"Oracle 1Z0-324 Recruitment Talco Cloud Service Review Exam" |
"161 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z0-324 Recruitment Talco Cloud Service Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z0-324 Recruitment Talco Cloud Service Review ExamTotal Questions : 161Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 161)"
Price: 169.99

"Curso De Algoritmos Y Lgica De Programacin" |
"Reciban todos y todas un cordial saludo de parte de la Escuela de Programacin Online .Queremos darles la bienvenida a una nueva experiencia de aprendizaje en la programacin .La cual haremos de una manera muy fcil y prctica . Ya que estamos convencidos que todos estamos en la capacidad de programar en cualquier lenguaje.Por eso hemos diseado este curso con el fin de que podamos aprender o reforzar nuestras competencias en la programacin , a nuestro propio ritmo con prcticas que realmente nos permitan interiorizar los conceptos , manejarlos de tal forma que podamos disear algoritmos que nos permitan desarrollar soluciones bsicas y que a la postre nos faciliten el aprendizaje de lenguajes de programacin."
Price: 19.99

"Master The Skills Of Hotel Sales Action Plan & Be Successful" |
"Hotel Management - Master The Skills Of Hotel Sales Action Plan And Be Successful.Learn the Hotel Sales Action plan to provide the extraordinary Sales action plan on time, be specific and be perfect.Sales Action Plan in Hotel is an extremely dominant skill for speed up your career managing a Hotel sales action plan is often a vital moment in your Hotel career.Whether it's running hotel or brand new hotel , Hotel Sales action plan is what keeps the complete hotel running with better return in Hotel revenue. If you are an hotelier who is a beginner or sales professional or even a Hotel General Manager then this Hotel Sales Action Plan course is definitely for you.In this course you'll learn practical techniques to Master the Skills of Hotel Sales Action Plan especially for budget hotels like 3 star or 4 star Hotels.This course covers thorough tips for exceptional formation having detailed lectures and quizzesThe course is well structured around the most practical step by step analysis and through that you'll learn the entire Hotel Sales Action plan structure.Whether you're managing a 3 star or 4 star Hotel and or even budget chains of hotels this course will form the fundamental abilities to make sure your action plan comes on time, be specific and be perfect.Anand Kumar, Avid Hotelier - Over 20 years experience as a Top performing Hotel General Manager, steering Business Development, Operational efficiencies and Strategic Sales and Marketing Initiatives for Hotel Properties.Exceptional Sales & Marketing Skills / Revenue Growth / Pre-opening Experience / First Class Guest Service / Multi-Million AED budgets / Banquet & Conference Facilities / Well verse in Food & Beverage Services.The course overview includes:Hotel Location & AttractionsMain EventsHotel Segmentation StrategySegmentation - CorporateSegmentation - AirlinesSegmentation Travel AgentsTravel Agencies FacilityEcommerce StrategyPromotionsDaily & Weekly Sales OperationsCompetition AnalysisSWOT AnalysisSales visitsSales Department StructureBy becoming expert at planning your Hotel sales action plan , you not only will lay foundation for a skilled personal in Hotel Sales , you'll also have an excellent career growth in the Hospitality industry."
Price: 24.99

"Build Athletic Body: A 10 Weeks Superhero Home Workout Plan" |
"Course Structure:The course is structured in a manner that you would initially be provided with basic knowledge about assessing your body with different body assessment tools to ensure that you are able to analyze your body and are able to understand your fitness goal. The course will the provide you with detailed knowledge about nutrition and its role in your fitness. The course will help you understand the different aspects of nutrition and in doing so, provide you with valuable knowledge about fat loss diet and muscle building diet. The course is also keen to provide you with detailed knowledge about intermittent fasting and explore its various benefits that range from fat loss to naturally achieving ketosis. A detailed DIET BOOK is included within the plan that can be downloaded.The course seeks to provide you with knowledge on highly effective home workout routines with detailed 10 weeks home workout plan that is designed to help you teach calisthenic training methods from beginner to professional level. A 10 weeks home workout plan is attached within the course to help you get started with your fitness journey. The course further details on methods of expediting fat loss, building muscle, maintaining your muscle mass and get a superhero physique.OBJECTIVES:The program is designed to provide the user understanding on fundamentals of Building Muscle, Fat loss, Nutrition, Fitness, Calisthenic Workout and Intermittent Fasting. The primary goal of the program is to introduce the users to the fundamental of planning out a self-designed program that will provide them with quick muscle building, fat loss and home workout plan.The secondary goal of the program is to provide the users with the necessary techniques that would self-sustain their fitness in day to day life and achieve a superhero shredded physique with home workout plan that can be executed at ease.The program is expressed in a manner to ensure that the users are able to progress throughout the program with easy to grasp summarized knowledge about Building Muscle, Fat loss, Nutrition, Fitness, Calisthenic Workout and Intermittent Fasting that can be practically executed. COMMENTS FROM AXE:""I have developed the course to provide you with easily executable fitness plan that is focused on muscle building, fat loss, nutrition planning, intermittent fasting and home workout plan as it's primary focus. Several people are unable to find either the place or time to workout. Nearly 61% of the people are looking building muscle, fat loss, nutrition planning, intermittent fasting or home workout plan that is actually effective in providing them with a superhero physique. Hence, the very course is designed by Axefit to ensure that users are provided with quick relevant knowledge about fitness that can be achieved by home workout plan. It is highly recommended that you execute the provided knowledge as explained in the course and your chances of achieving your fitness goal are going to be higher""ON BEHALF OF AXEFIT, WE WISH YOU A HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE."
Price: 199.99

"Read your VIBES - The art of discovering yourself" |
"Do you REALLY know who you are?This course (Read your VIBES - The art of Discovering Yourself"" is specifically designed for all those who wish to ""Live a life you love and Love the life you live. To do that we must first know who we REALLY are and the best way to know who you really are is to ""Read your VIBES""Come, Read your VIBES - It is indeed an art of Self Discovery"
Price: 19.99

"English Spotting Errors Practice Test- MCQs" |
"English Spotting Errors in which you are given a sentence containing errors, which you need to rectify. These errors are generally related to parts of speech, genders, Infinitives, participles, tenses, use of articles, etc.In this test, some of the sentences have errors, and some have none. Find Out which part of a sentence has an error. the letter corresponding to that part is your answer. if there is no mistake, the answer is 'No error'.Key features of practice sections and model test: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test. You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.About test: This test divided into four tests. And each test contains 25 Questions. Duration: 25 min/Test Passing Marks: 60% Best of luck!"
Price: 24.99

"C++ Programming For Absolute Beginners" |
"Well C++ is still a very popular Programming language despite the fact that many people would call it an older Programming language but its a thriving programming language that their owners are still updating, there's still new capabilities being added to it regularly. so C++ really set the foundation for all other Object-Oriented languages. Now the interesting but also challenging thing about C++ is that you are In full control as the developer, you can do pretty much whatever you want with C++. You can write extremely optimized code and write fast applications.For anything that's going to be very intense, You dont have to do all that crazy stuff you can build simple console-based applications with C++.My goal isnt to teach you the theory but the techniques of C++ as general programming concepts you could then take to any other programming languages."
Price: 64.99

"Gesto de Liderana e equipes" |
"Deseja se tornar um grande Lder?Primeiro entenda o que faz um Gestor de pessoas:A gesto de pessoas pode ser definida como um conjunto de habilidades, tcnicas e mtodos que tm como objetivo administrar e potencializar a eficincia do capital humano dentro das empresasliderana na gesto de equipes essencial para que a empresa obtenha sucesso. , tambm, fundamental que voc seja uma boa referncia para colaboradores, fornecedores e clientes. Ter disciplina, organizao e saber resolver conflitos de maneira eficiente so algumas das qualidades de um verdadeiro lder.O que preciso para ter liderana?Veja:Conhea a organizao em que atua. o primeiro passo. ...Invista em sua equipe. ...Preze a comunicao. ...Faa um bom planejamento. ...Desafie seus colaboradores.Qual o papel do lder na gesto de pessoas?O papel do lder na gesto de pessoas. ... Para liderar, no basta apenas ter poder e autoridade, preciso tambm compreender as necessidades humanas. A liderana uma funo que envolve os esforos dos administradores para estimular o desempenho de todos os colaboradores.O que importante para liderar uma equipe?Ter uma viso estratgica, saber raciocinar de forma lgica e agir com organizao indispensvel para liderar uma equipe de trabalho. As funes do lder englobam a gesto de pessoas e de processosAgora que voc sabe o que Liderar, veja o material do nosso curso, ele foi preparado para orientar e preparar o profissional de forma que ele consiga no apenas atender, ms superar as expectativas de seu futuro empregado.VDEO - Lder e lideranaVDEO - Voc lderVDEO - ComunicaoVDEO - Otimizando resultadosVDEO - EstratgiasVDEO - EncerramentoVDEO - Combate a incndio"
Price: 69.99

"Essentials for Awesome Relationships With Udo Erasmus" |
"Do You Want More Trust, Love and Joy in All of Your Relationships?If you answered YES you are in the right place at the right time. Thank you for taking action and visiting this page. Here you will discover a course that puts into perspective and action how you can have the most rewarding, rich and stress-free relationships romantically, personally, professionally and especially with yourself.Your ESSENTIALS FOR AWESOME RELATIONSHIPS Online Training Course Includes 19 Total Modules...The Key is At Your CoreThere is 1 true key to AWESOME RELATIONSHIPS and it is inside you at your core. It is time you know and experience what it is.Understanding CompatibilityThis is not complicated and in fact we are more similar than we are different. Focus on this and you will experience magic in your relationships.Relationship with Yourself and LifeThese are the two most important relationships you will ever have. You need to make sure that they are healthy.Dealing with Triggers and ConflictIf we are not aligned inside we will always be experiencing triggers and conflict. There is one key secret to dealing with them.Dealing With Baggage In A Healthy WayBaggage is a buzz word in the relationship world but does it have to be? Use this one method to deal with all the baggage thrown at you.Finding ForgivenessLearn to forgive anyone for anything and experience true freedom to be yourself.The Truth About Masculine and Feminine EnergyA brand new perspective on a hot topic that will open your mind to truly be yourself and appreciate others.Online Dating and Love and Happiness in the Modern AgeIs it possible to find love in the modern age and with online dating? The answer is yes and let me show you how.Parenting and Family DynamicsFamily can be our biggest test but with the right perspective they can be the most richly rewarding connections we ever have.This course will give you the freedom to finally be yourself and experience confidence in your current and new connections. It is possible for you to have ease and joy in any social situation or relationship no matter what your current state or history.This course is for you if you have trust issues in your love life or in your other personal relationships. If you are struggling to enjoy family connections and relationships with life-long friends. You would like to attract and experience a once in a lifetime romantic relationship or if you have children you want to be closer with and share more rewarding time with.- What People Are Saying - ""One of the most recognized experts, probably the most recognized expert around the world, is Udo Erasmus... he created a very specific product that is recommended by people all over the world, why most people see it as the elite product."" - Tony Robbins, Author and International Speaker""Udo does a masterful job of laying out and describing that indescribable foundation of healthy, peace and harmony. He brings it palpably to life for you, and he also knows how to speak from that all-encompassing state of being."" - Raymond Aaron, Author and Coach""Udo has what seems like infinite knowledge and wisdom combined with a warmth and compassion that allows you to really feel and understand what he is sharing. He is the undisputed champ when it comes to fats and oils and that is just scratching the surface of what he has to offer. I hope people take advantage of this incredible resource that is the Udo."" - James Madden, Program Advisor at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition"
Price: 24.99

"OSHA Scaffold Safety" |
"If you ever had a difficult situation on convincing your management on Safe Scaffolding Requirements, this course is for you. This course will give you enough resources and technical know-how on Scaffolding Safety supported by OSHA guidelines. You also get to know about the practical approach of Erecting, Dismantling, Accessing working on a Scaffolding platform safely.This course has been designed to introduce current and future safety professionals to basic Scaffolding Safety concepts. This course also has some advanced techniques which will help the learner to take a step further. This course focuses on a practical approach and is primarily intended for safety professionals, foremen, and project managers.The course sections are as follows:1. Section 1: Basic Concepta) Lecture 1 Introduction to OSHA Scaffolding Guidelinesb) Lecture 2 - Types of Scaffoldsc) Lecture 3 - Scaffolding Terminology and Design criteria as per OSHA2. Section 2: Protecting Workers from Falla) Lecture 1 - General Requirements as defined by OSHAb) Lecture 2 Methods to Protect from Falling3. Section 3 - Scaffolding Platform Construction as defined by OSHAa) Lecture 1 - Capacity and Load Ratingb) Lecture 2 Platform Construction Requirementsc) Lecture 3 Scaffold Accessd) Lecture 4 Arial Lifts4. Section 4 - Training and Competence5. Section 5 Inspection & Cleaning6. Section 6 Summary7. QuizAt the end of the course, resource materials will be given on Scaffolding standards, Inspection checklists and other necessary documents that will help you to implement at your own organisation and make you a hero to your management.This course will help you to take your career a step forward."
Price: 84.99

Java |
"Java , . . JRE . JDK . Java JVM. Control Structures Decision. Control Structures Iteration. Methods. Parameterized Data Structures. Arrays. Exception Handling. Java ObjectOriented Programming Java. Objects and Classes. Inheritance. Polymorphism. Interfaces. . ."
Price: 29.99

"Fashion portrait retouching class" |
"Hi, I am photographer and videographer from Serbia and in this class I wanna share with you how I edit my images. In this class you can learn how to make your portraits stand out. I will use photoshop and in next few minutes, you will know my steps of creating cool images."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Digital Signal Processing" |
"This course shall cover the basics of Discrete Time Signals and Systems. It shall also cover Z Transform & Inverse ZT, Digital IIR & FIR filter designing & their structures. The course shall be enriched with solved numerical and practice assignments. Students will be able to understand the concept of DSP and can explore its application in real time. The knowledge gained from here would be helpful in obtaining requisite credits in their UG program & also score well in competitive exams."
Price: 34.99

"Avid Media Composer A,B,C's" |
"Introducing Learn with Holmes. An online course that teaches you how to edit a movie in Avid. 3 Benefits to this course: 1. If you are new to editing or you want to take your ideas to the next level or willing to migrating to the industry standard software, this course is for you.2. This course is tailor made to make you a sort after assistant editor or story editor for your next feature film or TV series project. 3. The world of Post production editing is migrating to cloud-based facilities. More obvious in this Covid 19 era. This course will position you for better opportunities in collaborations with other editors and filmmakers around the world.Make Professional Long-Form editing (Movie and TV series)Start your own professional video editing for what ever content you want to create. Documentaries, Feature films and TV series. In this tutorial, you will learn all the tools to tackle any kind of content you want to create. Avid Media composer is a professional video editing software used across the world from big Hollywood studios or in a make shift garage studio. One software to rule them all.Make videos the way you imagine them!This course includes practice video files so you can learn along step by step.By the end of the course, you'll have edited a 5 minute scene from a movieI will be teaching you this course using Avid Media Composer. You can install a free version entry level. Using the course material, you will edit a full scene from a moveWhat makes me qualify to teach you?My name is Holmes Awa and I'm a full time video editor with over a decade of professional experienced. I have worked in South Africa TV industry as well as Nigeria. Having numerous credits to my name in TV series, feature film, documentaries, music videos and AD. I am very passionate in teaching and I will like to pass vital knowledge to you.My Promise to YouHaving mentored and taught numerous people in the industry, I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any question about the course content or anything related to this topic you can always write me a direct message and I will reply.What is this Avid Media Composer course all about?This online tutorial guide to Avid media composer video editing course will teach you all the editing tools available and also you will learn the workflow to tackle any project that is thrown at you as an assistant editor or intermediary editor."
Price: 79.99

"Become a professional Social worker" |
"Harshaditya Kabra, a Semi Qualified Chartered Accountant from Indore, India welcomes you to the fulfilling course on Social Work. Having completed his training from Mumbai, India with the prestigious Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP and another Insolvency Professional Entity, he has taken up this venture to educate the youth on various hidden avenues of personal and career growth."
Price: 1280.00

"Resilience in Leadership" |
"Resilience is an important factor when we consider implementing and following best leadership practices. In this course you would learn about what resilience means to Leadership, what are the limits of resilience beyond which it can be disastrous and also methods to improve resilience while working on developing your leadership skills."
Price: 11520.00

"Leading Your Team: Management of team wellness post Covid-19" |
"As we ease out of lockdown, some of us have been working throughout, some have not, but we all have been disrupted. Mentally and physically. Moving in to the next normal, we cannot take for granted that we need to realign the team, and as leaders and managers, support our teams in their physical and mental wellbeing.This course is an extension of our 'Leading Your Team: Management of your team post Covid-19' Course, which you can find on Udemy, but is also packed full of thought and tools you can action, even if you watch this as a standalone course."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Word Tutorial in Hindi" |
"Microsoft Word , Home tab to View Tab ) ? ?) ?) ?) ? ) ?) )"
Price: 5120.00

"Confidence At Home - For Big And Small!" |
"""Confidence At Home"" is the unique course that will help people of all ages find or/and boost their confidence! I, the instructor, stutter myself. I used to be terribly ashamed of that. But then I found my confidence and became a full-time life coach. Now I help people find their confidence and change their lives for the better. This course lasts only 30 minutes, but these are going to be the most life-changing 30 minutes of your life!"
Price: 19.99

"OKR - Objectives and Key Results - einfach und praxisbezogen" |
"OKR ist die geniale Zielmanagement-Methode aus dem Silicon Valley - die u.a. Google so erfolgreich gemacht hat.28 hochwertige Videos - Gesamtdauer ca. 2 Stundenmit Einblendung der wichtigsten Schlsselwrter und FolienZusammenfassung der Key Learnings am Ende vieler Lektionen zum Vertiefen des Erlerntenca. 140 Seiten Workbook - PDFs am Ende jeder Lektion zum herunterladenmit den Folien, Illustrationen, Schaubildern, Beispielen aus der Praxis und VorlagenQuiz-Fragen am Ende vieler Lektionen zum berprfen des ErlerntenSetze das Erlernte sofort in die Praxis um - beruflich oder privatDer Kurs basiert auf dem Buch OKR in 30 Minuten erweitert um viele Beispiele aus der Praxis und weiteren Lektionen. Autoren des Buches sind die beiden Dozenten des Kurses. Die Inhalte des OKR-Kurses untersttzen Euch dabei, dass Eure Zukunft noch erfolgreicher wird - als Fhrungskraft oder als Mitarbeitende.Zitate von Kursteilnehmern:Wunderbarer Einstieg in die OKR-Welt mit Schritt fr Schritt-Anleitungen zum sofortigen Umsetzen im eigenen Unternehmen - ev. NamenFantastisch - der tolle OKR-Kurs half uns effektiv und effizient die OKR-Methode in unserem Unternehmen erfolgreich umzusetzenKlar strukturiertWunderbare Dozenten, die klar und deutlich in die Geheimnisse von OKR einfhrenDas Beste am Kurs ist wie effektiv er in der Praxis anwendbar istDer Kurs enthlt einen sehr guten Mix von Theorie und Praxis mit tollen VideosDie Produktionsqualitt ist auergewhnlich - Gratulation zu diesem sehr gelungenen Kurs"
Price: 119.99

"How to learn Spanish like a pro: the smart way" |
"Learn Spanish in the most efficient way possible using scientific principles such as spaced repetition system or deliberate practice. Anyone can learn Spanish and any language. You do not need a special talent more than having a good attitude towards learning. Have you been trying to learn Spanish for many years without much success? you do not need to study for many years an learn millions of words in order to become fluent in Spanish. This course explains you step by step from scratch how to learn Spanish and how to master the language so that you can use it just as your native language. Would you you like to learn how to learn Spanish in the most efficient way?Exclusive videos with plenty of useful information to take you from not knowing anything about Spanish to being able to communicate efficiently.Step by step on how to learn Spanish from scratch.Build a strong foundation.Work in your pronunciation from the very beginning and make yourself understood easily.Plenty of resources to improve your language skills: reading, speaking, writing and listening.Why is the method so effective?Most of the courses and teachers make the mistake of teaching you vocabulary and grammar from the very beginning without taking into account the most important aspect in your learning journey. That is your pronunciation and intonation. If you focus on learning words and phrases from the very beginning you will have a hard time making yourself understood as your native language will interfere on the way you pronounce words. You have to learn the sounds of the language first so that you will have a very good pronunciation. In this course you will learn how to work on your pronunciation from the very beginning and how to memorize information more efficiently. Ongoing support:If you have any questions or something is not clear you can leave a comment anytime and it will be answered as soon as possible. Credits: Pictures: CanvaMusic: Bensound"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Nepali language as a beginner" |
"The Nepali language, also called the Nepalese language, is an Indo-Aryan language of the Indo-European language family. Historically, the language of Nepali originated in the Hill Region of Nepal, in the Western parts of the country. Around five hundred years ago, mountain dwellers migrated eastwards and settling in the valleys of the Gandaki basin. The language moved with them, and developed over the next few hundred years to be the Nepali language that we can recognize today.A very close relation to the Hindi languages, the Nepali language is often considered to be mutually intelligible. However, the Nepali language contains many more Sanskrit derivations, and considerably fewer English and Persian loanwords. Tibeto-Burman languages have also had an impact on the Nepali language, specifically in terms of grammatical compilation. These days, the Nepali language is used as an everyday language. It is also used as the dominant language by the government, and within the media.There are three main dialects to the Nepali language: Eastern, Central, and Western. However, these dialects are relatively indistinct from each other, and are primarily used to classify the geographical area of the speaker, rather than having a historically separate history.The Nepali language uses two grammatical genders within its language, which are masculine and feminine, with no neuter pronoun. However, looking a little closer at the language, it can be seen that the male pronouns are more like neutral pronouns in terms of language, thus it can be argued that the two grammatical genders in the Nepali language are feminine and zero. If you need to denote a male or female person, in the Nepali language there are a variety of suffixes for this, instead of new words.I know this course will help you a lot in Nepal and even if you travel to India, this course will help you get around there too. "
Price: 29.99

"A beginners guide on mapping your Human Resource processes" |
"Process Mapping is a business tool that enables you to clearly map each step, task or activity of a human resource departments process. By mapping your HR processes, this will allow you and your HR team to identify inefficiencies and to streamline processes in preparation for automation or change management activities.Understanding how to effectively map your processes and being able to clearly display all tasks and activities that are required at each stage of a process, as well as record who is responsible for each task, will allow you to identify those steps in the process that may be causing bottlenecks, duplication and non-compliance.Course enrolment grants lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures, activities, handouts, and quizzes. You will also receive 1-on-1 support if you have any questions."
Price: 19.99

"Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) - Practice Set 2020" |
"Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM I, is the protected brand of scrum(.)org. This course and practice exams is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with scrum(.)orgWhat you will get?We have designed the course in such a way that the exam question selected and created are very relevant questions to help you prepare effectively for the certification exam and will help you in getting very good marks. Along with answers, you will get the explanation in those answers that needed further analysis. Please do not hesitate to contact me and ask me clarifications or further explanations of the answers. I am always ready to help you.Completing this practise exams will give you the more confidence make you ready to proceed with the actual PSM I exam on Scrum(.)org.All the very best!!!!Exam typeMultiple Choice QuestionsMultiple answers: some questions will have more than 1 answer. Make sure you note how many answers are required. Choosing only 1 when asked for 2, even when the chosen option is partially correct, will lead to an incorrect answer.If you know more than one answer is correct, check if there is an all of the above choice.If all of the above is not included, or not the correct choice, select the BEST answer.Negative clauses, when the word NOT is not highlighted or capitalized, it is easy to miss. make sure to study such questions twice so that you don't make any mistake.Absolutes and Qualifiers like never, always, every, must, mean that the statement must be true all of the time. Usually these types of qualifiers lead to a false answer for a true/false question.For true or false questions, when any part of the question is false, then the entire statement is false."
Price: 1600.00

"Passive Income - RISK FREE betting (Great for students)" |
"In this course, I will teach you how to generate your first passive income stream using the systematic matched betting strategy in the guided examples. I will show you how to make a Risk Free 95, show you how to get some Free Casino Spins and then using what has been learnt you can make a further 100 (up to) - Risk Free Cash (for Free). Utlising the automated spreadsheet with the guided tutorial videos and handouts will start you on your journey to generating multiple streams of income to support your life wants and needs - It's a great way to earn money from the comfort of your own bed.I will give you a complete introduction to the world of Matched Betting in which I will show you how to make a Risk Free 95 and then I will direct you on where to go to make a further possible 100 Risk Free Cash (for Free).There are 100's of betting sites offering huge bonuses for signing up! I'm going to teach you the risk free strategy that covers all the outcomes of a bet so you cannot lose! This is NOT ""Gambling"" or ""Gambling Tips"" this is a genuine strategy which allows you flexibly earn money each month. Perfect for students who can't work a part-time job but still need the extra cash, or perhaps for your next flights!Enroll in my easy to understand course with x3 live tutorials on exactly what to do & within few hours you can be making a profit (I'm not kidding!!!)"
Price: 19.99

"Audio synthesis with Access Virus TI" |
"Learn how to synthesize your favorite sounds, on your favorite synthesizer.Although I'm using Cubase as my DAW and Access Virus TI as my synth of choice, It is not mandatory to have either.Feel free to use any DAW and any of your favorite synth or synths,May it be a hardware, analog, digital, or plugin form.You can take this course, learn synthesis, and apply your knowledge on your favorite synths.Even without any prior knowledge of synthesis, or even audio, not to worry, it's all covered! In this course we will learn the basic concepts of sound, in addition to synthesis.You will learn all about amplitude, frequency, harmony, phase, etc..We will also dive into the world of subtractive, FM, and wavetable synthesis."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Scrum Training - Exam Preparation" |
"Welcome to The Complete Scrum Training - Exam Preparation!Five reasons to take this course NOW:Learn the complete Scrum Theory from the updated Scrum Guide.Learn one of the most effective Agile MethodologyGain confidence in completing Scrum CertificatesEarn over $90 000 per year as Scrum MasterSave thousands of dollars on other coursesIn this course you will learn basics of Agile, Agile Methodologies and the complete Scrum Theory needed to pass Scrum Certifications, including:Scrum EventsScrum RolesScrum ArtifactsScrum ValuesWhether you are a pro Project Manager, Scrum Master, Product Owner, member of the Development Team, stakeholder or just a beginner you will find this course refreshing, complete and easy to understand.This course will help you prepare for any certification related to Scrum including Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I), Professional Scrum Product Owner, Scaled Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Developer, Certified ScrumMaster, Certified Scrum Product Owner.NOTE*The Scrum Guide, Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I), Professional Scrum Product Owner, Scaled Professional Scrum, etc. is the protected trademark of scrum .org. Our course is neither an official course prepared for certification nor related with scrum .org.Certified ScrumMaster, Certified Scrum Product Owner, etc. is the protected trademark of scrumalliance .org. Our course is neither an official course prepared for certification nor related with scrumalliance .org.This course is based on The Scrum Guide created by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland."
Price: 19.99

"Linux Operating System (Memes included)" |
"This course was created for new Linux users. In this you will first learn about the operating system. After that you will learn about the basics of Linux then you'll learn about working with files and folders. You will also learn how to install different types of software in Linux Operating System. You will also learn how to use the software you use on Windows. Then you will learn the features and various things of Linux through memes."
Price: 1280.00

"FMCG / CPG Brand Management academy: Marketing fundamentals" |
"This course covers some basic foundation of brand management specially tailored for FMCG / CPG marketers.The course is structured in several sections covering the following topics: What is a brand profile and how you define it for your brand What are brand architecture, range architecture, communication architecture How to write a marketing concept and what are the differences between NPD concepts, communication concepts or activation concepts How to define crucial issues and opportunities that are affecting your brand How to develop and judge communication What are the typical type of promotions, how to write a promotion concept and how to link the type of promotion to the marketing objectives you want to achieveWe use powerpoint slides that are provided to help following the videos."
Price: 59.99

"PHP & MySQL for Beginners (In Arabic)" |
""" "" "" "". "" "" "" "". ."" "" . "" "" "" "" . "" "" "" "" . . . . . "" "" . . . ( ). ( ). ."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Espresso" |
"Clive Coffee and Coffee School present Intro to Espresso. This one hour course will cover everything you need to know to make great espresso at home. With coffee basics, recipe building, and dialing in, you'll get a taste of everything that goes into pulling the perfect shot. Following the class, you'll get one-on-one time with our coffee experts to make sure you not only understand how to pull shots, but you feel confident in how to do it on your equipment at home.What youll learn:Espresso Theory: a deeper dive into what constitutes an espresso and how espresso machines work. We will understand extraction and how it is the key to perfecting your technique at home.Building an espresso recipe: well measure the three components that make up a recipe: our dose (ground coffee), yield (liquid espresso), and time (seconds to complete the shot). Well look at different shot types: single, doubles, triples, and ristrettos, normales, and lungos. Youll learn how to build a recipe from the ground up with any coffee.Technique and tasting: the instructor will demonstrate how to pull a perfect shot of espresso by making adjustments on a grinder, distributing the coffee correctly, and proper tamping techniques. We will taste the espresso to understand the telltale signs of good and bad form."
Price: 74.99
