"Scratch coding for kids - Deeper into Scratch" |
"Code two new games, extend your knowledge and skills, then use what you have learnt to create your own games.This course is designed for parents who want to re-direct their child's natural enthusiasm for playing games into creating games and coding.Students will learn essential techniques for creating action games including throwing and firing, interactive animation, chasing, rewards and health, and create a unique tree growing game in which the player must grow branches to allow circling birds to alight.Our instructor is a qualified and experienced teacher who speaks clearly and precisely, leading the learner through the entire coding process. Each step is explained and demonstrated.Your child will build confidence with Scratch, acquire essential games coding skills, and improve their creative, math and computational thinking skills."
Price: 24.99

"Scratch coding for kids - Advanced Scratch" |
"Code two new games, extend your knowledge and skills, then use what you have learnt to create your own games.This course is designed for parents who want to re-direct their child's natural enthusiasm for playing games into creating games and coding.Students will learn advanced coding techniques including timer countdowns, steering, acceleration and deceleration, repelling sprites, continuous motion, sprite costume animation and control, transferring sprite properties between sprites, colour effect animations, cloning, timed animation, sound control, advanced variable use, and lists.Our instructor is a qualified and experienced teacher who speaks clearly and precisely, leading the learner through the entire coding process. Each step is explained and demonstrated.Your child will build confidence with Scratch, acquire advanced games coding skills, and improve their creative, math and computational thinking skills."
Price: 24.99

"Drum Lessons with ULTIMATE DRUMMING Shuffles and Triplets #5" |
"This course is a study in both shuffle rhythms and triplet fills. Shuffles are used in all styles of music including Rock, Country, Blues, R & B, Jazz and Gospel. Section #1 contains five videos explaining the shuffle rhythm and section #2 has five more videos demonstrating triplet fills. Both shuffles and triplet fills are very common in drumming and work very well in combination. These great sounding rhythmic patterns are a must have for every drummers library and are really fun to play."
Price: 19.99

"The Running Course" |
"Do you want to run?!Did you consider running, but something held you back?Are you unsure how to begin, not knowing how to prepare and plan?Did you have trouble keeping your running going?Do you believe you are too unfit to run? Too old?Do you have questions about what is the best way to train?Then this is the online running course for you!The curriculum of this course will provide all the answers to the above questions and more:Correct Equipment Running FormHeart rate ZonesDynamic warm upStretching & Cool downThings to avoidKey running sessions The science behind Running pace80/20 Principle - And why 80% of people get it wrong 80% of the timeMorning RoutineMade with all levels of runner in mind, The Running Course starts with the basics and contains everything you need to prepare yourself mentally and physically to run safely and with increased ease and performance!The course covers proper running techniques, injury prevention, selecting the right equipment, maintaining your motivation, and much more.You're taught by expert runner and sports coach Antony Dyer.Antony brings a vast knowledge of wellness and fitness into this course, to make it much more than simply a course about running.Expertise from the domains of dance, yoga, pilates, nutrition and more has been brought into the design of the course, to give a truly holistic approach to running better, and running injury free.Here are just some of the benefits you'll enjoy after taking this course:Run Injury freeImprove posture and Bone healthRun faster with less effort Have more energy and confidence Skill for lifeFind new friendsPut simply, youll enjoy your running much more with the help of this course!You will start to feel a real difference soon, so enroll in the course now - confident that you are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee if the course is not for you!"
Price: 194.99

"Alojamiento de Sitio Web en Modo Serverless en AWS" |
"En este curso veremos todo el proceso para alojar un sitio web o cualquier front-end en un entorno de produccin en modo Serverless, usaremos los servicios de computacin en la nube de Amazon Web Services (AWS) la empresa lder a nivel mundial en servicios de computacin en la nube.Realizaremos todo el proceso de implementacin, desde el registro del dominio hasta la configuracin de GitHub y GitLab para hacer un despliegue (deploy) a produccin de manera automtica cuando hagamos un push a la rama master de nuestro proyecto del sitio web. Veremos tambin la obtencin de un certificado SSL y la configuracin para servir nuestro sitio web mediante la red de entrega de contenido CloudFront, lo que permitir entregar nuestro sitio web de manera extremadamente rpida en cualquier parte del mundo.Trabajar en modo serverless nos permitir un despliegue ms rpido sin la necesidad de administrar servidores y solo se paga por el uso que se haga de los recursos de AWS, por lo que, mediante esta configuracin, ser muy barato mantener nuestro sitio en el mejor servicio de computacin en la nube del mundo.Es importante resaltar que el curso est enfocado a la implementacin del sitio web y configuracin de AWS para alojarlo, por lo que no veremos cmo crear sitios web, tambin es recomendable tener conocimientos bsicos de Git."
Price: 29.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect 1Z0-932 Practice Test" |
"Welcome to the practical test Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect 1Z0-932. What Is The 1Z0-932 Certification?This is an Associate level certification and it was the 2018 version of the exam, as it was introduced by Oracle in the year 2018.Hands-On Guides To Clear The ExamRegister to Oracle Cloud and Customize DashboardCreate & Manage Compartment, Users, Group & PolicyCreate VCN, Subnet, Security List, Gateways (IGW, SGW & DRG) & Route TableCreate & Access Compute InstanceCreate Load BalancerCreate, Attach Block Volume & File Storage Service (FSS) in a Compute InstanceCreate & Access User managed DatabaseCreate & Access Autonomous DatabaseCreate & Configure DNSCreate & Configure VCN Local PeeringCreate & Configure VCN Remote PeeringCreate & Configure NAT GatewayConfigure Instance PrincipalOCI & IDCS FederationCreate & Configure Service Gateway"
Price: 19.99

"Fullstack Serverless Engineering (AWS, Node.js, React+Redux)" |
"This course focus is the analysis, design, development, and deployment of a full-stack web application using a serverless infrastructure hosted in the Amazon Web Services(AWS) platform.Students completing this course will be able to build fast, scalable, and cost-efficient systems using a serverless approach. These skills are highly valuable in the industry, especially if looking to build a startup.The course includes quizzes, and the full codebase of the system, fully open-source. After completing this course, the student should be able to apply to entry and intermediate level of full-stack engineering(or similar) positions using cloud infrastructure. The course includes a bonus lecture where the student is instructed on how to expand her/his skillset for other areas with high demand, using the same and derived technologies for different use cases."
Price: 94.99

"Reverse Engineering 6: Reversing .NET with dnSpy" |
"If you are interested in reverse engineering and want to learn how to decompile and debug .NET programs, then this course is for you. In this course, I will introduce you to the exciting world of reversing and in particular, reverse engineering .NET programs.In this course, you will learn how to use dnSpy, de4dot and UnconfuserEx tools to reverse engineer .NET programs written in C# and VB.NET. You will learn all about debugging and dumping memory and also how to reverse jumps and modify instructions. What you will learn: What are .NET programsInstall dnSpyPatching with dnSpySerial PhishingCreating Keygens.NET software protectionDe-obfuscationUnpacking and dumping .NET assembliesHow to protect .NET programs from being reversedand more...In this course, we will practice reversing on special programs called crackme's that I have written for you.Money back guarantee:This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose. Go ahead and enroll now and I will see you inside."
Price: 19.99

"Crer des cartes pour la recherche" |
"Apprenez crer des cartes partir de toutes sortes de donnes de recherche, pour ensuite les inclure dans des prsentations, articles ou thses.Vous tes un chercheur, doctorant ou tudiant dans n'importe quelle discipline, et vous tes amens devoir crer des cartes:Quelles sont les zones de contamination au paludisme en afrique ?Quelle tait l'extension du duch de Bourgogne sa fondation en 800 ?Quelles coles ont fait partie du projet pilote de recherche sur l'intgration des minorits ?Vous avez fait appel des collgues ou amis pour raliser vos cartes mais vous avez des ides bien prcises du rendu final et souhaiteriez le faire vous-mme, ou encore vous pensez qu'au cours de votre carrire vous serez amens raliser plusieurs cartes et il serait utile d'apprendre ds maintenant les techniques."
Price: 44.99

"Learn Python for beginners" |
"This python course will help you learn the basics of python with fun videos. At the end of the course, you will complete a snake game by applying all the knowledge that you acquired within the course. You will start from scratch by learning all Python fundamentals and slowly progressing into more advanced Python third-party libraries and by the end of the course you will know how to write Python programs. As a bonus you will also learn how to convert that program into an executable that runs both on Windows and Mac as a standalone program so that you can give your program to anyone. The content of the course consists of a mix of video lectures, quizzes, exercises, and discussions with the instructor and the fellow students giving you a complete package to help you become a professional Python programmer."
Price: 24.99

"Make an Instagram Bot with Python" |
"This free course is made for beginners & intermediate in python to make an Instagram bot that likes and follows accounts based on the hashtags that you put in. During this course, you will learn various techniques in python and you'll learn how to code efficiently. We highly suggest you to check out our course ""Learn Python for beginners"" if you want in-depth explanations to learn the python programming language."
Price: 24.99

"Common Mistakes in German" |
"German is one of the most commonly used languages in Europe. It is spoken in six countries, officially. It seems hard, but when you understand the logic, it is easier than you think.German has some common words in English. Some of them are similar, but some of them are not. When we think English, some of the mistakes are inevitable.So how can we avoid these mistakes?Our course Common Mistakes in German comes into play here. In this course, you will learn the common mistakes that German learners make and how to avoid them.After each lesson, there is a quiz to overlearn. At the end of the course, a practice test is waiting for you! If you don't want to make mistakes and speak fluently German, let's get started!"
Price: 49.99

"Bestselling T-Shirt Design Masterclass with Illustrator 2020" |
"My name is Nafiul Alam Nayem, I have over 5 years of t-shirt design experience and I am very much excited to be your instructor. Welcome to The Bestselling T-Shirt Design Masterclass with Illustrator 2020. You know, T-shirt industry is a multi-billion Dollar industry and in online it's the fastest-growing part of this industry. You can easily sell your T-shirt design on different platforms such as Teespring, Merch by Amazon, Redbubble and other print on design companies. Even you can also work as a T-shirt Designer on any Freelancer marketplace. For example Upwork, Fiverr and so on.So if you want to learn T-shirt designing from the very beginning to expert then you are in the right place. Even if you've never touched Illustrator software in your life. Nevertheless, I will teach you How To Design Bestselling T-shirt Using Illustrator With Easy To Follow Step-by-step Videos. Here I also share few cool tricks and by using these tricks you will able to design your t-shirt within a few minutes. And the most important thing I will keep this course constantly updated with new and interesting techniques. Because I believe that Your Satisfaction is My Success. So, stay connected for your best result.Now, go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Introducirse en el mercado del arte y exponer en galeras" |
"Este curso es perfecto para aquellos estudiantes de Bellas Artes que quieren iniciarse en el mercado del arte, as como para todos aquellos artistas aficionados que quieren dar un paso ms en su carrera artstica. He recopilado en este curso una informacin que considero muy prctica y muchas veces no se imparte en las clases. Conocers el mercado del arte: su historia, contexto y funcionamiento. Tambin sabrs cmo funciona la crtica de arte y cmo se valoran las obras de arte. Aprenders a promocionar tu obra, mediante tcnicas de marketing y a tener un portafolio profesional. Aprenders a redactar proyectos artsticos, con su correcta estructura, citas y bibliografa. Crears tu currculum artstico y declaracin de artista. Tendrs las pautas para poder presentarte de forma adecuada a las galeras de arte. Tambin aprenders a participar en concursos de arte. Con todo esto, podrs impulsar tu carrera artstica y convertirte en un artista visual profesional."
Price: 89.99

"Positive Discipline for Single Parents" |
"Single parent family is not a broken family.No family is a broken one --- unless someone in the family make it as a broken one. Even that happens, you can make up the broken. Every child deserves a happy life. No matter which kind of family he/she is in, as long as the parent knows how to guide the child positively, he/she can grow up healthy and happy and full of courage to face life."
Price: 99.99

"Foundations of Capitalist Political & Economic Thought" |
"This course examines the ideas of the fore-runners of Capitalist thoughts and Libertarian ideas including Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Robert Nozick and Friedrich von Hayek. It examines the history of capitalism as presented by Henry Clark and this goes back to the writings of Baron de Montesquieu. The course helps undergraduate and postgraduate students in the United States, Western Europe and around the world to understand the context within which business is conducted. It is a good introductory course for foreign students seeking to learn in western universities as well as people with entrepreneurial ambitions."
Price: 39.99

watertreatmentarabic |
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Price: 44.99

"Oracle 1Z0-209 Comm. Review Billing Revenue Management Exam" |
"313 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z0-209 Comm. Review Billing Revenue Management ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z0-209 Comm. Review Billing Revenue Management ExamTotal Questions : 313Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :210 minsPassing Score : 75 (234 of 313)"
Price: 179.99

"Curso de graduao, encaixe e ampliao de moldes" |
"Para ser operador de CAD no ramo da confeco voc tem que aprender a usar os sistemas que existem no mercado, aqui vamos mostrar como fazer as ampliaes e os encaixes de forma correta, e de uma forma que feita no mercado, nas lojas e nas fabricas mais conhecidas do Brasil, todo tipo de ampliao e modelagem, abordamos aqui neste curso, um curso completo para voc ser um timo operador de CAD e melhorar ainda mais a sua renda e seu salario no ramo da confeco."
Price: 354.99

"Watercolor Masterclass" |
"Meet Sharon Long, your Masterclass Instructor. Sharon is an internationally recognized expert in watercolor painting instruction. Drawing on her 35 years of experience and holding on-site classes for over 2000 students, Sharon is now moving her Masterclass Course to Udemy. If you have never painted before you will be amazed at how much progress you will make after taking this course.Sharon's painting style is ""realistic."" She has traveled the world taking pictures and uses these to paint and teach in on-site classes all over the country. Some students have been painting with her for over 20 years! Many of her students have gone on to successful careers of their own. Sharon has always tried to make her art accessible to everyone. Her main theme is ""Watercolor YOU Can Do."" And she really means it. This Masterclass will take you through many of her tried and true techniques to help you create a beautiful watercolor painting your first time out.Sharon has also developed the Magic Palette that has transformed the way that students mix pigment colors. She has probably saved her students a countless amount of money buying tubes of paint that they no longer need. The Magic Palette is custom made for Sharon from airline quality plastic and has sharp edges and deep wells for mixing custom colors. Filled with high quality Winsor & Newton paints, the palette will enable you to mix countless color combinations using Sharon's Mixing Guides and Recipe Cards. And you will be able to re-create each custom color over and over without having to use trial and error. The Magic Palette and many other art supplies are available on Sharon's web site, sharonlongwatercolors.So come along and give it a try! Watercolors YOU Can Do Masterclass!"
Price: 59.99

"Matemtica Financeira de A Z - Introdutria (Volume I)" |
"Caras alunas e caros alunos, sejam todos muito bem-vindos ao maior e melhor curso de matemtica financeira aqui da Udemy. Somos o MAIOR curso porque nossa carga horria ultrapassa as 12 horas de contedo em vdeo. Para entender porque somos o MELHOR curso, convido voc a ler esta apresentao e, ao final, testar nossas aulas que esto disponveis gratuitamente para voc. No s quantidade. qualidade.Uma disciplina como esta no pode ser tratada de qualquer jeito, com explicaes rasas e sem prtica. Para atender aos maiores padres de qualidade de ensino que a matemtica financeira exige, decidimos dividir o aprendizado completo em 3 volumes:Matemtica Financeira IntrodutriaMatemtica Financeira AvanadaMatemtica Financeira - HP12C e MS ExcelNo toa que este curso se chama Matemtica Financeira de A Z. Por que de A Z? Simplesmente porque voc no precisar de mais nenhum outro curso desta disciplina. aqui comigo. aqui agora. COMPLETO!A estrutura programtica do curso foi desenvolvida estrategicamente para que os estudos ocorram na ordem exata em que os mdulos foram criados: um mdulo constri o conhecimento necessrio para o mdulo seguinte e um volume constri o conhecimento necessrio para o volume seguinte. Basta seguir como est.Professor, o que este curso oferece afinal? Vamos entender os recursos pedaggicos:Videoaulas - extremamente didticas, completas e com qualidade de imagem e udio impecveis;PDF de Exerccios - voc pensou que ficaria sem praticar o que aprendeu? De jeito nenhum. Ao final de cada mdulo voc encontra uma srie de exerccios para treinar, e, ao final, um gabarito para verificar seu desempenho;Resoluo dos Exerccios - voc errou uma questo? No se preocupe: todos os exerccios propostos a vocs so corrigidos, em vdeo, pelo professor, item por item. No queremos que perca nenhum detalhe e que os erros no se repitam mais;O que vou aprender?No mdulo 1, abordaremos os conceitos da matemtica bsica que so imprescindveis para o estudo da matemtica financeira, como conceito, propriedade e clculo de fraes e nmeros decimais. Passaremos tambm pela to usada regra de trs, a simples e a composta.No mdulo 2, ser abordado de forma avanada o assunto de porcentagens. Aprenderemos sobre as formas de representao dos valores percentuais, macetes para clculos rpidos e de cabea, transformao de taxas, clculo de percentuais de quantias diversas, aumentos e descontos, aumentos e descontos sucessivos e problemas envolvendo preos de venda, custos e lucro.Com os conceitos acima em mos, hora de comear a matemtica financeira em si. No mdulo 3 ser apresentado o conceito e utilizao dos juros, compreenso dos elementos das operaes de juros, montagem e interpretao do diagrama dos elementos, a natureza das taxas de juros alm de compreender as caractersticas essenciais de cada regime de capitalizao e compar-los entre si.No mdulo 4 comea o estudo do regime de capitalizao simples. Iremos aprender as relaes matemticas entre os elementos, inserir os dados em frmulas, estudar de modo aprofundado as taxas de juros, entender conceitos e clculos de taxa mdia, prazo mdio e capital mdio alm de calcular os juros nas suas mais diversas modalidades: juros simples exatos, comerciais e bancrios.Para finalizar, no mdulo 5 vem tona um dos assuntos mais importantes: os juros compostos. Aprenderemos a calcular atravs das frmulas, da tabela do fator de acumulao de capital e com o auxlio dos logaritmos. Passaremos para o entendimento das convenes para clculo de perodos no inteiros e tambm de todas as taxas: equivalentes, proporcionais, nominal, efetiva, real, aparente, bruta e lquida. Para finalizar, vem o tpico de capitalizao contnua. Lembrando a vocs que este apenas o curso volume I. No volume II continuaremos de modo avanado, aprendendo sobre descontos simples e composto, equivalncia simples e composta de capitais, rendas certas, sistemas de amortizao e anlise de projetos de investimento.Ufa! de A Z, ou no ?Para quem este curso?Voc que concurseiro, este curso tambm para voc. A maioria dos nossos exerccios foram extrados de certames famosos como a FGV, CESPE, FCC e outros. Voc ter um contato direto com muitas questes de concursos, alm de ser ensinado macetes e dicas para os candidatos.Voc que investidor, no pode perder este curso. Uma das cincias-base para o mundo dos investimentos a matemtica financeira. Saber calcular juros importantssimo para entender a forma como suas aplicaes sero remuneradas. Vrios exerccios mergulham em situaes de aplicaes financeiras e investimentos. Vamos investir?Voc que empreendedor, este curso te atende perfeitamente. Saiba calcular juros, saiba amortizar dvidas e entenda tudo que for necessrio para no cair em furada com bancos e outros credores.Voc que estudante de graduao ou ps graduao e seu professor um chato ou tem uma didtica pssima mesmo com a coleo de ttulos que ele adora mostrar? Criei este curso pensando em voc, tambm. Aprenda com um professor que REALMENTE quer ensinar e ver o brilho nos olhos dos alunos. No se esquea de aplicar todo o conhecimento adquirido aqui para se livrar logo das avaliaes com notas 10!Venham comigo e boa viagem a todos!Prof. Rodrigo Pelace"
Price: 39.99

"Segredos do Clipping - Mdulo Impresso - Verso Completa" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a coletar informaes para grandes empresas trabalhando em casa ou em qualquer lugar que tenha internet. Alm disso voc aprender o conceito de decupagem e clipping de contedo impresso, passando pela utilizao de programas gratuitos e pagos. Este o incio da sua independncia financeira."
Price: 84.99

"Sewing: Making Friends with Your Serger: Beyond the Basics" |
"If youve already started using your serger and are ready to move beyond the basics, this course is for you. Take time to broaden your horizons and learn about the advantages of using accessories available for your serger. In this course, brought to you in conjunction with National Sewing Circle, I will focus on two workhorse accessories that will make your life easier: the blind hem foot and the gathering foot.Your National Sewing Circle instructor, ZJ Humbach, breaks the course into manageable lectures that let you learn these accessories inside and out. Theres no need to rush. Take your time and master each lecture before moving onto the next or come back and review individual lectures as needed. At the end of this course, youll wonder how you ever lived without these time saving additions for your serger.Blind Hemming with Your Serger introduces you to the joy of using your serger to do blind hemming. Think of how much time youll save when you can finish the fabric edge and hem in one simple step! Youll learn the ins and outs for using the cousin to your sewing machines blind hem foot. Youll be surprised at how easy it is to use, and ZJ will show you a simple adjustment that will give your projects a more professional look.Taking Gathering to the Next Level will move you beyond the basic method of gathering with a serger and add a new dimension to your sewing. A gathering foot makes it faster and easier to gather and ensures a more professional finish. Youll learn four different time saving ways to use the gathering foot: single-layer gathering, gathering and joining simultaneously, gathering and joining with lace, and how to create layers of gathers.The Bonus Project: Toddlers Layered Skirt puts all youve learned in the previous segments together. Youll make and adorable toddlers layered skirt that features blind hemming, gathering with lace, and joining multiple layers of gathers. ZJ also shows you how to create a fast and easy elastic waistband that requires no casing! The skirt requires no pattern, and you can easily alter it for older children and even adults. Best of all, you can make the skirt in less than half an hour!"
Price: 49.99

"Tally.ERP9 with GST (Learn with Tally Authorized Faculty)" |
"Learn Tally with GST, in this course we have covered all the Topics in Tally application. (nothing left in tally after this)Learn GST - Introduction, GST Registration, Cancellation, Amendments, Files Monthly/Quaterly returns.Learn Like Never BeforeCourse HighlightsFaculty : A Person who trains the trainersTally Authorised Institute Facutlywell known as Tally GuruGSTN Recognized Tax PractitionerAll topics covered Course(Like-nothing left in tally)Classes on Licensed Version TallyCase-Studies ExplainedQuiz for Each Individual Chapter100% Satisfactory results/ReviewsReference Questions/Soft copy Material availableafter these course Student can handle All Book of Accounts & GSTAll GST Classes Based on Real-Time DataWho can Enroll in this Course?Anyone with/without commerce backgroundPerson wants to learn Tally.ERP SoftwareWho wants to Handle Complete GST PortalStudents/Employee/EmployersTax Practitioners / Tax Consultants"
Price: 1280.00

communicate_speak |
Price: 59.99

"Gesetze des Erfolgs" |
"Mit diesem Video Coaching erhltst du eine einzigartige Anleitung fr deinen Persnlichen ErfolgDu erhltst ein 2 Stunden Video-Coaching mit 100% Content+ Die harte Wahrheit aber auch den genauen Plan+ BONUS: Exklusives Workbook mit speziellen AufgabenDas wirst du vom Video-Coaching lernen:1. Den brennenden Wunsch erfolgreich zu werden, dein WARUM herausfinden!2. Den Glauben an dich selbst enorm zu steigern!3. Dein Einsatz, was bist du bereit zu tun!4. Deine Glaubensstze ins positive ndern!5. Das richtige Wissen um zu starten!Du wirst lernen wie du dein Mindset auf ERFOLG programmierst!"
Price: 49.99

"Writing Irresistible First Pages: Part II" |
"Theres a lot of pressure on those opening novel pages. Heres how to start your story in a compelling way, avoid common mistakes, and catch the attention of an agent or publisher in the slush. In this presentation, you will hear a wealth of information about how to write successful, eye-catching first pages. This course is geared to novel and memoir writers of all categories, from middle grade to fantasy. This is the second part of the two-part First Pages course."
Price: 19.99

"Performance Evaluation:" |
", , . : (1:1):- 1:1?- 1:1 - 1:1- 1:1- , , - 1:1- 1:1 Performance Evaluation:- - ()- - """" """" :- HiPo- """"- :- - - - Radical condor- BOFF, SOI, SLC :- , 3 - - 3 - , - - vs - - PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) PDP (Personal Development Plan)-"
Price: 34.99

"Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Training Program" |
"Google CEO: Sundar Pichai - A.I. is more important than fire or electricity Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are changing the world around us. From functions to industries, AI and ML are disrupting how we work and how we function. Get to know all about the different facets of AI and ML in this courseArtificial intelligence, defined as intelligence exhibited by machines, has many applications in today's society. More specifically, it is Weak AI, the form of AI where programs are developed to perform specific tasks, that is being utilized for a wide range of activities including medical diagnosis, electronic trading platforms, robot control, and remote sensing. AI has been used to develop and advance numerous fields and industries, including finance, healthcare, education, transportation, and more.Artificial intelligence has dramatically changed the business landscape. What started as a rule-based automation is now capable of mimicking human interaction. It is not just the human-like capabilities that make artificial intelligence unique. An advanced AI algorithm offers far better speed and reliability at a much lower cost as compared to its human counterparts.In our course you will learn:The current state of AI and ML, how they are disrupting businesses globallySolid understanding of what AI and ML mean, what they represent in the current market and industry, how they work, and why you should learn about them.The Mathematics behind building AI solutionsTime series, simple linear regression, multiple & logistic regression, decision tree & other advanced algorithms"
Price: 199.99

"Google Earth Engine for Machine Learning & Change Detection" |
"Land Use/Land Cover mapping and change detection with Machine Learning in Google Earth Engine This course is designed to take users who use GIS for basic geospatial data/GIS/Remote Sensing analysis to perform more advanced geospatial analysis tasks using a variety of different data and applying Machine Learning state of the art algorithms. In addition to improving your skills in JavaScript, this course will make you proficient in Google Earth Engine for land use and land cover (LULC) mapping and change detection. As a result, you will be introduced to the exciting capabilities of Google Earth Engine which is a global leader for cloud computing in Geosciences!I'm very excited that you found my Google Earth En gine course. This course is designed to equip you with the practical knowledge of unsupervised and supervised classification strategies for Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) mapping, which is one of the core skills for any Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing analyst. By the end of the course, you will feel confident and completely understand and apply advanced Geospatial analysis including performing Machine Learning algorithms for land use and land cover mapping and spectral indices calculation and change detection. All this you will be able to carry out on the real (and open) data in Google Earth Engine.This course is different from other training resources. Each lecture seeks to enhance your GIS and Remote Sensing skills in a demonstrable and easy-to-follow manner and provide you with practically implementable solutions. Youll be able to start analyzing spatial data for your own projects, and gain appreciation from your future employers with your advances GIS skills and knowledge of the cutting edge LULC techniques.In the course, you will be able to learn how to carry out all stages of LULC mapping from acquiring satellite data to assessing the accuracy of your map and design a beautiful change map readily available to be inserted in your document or report.The course is ideal for professionals such as geographers, programmers, social scientists, geologists, and all other experts who need to use LULC maps in their field and would like to learn fundamentals of LULC and change detection in GIS. If you're planning to undertake a task that requires to use a state of the art classification algorithms for creating, for instance, land cover and land use maps, this course will give you the confidence you need to understand and solve such geospatial problem.One important part of the course is the practical exercises. You will be given some precise instructions, codes, and datasets to create LULC maps and change maps using Google Earth Engine.In this course, I include downloadable practical materials that will teach you:- How to sign in to Google Earth Engine- Google Earth Engine interface including its main components and plug-ins- Learn how to preprocess data on the cloud and calculate spectral indices- Get introduced to javascript- Learn the theory behind machine learning and machine learning in GIS- Learn how to classify satellite images with different machine learning (supervised and unsupervised) algorithms in Google Earth Engine- Learn how to perform training, validation data collection and accuracy assessment- Learn how to perform change detection in Google Earth Engine- Complete Your own geospatial project on the cloudINCLUDED IN THE COURSE: You will have access to all the data used in the course, along with the Java code files. You will also have access to future resources. Enroll in the course today & take advantage of these special materials!"
Price: 19.99

"Dados de CNPJ no Excel" |
"Consulte dados de CNPJ da Receita Federal e atualize suas bases de dados ou utilize-a para prospeco de novos cilentes. Tenha todas as informaes constantes no carto CNPJ da Receita no seu excel a partir dos dados pblicos disponibilizado no site da RFB, de forma gratuita.Voc ir aprender tambm alguns conceitos de como utilizar a Power Query, ferramenta de anlise de dados disponvel no Excel a partir do Office 2010."
Price: 39.99
