"Build a REST API with MariaDB ,Python, Django" |
"API stands for Application Programming Interface.An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you're requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.When we are building APIs, we want our models to provide four basic types of functionality. The model must be able to Create, Read, Update,and Delete resources. In this course, we are going to build an API using the following technology:Python Django Django Rest Framework MariaDBmysqlclient adapterdjango-cors-headers What You Will Learn :How to Create and activate a virtual environmentHow to install DjangoHow to install Django REST FrameworkHow to Create a new Django ProjectHow to Create a new Django AppHow to register applications with DjangoHow to setup MySQL Database with Django How to create and run MigrationsHow to Create a Django ModelHow to define Data Models and migrate it to MySQLHow to Create and apply a new migrationHow to Create a serializer classHow to Create viewsHow to Map views to URLsHow to Create Model ObjectsHow to test API with CRUD OperationsHow to use Django Rest Framework to process HTTP requestsHow to create CRUD operations interacting with API using Postman"
Price: 19.99

"Maltesische Sprachkurs: lernen Sie die Maltesische Sprache" |
"Mchten Sie Maltesisch lernen?Ist es schwierig, einen Anfang zu finden?Sind die Erklrungen zu kompliziert?Sie sind am richtigen Ort!In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Maltesisch. Der Kurs ist fr absolute Anfnger gemacht und bringt Ihnen Schritt fr Schritt Maltesisch bei.Maltesisch fr AnfngerWir werden uns auf die Wrter konzentrieren, die das maltesische Volk immer wieder verwendet, wie Gre, grundlegende Grammatik wie der Artikel und viele andere Themen. Sie werden auch lernen, sich richtig vorzustellen, ein Getrnk zu bestellen und grundlegende Gesprche zu fhren, nachdem Sie diesen Kurs absolviert haben.Lerne die maltesische Sprache auf MaltesischDer Kurs ist vollstndig auf Maltesisch, um ein vollstndiges Eintauchen zu gewhrleisten. Sie knnen die Untertitel verwenden oder nicht. ber 35 herunterladbare MP3s werden hinzugefgt, damit Sie unterwegs Ihre Aussprache- und Hrfhigkeiten ben knnen. Viele Texte sowie bungen werden hinzugefgt, um das Gelernte zu ben.Auch wenn Sie nicht auf den maltesischen Inseln sind, haben Sie immer Zugang zum Kurs. Sie knnen die Lektionen jederzeit berprfen und wiederholen, so oft Sie mit der maltesischen Kultur und den Sprachen in Malta in Kontakt treten mchten. Sie mssen also in Malta kein Maltesisch lernen.Dort finden Sie auch Links zu weiteren Ressourcen.Ich garantiere:Voller, lebenslanger kostenloser Zugang zu einem Kurs ber die in Malta gesprochene SpracheAlle zuknftigen zustzlichen Vortrge und Upgrades sind immer kostenlos enthaltenUnbedingte 30-tgige Udemy-Geld-zurck-Garantieberprfen Sie die kostenlose Vorschau und sehen Sie sich im Inneren, um Maltesisch zu lernen!AlainIch bin kein gebrtiger Malteser, daher habe ich das Skript des Kurses von einem professionellen Korrektor berprfen lassen."
Price: 24.99

"SAP HANA SAP Certified Technology Associate C_HANATEC_16" |
"Get certified in SAP HANA and fulfill the first and most important step for your resume: an SAP internationally valid certification.The key element to approve an SAP certification exam is practice and we are so confident in our practice exams that we guarantee you will approve the exam or we refund the full amount of your purchase. No questions asked!Plus we will send you the pdf files of the official SAP HANA ADMIN and Server Installation guides so you don't loose time with the wrong versions.With our practice tests you will be able to simulate the exact same conditions of your exam: 180 minutes to complete 80 questions exactly as in the SAP certification exam which means no true/false questions, a minimum approval rate of 64 and of course certification exam level daring questions so that you have the experience to approve and get certified.And after you finish you'll get immediate feedback with the correct answer for each and all the questions.But worry not! If the time runs out you can try again, in fact you can repeat the practice test as many times as needed. Also, if you start but you run into a problem you can pause or even cancel that attempt and try again anytime you feel like practicing.You have finished practicing and in fact you have already approved the exam but you are nervous about the job interview and you need to refresh a topic, come again and also reference the content for your work with a lifetime access to the content.Don't think twice and invest in yourself, the best investment you can pursue!We will be at your service to answer any queries! Contact us at any time! We will answer all of your queries!Trust our thousands of satisfied certified students!"
Price: 199.99

"Stress and Anxiety Management Become Stress & Anxiety Free" |
"At last, an EFFORTLESS breakthrough system that gives you the tools and techniques to eliminate your feelings of anxiety and feel calmer and more relaxed, quickly and easily. STOP your toxic mind chatter and become magnetic to your Magical lifeNOW The wait is over!Now you can control emotions such as fear, worry and anxiety by using the power of your own mind. Feeling good no matter what is happening in your life and mastering how to manifest an amazing life with the things youve always wanted. Its guaranteed or your money back!!!Hi, my name is Chris and I am an International Bestselling Author. My courses are also Bestseller's and have been taken by over 27,000 happy students from 161 countries. Here is what my wonderful students are saying about my courses.""Hello, I myself am an instructor on Udemy. I taught more than 50,000 students on Udemy alone and I bought countless courses on the platform. This course is by far, the single most important course on this platform. It is absolutely mind blowing. Your subconscious brain is powerful, 95 to 99% of our thoughts actions and habits on a daily basis are driven and governed by our subconscious brain, and being able to rewire and change your subconscious beliefs will help you change and transform your life. Great job Chris, you did an amazing course right here!""Bestseller Instructor Udemy. Noah Merriby""Since I have been doing your course I feel a much happier person. My friends commented that my eyes are shining and I seem like I am in love. I am constantly smiling and feel fearless and totally positive and at ease with myself. Thank you very much Chris""Uschi""Excellent course with the best exercise I have ever done to clarify my personal power affirmation. I am using Chris's guided audio which for me has been like a very deep meditation. The instructor is very kind and thoughtful. He responds to questions almost immediately. Highly recommended.""Susan HaraI reviewed my statement/affirmation at the end of the year. I am reminded how much has manifested since I completed my personalized affirmations. I am in a loving relationship. We have purchased a home together. I am no longer working full time which has given me much freedom to pursue the things I want to do. I highly recommend working with Chris.MichelleDear Friend,Have you ever wondered why most of the self-improvement programs or books on the market or even on your bookshelf never work?Have you noticed that there are some tools that might seem to work for a few people but not for you?Have you attended numerous seminars on self-help and positive thinking or just tried on your own to reduce your feelings of anxiousness and stress? Yet, have you been able to achieve permanent & radical transformation in your life?The Self-Development field is a multi-billion-dollar industry and bookshelves are loaded with self-help books. Then why is it that there are millions of people struggling with anxiety and stress related health problems, financial insecurity, unfulfilled relationships, etc?Breakthrough your struggle!Have you wondered why you have worked so hard to make your life work, and strive so hard to make more money to pay your bills, to make your relationships more harmonious, and to gain better health, but you just cant make that breakthrough?Is there always something missing?You wonder why, but never find the answer!Let me make something very clear for you right now:Here is whyThe majority of popular books or programs on self-improvement only touch the surface of your challenges or frustrations, NOT the subconscious toxic beliefs that cause the problem to begin with!For example, if you feel overwhelmed or anxious about your financial problems, you will be advised to take the expensive wealth building seminars that teach you a bunch of money making strategies. BUT, the fact of the matter is that your financial problems are not solved by tools or techniques to make money, but by something deeper and more fundamental.If you have relationship problems, people will advise you to go to relationship experts who can give you tons of tips and strategies to improve your relationship. BUT you will find that the fulfilling loving relationship that you have dreamed of is still out of your reach.Thats because your relationship problems are only symptoms which show up in your life as anxiety and stress, but they are not the fundamental causes.Spread your wings and fly . EffortlesslyWhen those fundamental issues are resolved, EVERYTHING CHANGES!You feel calmer and more relaxedYou feel good whatever is happening in your life.You take control of emotions such as fear, worry and anxietyThings that youve always wanted start to show up in your life EFFORTLESSLY.You start to feel true joy from your work.You start to attract the right and fulfilling relationships.You find yourself more energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic.Life will seem so easy and effortless; everything will flow naturally.If you wonder how you can align yourself to live an amazing life, you have come to the right place.Make magic happen!This program is the result of 40 years studying psychology, mind science and consciousness-expanding practices. You will learn how to finally identify and eliminate harmful stress and anxiety which are controlling your current life by default and start designing your exciting life; the life you dream of having where anything is possible. Join me on this journey of exploration and personal empowerment by hitting the ""Buy now"" button above to start creating the life of your dreams and Ill see you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Econometrics : Basics of Simple Linear Regression (Hindi)" |
"This course is in HINDI language and is especially designed for the students enrolled in INDIAN UNIVERSITIES. Many students who are new to Econometrics describe it as a difficult subject. Do you think the same? Do you think Econometrics is all about equations and proofs? If yes, then this is the first thing that you need to do - 'Change your approach to study this subject'Take it from me, Econometrics is quite an interesting subject. Whether you like it or not depends on how you tackle this subject. If you want to master Econometrics, then you need to understand the intuition of each and every concept and the logic behind each and every equation. And this is what I am going to help you with!!"
Price: 49.99

Google2GmailGmail |
Price: 3600.00

DjangoPythonEC |
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Computers and Technology Quiz" |
"Computer technologies, being a fascinating subject have sprawled and evolved in recent years. The importance of computers and technology has greatly increased since the start of the 21st century. A computer is a useful tech tool for advancing educationally in traditional and yet non-traditional ways. Learners rely on leveraging computers to research and access educative information, or to submit their project work to their teacher. Moreover, in gradual time computers have become smaller and faster and in fact, enabling all types of people to use them virtually in any kind of location. Technology is exploding into new realms every day. The hardest part is to stay updated with the changes, whatsoever. Whatever we decide to do, technology will only become an increasingly important part of our world. Whether we want to develop software that powers successful businesses or companies, design a trending new mobile phone app, or create VFX for blockbuster films, specialised computing skills will be indispensable, whatsoever.Anyways - do you think that you are a computer or technology buff at this moment? Are you computer savvy or a whiz kid? Do you think so?Get ready to put your tech skills to immediate test to find out.In this extremely interesting quiz course from Marketing Legend 'Srinidhi Ranganathan' and Mastermind 'Saranya Srinidhi'. you will find new-age questions on the subject of computer history and technologies. You can get set to surely challenge yourself on this fascinating subject to the core.Each question in this quiz course is made up of good-researched, interesting concepts with great explanations or feedback that fully goes on to test your awareness and grasp of the subject.Don't wait anymore. Let's start rolling in some action.Time to take the quiz and find out! Get ready for the roller-coaster ride."
Price: 19.99

"Erfllte Partnerschaft - Paartherapie / Selbsttherapie" |
"Durch Verbesserung deiner Selbstreflexion (Erkennen und Auflsen von unbewussten Abwehrmechanismen) wirst du authentischer und konstruktiver kommunizieren und dich offener und ehrlicher auf deine Beziehung / Partnerschaft einlassen knnen.Dadurch wird deine Partnerschaft insgesamt bereichert sie wird lebendiger, erfllter und freudvoller.Ich habe dieses Programm entwickelt, um dir ein Werkzeug in die Hand zu geben, mit dem du ganz fr dich alleine an deiner Beziehungskompetenz arbeiten kannst. Wann und so lange und so oft du willst.Der erste Teil besteht aus einer kurzen Einfhrung, in der ich das Wesentliche zum Thema Paar-/Beziehungstherapie erklre. Auerdem findest du hier die notwendigen ArbeitsanleitungenDer zweite Teil besteht aus dem Therapieabschnitt mit Fragen, die du so ehrlich wie mglich beantworten solltest und zwar genau in der vorgegebenen Reihenfolge.Im dritten Teil gibt es praktischen Beziehungs-bungen, in denen du dich selbst in der Partnerschaft mit deinen neuen Erkenntnissen ausprobieren kannst.Eine Paartherapie ist zwar in erster Linie ein Arbeiten an sich selbst. Dazu braucht man nicht unbedingt den Partner/die Partnerin.Selbstverstndlich kann der Kurs auch von beiden Partnern gemacht werden."
Price: 189.99

"Easy Piano Chopin Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 Piano Tutorial" |
"After receiving hundreds of requests from my YouTube viewers for a tutorial of Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2, which is a very advanced piece, I decided to create a version that keeps the gorgeous essence of the original, but is still playable by less experienced pianists and requires much less time investment.In this course, you will get a note-by-note demonstration of this Easy Piano version. Each lesson is short, and focuses on only one section of the piece. You get the freedom to fit the lessons into your busy day whenever you choose! You'll learn to play each section one hand at a time, so that you can really build up your muscle memory. Then, we'll put the hands together and practice combining the movements of both hands at the same time. After you feel comfortable with moving your fingers, you'll learn exactly where to add pedal for that professional sound!There is sheet music available (purchased separately) but reading sheet music is not necessary because I tell you the name of every note that I play, plus which finger to use, and you can write in the note names on the sheet music. Having this ""map"" to follow helps keep you organized, but it's not a requirement for the course.I also provide a performance video of the entire piece, so that you can always refer back to it for ideas on musical expression, and to keep yourself motivated to keep going! With my clear instructions and your commitment and love for playing the piano, you WILL experience the joy that comes from letting your fingers bring this beautiful music to life. You can do this!"
Price: 34.99

"Create a Personal Blog Using Laravel Framework." |
"Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks. It can be used to create small, medium and large web app projects. A lot of startups and companies have started using it to create different types of web apps. Thus, The demand for PHP developers is increasing everyday and adding Laravel to your portfolio will get you jobs much easier.NOTE: This course is all about the basics of Laravel. So it assumes you have good understanding of PHP and OOP.In this course you will learn the basics of Laravel framework, and will learn how to create a simple Laravel project, specifically a personal blog. Moreover, you will learn best practices, how to avoid bad practices when working on a Laravel project, how to debug your code, and most of all how to write a clean organized code in Laravel that you can get back to it, understand it or fix it and also let others understand it.This course will take you step by step so that you don't get confused. I start with the most basic topics and gradually move forward toward advanced topics.What you'll learn in this course will make you able to start creating your own Laravel projects and improve your abilities as a web developer and will put you on the right path to specialize in one of the most popular PHP Frameworks. Finally, after the end of this course, you can start applying for Laravel jobs confidently.Note: In this course you'll also get downloadable source code. You will also be provided with an exercise or quiz at the end of each lecture to test your understanding.Topics covered in this course:How to create a Laravel ProjectArtisan CLIRequestsResponsesLaravel FacadesModels & ControllersBlade TemplatesFormsValidating FormsConnecting to DatabaseCreating, Retrieving, Updating & Deleting recordsUploading ImagesBootstrap in LaravelMiddlewaresAuthenticationAuthorizationand much much more...What is expected after this course?After successfully finishing this course, you will :Have your own Laravel personal blog.Have solid understanding of Laravel framework.Be able to create web apps using Laravel.Start your Career as a Laravel Developer.I wish you a successful journey during this course.Good luck!"
Price: 199.99

invest_1r |
Price: 2400.00

"Apple iWork: Keynote" |
", . 2020, , . , . , , . , Keynote , , . , . Keynote , , Keynote. , , . Keynote, . , .Keynote , , , . , Keynote, , . , Keynote, . , . , , . . , Keynote ., . or , or Q&A. , ;)"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Revit Architecture from basic to advance Level" |
"This course, recorded entirely in metric units, teaches you the techniques you need to complete architectural projects in Revit 2020. First, get comfortable with the Revit environment, and learn to set up a project and add the grids, levels, and dimensions that will anchor your design. Then you dive into modeling: adding walls, doors, and windows; creating and mirroring groups; linking to DWG files; and working with floors, roofs, and ceilings. It also includes advanced techniques for modeling stairs and complex walls, adding rooms, and creating schedules. Finally, discover how to annotate your drawing so all the components are perfectly understood, and learn how to output sheets to PDF and AutoCAD.Topics include:Understanding BIM and the Revit element hierarchyNavigating viewsCreating a new project from a templateAdding walls, doors, and windowsAdding plumbing fixtures and other componentsLinking AutoCAD DWG filesRotating and aligning Revit linksWorking with footprint and extrusion roofsAdding openingsAdding railings and extensions to stairsCreating stacked and curtain wallsHiding and isolating objectsAdding roomsCreating schedule viewsAdding text and dimensionsCreating new familiesUsing reference planes, parameters, and constraintsPlotting and creating a PDFREVIT ESSENTIALS TUTORIAL INDEX1. INTRODUCTION2. CORE CONCEPT3. GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH THE REVIT ENVIRONMENT4. STARTING A PROJECT5. MODELING BASICS6. LINKS, IMPORTS, AND GROUPS7. SKETCH-BASED MODELING COMPONENTS8. STAIRS9. COMPLEX WALLS10. VISIBILITY AND GRAPHIC CONTROLS11. ROOMS12. SCHEDULE AND TAGS13. ANNOTATION AND DETAILS14. THE BASICS OF FAMILIES15. SHEETS, PLOTTING & PUBLISHING16. CONCLUSION"
Price: 19.99

"Image Processing Toolbox in MATLAB" |
"In this introductory Matlab course for Image processing toolbox, one can understand a comprehensive set of reference-standard algorithms and workflow apps for image processing, analysis, visualization, and algorithm development.For sake of better insight this course module is divided into two part :Matlab 01 &Matlab 02.In Matlab 01 , Theoretically explain the different image processing functions with their practical usage. The course is brief in nature but can provide all relevant exposure.In Matlab 02, Practically as well as theoretically taken the tutorials to get acquainted students for comprehensive understanding of the Image processing toolbox features.Matlab 0101.MATLAB: Lets Begin Image Processing Toolbox02.Import, Export, and Conversion03.Display and Exploration04.Geometric Transformation and Image Registration05.Image Filtering and Enhancement06.Image Segmentation and Analysis07.Deep Learning for Image Processing08.3-D Volumetric Image Processing09.Code Generation10.GPU ComputingMatlab 0201.Image Processing Toolbox : Getting Started With tutorials02.Detect and Measure Circular Objects in an Image03.Correct Nonuniform Illumination and Analyze Foreground Objects04.Find Vegetation in a Multispectral Image05.Enhancing Multispectral Color Composite Images06.Enhance Color Separation Using Decorrelation Stretching"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a usar Excel desde cero (para Mac)" |
"En este curso aprenders contenido correspondiente a cursos de Excel Bsico, Intermedio y Avanzado. Espero que los disfrutes.A nivel de Excel Bsico aprenders qu es Excel, cmo se trabaja con libros, cmo se trabaja, cmo se administra, cmo desplazarse rpidamente, cmo se presenta y cmo ingresar datos en una hoja de clculo. Adems aprenders cmo se desarrollan los grficos, cmo se gestionan las listas y cmo se prepara un libro para su impresin.A nivel de Excel Intermedio aprenders las funciones, las frmulas y reas, la auditora de datos en Excel, cmo trabajar con libros, el pegado especial y la proteccin.A nivel de Excel Avanzado profundizaremos en frmulas y reas, aprenderemos la consolidacin, las opciones de esquema, la optimizacin usando Buscar Objetivo y Solver, los escenarios posibles con el Administrador de Escenarios, la validacin, el formato condicional y el manejo de datos en Excel."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a usar Excel desde cero (para Windows)" |
"En este curso aprenders contenido correspondiente a cursos de Excel Bsico, Intermedio y Avanzado. Espero que los disfrutes.A nivel de Excel Bsico aprenders qu es Excel, cmo se trabaja con libros, cmo se trabaja, cmo se administra, cmo desplazarse rpidamente, cmo se presenta y cmo ingresar datos en una hoja de clculo. Adems aprenders cmo se desarrollan los grficos, cmo se gestionan las listas y cmo se prepara un libro para su impresin.A nivel de Excel Intermedio aprenders las funciones, las frmulas y reas, la auditora de datos en Excel, cmo trabajar con libros, el pegado especial y la proteccin.A nivel de Excel Avanzado profundizaremos en frmulas y reas, aprenderemos la consolidacin, las opciones de esquema, la optimizacin usando Buscar Objetivo y Solver, los escenarios posibles con el Administrador de Escenarios, la validacin, el formato condicional y el manejo de datos en Excel."
Price: 99.99

"FinTech for Financial Inclusion (Technology in Inclusion)" |
"Financial Inclusion is an important responsibility of each government and financial sector regulator. It has multiple benefits for each stakeholder and also helps countries to fulfil their international commitments on Digital Financial Inclusion and provide other basic human rights. Many countries are committed to achieving their Sustainable Development Goals, G-20, MAYA Declaration etc. Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course""Technology helps to smoothen the Accessibility, Awareness and Affordability of financial services for the bottom of the pyramid and financially excluded people. In this course, we will discuss different aspects and overview of Financial Inclusion and Role of technology in each aspect. Financial Inclusion is a vast topic and each tool/element in itself is a vast subject so we have given an overview and our experience with Global Context on each topic. We have not added any industry data as you can find it on google or in any other reports. We have focussed on concepts and its understanding. We will discuss the following topics in the course;- Course ContentDefinition of Financial Inclusion, SDG and G-20, Reasons & Types of exclusion, 3 As of Inclusion, Pillars of inclusion, Regulatory Sandbox, Regulators role, FinTech for Inclusion, Digital Finance, Digital Banking .Payment ProcessingThe course will be of immense benefits if you are working in Financial Inclusion domain as;- Product and Project Manager- Financial Inclusion Practioner and Enthusiast- Students, Researchers, Trainers and Teachers- RegulatorSo, see you in the course.."
Price: 9920.00

"Faa Questes de Biologia Passo a Passo Com o Professor" |
"Este curso contm uma srie de questes para que voc possa aprender como resolver questes de diferentes nveis de conhecimento. Com uma abordagem objetiva e com foco em cada enunciado voc vai se preparando, passo a passo, com as questes mais clssicas para suas futuras avaliaes. No perca essa oportunidade! Comece seu treinamento hoje para fortalecer sua preparao para o futuro!"
Price: 39.99

"Complete Python + Django + Data Science course" |
"Become a Python programmer and learn one of the most sought-after skills in modern development!My name is YouRa, I graduated from the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute with a degree in System Programming in 2006 and the last few years I have been engaged in IT technologies and the development of mobile and web applications.This is the most comprehensive, but simple Udemy Python programming language course! If you have never programmed before, if you already know the basic syntax, or if you want to learn about the advanced features of Python - in any case, this course is for you! In this course, we will learn programming in Python 3.Course is on development stage for now and new materials will be added every month!Course materialsPython installationRunning Python CodeStringsListsDictionariesCollectionsNumeric Data TypesPrint formattingFunctionsBuilt-in functionsDebugging and error handlingModulesExternal ModulesObject oriented programmingInheritancePolymorphismFile input / outputAdvanced MethodsUnit testsAnd much more!You will get lifetime access to more than 100 lectures!This course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you will return your money.Who is this course for:- beginners who have never programmed before- programmers who want to switch to Python- Beginner Python programmers who want to enhance their skills.Would you like:- acquire the skills necessary to get the first work on programming in Python- move to a higher position as a software developer- Get started with machine learning, data science, Django, or other popular areas that Python specializes in.- or just learn Python to be able to quickly create your own Python applications... Then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you these basic skills.This course is intended for beginners who have never programmed before, as well as for existing programmers who want to expand their career opportunities by learning Python.The fact is that Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world - huge companies such as Google use it in mission-critical applications such as Google Search.Python is the number one language for machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. To get this high-paying job, you need Python expertise and this is what you will get from this course.With the skills that you will learn in this course, you will be able to become workable and valuable in the eyes of future employers.Ready to get started?Then sign up now and start your journey to the creative, advanced brilliance of Python!See you on the course!"
Price: 199.99

"El curso MINIMALISMO PARA FINANZAS se presenta como un LIBRO FINANCIERO PARA MINIMALISTAS O PERSONAS QUE QUIERAN SIMPLIFICAR SUS FINANZAS PERSONALES y poseer ambiciones e inters de superacin, ya que a travs de este curso explorars tus valores, creencias y las caractersticas de tu personalidad para poder mejorar econmicamente o alcanzar tus ms codiciosas metas financieras. Adems, tendrs acceso a una variedad de estrategias y tcnicas SIMPLES que te ayudaran a crear motivacin, confianza y certeza financiera, con el fin de alcanzar las metas que siempre has deseado. De igual manera obtendrs herramientas que te ayudaran a destruir todo tipo de creencias, pensamientos e ideas limitantes, para ello debes tener la disposicin de aprender de este curso en lnea que te permite estudiar desde la comodidad de tu hogar, cuando quieras y como quieras. T tienes acceso a este curso desde tu Smartphone, Tablet y tu computador.Si nos centramos en lo que es realmente el minimalismo, nos damos cuenta de que el minimalismo y finanzas se complementan. Si queremos mantener una finanzas sanas, el minimalismo puede ser una herramienta para lograrlo. Tomando en cuenta que el Minimalismo no es una forma de ahorro, pero si te puede ayudar con las finanzas, ya que estos dos se complementan.Simplifiquemos nuestra vida y economa Ests dispuesto a mejorar tus finanzas con el minimalismo? Obtendrs tu CERITIFICADO al final del curso y habrs aprendido a vivir con un presupuesto minimalista."
Price: 19.99

"PowerShell in Hindi(Series 2)" |
"Its in Hindi Language***Note : Series 2 is focused on Scripting Related Stuff, We have made scripting easy for you guys.1. P&G Training Institute will teach you how to use command-line shell and scripting language, built on the .NET framework, designed especially for systems administration.2. No programming background needed3. We will not teach the command but will teach you the logic of Powershell so that you can use the same logic on all the products that uses PowerShell4. Once you have completed this series, you will be able to write PowerShell script on multiple technologies.5. PowerShell in Hindi (Series 1) is the pre-requisite before enrolling this course. If you know basics of PowerShell in detail then you can directly enroll. But we suggest as per our experience do series 1 first and then enroll for series 2."
Price: 6400.00

"How to build self confidence!" |
"This course is to build self confidence and how you can become better in building in your lifestyle. This course is for those who want to learn more about how you can improve certain aspects of your life when it comes to building your confidence. If you are naturally shy and introverted this course would be for you to building confidence."
Price: 19.99

"3 saatte Sfrdan Orta Seviyeye ngilizce. dll Anlatm" |
"ncelikle bilmelisiniz ki, bu kurs birbirinin kopyas tm dier retim yntem ve usullerine, inatla ayn yolu izleyen khne zihniyete, yaratclktan uzak ezberci tutuma tepki olarak hazrlanmaya baland. * Kursumuz dil eitimlerinde klasik yaklamlara ve mevcut sisteme kar kar, her adan DAHA iyi olmay hedefler. DAHA KOLAY, DAHA KISA, DAHA ANLAILIR, DAHA PRATK vs... Bu balamda dl bulunan ""3 cmle eidine"" dayanan ve sreci hem daha anlalr hem de daha basitletirerek hzlandran, KALICI RENMEY salayan yntem benimsenmitir. Dileriz eletiri ve yapc yorumlarnzla giderek gelien ve byyen, farkl ve ie yarar bir kaynak ortaya kar. Kursumuzda Temel ingilizce'yi yaklak 3-4 saatte kusursuzca renebilir, ok salam bir altyapya sahip olabilirsiniz. ngilizce'nizi B2 (orta-2/ upper intermediate ) seviyesine kadar tamak isterseniz derslere devam etmeniz ve kaynaklarda sunulan almalar alkanlk haline getirmeniz yeterli olacaktr. Kursumuza ileri seviye dersleri srekli eklenmeye devam etmektedir.Kurs Neden paral ? : lk neden UDEMY' de sadece 2 saaten ksa kurslar cretsiz yaynlanabiliyor. kinci ve en nemli neden: nsan Psikolojisi; Aratrmalar gsteriyor ki; nsanlar cretsiz elde edilen her eye olduundan ok daha az kymet ve nem verip, fayda salayamyorlar. cretsiz kaynaklarn cretlilerden daha kt olduunu dnyorlar. cret ile alnan eitimlere rencilerin daha ciddi ve motive olmu yaklamlar onlarn baarsn alacak derecede etkiliyor. Daha pahal ama kt bir eitimden sonra ucuz ama daha kaliteli bir eitim alanlar, daha fazla deme yaptklar eitimin daha kt olduunu sylemekten ( kendilerine dahi itiraf etmekten ) kanyorlar. Udemy'nin de dayand bu yaklam cretli kurslarn baarsnda nemli yer tutmaktadr. ***** FARKLI BR ANLATIM *****Gelin ezberlemeyi ve ders notlarnz bir keye brakn ve sadece oturduunuz yerden izleyin. Kursta sizi ne bekliyor?Kesinlikle tm anlatmlardan daha farkl bir anlatmla ilerleyeceiz.Belkide daha nce anlamadnz konular nasl anladnza aracaksnz.Not tutmadan, detaylara boulmadan Trke olarak alacaz.imize yaramayan kelimeler renmeyeceiz / ezberlemeyeceiz.**** Ukala olmak niyetinde deiliz ama syleyebiliriz ki bu kurs size ezberletmeyecek - anlatacak ******** Nasl almalsnz, ne yapmalsnz, hangi yoldan ilerlemelisiniz, onu gstermeye alacak. ****Unutmayn ""Dil retilemez"" ancak ve ancak ""RENLR""Hepinize ngilizce renme serveninizde baarlar dilerim. "
Price: 49.99

"Introduccin a three.js y creacin de videojuegos 3D en web" |
"Has querido aprender a desarrollar en 3D para la web y te has perdido entre tanta informacin?S que es difcil empezar este camino as que he decidido crear este curso para ti.Para poder desarrollar el curso usaremos una poderosa librera llamada three.js, esta librera es una de las ms usadas en el entorno web para poder renderizar 3D en el navegador, cuenta con una documentacin genial y con grandiosos ejemplos que puedes explorar.Si eres desarrollador web, tienes conocimientos de programacin bsica o simplemente quieres aprender a hacer tu primer juego 3D y trabajar con 3D en la web, este curso es para ti.Te guiar paso a paso creando ejercicios simples que nos ayudarn a conocer nuestra librera, y aprenders a mezclar unas libreras que van genial con three.js y el desarrollo 3D en la web como lo son eventemitter3 y tweens.js.Una vez hayamos aprendido como funciona nuestra librera favorita crearemos un videojuego llamado StackBlocks.Te invito a ver el contenido gratuito para que puedas decidirte a adquirir este curso."
Price: 39.99

"Linux High Availability Clustering on Veritas Cluster Server" |
"Veritas Cluster Server, commonly known as VCS is used by organizations around the globe to host their mission critical applications and to ensure there is always high availability enforced for the databases, filesystems and IP addresses.In this course, you'll learn how to download and install VCS trail version, which is valid for 60 days and build your own VCS Cluster Environment on a Linux machine that we'll build using Virtual Box. We will simulate a live working environment, by creating disk groups on shared storage devices in the back end, we'll also create service groups and perform failover tests. All resources, including storage devices, IP addresses for services groups and file systems will failover from one node to another. This will mimic a live high availability environment. We will deploy Veritas InfoScale Availability and Storage Foundation Software on our Linux host. I am excited to teach you the end to end VCS (Veritas) cluster setup. Please join me in the course. Thanks."
Price: 19.99

"Gravao de Vdeos para Iniciantes" |
"Esse curso foi produzido a partir de um webinar dado por mim para professores que precisam aprender a lidar com o processo de filmagem e edio.Esse curso se fez necessrio porque o governo autorizou que as aulas sejam online.Apesar desse curso ter partido de um webinar, o curso em si foi enriquecido com muitos detalhes que no puderam ser abordados durante o webinar, como por exemplo, lidar com softwares de edio de udio e vdeo."
Price: 399.99

"Grafik und Illustration. Teil 1" |
"Hallo und willkommen in meiner neuen Kursreihe ""Grafik und Illustration"".Dies ist der 1.Teil mit dem Titel ""Lebensbaum"".Die wichtigsten Elemente, mit denen wir uns auseinander setzen-ist Punkt, Linie und Flche.Zuerst schauen wir uns alle grafischen Materialen an, die wir nach unterschiedlichen Qualitten prfen werdenund definieren genau die Werkzeuge, die wir fr ntzlich und qualitativ erklren.Nach dem skizzieren besprechen wir einzelne Elemente und beginnen eine richtige Komposition, in dem wir zuerst mit Bleistift vorzeichnen. Danach kombinieren wir unsere grafischen Elemente - Flche, Linie, Punkt.Als Ergebnis haben wir eine kreative und Aussagestarke Komposition."
Price: 129.99

"Copywriting Marketing Subliminal (Module 1) + 2 BONUS" |
"Dans les lignes qui suivent, vous allez dcouvrir la mthodologie complte que jutilise pour vendre pratiquement nimporte quel produit nimporte qui avec thique. Je vous donne 2 BONUS : une vido de prsentation 1er BONUS Comment crer une page de vente ? 2me BONUS Un PDF de 19 pages avec le script + mes 2 outils prfrs que j'utilise pour vendre en ligne, mes services, mes formations, mes produits numriques moindre cot.Je vais galement vous montrer les stratgies de persuasion exacte que jutilise au quotidien pour convaincre la plupart des sceptiques de passer laction: soit lachat de mes produits (ou ceux de mes partenaires).Avez-vous un de ces problmes ?Vous avez un produit ou un service vendre depuis belle lurette, mais rien faire, les ventes ne dcollent pas, peu importe lnergie que vous y consacrezVous ntes pas un vendeur n En ralit, vous avez toujours dtest la vente, mais ironiquement vous savez que sans cette expertise vos ventes sont voues lchec.Vous vous demandez comment faire pour devenir un leader qui influence avec impact. Malgr tous vos efforts pour gagner une certaine notorit, rien ne se passe Vous tes toujours le mme: un pur inconnu dont personne ne parleVous prsenter devant la camra vous fait peur Vous dsirez garder votre anonymat et une certaine intimit, mais vous avez de la misre lier une relation de proximit et de confiance avec vos lecteurs et prospects seulement en utilisant de simples mots.Vous navez jamais voulu faire partie de ces soi-disant marketeurs qui vendent avec des techniques parfois douteuses, mais pourtant redoutables. Vous vous dites que ce nest pas fait pour vousLorsquil sagit de convaincre et de persuader un groupe, vous vous dfilez Vous avez toujours craint lopinion dautrui et vous prfrez vous abstenir de froisser les mes sensibles.Vous avez toujours voulu devenir un vendeur charismatique qui na pas besoin de pousser les autres pour vendre, mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ny par o commencerDans les instants qui suivent, vous allez dcouvrir les techniques et stratgies ingnieuses pour russir vendre.Vous dcouvrirez dans ce module :Comment les multinationales utilisent les messages subliminaux leur avantage et comment lappliquer votre business.La technique sournoise pour communiquer avec linconscient de vos lecteurs et les pousser lachat.Le processus complet pour subtilement dsamorcer les objections de vos interlocuteurs et les convaincre du contraire.Le processus complet pour subtilement dsamorcer les objections de vos interlocuteurs et les convaincre du contraire.Le processus complet pour subtilement dsamorcer les objections de vos interlocuteurs et les convaincre du contraire.La stratgie subtile, mais extrmement puissante que jutilise pour vendre lintrieur de mes propres formations.Et beaucoup plusGrce ce cours vous dcouvrirez les secrets et astuces du Copywriting."
Price: 99.99

"Woocommerce Mastery Create a Professional Dropshipping Store" |
"Have you been thinking to start your dropshipping or eCommerce store, but you didn't know where to start? Are you tired of a regular 9 to 5 job and you have a burning desire to start your own business? If the answer is yes, that means you came to the right place because I'm here to help you!I've been there, and I know how frustrating it can be. I remember when I started my first Woocommerce website, and I didn't know anything. It took me three years of trial and error until I was satisfied with the way my eCommerce stores look. During this time I tested different hosting providers, premium themes, search engine optimization techniques, and website optimization methods. Now I know, what works the best and I'm confident that I can teach you how to create a professional Woocommerce store.It doesn't matter if you are a complete beginner or someone who has some prior knowledge of this subject. I will teach you everything I know, and you will learn valuable information that will help you to create a professional online store.I will start this Woocommerce course by explaining what is dropshipping and how it works. I understand that not everyone is on the same level, and at first, it can be a little bit confusing. In later sections, I will teach you about the technical part of creating an eCommerce store. You will learn what is a domain name and hosting. I will show you how to set up your hosting plan, how to install WordPress and Woocommerce. Once you finish this part of the course, you will have enough knowledge to create your website from scratch.Did you know that Woocommerce runs on the Wordpress platform?I will explain to you everything about these two platforms. You will learn how Wordpress works, what are the most important settings, and how to install all needed plugins. I will teach you how to choose the right theme for your website and how to install it.In Woocommerce section you will learn everything you need to know about this platform. I will show you how to set up payment gateways so your customers could pay by credit card or Paypal. Also, you will learn how to add shipping zones which will allow you to offer a free shipping method, or charge a flat rate for shipping. I will teach you how to add products manually to your website. It includes both simple and variable product types. I will explain to you how these types are different and how to use them. Also, I will show you how to optimize your products for Google search, which will help you to bring organic traffic to your Woocommerce store.In this course for the demonstration, I will be using Flatsome theme. It is a highly customizable premium theme I use it on multiple websites. Two eCommerce stores could use the same theme and look completely different. I will show you how to work with it so you could easily create your brand identity.If you will decide to create a dropshipping store and you will have some more money to invest you should get an Alidropship plugin. It will help you to import products and fulfill orders automatically. You will save tons of time, and you will get a cashback from Aliexpress, which is up to 12%. I will explain to you everything about this plugin, and I will show you how it works.Later I will teach you how to add your website to Google Search Console so you will be able to track any issues related to SEO, check backlinks to your website and more. I will show you how to add Google Analytics to your Woocommerce store you will be able to track visits, traffic sources, sales, and all other Analytics information.If you are planning to run Facebook ads, I will teach you how to add a Facebook pixel to your website. Once you have done this, you will be able to run the conversion and retargeting ads. After finishing this course, you will know how to create a professional-looking Woocommerce store not just for yourself but for others as well. If you will have any questions feel free to contact me or join my Mastermind Facebook group."
Price: 34.99

"Singing For Sound Healing & Ceremonies" |
"In this course we will cover some of the most commonly used styles of singing for Sound Baths & Ceremonies. ------------------------------We will cover:Warms Ups & Getting StartedToningAngelic SingingThroat Singing& Shamanic Singing---------------------------------This course also covers a bunch of the elements that block us from wanting to express our voice. There is a lot of encouragement and aspects that will make it easy to transition into singing for your Sound Baths, Ceremonies or one on one healing sessions!See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99
