"CISSP Assets Security Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is not a real part of the media management Viability?a) Storageb) Letterc) appeald) markinge) NoneQ) Demagnetization is used to clear the data from all these media, with the exception ofa) discsb) Read-only mediac) videocassetted) magnetic hard drivese) NoneQ) Which of the following is not a media control vital force is used to protect the viability of storage media?a) clearingb) markingc) appeald) storagee) NoneQ) Electrical device (AC or DC), which can generate a magnetic coercive force in order to reduce the magnetic flux density to zero in storage or other magnetic media, called:a) a magnetic field.b) degausserc) Magnetic remanence.d) magnetic saturation.e) None"
Price: 174.99

"Citrix 1Y0-371 Design, Deploying, Managing Enterprise Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Citrix engineer must distribute the scheduling policy that __________ and __________ units so that these devices are to check automatically with no further intervention engineer. (Choose two correct option to complete the sentence.a) IOSb) Androidc) Windows Phone 8.1d) SymbianQ) Scenario: Citrix Engineer is to develop XenMobile Enterprise solutions to support approximately 30,000 connected devices. The medium must be able to sustain the failure of one node in the cluster at any given time for backup and maintenance. Each server specification includes four virtual processors, and 16 GB of memory. What is the minimum number of servers XenMobile that the engineer should be recommended as part of this cluster?a) Twob) Threec) fourd) Fivee) NoneQ) Citrix Engineer set XenMobile Mail Manager and must ensure that ActiveSync clients are quarantined if they are not included in XenMobile Server. That the Default Rule to be an engineer to choose in this case?a) Letb) blockc) Unchanged Unchanged ~~ POS = HEAD COMPd) Quarantinee) NoneQ)Scenario: Citrix Engineer is to develop XenMobile Enterprise solutions to support approximately 40,000 connected devices. The medium must be able to sustain the failure of one node in the cluster at any given time for backup and maintenance. Each server specification includes four virtual processors, and 16 GB of memory. What is the minimum number of servers XenMobile that the engineer should be recommended as part of this cluster?a) Threeb) fourc) Fived) Sixe) Two"
Price: 159.99

"Citrix 1Y0-992 Meta Frame Presentation Feature Deploy Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What method of implementation iterations test scalability provides the most reliable results?a) 1. server monitoring for 10 minutes without any user 2. Add users to the serverb) 1. Monitor Sever for 10 minutes without addition of one user 2. User 3. Wait for the Login process is completed 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as long as the server crashesc) 1. Monitoring servers 10 minutes without user 2. Add 5 users 3. Wait 10 minutes 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until then, until the server crashesd) 1. The monitoring server 10 minutes without any user. 2. Add one user 3. Wait 10 minutes 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until then, until the server crashese) NoneQ) Using Clear Static Port Mapping, which customers can access the subnet?a) Webb) UNIXc) Win 16d) WIN 32e) mac.Q) Which command allows you to connect to a disconnected ICA session?a) ctxconnectb) ctxqserverc) ctxinstalld) ctxqcliente) NoneQ)What are the two types of application compatibility scenarios?a) installb) Sign inc) debugd) syntactical analyzere) commandQ) Land change the audio settings on each MetaFrame XP Presentation Server in a server farm. What is the sound quality will be compressed to a maximum of 16 kilobytes?a) idleb) Lowc) highd) middlee) NoneQ) What is the default priority for the sound?a) $0 b) $1 c) $2 d) $3 e) $4"
Price: 164.99

"GCSE Biology - Plant Biology Master Class" |
"You will learn all that you need to about plant biology in preparation for your GCSEs. I will make the learning process fun and informative at the same time so that you can absorb the information. It is the ideal gift for your child or anyone you know studying for their GCSE biology exam, GCSE science exam or even anyone who wants to get a head start."
Price: 19.99

"Android Performance, mejorando el rendimiento de las apps" |
"Si sos desarrollador Android, seguro que alguna vez has tenido problemas de rendimiento que afectaban la usabilidad de alguna aplicacin. Este curso te ensear cmo identificar y diagnosticar los problemas de rendimiento. Utilizando herramientas de diagnostico y anlisis, que te permitirn realizar pruebas exploratorias, utilizar herramientas de profiling, navegar cdigo potencialmente problemtico y disear un plan de ataque para mitigar el bajo rendimiento.Al finalizar el curso, obtendrs un mayor nivel de comprensin sobre cmo interactan el cdigo del programa y la plataforma Android, lo que lo ayudar a optimizar el rendimiento en el futuro. Todas estas herramientas que se estudiarn te permitirn mejorar el rendimiento de aplicaciones existentes, como tambin considerar estos puntos en nuevos desarrollos.Mejorar pantallas, optimizar el dibujado, entender sobre fugas de memoria y optimizacin del tamao del cdigo, sern las bases del curso de performance, que te permitirn llevar tus aplicaciones al siguiente nivel, elevando la calidad y tu reputacin como desarrollador Android.Para aprovechar al mximo este curso, debes tener experiencia en el desarrollo de aplicaciones mobiles en dispositivos Android, ya sea usando Java o Kotlin como lenguaje. Adems debe saber comprender los conceptos bsicos del ciclo de vida de Android y saber cmo realizar operaciones bsicas en Android StudioSi vos sos tester manual trabajando en el area de calidad de las aplicaciones, debers contar con los conceptos bsicos de una Aplicacin Android, para poder juntar evidencia y aprovechar al mximo las herramientas que ac presentaremos.Tambin necesits acceso a un dispositivo Android y conocimientos prcticos de Android Studio para poder seguir los ejercicios.Si nunca ha desarrollado una aplicacin de Android nativa, consulte algn curso de Desarrollo de aplicaciones de Android antes de tomar este curso sobre performance.Si no est familiarizado con Github, consulte algn curso sobre cmo usar Git y Github, en este curso no utilizaremos Github,pero es algo que seguro necesitaras para otros proyectos.Lo que aprenders:Analizar las jerarquias de los layouts y la importancia del dibujado de cada pixel.Disear las pantallas con buen rendimiento.Recolectar evidencia de bajo rendimiento de la aplicacin.Usar el Memory Profiler para recopilar datos sobre la aplicacin.Realiza anlisis con el procesamiento de perfiles de la GPU.Utilizar LeakCanary para detectar todas las fugas de memoria.Registrar datos de asignacin de memoria para su aplicacin.Utilizar Android App Bundle.Analizar Android Vitals y sus metricas.Que hars:Siguiente clase a clase y ejecutando las aplicaciones de ejemplo, podrs:Dominar a la perfeccin las herramientas para el problema del redibujado.Analizar las jerarquas de los layoutsEjecutar Memory Profiler, para generar, guardar e inspeccionar datos.Ejecutar Leak Canary y entender sus notificaciones.Optimizar cdigo con la reduccin R8 y Android App Bundle.Analizar las metricas del panel de Android Vitals.Los diseos ocupan un lugar clave en las aplicaciones para Android que influyen directamente en la experiencia del usuario. Si se implementa mal, el diseo puede producir una aplicacin con IU lentas. Analizando las jerarquias de los layouts detectaremos problemas de rendimiento , para aplicar estrategias de mejoras.Herramientas como Heap Viewer, el Memory Monitor, y el Allocation Tracker son herramientas complementarias que nos permitiran visualizar la memoria que utiliza la aplicacion. Aprenderemos a dominarlas y a analizar la informacion.Con LeakCanary es posible detectar todas las fugas de memoria que se van produciendo con cada aplicacin, servicios en segundo plano o lo que sea que ejecutemos en nuestra aplicacin. De esta forma y a travs de pequeas notificaciones, se nos notificar en qu momentos nuestro dispositivo va perdiendo megas libres de los que tiene disponibles.Los desarrolladores de Android saben que el tamao del APK es un factor importante para el usuario. La reduccin del cdigo ayuda a reducir el tamao de su APK al deshacerse del cdigo y los recursos no utilizados.La reduccin de R8 es la optimizacin del cdigo para el tamao, que analizaremos y aprenderemos a utilizar.Aprende a desarrollar apps Android con excelente rendimiento, participando de este curso para desarrolladores avanzados que quieren dejar de ser principiante dominando Android Studio, LeakCanary y otras herramientas de desarrollo.Ejecutaremos apps con problemas de rendimiento, para que t puedas pasar por todo el ciclo de la mejoras de rendimiento de apps, desde recolectar evidencia, hasta el rediseo de interfaces bajando la complejidad, o analizando el heap de memoria para detectar fugas de memoria.Este curso ofrece muchos recursos que estarn disponibles para todos los alumnos:Todo el cdigo escrito en clase, ordenado y categorizado en las distintas clases.Videos de contenido propio.Lecturas complementarias.Actualizacin a las nuevas herramientas de performance.Un aspecto a resaltar del Mobile Performance es el compromiso con la experimentacin y las pruebas ya que, lejos de confirmaciones universales y verdades absolutas, el ecosistema Android no hace ms que reinventarse peridicamente. Por tanto, nuestras aplicaciones deben apuntar tambin al perfeccionamiento y la optimizacin. Si en tus proyectos Android nativos se intentan mejorar los resultados y reducir los esfuerzos, primero hay que observar lo que sucede con el rendimiento para luego buscar maneras de mejorarlo. Aqu en este curso te presentaremos todas las herramientas y estrategias necesarias para que estos sea posible.Te invito a que veas cualquiera de las clases que estn disponibles antes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto del curso.Hay requisitos para realizar el curso?Se recomienda un PC con 4GB de RAM y procesador INTEL i5 o superior.El curso es desde AVANZADOS en ANDROID, es necesario conocimiento en Android. Se recomienda tener conocimientos avanzados en programacin.Tener ganas de aprender y de convertirse en un autntico EXPERTO de Android.Para quin es este curso?Desarrolladores en Android.Tester/Ing de Calidad de Aplicaciones para Android.Sobre el tutor:Soy desarrollador Android con 10 aos de experiencia en el mercado. Docente de varios cursos presenciales de programacin Android, ya muchos estudiantes han aprendido Android conmigo, desde principiantes hasta avanzados. Vos podes ser el siguiente, sumandote a la comunidad de desarrolladores que llevamos nuestras aplicaciones al siguiente nivel, pensando en la performance y rendimiento de la app, mejorando las habilidades de programador Android llevndolas al siguiente nivel.Espero que si tienes alguna duda puedas mandarme un Mensaje Directo, para as resolver tu duda de forma inmediata."
Price: 34.99

"SISE - Cisco Identify and Service Engine Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Cisco Identity and Service Engine?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass SISE 300-715 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam.Exam Topics are mentioned belowArchitecture and DeploymentPolicy Enforcement Web Auth and Guest ServicesProfilerBYODEndPoint ComplianceNetwork Access Device AdministrationWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"SNCF - Securing Network Cisco FirePower Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Securing Network Cisco FirePower?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass SNCF 300-710 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam.Exam Topics are mentioned belowDeploymentConfigurationManagement and TroubleshootingIntegrationWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"DCAUTO - Cisco Data Center Solution Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Cisco Data Center Solution?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass DCAUTO 300-635 .We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam.Exam Topics are mentioned belowNetwork Programming FoundationController Based Data Center NetworkingData Center Device-Centric NetworkingData Center ComputeWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"DCSAN - Cisco Storage Area Networking Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Cisco Storage Area Networking?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass DCSAN 300-625 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam.Exam Topics are mentioned belowDeploymentImplementationManagement and MonitoringMDS Troubleshooting Wish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"JNCIA - Juniper Enterprise Routing & Switching Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Juniper Enterprise Routing and Switching?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass JN0-103 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowJunOS Operating System FundamentalsUser InterfacesConfiguration BasicsOperating Monitoring and MaintenanceRouting FundamentalsRouting Policy Firewall FiltersWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"JNCIS - Juniper Enterprise Routing & Switching Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Juniper Enterprise Switching & Routing?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass JN0-348 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowLayer 2 SwitchingSpanning Tree ProtocolLayer 2 SecurityProtocol Independent RoutingOSPFIS-ISBGPTunnelsHigh AvailabilityWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"JNCIP - Juniper Enterprise Routing & Switching Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Juniper Enterprise Routing & Switching?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass JN0-648 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowInterior Gateway ProtocolsBorder Gateway ProtocolsIP MulticastEthernet Switching and Spanning TreeLayer 2 Authentication and Access ControlIP Telephony FeaturesClass of ServiceEVPN Wish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"JNCIS-SEC Security Specialist Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Juniper Security Specialist?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass JN0-334 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowApplication SecuritySecurity PoliciesAdvanced Threat PreventionHigh Availability ClusteringVirtual SRX or cSRXJuniper Identify Management ServicesSecure Socket Layer ProxyJuniper Secure AnalyticsWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Trade Based Anti Money Laundering AML Framework" |
"Do you want to learn about the Trade Based Money Laundering TBML and related Risk Management by an institution?Do you want to learn how a financial institution manages the Risks of Trade Based Money Laundering TBML activities by criminals? Do you want to learn the regulatory requirements and more specifically the anti money laundering AML requirements to be complied by FIs?This course will teach you the following aspects of Anti Money laundering AML and Trade Based Money Laundering TBML:Money laundering MLPurpose of money launderingCore risks faced by institutionsTBAML principles and frameworkTrade based money laundering TBML transactions with examplesRisk management framework for trade based money laundering TBML Board of directors and Senior management roles and responsibilitiesFront end staff requirements related to TBML and AMLPolicies and procedures to deal with TBML activitiesCustomer risk profiling and screening measuresEDD measures related to TBMLReporting TBML suspicious transactionsDatabase requirements etc.This course will help you in your practical life, if you are doing jobs in following domains:ComplianceCompliance risk management Anti money laundering AML / CFTInternal auditEnterprise risk management ERMTrade operations / branch operations / account openingInternal controls Risk reviewThank you."
Price: 19.99

marwan_osman_snapchat |
". . ."
Price: 44.99

"Advance Laptop Motherboard Repair Course" |
"This course only covers the theory knowledge of laptop Motherboard repair. No practical videos are available with is course. This course covers all the topics of Laptop Motherboard. All primary voltages and secondary voltages are covered. The working principle of voltage regulators is briefly explained. Different sections of the laptop motherboard are covered separately. Troubleshooting lessons gives you a thorough knowledge of the motherboard. Anyone can repair any motherboard with confidence. Anyone who is interested in Laptop repairing OR Who is in the field of laptop or mobile phone repair who needs updation OR who are planning to become an expert in the laptop repair field can enroll in this course."
Price: 29.99

"1Z0-931-20 Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud 2020 Specialist" |
"An Oracle Autonomous Database 2020 Specialist has demonstrated the knowledge required to provision, manage, and migrate to Autonomous Transaction Database (ATP) and Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW). It is designed for database administrators, monitors, and Dev Ops admins who want to validate their knowledge and skills. Individuals who earn this certification are able to understand the features, workflows and architecture of Autonomous Database; provisioning, connectivity, migration using SQL Developer, Data Pump and Golden Gate, manage , maintain and monitor Autonomous Database. Up-to-date training and hands-on experience or practice in Autonomous Database is highly recommended. This certification is available to all candidates, including on-premise DBAs, Cloud data management professionals, and consultants.nd hands-on experience or practice in Autonomous Database is highly recommended. This certification is available to all candidates, including on-premise DBAs, Cloud data management professionals, and consultants."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga para TODO EL CUERPO en tan SOLO 7 das" |
"He diseado este curso para todo aquel que, como yo, desee experimentar los beneficios del yoga y aprender como usar el yoga como herramienta para tener un cuerpo sano.Al final del curso conocers siete secuencias diferente, cada una basada en una parte diferente del cuerpo y te sentirs revitalizado.Durante una semana, da a da iremos aprendiendo las secuencias para ejercitar, fortalecer, estirar y liberar tensin en una parte diferente del cuerpo y as poder mejorar su salud. Esta metodologa funciona muy bien, ya que tanto las secuencias como el orden en el que han sido diseadas para que poco a poco vayas adquiriendo una visin mas clara acerca de todo el cuerpo y aprendas a cuidar tu cuerpo a travs del yoga.Al final de este curso sers capaz de diferenciar la asanas y secuencias que son mas adecuadas para aquella parte del cuerpo que desees ejercitar o suavizar. Y no solo esto, no solo experimentaras sus beneficios en tu propio cuerpo si no tambin en tu mente. Juntos iremos paso a paso desarrollando una practica de yoga que te ayude a sentirte mejor contigo mismo y con tu cuerpo.A menudo recibo preguntas por parte de alumnos con molestias y dolencias acerca de cuales son las posturas o secuencias que ms le ayudarn a mejorar su condicin. A travs de este curso aprenders cmo usar el yoga de manera teraputica para mejorar tu calidad de vida.El alumno ideal para este curso es cualquier persona independientemente de su estado fsico, mental o psicolgico que desee cuidar de su cuerpo y as tambin mejorar su calidad de vida.As, el alumno ideal tendr la oportunidad de conocer mas acerca de su propio cuerpo a travs del yoga as como saber diferenciar aquellas posturas y tcnicas mas adecuadas para fortalecer y flexibilizar cada parte de el. Aprendiendo a adaptar la prctica de yoga a sus propias necesidades tanto fsicas como mentales.Este curso es para todos los niveles, tanto si eres practicante de yoga como si eres principiante. No hay pre-requisitos para hacer este curso, todo lo que necesitas es muchas ganas de aprender y experimentar nuevas sensaciones!"
Price: 199.99

"Applied Sport Psychology and Leadership in Sport" |
"With over 11 hours of rich and highly engaging video content and 57 video lectures including numerous examples from contemporary sport, this course is presented as an applied sport psychology course for coaches, athletes and leaders or anybody considering some learning in this area. The course is pitched at a very attainable level to cater for all learners - ie NVQ Level 4 in UK. This would equate to equivalent of QQI or FETAC Level 6 standard course in Ireland. or pre-university course in other countries.With over 20 years coaching experience across a range of sports and levels, from child and youth level sport up to and including elite level, I have developed this course to help you broaden your understanding of sport psychology in an easy and practical manner. This is additionally informed by over 10 years sport psychology experience in elite level high performance settings working with athletes up to and including Olympic level (see bio for further details), and with applied references to the most cutting edge research in sport psychology, I have included countless examples of how the best teams, coaches and athletes across the world, apply best practice in utilization of sport psychology in their pursuit of excellence.Using a complimentary 45 page work-book with 33 separate practical and applied tasks, this programme will help you to really develop your knowledge in this area to benefit you as an athlete, coach or leader in your field. It also includes complimentary deep breathing and relaxation exercises and some advice around implementing these around your performance.See above for the content and level of depth across 7 units of work.Thank you for taking the time to research this course. I look forward to you signing up and seeing you on the other side, where you will greatly enhance your knowledge in this area."
Price: 149.99

"Apache Cassandra 3.x Administrator Associate Certification" |
"DescriptionApache Cassandra 3.x Administrator Associate Certification is the ideal foundational certification exam for administrators looking to test their Apache Cassandra expertise. Focused on fundamental Apache Cassandra knowledge, this exam will set you on the pathway to join thousands of engineers already certified on the industrys most popular, massively scalable NoSQL database.Note: These questions will not only help you to clear the exam confidently but also help you to understand the core concept of the Cassandra database and add-on to your working knowledge.Three Practice Tests with overall 60 questions. (Relevant Questions and Answers to help you practice and clear the exam)Exam Topics:Apache Cassandra operationsFundamentals of replication and consistencyThe distributed and internal architecture of Apache CassandraInstallation and configurationBasic toolingApache Cassandra 3.x Administrator Associate Certification is the best way to get started learning and mastering the popular NoSQL database used by teams at Apple, Netflix, Sony, Uber, and thousands more. Achieving this certification helps you gain:Confidence in your knowledge of Apache Cassandra for your latest project or next roleIndependent credibility as an Apache Cassandra expert by DataStaxAn official Apache Cassandra 3.x Administrator Associate CertificationPoint not to ignore:Our questions are not braindumps mainly, they have been curated and are up to date with questions patterns being asked in the exam. People who are experts and have done the exam: they work to get them ready for students to be ready before any attempt.Our recommendation is to go through pre-requisites as well.Things To Note (Tips): Every exam becomes easy exam when well prepared, pre-flight tests are performed and started on the right time.Please make sure to run the pre system check at least 1 hour before your exam or 1 day before. Keep your exam area clean and away from any distractionMake sure no mirror in the room or additional laptop/monitor etc.Have a Govt. Approved ID handy.Switch Off Mobile"
Price: 1280.00

"Mastering Deno.js: Beginner to Expert [2020]" |
"Yayy! Deno.js is now arrived!! And You are here to master it right?Are you a beginner who wants to kick-start in programming world? Or Are you a experience programmer who has a knowledge in JavaScript and wants to learn Deno.js?If so, you can't be in a place better than this one! Best way to learn new skill is learning by practice. Welcome to the ""Mastering Deno.js: Beginner to Expert"" where we will diving deeper into Deno world. This course is dedicated to giving students an up-to-date insights at Deno and TypeScript features. Through the course you will learn how all different elements work together. The course is both theoretical and practical hands on. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to build Back-end using the best practices taught throughout the course.What will you get at the end of the course?You will have REST API readyYou will know how to code in TypeScriptYou will know creating HTTP Server in Deno.jsYou will know using Third Party Module in Deno.jsYou will know using MongoDB with Deno.jsYou will know all main features of Deno.jsYou will know working with permissions in Deno.jsYou will know tesing with Deno.jsThe course is for all skill levels and experiences. All this just for a price of a typical breakfast at restaurant!So, it is the best time to invest into yourself and learn a skill which can boost you career and salary!"
Price: 29.99

"Caring for Tarot & Other Cartomancy Decks" |
"This course will teach you how to care for and store your Tarot and other divination decks. Several methods for cleansing your decks, as well as connecting with them, are included in this course. You'll also learn how to keep your decks safe when working with them and you'll learn different ways that you can store your decks. There are many myths out there about caring for, connecting with, and storing your decks but we'll put those to rest in this course. You'll be able to separate truth from myth and decided what keeps your decks the safest and works best for your personal cartomancy practice."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Inventory Cloud 2020 Implementation Essentials" |
"Guide4Certs latest 1Z0-1073-20 will surely help you to pass exam with flying score. This practice exam is latest and answers are verified to make sure you will pass your 1Z0-1073-20 Oracle Inventory Cloud 2020 Implementation EssentialsAll latest Topics of exam 1Z0-1073-20 are covered in this practice paper.Exam DetailsExam Title : Oracle Inventory Cloud 2020 Implementation EssentialsExam Number :1Z0-1073-20Exam Price: $245Format: Multiple ChoiceDuration : 85 MinutesNumber of Questions : 55Passing Score : 68%"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Mainframe completo, z/OS, desde 0" |
"Buenas a todos!!!Empec a trabajar con Mainframe cuando tena 18 aos, he decido crear este curso debido a la falta de material que hay y a la gran cantidad de conocimientos e informacin que se van perdiendo segn pasan los aos.En este curso vamos a aprender todo lo relacionado con Mainframe y cmo trabajar con el sistema. No hace falta tener conocimientos previos, ya que empezaremos desde 0, pero os aseguro que desde el principio va a ser muy interesante para todo el mundo aunque tengis conocimientos de Mainframe, ya que vamos a ver perfeccionar los conceptos que tenemos y a entender adecuadamente lo que tenemos entre manos cuando estamos usando un Mainframe, desde qu es, de qu est compuesto y cmo trabaja.Comprobaremos lo importante que es Mainframe y lo requerido que es hoy en da para mover el mundo en el que vivimos.Os contar cmo conseguir acceso de manera gratuita y legal a un Mainframe con z/OS para que podis acceder desde vuestro ordenador. Para que si en vuestro trabajo no podis probar lo que hacemos en el curso, lo probis en este entorno. Os guiar para acceder a este sistema de IBM y cmo instalar la herramienta para conectarnos al Mainframe. Y adems tiene la ltima versin de z/OS, nada de versiones antiguas donde no tenemos todas las opciones y herramientas disponibles.Luego veremos los componentes ms importantes y cmo trabajar con ellos:-Sysplex: Al ver los recursos y componentes de un Mainframe veremos detalladamente qu es un Sysplex y cmo se comparte la informacin.-TSO: Veremos qu es y cmo ejecutar comandos.-ISPF: Veremos esta herramienta en profundidad ya que es muy importante. Analizaremos configuraciones y las opciones ms importantes, entre ellas nos meteremos de lleno con la opcin 3. Utilities, donde veremos cmo crear ficheros, los comandos primarios y de lnea, la opcin 3.4 DSList, etc.-SDSF: Veremos tambin en profundidad esta otra herramienta que se usa continuamente a diario. Analizaremos cada panel y veremos toda clase de comandos que podemos ejecutar, adems tambin veremos los logs y cmo entender la informacin que nos muestran.-JCL: Analizaremos el lenguaje clave usado en z/OS y gracias al cul pueden correr los trabajos, usuarios y tareas.Ir actualizando el curso poco a poco para ir aadiendo ms contenido.Espero que disfrutis y este curso os sirva de ayuda.Estar disponible y contesto rpido a los emails, podis contactar conmigo ante cualquier necesidad.Muchas gracias!Un saludo!!!"
Price: 44.99

"Excel do bsico ao expert (com questes de concursos)" |
"Curso voltado para voc que deseja dar seus primeiros passos no Excel e no sabe por onde comear, para voc que esta se aprofundando no programa e tambm para voc que esta se preparando para provas de concursos, pois o curso trabalha com uma metodologia onde temos aulas tericas e na aula seguinte prticas com resoluo de questes de concursos."
Price: 39.99

"Data Structures&Algorithms-Asymptotic Notation, Recurrences" |
"This course is mainly aimed to focus in detail about asymptotic analysis of algorithms.The different asymptotic notations are discussed in detail and their significance explained with appropriate examples.The second part focus on solving the recurrences. The methods discussed in detail are iteration method, substitution method, recursion tree method and Master method.In both parts practice exercise are covered and also solution to the practice exercise also explained."
Price: 1280.00

"Kathak - Indian Classical Dance Course" |
"Tetiana Kapranova is an International Alliance Master Yoga Teacher, Certified Physiology of Yoga from NYU, Doctor an Endocrinologist, Kathak Certificated PP1, PP2, Bhushan 1 st year (Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh, India), Fitness, Nutrition and Diet Instructor.She has been practicing Kathak Indian Classical Dance from 2015 in India, Russia, Ukraine. She has organized yoga and medical workshops and sessions for Universities, Schools, Pre-schools, and Organizations. She has a YouTube Yoga Channel.The ""Kathak - Indian Classical Dance"" course about Indian culture, Music, Costume, Gharanas in Kathak Dance.The course will include Eye, Eyebrow, Neck, Head, Hands, Legs, and Body Movements in Kathak Dance.If the spirit is the seed, dance is the water of its evolution.The Best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."
Price: 19.99

project_scheduling_2020 |
" : Microsoft Project WBS Builder"
Price: 19.99

"Bateras Automotrices" |
"Curso de Bateras automotrices y su diagnstico. Este curso se divide en tres secciones:Mdulo inicial: En el cual conoceremos los temas ms ms generales de una batera automotriz, las magnitudes elctricas para designar una batera y sus componentes.Modulo Avanzado: conoceremos el principio electroqumico del fucionamiento de una batera automotriz, aprenderemos a escoger la batera adecuada segn los requisitos de nuestro vehculo, y las averas y soluciones a estos problemas para que mantengas tu batera en ptimas condiciones.Seccin de diagnstico: Realizaremos pruebas en la prctica y conoceremos la metodologa adecuada para efectuar el diagnstico en las bateras automotrices."
Price: 19.99

"210-065 Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices Review Exam" |
"168 UNIQUE practice questions for 210-065 Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 210-065 Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices Review ExamTotal Questions : 168Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (126 of 168)"
Price: 164.99

"HP0-091 HP-UX System Administration Certified Practice Exam" |
"147 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-091 HP-UX System Administration Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-091 HP-UX System Administration Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 147Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : 75 (110 of 147)"
Price: 154.99
