountOnce you have enrolled for this course you will have:Lifetime access to all these resourcesFree access to all future additions in this courseIf these things interest you and you feel you might be able to benefit from them, lets get to work and master Forex trading."
Price: 19.99

"How to Light a Low Budget Music Video" |
"This lighting class was created for beginner to intermediate filmmakers looking to improve their cinematography skills.In this class, I'll walk you through each shot of the music video I made for Jessica Lynn's ""Run To"" which began airing on Country Music Television, Music Choice, and Vevo in June of 2020. You can see the full video here.I'll show you what camera, lenses, and other equipment I used and show you in-depth breakdowns of the lighting schemes for each shot.All the lessons are short, easily digestible, and actionable. After watching this course you'll have the confidence to go out and make a great-looking music video."
Price: 19.99

"English Vinglish By Rita" |
"This course contains vocabulary sessions through root word technique and summary charts along with practice exercises will help you not only to learn new words but also create new words in your daily life that too by very simple methods and Grammar sessions where you will get deep knowledge of all the grammar rules with examples."
Price: 2560.00

"BOLDLY, Read and Write with a Learning Disability - LESSON 1" |
"As a Child and Youth Care Worker with 14 years in Behavioural Neuroscience, I am here to help you bury your frustrations when it comes to the English Language.This resource was created out of 30+ years of both Professional and Personal experiences.It's time to CONNECT your Auditory and Visual circuit commands in your own UNIQUE Learning Process.This enhancement program will get you to the ROOT Causes of any hindrances within your own Verbal and Oral Communication.If you have struggled most of your life, it's NOW time to get on track with this Multi-Sensory Auditory Processing Program.Too many statements may have been said over your life and it's NOW time to invest in yourself and open yourself up to further future success.I'm here to show you the missing links and with the strategies and methods, presented here; you will be guided through this intervention.We are building a foundation of Connection Processing Concepts that are used in both Written-Expression and Oral Communication.You are directed through a series of 9 high-engaging and interactive activities to discover and overcome areas that have been holding you back.This is NOT a phonics program! Rather, it is foundational Language Programming that is set to jar the creativity of the mind.The program is governed to develop your Thinking Processing Skills.It's TIME to properly engineer the mind!It is the missing link from our current educational system.As a Newfoundlander, I believe all learning should be in a highly interactive, engaging, and fun-filled environment. Agree?I really look forward to meeting with you and getting to know you through your responses to our activities.See you on the other side!Many Blessings....Bernadette Waugh CYCW NLP"
Price: 19.99

"PCNSA - Palo Alto Practice tests (111 questions to practice)" |
"A Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PCNSA) can operate Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls to protect networks from cutting edge cyber threats.Benefits PCNSA certification validates your ability to configure the central features of Palo Alto Networks Next Generation Firewall and capability to effectively deploy the firewalls to enable network traffic based on who (User-ID), what (App-ID), and when (Policy), all while ensuring security (Content-ID).Exam formatThe exam, proctored by the third-party testing company Pearson VUE, is for anyone prepared to demonstrate deep understanding of Palo Alto Networks technologies.Prepare for the examPalo Alto Networks offers an abundance of resources to prepare for and pass the PCNSA exam.Take Classroom training courses: Firewall Essentials - EDU-210 or the digital learning options: (EDU-110)Who is this course for?Candidates preparing a PCNSA examCandidates who wants to operate Palo Alto firewalls to protect against common threatsCandidates have finished preparation with study guide or other training course and want to test their knowledge before to pass exam."
Price: 19.99

"MikroTik Para SysAdmins" |
"Esse curso visa abordar conceitos comuns em ambientes corporativos, independente da soluo, de ferramentas de firewall utilizadas. A base acaba tornando-se a mesma para qualquer soluo hoje vigente no mercado. Nesse curso abordaremos conceitos que por vezes, podem gerar alguma dvida, como NAT e DHCP e teremos prticas envolvendo linha de comando tanto em roteadores quanto em servidores linux."
Price: 69.99

"Are You Ready to Start Your Own Preschool?" |
"In this course you will learn the following and have me, Amee Wright, available as your mentor every step of the way. 1- Making the decision to create your own preschool2- Finding a space to hold preschool3- How to obtain a business license4- Early marketing5- Finding a good accountant6-Setting your price7-Learn what parents are looking for8-The importance of self care9-Setting your hours10-Getting supplies on the cheap11-Successful ways of setting up your learning environment12-Creating a daily class schedule"
Price: 24.99

"Cheap CourseHero Unlocks" |
"Go to courseherounlocker (dot) com to download your documents for really cheap! Super fast, super easy. The best way to do your studies, no matter what class or level you're in. Ace your college exams, high school quizzes, or anything else thrown at you during your educational career. Honestly, just win at life. Saves you 95% on what you'd normally pay."
Price: 199.99

"Smartphone Lifechanger - Mit Instagram online Geld verdienen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du mit Instagram Geld verdienen kannst. Was du brauchst ist nur ein Smartphone, WLAN/Internet und das Wissen aus diesem Kurs. Der Kurs ist verstndlich und sehr bersichtlich strukturiert, sodass du dich schnell zurecht finden wirst. Die Videos sind verstndlich und ohne unntigem Bla Bla. Wir starten sehr schnell in die praktische Umsetzung. Du kannst alle Schritte so oft du willst ansehen - als wrdest du mir ber die Schultern schauen. Viel Spa nun mit dem Kurs ""Smartphone Lifechanger"""
Price: 19.99

basictcmcourse1 |
"1 (Anywhere, Anytime, Any Devices)"
Price: 59.99

purple_star_1 |
"1. 2."
Price: 119.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Practice Test" |
"I have created these questions based on Axelos ITIL 4 Foundation course curriculum and with my 13 Years of experience in IT Service Management, I collated all of the questions that will potentially prepare you to pass the exam. I hope this helps to prepare for your ITIL V4 Foundation exam!"
Price: 19.99

"Designing HPE Hybrid IT - Preparatrio para o exame HPE0-S57" |
"Questions for exam HPE-S57Exam DescriptionThis certification validates a successful candidate's ASE level skills to plan, design, recommend, and demonstrate HPE Hybrid IT solutions and deliver a proof-of-concept for a solution.Ideal Candidate For This ExamThe ideal candidate typically has a minimum of three years of design and/or operational experience or equivalent in at least one of the core HPE areas (server, storage, networking) and six months design and/or operational experience or equivalent in other HPE solutions and technologies.Exam ContentsThis exam has 112 questions.Describe, differentiate, and apply industry standard architectures and technologies.Describe the most common industry standard workloads and their characteristics/differentiators as they relate to optimizing for performance and/or availabilityDescribe, contrast and differentiate compute, storage and network architectures and how to select and optimize for specific customer workloadsUnderstand datacenter environmental factorsGather and analyze customer business and technical requirementsIdentify key customer business, technical and system requirements and outcomesIdentify and collect key metrics for infrastructure performanceRecommend and position HPE Hybrid IT products, solutions, tools, and appropriate services for customer use casesIdentify and position key HPE solutions and workload offerings with the key alliance partner ecosystem components to the appropriate customer use caseGiven a customer use case, differentiate and position HPE products for compute elements of the solutionGiven a customer use case, differentiate and position HPE products for storage elements of the solutionGiven a customer use case, differentiate and position HPE products for networking elements of the solutionGiven a customer use case, differentiate and position HPE products for hyper converged elements of the solutionGiven a customer use case, differentiate and position HPE products for software-defined and cloud elements of the solutionGiven a customer use case, differentiate and position HPE offerings for services elements of the solutionDescribe and differentiate tools, RAs, sizers, and github scripts and templates and apply them to the appropriate use caseArchitect and design an HPE solution based on customer needsGiven a set of customer requirements, select the appropriate HPE and 3rd party products and services for the solutionGiven a set of customer requirements, design and architect a solution based on the customer requirementsAnalyze a set of customer requirements and validate that a final solution design meets those requirementsDocument customer intent and solution designIdentify and use the appropriate tools to architect and configure the solutionupdate a proposed solution based on availability, supply constraints, additional or updated requirements, and/or cost.Present and Demonstrate the solution to the customer and advise implementation planningPresent the solution to the customerDescribe the customer adoption and use of the solution"
Price: 39.99

"Composable Infrastructure Integ. Preparatrio exame HPE0-S58" |
"Questions for exam HPE-S58Exam DescriptionThis certification validates a successful candidate's ASE level skills to plan, design, recommend, and demonstrate HPE Hybrid IT solutions and deliver a proof-of-concept for a solution.Ideal Candidate For This ExamThe ideal candidate typically has a minimum of three years of design and/or operational experience or equivalent in at least one of the core HPE areas (server, storage, networking) and six months design and/or operational experience or equivalent in other HPE solutions and technologies.Exam ContentsThis exam has 110 questions.This certification validates candidates ASE level skills integrating HPE Hybrid IT compute solutions. Successful candidates will be able to demonstrate appropriate expertise with planning and implementing integrations of HPE compute solutions within a customer environment.Understand the mainstream HPE enterprise compute product portfolioReview and Validate designs for Compute Solution implementationGiven the architects design, validate the solution is complete and the site is prepared for implementationGiven a scenario, validate the solution design for compatibility with the existing infrastructureGiven a scenario, identify the required components for an implementation planInstall, Configure, and Set Up, HPE Compute SolutionsDescribe installation and start-up procedure for solution componentsDescribe how the advanced configuration of the solution components is performed.Describe how to validate proper solution functionality.Troubleshoot HPE Compute SolutionsGiven a scenario, use the appropriate tools to identify and analyze an issue.Given a scenario with an issue, explain the action plan for resolution.Given a defined issue and action plan, explain the effects and results of the proposed actionsMonitor, Maintain, and Manage SolutionsGiven a customer scenario, identify potential impacts of a changeGiven a customers performance data and solution design, identify the bottleneckGiven a scenario, identify changes in customer compute resource requirements.Using support matrices, evaluate software and firmware compatibilityDescribe methods for modifying configuration of components to meet changing customer requirements"
Price: 54.99

"Mitarbeiterschulung im Datenschutz (einfach erklrt)" |
"Die Teilnehmer lernen die ersten wichtigen Begriffe aus dem Datenschutz.Die neue DSGVO bringt viele Forderungen mit, die Unternehmen und damit die Mitarbeiter umsetzen mssen.Ich erlutere in diesem Kurs die wichtigesten Grundstze und Rechte und welche Rolle dabei der Mitarbeiter spielt.Anhand von konkreten Verhaltensregeln lernen die Teilnehmer, wie sie den Datenschutz an ihrem Arbeitsplatz ganz einfach sicherstellen knnen."
Price: 19.99

"L'Arte del Term Sheet" |
"Il primo corso in italiano sul Term Sheet (genesi, contenuti, negoziazione) e sulle operazioni di venture capital. Imparerete chi sono i principali attori e le motivazioni dei loro comportamenti. Diventerete familiari con le clausole davvero importanti di un Term Sheet: prezzo e controllo. Apprenderete come negoziare in maniera efficace. Il corso per arrivare preparati all'investimento."
Price: 39.99

"WordPress 2020 vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du Wordpress grundlegend kennen und weit in Zukunft, wie Du ganz einfach und ohne Programmierkenntnisse schne Internetseiten erstellen kannst. Mit den Gestaltungstools, Plugins und den entsprechenden Themes begleite ich Dich durch zwei Projekte. Hier bekommst Du viele Anregungen wie Du eine Internetseite zeitgem gestaltest. Natrlich bespreche ich auch Gestaltungsgrundlagen und wie Du eine Internetseite planen kannst. Der Kurs ist fr alle gedacht, die in Zukunft mit Wordpress arbeiten wollen. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich! Nach der Einlernphase wird Dich Wordpress sicher genauso begeistern wie meine Studenten."
Price: 99.99

"NSE5 FortiAnalyzer V6.0" |
"En esta prueba del examen es para el pblico en general, te ayudar para la acreditacin de certificacin NSE5 FortiAnalyzer V6.0, para aquellas personas que an no se sientan preparadas esta prueba les ayudar y les servir como autoevaluacin de qu tan preparado puedes estar para acreditar el examen final."
Price: 19.99

"Apllications of engineering mechanics" |
"All civil and mechanical students , who are willing to gain practical knowledge to solve real life problems by applying the theoretical concepts. The students who are willing to write various competetive can get better understanding to solve the miscellaneous questions appeared in the exams. The students who are willing to understand the concepts in a practical techniques can opt the course for better understanding. The test contains questions from basic level to expert level."
Price: 199.99

"""Making Content"": In nur 52 Minuten zum Content-Profi" |
"*** HINWEIS: Dieser Kurs wird regelmig aktualisiert! ***Was ist ""Making Content?""Bei Crispy Content vermitteln wir mit digitalem Content in allen Formen, Farben und Sprachen zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage. Aus dieser Begeisterung heraus habe ich diesem Thema einen Online-Kurs gewidmet.Fr wen ist ""Making Content"" gedacht?Dieser Online-Kurs ist fr all jene gedacht, die im Arbeitsalltag Content produzieren mssen:in der Unternehmenskommunikation,im Marketing-Team oderin der Vertriebsabteilung.Was ist fr Dich bei ""Making Content"" drin?Dieser Kurs vermittelt Dir innerhalb von 40 Minuten das Praxiswissen, das Dich befhigt, im Alltag ohne Hrden, ohne Schmerzen und ohne Writer's Block wertvollen, fr Deine Zielgruppe relevanten Content zu produzieren. Er soll Dir praktisches, aber auch methodisches Wissen vermitteln, dass Du in Deinem Arbeitsalltag sofort anwenden und weiterentwickeln kannst.Klingt interessant? Dann einfach mit der ersten Lektion starten!Meine MotivationIch freue mich sehr, dass dich das Thema Content genauso interessiert, wie es mich schon seit meiner frhesten Jugend begeistert. Ich beschftige mich schon seit den neunziger Jahren mit dem Thema Content. Schon whrend meines Studiums arbeitete ich in Nachrichtenagenturen, in Online-Redaktionen von Fernsehsendern und sogar bei MTV. Content hat mich schon immer fasziniert und daher war es auch eine logische Schlussfolgerung, dass ich im Jahr 2010 meine eigene Content-Marketing-Agentur mit dem wunderbaren Namen Crispy Content begrndet habe.Bei Crispy Content vermitteln wir mit digitalem Content in allen Formen, Farben und Sprachen zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage. Das ist fr uns auch gleichzeitig die Definition von ""Content Marketing"".Aus dieser Begeisterung heraus habe ich diesem Thema einen Online-Kurs gewidmet. Doch es gibt noch einen weiteren Grund:Die meisten Bcher, Vortrge und Webinare betrachten Content aus einer strategischen Perspektive. Das ist durchaus berechtigt, denn Content ist schlielich eine weiche Whrung, die sich erst durch ihren strategisch geplanten Einsatz in Marketing und Vertrieb in finanziellen Erfolg ummnzen lsst. Eine mindestens genauso groe Herausforderung ist es jedoch, die kopfgeborene Idee von Content in fhlbare Realitt umzusetzen und regelmig, in hoher Qualitt und in groem Volumen anonyme Nutzer in begeisterte Kunden und Fans zu verwandeln. Guter Content kann das, man muss ihn nur herstellen knnen.Was dich nicht erwartetRechne nicht mit der Prsentation von Cases.Du wirst keine spirituellen Botschaften zum Inbound Marketing hren.Du wirst nichts zum Thema SEO-Texten hren (Google wrde uns nie verraten, wie man die Suchmaschine auf's Kreuz legen kann).Du wirst kein Speaker Talk hren.Stattdessen prsentiere ich erprobtes Praxiswissen aus hunderten von Kundenprojekten der letzten Dekade.Der Kurs verfolgt ein groes Ziel: Er soll dich ermchtigen, fr dich und deine Zielgruppe relevanten, wertvollen und konversionsstarken digitalen Content zu erstellen.Die Struktur des KursesDu erhltst zunchst eine kurze Einfhrung in das Thema Content.Danach widmen wir uns der Analyse der Zielgruppe, um sie in eine aussagekrftige Zielgruppen-Persona umzusetzen.Im nchsten Schritt beleuchte ich die verschiedenen Strategien und Taktiken, um fr uns und unsere Zielgruppe passende Inhalte und Themenwelten zu entwickeln.In der darauffolgenden Lektion entwickeln wir fr die Zielgruppen-Persona eine Customer's Journey.In der fnften Lektion lernst du, wie Content geplant un organisiert wird.In der vorletzten Lektion stelle ich den Produktionsprozess vor, mit dessen Hilfe du relevanten, wertvollen und konversionsstarken digitalen Content erstellen kannst.In der Zusammenfassung erhltst du noch einmal einen berblick ber die notwendigen Schritte, um schnell und erfolgreich Content zu erstellen.Das Buch zum KursWenn du mehr Hintergrundwissen aufbauen mchtest, dann lege ich dir nahe, mein im Juli 2019 im Springer Gabler Verlag erschienenes Fachbuch Methodisches Content Marketing zu erwerben. Dort findest du die Inhalte dieses Kurses ausfhrlicher mit umfangreicheren Hintergrundinformationen sowie deren Eingliederung in den gesamten Digital-Marketing-Kanon dargestellt.Mein gesamtes methodisches und in der Praxis getestetes Wissen der letzten Jahre ist darin zusammengefasst. Denn eines ist klar: Auch die kreative Content-Produktion muss sich an ihrem Ergebnis messen lassen und Methoden geben die erforderliche Sicherheit."
Price: 19.99
