"Aprende Linux de Cero 0 A Experto(Anlisis Profundo P1)" |
"Este curso est enfocado a profundizar temas que muchas veces quedan en otros cursos como un aspecto general, pero hay ms detrs de ello, cada tema va a tratar de explicarte lo que hay detrs de esos temas y demostrarlo para que no quede en teora y una simple explicacin general. Linux es un tema muy extenso, por lo que se ha seccionado en tres partes, la primera de ellas y es en la que te encuentras, trataremos temas de redes, manejo de paquetes, permisos, conexiones remotas, transferencia de datos, son temas que te que te ayudarn a desenvolverte, la segunda parte tratar temas que tengan que ver con el control y seguridad del sistema, firewalls y manejo de tecnologas en red, manejo de volumenes en red y la tercera parte tratar sobre los roles del servidor, profundizar con el firewall, manejo de logs, bases de datos, programacin de bash scripts y manejo de la alta disponibilidad. Al finalizar el curso, sers capaz de utilizar cualquier sistema linux gracias a que tendrs las bases profundas de Linux, tambin podrs implementarlo a cualquier entorno de trabajo y te garantiza profundizar el camino de certificaciones LPIC, RHCSA y RHCE"
Price: 420.00

"Modelling a Chess Set in Blender" |
"Do you want a course designed to move you swiftly and easily into modelling techniques which will allow you to start building your own projects and developing your ideas by starting small? A chess set is the perfect way to meet this goal; you will learn how to model each individual piece using different techniques. When you've finished, you'll have an image to show your friends of a chess-board telling a story of your own choosing!Upon enrolment, you receive access to all reference photographs used in the course, completed (and some midway) assets, tutorials going through some of the basic elements of Blender, and a walk-through of a project - the chess board itself. So what are you waiting for? Join me and I'll help you get started..."
Price: 19.99

"Literatura para o ENEM" |
"O Curso de literatura para o ENEM composto por aulas tericas em vdeo, arquivos em PDF com questes das provas anteriores com gabarito e videos com a resoluo das questes. As aulas so curtas e utilizam uma linguagem simples e objetiva, de modo a facilitar ao mximo a compreenso do contedo. As aulas de resoluo de questes trazem questes das provas do ENEM de 2009 a 2019, com todas as opes comentadas para que voc consiga entender porque cada uma delas est certa ou errada. Curso destinado a estudantes de todos os nveis, desde alunos do ensino mdio a adultos que concluiram seus estudos h algum tempo."
Price: 39.99

"Terraform on AWS with Hands-On (July 2020)" |
"In this course you will be learning about the Terraform and deploying infrastructure with the Terraform. Generate and Modify Configuration in Terraform by understanding the attributes, output values, variables and Terraform functions. Understanding and Deploying a Load Balancer using Terraform. Illustrations of Terraform Provisioners and Terraform modules. We will be exploring on of Security Primer in Terraform."
Price: 3200.00

"Autodesk Revit Architecture Essentials" |
" ........"
Price: 54.99

"Agile (evik) 101 - Herkes iin Agile!" |
"Yanlg: Agile sadece yazlmclar iindir.Gerek: Agile, proje olarak adlandrlabilecek tm almalarda uygulanabilir.Agile' renmek, Agile'n kendisi kadar kolay, pratik ve hzl. Agile'la ilgili ilk aamada renmeniz gereken her ey bu kursta fazlasyla var ve iddia ediyorum bu kursun sonunda ilk Agile projenizi kurgulayabilecek ve uygulamaya geirebileceksiniz.nk:Bu kurs, Agile proje ynetimi yaklamnn en nemli kavram ve aralarna hakim olmanz salayacak.Videolar dnda kaynaklar ksmnda bir ok uygulama tasla, kaynak linkleri, klavuz dokmanlar ve mini testler bulacaksnz.Agile projelerini baaryla gerekletirmi, hem de teknik olmayan bir eitmenden kursu dinleyecek ve gerekten Agile'n herkes iin olduunu anlayacaksnz.Bu kursun ok benzerini canl online platformlarda 1 ila 3 saat arasnda bir ka defa verdim. Hatta bu Udemy kursunun ierii, canl eitimlerden aldm geri bildirimlerle daha da zenginleti.te eitime katlan profesyonellerin yorumlar:""Eitmen gayet baarl, bilgilendirici ve eitimde detayl bir ekilde hazrlanmt. Keyifli bir sohbet havasnda geen eitim olduka faydalyd.""mer Ertu / Analisti""Eitimin adna yakr ekilde tam bir Agile101 eitimiydi. Yaln, net, ok gzel zetlenmi ve rneklendirilmi bir ierikti. Anlatm dili samimi ve akcyd. Keyifle dinlediim bir eitim oldu. Farkl eitimlerde yeniden bulumak midi ile. Blent Beye teekkrler.""Serde Didem ahin / HRBP""Eitim tam anlamyla agile proje ynetiminin detaylar ve temellerini ok net anlatyordu. Eitmen ok baarlyd. Eitim benim gibi agile proje ynetimi alannda ilerleyecekler iin tm gereksinimleri karlyordu. PMP sertifikam aldktan sonra hedeflediim bir dier aama olan agile proje ynetimi yetkinliimi arttrma ynnde bu eitimi almak ok verimli oldu. Teekkr ederim.""Hilal Koman Acar""Agile ile ilgili kavramlar ve uygulama haritas kafamda oturdu. Teekkrler""Abide Tekeliolu""Eitim 3 saat olmasna karn akc, samimi, zgn ve Blent in neeli tarz ile bir solukta bir ok bilgiyi renmemizi / hatrlamamza imkan verdi.""Kadir Ceran""Dinleyen grup tarafndan hi bilinmeyen bir konu, en yaln ekilde, sadece 3 saatte nasl aktarlr dediklerinde aklma bu eitim gelecek""Ali Egemen Uar / Ynetici"" balk altnda deerlendirmek gerekirse; lgi uyandran eitim ncesi iletiim ve bilgilendirme dokmanlar, zerinde ok fazla emek verilmi bir ak ve eitim dokman, Eitim srasnda ilgiyi srekli yksek tutan bir eitmen.ok teekkrler Blent Bey!""Sinan Yorgancgil/Danman""Agile felsefesi, prensipleri, Agile manifestosu, ritelleri, Agile ereveleri/teknikleri, Agile aralar, Scrum gibi birok konuya deinildi. ok verimli bir eitim oldu.""Emin MERAL""Bir saat gibi ksa bir srede, elenceli ve bir o kadar verimli, su gibi akan bir eitim oldu. Eitmenimiz Blent Bey'in konuya hakimiyeti ve anlatm tarz olduka baarlyd. Az ve z denilen ey tam olarak bu olsa gerek...""Betl zdemir - SAP Executive""Webinar'de kullanlan sunu, etkili sunu hazrlama tekniklerine ok uygun hazrlanmt. ok ciddi bir emek var. rnekler mthiti ve akt. Blent Bey'e samimi ve bilgilendirici sunumu iin ok teekkr ediyorum.""Dr. M. Emre SEZGN"
Price: 19.99

"8-Steps, Guidance & Tools for Easier Spiritual Awakening" |
"This course from Claire Fay of ASA gives you the 8 Commitments that prepare you for awakening and the challenges of Kundalini awakening specifically. You will learn how to use simple tools to ease your way through, prep your field and clear Karma. Wherever you are in your journey - the very start or later stages - you can benefit from this course and the instructors stories if her personal experiences of awakening and enlightenment"
Price: 19.99

"Chino Mandarn Para Principiantes" |
"En este curso te ensear de la manera en que TODOS deberamos ser enseados.El chino es el idioma del futuro, en este curso te invito a formar parte del futuro liderado por China!De forma dinmica, con ejercicios y quizzes te ayudar a conquistar el Chino Mandarn!nimo y vamos a ello!"
Price: 495.00

"Lithuanian Course For Complete Beginners: Learn The Basics!" |
"USE THE COUPON 'LITHUANIANBEST' AND GET THE BEST OFFER !Lithuanian Course For Complete Beginners: Learn The Basics!Overview:The course is structured for the complete beginners and offers a great explanatory material presented by a native Lithuanian tutor. In very simple steps and easy-to-follow exercises, you will learn the words and phrases you need to communicate with Your Lithuanian friends or colleagues. High-quality basic Lithuanian structures, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation videos are made at an appropriate pace to make it easy to follow and learn the given information without any difficulties!Each subject is explained clearly with examples, making it ideal for beginners.You will also get extras such as quizzes and exercises to download that will make your progress visible quickly.Learn Lithuanian language and achieve your personal and professional goalsIf your partner or relatives speak Lithuanian, learning this language will help you to understand them better and show your respect and love. Your closest ones will be amazed when you try to understand and know the most important Lithuanian words!Knowing the basics of this language can make your visit to Lithuania more enjoyable as you will feel confident and well-prepared to make a good impression on your business partners.This course is great for You if you want to:get strong basics of the Lithuanian language;learn the pronunciation;know many everyday phrases and key expressions for your social interactions;be able to understand better your Lithuanian partner/friends in a short period of time;be confident when traveling to Lithuania for work or holidays;remember the basics of this language(for the advanced learners)"
Price: 19.99

"Power Point Criativo" |
"Aprenda a elaborar slides de maneira mais inovadora e criativa com este curso. Tcnicas pouco exploradas, animadas e bem construdas para uma apresentao fora do trivial. Uso de ferramentas como animaes, efeitos, manipulao de imagens, figuras e formas, interatividade entre textos, objetos e animaes, etc.Importante ter o Power Point instalado no computador ou notebook para acompanhamento prtico. Curso voltado para todos os tipos de pblico, pois todo o contedo explicado de maneira detalhada e passo a passo."
Price: 39.99

"3 Simple Steps to Transformation - Coaching guide" |
"I've met many people in my life that seem content in themselves with what the general consensus would call ""the normal life"". From going to work and dealing with a shit boss, paying that never-ending mortgage and mountain of bills or being in an OK relationship. Many things seem out of reach but we think 'well, that's life and that's how it is'...And what if I tell you that it doesn't have to be that way? What if we could have the things we dream of?Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it will happen from a day to another. It will be a long and challenging journey but just like any good story, it has to start somewhere... So let's start it here!I'm going to give you 3 essential & simple steps to start transforming that life of yours."
Price: 19.99

"Python Basics with Database Connectivity" |
"On this course, you'll go from a complete beginner with no prior programming experience. Even a school students can learn this python basics.. With some advance topics. After finishing this they can do their college projects using this tutorial. Here we learn datatypes, variable rules, control statements, operators, object oriented concepts, regular expressions, mail sending, web page creation and Multi threading using python."
Price: 1280.00

"3DS Max : Interior Design Beginner Course (Hindi)" |
"This course is designed for a complete beginner in HINDI . so no prior experience is needed. on the other hand 3DS Max users can still benefit from this course as we will covering more specific topics in this course such as vray renderer and Post Production with Photoshop.we proceed step by step.Our final project is to build an Interior scene from scratch; from modeling, texturing , rendering , and finally retouch it in Photoshop.Step by step video instructions will teach you advanced Photoshop skills -that will make revolution in your FINAL 3D RENDER QUALITY!Beside lifetime access to professional-quality video lessons, you will also get all the project files Including : 3ds model ,texture image.so why wait? take the course and take your first step in becoming 3d artist or 3d entrepreneur!3 , 3 3 , , , 3 ? 3 "
Price: 19.99

"Formao de Business Partner- RH estrategista" |
"Voc ir aprender a ser um consultor interno de recursos humanos estrategista, mo na massa!!Todo o contedo ser apresentado de forma prtica, voc ser capaz de apoiar os gestores a melhorar os resultados da empresa, fazer com que todos os colaboradores estejam engajados em um nico propsito. Neste treinamento voc ser apresentado a conceitos e ferramentas de gesto avanados.Utilizaremos uma metodologia prtica, dinmica e com uma linguagem atual . Entenderemos juntos aos conceitos que permitam o cenrio atual das empresas, promovendo uma viso crtica sobre as estratgias a serem utilizadas sobre a prtica da consultoria interna de Recursos Humanos.A ideia que voc melhore a gesto da sua empresa e coloque em prtica tudo que ser aprendido, procurando sempre respeitar trs pilares : O momento da empresa, a cultura da empresa e a maturidade do time de lideres. Mas falaremos sobre isso com mais detalhes. O objetivo que voc desenvolva uma viso estratgica e faa a diferena em sua empresa."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda AUTODESK INVENTOR 2020 do zero" |
"Trabalhe com um conjunto completo de ferramentas de engenharia e projetoO software CAD Inventor fornece ferramentas profissionais para projetos mecnicos 3D, documentao e simulao de produtos. Trabalhe de forma eficiente com uma poderosa combinao de recursos de projeto paramtricos, diretos, de forma livre e com base em regrasCompartilhe feedback em tempo hbil com ferramentas de colaborao incorporadasTrabalhe com qualquer pessoa e em qualquer lugar, no importa o software CAD que elas estejam utilizando.Use revises de projeto com base na nuvem para coletar feedback dos principais participantes, onde quer que eles estejam.Siga todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento do produto com um nico modelo de dados."
Price: 39.99

"Treinamento Corporativo - Conduta do Preposto em Audincias" |
"Neste curso voc ter noes sobre a figura do preposto. Qual a melhor forma de escolh-lo. Dicas sobre os passos que a empresa precisa trilhar para escolher um bom preposto. O que o preposto precisa saber para poder representar a empresa em audincias trabalhistas. O que deve e o que no deve fazer o preposto em seu depoimento pessoal. A importncia do comparecimento do preposto em todas as fases da instruo processual."
Price: 54.99

"Leadership for Inquisitive Minds: The Complete Guide" |
"This is an exemplary course that focuses on key characteristics, attributes , cognitive behavior of leadership and also how everyone can possess the necessary skills to develop leadership potential (IT STARTS FROM WITHIN).The course is motivated to educate people that true leadership is not scripted or directed just by knowledge but it actually starts from an individual behavior. The course examines dimensions of leadership styles , concepts, and how you can apply the principles of leadership to everyday life. It addresses communication in problem solving process, leadership skills and management, roles of leadership. It provides in depth knowledge, skills , and understanding of leadership principles and most of all the skills needed become a great leader. "
Price: 19.99

"Get started with Google forms in Tamil" |
"From this course you can learn How to use google form to create Registration forms , Quiz's ,Survey's etc and you can also learn How to link Google form with Google sheets etc. Google Forms is a survey administration app that is included in the Google Drive office suite along with Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides."
Price: 19.99

"Legislacin Alimentaria en Argentina" |
"Vamos a aprender sobre los asuntos regulatorios de Argentina en lo que respecta a alimentos, a travs de los hechos y organismos pioneros en materia alimentaria mundial, luego introducindonos en Argentina y su organizacin jurdica sanitaria, as como tambin desarrollando temas como Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos, Sistemas de Gestin de la Pirmide de Inocuidad Alimentaria y registros como RNE, RNPA, Envases y Transportes."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Travel Writing" |
"The Introduction to Travel Writing course is designed for anyone who wants to start a career as a travel writer. No need to spend hours learning the basics, you can complete the series of lectures, with quizzes, activities and practical exercises along the way - and you'll have built a solid foundation to get you started in your travel writing career.This course will teach you what is good travel writing, you'll learn frameworks for writing and editing travel stories, and you'll discover how to identify opportunities to have your stories published. By the end of the course you will have written and edited your first story, and developed a plan to get it published. You'll be well on your way to starting your new career!"
Price: 24.99

"How to use Vlookup in Excel - A Very simplest tutorial" |
"VLOOKUP is most demanding excel function, We Use VLOOKUP when we need to find things in a table or a range by row.The VLOOKUP function takes three arguments plus an optional fourth argument:1. The value to be compared2. A lookup table, with the values to be compared always in the left column3. The column number of the lookup table where you find the answer4. TRUE or FALSE (which is TRUE by default if omitted)The optional fourth argument requires some explanation. The default value, TRUE, indicates that you are looking for an approximate match; you don't necessarily expect to find your exact lookup value in the lookup table. In this case, the first column of the lookup table must be in ascending order. However, if the fourth argument is FALSE, this indicates that you are looking for an exact match in the first column of the lookup table. In this case, it doesn't matter whether the first column is in ascending order or not. However, the function will return an error if no exact match can be found.Because the VLOOKUP function is often copied down a column, it is usually necessary to make the second argument an absolute reference. The easiest way to do this is to give the lookup table a range name such as Lookup Table, because range names are always treated as absolute references. However, a range name is not absolutely necessary.VLOOKUP have some limitations like you cannot get value from the left side of the table arrayYou cannot get 2nd or 3rd matching rows value, for example if there are 3 sets of each continent in a column and you need to get 3rd row data you cannot get with VLOOKUP.I will teach you how you can get 1st to nth row data, I will teach you how to get data from the left side of lookup array.My name is Abid Maqsood, I have more than 20 years of working experience in different organizations as a Business intelligence expert, I have more than 5 Years of training experience, I am Microsoft certified trainer and I have trained more than 1500 professionals through webinar and online sessions.In this training you will learn most important excel function which will help you to search your required data using single or group of functions."
Price: 19.99

"How to make Beautiful Widgets in Excel for your Dashboard" |
"Are you looking for a training to make your Reports and dashboard more attractive and beautiful?Do you want remarkable appreciation on your reports and dashboard by making beautiful visuals?If yesThen this is right training for youHello and Welcome,My name is Abid Maqsood, I have more than 20 years of working experience in 3 different organizations as a Business intelligence expert, I have more than 5 Years of training experience, I am Microsoft certified trainer and I have trained more than 1500 professionals through webinar and online sessions.Data visualization and reports automation is the basic need of every professional now a days, I bring a very useful training for you. By getting this training you will be able to develop and automate your daily tasks, Reports and dashboards. You will be able to add beautiful visuals in your Excel dashboards.If your Dashboards presentation layer is not attractive, presentable and beautiful, it will lower the value of your dashboard.You can Excel widgets to enhance beauty of your DashboardIn this training I will teach you how to make beautiful Speedometers using scatter chart, using pie and doughnut charts, you will also learn how to draw traffic signals using bubble chart and thermometer using clustered column chart. Making dual color bar chart with conditional formatting is also part of this training"
Price: 24.99

"PHP ( )" |
", . , , . : 1. PHP2. Apache+PHP+MySQL3. PHP4. .5. PHP?6. PHP7. PHP8. PHP9. PHP10. PHP 11. MySQL PHP12. Cookies PHP ."
Price: 19.99

"Quem navega sem bssola, no chega a lugar algum! Voc faz gesto do seu estabelecimento?Aprenda, de forma descontrada e didtica, os principais indicadores para uma loja.Estas aulas destinam-se tanto para:- donos(as) de seus prprios negcios saberem gerir a sua loja;- gerentes e vendedores de uma loja melhorarem sua performance;- sejam lojas grandes ou de uma nica pessoa!Teresa Leite e Patrcia Teixeira acumulam anos de vivncia em vendas e artigos de pesquisa sobre varejo, para voc aprender da melhor forma possvel o que so e como aplicar ferramentas como tquete mdio, turbinadores de fluxo, PA, e mais algumas tcnicas bsicas que, quando aplicadas, aumentaro o seu controle sobre as vendas e ajudaro a apontar um norte para voc navegar nos mares do varejo de forma segura."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Scrum Master Certificacin" |
"En este curso nos brindar la oportunidad de profundizar en el marco de trabajo Scrum, as como en sus componentes; Principios, Aspectosy Procesos, al finalizarlo, tendrs lo necesario para certificarte como Scrum Master mediante ScrumStudy.Una vez que termines el curso, es necesario que nos envis un correo a solicitando tu cuenta para que puedas agendar tu examen. Dicho examen, ser supervisado, consta de 100 preguntas y lo tendrs que terminar en 120 min mximo."
Price: 1995.00

"Curso Dieta Paleo: Passo a passo" |
"A dieta paleo se tornou extremamente popular. Mas certo para todos? Se voc est procurando mais informaes sobre a dieta paleo, ento, voc est no lugar certo!Este curso apresenta os fundamentos da dieta paleo e fornece as informaes e estratgias necessrias para perder gordura corporal indesejada e viver um estilo de vida mais saudvel. Voc sabia que voc pode perder peso enquanto come comidas deliciosas com a dieta Paleo? Voc sabe como? Voc sabia que pessoas que seguem a dieta Paleo no se preocupam em contar calorias? E que elas no comem de 3 em 3 horas? Elas s comem quando esto com fome, o que faz ser impossvel abandonar a dieta.Qualquer pessoa pode usar as estratgias deste curso para transformar seu corpo e sua vida. Voc no precisa ser Ph.D. em nutrio para estar em forma, saudvel e feliz. Comece com a dieta paleo e veja como fcil!"
Price: 69.99

"Behavioral Activation For Men" |
"Boost your masculinity without pills, patches, or painful shots. Increase testosterone in just 2 minutes. Weather your masculinity is fading, or forgotten; underdeveloped, or undiscovered . . . this course can help. Your masculinity is uniquely you. This course promote YOU. Learn how testosterone effects every aspect of your life . . . from the bedroom to the boardroom; from muscle mass to inner workings of the mind."
Price: 19.99

tanaffas_overthinking |
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Online Income Course For 2020 - Thrive Online" |
"Thrive Online is an online video course for anyone wanting the freedom and security that having a flexible and adaptable online skillset or business brings. Inside This Course, You'll learn how to start an Online Career or Business.If you're looking for a new or alternative source of income that is both reliable and flexible then you need to turn to the world on online income. Maybe you've thought about this before but have been wary of potential scams or overwhelmed by the wealth of information online. This course acts as your guide, taking you step by step through the most legitimate ways to earn a part time or full time income from the comfort of your sofa or sun lounger. Each of the online income model included are based on the following criteria: Must be able to work from home and around children if necessaryMust be easy to startLow to no start up costsEasy to learnThe ability to grow and scale into a sizeable full time incomeInside Thrive Online you'll discoverAn overview of over 20 online business modelsThe key elements and income potential of each business modelThe personality profile for each of the business modelsA link to a FREE optional personality quiz to assess your personality profileHow to get started - 7 Steps to Success30 tools and tech that I use to make running my business online easier*How to combine skills and scale your online career or business to bring you multiple streams of income*This course includes links to software tools to optimise your online business. The majority of these are FREE. The paid tools are low cost and offer free trials. This course is for:Anyone who wants to learn about the exciting world of online business in 2020Anyone seeking a new way to supplement or replace their income Anyone looking for a career or to build a business that is flexibleAnyone looking to start working online quickly and affordablyThis course is not for you if you are already familiar with working onlineThis course is not for you if you are looking for detailed training on a specific online income business model but we do have other Udemy courses that cover this. This Course Also Includes Premium Support.(I'll answer your questions within 24 hours)."
Price: 94.99

"Linkedin dall'ottimizzazione profilo alla generazione Lead" |
"Questo corso nasce da una constatazione: Linkedin ad oggi la piattaforma pi efficace per originare prospect.Che tu stia cercando un nuovo impiego o nuovi clienti, questo social supera di ben 277 volte tutti gli altri in possibilit di generare contatti qualificati. Un dato ragguardevole, se si pensa che tale percentuale raggiunge l80% di nuovi lead se il nostro business centrato sul commercio di prodotti/servizi rivolti ad aziende.Eppure, malgrado i 12 milioni di profili, lItalia vede ancora troppo spesso Linkedin utilizzato come un emulo professionale di Facebook o, ancora, una versione digitale del ""Curriculum Vitae"".Questo corso si propone di colmare questo divario.Nelle lezioni che seguono verranno valorizzate, seguendo vere e proprie strategie passo passo, le specificit di Linkedin, col fine di condurti ad una conoscenza completa della piattaforma e delle sue dinamiche di posizionamento personale e di social selling.Il corso vuole, cio, rispondere alle esigenze sia di coloro che stanno iniziando ora, sia di coloro che sono gi presenti con un profilo e una pagina, ma aspirano a scoprire come far fruttare al meglio la propria presenza su Linkedin per fare business.Semplici tutorial seguiranno i principianti mentre saranno oggetto di studio la SEO e lottimizzazione del profilo, la gestione del piano editoriale e la redazione di contenuti performanti, e uno schema di strategia finale che servir per portare i contatti fuori dal mondo digitale.Non dimentichiamoci, infatti, che il vero scopo di Linkedin non rimanere in Linkedin, ma trasformare i rapporti digitali in veri e propri business partner nella vita reale: che si tratti di un cliente, un collaboratore, oppure un nuovo capo."
Price: 49.99

"SAGE 50C CIEL Compta 2019" |
"La formation vido comprenant vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel sage SAGE 50c CIEL Compta 2019 pour bien enregistrer vos oprations comptables. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel avec des cas concrets pour chaque mode de saisie, les traitements comptables de la TVA, lettrage, rapprochement bancaires, chanciers clients et fournisseurs, la comptabilit analytique et budgtaire."
Price: 64.99
