"SSCP : Systems Security Certified Practitioner : Exams 2020" |
"SSCP : Systems Security Certified Practitioner : Exams 2020SSCP certification demonstrates you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure using security best practices, policies and procedures .SSCP Domains include :Domain 1. Access ControlsDomain 2. Security Operations and AdministrationDomain 3. Risk Identification, Monitoring and AnalysisDomain 4. Incident Response and RecoveryDomain 5. CryptographyDomain 6. Network and Communications SecurityDomain 7. Systems and Application SecurityI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking SSCP exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISC SSCP in any way."
Price: 24.99

"Yocto Multiple Choice Questions" |
"Multiple choice questions on the following topicsYocto Project and Poky Overview Yocto Project Overview The Yocto Project lexicon The Poky reference system overview Poky source tree Configuring the build Building an image Recipes Extending a recipebbappend Classes Binary packages BitBake file inclusionsLayers Creating layersBSP Layers Hardware configuration filesBootloader KernelDistro LayersImagesImage typesPackage groupsThe Yocto Project SDKDevtool"
Price: 19.99

"Wedding Planner: come organizzare il matrimonio perfetto" |
"Il corso Event Management & Wedding Planning nasce a partire da un manuale patrocinato dall'Universit di Economia Aziendale di Torino (SAA School of Management) : ""Event Management & Wedding Planning"" - Costruire da zero il proprio Brand (Tecniche di Creative Marketing ed avviamento alla realt imprenditoriale) di Silvia Carlotta Belli - Europa Edizioni - Roma 2017Lobiettivo principale del corso consiste nel formare figure professionali specializzate, in grado di avviare un'attivit in proprio nel campo degli eventi o rappresentare un valido aiuto per realt gi in essere.Il corso si divide in due moduli:Primo modulo: focalizzato a fornire tutte le conoscenze manageriali, burocratiche e di marketing per avviare un'attivit in proprio definendo un'immagine di Brand forte e vincente. Secondo modulo: focalizzato sulla gestione degli eventi dalla A alla Z con una netta distinzione che suddivide gli eventi in eventi aziendali, privati e matrimoni, argomento in cui ci addentreremmo davvero nello specifico.Se Ti stai chiedendo:quali sono i primi passi da muovere?come si definisce la propria tariffa per non risultare fuori mercato?come gestire la questione preventivi (visto che, per la wedding planner, realizzare un preventivo rappresenta il 70% del lavoro da svolgere per un evento) ed evitare che i preventivi inviati si disfino, sempre, in una palla di fumo (o, peggio, finiscano costantemente in mano alla concorrenza)?come abbattere la diffidenza di fondo tra cliente e Wedding Planner e trasmettere la propria unicit?come si sceglie linquadramento fiscale giusto?come bisogna approcciarsi con i collaboratori per instaurare solide collaborazioni?come ci si tutela, verso clienti che non pagano, per non rimetterci (somme da capogiro) di tasca propria?quali sono tutte (ma proprio tutte!) le dinamiche che ruotano attorno al mondo del Wedding?In cosa si differenza l'organizzazione di un evento privato da un matrimonio?E per organizzare un evento aziendale qual il project plan da seguire?Nel corso troverai tutte le risposte a questi dubbi e molto altro ancora!"
Price: 139.99

"Personal Shopper - Bridal Stylist - Consulente di Immagine" |
"Il settore del fashion e del fashion retail sempre pi agguerrito. Sempre pi c' bisogno di figure specializzate che emergano dalla massa per caratteristiche, competenze e professionalit. Il corso pone le basi per accedere a questo mondo fatato, solo apparentemente superficiale, ma - concretamente - molto complesso. Il consulente d'immagine ha il ruolo di guidare i passi del cliente nella definizione di un proprio stile, unico e personale, che ne faccia emergere la pi vera essenza e personalit, facendolo sentire a suo agio e permettendogli di guadagnare maggiore fiducia in s stesso. Il consulente deve saper valorizzare la fisicit del cliente, scegliendo abiti nelle fogge e nei colori pi adatti alla persona che si trova dinnanzi. Questo non facile. Anche perch non si tratta di seguire necessariamente la moda. Il consulente d'immagine dovr, infatti, essere un abile psicologo per riuscire, oltre a valorizzare l'immagine del cliente, farlo sentire a proprio agio nei ""nuovi panni"" in maniera che egli stesso riesca, poi, mantenere il nuovo stile nel tempo, guadagnando un immagine vincente e convincente, utile a spendersi al meglio sia sul lavoro che nella vita privata.Il consulente d'immagine (o style coach), poi, gioca un ruolo interessante sia nel lungo periodo (ovvero nell'accompagnare il cliente attraverso un percorso di restyling del proprio guardaroba) sia nella ricerca di un solo outfit per una specifica occasione d'uso. Il corso si divide, quindi, in 4 parti di cui due sono rivolte alla consulenza di immagine per la vita di tutti i giorni, sia uomo che donna mentre le restanti due aprono le porte al mondo del Wedding, entrando nel vivo di tutto ci che c' da sapere sull'abito da sposa e da sposo."
Price: 104.99

"Batan Sona Youtube Videosu Hazrlama Rehberi" |
"Merhaba, ben Kerim Demir. 2014 Ylndan beri Youtube'da ierik retiyorum. Bu sre zarfnda Youtube ierii hazrlama konusunda kendimi olduka gelitirdim. Bu eitim setinde sizlere az maliyetli ekipmanlar kullanarak nasl kaliteli Youtube videosu hazrlayabileceinizi anlatacam.Videolar sade ve anlalabilir dilde ekilip hazrlanmtr. Kamera asndan tutun video montajna kadar her konuya deindiim eitim seti sizlerle. Eitimlerde grmek zere. :)"
Price: 49.99

"Impara a programmare videogiochi web con Phaser 3" |
"L'arrivo di HTML5 ha cambiato il modo in cui vediamo il web, non solo ci ha fornito strumenti migliori per lo sviluppo di essi, ma ha anche aperto le possibilit di sviluppare applicazioni che vanno oltre come nel caso dei videogiochi. Il vantaggio di realizzare un videogioco in HTML5 che compatibile praticamente con qualsiasi dispositivo che ha un browser e ci che ancora meglio senza la necessit di scaricare o effettuare installazioni aggiuntive. Grazie a questa nuova popolarit, le strutture per lo sviluppo di videogiochi si sono moltiplicate, ognuna con le sue caratteristiche e i suoi vantaggi, questa volta ci concentreremo su Phaser, i motivi sono diversi e possiamo vederli nel seguente elenco:Ha una grande comunit ed attivo.Viene aggiornato periodicamente. gratis da usare.Ha strumenti di fisica che ci semplificano la vita.Quindi, poich vediamo che presenta alcuni vantaggi interessanti, lo installeremo, ma prima vediamo alcuni requisiti richiesti dal framework."
Price: 29.99

"SFDC Admin Certification in 7 Days - Practice Tests" |
"This is Day 2-7 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Administrator in 7-Days challenge. Updated with Winter '20 questions, SFDC Guru's practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam. Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics:Organizational Setup: 3%User Setup: 7%Security and Access: 13%Standard and Custom Objects: 14%Sales and Marketing Applications: 14%Service and Support Applications: 13%Activity Management and Collaboration: 3%Data Management: 10%AnalyticsReports and Dashboards: 10%Workflow/Process Automation: 8%Desktop and Mobile Administration: 3%AppExchange: 2%Note: Day 2-7 requires 4 hours/ day of studying & test taking. NEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam."
Price: 29.99

"SFDC Admin Cert in 7 Days - Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Administrator in 7-Days challenge. In this 24-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Organizational SetupUser SetupSecurity and AccessStandard and Custom ObjectsSales and Marketing ApplicationsService and Support ApplicationsActivity Management and CollaborationData ManagementAnalyticsReports and DashboardsWorkflow/Process AutomationDesktop and Mobile AdministrationAppExchangeOnce you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend 2-3 hours on these in total to get ready for Day 2. Note: Day 1 requires 4 hours of studyingNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of Salesforce Certified Administrator in 7 Days: Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Sharing & Visibility Designer Assessment Sets" |
"If you are on a journey to become a Certified Salesforce Architect, one of the first designer exams is Sharing and Visibility Designer Exam. Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer in 7-Days challenge. In this 15-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Declarative SharingProgrammatic SharingPerformanceOnce you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend 2-3 hours on these in total to get ready for Day 2. Note: Day 1 requires 4 hours of studyingNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Designer Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Designer Practice Tests" |
"This is Day 2-7 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer in 7-Days challenge. Updated with Winter '20 questions, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam. Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics:Declarative SharingProgrammatic SharingPerformanceNEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer Exam."
Price: 49.99

"SFDC Development Lifecycle and Deployment Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Development Lifecycle and Deployment Desiger in 7-Days challenge. In this 16-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Environments: 15%Application Lifecycle Management: 17%Testing: 10%Governance: 17%Risk Identification and Mitigation: 12%Change Sets: 5%Metadata API: 10%Continuous Integration Techniques: 8%Methodology Tools: 3%Understanding Packages: 3%Once you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend 2-3 hours on these in total to get ready for Day 2.NEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of SFDC Development Lifecycle and Deployment Practice Sets."
Price: 19.99

"SFDC Development Lifecycle and Deployment Practice Tests" |
"This is Day 2-7 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer in 7-Days challenge.Updated with Winter '20 questions, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam.Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics:Environments: 15%Application Lifecycle Management: 17%Testing: 10%Governance: 17%Risk Identification and Mitigation: 12%Change Sets: 5%Metadata API: 10%Continuous Integration Techniques: 8%Methodology Tools: 3%Understanding Packages: 3%NEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer Exam."
Price: 49.99

"Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Integration Architecture Designer in 7-Days challenge. In these 14-question assessment sets, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Salesforce Integration Capabilities: 28%Salesforce Integration Patterns: 17%Enterprise Integration Architecture Concepts: 15%Salesforce Integration Testing: 10%Integrating with Salesforce Security: 15%Tools: 10%Monitoring: 5%Once you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend 1 hour on each in total to get ready for Day 2.Note: Day 1 requires 1-7 hours of studyingNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99

"SFDC Data Architecture & Management Designer Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Data Architecture and Management in 7-Days challenge. In this 21-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Organizational SetupUser SetupSecurity and AccessStandard and Custom ObjectsSales and Marketing ApplicationsService and Support ApplicationsActivity Management and CollaborationData ManagementAnalyticsReports and DashboardsWorkflow/Process AutomationDesktop and Mobile AdministrationAppExchangeOnce you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend 1 hour on these for each section above to get ready for Day 2.Note: Day 1 requires 1-10 hours of studyingNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of SFDC Data Architecture and Management Designer Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99

"SFDC Data Architecture & Management Designer Practice Tests" |
"This is Day 2-7 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Data Architecture and Management Designer in 7-Days challenge.Updated with Summer '19 questions, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam.Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics:Data Modeling: 20%Conceptual Design: 15%Master Data Management: 10%Metadata Management: 7%Data Archiving: 10%Data Governance: 7%Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Analytics: 10%Data Migration: 10%Performance Tuning: 11%NEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Certified Architecture and Management Designer Exam."
Price: 49.99

"Salesforce Certified Developer I Practice Tests" |
"This is Day 2-7 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Developer I in 7-Days challenge.Updated with Summer '19 questions, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam.Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics: Salesforce Fundamentals: 10% Data Modeling and Management: 12% Logic and Process Automation: 46% User Interface: 10% Testing: 12% Debug and Deployment Tools: 10%NEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Certified Developer Exam."
Price: 29.99

"SFDC Certified Service Cloud Consultant Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant I in 7-Days challenge. In this 31-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Industry Knowledge: 10%Implementation Strategies: 15%Service Cloud Solution Design: 16%Knowledge Management: 9%Interaction Channels: 10%Case Management: 15%Contact Center Analytics: 5%Integration and Data Management: 5%Service Console: 15%Once you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend about 1 hour on these for each section above to get ready for Day 2.Note: Day 1 requires 1-10 hours of studying depending on your readinessNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of SFDC Certified Service Cloud Consultant Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Practice Tests" |
"This is Day 2-7 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant in 7-Days challenge.Updated with Winter '20 questions, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam.Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics: Industry Knowledge: 7% Implementation Strategies: 12% Sales Cloud Solution Design: 21% Marketing and Leads: 8% Account and Contact Management: 13% Opportunity Management: 13% Sales Productivity: 9% Sales Cloud Analytics: 9% Integration and Data Management: 8%NEXT: Make sure to take the Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Exam."
Price: 29.99

"SFDC Certified Advanced Admin Assessment Sets" |
"Updated with Winter '20 questions! This is Day 1 of becoming a Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator in 7-Days challenge. In this 17-question assessment test, SFDC Guru helps you weigh your skills on:Security and Access: 20%Extending Custom Objects and Applications: 8%Auditing and Monitoring: 6%Sales Cloud Applications: 10%Service Cloud Applications: 10%Data Management: 10%Content Management: 3%Change Management: 10%Analytics, Reports and Dashboards: 10%Process Automation: 13%Once you successfully complete this test, you will be suggested study materials to look into. You need to spend about 1 hour on these for each section above to get ready for Day 2.Note: Day 1 requires 1-10 hours of studying depending on your readinessNEXT: Day 2-7 require purchase of SFDC Certified Service Cloud Consultant Practice Sets"
Price: 19.99

"Field Service Lightning Consultant Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Field Service Lightning Consultant credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Field Service Lightning Consultant exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience implementing Salesforce Service Cloud and Field Service Lightning solutions and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below. Managing Resources: 16%Compare dynamic versus static crews.Determine how and when to set up different resource types.Given a scenario, recommend the appropriate Service Territories and their Members.Explain the relationships between time sheets, timesheet entries, service resources, and Work Orders.Demonstrate how to use skills, skill levels, and time-based skills.Show how to use operating hours for service resources, accounts, work orders, and booking appointments.Distinguish between FSL license types and when to deploy them.Managing Work Orders: 23%Configure Work Order processes, parameters, and Work Types.Given a scenario, choose the appropriate Resource Preferences.Apply Products Required to a Work Order.Analyze how and when to use Work Order Line Items.Illustrate how to configure Work Order Milestones.Given a scenario, recommend the appropriate relationship between Service Appointments, Work Orders, and Work Order Line Items.Managing Scheduling and Optimization: 28%Understand different field service settings for FSL Administrator.Given a scenario, choose the appropriate action to manage a Service Appointment.Given a scenario, apply the appropriate life cycle of a Service Appointment required to execute a Work Order.Decide on the appropriate Schedule Policy to achieve the business requirements.Given a scenario, determine the appropriate option to execute Complex Work in FSL.Explain the difference between a multi-day Service Appointment and a standard Service Appointment.Outline the differences between aerial versus street-level routing.Given a scenario, determine the appropriate dispatch strategy for an organization.Compare different filtering options for the Dispatcher Console.Explain how to set up optimization.Given a scenario, decide the appropriate type of scheduling service to use.Given a scenario, decide the appropriate type of optimization service to use.Understand the usage of Field Service Lightning for DateTime tracking fields.Configuring Mobility: 10%Assess the requirements and tools needed to execute a customer sign-off process.Given a scenario, configure the Field Service app to support key business processes.Distinguish between Field Service Mobile and Salesforce Mobile app capabilities.Understand the available FSL Mobile settings.Managing Inventory: 8%Given business requirements, distinguish the appropriate price book model for products consumed.Given business requirements, justify which define the applicable inventory model.Explain the Return Order object model and process.Managing Assets: 5%Apply procedural concepts to maintain and update assets and asset relationships.Configuring Maintenance Plans: 5%Given a scenario, recommend the appropriate maintenance plan.Permissions and Sharing: 5%Understand use cases for different types of FSL permission sets.Explain how scheduled Service Appointments are shared with service resources.Understand the differences between user territories and service territories."
Price: 39.99

"Abap - Consumindo um Webservice" |
"O curso consiste em mapearmos um WSDL vlido no ambiente ECC e utiliz-lo para criar relatrios no SAP. Obs: No escopo do curso a parte de configurao Basis do ECC.Detalhamento das atividades:01. Obter o Servio Web (WSDL).02. Validar o servio.03. Mapear o WSDL no ECC.04. Configurar a porta lgica utilizada pelo servio via (SOAMANAGER).05. Criar um report para consumirmos o servio e exemplificar o desenvolvimento."
Price: 39.99

"Practice Exams ITIL4 Foundation" |
"These tests are simulations of what the real exam will be like. If you ace these practice tests, you'll be in good shape for the actual exam. Each question has a detailed explanation and links to reference materials to support the answers which ensure accuracy of the problem solutions.The questions will be shuffled each time you repeat the tests so you will need to know why an answer is correct, not just that the correct answer was item ""B"" last time you went through the test.ITIL 4 Foundation candidates should have a good understanding of the following:A holistic approach to the facilitation of co-creation of value with customers and other stakeholders in the form of products and servicesThe guiding principles of ITIL 4The four dimensions of Service ManagementKey concepts from Lean, Agile, DevOps, and why these are important to deliver business valueHow ITIL practices described in ITIL 4 will maintain the value and importance provided by the current ITIL processes, whilst at the same time expand to be integrated to different areas of service management and IT, from demand to value.What's covered in the Practice Tests:The tests will cover all the required modules so that you will be well prepared for the ITIL4 Foundation Exam."
Price: 19.99

"Vastu Intermediate Course (Science Behind Vastu- NEHA PARIK)" |
"Vastu with logical reasoning & 100 % result orientedVastu remedies without demolition and major changesMethods to find the Center of irregular PlotsHow to select the best plot / landSoil testing methods for selecting plots for home/ office/ IndustriesDoor Balancing with explanation and the theory behind itDeeper understanding on interior objects and their relationship with 16 zones (A/c, Heater, Medicine, Store Room, Crockery cabinet, Invertor, Fuse Box & more)"
Price: 7680.00

"1Y0-731 8.0 Citrix Net Scaler Administration Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Scenario: A company has distributed sites and objects spread across multiple network locations and require load balancing should be based on the client's proximity to the site, with minimal configuration. The administrator has to do is to provide GSLB uses the appropriate method of load balancing?a) Enabling and configuring the dynamic approximation based on the global server load balancer.b) Enabling Dynamic Network Proximity to the client access based on the RTT to load balancing virtual server.c) Enable DNS-based view of the static approximation using the expression for the client IP an Advanced extracting and comparing it to the subnet of the site.d) Enable Proximity-based global server load balancing and use database location to indicate the MAC-address for all clients the same place where they need to make the connection.e) NoneQ) Most e-commerce company plans to integrate Net Scaler systems in a networked environment. The company claims that the original client, the IP address is registered in the web server logs. What are two features of Net Scaler can do it?a) USIPb) RNAc) USNIPd) POS-edge ~~ ~~ = TRUNC position of POS = HEAD COMPe) Deposit IP ClientQ) How many unmarked VLAN, the administrator can configure a single interface? a) $1 b) $2.00 c) $16 d) $256 e) $4Q) Scenario: A company deploying NetScaler systems in a network environment with several subnets open to the public Internet and non-routable subnets. The administrator plans to incorporate use. mode and disable the use of subnet IP. Source. IP mode. What are the two IP-address, the administrator can identify the source of the IP-address to connect to back-end servers? a) V.I.P b) MIP c) CUTTING d) NSIP"
Price: 164.99

"Ad Words Google Display Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Your client wants to create a Google AdWords report that will show you how many times ads were shown and the current rate of cost-per-click. What kind of relationship can be created for the customer?a) Conversion Reportingb) Impression ratioc) CTR reportd) statistical reportQ) Ted wants to place an ad in an online game. This is possible with the Google content network?a) Yes, Google AdWords can use in-stream video ads in online games.b) Yes, Google AdWords may include click to play video ads through Google Gadget.c) No, video ads can be inserted in video only.d) No, Google AdWords and YouTube do not address video games.Q) What term is given to the concept of measuring the profit you made from advertising compared to how much you have spent on advertising?a) ROIb) CTRc) stranded costsd) CPMQ) It is the Ad groups tab in your Google AdWords account was opened. That symbol is used to represent ads that were paused in Ad Groups?a) stop button blackb) gray circlesc) Red Xd) gray barsQ) Why is it important for a Google AdWords ad on Google's content network to be marked as safe family?a) So that the ad would not be blocked by Google and Yahoob) To reduce the cost per clickc) So that the images may show up in search resultsd) Many network partners in the Google content only accept family safe ads"
Price: 154.99

"Ad Words Google Reporting & Analysis Advanced Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What reporting of Google Analytics you want to check if you are interested to see the most popular pages on your website?a) E-commerceb) Satisfyc) Web page viewsd) targetsQ) Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between Google and AdWords Quality Score?a) The higher a keyword's Quality Score, the lower the price you pay for each click and the better its ad position.b) The lower a keyword's Quality Score, the lower the price you pay for each click and the better its ad position.c) The higher a keyword's Quality Score, the better your ad position.d) The higher a Quality Score, the higher the price you pay per click and better ad position.Q) When you start working with Google Website Optimizer There are two essential pages you need to identify. What are the two pages?a) Landing page and conversion pageb) Landing page and conversion pagec) test page and the live paged) test page and conversion pageQ) There are three primary objectives for reporting and reviewing reports of Google Analytics according to Google. Which of the following is not a primary goal of using Google Analytics?a) Driving valuable trafficb) Maximize conversions on your websitec) Increase web revenued) By reducing unnecessary costsQ) You have a website that informs readers about your business, offers a registration form for a newsletter, allows for on-line purchase software players, and includes a ""Contact Us"" form so visitors can request additional information. What purpose conversion tracking would be more appropriateyou're your web page ""Contact"" if you wanted to keep track of stats?a) View of a key pageb) Otherc) leadsd) Sign-up"
Price: 64.99

"self help guide to improve your sleep" |
"this course will guide you unique and comprehensive technics to improve your sleep patternssleep is as vital as balance diet or exercise to maintain health.this programme will guide you stress cycle, lack of sleep as a stressor.different psychological term to understand to overcome overflowing your thoughts and being trapped by it. and finally different teqnics to improve your sleep."
Price: 99.99

"ServiceNow Web Application" |
"This is a Single Web page application built 100% in ServiceNow.You can enter any city and retrieve the weather data.As result you will have the summary and the temperature in fahrenheit celsius.Following ServiceNow capabilites and other technologies are used in order to build this Web App.ServiceNow server developement :* Script Include.Third Party API's Integration with Flow Designer:* Outbound REST Message.* Script to Parse Responsebody.Client developement :* Client Script.* UI page* Web Framework - Angular JS.* CSS Framework - Materializecss."
Price: 19.99

"Cryptocurrency Dashboard" |
"In this course you will learn to integrate ServiceNow with Coinranking API, the main focus of this course is articulated on ServiceNow Scripting part.The Integration of the application is an easy step, but we will spend more time on learning to write proper script which will parse and load a big amount of data. Parsing a big data is a challenging one.Later one we will follow a defined process to import all data into our tables.Finally we will create multiple elements using Performance Analytics module as it is a primary step to prepare your data and create your data visualization.Enjoy The Course !"
Price: 19.99

"College Statistics for Math-Anxious Students" |
"College Statistics for Math-Anxious Students: Stress-Free Statistics Learning for Students in the Arts and HumanitiesThese materials will help you master Probability and Statistics and they will test your knowledge with 100+ practice questions and solutions. You can use this curriculum as a stand-alone course or as a supplement to any statistics courses you are currently taking. This course will help you master college statistics.Created by Dr. Laura Roberts, Ph.D.EnglishSyllabusChapter 1 The Purpose of StatisticsChapter 2 Cases, Variables, and QuestionsChapter 3 Frequency Distributions and Visual Displays of DataChapter 4 Measures of Central TendencyChapter 5 Measures of VariabilityChapter 6 The Normal Distribution and Standard ScoresChapter 7 The Bivariate Normal DistributionChapter 8 Regression and PredictionChapter 9 ProbabilityChapter 10 Statistical InferenceChapter 11 Introduction to Hypothesis TestingChapter 12 Estimation Issues and the t DistributionChapter 13 Statistics for Categorical Dependent VariablesChapter 14 Inferences about Correlations and Fishers Z TransformationThe chapters are aligned with those in the following text:Glass, G. V. & Hopkins, K. D. (1996). Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & BaconThis course includes 17+ hours of on-demand video 68+ powerpoint presentations including notes/transcripts Over 100 quiz and exam questions plus answer keys and explanations! 100+ downloadable resources Access on mobile and TVDesigned for non-math majors and non-STEM majors, arts, humanities, liberal arts, EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP STUDENTS, education majors, and nursing students seeking an effective and accessible online Statistics CoursesFor courses that are offered fully online, these materials can be used as a stand-alone statistics curriculum.Alternatively, the materials can be used to supplement any text or coursework students are currently taking.Often, educators want to describe a set of characteristics of a group of people. For example, teachers may want to describe how much time their students spend on homework, or how resilient and empathic their students are, or any number of other characteristics. In this course, educators will learn how to describe characteristics of people in the following ways: suppose an educator could boil down set of numbers to a single number (e.g. how many minutes a typical student spends on homework each night); what would be the best number to represent the typical values? These statistics could be used: mean, median, or mode. Of course, not all students study the same amount each night. So, one may want to know how much students' scores tend to vary around the typical value. These statistics could be used: range, variance, and standard deviation. Suppose an educator wants to show time spent on homework to a parent group. Instead of presenting a long list of numbers and watching the parents eyes glaze over, the educator may want to create visual or graphic ""pictures"" of the numbers (data). These statistical methods could be used: bar graphs, histograms, and scatterplots. With these foundational ideas (typical value, variation around the typical value, visual pictures of the data, educators can then understand and effectively use the following higher level statistics: using a sample mean and standard deviation to estimate a population mean and standard deviation. In other words, using a typical value (such as a mean) and typical variation (such as a standard deviation) of a small group of students to estimate a typical value and typical variation of a large group of students. Think of how much time (and money) an educator can save by gathering data on a small group and using that information to make estimates for a larger group (with a precise degree of confidence). For example, an educator could assess the time spent on homework from a small number of students and derive an estimate of time spent on homework for the whole school. Suppose an educator wanted to know if time spent on homework was correlated with the extent to which parents value learning. An educator can use statistics to find out how much these two characteristics (or variables) are correlated. In other word, is time spent on homework greater when parents place a higher value on learning? make predictions about the future using past information. For example, suppose a growing number of teachers were calling in sick due to a virus spreading through the school. For example, suppose the number of absentees double each day. The principal needs to know how many substitute teachers they will need next week and the week after. A principal could estimate the number of absentees next week and the week after (assuming no steps were taken to stop the virus.)Students will also understand the following statistical methods (the usefulness of these statistics will become clearer as the course progresses): working with special characteristics of normal distributions and z-scores. understanding probability with fun games of chance such as cards and dice. understanding important probability-related concepts such as union, intersection, independent events, dependent events, and Bayes' theorem. make inferences about nonparametric variables (i.e. grouping variables, e.g. special needs students versus not special needs students.)Requirements The most important requirements are a willingness to keep an open mind, a ready spirit, and dedication to the topic. The second most important requirement is a willingness to let go of math anxiety.The following math skills are a plus, but, be assured, explanations will begin at a basic level and build gradually to higher and higher levels of complexity: Knowledge of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) of whole numbers. Knowledge of basic algebraic operations and simple equation solving.DescriptionCollege Statistics: for Non-Math MajorsThis 70-lesson course includes video and text explanations of all statistical topics, and it includes more than 200 quiz and exam questions (with solutions) to help students monitor their understanding at each step along the way. Lessons are short and tight and easy to digest.EACH LESSON INCLUDES:Video Tutorials: I present each lesson in short, easily-digestible chunks. I begin with an overview of the lesson; then I explain each concept in careful detail including concrete examples; and I conclude with a summary and segue to the next lesson. Students will also find each lesson has a fun, entertaining aspect because I have illustrated each one with abstract art from around the world. The great thing about learning with narrated video tutorials is students can stop the action at any point and go over the concept again if it doesnt land the first time through. My modus operandi when I created these videos was to distill the topic down to the essential concepts and to present a streamlined, elegant version of each statistical concept. Many stats textbooks present unnecessary overkill and students become overwhelmed and discouraged. I think students will find my method a refreshing alternative to the traditional method.Notes: Students will also get an inside peek into all the powerpoint slides with notes and transcripts for each lesson. These lessons are to statistics what Sparknotes are for books. Students will find the essential concepts without the showy overkill that appears in lots of textbooks.Quizzes: At each step along the way, students can test their knowledge with quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final exam. I have also provided them with the answer keys, worked problems, and careful explanations of each answer. I have confidence that students will have a great experience with my teaching method.HERE'S WHAT SOME STUDENTS HAVE TOLD ME ABOUT COLLEGE STATISTICS FOR NON-MATH MAJORS AND MY TEACHING APPROACH:I think Dr. Roberts is the BEST at teaching practical statistics to graduate students. The materials she has developed are useful and help make the complex simple and understandable.Dr. George White,Professor of Education at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA,Coordinator of the Educational Leadership ProgramDr. Laura Roberts has been an exceptional resource for my study. She is a stellar statistician and dissertation consultant. She raised the quality of my paper by helping me with the design of the study and then, working with me through the subsequent data analysis. David Harris, Oxford Learning CentreCambridge, OntarioDr. Roberts is one of the best professors I have had in my higher education in terms of both her teaching strategies and her content expertise in statistics and research methods. Statistics and mathematics have always been challenging subjects for me. Although I passed my university statistics courses with top grades, I did not truly understand most statistical methods. In addition, the complexity of statistical methods I used in my dissertation study far exceeded any methods I learned about in my doctoral courses. Dr. Roberts is patient, she uses visual models, and she gives detailed and precise explanations that make even the most complex statistics easier to understand. To be clear, however, she also did not spoon-feed me with answers nor do the hard work for me. Rather, she would give examples, then she would ask deep, thought provoking questions, requiring me to explain my thinking and demonstrate my understanding. Dr. Roberts is skilled at designing assessments and giving valuable feedback. Every time I sent another draft of my dissertation, Dr. Roberts offered a thoughtful balance of authentic compliments and detailed critique. Without coming off as demanding in a negative way, she was able to push, prod and convince me to keep at my writing and improve it beyond any level I would have previously imagined I was capable. Dr. Roberts has a passion for research that is contagious. Before I started the doctoral program, I really did not intend to continue in scholarly research. I was motivated to earn the degree for professional reasons, but I did not necessarily value being a scholar researcher. As a direct result of Dr. Robertss encouragement and enthusiasm, I have presented my dissertation findings at professional conferences, and I am working towards publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Laura Roberts has my highest recommendation for anyone looking for an outstanding mentor in research/statistical methods and dissertation writing. She also has my unreserved recommendation for any teaching or research position in higher education. She is an exceptional professor and researcher. Any higher research and education institution would be lucky to have her on their faculty.Sean Areias, Ed.D.Interim SuperintendentAmerican International School of LagosLauras greatest skill is her work with statistics - not only bringing the highest level of quantitative analysis to the data, but ""translating"" it into layman's terms for her collaborators and a wider audience to appreciate.Steve MancusoSuperintendent of ColegioInternacional Puerta La CruzDr. Laura Roberts is a multi talented researcher, doctoral coach, professor of qualitative and quantitative statistics courses and many many other talents. She has been a doctoral mentor to a variety of international school heads, superintendents of schools and hundreds of educators. She has presented at and attended AAIE and the CP Task Force meeting we held at the US Department of State. She is a scholar of high repute and...a wonderful mentor and guide.Christine Brown, Ed.DUS State Department Liaison to the European Council of International SchoolsIs this course a good match for you?Are you a non-math major who is required to take statistics? Do you break into a cold sweat at the thought of facing another required stat assignment? Have you searched the web looking for help and found nothing that really works for you?Relax. Youre in the right place.My name is Dr. Laura Roberts and I was a student just like you. I was a nervous wreck class after stat class. Dropping wasnt an option I needed those classes to graduate. And what I discovered after I earned my doctorate and began teaching my own classes was this.Learning statistics doesnt have to be scary.Over time, I developed teaching methods that my students found effective. They learned without the frustration and the stress and they passed their classes with flying colors!Im the stat guru behind Right Angle Educators. Ive put together a series of video tutorials that will help you grasp statistical concepts quickly and easily.What do my video tutorials have that other online statistics videos do not have? Unit objectives Lesson objectives Type-written slides (believe it or not, many online videos offered by other companies are in hand-written script that is very hard to read.) Clearly sequenced and integrated lesson presentationsUser friendly lessons that are based on my 30+ years of experience as a statistics professor. I found many students have high math anxiety. High anxiety interferes with learning. My approach is intentionally designed to lower students anxiety and increase their learning.And if youre wondering how well my methods actually work, heres a statistic for you.Half of the people who start a doctorate never finish.There are many reasons for this, but one of the biggest? Students dont get the statistical skills necessary for original research. Now heres another stat I have a 95% success rate for getting grad students from ABD to PhD.Okay, so lets get started. My materials will calm your fears and get you feeling like top-notch number cruncher in no time at all."
Price: 99.99

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"Jeli brakuje Ci energii potrzebnej do realizacji wanych yciowych planw; jeli chciaaby odnale zagubione marzenia i zmieni swoje ycie; jeli potrzebujesz wikszej pewnoci i wiadomoci siebie oraz lepszego kontaktu z wasn intuicj; jeli nie wierzysz, e zmiana na lepsze jest moliwa to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. System Kobiecej Energii to 7 tygodni pracy wasnej, wicze jogi i medytacji, dziki ktrym przede wszystkim trwale zmienisz negatywne wzorce mylowe. Uwolnisz si od zych nawykw, wchodzenia w sytuacje, ktre Ci szkodz. Przepracujesz trudne emocje i przywitasz w swoim yciu lekko. Zyskasz wolno i energi, potrzebne do budowania ycia takiego, jakiego pragniesz dla siebie z gbi serca.Podejcie, ktre stosuj w kursie wywodzi si z filozofii jogi (Hatha joga, joga Kundalini), tantry oraz przekazu lini kobiecej i wspczesnych metod pracy z podwiadomymi blokadami jak uzdrawianie falami Theta. To wielowiekowe tradycje, ktre wyrnia holistyczne podejcie do czowieka. Kady tydzie kursu to praca tylko nad jedn czakr i zwizanymi z ni mentalnymi blokadami. Dziki wygodnej formule kursu, to Ty decydujesz, jak rozplanujesz sobie prac.To 7 tygodni, podczas ktrych wemiesz ycie w swoje rce, gboko zajrzysz w siebie i odkryjesz moce, o ktrych nawet nie nia. Po drodze mog wyj cikie emocje na powierzchni, po to by je moga uzdrowi i zacz nowe ycie."
Price: 279.99
