"Aprende msica de cero a EXPERTO" |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo fundamental para comenzar a escribir o interpretar una pieza, no importa si no tienes ningn conocimiento terico, pues aprenders desde el proceso natural del sonido, hasta el uso de sistemas de organizacin musical para la composicin. Tampoco importa si ya ests en un nivel bsico o intermedio, pues podrs profundizar en los temas necesarios o resolver tus dudas !recibiendo asesora personalizada!"
Price: 270.00

"Complete Technical Analysis with Trading Strategies" |
"This course covers below mentioned topicsMore than 45 trading strategies shown to generate profit for Intraday traders and resolve all issue while doing tradingDAU TheoryCandle sticks and application in tradingTechnical Indicators and its application Stocks selection criteriaTrading Psychology and qualities of good traderEntry and Exit points criteria in TradingTrading with Indicators ( SMA, MACD, ADX, Super trend, CCI etc. )Price action Trading without indicators (15 minutes candles breakout , Previous day open low high breakout strategies and more...)Different Trading strategies with patterns, technical IndicatorsSupport and resistance , practical use in tradingFibonacci Retracement and its Trading applicationPivot pointsSpecial pattern(Tweezers, Railway, Rectangle & Check mate)Trend linesFuture Vs optionsGap Theory,Island reversal and trading process for trader to be profitableHarmonic pattern (BAT,Shark,Crab and ABCD pattern etc.)Pattern description (Head and shoulder, Double bottom and top, Wedge, Channel trading, Traingle, Penant, Saucer etc.)Nifty and Bank nifty future trading Option chain and process to implement in swing TradingPCR (Put call ratio) and application to use by swing or f&o traderVIX, Its relationship with other index, Beta and it application for TraderPrediction of upcoming Trend using call and putDay Trading Tips for Intraday Trader and his basic requirements for Trades as TraderMajor Trading Strategies1. Gan Fan Trading2. ADX Trading3. Winning Trade technique (Using Awesome Oscillator ,Parabolic SAR)4. Trading Using VWAP5. Trading using (Head and shoulder, Double bottom and top, Wedge, Channel trading, Traingle, Penant, Saucer etc.)6. Trading with harmonic pattern (Crab, Shark, ABCD etc.)7. Double supertrend (7,4), (7,3), RSI and Parabolic SAR strategy8. 50 days EMA, MACD and MFI Strategy9. 20, 40 SMA and parabolic SAR strategy10. Trading using fibonacci and trend line11. Bollinger band and RSI trading strategy12. Trading using double bottom & double top pattern13. Trading using head and shoulders pattern14. Trading using channel and triangle pattern15. Trading using Cup with handle pattern16. Elliot wave concept and trading strategies with different waves 17. Fibonacci Fan and Fibonacci Arc Trading strategyThere are a lot of more strategies for trader which will suits and make him profitable."
Price: 9920.00

"Capacitao de professores para aulas remotas" |
"Ol sou Gabriel, venho dispor de um contedo para te auxiliar na gravao de vdeo aulas de uma maneira bem simples e funcional. No final do curso estar produzindo de forma rpida as vdeo aulas e ir conseguir disponibilizar e compartilhar as suas aulas na internet. Alm disso ir aprender a usar as ferramentas Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Meets e Google Drive com a finalidade de conseguir realizar as atividades de ensino remoto."
Price: 39.99

"101 Narrative Practice 101" |
"Narrative Practice 101 Chris"
Price: 24.99

"How to Become Rich" |
"""How to Become Rich"" is an in depth analysis comparing how poor and rich people think and act. We find that rich people live more productive goal-oriented lives than poor people who waste lot of time doing unproductive activities . We will compare their habits, goals, motivations and lives. After viewing this course you will be better able to see the inefficiencies in your own life so that you can be more productive to the point of being rich."
Price: 194.99

"Curso bsico de hidrulica industrial em animao" |
"Este curso o resultado de 13 anos de trabalho como professor de hidrulica em cursos tcnicos, graduao e ps- graduao. Nasceu da necessidade de garantir um maior engajamento dos alunos nas aulas tericas, obtendo um timo resultado em sua aplicao.As animaes foram planejadas didaticamente para que o aluno aprenda pela explicao do professor e pela sua prpria visualizao dos contedos animados."
Price: 54.99

Moon-Mentum |
"HARNESS THE POWER OF THE MOON...to create a state of flow that boosts you into action whilst giving you permission to celebrate, to play, to surrender, to rest...YOUR PROBLEMYou have tried multiple time-management structures but they are all so boring & rigid. You find that setting aside time to rest & play just becomes yet another thing on your endless to-do-list. You have heard that journeying with the Moon can be powerful but you have no idea where to start.MY SOLUTIONA simple & FUN system drawing on the energy of the Moon cycle to build momentum in your life. Transforming ancient wisdom into practical tools & an easy-to-follow formula to bring you into flow and success.YOUR RESULTMaximising your time & energy by dropping into the flow of BEING. Attune yourself with the natural rhythms of our planet, unlock your FULL potential & become your BEST self.What will I get from journeying with the Moon?Benefit #1. You will re-connect with our natural world and align your life with the natural cycles of our planet. Creating a state of ease by going with their flow instead of fighting against them.Benefit #2. You will learn a powerful and intuitive method for managing your time to ensure your goals are still achieved while giving yourself permission to remember what else is important in life fun, play, rest, Divine connectionBenefit #3. You will gain a balanced approach to the Moon cycle, marrying the mystical and scientific energies to create a more rounded understanding.Benefit #4. You will attune with a power that is greater than yourself, providing perspective, connection, and a feeling of onenessBenefit #5. You will overcome procrastination and achieve the goals that you have been putting off. Whether finishing a project, de-cluttering the house, or losing weight.Benefit #6. You will prevent burnout, illness, and injury by allowing your mind, body, and soul, the time it needs to rest, recover and rejuvenate.Have you heard that working with the moon is powerful but arent sure where to start?Do you have a deep desire to be the best version of yourself? Would you like to harness the moons energy to create more EASE & FLOW in your life? Do you struggle to give yourself permission to celebrate? Do you feel guilty for taking time out to rest & heal? Do you have lots of ideas that you do not follow through with? Are you ready to try something a bit different (and seriously powerful!)?Did you know that the moon cycle has a direct effect on your energy flow?Its so simple yet so missed in todays world the Moon affects us A LOT! We have forgotten to connect with this ancient wisdom and lets face it, sometimes it can be overwhelming with all the information out there, which is why I have created this simple and powerful course for you to follow with ease.WHAT YOU WILL GET IN THIS COURSE8 Cycles of the Moon - Receive your Moon phase reference guide to track the phases yourself.Ancient Wisdom - Unlock the ancient secrets of our ancestors that have been long forgotten.Guided Meditations & Visualisations - To help you visualise your journey & embody the practices.Fillable worksheets - To provide an ease-ful journey towards success and fulfilment. Support & Encouragement - Join our Facebook community for support, sharing & encouragement.THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF...You are affected by the Moons energy & want to understand & feel empowered by itYou know you are capable of more & have a longing to be the best version of yourselfYou deeply desire a more balanced, harmonious & intuitive way of lifeYou feel guilty for taking time out & find it hard to give yourself permission to restYou like a structured, simple and easy-to-follow approachYou want a no-nonsense attitude to magical & mystical teachingsYou have loads of ideas and projects you want to fulfil but find it hard to get goingYou struggle with prioritisation & find it hard to get clear on your goals & direction"
Price: 29.99

"Campus to Corporate - Get a Job for Recent Graduates" |
"- 9 :1. , 2. , 3. 4. 33 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . :1 1 1 33 , - 5"
Price: 1280.00

"Complete Freelancing Guide" |
"In this course you will learn all about freelancing from the scratch. This is a giude to major freelance market places like guru, upwork, fiverr, peopleperhour, freelancer.com and even others. How to do find the right projects for yourself then moving on to project bidding, recognizing between fake and original clients, how to manage your time, how to calculate your hourly rates and how to gain maximum coverage from the clients and what to do when you are stuck at some point. How to keep safe from any frauds or if the client is unresponsive. From setting up of a profile to becoming a successful freelancer, THIS IS ALL YOU NEED!"
Price: 24.99

"Learning Silvaco for Semiconductor Simulation" |
"In this course, together we will go through the entire semiconductor simulation step by step and by using handwriting. These simulations are performed by using silvaco software. In the course, different models for semiconductor quantities such mobility, carrier recombination -generation, and current density are introduced. Also, different simulation methods are discussed based on their accuracy and speed. After the training, you would be able to design and simulate electronic devices such as diodes, transistor, solar cells, and also nanoscale devices."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga for beginners at home" |
"This course is meant for complete beginners. No prior knowledge required.In this course, I will be teaching basic yoga postures. This can be performed by anybody with complete ease. I will also be teaching with various props which will help you perform the exact posture easily. We will learn warm-up exercises, sun salutation, standing asana, sitting asana, supine asana and abdominal asanas. We will also cover pranayama and meditation.I will also be sharing the benefits of all the poses. This class is a great start and can be rewatched while performing yoga at home even when you have gone through the entire course. It will help practice yoga consistently.Please ensure that you take adequate precaution and not perform any yoga poses in case you have an injury or feeling strain. Yoga is a brilliant tool to enhance your fitness as well as for mental and spiritual well being."
Price: 49.99

"Docker Basics to Advanced (DCA) & Kubernetes (CKAD)" |
"**** We kept the course topics to the point so that students can learn faster, revise faster, and adapt to Docker & Kubernetes faster. ******* DOCKER ***:Docker is a preferred container technology for running and managing containers.Docker Engine is the industrys de facto container runtime platform.In this course, we will go through all the concepts and fundamentals needed to use Docker and also Kubernetes.The chapters covered in this course focus on the Docker Community Edition (CE) installation on Ubuntu and CentOS, Docker Container & Image Management, Storage, Container Orchestration, Networking, and Security.These chapters will help learners to create, deploy, and run applications effectively by using containers.This course has been designed to include more hands-on exercises, commands, and demos to teach core Docker fundamentals and features.After completing this course, you will have a very good understanding of Docker and its features.*** KUBERNETES ***:Kubernetes is one of the most popular container orchestration tools and established by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). This course on Kubernetes is designed to help you prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam.The Sections and Chapters of this course exactly the same as the topics outlined in the CKAD curriculum.Kubernetes course covers the below topics:1.Core Concepts2.Configuration3.multi-container pods4.Observability5.Pod Design6.Services and Networking7.State PersistenceThank you and Happy learning.Devops4Beginners"
Price: 24.99

Wuwuep1. |
Price: 800.00

"Fotografa con Movil y Ajustes de Instagram" |
"Este curso rpido y sencillo es para aprender a subir fotografas a Instagram tomadas con el mvil o telfono celular. Aprenders a retocarlas o mejorarlas usando slo las herramientas de Instagram y sin usar otra aplicacin extra.Se trata de aprender a hacerlo de manera fcil y sencilla, y muy importante, para ponerte rpido a practicar y mejorar la apariencia de tus fotografas y el uso de tu cuenta de Instagram."
Price: 945.00

tcm-basic-2 |
"2 (Anywhere, Anytime, Any Devices)"
Price: 59.99

basic-tcm-3 |
"3 (Anywhere, Anytime, Any Devices)"
Price: 59.99

tcm-basic-4 |
"4 (Anywhere, Anytime, Any Devices)"
Price: 59.99

"Potencia tu inteligencia emocional" |
"La inteligencia emocional se ha descrito como la clave del xito , incluso ms que el IQ ; es la llave de la felicidad y una manera increble de disfrutar la vida , Las emociones que sientes dia a dia pueden ser mejor gestionadas y expresadas para tu beneficio , en este curso te doy las claves para entender las emociones , por que estn ah y que funcin tienen , tambin tendrs ejercicios para trabajarlas dia a dia .Esta , como cualquier otra habilidad requiere tiempo y practica , pero debes estar tranquil@ , ya que te acompaar en cada paso usando el poder de la hipnosis para que tu mente subconsciente trabaje por ti , te espero"
Price: 270.00

"Beginner Jazz Dance" |
"Rather you are a beginner level dancer who is looking to learn Jazz dance for the first time, or a former dancer who is looking to rekindle their love for dance, this course is for you! In this course you will have the opportunity to learn how to properly warm up and and stretch your body, learn basic dance technique, and learn FUN dance combinations."
Price: 99.99

"Programowanie w jzyku Oracle PL/SQL - Andrzej Klusiewicz" |
"Kurs pozwalajcy w przystpny sposb pozna najwaniejsze struktury i skadnie jzyka PL/SQL. Wymagana jest podstawowa znajomo SQL - najlepiej w implementacji Oracle. Kurs rozpoczyna si od instalacji rodowiska, nie jest wic niezbdne posiadanie takowego przez rozpoczciem nauki. Prowadzcy to Andrzej Klusiewicz - twrca publikacji ""O Oracle ludzkim gosem"" i e-booka ""Python na luzie""."
Price: 69.99

"The Complete Google Drive Course - Mastering Google Drive" |
"Welcome to The Complete Google Drive Course. This course will teach you to understand how to use and become familiar with the storage and productivity component of Google Suite: Google Drive and Google Apps.Google Drive is a safe and secure online file storage service that allows for easy collaboration and sharing. It is compatible with all types of files, ranging from PDFs to images to videos. Unlike its competitors, Google Drive offers up to 15 GB of free storage and a variety of online tools. One of its biggest features is its ability for multiple people to simultaneously work and collaborate on a project together. It encompasses four integrated applications: Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, and Google Forms.Google Docs is a document management and editing tool. Docs allow you to create, edit, and update any documents. Docs is highly compatible, allowing you to choose from several file formats to download from. Google Drives document editing tool is easy to learn with the understanding of any basic word processor, but it offers much more to allow more experienced users to create complex and intricate documents.Google Slides focuses on designing visually-appealing presentations for both a professional and casual setting. When compared to Microsoft Powerpoint, Slides offers the benefit of simplicity. With its various templates and themes, Slides can be as simple as plugging text into the provided text boxes. However, you can take your presentation one step further by adding in customizations. By inserting images, animations, transitions, charts, and diagrams you can amaze your audience! Take advantage of Google Drives presentation tool the next time you give a demonstration or lecture.Google Sheets is a spreadsheets program that lets you create and format spreadsheets. Sheets allow you to organize your data by creating intricate charts and tables. When dealing with large amounts of data, you can create and edit formulas to perform calculations on your data, like you would with a calculator. Businesses should look to take advantage of the many collaborative tools Sheets provide along with its options for privacy. Learning the syntax of Sheets can lead to complex formulas that perform calculations on an innumerable amount of data. Google Drives tools allow you to navigate through your spreadsheets and data with efficiency.Google Forms walks you through the production and distribution of surveys and questionnaires. If you are a teacher or tutor, you can also convert these ordinary forms into quizzes. While Forms may not be as easily accessible as the other Google Drive tools, it is still a useful system to understand. You can create surveys, quickly collect, and analyze responses and information all in one application.Google Drive and its four integrated Google Apps are powerful tools that help increase productivity and efficiency. In addition to that, this course will also help you improve your organization, collaboration, and communication skills. Some of the many things that you can accomplish on Google Drive include:Updating your resume (Google Docs)Presenting a consulting proposal (Google Slides)Creating an analytics dashboard (Google Sheets)Distributing an event registration form (Google Forms)Working on a project with your co-workers from the comfort of your own home (Google Apps)Enroll to learn about the service that amassed more than a billion users!"
Price: 199.99

"Journey Through The Chakras Revisited : Meditate To Elevate" |
"Journey Through The Chakras was my first course, a best seller for over 7 years on Udemy, and was the first of its kind on Udemy.At this time of great change in the world, there is an opportunity for humanity to grow and consciously evolve.Therefore, I intuitively feel that it is time to revisit the chakras with fresh activations...Each Chakra is explained from a more evolved perspective from my original 'Journey Through The Chakras' course.Each lesson is integrated with a 20 minute long Chakra meditation, which is channeled from the activation of the chakra itself by Mark.These Chakra meditations are recorded to the visual and audio background of beautiful locations in the jungle paradise of Panama, which embody the energy of the chakra.You can heal your life by fully activating your seven-fold nature, and release your full potential of the creative flow of your kundalini life force energy.Learn the seven keys to ascension...Base Chakra - Trust yourself and the universeSacral Chakra - Surrender to the flow of lifeSolar Plexus Chakra - Find vigilance and burn away your fears to discover your destinyHeart Chakra - Learn to forgive and centre your attention in compassion Throat Chakra - Learn how to express your soul vibration, and the gifts you have to offer the worldThird Eye Chakra - Learn to see through the veil of the illusions of the conditioned mind, into a world of freedom, without fear, doubt and controlCrown Chakra - Learn how to embrace the inner space of your conscious embodiment of your birthright...the one true spiritual lightTake your chakra journey to the next level and enrol now..."
Price: 99.99

"Pattern Making in Adobe Illustrator CC - A masterclass" |
"Make Patterns in Adobe Illustrator CC - learn to use Illustrator by making useful designsAre you ready to learn Illustrator CC? Do you want to make designs to sell online on POD sites, as scrapbook paper or vector stock? Do you want to increase your Illustrator knowledge? Do you want to expand your graphic design skills?Great! Welcome! This course is for you. It's a fun and a practical way to learn Illustrator CC. Here you'll ""learn by doing"" as you make a range of seamless repeating patterns. You can use these patterns to make scrapbook papers, stock vector images, backgrounds, and for your own projects. You can upload them to Spoonflower to make fabric and wallpaper, you can print them on book covers and mugs on sites like Redbubble. In short, there are literally hundreds of ways to make use of the patterns you'll make in this course and you'll be so proud when you say ""I made that"".Who is your trainer?Helen Bradley has taught thousands of students to use Illustrator and Photoshop. She doesn't fluff about and instead she is focused on helping you learn to use Illustrator in a practical and smart way. Her workflows are carefully structured for maximum success and she explains everything so you know the 'why' as well as the 'how' of any process. Helen has a huge commitment to her students' learning - she answers all student questions and often adds extra videos to a course to help students with questions that others might also benefit from learning from.What will you learn?When you complete this course, you'll: - be able to create a range of different types and styles of patterns in Illustrator CC- have extended your knowledge of Illustrator CC tools - have learned new tips and techniques that you can use every day - be able to confidently create pattern filled objects for a range of design and commercial uses- know how to prepare pattern collections for sale online and for upload to sites like SpoonflowerDo I hear you say ""...but I don't know how to use Illustrator (and frankly, I'm scared of it)""?I understand! I've been there.Illustrator can be really scary to use when you first start out. but I've created a better way to learn Illustrator. One that makes it a lot less scary and a lot more fun. You see, you'll learn to make patterns you can sell, give away on your blog, and use yourself. So you'll be making designs that you can do something with at the same time that you are learning Illustrator. There's no waiting! There's no hours of learning before you can get started doing something. In fact you can start today. Complete the first few lessons and you'll have made your first patterns! Do I hear you say ""... but I hate the Pen tool!""?I understand! Most people hate the pen tool. You are not alone! I believe that Illustrator is so much more than its (dreaded) Pen tool so we'll use the pen tool only when we have to (which is practically never) and you'll see just how much you can achieve without it. Do I hear you say ""... but I can't draw""?No problem! If you can use a mouse you can complete this course. Quite simply, you don't need to be able to draw. In fact many designers can't draw and yet they make fantastic designs and great products. If you can draw great! If you can't draw don't worry, you'll be able to succeed in this course even if drawing isn't a skill you have mastered. Are you ready to extend your Illustrator skills?If you already know the basics of using Illustrator, taking this class will elevate your skills to a new level. You'll learn to use tools and techniques in a practical situation. No laboriously making shapes just to learn what the pathfinder tool does. No! In this class you'll learn the pathfinder because you need it, you'll draw shapes intrinsic to the pattern you are making - you'll be putting your skills to practical use from the first lecture. You'll reinforce your existing knowledge as you apply it to real world designs. And if we use tools you've never used before - great! You'll learn to use them fast and easily so you understand how you can put them to work in your daily workflow. Do I hear you say ""Please don't waste my time""?If there is one thing I hate its wasting time and you probably do too. So, I don't say ""um"", I don't fluff about, I don't make mistakes, I know my stuff and I show you how to do things efficiently and effectively. I speed up the videos where appropriate so you don't get bored or distracted.I also take time to explain where things might go wrong and I show you how to avoid or workaround issues so you're better informed about Illustrator's behavior. I'm 100% focused on helping you learn. In short, I'll get straight to the point and Ill maximize what you learn in every class. Will I just learn to make patterns?Well Yes, and No! Yes, you'll learn to make patterns lots of wonderful seamless repeating patterns. Each pattern has been chosen for a reason, there are the basic patterns like polka dots and stripes which are foundation patterns that everyone should know how to make. You'll learn to make checks and spirals because they teach different techniques, you'll make faux leopard skin and you'll make patterns from lines and geometric shapes. But you'll also learn to use tools like the Shape Builder, Pencil, Arc and Spiral tools and many others too. You'll learn techniques and tips for working everyday in Illustrator CC.You'll learn to recolor your patterns. You'll fall in love with the Recolor ArtWork tool as you use it to explore wonderful color schemes for your art.You'll get plenty of practice using Illustrator and you'll grow in confidence with every lecture.How will I learn?This course is made up 100% of video content. You'll watch my screen as I show you how each pattern is made. I'll explain what I am doing and why so you can learn as you watch. In one lecture you'll make a pattern from lots of small objects. Now because making those objects isn't an important part of the class, I'll give them to you so you can get to work straight away. That way you can focus on the pattern and not the bits that go to making it. Join me... I hope you will join me in this Illustrator CC class. I look forward to meeting you and I invite you to contact me if you have any questions as you work through the lectures. cheers!Helen"
Price: 19.99

"Edexcel GCE Advanced AS Chinese 8CN02 Written -Core Course" |
"In this Core Course, the Prescribed literary texts and films (first exam 2018) are explained in detail in this course.The full literary texts are given in two parts:Reading Mode: the text with back ground music. You can pause video to read, the school teacher can use this part as textbook, they can give their own explanations. Appendix 2: Prescribed literary texts and filmsFor Paper 2, students are required to study one work from the list below. This can be either one literary text or one film.Literary texts ), 2014 (short story)20200701 PR 1 2 - Edexcel GCE A Level and AS (8CN02) (9CN02) ), 1921 (novel) (9CN02 A Level only) Films Simplified characters ), 2007( ), 2008 ), 2001 (9CN02 A Level only)Paper 2: Written response to works and translation (**Paper code: 8CN0/02) Written examination:1 hour and 40 minutes 30% of the qualification 60 marks Content overview This paper requires students to translate a previously unseen passage from English into Chinese. This paper also draws on the study of one discrete Chinese work: either one literary text or one film. The work must be taken from the list provided in Appendix 2: Prescribed literary texts and films. The literary texts listed include novels and short stories. Each film is feature-length. Assessment overview This paper includes a translation exercise and an extended response on either one literary text or one film listed in Appendix 2: Prescribed literary texts and films. Students are not permitted access to a dictionary or any documentation relating to the works during the examination. Students complete Section A and one question from either Section B or Section C. Section A: Translation (20 marks) Students translate an unseen passage from English into Chinese. Section B: Written response to works (literary texts) (40 marks) Students select one question for their chosen literary text. If a student answers a question in this section then they do not complete Section C. OR Section C: Written response to works (films) (40 marks) Students select one question for their chosen film. If a student answers a question in this section then they do not complete Section B."
Price: 89.99

"The Job Search Solution #5" |
"Most people know that next to getting a job offer, getting interviews is the most important thing that they can do. In spite of that, most people dont know how to develop a systematic strategy of massive action to get interviews. Looking for a job is a numbers game. This tutorial teaches and sustains massive action to get interviews.Action overcomes fear. The best way job seekers can overcome the doubt, uncertainty, and fear of job loss or having to look for a job is to take massive action. Most people think they know what to do, but beyond posting a resume on a number of job sites, sending their resume to job postings and calling a few friends, recruiters, etc... they really dont. A recent study showed that 69% of 3000 job seekers polled, after a three-week period of job searching, were only doing two major job search activities. They were emailing a resume to job board postings and calling old friends. This Tutorial teaches a systematic approach to massive activities to get more interviews, and the systematic approach of looking for a job when you have one.This Tutorial will also teach a candidate to manage keeping a job and finding a new one at the same time.Most people think that its a lot easier to look for a job when you have one. It isnt. In fact looking for a job when you have one presents all kinds of difficult challenges. Its just not as easy as everyone thinks. Looking for a job when you have one is like having two jobs and most people find it to be a real struggle, especially in todays difficult interviewing environment. With this Tutorial, you will learn the most effective way to juggle both having a job and looking for one.Psychologically, its more comforting to have a job even though you need to find a new one. Most candidates think that it is a position of strength. Although it might be psychologically comforting, it makes the job search a whole lot more difficult. Candidates often think that if they are presently employed, they are more valuable to a hiring authority. That simply isnt so. Most hiring authorities dont care whether you have a job or not. They care about what they want and you are no better or less a candidate if you are presently employed."
Price: 49.99

"Spring Security Core: Beginner to Guru" |
"Seems like everyday you can find a news story about a security breach, which can be devastating to companies. Clearly, security is a very important topic.The Spring Framework is the most popular Java framework for building cloud scale applications. Spring Security provides you all the tools you need to secure your Java application. Application security is much more than allowing access after checking a user name and password. You will learn how to limit what application features a user may or may not see. And also, how to limit what data a user may or may not see.This course focuses on the core fundamentals of Spring Security. Central to Spring Security is the process of Authentication. This is the process of establishing a user's identity. Once a user's identity is established, the process of Authorization is used to allow the user to access specific actions and features of an application. Spring Security has a very robust toolset for Authentication and Authorization. Inside this course, you will master both. You will start the course by learning how to leverage the auto-configuration capabilities of Spring Boot to quickly secure a web application using HTTP Basic Authentication. Then, you'll be lead through a series of exercises, to replace and customize the default Spring Boot auto-configuration. Through this process, you will understand the Spring Boot hidden 'magic', and learn how to master the configuration of Spring Security. You will be working with a typical Spring Boot Web Application. The application mimics a robust monolithic application - with web pages and RESTful endpoints. This allows us to explore the unique security aspects unique to both web applications and RESTFul APIs.You may notice there is not a dedicated section of the course about Testing Spring Security. This is because testing is done throughout the course.Test Driven Development (TDD) is widely considered a best practice in software engineering. As we explore the features of Spring Security, we will follow a TDD approach. We will first write a failing test using JUnit 5, Mockito, and Spring MockMVC, then complete the lesson objective to get a passing test.You will see some great examples of testing Spring with JUnit 5. However, it is recommended you have prior experience with JUnit 5."
Price: 199.99

"Experto en Psicologa del Color en Arquitectura y Decoracin" |
"Experto en Psicologa del Color en Arquitectura y DecoracinConoce el apasionante mundo del diseo cromtico y pon en valor tus proyectos de Interiores y Arquitectura.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"5G Deep Dive - A crash course" |
"5G is the fifth generation of mobile cellular networks and has been designed with the objective of virtually connecting everyone from Humans to Machines, from Devices to Robots.5G is the key enabler for very fast speed, low latency cellular wireless broadband services like IoT, AI, VR, AR and connected vehicles.This 5G Training crash course will cover the important aspects of this new 5G technology. This 5G course has been developed and delivered by Instructor having real time experience of 5g mobile networks. He is having decades of experience in multiple vendor and operator companies worldwide. Join this course now to get maximum knowledge about 5G in the least time."
Price: 199.99

"Building Estimation and Quantity Surveying Certification" |
"Anyone who willing to construct something will surely be bothered about the quality & money/cost and this is where the concept of ""building estimation"" comes in picture.We all know that an ""Estimate"" is a rough calculation of the quantities of various items of work, and the expenses likely to be incurred for the construction projects that one may undertake to complete successfully. Hence, the total of these probable expenses to be incurred on the work is known as estimated cost of the work. The estimated cost of a work is actually a close approximation of its actual cost. This mind-blowing course ""Building Estimation and Quantity Surveying Certification"" taught by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and Civil Engineering Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" will teach you different methods of detailed construction estimation preparation. First, we will deal with manual process of doing the same. Next, we will also discuss about fast methods or approaches for estimation/preparation using online tools.There is no time to waste. The course will be educative, informative, and practical at the same time.Enrol now and let's start learning this incredible course and change your career and the whole facet of estimation forever. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here, inside.Lights. Camera. Action. Let us do the magic starting now."
Price: 1280.00

"Crash Course for New Users of Salesforce Marketing Cloud" |
"Are you looking for a crash course on how to use Salesforce Marketing Cloud?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend Gau - he is very talented and knows Salesforce inside out!There are many programming languages for writing smart contracts.Some are contract-oriented, high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript.Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:How to Use Email StudioHow to Use Content BuilderHow to Use Mobile StudioHow to Use Web StudioHow to Use Automation StudioHow to Use Journey BuilderHow to Use Data ManagementHow to Use Analytics and ReportsAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use Salesforce Marketing Cloud...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 54.99

"Crash Course on Cisco Firepower: Perfect for New Users!" |
"Are you looking for a crash course on how to use Cisco Firepower?A course that goes straight to the point and is filled with FUN whiteboard animation videos?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend Usman - he is very talented and knows Cisco Firepower inside out!There are many programming languages for writing smart contracts.Some are contract-oriented, high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript.Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:History of FirewallsHistory and Legacy of Cisco FirepowerBenefits and FeaturesSizing of NGFW SolutionComparing NGFWsAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use Cisco Firepower to protect your networks...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 54.99
