"Learn Co-operative Learning" |
"The Module fetches the learning about the concept of Co-operative means and spectrum. It delivers how and why about the concept in order to make out a wow impression among students through the objectives set towards experiential learning and group activities. It delivers about the implementation of positive interdependence and conceptual learning. It also exhibits the notion towards ownership qualities, peer friendly approach and decision making capabilities in making."
Price: 19.99

"Tm Detaylaryla 'Python Programlama'" |
"HO GELDNZ, Deerli Python Severler !Bu kursta neler reneceiz ?ncelikle sfr dzeyden hatta hi bir programlama bilgisine dahi sahip olmadan Python ile progralama renmek istiyorsanz tam doru adrestesiniz, bu kurs tam size gre !Bu kurs ile ileride eitim serisini ekeceimiz olan Python ile OpenCV programlamann (Grnt leme) temelini oluturacaz,bu sebep ile bu kursta var olan tm eitim serisinin baarl bir ekilde dinlenip, doru ekilde hazmedilmesi gerekmektedir.Sizlere Python ve Frameworkleri hakknda kaliteli ve doru aktarm yapabilmek iin bu eitim serilerini hazrlyoruz...Python programalama dilinin nekadar kuvvetli ve geni alanl olduunun farkna varmak isteyen tm renim adaylarmz iin mkemmel bir kurs peindeyiz, Haydi ! Ne duruyorsunuz sizde bizim aramza katln ! Kursun erii:Kurs boyunca u konular renmeye alacaz.Programlamaya GiriProgramlama dilleri ve PythonDeikenlerVeri TipleriGiri k KomutlarOperatrlerMatematiksel ifadelerin kodlanmasSeimli yaplar(karar yaplar)DnglerFonksiyonlarKarakter dizileri ve String lemleriDzenli ifadelerKurs boyunca u konular renmeye alacaz.Veri YaplarNesne Ynelimli ProgramlamaHatalar ve stisnalarTurtle ile izim(Robotik hareket) uygulamalarGrsel arayz(Gui) tasarmTknter uygulamalar(NOT: Kursumuz gelimekte olup yeni kurs eitim videolar ve kaynaklar zaman ierisinde eklenerek gncellenecektir..)SZLERDEN BEKLENTLERM:Bu kurstaki temel amacmz tm dzeydeki arkadalarmza bireyler katmaktr fakat bizler byle bir amac sizler iin beslerken ltfen sizlerde bizlerin birer insan olduunu zaman zaman hata yapabileceimizi, dil srmeleri, anlatm bozukluklar ile karlaabileceini en nemlisi ortada bir emek olduunu unutmaynz ve yorum ve eletirilerinizi buna uygun slup ile yapnz, bu ders kaytlar olduka zorlu sreler ile ekiliyor zaman zaman telafisi zor olan durumlar yaayabiliyoruz... Bu yzden bu anlay siz deerli Python merakls bilgi ve sayg odakl rencilerimden bekliyorum.Herkese imdiden iyi almalar dilerim, Baarl gnler...Eitmen:Orun Kayra"
Price: 49.99

yogaspiny |
", . , , . ? , , . . . , . , , , , . , . , . , , . ! ? , . , , . 100% , . , , . , , , . , , , , . , , , . , , -. ."
Price: 1799.00

"Curso de Fotografia: Direo de pessoas ensaio fotogrfico" |
"No sabe que pose falar para as pessoas fazerem? J teve branco ou falta de ideia no meio do ensaio? Pensa em vrias fotos maneiras mas na hora no sai nada?Se sua reposta sim para alguma dessas perguntas, ento vem comigo!Se voc est lendo isso aqui porque provavelmente voc tem dificuldade de dirigir pessoas no ensaio ou at mesmo em evento, acertei?Fique de boas pois isso super normal, afinal ningum ensina isso na escola, logo voc no tem essa obrigao e por isso eu fiz esse material, para ajudar voc no processo de criao e organizao, assim voc nunca mais vai ter branco ou ficar sem saber o que fazer na hora de fotografar.Vem comigo que eu vou te mostrar como o processo pode ser simples, independente se voc est comeando agora ou tem tempo.O que voc vai aprender:* Criar seu banco de ideias para inspirao* O que fazer no primeiro contato com o cliente* O que fazer antes mesmo de sair de casa para fotografar* Como se preparar o ensaio* Roteiro* Durao / quantidade de fotos / o que e como entregar as fotos."
Price: 204.99

"PRINCE2 Agile Foundation Practice Exams (2 Exams)" |
"DisclaimerAXELOS Limited is the owner of the PRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile registered trademark. These practice exams are neither endorsed by, nor in partnership, nor affiliated with Axelos. This course may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the course belong solely to the author. This course contains only practice tests and no video lectures.Welcome to PRINCE2 Agile Foundation Practice Exams.This course offers 2 full length practice tests each with 50 Questions. What is PRINCE2 Agile Foundation Certification?The PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certificate is designed to help professionals deliver agile projects by tailoring PRINCE2 with agile delivery techniques and frameworks.How to prepare for the exam?Below are my recommendations:Self-Study PRINCE2 Agile Guide and understand it in depth.Or Attend a course offered by ATOValidate learning with practice tests like this in courseWhy this course?If you are preparing for PRINCE2 Agile Foundation and looking for practice tests, then you are at the right place.This course contains the right mix of difficulty in the questions to simulate the real exam. Every question has been carefully drafted covering all the subject areas of the exam and every question has an explanation.There are 2 practice tests in this course, each with 50 questions.How to purchase the exam voucher?You can purchase the exam voucher via PeopleCert or via an Authorized Training Organization.What to expect in the exam?You need to answer 50 questions in 60 minutes and score 55% to pass the certification. Practice tests in this course will help you prepare for the challenge."
Price: 34.99

"PRINCE2 2017 Foundation Practice Test - 6 Full length exams" |
"DisclaimerAXELOS Limited is the owner of the PRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile registered trademark. These practice exams are neither endorsed by, nor in partnership, nor affiliated with Axelos. This course may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the course belong solely to the author. This course contains only practice tests and no video lectures.Welcome to PRINCE2 2017 Foundation Practice Exams.This course offers 6 full-length practice tests each with 60 Questions. What is PRINCE2 2017 Foundation Certification?The Foundation Level certification introduces the PRINCE2 method and aims to confirm that you know and understand the PRINCE2 method well enough to be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a project management team working within an environment supporting PRINCE2.How to prepare for the exam?Below are my recommendations:Self-Study PRINCE2 Guide and understand itAttend a course offered by Axelos ATO (Optional)Validate learning with practice tests (like this course)Why this course?If you are preparing for PRINCE2 Foundation and looking for practice tests, then you are at the right place.This course contains the right mix of difficulty in the questions to simulate the real exam. Every question has been carefully drafted covering all the subject areas of the exam and every question has an explanation.There are 6 practice tests in this course, each with 60 questions.How to purchase the exam voucher?You can purchase the exam voucher via PeopleCert or via an Authorized Training Organization (ATO).What to expect in the exam?You need to answer 60 questions in 60 minutes and score 55% to pass the certification. Practice tests in this course will help you prepare for the challenge.This course is designed exactly based on the below outcomes prescribed by Axelos.Learning outcome 1: Understand key concepts relating to projects and PRINCE2 - 5 QuestionsLearning outcome 2: Understand how the PRINCE2 principles underpin the PRINCE2 method - 8 QuestionsLearning outcome 3: Understand the PRINCE2 themes and how they are applied throughout the project - 31 QuestionsLearning outcome 4: Understand the PRINCE2 processes and how they are carried out throughout the project - 16 Questions"
Price: 39.99

Filmora |
"YouTuber OK"
Price: 9600.00

"Excel Dashboard" |
"Curso Dashboard no Microsoft Excel - Aprenda a construir Dashboard's alinhado as expectativas dos seus gestores em vdeo aulas com passo a passo de exemplo de case real de modelo de negcio.Nesse curso online vamos abordar desde a Analise da Base de Dados at a finalizao do 7 Dashboard's para apresentao dos principais indicadores de um case de negcio real. No decorrer do curso voc ir aprender os 6 Passos para o desenvolvimento de Dashboard's campeo alinhado com as informaes mais relevantes para o dono do negcios:Durante o curso vamos praticar bem sobre os 6 passos abaixo:Passo 1 - Analisar uma Base de Dados e identificador os principais indicadores relevantes sobre ela; Passo 2 - Escolher o melhor Grfico para representar os indicadores escolhidos no Passo 1; Passo 3 - Elaborao de Rascunho de como o Dashbord dever ser construdo;Passo 4 - Desenvolvimento de Tabelas Auxiliares para pilotar os Grficos eleitos.Passo 5 - Construo do Dashboard;Passo 6 - Testando o Dashboard construdo;- Aulas ESPECIAIS para auxiliar na construo de seus Dashboard's sobre Frmulas SOMASE; SOMASES; MAIOR; MENOR; NDICE + CORRESP e muito mais.Alm desses passos voc tambm ir aprender a importncia da criao de palheta de cores para seus Dashboard's.Espero que gostem do curso. Vejo vocs nas aulas.Bons estudos.Danilo Gomes."
Price: 39.99

"MS Project 2016" |
"Course ContentIntroduction of MS ProjectBars ExplanationDynamic Ribbon ElementsGetting helpToolbar CustomizationRibbon CustomizationTimeline and Gantt Chart ViewResource Sheet and Resource Usage ExplanationTask UsageSetting Properties for ProjectNetwork Diagram ViewDate CustomizationSchedule CustomizationCalendar SettingAssigning Calendar to TaskLinking TaskColumn CustomizationTotal Length of ProjectLinking Task or Applying RelationshipLag and Lead TimeBars CustomizationIdentifying Critical ActivitiesChanging time scalePrint SetupUsing MS Excel in MS ProjectAdding Indicator ColumnCreating WBS, WBS CodesMilestonesConstraints ExplanationSetting DeadlinesWorking on ResourceSetting Up Currency, Costing UnitResource Assignment UnitsResource DictionaryTask TypesCost ControllingEffort Driven SchedulingFixed CostCreating CurvesTable CustomizationGrouping and Sorting, FilteringWork Contour, Customizing ViewInserting Sub-ProjectRecurring Task, Adding NotesTracking, Baseline, Updating ProgressModifying LegendsReports Customization"
Price: 199.99

"Desarrollo Web con Python - Crea un Blog con Django" |
"Alguna vez has querido crear una aplicacin web pero no sabas por dnde empezar? Has intentado anteriormente aprender Django pero te has cansado de los vdeos incompletos de YouTube y de los tutoriales mal escritos?En mi curso de Django, te guiar a travs del marco web de Django de principio a fin! Soy un programador autodidacta, as que s lo que se siente al empezar de cero. Me importa tu aprendizaje, pero an ms importante... Me preocupo por ti! Qu es Django? Django es un marco de trabajo web de cdigo abierto escrito en Python.Django es un marco de trabajo increble para los desarrolladores web porque proporciona la infraestructura necesaria para los sitios web basados en bases de datos que tienen autenticacin de usuario, administracin de contenido, formularios de contacto, carga de archivos y ms. En lugar de crear todas estas caractersticas desde cero, puedes utilizar el marco de trabajo de Django y utilizar estos componentes que ya estn construidos, y en su lugar concentrar tu tiempo en el desarrollo de tu aplicacin web. Si vas a trabajar con Python, especialmente para aplicaciones web o diseo web, querrs aprender el marco de trabajo Django. Te ahorrar mucho tiempo!"
Price: 199.99

"Dim Mak / lm Dokunuu / Part-2" |
"PART-2Fiyat deiikliini udemy kampanya dahilinde otomatik olarak azaltma yetkisine sahiptir, haliyle fiyat deiiklikleri bizim kontrolmzde deildir.Not: 10.Derste materyal olarak sinir sistemi zerine dokman yklemitir.lm dokunmatik (veya lm-noktal arpc ) Herhangi atfta dv sanatlar vcudun belirli blgelerine hedefleyen lmcl g daha az grnte kullanarak ldrmek iin tannm teknii.Olarak bilinen kavram lo mak ( basitletirilmi ince : ; geleneksel in : ; pinyin : dinmi ; Jyutping : dim 2mak 6 ; anlamyla: ""Basn arter""), alternatif olarak dinxu ( basitletirilmi ince : ; geleneksel in : ) yllara kadar uzanan geleneksel in tbb akupunktur . Kullanm hikayeleri genellikle bulunan Wuxia tarz in dv sanatlarkurgu. in mak saldr teknikleri ile bilginin gizli gvde olarak tasvir edilir basn noktalar ve meridyen , etkisiz hale ya da bazen, bir rakip hemen ya da gecikmeli lmne neden olmak iin bahsedilen. Belirli koullar altnda bilinen basn noktalarna uygulandnda travma orantsz feci sonulara neden olabileceini teyit edilmi olmasna ramen kk bir bilimsel ya da tarihsel kantlar, bir dv sanatlar ""lm dokunarak"" iin vardr. Kommosyo kordis , rnein, kalp durmas yol aan bir kalp at dngs srasnda kritik bir zamanda, dorudan kalp (prekordiyal blge) zerinde blgeye bir darbe sonucu meydana kalp ritminin bir sklkla lmcl bozulma olduunu.Olarak bilinen kavram hurma titreimli in dv sanatlar ile kaynaklanr Neijing baa ( ""dahili"") enerji teknikleri qi enerjive trne kuvveti ( jin kullanlr). Bu ""ksm psiik ve para titreimli bu enerji daha sonra bir dalga haline odakl bir teknikle"" olarak tasvir edilmitir.Fazla g gerektirmeyen zellikle kadnlar iin uygulanan bir eitim sistemidir.Terimi ngilizce eviri Amerikan eksantrik tarafndan ""lm Dokunma"" yannda reklam zaman saysz dv sanatlar, 1960'larda balayan gerekte teknii uygulamak iin iddia Kont Dante .1985 ylnda, bir makale Siyah Kuak dergisinin lm iddia Bruce Lee 1973 ylnda ""diye nce onun yklmasna birka hafta alnan Dim-Mak grevi gecikmi tepki"" neden olmu olabilir. Dier yazarlar da Lee'nin lm nedeniyle (yaklak bir makale yannda ""titreyen palmiye teknii"" ile olabilir sylediler fo Cai li eitmen Wong Doc-Fai ""o lo mak gerekte var yok etkisi) ve yine birka seme retilir kung fu uygulayclar."" A 1986 kitap qi tanmlar dim mak ""gizli zel biri"" olarak kanat chun . Ancak bu husus tespit edilmez Ving Tsun kin kut ve geleneksel uygulayclar Ving Tsun ( wing chun ) konuda hibir duru almak.1990 civarnda, Taika Seiy Oyata tarzn kurdu Ryu-te ""ieren basn noktas mcadele"" ( Kyshojutsu ). 1990'larda, karate eitmeni George Dillman ieren bir stil gelitirdi kyshojutsu , Onu tanmlayan bir terim dim mak . Dillman sonunda gelitirilen sahip olduunu iddia eden kadaryla gitti qi fiziksel temas olmakszn almak saldrlar tabanl ( ""no-touch nakavt"" teknikleri), nc taraf soruturma ayaa vermedi ve sonu hileli olarak suland bir iddia.Ayrca, 1980'lerin srasnda, Erle Montaigue (1949-2011) zerine kitap ve talimat birok video yaynlad dim mak ile Paladin Press. Montaigue ""ilk batl iinde 'Usta' derecesini verilecek olduunu iddia Taijiquan Montaigue kendi hesabna gre 1985 Master Wang Xin-Wu tarafndan verilen,"" lo mak geleneksel eski Yang stili bir yndr Taji Quan hangi o mays aynda len an Yiu-chun denilen bir ustadan 1978 ylnda renmeye balad iddia ediyor. Montaigue bu adam dorulamak iin onun varl zorlatrr yasad gmen olduunu belirtti. Erle sonradan kalan ""renilmi qi ait -disruptive"" formlarn wudang shan 1995 Paladin Basnda Liang Shih-kan gelen konusuyla ilgili dier balklar vardr dim mak bir ile (2002) Kelly (2001) ve Walker ve Bauer dahil, her iki Montaigue tarafndanDim mak bir tr haline gelmitir kamp dv sanatlar filmlerinin tr dnda da tannan bir popler kltr esi. Gelen Thomas Pynchon'n 'n roman Vineland , nclerinden kullanld bir yl sonra rakibi ldrr 'titreyen Palmiye lm dokunun' kullanr. TV dizisi olarak Quincy, ME , ""lm Dokunu"" balkl 1977 blm olan esrarengiz lm bir sonucu olduu tespit edilmitir Bir sava sanatlar film yldz zellikleri lo mak on gn nce kendisine kar saldr. ngiliz dizileri kurun karakteri Gangsters (1978) o dokunulduunda sonra lm drt gn meydana gelen benzer bir saldry kullanarak ie katil 'Beyaz eytan' tarafndan ldrld. Dan Brown 'n roman Inferno 'Dim Mak' olarak tekniini aklayan bileindeki bask yaparak bir koruma faaliyeti engelleyen bir karakter gstermektedir. Komedi filmde Kei Stare Erkekler , George Clooney 'nin karakteri onsekiz yl yaklak bir durumda"" Death, ileride bilinmeyen bir noktasnda lme neden olan bir 'hafif musluu' Touch ile vurulmu iddia sonra"".Gelen Uzay Yolu evrenin Vulcan sinir tutam sklkla hedef bilinsiz hale getirilmesi iin bir basn noktasna basn uygulanmas iin bir ldrc olmayan bir yntem olarak kullanlmaktadr.Gelen Doktor , nc Doktor eitli vesilelerle Venusian aikido ustas olarak kendini tanmlayan, onu Vulcan sinir tutam benzer bir ekilde rakiplerini hareketsiz salayan yumruk yumrua mcadele onun esiz formuna tekabl etmektedir. Cisimlemelerinden Doktor sadece baz yan rn materyal aka Venusian aikido geldiinin sonradan Doktorlarn sava becerilerini tanmlar ramen, el-gse muharebe uzmanlk deien derecelerde gstermitir.In Kung Fu Panda film serisi, Po tarafndan kullanlan Wuxi parmak tutuu teknii Dim Mak eklidir. Ayn ekilde, cani Tai Long ve akl hocas Ugvey hem rakibi fel etmek Sinir grev saldr kullanr.In Avatar serisi, Ty Lee Dim Mak eklidir iinde Ki-Engelleme denilen kullanlan Last Airbender: Avatar . Kavga stili tekrar sokulur Korra Efsanesi Equalists birincil mcadele tarz olarak."
Price: 99.99

"Master Selenium Automation Testing Basic to Advanced Level" |
"Over the last decade, the Selenium automation tool has gained a lot of popularity in the automation testing world due to its unique features like - Multiple operating support, multiple language support, multiple browsers support, open-source, and community support.MNCs to Startups all big and large organizations are investing a lot in automation testing which has raised the demand of automation experts. Almost all job openings of software testing in any part of the world do ask for Selenium expertise.This course is created keeping the current automation testing situation of the world in mind. The course curriculum is structured in an order that you will --Selenium automation tool as a subject,Testing Framework - TestNG,Design Patterns to write effective code,Industry Standard automation frameworks built from scratch,Integration with tools like Maven (Build management tool), Git (Code repository),Integration with CI/CD (Jenkins)Multiple quizzes added in the course to help you learn and understand the concepts better.Multiple assignments that will help you implement your learnings with real-time examples.We will keep updating the course for our students with new assignments and topics that enhance your implementation skills.My decade of experience of implementing automation in real-time projects and experience in teaching over 2000 students from all parts of the world in LIVE classes is used while creating this course for you. I know what students are looking for and what should be the IDEAL PACE for them to learn."
Price: 159.99

"Pemrograman Kotlin untuk Pemula: dari Nol Sampai Gol!" |
"Jadilah programmer KOTLIN dan kuasai salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang paling MELEJIT di seluruh dunia!Anda harus buktikan sendiri! Video ini adalah online course yang paling lengkap, to-the point, dan mudah dipahami untuk bahasa pemrograman Kotlin di Udemy! Semua penjelasan disampaikan dalam Bahasa INDONESIA. Tidak memandang apakah Anda belum pernah mempelajari bahasa pemrograman apapun sebelumnya, atau sudah mengetahui berbagai macam sintaks dasar, atau ingin mempelajari fitur-fitur canggih Kotlin, video course ini dirancang tentu saja untuk Anda! Dalam kursus ini, kami akan mengajari Anda pemrograman Kotlin secara efektif dan singkat, tepat, serta jelas!Dilengkapi dengan berjam-jam video course, latihan coding, dan artikel, kursus komprehensif ini tidak membutuhkan pengalaman apapun! Bahkan Anda bisa mengoperasikannya menggunakan MS Windows. Video course ini akan mengajarkan Anda Kotlin secara praktis dengan setiap bab dilengkapi screencast yang mengajarkan sintaks, fungsi, dan aturan pemrograman lengkap dan penjelasan-penjelasan yang menarik! Tunggu apa lagi, ayo belajarlah dengan cara yang terbaik untuk Anda!Kami akan memulainya dengan pembahasan kode sederhana Kotlin. Lantas, kami akan membantu Anda menginstal Kotlin di komputer Anda serta beranjak ke topik-topik yang lebih spesifik. Anda akan mendapatkan akses seumur hidup ke seluruh materi di dalam video course ini dari awal hingga tuntas!Video course ini dilengkapi dengan jaminan uang kembali 30 hari! Jika Anda tidak puas dengan cara penyampaian atau isi materi, Anda akan mendapatkan uang Anda kembali. UTUH! Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Pelajari Kotlin dengan cara termudah yang akan meningkatkan karir dan menambah pengetahuan Anda, semuanya dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan praktis!"
Price: 280000.00

"Crash course: Basics of Accounting and Finance" |
"This is a simple and basic crash course for the individuals who come with no Accounting background, or those who want to refresh what they have learnt in their colleges or universities. Not only that, it is also beneficial for the ones who are willing to build their career in Accounting and Finance OR would want to understand their businesses in order to improve their decision making skills in under an hour.**Remember**Finance is the language of a business, without knowing the language; it would be nearly impossible for us to understand a business and what stays behind the numbers.In this course you'll be learning;Basic Finance terminology.What Debit and Credit is, and its rule. (bookkeeping system)Preparation of Ledger Accounts & Trial balances.Understanding of Financial Statements. This course includes;1.Video recorded lectures.2.Completion Certificate.3.Life time access to the course and material."
Price: 69.99

"CompTIA Server+ (SK0-004) Practice Tests 2020 - 500 Qs" |
"We will prepare you for what it is like to take the real certification exam SK0-004. We're providing 5 full-length realistic practice exams (60 Questions each) with 500 unique questions and each of which is timed at 90 minutes, we have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives, so you can take and pass the actual certification Exam with confidence! We will put to the test your knowledge in architecture, administration, storage, security, networking, troubleshooting as well as disaster recovery.Each time you take a test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizing!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. CompTIA Server+ certified candidates can work in any environment because it is the only vendor-neutral certification covering the major server platforms. It is the only industry certification that covers the latest server technologies including virtualization, security and network-attached storage. Average CompTIA Server+ Certification Salary: $82,000 (comptia[dot]org)Our exams are constantly updated to ensure they stay current and up-to-date with the latest release of the exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!""CompTIA Security+"" is a registered trademark of CompTIA and this exams are not licensed, endorsed or affiliated with CompTIA in any way."
Price: 19.99

"MCSA Windows Server 2012 Certification Practice Exams 2020" |
"These 70-410, 70-411 & 70-412 Practice Certification Exams provide you with realistic test questions, detailed explanations and proper references to Microsoft official documentation for you to refer and deep dive.We will prepare you for what it is like to take real certification exam. We're providing 6 full-length practice exams (60 Questions each) with 360 unique questions and each of which is timed at 120 minutes, we have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives, so you can take and pass the actual certification Exam with confidence! Each time you take a test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizing!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 70% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Our exams test the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. Passing this exams validates your ability to :Implement and configure Windows Server 2012 core services, such as Active Directory and the networking services. Implement, manage, maintain, and provision services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment.Average MCSA Certification Salary: $75,067 (payscale[dot]com)Our exams are constantly updated to ensure they stay current and up-to-date with the latest release of the exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"CEO - Liderana e Desafio" |
"O Curso CEO Liderana e Desafio destinado quem ocupa ou vai ocupar o cargo de CEO dentro de uma startup, empresa e corporao. Aqui voc ter breves lies que iro ajudar estimular o pensamento e a criatividade, apontando para ferramentas e apps atuais. Fale conosco tambm por nossas mdias sociais."
Price: 54.99

"HTML,CSS ve Bootstrap ile Web Projeleri" |
"Html,css ve bootstrap ile responsive tasarmlar da dahil olmak zere birlikte pek ok internet sitesi gelitireceiz.Blmlerin her biri ayrntl ekilde anlatlm olup ksm ksm anlatld iin daha rahat anlalmaktadr.Kursa kayt olmadan nce ltfen gereksinimler ksmna gz atnz.Derste kodlar aklansa da temel seviye de html vs css bilgisi gerekmektedir.Kursun ilerleyiinde herhangi bir sorunla karlarsanz tarafma email veya soru-cavap ksmndan 7/24 ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Manufacturing Mastery with Production Planning & Control" |
"Imp: This course comes with resource handouts, working templates, preview videos, practice test and 30 days money back guarantee ! Production Planning and Control are composed of 3 distinct words,Production- Produce a final end tangible product from raw materials using any conversion process.Planning- Preparing the resources, such as finances, machine and manpower for the future eventsControl- Controlling if the goods and services are being produced according to the plan.So combining these individual meanings we can define production planning and control as a process to make optimum utilization of time, resources (plant facilities, manpower, raw materials) in order to get the desired quality and quantity of the product in the desired or competitive price at the right time.Snapshot of what we learn in the course...Production Planning and Types of PlanningForecasting demands of goods to be produced (includes downloadable excel templates for forecasting demands)Different Types of Production Layout (Includes info-graphic downloadable file)Planning for the Material flow inside the production premises (Includes info-graphic downloadable file)Plant Capacity Planning and Planning for the machine requirements (includes downloadable excel templates)Finding the best Operating ConditionsTheory of Constraints and identifying the bottlenecks in production (Includes info-graphic downloadable file)Understanding the customers' requirements through House of Quality (includes downloadable excel templates)Brainstorming and using affiliate diagrams for making necessary planning decisions Materials Requirement Planning (MRP), Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)Mapping the production activity with Value Stream Maps (includes downloadable excel templates)Identifying different types of wastes in the production processDifferent lean tools used in Production Planning and ControlSnapshot of extra resources you get with the course...Lecture notes as pdf on 'Introduction to Production Planning and Control'Practice test to let you test your learningQuizzes and Simulated Case StudiesMore than 10 info-graphic pdf and excel templatesHands on help from the instructor through direct message and Q & A forums for any confusions.Please watch the free preview video and course curriculum to get more information on the course.Learn basics of Operation Management, Project and product Management for Industries, Lean manufacturing & Product Management with Production Planning & Control'There is a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee' if you aren't satisfied with the course at any point. I am waiting to welcome to inside the course !Thank youInstructor"
Price: 29.99

"The Power Of Positive Thinking" |
"How To Level Up In Life SimplyBy Changing The Way You ThinkDiscover The Proven & Powerful Mindset Secrets That Highly-SuccessfulPeople use To Dominate Every Area of Their Life... YES! I WANT TO TRANSFORM MY LIFE NOW!Dear friend,If you are struggling to reach your goals, NOT happy with your life right now, and you believe that you deserve to a better life then this could be the best thing youll ever come across in a while.The reason why you are nowhere near your goals is that you havent mastered this powerful way of thinking just yet.This is what differentiates winners from losers. As soon as you install this way of thinking into your mind, I can assure you that your life will no longer be the same:You will lead a happier, fulfilled, and satisfying lifeYou will crush all your goalsYou will dominate every aspect of your life, both personal & professional.You will gain an unfair advantage over any of your competitorsAnd that part of your life that you need to manage is = Your Mindset.Change Your Thoughts, And You Change Your World. - Norman Vincent PealeI can totally understand if you think that the idea of shifting the way you think will change your life sound too simple & silly...But the truth is, all success starts with how you think. No tools, apps or strategies will work if you have a poor mindset.Your thoughts will affect the way you ACT on your goals. Your thoughts will give you the confidence you need to dominate your life.This is why adjusting your mindset can help you achieve the success that you desire.But, the real question is... what if youve already tried to be positive, and still, nothing happens?This is why you need to pay attention to this page, because...Positive Thinking Itself Is Not Enough!Today, you are going to discover how to develop the winning mindset, so that you can achieve anything your want in life!What you are about to discover are the strategies that I personally used & learned from the Worlds TOP Achievers to emulate their successes.These strategies are the reason why I am able to achieve the impossible, while enjoy a happier and fulfilled life.With these strategies, I can assure you that you too can achieve everything you craved for. Your frustration ends here.IntroducingThe Power Of Positive ThinkingYour Ultimate Guide In Finding Success and Happiness in Life""The Power Of Positive Thinking"" is the ultimate blueprint for people who want to progress further in life with a simple mindset switch. Positive thinking & relentless optimism in any circumstance are the secrets to living a happy, fulfilled and more successful life This is what this life-changing blueprint is all about.You will discover everything you need to know about Power Of Positive Thinking Proven & powerful strategies of the elites use to mould their winning mindset, the benefits of adopting a positive mindset, simple step-by-step action plan to train your mind to think positive in bad situations, how to develop your thinking systems for success and much more waiting to be revealed inside this blueprint.If you want to unleash your full potential in life and create your own success story... then this is the ultimate success blueprint you have been looking for.Here are the things you will discover in this transformational program:How Positive Thinking is proven by psychological studies to help people lead a happier & better quality lifeHow to handle every obstacle that life throws at you with relentless positivity that will yield best results8 reasons why you should embrace a positive mindsetThe scientific explanation of how being positive helps you cope with stress, boost your immunity system & improve your health.Are you suffering from the BLUE symptoms? (Find out in Chapter 3)How your thoughts drive the way you feel about yourself and your actions6 tips to build your mental muscles with positive thoughtsHow to find out if you are a positive or negative thinker? Check out the 4 characteristics of positive thinker revealed in Chapter 6ONE simple trick to flip negative thoughts into something positiveWhy it is important to use positive language instead of negative onesHow to develop your personalized system for thinking, planning, and innovating which are crucial to bringing you closer to your goals8 simple steps to wire your mind to focus on the positiveThis is the Golden Key for those who want to:Achieve all the goals they want in lifeLive their own success storyLevel-up the playing field in their personal & professional livesLead a happier, fulfilled, and extraordinary lifeDevelop the positive mentality of highly successful people and emulate their successesBe highly-motivated to live with purpose every single day no matter whatEliminate all fears and negative thoughtsBe more courageous to try and experience new thingsSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 184.99

"Secretos Del Perro Pastor Alemn: Cuidados y Adiestramiento" |
"Conoce ms acerca del Perro Pastor Alemn. En este curso Secretos Del Perro Pastor Alemn te mostraremos como se adiestra a tu canino, sus cuidados de salud, enfermedades, alimentacin y el entrenamiento que debe tener para que puedas comprenderlo mejor y mejorar tu relacin con el. Para ello dispondras de 14 clases (casi 2 horas de curso), en donde veremos todo lo que debemos saber antes de tener un perro o perros de pastor alemn.Paso a paso y de forma progresiva aprenders a entender mejor a tu perro pastor alemn (cachorro y adulto) y sabrs todo lo que necesario para poder cuidarlo yadriestrarlo mejor asi comprenderas ms sus emociones y como relacionarte con el. No es necesario que tengas conocimientos previos ni que seas un profesional del mundo animal, el curso est diseado para empezar desde cero y que sea cual sea tu nivel puedas obtener aprovechamiento.Veamos el termario del curso.Curso Pastor AlemnClase 1. IntroduccinClase 2. Pastor Alemn como mascota: Actividad y recomendacionesClase 3. Relacin con la familia y los niosClase 4. Gastos a tener en cuentaClase 5. Cuidados de tu casa antes de la llegada de un Pastor AlemnClase 6. Primeros auxilios y kit de emergenciaClase 7. Entendiendo a los cachorros de Pastor AlemnClase 8. Como alimentar a tu cachorro, a un perro adulto y la importancia del aguaClase 9. Visita al veterinario / Nombramos algunas enfermedadesClase 10. Comportamiento indeseado: LadridosClase 11. Entrenamiento bsico de tu Pastor AlemnClase 12. Entrenamiento de tu Pastor Alemn: Enseale a venirClase 13. Entrenamiento de tu Pastor Alemn: Enseale a recuperarClase 14. Entrenamiento de tu Pastor Alemn: Enseale a nadarA que esperas? Adelante!"
Price: 19.99

"Como Criar um Blog Lucrativo que gera Autoridade" |
"Aprenda as principais tcnicas que os grandes blogueiros usam para manter os blog, veja de perto algumas tcnicas que te fazem ter resultado. Junto das tcnicas voc tambm aprender como gerar uma renda extra com ele, tambm criar autoridade em determinado pblico, se transformando em uma referencia no nicho.Fique tranquilo com o que voc vai aprender, voc ter toda assistncia do nosso suporte, alm de um grupo exclusivo de alunos, trazendo um network de pessoas que esto seguindo o mesmo caminho que voc.Muitos blogueiros entram em uma disputa sem sentido algum entre eles, pois os blog tem sua caractersticas e no necessrio enfrentar a ""concorrncia"", voc aprender como voc vai lidar com todos problemas que surgirem para manter seu blog."
Price: 99.99

"YouTube -" |
""" "" - , , . "" YouTube - "" , , - ! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 199.99

"Build chatbots for Android using Dialogflow,Android studio" |
"RequirementsYou should have some basic knowledge of Android App Development using JavaDescriptionIf you have basic knowledge of Android Development and want to build chatbots and smart Android Apps for Android you are at the right place.Welcome to the most comprehensive course for developing chatbots and building a Virtual Assistant for Android. Learn concepts, tools, and techniques that you will need to build fully functional chatbots for Android Devices. After completing this course you will be able to build chatbots for Android and add chatbots inside existing Android Applications. Apart from that, you will have your very own Assistant.Curriculum:In this course, we will build our very own Assistant and chatbots for Android using Dialogflow and Android Studio. We will start by looking at Dialogflow API and the features it provides. Then we will build our first chatbot for Android using Dialogflow and Android studio. After that, we will learn about the different components of Dialogflow and build different chatbots. Our Assistant will be a combination of these small different chatbots.We will firstly name our Assistant than we will build different chatbots and add them inside our Assistant. We will build chatbots forTelling JokesDoing Websearch for usLaunching Application and GamesSending SMSMaking CallsTranslating text Answering common questionsOpening Maps and starting Navigationsand much moreFor each feature of our Assistant, we will build a chatbot and add it inside our Assistant. For each chatbot we will firstly train our Dialogflow agent then we will write the code to implement that feature in Android using Android studio.This course features an ever-evolving project-based curriculum that will see new sections, case studies, and examples being added on a regular basis. This is critical because this technology space is growing by leaps & bounds and consequently this course aims to keep up with the pace. All of this comes with personalized help, hand-holding, and support.And even before reaching the end of the course, you will be able to build your very own Personal Assistant for Android which contains features of different chatbots. We will also explore prebuilt chatbots and customize them and add them inside our Android Assistant. Almost all industries, ranging from entertainment, medicine, hospitality, performing arts, banking, aviation, and more are already eyeing the chatbot space to enhance customer engagement for business and marketing.The bottom line is - we're at a stage in the evolution of chatbots where mobile apps were back in 2007 when Apple announced the first iPhone.Grab the opportunity today.Join me, as we understand, design, and build our own Android Assistant and chatbots."
Price: 104.99

"Linux for Cloud & DevOps Engineers" |
"As you all know in the current IT market Linux became a pre-request to learn most of the trending technologies. IT industry also uses Linux as there base Operating System in the majority cases. Hence this course helps you to understand how Linux works from basics. Once you learn complete this course you can able to Fulfill your regular tasks on the Linux server Easily start learning most of the trending technologies like AWS, Azure, GCP, DevOps, Python, BigData, DataScience, etc.."
Price: 19.99

"Joomla 3 - Crie Sites Dinmicos e Responsivos do Zero (2020)" |
"Aprenda na Prtica a criar um site dinmico completo utilizando o CMS Joomla!Neste curso voc aprender a Instalar, configurar, Personalizar e criar seu site diretamente na plataforma do Joomla, alm de conhecer as principais funcionalidades deste premiado Gerenciador de Contedo. uma plataforma de desenvolvimento web leve, gratuita e cheia de recursos.O Joomla um dos CMSs de cdigo aberto mais populares do Mundo. um sistema de gerenciamento de contedo gratuito e de cdigo aberto (CMS) para publicao de contedo da web. Ao longo dos anos, o Joomla! ganhou vrios prmios .Com ele voc pode criar sites institucionais, blogs, portais de contedo, e-commerce e praticamente qualquer soluo para desenvolvimento webAlguns tpicos essenciais que o Joomla Permite:Criar sites dinmicos;Desenvolver Blogs;Criar Portais de notciasControle de acesso e permisses de usurios;Criar campos personalizados no cadastro;Configurar Fretes / Formas de entrega.Personalizar sua interface com logotipo e cores da sua empresa;Instalar Extenses que complementam as funcionalidades do site;E Muito mais...Enfim, esta poderosa ferramenta oferece tudo que voc precisa para criar um sistema completo.Este JOOMLA s tem vantagem... T esperando o que!?Inscreva-se Agora!"
Price: 84.99

"MTA 98-364 Practice Exam: Database Fundamentals (2020)" |
"This is the BEST and most RECENT Exam Simulation for Database Fundamentals MTA 98-364 exam by Microsoft.Well structured and organized into the various knowledge areasClear and precise explanations for questions and answers.Covers sufficiently the 5 knowledge areas that are tested in the Exam Will sufficiently prepare anyone wanting to take and pass the Database Fundamentals MTA 98-364 exam"
Price: 300.00

"Deep Dive into Algorithms" |
"An algorithmic paradigm or algorithm design paradigm is a generic model or framework which underlies the design of a class of algorithms. An algorithmic paradigm is an abstraction higher than the notion of an algorithm, just as an algorithm is an abstraction higher than a computer program.How does one calculate the running time of an algorithm?How can we compare two different algorithms?How do we know if an algorithm is `optimal'?"
Price: 12800.00

"Positive Discipline for Children from 0-3" |
"Why Positive Discipline for 0-3 is so important?Research has shown the first 3 years of a child's life can affect his/her whole life. This is the time when the child forms belief about self, others, and the world. And the way a child knows about things, depends on how we treat them. So, how can you build up your connection with a child, and how can you guide them correctly?Cheryl Erwin, Positive Discipline lead trainer, will tell you things you need to know when parenting a child from 0-3!"
Price: 99.99

"Positive Discipline for Working Parents" |
"Working parents are becoming more common in the new era. It means parents are having lesser time with their children, and more challenges are coming between them.Now, the founder of Positive Discipline, Jane Nelsen, is going to use her experiences as a working parents to help you with that. Along with practical methods in Positive Discipline, she's going to help you balance your work and life."
Price: 99.99

"Positive Discipline for Teenagers" |
"When it comes to teenagers, parents often feel headache: they're rebellious, they talk back, they don't quite care about personal hygiene.But most importantly, relationship between a teen and parents may worsen during this time. Parenting a teen seems to be full of challenges.Teenager are actually not that horrible. a lot of changes in their life could be going on for kids during this phase, therefore they're facing a lot of pressure.The most important thing for them is to have be an independent individual, so that they could adjust to the future development of human society, it is in this time that they need the most understanding and support from their parents. In this course, we'll let you know what it means to be in teenage, and how to deal with teenagers, by using Positive Discipline. So that you can build up their characteristics and life skills."
Price: 99.99
