"ITIL 4 Sample Exams [2019]" |
"'ITIL training is provided by IT Service SAS, accredited by PeopleCert.ITIL 4 CertificationThe ITIL 4 Foundation ExaminationExamination Duration: 1 HourInstructions1. You should attempt all 40 questions. Each question is worth one mark.2. There is only one correct answer per question.3. You need to answer 26 questions correctly to pass the exam.4. You have 60 minutes to complete this exam.5. This is a closed book exam. No material other than the exam paper is allowed."
Price: 19.99

"Technology for Online Teaching: A Guide for Educators" |
"When the Covid-19 pandemic took hold in the U.S. in early 2020, it profoundly disrupted nearly every facet of daily life, including the education sector. As educators made the hasty transition to online teaching, they made do with the tools and tactics they were given. As many K-12 teachers prepare their online courses, they must lay the groundwork for the long haul. Luckily, Technology Tools for Online Education: A Guide for Modern Educators by Paul Richards is available to fill the void.Richards draws on his thorough understanding of online communication platforms such as Google Meet and Zoom to offer a comprehensive playbook for educators that literally walks them through specific strategies and tactics that bring these and other technologies, into the online classroom. The goal is to use these platforms and other tools to make online learning interactive, immersive, and fun for both students and teachers.You will learn how to get the most out of your schools learning management system, popular platforms like Google Meet and Zoom, and how to incorporate document cameras, annotation tools, speech to text functionality, and Open Broadcaster Software and adapt them to your online classroom. In addition, Richards illustrates how smartphones can be put to positive and productive educational uses both in the classroom and outside of it imagine that.Richards will also show you how to customize and tailor your virtual classroom to reflect a dynamic learning environment and world that demonstrates the time and effort put in on behalf of your students. Technology Tools for Online Education is more than just a book, its part of a blended learning approach, a concept Richards advances at the outset. Blended learning environments use a hybrid approach that delivers 30% to 80% of course content online. You will also get to know the flipped classroom concept.Teachers involved in K-12 education and beyond will find Technology Tools for Online Education: A Guide for Modern Educators a fundamental playbook filled with examples, best practices, and insights for planning fun online lessons, assignments, and group activities. Educators can take their learning to the next level by pairing the book with the Udemy course, which features video tutorials that cover the most important topics discussed in the book.Richards, whose previously wrote The Online Meeting Survival Guide, is an expert in streaming video and online communication. His clear, down-to-earth style will bring you up to speed on the tools that are available to help you make your classes lively, engaging, and memorable. Increase your knowledge and familiarity with the best online educational tools with Technology Tools for Online Education: A Guide for Modern Educators."
Price: 19.99

DiviWordPressEC |
Price: 2400.00

"The Miraculous" |
"Are you struggling to overcome a problem or a challenge in your life, business, or marriage? Do you want simple-to-understand and easy-to-apply descriptions or explanations of the Christian faith that will help you solve those nagging problems in your life, business, or marriage?If those questions apply to you, then this course, The Miraculous: Principles of Christian Faith Manifestation: How to make miracles through faith is just the right one for you.My first course on this topic, The Christian Faith Principles, has over 1600 students and 4.41 positive reviews. This course builds on this positive outcome and a more comprehensive and more easy-to-use-and-understand course has been produced.The lectures are short and straight-to-the-point. You will be able to go through all the lectures and the quizzes under 90 minutes. The questions under the quizzes are designed to strengthen your comprehension of each of the lectures.This is about the most comprehensive and the most practical online course on the Christian faith. You need to enroll today to find out and see the quality of this course.You will learn the following under this course:Practical definitions of the Christian faithHow to get results with your faithHow to practically represent faith to get a miracleThe three important foundations for the Christian faithHow to overcome demonic resistance to your faithHow to apply faith in your marriage, family, work or businessThe working relationship between faith and gracePictorial representation of faith to get resultsHow to apply faith to get answers to prayersIf you want to start walking by faith effectively to start making your own miracles, you should enroll for this course today."
Price: 19.99

"Digitale Signalverarbeitung" |
"Dieser Kurs beschftigte sich mit digitalen Signalen. Wie kann eigentlich Ton im PC verarbeitet werden?Wie werden Signale ""gelesen"" und gespeichert?Was sind Frequenzen und was bringen diese?All das wird in diesem Kurs erklrt.Dieser Kurs fokussiert sich auf die Sicht von Informatikern, NICHT auf die Hardware-Sicht. Er richtet sich somit NICHT an Elektrotechniker.Der Kurs umfasst nicht nur ausgiebige und anschaulich visualisierte Theorie-Lektionen, sondern auch hufige Python Implementierungen der Algorithmen und zustzliche Veranschaulichungen in State-of-the-Art Programmen.Also warte nicht, sondern verbessere deine IT-Grundlagen auf Profiwissen jetzt!Dazu gehren lebenslanger Zugriff auf den Kurs und 30 Tage Rckgaberecht!Dieser Kurs verfolgt zudem ein innovatives Konzept, bei dem regelmige Updates von User-Anfragen oder neuen Verfahren kommen - ganz ohne Zusatzkosten.Viel Spa beim Lernen!"
Price: 44.99

"Personalizacin avanzada de Sublime Text 3 - Plugins" |
"Este no es un curso sobre uso de Sublime, como multicursores, instalacin de paquetes, funcionalidad GoTo, etctera. No.Este es un curso pensado para usuarios adictos a Sublime Text 3, usuarios que quieren agregar funcionalidad personalizada a su editor favorito.Para este curso asumo que ya eres un usuario que conoce el entorno, y quiere darle un extra de personalizacin a su Sublime Text, un usuario que quiere crear algo un poco ms avanzado (un plugin) para una necesidad que no ha podido cubrir con otros paquetes ya existentes.En resumen, este curso brinda el conocimiento para crear un nuevo plugin para que Sublime procese tu texto en tiempo real mientras escribes. Es decir, aqu vemos cmo puedes hacer que tu editor trabaje para ti, segn tus instrucciones."
Price: 19.99

"Curso React + Node Js + Mongo" |
"Este curso tem intuito de dar um conhecimento bsico sobre React com back end Node Js com express, mongoose e fazer um autenticao JWT listar o usurios e listar produtos.Vamos ter tambm no curso Alguns exerccios para fixao. Curso Gratuito React + Node Js com express e banco de dados mongo DBBack end Node Js with expressDatabase Mongo DBLogin with JWT Auth 1.0Front endReactLogin Cadastro de usuriosLista de usuriosLista de produtos"
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentos bsicos do HTML5 para iniciantes" |
"O objetivo deste curso apresentar de forma didtica e com riqueza de detalhes os elementos fundamentais e bsicos do HTML5 em conjunto a alguns conceitos de CSS3. Ainda no foi possvel abordar todos os elementos do HTML5, porque no momento no o objetivo deste curso abordar tudo sobre o HTML5 e CSS3. Portanto, eu constru este curso pensando nas pessoas que ainda no conhecem nada sobre desenvolvimento de sites. Mas que queiram aprender a sua base fundamental. Assim aos poucos este curso ser atualizado e ampliado a partir do feedback dos alunos, ou seja, a partir das avaliaes construtivas, este curso crescer, incorporando novos contedos que te ajudaro a conhecer mais sobre a linguagem e as outras tecnologias que ainda no foram abordadas. Ento a qualquer momento algumas aulas podem ser refeitas para melhorar a qualidade, corrigir algum erro ou para ampliar o contedo abordado."
Price: 19.99

"Life-Drawing Studio" |
"Life-Drawing Studio. This is a fundamentally important course for anyone who wants to learn how to draw. This is a Life-Drawing Studio course that uses the human figure as a vehicle for learning how to draw. This course makes extensive use of human figures and models in the nude. If you have any religious or personal concerns or impediments to the nude human body and its representation, this course is not for you. You must be 18 years or older to take this course. You need to budget 2 to 4 hours per studio-lecture session. This course requires drawing materials as described in the course."
Price: 194.99

"Master The Squat" |
"In this course, I will guide you through the steps of learning (or re-learning) how to squat. I will cover all different kinds of aspects that will help you understand the stance, movement, flexibility, mind-muscle connection, strength, and other things required for a good safe, and effective squat.I will explain how you can build yourself or your clients (if you're a trainer) up from not being able to squat at all or experiencing pains to being able to squat deep with no pain.After teaching the bodyweight progressions of the squat I will cover many resistance exercises with the kettlebell from simple exercises to more complex and double kettlebell exercises. All exercises can be done with just one kettlebell, dumbbells, TRX, or even with a barbell.More than anything, I will provide you with the knowledge to program for yourself, but at the same time, I will also provide templates that can be used if you don't want to invest the time into programming the best options for yourself.LEARN TO SQUAT FOR:StrengthFlexibilityCardioFat lossExerciseSittingEase of movementIncreased life expectancyOver 3 hours of video content covering the squat. BE PREPARED TO BE IMMERSED IN THE SQUATWARNING: This is not a quick superficial course, this is very in-depth, I want you to know this upfront as it's not a 30-minute thing that you just breeze through."
Price: 149.99

"Become A Better Badminton Player" |
"Learn to play the exciting game of badminton with expert instruction from Professional Player Abhishek Ahlawat. Assisting him in this comprehensive program are elite players Ankit Chikkara and Fiesal Wiranto. Among the topics covered are: choosing the right equipment, warming up, holding the right grip, different footworks and the right body position, different types of serves and serve returns for singles and doubles, demonstration of various skills, singles multi shuttle drills, singles single shuttle control drills, doubles single shuttle control drills and trick shots- double action- deception shots. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced competitive player, this program will help you to rapidly progress and take your skills to the next level!Abhishek Ahlawat is a Professional Badminton Player. He started playing in India at the age of nine in 1999. He was previously ranked first in men doubles in the USA elite national rankings. Abhishek was silver medalist in the 2013 Bangladesh Open International Challenge. He has been an elite player of Frisco Badminton in Frisco, Texas since 2017."
Price: 24.99

"Dropshipping sur Ebay : Le guide complet pour cartonner !" |
"Vous souhaitez commencer votre premier business en ligne et vous n'avez pas un gros budget ?Cette formation est faites pour vous !En effet le dropshipping sur eBay ne demande pas un gros budget pour commencer car vous n'avez aucun frai avant d'avoir fait une vente sur eBay.Vous allez pouvoir commencer de zro !Cette formation ne demande pas de connaissances en marketing ou en informatique elle est accessible pour tout le monde !Gnrer un revenu complmentaire est rellement possible grce cette formation et mme plus !Avec cette formation vous allez prendre une longueur d'avance sur toutes les personnes qui sont mal formes et qui n'appliquent pas les bonnes stratgies pour raliser rapidement des ventes.Dbuter avec cette formation vous permettra de ne pas tomber dans les piges qui vous font perdre du temps et de l'argent.A la fin de ce cours vous serez totalement indpendant pour grer votre business en 1h seulement par jour !"
Price: 19.99

"ISO 45001:2018" |
"ISO 45001:2018 2018 .. OHSAS 18001:2007 .. .. ."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Project in QML: The Toda App" |
"This course hopes to help you build up; 1. Your ability to take designs from a designer and turn them into an Application2. Your ability to build nice and trending apps3. Built a beautiful portfolio.4. Approach GUI projects with confidenceWe take the inspirational (say imitational) images from Behance (the same are available on Dribbble as well) then script the App in Qml, separating them into components defined by the UI/UX designer and as seems bestall while taking care to script according to specification. Modern design specification was also used.You will enjoy the journer and the outcome of your work.Qt has powered the world of UI's and still powers it. Adobe, VLC, WhatsApp Inc, are a few of notable institutions that use Qt for both UI and also for functional code. But here is the catch, not so recent though, Qt released Qt Quick Markup language (Qml), but rather in CSS style scripting language. This will help the advanced team-work desire to separate UI from core-code functionality.Also, there is another problem here, you can't seem to find many resources on it online. So here is it, an introduction and a quick practical hands-on, on building a complete Python app with a modern trendy Gui."
Price: 134.99

"1Y0-402 XD 7.15 Assessment Design & Advanced Configuration" |
" ***************************** ## Guaranteed Success ## *****************************Welcome To The Citrix 1Y0-402 exam preparation Practice Tests, The Final Exam preparation From Certification Success Academy: Gain Citrix CCE-V: XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Assessment Design and Advanced Configurations Certification Easily!Exam details;Exam Name - XenApp and XenDesktop 7.15 Assessment Design and Advanced Configurations(CCE-V)Exam Code - 1Y0-402Exam Price - $300 USDTime Limit - 90 minutes*Number of Questions - 68 (multiple choice and simulation)Passing Score - 66%Citrix Virtualization certification helps win better job prospects in the industry and even makes you comparatively superior to other candidates. Besides, you might even grab higher salaries to those who are not certified. So, what are you waiting for? Make up your mind for a Citrix certification and move further in your career."
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a UML, Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado" |
"Este curso tiene como proposito fundamental que el estudiante logre comprender y utilizar, en particular, el Lenguaje de Modelado Unificado (UML), el cual fue creado para tener un estandar comun a la hora de analizar problematicas de tipo informatico, y trasladarla al diseno de software que permitan resolverlas. Para ello se abordara primeramente la fundamentacion teorica de modelos, sus tipos e importancia, continuando con el Lenguaje de Modelado Unificado (UML) y los diagramas que con este se pueden desarrollar para asi cumplir de manera exitosa la fase de diseno de cualquier software."
Price: 99.99

"ZEN Lifestyle - The Hidden Secrets Of ZEN" |
"In This Online Zen Lifestyle Course We Will Pull Away The Mysteries Surrounding Zen And Help You Discover What It Really Is. Zen Living Has A Huge Amount Of Benefits And Can Dramatically Improve Virtually Every Area Of Your Life.Some Of The Most Successful People In The World Practice Zen Living & Meditation Such As Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Steve Jobs, Penelope Cruz, Jeff Bridges, Goldie Hawn, Tiger Woods, Jennifer Lopez, George Lucas And Many, Many More!In This Online Zen Lifestyle Course You Will Learn How Burn Fat The Way The Top Pros Teach It. Consider This Course To Be Your Training Pro Guiding You To The Most Effective Methods For Fat Burning & A Healthy Lifestyle. We Are Not Giving Medical Advice But This Course Contains Tips, Tools & Strategies Based On Sound Principles & Scientific Research.This Course Will Give You The Hidden Secrets Of Zen In The Following Areas: 1) How To Use Mindfulness 2) Developing A Great Love Of Life 3) How To Simplify Your Life. 4) How To Transform Your Perspective. 50 Gain Greater Understand Of Yourself, Of Others & Of Life Itself. And This Is Just The Beginning, You Will Also Learn How To Have The Proper Mindset This Will Make You Healthier & Happier!If You Want To Look Great, Feel Great, Be Healthier, Let Go Of Old Pain And Love Life This Is The Perfect Course For You! The Goal Of This Training Is To Help You Achieve This In The Fastest, Simplest And Easiest Way Possible. This Course Will Save You Years Of Research, Struggle And Frustration. So Start This Course Today And Start Feeling Better Tomorrow! Start The Course Now!By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover What Zen Is & How It Can Transform Virtually Every Area Of Your Life2) How Zen Can Boost Your Appreciation Of Life3) How Zen Can Help You Simplify Your Life & Free You4) How To Be Mindful In The Present Moment5) Deeper Relaxation And Better Sleep6) Gain Greater Health And Vitality7) Learn Zen Concepts & Secret Knowledge8) Gain Greater Awareness, Insights & Focus. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!No RISK!! Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!!! Sign Up Now ... And Transform Your Life! :)"
Price: 124.99

"LE TRAC : l'anticiper, l'apprivoiser et l'utiliser" |
"Communiquer sans peur ni crainte est l'objectif de cette formation. Le trac est considr comme la peur la plus bloquante dans le monde professionnel et estudiantin. C'est malheureux, car communiquer efficacement, professionnellement et avec prsence et charisme sont les ingrdients de la russite aujourd'hui. Passer un entretien, faire une belle prsentation, dfendre un point de vue dans une runion, argumenter face un client ou convaincre son manager ou son collaborateur sembarquer dans un projet sont autant de situations dterminante dans la vie professionnelle de chacun. Ces situations ne sont pas rares. Elles sont rcurrentes, elles font le quotidien de plusieurs parmi nous. Elles sont galement le moyen par lequel nous sommes jugs, jaugs et valus. Communiquer aisment, correctement, sans stress ni peur ni trac est un must aujourd'hui !La formation : LE TRAC : l'anticiper, l'apprivoiser et l'utiliser t'aidera communiquer, impacter et influencer sans peur ni crainte des autres. Tu vas y dcouvrir comment font les grands communicateurs pour grer leur trac et leur stress de communication et de performance. Parce que oui ! Les grands ont plus de trac et de peur que les autres. Plus on est performant, clbre, reconnu, expert.. plus on exige de nous le meilleur et moins on a le droit l'erreur. C'est tout ce qu'il faut pour ressentir un trac, un stress et une peur intenses et douloureuses souvent. Mais ces personnes savent grer leur trac, plus encore, ils savent l'apprivoiser et l'utiliser pour donner leur meilleur d'eux mmes sans stress. La prise de parole en public est un enjeu important dans la vie professionnelle, personnelle et estudiantine. Avec la prise de parole en public, on peut : Russir des prsentations en classe Avoir un meilleurs accs aux stages Russir des prsentations de projets Russir des entretiens dembauche S'affirmer lors des premiers mois au travail ! Russir des prsentations en face de lquipe Bien mener les runions Avoir une bonne image face aux clients internes ou externes Raliser des volutions de poste Bien manager son quipe Avoir confiance en soi Manifester ses talents divers Faire valoir ses aptitudes et comptences Dpasser ses peurs et ses craintes Meilleure image de soi et estime de soi"
Price: 199.99

"How to become creative innovator" |
"CreativityWhat kind of people are creative? How you can be more creative? You can become more creative by learning from examples. Adapt creativity techniques which has helped others to your toolbox. Make an impact by understanding the process which enhances creativity.InnovativeWhat's an innovation? How innovations are created? There many different kind of innovations. They can be radical or incremental. To be innovative you need to understand sources for innovations. Enhance your innovation capabilities by learning about tools or ways to be an innovative person.InventingWho are inventors? How did they make their inventions? A lot of inventors are in constant process for inventing and creating new things. They are curious, open and like changes. To improve your invention abilities gain understanding from history, look around and take next step.About the courseThis course will teach you how to make an impact by combining creativity, innovations and inventions. They have differences which need to be understood. In the course curriculum you'll get a framework to classify, understand and make learning based on experiences, techniques and tools. You'll be open to try out, find new sources of creating new things or changing existing.Can I be adventurous founder? Or part of brave team?Today's startup scene has adventurous founders who are not scared to make new things happen. Learn from them to be less afraid of new things. Become a brave team member if you're not one of those who established the company. You can grow with new companies and find a new career.How I could be more curious and interested in new solutions?Are you one of the curious managers who are ready to make changes? You can become more interested for the world around you. Finding new solutions to improve existing. You can't stay always where you exist to be more creative. You have to be ready for new normal!Are you the one who shows direction?I have met many future oriented directors. They have many things in common. If you're not yet one of them, decide your path today. You can study and gain value from experiences. You can change your direction.Starter or the one who accomplishes things? Which one you are?We can be innovative starters. We don't always need to accomplish all we started. These people are typically the ones who invent or innovate. Not all people are creative artists. We can all be good in different areas. Understand your capabilities and abilities. Learn more.Enroll this course now and start becoming a creative innovator. Now."
Price: 39.99

"350-501 (SPCOR) CCNP Service Provider Core exam : Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam 350-501 (SPCOR) CCNP Service Provider Core exam : Tests 202This practice tests helps you prepare to take the 350-501 Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies (SPCOR) exam, which is part of the new CCNP Service Provider certification and the Cisco Certified Specialist Service Provider Core certification.This practice exam tests your knowledge of implementing core service provider network technologies, including:Core architectureServicesNetworkingAutomationQuality of servicesSecurityNetwork assuranceThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco in any way.Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99

introduction_artificial_intelligence |
", . . . . , . . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Merhaba Arkadalar,Bu, 1. kurs , gnmz dnyasnn birok alannda, ev eyalarndan, uzay aralarna, otomobillerden, endstriyel makinalarn akllandrlmasnda dahi karmza kan, elektronik beyinler dediimiz elektronik kartlarn temellerini anlama adna giri niteliinde bir eitimdir.Eitimde teorik bilgiler, Multsm gibi simulatrlerde uygulanacak ardndan, pratik karln atlye ortamnda test edilerek, 3 l bir karlatrma ( kaynak kitap, Multsm, pratk uygulama) da gzlemlenecektir.Temel hedefimiz, elektroniin bir adm ncesinde, elektriksel kavramlar basit ve anlalr olacak ekilde ve iimize yarayacak kadarn renmek, ardndan hzl bir girile ve farkl farkl rnek uygulamalarla elektroniin temeli olan yariletkenleri pratikletirmektedir.Bu pratikletirme bilgisayar ekrannn sanallandan syrlp, gereki bir arge srecinde olduu gibi elle tutulur bir sreci kapsayan uygulamalar btndr.Eitim tamamlandnda, elektronik kart tasarm yapabilme adna, elektroniin alfabesini renme sreci tamamlanm olacaktr.Eitimin ieriini altta inceleyebilirsiniz.# AAMA -1- : 1 KURS# ANALOG ELEKTRONK TEMELLER & TASARIM & UYGULAMALAR #2020Bu blmde : - Temel Elektrik Kavramlar- Diren Ve letkenlik- Seri + Paralel Devre Yaplar- Devre zmleme- Devre Kuramlar_Thevenin- Kapasitrler (Salar)- Katkl Malzemeler : n Tipi Ve p Tipi Malzemeler- Yariletken Diyot- Yariletken Diyotlarda Diren- Diyotun Dc Modelleri- Diyotun Yeteneklerini Farkl Devre Yapsnda Grelim- Vpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vrms, Vavg kavramlarna odaklanalm- Yarm Dalga & Tam Dalga Dorultma Devreleri- Krpclar- Kenetleniciler- Zener Diyotlar- Transfer + Resstor ( Transstor ) Genel Bir Giri- Dc Devre Modellemesi- Dc Devre Modellemesinde Kararllk & Kararszlk _Yayc Eilimlemeli Yap- Transistrn Ac Sinyalleri iin Modellenmesi _ re Modeli- Gerilim Blcl Eilimleme- Yayc Src Yap- Toplayc Geri Besleme Yaps- ki Kapl Sistem Yaklam- Ardarada Sistemler- Ardarada Sistemler_RC Balak Ykseltelerbalklarn detaylca inceleyeceiz."
Price: 199.99

"Macro Excel - Compiler des fichiers dans un seul tableau" |
"Crer et utiliser un fichier pour compiler les donnes prsentes dans des fichiers diffrents dans un fichier et tableau unique. Deux mthodes principales abords : l'import des donnes prsentes dans la feuille de calcul ou l'import de la feuille de calcul elle-mme. Que ce soit un fichier la fois, ou mme en faisant une boucle sur tous les fichiers d'un dossier, ou en faisant une boucle sur les fichiers lists sur un onglet Paramtres, les macros crites dans ce cours permettront d'atteindre un rsultat final en quelques secondes seulement !L'objectif est de vous quiper pour faire de vous des utilisateurs clairs - et non des experts de la programmation - en vous donnant les outils pour comprendre et crire vos macros ainsi qu'amliorer vos fichiers Excel. C'est pourquoi nous commencerons avec de la thorie en s'intressant aux fonctions principales des macros qui, d'aprs mon exprience, suffisent pour la quasi-totalit des besoins en entreprise. A la fin de ce cours, vous serez en mesure d'crire des macros et d'utiliser des fonctions telles que :Msgbox pour afficher un messageIF...Then....End If pour les conditionsFor......Next pour faire des boucles sur les lignes et/ou les colonnes d'un tableauApplication.Workbooks.Open pour ouvrir un fichier Excel.Save pour enregistrer le fichier ExcelEn termes de ressources, vous pourrez tlcharger les fichiers suivants :""Classeur 1"" - avec l'ensemble des fonctions prsentes dans la partie thorique12 fichiers correspondant aux diffrentes mthodes prsentes - ces fichiers seront donc utilisables en quelques minutes pour vos besoinsPour en savoir plus sur le contenu du cours, vous pouvez vous rfrer au sommaire ci-dessous.Pour un aperu du cours, vous pouvez regarder l'introduction et les vidos identifies."
Price: 39.99

"React JS: React with Modern Hooks and Context" |
"Hello there,Welcome to React JS: React with Modern Hooks and Context course.Do you want to learn React Js for scratch?Do you want to learn the latest React features of Hooks and Context system?Do you want to create an app with React Hooks and Context; in a very detailed way?If your answer is ""Yes"", you are in the right place. This React JS: React with Modern Hooks and Context course will be a perfect match. Learn by doing!So we have made this course as simple as possible in order to take you through step by step so you can feel confident and get a truly good understanding of how to utilize React. In this course, we will be teaching React by creating various projects. This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level with hands-on examples. Fresh ContentIts no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, and its crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better React developer. You will always have up-to-date content for this course at no extra charge.In the course, we are going to use free tools and platforms so you don't have to buy any tool or app. You are going to learn the latest React features of Hooks and Context system. We are going to create two nice looking app, to show Hooks and Context; in a very detailed way. You are going to learn how to use and state in functional components with Hooks system and with Context API you won't need any third-party package to manage the Application state.We tried to explain all complex topics in very detail on the course. I used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created a nice-looking mobile application. In the course, we created our applications with expo-cli. At the end of the course, you will learnHow to create a Single Page Web Application with React JS.The most important React topics like components, props, state and component life cycle methodsHow to send request to an API and fetch data.How to create multi-page web app with react-router-dom.How to create a context with the class-based component.How to consume context with context consumer.How to consume context with static contextType.How to manipulate context data in class-based components.The most important hook functions like useState, useEffect, useReducer, and useContext.How powerful when we use context and hooks together and much moreWhy would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise. No prior knowledge is needed! It doesn't need any prior knowledge to learn it and the React is easy to understand for the beginners. This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn how to install the tools, some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the React and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you'll also be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more. The good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you dont need to buy any tool or application.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now to our React JS: React with Modern Hooks and Context courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Basic to Advance Electrical Engineering #1-Electric Vehicle" |
"About this courseThis course takes you on a ride from basic to advance electrical engineering covering sectors like electric vehicles. You will start the journey from how the electric charge is generated and in turn how we get electricity? We will then understand various terms like Potential, EMF, Resistance, Voltage, etc., and perform calculations related to those courses. We will then deep dive into the understanding of carbon resistors, ohm's law, etc.The entire course will deal with the practical application that is required in the industry. We have therefore taken this course towards the Electric Vehicle sector and how these basic concepts are vital in the electric vehicle sectors. The calculations made in making the electric motors and batteries are important.Language: EnglishAccent: IndianWhy this course?The course takes you from the level assuming that you have no knowledge of electrical engineering and takes you to the advanced level.The course has a clear explanation of various calculations made.The course has quizzes to test your level.The course can be taken by high school students and as well as graduates or working professionals.All purchases come with a 30-day no-risk money-back guarantee!"
Price: 44.99

OK9 |
Price: 2400.00

Mediunidade |
"Voc sabe o que mediunidade? Conhece a funo e os tipos de mediunidade? Conhece bem a definio de Mdium? Sabe o que so os centros de fora? Conhece todos os centros de fora? Sabe o que perspirito e quais so suas caractersticas? Conhece como o animismo interfere no processo de comunicao? Conhece a classificao dos espritos? Alm de vrios outros conhecimentos.Se quer aprofundar seus conhecimentos voc deve fazer esse curso."
Price: 39.99

"A Morte sob a tica esprita" |
"Voc sabe tem medo da morte? Tem medo de que morreu? Tem pena de que morreu? Podemos pedir ajuda aos mortos? Quando morrer, irei encontrar meus parentes e amigos? Existe cu e inferno? Para onde irei? A respostas a estas e a outras perguntas so respondidas no curso Morte sob a tica esprita."
Price: 39.99

"Depresso sob a tica esprita" |
"Ao longo do curso, voc ter uma viso mais ampla de como a depresso pode ser evitada e tratada, levando-se em conta alm das teraputicas mdicas o tratamento espiritual. Alm disso, Dr. Joo Loureno aborda as formas promover a sade mental e garantir uma vida saudvel em todos os aspectos do sistema humano: Biolgico, Psicolgico, Social, Espiritual e Esprita."
Price: 99.99

"The Beginner's Guide To Meditation" |
"re You Ready To Start Clearing Your Mind and Improving Your Life Today?Its About Time For You To Learn Meditation!You can meditate anywhere as long as you have found a place that you feel safe and comfortable.This will give you plenty of time to get acquainted with yourself and the way that your mind works.If you are doing something that makes you feel good, relaxed, and comfortable, then you are doing it right.Dear Friend,There is nothing more stressful than having a billion things to do during the day without having even just a second to yourself.The hustle and bustle of everyday life can get to be very overwhelming.Digital marketing is no different.Its affecting the way that SEO works, the tools and software we use, and the way that ads are displayed.The digital marketing singularity is just around the corner.There Are So Many Demands Placed Upon Us That It Can FeelLike There Is Nowhere To Turn That When We Feel Like We JustA Little Bit Of Breathing Room And A Chance To Relax.Fortunately, there is a solution.No matter how many demands you have placed upon you during the day, Meditation is an option that you can easily make the time for.Even just setting aside five minutes for yourself can make the difference between a frazzled, miserable mess at dinner time and a balanced, calm person who is ready to take the next step, no matter where it leads!Meditation has become a very popular subject, and for good reason.But how can you put it to work for yourself?With My AdviceYou will increase your level of emotional understanding and help you to healthily compartmentalize your thoughts and emotions in a way that is constructive.You will change the course of your thinking and reprogram yourself to be more mindful and focused on positive changes rather than negative.You will gain the insight you need to work through your weaknesses and begin to build them into strengths.You will see a clear path forward rather than being swamped by the negative interference along the wayYou will learn from mistakes and see painful situations objectively so that you are able to move through them with productivity.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGThe Beginners Guide to MeditationClearing Your Mind and Improving Your LifeNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside...The History of MeditationThe Benefits of MeditationMindfulness Meditation and How It Can Work For YouThe Benefits of Loving Kindness MeditationActive Meditation with Kundalini YogaThe Benefits of Transcendental MeditationEmail MarketingThe Practice of Zen MeditationTips and Tricks for the Meditation BeginnersPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually learn and be ready for Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to learn about meditation and allow it to be a part of your life.You want to see the possibilities in every momentYou want to be capable of getting where you want to be.You want to overcome doubts and really find the benefits in your practice.You want to see a clear path forward in your life."
Price: 194.99

"Rauchfrei, Schluss mit Zigaretten & Nikotin, Mental Training" |
"Sie wollen mit dem Rauchen aufhren, aber schaffen es nicht bzw es fllt Ihnen sehr schwer, dann knnte es an Ihren Unterbewusstsein liegen, Programmieren Sie genau dieses Unterbewusstsein um, so das es Ihnen hilft und nicht Sabotiert. Dafr ist die Sublimental Methode entwickelt worden, ein neues Mental Training Konzept, die verschiedene Subliminal Verfahren verwendet, es werden unterschwellige Botschaften direkt in Ihr Unterbewusstein transportiert."
Price: 24.99
