"Windows 10 Installing,Configuring,Protecting,Maintaining" |
"In this course, students will learn how to support and configure Windows 10 desktops in an organizational environment. Students will develop skills that include learning how to install, customize, and update Windows 10 operating systems. We will also focus on corporate solutions like WDS.We will also cover Modern solution like Azure Auto Pilot and how to integrate your devices to the Cloud.Students will learn how to managing storage, files, and devices as well as how to configure network connectivity for Windows 10. Students will also learn how to secure the Windows 10 OS and protect the data on the device. Finally, students will learn how to manage and troubleshoot Windows 10The Windows 10 learning track helps students prepare for the Windows 10 exam (MD-100) which is part of the Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate certification. It is composed of the following courses: MD-100.1 Installing Windows 10 MD-100.2 Configuring Windows 10 MD-100.3 Protecting Windows 10 MD-100.4 Maintaining Windows 10 OUTLINE :Module 1: Installing WindowsThis module covers installing the Windows 10 OS. Students will learn the different editions of Windows 10, requirements, and new features introduced. This module covers how to install the OS, as well as methods for migrations and upgrading. Students will also learn about common tools used in the deployment process. We will cover the Auto Pilot process. Module 2: Post-installation Configuration and PersonalizationThis module covers common post-installation tasks in Windows 10. Students will learn how to customize the user interface, as well as using the control panel and settings app to configure common OS settings. This course will also introduce students to Windows PowerShell. This module will cover how device drivers work and how they work. Students will also be introduced to managing and configuring hardware peripherals such as printers.Module 3: Updating Windows in Windows 10In this module, Students will learn about keeping Windows 10 up-to-date. Students will be introduced to the new Windows servicing model and how it applies to various scenarios. Students will learn the various different methods for updating Windows and applications, as well as managing updates using tools like group policy and Windows Update for Business.Module 4: Configuring NetworkingIn this module, Students will learn about networking concepts. This module will introduce to IPv4 and IPv6, and concepts like DNS. Students will learn how to configure network settings in Windows, as well as learn about wireless network technologies. The module will conclude with methods of managing Windows remotely. Module 5: Configuring StorageThis module covers storage configuration and management in Windows 10. Students will be introduced to local, cloud and virtual storage options. This course will also cover configuring storage on client devices and introduce storage spaces. Module 6: Managing Apps in Windows 10In this module, Students will be introduced to App management in Windows 10. This module will cover the different types of apps and supported installation methods. Students will learn how to install apps using manual and automated methods, as well as manage app delivery using the Windows Store. Finally, this module will cover the differences between Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.Module 7: Configuring Authorization & AuthenticationThis module introduces the tools and features of Windows 10 for authorizing access to Windows 10 clients. Students will learn about methods for how users sign-in to Windows 10. This module also covers restricting what users can or cannot do on a device through methods like UAC and account types.Module 8: Configuring Data Access and UsageIn this module, Students will learn about permissions. This module will cover considerations for different files systems. Students will learn how to configure file and folder permissions as well as shared folders. The module will conclude with configuring settings through methods such as local and group policy.Module 9: Configuring Threat Protection and Advanced SecurityThis module introduces students to protecting devices from external threats. Students will learn about the different types of common threats. This module will teach students about using encryption, firewalls, and IPSec to help protect against threats. The module will conclude with how to configure and use Windows Defender and AppLocker.Module 10: Supporting the Windows 10 EnvironmentThis module will cover the Windows 10 architecture and common environments. Students will be introduced to the various tools used in maintaining Windows. This module will also discuss methodologies for effectively troubleshooting issues and how to proactively manage and optimize Windows 10.Module 11: Troubleshooting Files & ApplicationsThis module helps students plan for file backup and recovery. Students will learn how to plan and configure data protection strategies and how to perform various file and system recovery methods. This module also includes common methods for troubleshooting application installation issues, compatibility issues, and resolving browser issues.Module 12: Troubleshooting the OSIn this module, Students will learn how to troubleshoot startup and service issues related to the operating system. This module will teach the different startup and recovery options, and how to troubleshoot different Windows services.Module 13: Troubleshooting Hardware and DriversThis module introduces hardware troubleshooting. Students will learn about driver management and how to troubleshoot devices. Students will also learn steps for troubleshooting system hardware and external peripherals such as USB drives and printers, including diagnostic methods and remediation."
Price: 199.99

"A Brief History of the English Language" |
"This is a course for anyone interested in the disciplines of language and history. The story of the development of the English language to become the world's foremost medium of communication is a long and fascinating one. We will look at beginnings after the departure of the Romans, through successive invasions of Saxons, Vikings and Normans, all of which contributed to the language as we know it today"
Price: 19.99

"SIMULADO GERAL COMPLETO CONTEDO BRASILEIROAs questes so COMENTADAS e selecionadas CRITERIOSAMENTE.Seguiremos a ementa do contedo Brasileiro neste simulado.Os exerccios foram retirados de certificaes anteriores e adaptados, objetivando aumentar o grau de dificuldade das questes, para preparar o candidato que prestar a prova para a certificao CNPI.Simulado com contedo dos tpicos abordados nas provas do Programa de Certificao Nacional (CNPI).Simulado com questes bsicas e avanadas. Ementa CNPI:Para obteno da certificao o profissional deve ser aprovado nos seguintes exames:CB - Contedo Brasileiro - fase comum para o analista fundamentalista, tcnico e pleno.Uma prova de duas horas de durao com 60 questes de mltipla escolha contendo as seguintes matrias: Sistema Financeiro Nacional, Mercado de Capitais, Mercado de Renda Fixa, Mercado de Derivativos, Conceitos Econmicos, Conduta e Relacionamento, Governana Corporativa, Relaes com Investidores e Sustentabilidade.CG1 - Contedo Global 1 - fase para o analista fundamentalista.Uma prova de duas horas de durao com 60 questes de mltipla escolha contendo as seguintes matrias: Anlise e Avaliao de Aes e Finanas Corporativas: 30 questes;Contabilidade Financeira e Anlise de Relatrios Financeiros: 30 questesCT1 - Contedo Tcnico 1 - fase para o analista tcnico.Uma prova de duas horas de durao com 60 questes de mltipla escolha contendo as seguintes matrias: Fundamentos da Anlise Tcnica; Teoria de Dow, Conceito de Tendncia, Figuras Grficas, Teoria das Ondas de Elliott, Padres Candlestick; Indicadores, Gerenciamento de Risco, Estratgias Operacionais e Trading Systems.Fonte: Portal da APIMEC"
Price: 69.99

"Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2020 Edition]" |
"ios Become a Flutter Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2020!This is the most yet straight-forward course for the Flutter on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Dart, this course is for you!This course will teach you Flutter in a practical manner.We will start by helping you get Flutter installed on your computer.We cover a wide variety of topics.So what are you waiting for? Learn Flutter in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 199.99

"Safety Risk Assessment at Workplace" |
". . "
Price: 149.99

"Learn to program ARM cortex M3 mbed lpc1768 with CAN project" |
"Learn to program ARM cortex M3 mbed lpc1768 with CAN projectLED and Switch InterfaceHands-on Exercises on Real World System: Introduction to Cortex-M3, Online compiler Hands-On session for cortex-M3, Building CAN Transmitter nodeBuilding a CAN Receiver node, Analysis of CAN data on desktopCAN BUS analysis using BUSMASTERAnalysis on CAN data over serial bus using Tera-Term"
Price: 1600.00

"TensorFlow. Curso de TensorFlow para Deep Learning y Python" |
"Este curso bsico de TensorFlow te ensear a crear redes neuronales para Deep Learning o aprendizaje profundo.Es una gua fcil con muchos ejemplos, para entener las complejidades del marco de TensorFlow de Google.Este curso est repleto de ejemplos escritos en Python sobre Jupyter Notebook, para que puedas probarlos tu mismo.Estos son los temas tratados en este curso de TensorFlow :- Introduccion al Machine Learning- Instalacion del entorno de trabajo- Curso bsico de Python sobre las libreras usadas en este curso:- NumPy- Pandas- Matplotlib- SciKit Learn- Introduccin a las redes neuronales (Deep Learning)- Neuronas y perceptrones- Funciones de activacion- Funciones de coste- Algoritmo del gradiente descendiente- Practicar con una red neuronal en el navegador- TensorFlow- Introduccin a TensorFlow- Sintaxis bsica de TensorFlow- Grafos en TensorFlow- Grafos por defecto- Variables y placeholders- Ejemplo de red neuronal - parte 1- Ejemplo de red neuronal - parte 2- Ejemplo de regresin simple con TensorFlow- Ejemplo de clasificacin con TensorFlow- Ejemplo de regresin con TensorFlow - parte 1- Ejemplo de regresin con TensorFlow - parte 2- Ejemplo de regresin con TensorFlow - parte 3- Redes Neuronales Convolucionales- Introduccin a las redes neuronales convolucionales- MNIST - Base de datos de imgenes de dgitos escritos a mano- Ejemplo con MNIST - Importar base de datos y mostrar una imagen- Redes Neuronales Recurrentes- Introduccin a las redes neuronales recurrentes- Ejemplo de una red neuronal recurrente con TensorFlow- Ejemplo de series temporales - parte 1- Ejemplo de series temporales - parte 2- Ejemplo de series temporales - parte 3- Bibiliotecas - Estimator API- KerasPodrs obtener un certificado de la realizacin de este curso.Tienes una garanta de devolucin de 30 das, en el caso de que no quedes satisfecho con el curso.Apntate hoy y nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 199.99

"Yazlm Test Uzmanl Eitimi: Sfrdan leri Seviye" |
"Yazlm Test Uzmanl eitimine hogeldiniz!Bu eitim ile Yazlm Test Uzmanl mesleini renebilir ve kendinizi gelitirebilirsiniz. Kursun ilk ksmnda bu meslek iin gerekli olan temel teorik bilgileri reneceiz. Sonrasnda, Mobil Testleri, Arayz (API) testleri, Web Testleri ve JIRA, TestRail, TestLodge, Confluence, Postman ve gitHub gibi aralar reneceiz. Bu kursun sonunda, Test Mhendislii i ilanlarna bavurabilecek seviyeye gelebileceksiniz.Bu kursta sizlere adm adm, baarl bir test uzman olmak iin gerekli tm bilgileri reteceim.Bu eitimi, ngilizce olarak hazrladm Software Testing Masterclass ve Mobile Testing Masterclass eitimlerine gelen youn talep sonrasnda hazrladm. ngilizce eitimlerimde 10.000+ rencim mevcut ve yazlm testi alannda en baarl ve en ok satan eitimlerden.Bu eitimdeki tm videolar 1080P (HD) kalitesinde ve sizlerin daha rahat anlayabilmesi iin yksek ses kalitesine sahip. Tm ders videolarnn zerinde allarak gereksiz ksmlar kartld. Bu sayede eitimden gerekli bilgiyi en ksa srede elde edebileceksiniz.Bu kursu neden almalym ?Bu kurs Udemy'de bulunan en iyi ve en gncel yazlm test kursu. ngilizce kurslarma olan byk talep sonrasnda, Trkiye yazlm sektrne katks olmas iin bu eitimi hazrladm. Yazlm testini evik bak asyla, teorik bilgileri pratie evirebilecek ekilde anlattm. ngilizce ve Trke bulabileceiniz eitimlerin ou anlalar bil dilde deil ve gerek i tecrbesini yanstmyor. Bu eitimde 10 yla yakn olan Yazlm Test tecrbe sizlerle paylatm. Kariyerimde Trkiye'de : QNB Finansbank ve Dou Teknoloji , Belika'da: Energy Pages ve Hollanda'da Qardio ve Payconiq firmalarnda alma frsat buldum. Halen aktif olarak Payconiq (Amsterdam) firmasnda Uzman Test Mhendisi ve Scrum Master olarak grev almaktaym.Eitime kaydolun ve: 5 saat zeri HD ders videolara eriim imkanYazlm Test Uzman olabilmeniz iin gereken tm bilgilerYazlm Testi ile ilgili sektrdeki gncel bilgileri renip, kariyerinizi ileri tayabilirsiniz.Ayrca yazlm testi ve kariyer yolu ile ilgili tm sorularna 24 saat ierisinde cevap alabileceksiniz.Hibir risk yokBu kurs Udemy'nin 30 gn para iadesi garantisi ierisindedir. Eer eitimden memnun kalmazsanz, 30 gn ierisinde %100 para iadesi alabilirsiniz.Balamaya hazr msnz ?Eitime bugn kaydolun ve baarl bir test uzman olman iin ilk adm atn.Kursta grmek zere!"
Price: 59.99

"The Complete Intro to Cisco AppDynamics (APM & DevOps)" |
"AppDynamics is the leading monitoring service out there, whether it's databases, operating systems, servers or browsers, AppDynamics covers it all. If you are an aspiring APM Guru, this course is for you! AppDynamics customer base and popularity is sky-rocketing, be ahead of the curve and a handle on it! Cisco AppDynamics was named a leader in 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for 8th time.The course will guide you through the architecture of AppDynamics and where it should fit in your DevOps Lifecycle. You will create an AppDynamics account as well as install an agent in your application. The data the agent reports will be used to calculate metrics like Apdex Scores, SLO's, SLI's and SLA's. We will make use of the automated baselining feature as well.Everything is well documented and separated, so you can find what you need. Assignments and Quizzes will make sure you stay on track and test your knowledge. The course will have a combination of theory and practical examples.The IntroductionUnderstand why we should use AppDynamics and what it's customer base looks like. Everything in this course will be straight from the free trial version, so you you don't need to buy anything.Sign up for AppDynamics and understand where it fits in the larger scheme of things, your DevOps architecture. What does the AppDynamics architecture look like?The SetupUnderstand how to setup an application to go along with the lectures. In particular, the setup of an online shoe store. Also setup an agent in your application which will then send metrics and other data to AppDynamics on the cloud.AppDynamics for an EngineerWhere does AppDynamics fit in your DevOps cycle? What are the build stages and how does AppDynamics aid each one? Get into your role as a rising developer in an organizations and battle through all your problems using Cisco AppDynamics. These problems will range from production issues to slow database queries. Investigate everything with ease. Move on to some more advanced concepts like Apdex Scores, and automated baselining. Once you master alerting you will understand why AppDynamics is the ""central nervous system"" of your application suite.Real Life use Cases of AppDynamicsWhere and when do we apply AppDynamics? While the decision is yours, take a look at how some well-known names in the industry do it.Reference GuideThink of this section as a reference guide, like a dictionary. Whenever you want to learn how to set something up, come hereThis is an into level course, if you have already taken a course on APM, this may not be the best fit for you."
Price: 24.99

ArcGIS |
"ArcGIS (Single-User) (Multi-User) Esri ArcGIS Softwares (arcgis Desktop arcgis server arcgis map arcgis Catalog ArcPortal) (HTML5 CSS3 JavaScipt C # SQL Asp ESRI JS API ArcObject Python Asp MVC) 6 . . ."
Price: 84.99

"Krav Maga Awareness Training" |
"In this series, we go to public places, where most common attacks happen and we teach you the tips and survival skills you need to stay safe. Without throwing a strike or having to fight back, these are day to day safety tips, on how to make yourself a hard target and learn how to be aware, and asses a danger before it can happen."
Price: 24.99

"Kids Anti-Bullying Program" |
"In this anti-bullying program, your kids or teens, will learn everything they need to stand up and defend themselves. Not only will they learn the psychology of a bully, but the mind set and physical confidence to defend themselves. We cover as well, for the parents how to talk to your kids about bullying, and the different types of bulling and how to approach them in or out of the school yard. This program is designed for both parents and kids to train together while making it a fun activity."
Price: 34.99

"Fractions, Exponents and Square Roots" |
"In this course I'll try to show you for each subject the properties, then I'll give you an exercise, and finally you'll be able to watch a video of the correction for each one. Through this course you will be able to learn all the important and necessary properties about fractions, exponents and square roots. You will be able to solve all types of exercises."
Price: 19.99

"Amazon,Ebay,Shopify,Aliexpress Dropshipping Eitim Serisi" |
"Merhaba Sevgili renci;Aklnza taklan sorular bana sormaktan ekinmeyin.Her renci benim iin ok deerlidir.nceliimiz emee saygdr.Karlkl diyalog halinde birok eyin zlebileceini dnyorum.Bu bir eticaret eitimidir. Gelir garantisi yoktur. Daha ok, daha az kazanabilir ya da hi kazanamayabilirsiniz. alma, aratrma ve mesai gerektirir.Kursa buna gre katlmanz rica ederim.Bu kurs ieriinde para kazandran platfromlarn Kendi adma deme Kantlar ile beraber sundum.Kursu satn almadan nce mutlaka cretsiz videolar seyrediniz zellikle aadaki 3 videoyu izlemenizi neririm.1. E-Ticaret ve Dropshipping Yaplrken 10 Altn Kural - MUTLAKA ZLEYNZ2. deme Kantlar ve Kurs Hakknda - MUTLAKA ZLEYNZ3. Dier Eitim Programlarndan Fark Ne? - MUTLAKA ZLEYNZKursumuz Tke ve ngilizce altyazl olarak retilmi olup, duyma engeli olan kiiler iin de uygundur.Bu kursa kim, neden kayt olmal sorularn ve giri derslerini kursun giri videolarnda cretsiz olarak paylatm. Mutlaka bu cretsiz dersleri izlemeni neriyorum.YAAYAN BR KURSA HOGELDNZDnyada son zamanlardaki gelimeler bize artk ek gelirin nemini birkez daha hatrlatm oldu.Eitim, balang seviyesinden ileri dzeye kadar kapsamaktadr.En temel seviyeden, en ileri seviyeye kadar eitim verilmektedir.Bu kurs eitmen tarafndan rencilerinden gelen taleplere ve sorulara gre srekli olarak gncellenmektedir.Eitime kayt olduunuzda eitmene soru sorabilir ve en ksa srede cevap alabilirsiniz.KURS HAKKINDAPiyasadaki binlerce dolarlk eitimlere gerek duymadan, sat yapmay renmek ister misiniz?Bir dropshipper olmak ister misiniz?Dropshipping becerilerinizi artrmanz m gerekiyor?O halde doru yerdesiniz!Udemy'nin en geni kapsaml Amazon,Ebay,Shopify,Aliexpress Dropshipping kursuna hogeldiniz. Gerek dnyadaki rnekler ve kantlar ile Dropshipping'i reneceksiniz.BU KURSTA NELER YAPILABLR!Amazon'da dropshipping ile balang sermayesi olmadan, stoksuz ekilde Abd'de ki Amazon maazanzda sat yaparak srekli gelir oluturabilirsiniz.Ebay'da dropshipping ile balang sermayesi olmadan, stoksuz ekilde Abd'de ki Ebay maazanzda sat yaparak srekli gelir oluturabilirsiniz.Shopify'da dropshipping ile balang sermayesi olmadan, stoksuz ekilde Abd'de veya farkl lkelerde maaza aarak ve sat yaparak srekli gelir oluturabilirsiniz.Aliexpress'de maaza aarak stoklu veya stoksuz ekilde elinizdeki rnleri in'in dev e-ticaret pazarnda sat yaparak srekli gelir oluturabilirsiniz.Dropshipping Nedir?Dropshipping size ait olmayan ve o anda elinizde olmayan rnleri, zerine kendi elde edeceiniz kar da ekleyerek alc ve satcnn arasnda bir anlamda pazarlama ilemidir.Hal byle olunca Dropshipping riskin ok az olduu bir ticaret yntemi haline geliyor. Aslnda Dropshipping balangta btesi olmayanlarn bile kolayca balayabilecei ve para kazanabilecei bir sistem. Yapmanz gereken temel i ise eitli platformlarn zerinde rnn reklam. Bylelikle rn alclara pazarlam olacaksnz. Tabi ki kolay gibi grnse de sistemin oturabilmesi zaman ve emek gerektiren bir sre. Elbette bu konuda detayl bilgiye sahip olmak da gerekiyor. Sistemin oturmasnn ardndan kendi belirlediiniz oranda kar koyarak sunmu olduunuz rn iin mteri size deme yapar. Ardndan rn elinde olan gerek satcya siz alyormu gibi mteri iletiim ve adres bilgilerini ekleyerek rn alcya gndermelerini salyorsunuz. Teoride bu ekilde basit bir sistem olarak grnse de Dropshipping olduka ayrntl bir sistem olduu iin bu konuda detayl bir eitim alnmasnda fayda var.Kursumuzu katldnzda dnyann en byk e-ticaret platformlarnda Amazon,Ebay,Shopify ve Aliexpress zerinde Sat ve Dropshipping yapmann yollarn reneceksiniz. Alacanz bu detayl kurs ile E-Ticaret ve Dropshippingi tm incelikleri ve ayrntlar ile renebileceksiniz.Bu eitimi tamamlamanzn ardndan amzn en nemli pazar pay olan e-ticaret hakknda detayl bilgi sahibi olacak ve bu platformlarda sat yapmaya balayacaksnz. Yeni nesil stoksuz e-ticaret frsatlarndan yararlanmak iin ge kalmayn.Devir internet devri artk siz de evinizde scak yatanzda uyurken bile para kazanabilirsiniz.Bu kurs kendinize yapacanz ilk yatrm olabilir!"
Price: 59.99

"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals : AZ-900 - Practice Tests" |
"Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure.Azure Fundamentals exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge of cloud concepts, core Azure services, Azure pricing, SLA, and lifecycle, and the fundamentals of cloud security, privacy, compliance, and trust.This exam is intended for people beginning to work with cloud-based solutions and services. Candidates should be able to demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of cloud concepts, as well as Azure services, workloads, security, privacy, pricing, and support. In addition, you should be familiar with concepts of networking, storage, compute, application support, and application development.Azure Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based or specialty certifications, but it is not a prerequisite for any of them.Skills measuredDescribe cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe core Azure services (30-35%)Describe security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Describe Azure pricing Service Level Agreements, and Lifecycles (20-25%)"
Price: 19.99

"The Gateless Barrier" |
"The Great Way is gateless,Approached in a thousand ways.Once past this checkpointYou stride through the universe.-WumenThe Wmngun is the most popular collections of koans in the zen tradition. Many of the central stories of the old masters are included in the collection. The 48 cases were compiled by master Wumen (1183 1260) for teaching at a retreat. He claimed that the text, including the title, were thrown together without much thought and the koans are in no particular order. Im not sure if he can be believed. Like a zen madman, Wumen was said to have grown his hair and beard long and to have wandered around saying things people thought were crazy. Wumens name means no door or no entryway and its the first part of the title of the text. The second part guan means barrier or boundary.The Great Way is the path were on. The path inspired by the Buddha, the cultivating of awareness and compassion. Find your true nature and help others, that sums up the path.Wumen said that the doorless wall is the door into the Buddhas teaching. How do you pass through a doorless wall?Were going to try to find out together. This course is a study of the first eight koans in this classic collection."
Price: 19.99

"IT Support training Exchange Online 2016 Office 365" |
"In this IT Support training for Exchange online 2016 you will learn critical skills of the following: Create and manage mailboxes, shared mailboxes, and resource mailboxes, managing contacts, groups and distribution groups and managing all additional exchange recipients such as site mailboxes. I've also added a bonus section to demonstrate key areas and issues that arise in it support engineer role."
Price: 19.99

"Higher-Order Thinking (Hot)" |
"This course on the Thee (3) Brains was Designed to provide you with insight into how your brain works and to Discover WHY you think and act the way you do. Understanding this information leads to the development of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, it fosters Understanding and Cooperation within groups and between the aspects of yourself."
Price: 129.99

"SAP S4 HANA Migration Tool" |
"Goals of this Course:S/4 Hana Migration tool(LTMC) is a tool that supports to transfer the data from non SAP systems to SAP S/4 HANA. This short course includes step-by-step approach in creation or configure the template using LTMC and LTMOM, which helps in learning and mastering how to load data during data migration activity in Roll-out / Implementation / Support SAP projects. Which includes step by step process right from designing to execution activity."
Price: 2240.00

"Positive Discipline for Children from 3-6" |
"Many parents have felt it this way: Children from 3-6 are so adorable, yet at the same time, full of troubles.Children from 3-6 start to have their own opinions, and their robust energy is growing exponential. Meanwhile, their emotions are harder to predict, and their personalities start to emerge. But what we might often forget is: this is the time for them to explore the world even further, and for them to develop their own skills. During this time, parents could have more influences on how the child think and act. So, that's why we need Positive Discipline for Children from 3-6 to really help children and parents be more prepared for a better future. "
Price: 99.99

"Positive Discipline Parenting Tools" |
"Part 1: Positive Discipline Founder Jane Nelsen and her daughter Mary Nelsen share touching stories about Positive Discipline in their life, which includes how they interact, how they forge a strong connection as time went by, and how PD influence their life. Part 2: Mary Nelsen, the author of Positive Discipline Parenting Tools, is going to share her experiences over 30 Positive Discipline tools. The tools are designed to help you build up a better communication and connection with your child, while developing their characteristics and life skills. They are all practical and easy to learn, giving you much more confidence and courage on the road of parenting!"
Price: 99.99

"1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install, Patch Maintain Practice Exam" |
"225 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install, Patch Maintain Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install, Patch Maintain Practice ExamTotal Questions : 225Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (168 of 225)"
Price: 164.99

"SAP S/4HANA for Sales Upskilling(C_TS460_1809/1909) - Tests" |
"Scenario based exam questions for SAP C_TS460_1809/1909 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA 1809/1909 Sales Upskilling.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.This certificate is the ideal starting point for a professional career as a Sales and Distribution Consultant on SAP S/4HANA 1809/1909.Topic Areas :Smart Business 8% - 12%Simplifications 8% - 12%S/4HANA Essentials 8% - 12%Organization Structure< 8%Enterprise Management Execution< 8%Billing Process and Customizing< 8%Shipping Process and Customizing< 8%Master data< 8%Pricing and condition technique< 8%Sales process< 8%Availability Check< 8%Cross-functional Customizing< 8%Basic Functions (customizing)< 8%Sales Documents (customizing)< 8%Next Generation Technologies< 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TS460_1809/1909 - SAP S/4HANA Sales 1809/1909 UpskillingActual exam contains 80 questionsType of Questions : Multiple choice/Multi OptionTime : 180 MinutesPassing Score : 61%"
Price: 199.99

"Become A Master Of Microsoft Excel" |
"Do you want to learn how to improve your excel skills?You don't have any experience with Microsoft Excell?Then don't worry this is the right course for you!!Students who finished this course will be provided with a verifiable certificate of completion. There will be a quiz at the end of each section.Microsoft Excel 2010 is used in this course. If you have other versions, no problem because they all work the same with the same features.It is very important you learn how to use Microsoft Excel very well if you want to become one of the following...AccountantFinancial ManagerAdministrative assistantRetail ManagerCost EstimatorFinancial Analyst Project ManagerBusiness AnalystData JournalistInformation clerkEntrepreneur Anyone who is involved in business and want to be successful Real estate agentFinancial advisor Then learning Microsoft Excel is very important.Why is Microsoft Excell so important? Every big company out there uses Microsoft excel and if you want to get the excel skills you need in order for you to be valuable by those big companies, you need to start here with this course.Enrol now!! and start the journey to get your dream job with your new skill which you are going to learn here"
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant (CRT 550)" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 50+.Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant (CRT 550) Test seriesThe Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant has experience using the Marketing Cloud Email application tools in executing both tactical and strategic email campaigns. The consultant knows how to build email marketing campaigns while incorporating different tools such as the content system, segmentation, automation, tracking, and analytics to make data-driven decisions to optimize customer email campaigns. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant is also able to troubleshoot and solve platform issues.The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant generally has 6 months to 1 year of implementation experience and/or at least 5 complex implementation projects with hands-on experience as a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Solutions Architect or similar expertise implementing the Marketing Cloud Email application and associated tools. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant possesses facilitation and consultative skills at a technical level."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 70+.Salesforce Certified Community Cloud Consultant Test seriesThe Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist credential is designed for individuals who would like to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing marketing workflows through the Pardot platform. The candidate would know how to build strategic marketing processes that incorporate different tools like email marketing, lead generation, lead scoring, and can use reports to make data-driven decisions.The Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist credential is intended for an individual who has experience implementing the Pardot platform, including practical application of the skills and concepts noted in the exam objectives below. The Salesforce Certified Pardot Specialist generally has two months to six months of experience building marketing workflows with the Pardot platform and/or a similar technology platform."
Price: 19.99

"Nutanix Certified Advanced Professional (NCAP) Practice Test" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 40+.Nutanix Certified Advanced Professional (NCAP) 5.10 Test seriesThe Nutanix Certified Advanced Professional (NCAP) 5.10 exam tests candidates on their skills and abilities performing advanced administrative tasks and optimizing both virtualized workloads and infrastructure components on an AOS 5.10 implementation. Successful candidates demonstrate mastery of these skills and abilities.It is recommended that candidates have the knowledge and skills necessary to deploy, administer and troubleshoot a Nutanix AOS environment before attempting the NCAP 5.10 exam. It is also recommended, though not required, that the candidate complete the course described section 4 in prior to taking the exam."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 125+.Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Test seriesThe Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist credential is designed for individuals who want to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and experience in the following areas: email marketing best practices, message design, subscriber and data management, inbox delivery, email automation, and tracking and reporting metrics within the Marketing Cloud Email application.The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist has experience using the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email application tools in executing both tactical and strategic email campaigns. This user knows how to build email marketing campaigns while utilizing a content system, segmentation, automation, tracking, and analytics to make data-driven decisions to optimize email campaigns. The Email Specialist is also able to troubleshoot and solve basic Marketing Cloud-specific issues.The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist generally has 6 months to 1 year of experience utilizing the Marketing Cloud Email application and associated tools."
Price: 19.99

"VMware Certified Associate (VCA-DBT) 1V0-701 Exam" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 70+.VMware Certified Associate - Digital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT) Exam Test seriesMinimally Qualified Candidate The Minimally Qualified Candidate (MQC) is a conceptualization of the certification candidate that possesses the minimum knowledge, skills, experience, and competence to just meet our expectations of a credentialed individual.The MQC for the VMware Certified Associate - Digital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT) understands industry recognized virtualization concepts and is aware of VMware products, underlying technologies, and solutions. The MQC is familiar with VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture and VMware solution domains (including vSphere, vSAN, NSX, vRealize Suite, Horizon 7 Suite, etc.). The MQC can describe how these are applied to customer situations and can propose solutions at a high level"
Price: 19.99

"Cook 5 Best Indian Curries Recipe - Indian Cooking Curries" |
"Cook 5 best Indian Curries Recipe - Indian Cooking Curries, Delicious Indian restaurant favorite recipes, Made fresh at home with detailed step by step videosIn this course very easy to make students, home-style curries recipes. believe me, once you make it at home you love it.Simple ingredients I am using but taste-wise authentic flavor."
Price: 49.99

"Excel VBA Essentials for Reporting Automation" |
"Start creating your Excel Dashboard and Data Analytics reports today with VBA macros !After some years spent in the financial industry, I have frequently noticed that data processes were not as efficient as they could be. Too many times I saw people spend hours creating the same reports, and start again the following month. Usually, this followed a single common pattern: collect data from a specific source, modify and format it, save it and send it.The moment I realized that it was possible to automate pretty much any routine tasks with a few lines of code was a real revelation for me. Since then, I have been focusing on automating all the processes that my colleagues and I needed, replacing hours of manual processing with a single button click.Well, this is exactly what I want to show; how you can spare your time and your colleague's, so you can focus on tasks where you have a real added-value.Stronger togetherThe objective of this course is thus to show that it is possible for everyone to automate many different data processes from start to finish.The key to doing this is using the right tools, so you will find that Excel is great, but it is even more powerful when used with other applications. Among other things, we will work with Microsoft Access, which is the Office database tool. We will see how more efficient it is to use Access compared to Excel for certain tasks, but also how these two applications can be used together to build an even more efficient process.End-to-end automation reachable by anyone_____________________________________________________Why is this course different from the others I can find on the same subject?This course is different for several reasons:We follow a specific objective. While some courses try to detail everything you can do with a specific application, we are here looking to achieve a specific goal, which is automating a practical business situation.It spans several topics and applications, not just one. A lot of courses focus in depth on a single specific subject like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, VBA or SQL. On the contrary, this course will mix all these relevant subjects, so the final objective is reached faster.Only key elements are presented. The objective is not to present all the possible things you can do with VBA, but only those which are useful and needed to pursue our final goal. We will seek the relevance of the concepts over the quantity.Theory is reduced to a minimum and mixed with practice. I do not believe that theoretical explanations alone is enough to understand this kind of subject. However, I do believe that practice is. That's why we will mix both.Short videos that focus on a specific topic. Just as we are not going to go through every capabilities of VBA, neither will we spend hours on a specific subject. Videos will be concise and straight to the point.What you will learn is usable immediately. This course does not present isolated concepts, but it presents a complete solution that you should directly be able to implement for your own needs, once you have completed this course._____________________________________________________Can I find the content of this course on Google?Honestly ... yes, you can! I myself learned a lot about VBA and other programming languages using Google. I can tell you there are tons of useful information you can find online (a few billions in less than a second to be exact).But this is for the exact same reason that I would have liked to have a resource like this one at the very beginning. Simply, because there are multiple ways to automate a process, which makes it much more complicated to build without any experience.By following a specific method, with tailored explanations and examples, you have the opportunity to learn a subject much faster. Of course, this doesn't prevent you to keep on exploring the subject afterwards._____________________________________________________Why should I follow this course and learn automation?There are different reasons for that.First and perhaps the most obvious is that data is taking up more and more space in most of today's businesses. The more comfortable you are with data, the better prepared you will be for this trend.After completing this course, I am pretty sure you will approach things differently. I'm not saying you will be an expert in database management or in big data ... because it is not the objective. However, you will have a much clearer vision of what can be automated, with what tools, and most importantly how it can make your life easier.By following this course, you will have the opportunity to rethink your existing processes, and build new ones, in a much more efficient way. This will more than likely have a positive impact on you and your colleagues, but also on your boss's appreciation of your work.Finally, maybe the principal reason is that automation is not as complicated as it seems. Contrary to what you might expect, it does not take years to start coding. This course only lasts about 5 hours, which is less than a single work day and already enough to cover many of the important things to know. So, if you have absolutely no idea what you can automate, or how you can automate it ... Join us today! and this might be the most productive work day you have had in awhile."
Price: 109.99
