""""" SketchNote" |
" ? SketchNote SketchNote 2 SketchNote SketchNote"
Price: 1600.00

"Nginx : Matriser Nginx en tant que serveur web" |
"Apprenez de manire facile et avec des exemples rels lhbergement des application avec le serveur web NGINXNginx est un serveur web trs performant qui en dpit de sa nature non bloquante qui lui permet de supporter jusqu' environ 10000 connexions concurrentes est trs bon en tant que load balancer de charge, serveur de reverse proxy , serveur de mail proxy,etc. Ce serveur web est trs utilis par des trs grandes compagnies telles que GitHub, Airbnb ou mme Netflix cause de sa performance et sa nature asynchrone faisant de lui une meilleure solution que d'autres serveurs web multithread.Si vous souhaitez prendre en main Nginx en tant que serveur web, serveur de reverse proxy ou mme un load balancer, votre place est ici!!Voici ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours:Installer un serveur webConfigurer Nginx comme serveurServir des ressources statiques et dynamiquesConfigurer Nginx en tant que reverse proxy serverAppliquer un certificat SSL/TLS une application web dans une configuration NginxPrendre un nom de domaineAjouter des sous-domaine votre nom de domaineFaire une association entre le nom de domaine de l'adresse IP de votre serveurVous savez dj hberger un site web avec des services dhbergement mutualis et vous voulez prendre en main un serveur ddi?Dans ce cours, je vais vous montrer comment prendre en main un serveur ddi , car il arrivera que vous soyez en situation de mettre en production une application dans une infrastructure existante pour lequel des informations de connexion distance vous seront communiques.Et ce cours va vous mettre confiance pour que n'ayez pas paniquer quand il s'agira dhberger une application web par vous-mmes de A Z dans un serveur Linux.Si cette aventure vous tente, alors inscrivez-vous dans ce cours!!!!"
Price: 59.99

"Guide condens de l'Intelligence motionnelle" |
"Le quotient intellectuel d'une personne ne dfinit pas lui seul son intelligence. Une grande part de notre intelligence rside dans notre comportement humain caractris par nos ractions motionnelles.Cette autre forme d'Intelligence est connue sous le nom d'Intelligence Emotionnelle. Elle influe sur notre comportement et sur notre faon de voir les choses (sur notre self control, notre motivation...). Elle influe aussi sur la nature de nos relations avec les autres et sur notre comportement avec autrui.L'Intelligence Emotionnelle est votre alli sur , vous developperez une plus grande aisance dans vos relations et dans vos communications.A propos du formateur :Mrs Klouz est manager, et consultante en Coaching & Dveloppement Personnel.Depuis des annes elle aide ses clients dans les plus grandes entreprises du CAC 40 se surpasser et pousser leurs limites pour maximiser leur potentiel et atteindre leurs objectifs.Former, coacher et accompagner des personnes dans un processus de transformation personnelle ou professionnelle est une passion qu'elle continue exercer tous les jours.Via Udemy, Mrs Klouz partage son expertise avec le plus grand nombre dentre vous travers des cours de qualit et une prsence continue pour rpondre vos questions.Si vous souhaitez donc vous familiariser avec l'Intelligence Emotionnelle alors ce cours est pour vous! Bienvenue!"
Price: 49.99

"Computer Vision y Machine Learning con Python" |
"En este curso aprenders los fundamentos del procesamiento de imgenes y Machine Learning/Deep Learning y su aplicacin en la Visin Artificial en reconocimiento de objetos en imgenes y video utilizando el lenguaje de programacin Python.Empezaremos viendo qu es una imagen y su modelo matemtico para poder utilizar algunas herramientas tiles que dan informacin del comportamiento de la imagen. Despus, veremos los conceptos ms utilizados en procesamiento de imgenes: Tipos de imgenes, histograma de la imagen, filtrado de imgenes, deteccin de bordes, entre otros. Miraremos una aplicacin real de los mtodos vistos anteriormente implementando un calificador de imgenes de exmenes de seleccin multiple de forma automtica.Veremos las aplicaciones del Machine Learning tradicional en problemas de Visin Artificial. Para esto, despus de haber visto los conceptos fundamentales del aprendizaje de maquina, iremos explicando los clasificadores mas importantes (K-vecinos cercanos, Maquina de vectores de soporte y red neuronal) mientras vemos su aplicacin en un problema sencillo como la clasificacin de frutas, el reconocimiento de caracteres en placas de carros y rostros de personas. Con este ultimo reuniremos todos los conceptos vistos en el curso, tanto de procesamiento de imgenes como de machine learning, en un problema de la vida real. Por ultimo, implementaremos una Red Neuronal Convolucional para detectar cancer de piel en imgenes, con esto empezaremos a utilizar los conceptos propios del Deep Learning "
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Illustrator Masterclass for Modern Logo Design (2020)" |
"Hello,The following masterclass is absolutely the best way to master the modern logo design on Adobe Illustrator.It contains the information and technics that I have personally mastered and successfully used after more than 5 years of experience. I was a successful graphic designer on freelancing platforms. And now, I teach the modern logo design to design lovers from all over the world. The purpose of "" Adobe Illustrator Masterclass for Modern Logo Design ""By the end of this masterclass, you will have the knowledge, the skills, and the tricks that will make you an expert logo designer. You will learn how to design professional and attractive modern logos with minimum investment of time and energy."" Adobe Illustrator for modern logo design "" is for you. Because the lessons and the steps that we will go through during this masterclass are general in niches and detailed in explication. You will know how to design all the modern types of modern logos. Also, they are explained in the most easy to understand way, step by step, and with a simple English language.SOME topics that you will see during "" Adobe Illustrator Masterclass for modern logo design "" are the following:The skills of Adobe Illustrator: shapes, texts, draws, curves, masks, effects, and more than 10 other fundamental toolsThe different types of logos , and which one you need to choose for the your brandThe characteristics of a perfect logo and the tricks for a maximized attractiveness These are SOME general topics that you are going to master. Besides, I will show you several tricks that will make your life easy, will save you months and even years of time, and will makes you far more better than 90% of designers who don't have the chance to learn these information and benefit from them in a proper way. Why choosing "" Adobe Illustrator Masterclass for Modern Logo Design ""There is one difference between "" Adobe Illustrator Masterclass for modern logo design "" and the other courses. It is the Investment ! And in better terms, the time and energy that you need to invest in the aim to achieve your goal, that is to become able to design attractive and professional logo designs. And as we all heard before that time is money, and Lost time is never found again, and Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. All these quotes, and others from highly successful people inspired me to search and try new smart ways to create the easiest way that helps a normal person, with a basic or no experience on design, to become a master of ""Adobe Illustrator"" software, who is able to perfectly show his imagination creativity in his designs.Moreover, I still have my business in this field. So as soon as there is a new update, I will explain it in the ""Uploads"" section of this masterclass. And I will notify you to be aware of it ( For free ) to be always the first to know the information, which means the first who benefit from it . And all this, is because of your life-time access to the "" Adobe Illustrator Masterclass for modern logo design "". The spread of "" Adobe Illustrator Masterclass for Modern Logo Design ""I really love my masterclass. I'm receiving amazing feedbacks form happy businessmen and businesswomen from 5 continents: North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. I guarantee you that they can't be wrong. But if you think they are, you can, by one click, refund your money.Try it now. It will be your most profitable investment!"
Price: 19.99

"Elasticsearch formation complte" |
"Elasticsearch est un moteur de recherche et d'analyse en texte intgral distribu et open source en temps rel. Il est utilis dans les projets Single Page Application (SPA). Elasticsearch est une source ouverte dveloppe en Java et utilise par de nombreuses grandes organisations travers le monde. Il est sous licence Apache version 2.0.La pile ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash et Kibana) est une puissante combinaison d'outils open source. Elasticsearch est destin la recherche approfondie et l'analyse de donnes. Logstash sert la journalisation centralise, l'enrichissement du journal et l'analyse. Kibana est pour des visualisations de donnes puissantes et belles. En bref, la pile Elasticsearch ELK facilite plus que jamais la recherche et l'analyse des donnes. la fin de cette formation, vous aurez une comprhension de base de la faon de crer et de dployer des solutions de recherche et d'analyse efficaces l'aide d'Elasticsearch."
Price: 199.99

"Recursos humanos: Utiliza la psicologa a tu favor" |
"Desarrollarse en el rea de recursos humanos no es una tarea sencilla y menos si no se cuenta con los recursos necesarios. Este curso esta pensado para aportar importantes conceptos que te guiaran en el correcto desempeo en el rea, logrando las metas de la empresa sin dejar las personales de lado."
Price: 570.00

"Easy veg. punjabi recipes" |
"Learn from our specialist chefs and lay out an elaborate spread as we bring you 13 classic recipes straight from a Punjabi kitchen.One of the most impressive things about PUNJABI FOOD is the variety.Vegetarian Punjabi dishes are so delightful for an instance :Sarson ka saag and makki ki roti,amritsari chole bhature,paneer sabzi etc. these are just a handful of favourite vegetarian Punjabi speciality with fans across the globe.Think of Punjab and you can imagine its earthy heritage of lush green fields and robust lifestyle what makes Punjab different from the other states is its culinary treasure,it is a state synonymous with food .Punjabi food is a lot like Punjabis rich,robust and full of life.bold textures and hearty ingredients are what make Punjabi cuisine so popular all over the world.NOTE-THE VIDEO CONTAINS SUBTITLES IN ENGLISH WITH BASIC INFO IN HINDI."
Price: 1280.00

"Excel basic - easy!" |
"This is an introductory course in the Microsoft Office Excel program.The functionality of electronic sheets is explained step by step.Unit 1: BASIC CONCEPTSConceptualization of the basic terms to start the course.Episode 2:We started with the creation of a book, how to save and retrieve it, strengthening the knowledge of file management.Chapter 3We will describe the different tabs and what they consist of, as well as the handling and configuration of the ribbon.PRACTICE 1Unit 2: DATA MANAGEMENTStart working with Excel by entering Information into the spreadsheet and describing each of the menu functions within the program tabs.Chapter 4Description of the file tab or menu.Chapter 5: Tab or menu ""start""From this point on, we will describe the contents of the ""start"" tab and each of the groups of tools.""Clipboard"" tool group:Chapter 6Tool group ""Source"":Chapter 7Aligment tool group:PRACTICE 2Chapter 8Explanation of how we can pre-configure cells to receive numerical information in pre-established formats according to user needs.Chapter 8 part 1: Number tool group:Chapter 8 part 2: Number tool group:Chapter 9Here we will see how to insert rows, columns and sheets as well as how to format each of these.Cells tool group:Chapter 10In this chapter we will know the handling of functions such as sum, average, high value, low and how we can elaborate series of numbers of numerical or chronological type.Chapter 10 part 1: Editing tool groupChapter 10 part 2: Editing tool groupPRACTICE 3Unit 3: MANAGEMENT OF IMAGES AND GRAPHICSThe commands of the insert tab and the commands of tool groups will be explained, likewise, an explanation of the handling of the different types of graphics that the program has, as well as how they can be customized according to the options provided by the software.Chapter 11:Chapter 11 Part 1: Table and Illustrations ToolkitChapter 11 Part 2: Graphics and Mini Graphics ToolkitUnit 4: PREPARATION OF PAGES FOR PRINTING AND PRESENTATION.Chapter 12We will see in this chapter everything related to preparing the files for printing and personalizing the presentation of the spreadsheets in the ""page layout"" tab.Chapter 12 part 1 themes and configure page toolkitChapter 12 part 2 configure page toolkitPRACTICE 4Chapter 13In this chapter we will see the spelling check with the office applications and how to insert comments in the Check and View tool group:FINAL PROJECT"
Price: 29.99

"Scrum Advanced: Simulador de Examen & Material de Estudio" |
"El Scrum Advanced Professional Certificate (SAPC) est dirigido a aquellos que estn interesados en demostrar el conocimiento de las prcticas de Scrum en su totalidad.El certificado se otorga a los candidatos que han alcanzado una gama de certificaciones de Scrum y han logrado una base de conocimientos y habilidades bien redondeada en las prcticas de Scrum.Esta certificacin tiene componentes a ser alcanzados para obtener el ttulo como Scrum Advanced Professional Certificate (SAPC) los cuales son en su orden:Haber completado en su totalidad las certificaciones del marco de trabajo Scrum. (Fundamentos, Master, Product Owner y Developer).Haberse desempeado profesionalmente bajo el marco de trabajo Scrum por al menos dos aos; para esto se requiere curriculum vitae donde certifique este requisito.Elaboracin de un escrito donde se evidencie que tiene una experiencia en la industria donde involucr las prcticas del marco de trabajo Scrum; este escrito debe explicar y justificar cmo aplic el conocimiento terico del marco de trabajo Scrum para alcanzar los objetivos de un proyecto del mundo real y sus beneficios para el negocioUna vez CertiProf ha validado los puntos 1, 2, y 3, se proceder a liberar un examen terico que deber ser aprobado, este examen se describe a continuacin.Elementos del Curso:Simulador de Examen de 125 preguntas de apoyo para la certificacin, en el cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al del examen real, en cada intento las preguntas y alternativas se ordenan aleatoriamente.Asesora Virtual del Simulador de Examen: Si tienes consultas sobre las preguntas y/o respuestas del Simulador de Examen, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp o e-mail y nosotros te explicaremos la pregunta o te justificaremos la respuesta segn corresponda.Compra a travs de nosotros el examen de Scrum Advance Professional Certificate (SAPC) en espaol. Incluye segundo intento Gratis.Informacin Relevante:Este curso NO incluye videos.El programa de ITC puntos es vlido para las compras realizadas desde el 1 de julio de 2020.Al adquirir este curso obtienes 1000 ITC puntos, los cuales podrs usar para canjear cursos de apoyo, descuentos en cursos e-learning y en exmenes de certificacin, entre otros beneficios, lo anterior para premiar a nuestros estudiantes por preferirnos. Udemy NO entrega certificado de finalizacin al completar este curso, porque es del tipo Examen de Prueba.Somos miembros de la red de socios CertiProf Authorized Training Partners.La entrega de material del curso se realiza de Lunes a Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00 horas y Sbado de 09:00 a 14:00 horas. Domingo Cerrado. Zona Horaria: UTC/GMT -3 horas.Si tienes consultas adicionales, contctanos va WhatsApp al +56 9 43532900"
Price: 99.99

"z Liderlik" |
"Kendimizi anlama yoluna adm atmak ister misiniz? evremizdekilerin davranlarn anlamlandrmaya alrken esasnda kardmz ey kendi farkndalmz oluyor. Halbuki kendi kararlarn bilinli ve farkndalkl verebilen kiiler hayatn tm potansiyeline eriebiliyor. Nedir bu potansiyeller; mutluluk, huzur ve baarBu eitim kendini gelitirmek ve hayatnda daha verimli kararlar vermek isteyen herkes iin tasarlanmtr. Kendini anlamak, davranlarnn sebeplerini fark etmek, i yerinde daha iyi ilikiler kurmak iin yardmc olacak bu kurs ile hayatnzn lideri olma yoluna adm atm olacaksnz!Kendini iyi anlayan kii evresini de daha iyi anlayabilip ynetebilecek kiidir. Liderlik kavram bugne kadar hep bakalarn ynetmek veya ynlendirmek zerinden anlatlmaktadr. Fakat bu kursta kiinin kendi hayatnda kendi lideri olmas tevik edilerek yaad her anda daha verimli ve huzurlu bir birey olmasna destek olacaktr. O yzden bu kurs i hayatnda ne istediini bulmak isteyen ve ilikilerinde daha etkin olmay arzu eden herkes iindir!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to start a branded blog for free and monetize" |
"Learn how to make passive to massive amount of money every month with as little as $0.99 investment. Do you have a domain name?Are you passionate about writing?Do you have the willingness to earn money online?If your answer to the above questions is, Yes, then enroll in this course and learn everything about putting your domain name to work and generate passive to massive amount of money online.You spend absolutely nothing, all you need to invest is your time and that will be more than enough. Learn from my 12+ years of experience and follow my best practices."
Price: 19.99

"ELECTROSTATICS Part-2: Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance" |
"Electrostatics, also known as Static Electricity or Frictional Electricity, is the first topic within the broader electromagnetism category.This course will make you an expert on Electric Field, Electrostatic Potential, Relation between Electric Field Intensity (E) and Electric Potential (V), Electrostatics of Conductors, Capacitance, Capacitors, Series and Parallel Combination of Capacitors, Calculating Equivalent Capacitance of a Combination of Capacitors, and various other concepts related to Electrostatics.Who this course is for:This course is designed for those who want to learn and master electrostatics. No prior knowledge of these concepts of electrostatics is needed. The course starts from the very basic concepts and goes on to cover how to solve difficult questions of electrostatics in a step-by-step structured approach. Equal importance is given to both theoretical concepts and solving numerical problems based on those concepts. How will you benefit:After completing this course you will be able to answer the questions on electrostatics - both conceptual as well as numerical problems."
Price: 29.99

"The Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Human Resources" |
"Are you working HR without formal training or education? Are you transitioning from education, engineering, or another area of business into an HR role? Do you want to show your current or a future employer that you have the knowledge needed to support the HR department and the business units dependent on HR? If so, then this course is for you. I created this course to provide a thorough introduction to human resource management in 5 to 10 minute lessons, so you can watch a video in the time it takes to enjoy your morning coffee or evening tea. As a full time professor and mother of triplets, I know what it is to be busy, so I assume that each of you is also strapped for time, and I created this course with that at the front of my mind. In 5 to 10 minute lessons, you'll learn about the 4 functions of HR, the purpose of training versus development, best practices in staffing passive and active candidates, onboarding effectively with long term success in mind, leading during times of change, using valid methods, such as benchmarking and KPIs, to measure success of individuals and SWOT or PESTEL analysis to measure the organization's potential for success or failure. Warning: I am a total HR nerd, so I get excited about compensation systems and performance management. I love discussing HR as a strategic unit in a business the way some people discuss sports or food."
Price: 19.99

"Microservicios con ASP.NET Core,Docker y RabbitMQ" |
"Aprende a crear Microservicios ASP.NET Core utilizando Docker Containers, RabbitMQ, Postgresql, MySql y SQL Server!Te ensearemos desde cero como crear arquitecturas escalables usando Entity Framework Core, Web Api, ASP.NET Core y el pattern CQRS, aprenderas paso a paso como implementar tus microservicios NET Core en Docker Containers.Implementamos comunicacin asincrona entre microservicios usando RabbitMQ y Docker Containers.Estos seran algunos de los temas que veras en el curso:Modelo y Arquitectura de Microservices en .NET CoreComunicacion asincrona con RabbitMQDeployment de Microservicios NET Core en Docker ContainersContinuous Integration (CI) Net Core/Github/Azure DevOps PipelinesEntity Framework CoreASP.NET CoreUnit Test en MicroservicesCode First y Entity Framework CoreDeploy de una microservice en DockerMySql integrado en una MicroservicePostgresql integrado en una MicroserviceSQL Server integrado en una MicroserviceProtocolos de comunicacin entre MicroservicesArquitectura CQRSDeploy de Dockers Containers para servicios de Postgresql, MySql y SQL Server."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Molecular Docking From The Scratch" |
"The easiest way to learn molecular docking!! In this course you will be learning the molecular docking from scratch includingHow to retrieve the protein structure?How to refine the protein structure?How to retrieve the ligand structure?How to find the active site of the protein?How to fix grid for the protein?How to perform docking?How to analyze the docking results?"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Molecular Dynamics from Scratch" |
"The easiest way to learn molecular dynamics! In this course, you will be learning the molecular dynamics from scratch includingWhat is Molecular Dynamics?, What is the force field?, Molecular Dynamics Software, Ubuntu Installation in Windows, GROMACS Installation, GROMACS files format, Molecule Preparation, Energy Minimization, System Equilibration, Molecular Dynamics, Trajectory AnalysisMore on practical and less on theories!! Have fun! All the Best!"
Price: 19.99

"ISC2 CSSLP Certification Exam Prep : Practice Exams 2020" |
"ISC2 CSSLP Certification Exam Prep : Practice Exams 2020Earning the CSSLP secure software development certification is a proven way to build your career and better incorporate security practices into each phase of the software development lifecycle.CSSLP certification recognizes leading application security skills.CSSLP DomainsDomain 1. Secure Software ConceptsDomain 2. Secure Software RequirementsDomain 3. Secure Software DesignDomain 4. Secure Software Implementation/ProgrammingDomain 5. Secure Software TestingDomain 6. Secure Lifecycle ManagementDomain 7. Software Deployment, Operations, and MaintenanceDomain 8. Supply Chain and Software AcquisitionI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CSSLP exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISC CSSLP in any way."
Price: 24.99

"VCP550D VMware Professional Review Delta Virtualization Exam" |
"241 UNIQUE practice questions for VCP550D VMware Professional Review Delta Virtualization ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VCP550D VMware Professional Review Delta Virtualization ExamTotal Questions : 241Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (180 of 241)"
Price: 169.99

"Construire une application ReactJS + API Laravel" |
"Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre crer une application web ReactJS et une API en utilisant Laravel, ainsi que la communication entre les deux .A la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable de construire et scuriser votre propre site web, via un systme d'authentification.Nous aborderons aussi l'authentification avec Google.Vous apprendrez les notions essentielles de Laravel, telles que le routing, l'utilisation du modle MVC, la cration de Model, l'utilisation d'un moteur de template, la communication avec une base de donnes, le stockage de fichiers etc..Ainsi que les notions essentielles de ReactJS, telles que le systme de composants, le state, le cycle de vie, la gestion dvnements, les props, l'utilisation d'un client HTTP, le routing etc..A la fin de ce cours vous serez en mesure de raliser un site web dynamique et rapide avec ReactJS, ainsi qu'une API scurise et performante avec Laravel, tout en faisant communiquer les deux. Vous comprendrez les nombreux avantages d'une telle architecture, en utilisant le framework PHP le plus populaire, et la bibliothque Javascript la plus utilise.Bon apprentissage !"
Price: 49.99

Price: 2400.00

"Foundation Of Structural Analysis - Structural Design" |
"This course will teach you the basic foundation you need to start from to be able to properly analyze structures.This course is going to be divided into 7 sections and there will be a quiz at the end of the course to test your knowledge on everything you learned in this courseSECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURAL ANALYSISSECTION 2: SUPPORT REACTIONS ON BEAMSSECTION 3: SUPPORT REACTIONS ON BEAMS WITH HINGESSECTION 4: SUPPORT REACTIONS ON FRAMESSECTION 5: INTRODUCTION TO PLANE TRUSS ANALYSISSECTION 6: FORCES ON TRUSS USING METHOD OF JOINTSSECTION 7: FORCES ON TRUSS USING METHOD OF SECTIONS"
Price: 199.99

"Realidad Virtual WordPress. Crea recorridos virtuales fcil" |
"Realidad Virtual para WordPress, es un curso completo para aadir escenas de Realidad Virtual usando el Gestor de Contenido de WordPress. Para aadir escenas, vamos a usar la tecnologa de Pannellum para crear todo tipo de recorrido virtual en tu sitio web. Este curso, te servir para crear escenas de tu servicio o producto, y se puede adaptar a todo tipo de sitios web, y entornos.Puedes crear recorridos virtuales de lugares tursticos, de tu hotel, de tu negocio local, o tal vez de tu producto; en realidad, para todo tipo de recorrido que deseas. Adems, podrs crear recorridos o tours virtuales, y que estos se vean en tu sitio web, y que tambin se vean bien desde un smartphone. Usaremos gutenberg para crear bloques, y que estos nos permiten aadir un recorrido en cualquier parte de un artculo de un sitio web. Y al terminar este curso, vamos a ver una demo, usando un casco de realidad virtual de Xiaomi, y veremos como queda. Y si piensas que solo puedes cargar recorrido virtuales usando fotografas de 360, tambin podrs usar videos de 360.Herramientas que vamos a necesitar.WordPress 5+Sublime text, para editar cdigoFotografias 360, estar disponible en el cursoConocimientos super bsico de Javascript.CSS y HTML bsico.Palabras claves relacionadas: realidad virtual, vr, google vr."
Price: 49.99

"autoCAD Civil 3D" |
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Sharing & Visibility Designer Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer Certification PracticeOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer Certification PracticeExam Code: Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 65 Passing Score :Variable (60-70% Approx.)Total Questions to check your knowledge: 130 "
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to Wings" |
"Introduction to Wings is designed to help students of all levels, backgrounds and dance styles get started on their wing journey. The course will focus on gaining mastery over manipulating this prop and executing common movements before integrating wings into your dance style. Course includes movement breakdowns, pose frames, and small combinations."
Price: 19.99

"Strategic Management Essentials" |
"Regardless of industry or profession, career progression is something that most of us strive for every day. But in order to be taken seriously as a potential leader, employees have to demonstrate that they are suitable candidates for management. With the conceptual understanding of the management principles and techniques, they stand a better chance to succeed. In this course, youll learn basics of management and strategic management tools that help managers in decision making. REMEMBER that Udemy offers a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain."
Price: 134.99

"Gerenciamento de Processos de Negcio (BPM) conforme CBOK" |
"O curso Gerenciamento de Processos de Negcio (BPM) conforme CBOK apresenta uma abordagem terica e prtica. O BPM ajuda a melhorar a organizao e entendimento das atividades organizacionais o que contribui para otimizar os processos simplificando a capacitao nos mesmos. Este curso foi elaborado em conformidade com o guia CBOK V3 e aqui o aluno inscrito aprender toda a teoria mais relevante sobre BPM e a: analisar, modelar, desenhar, organizar e converter em um site os processos de negcio de uma organizao e a utilizar na prtiva os softwares Bizagi e Bonitasoft."
Price: 174.99

"CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) : 6 Practice Tests Part [2/2]" |
"This course (CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) : 6 Practice Tests Part [2/2]) Contains 6 practice tests, 450 hand picked questions andCompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+): 6 Practice Tests Part [1/2] (Please check my course) Course Contains 6 practice tests, 450 hand picked questionsThese above two courses(900 hand picked questions) help you to pass the official "" CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) FC0-U61 "" certification Exam on your 1st attempt.We highly recommend retake all the tests until you get 90% or more on each one, you should be able to ace the real exam with confidence.At the end of the exam, click the Review Questions button to view the correct answer for each question.Official Exam Details:Exam Code: FC0-U61 Total Questions: Maximum of 75 questions Type of questions: Multiple choice Time Allowed: 60 Minutes Passing score: 650 (on a scale of 900)----------------------------------------MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!---------------------------------------** Make sure you are ready to pass the CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) Exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the real exam."
Price: 84.99

"AZ-103/104:MS Azure Administrator Practice Test (Dumps)" |
"Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Practice Tests. This will help you to prepare and plan the Azure Administrator Certification Exams AZ-103/104. - Total 45 Questions in each test- 90 Minutes Time- 70% is Pass Percentage. Azure Administrator Certification will help you to begin the Journey towards building career in Cloud. Azure is used by lot of organizations to migrate from local data centers to cloud."
Price: 1280.00

"Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam- Practice Tests" |
"Updated with Summer '20 questions, these practice tests offer the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam.Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes Organizational Setup: 3%User Setup: 7%Security and Access: 13%Standard and Custom Objects: 14%Sales and Marketing Applications: 14%Service and Support Applications: 13%Activity Management and Collaboration: 3%Data Management: 10%AnalyticsReports and Dashboards: 10%Workflow/Process Automation: 8%Desktop and Mobile Administration: 3%AppExchange: 2%Who this course is for:Salesfoce ArchitectsSalesforce AdminsSalesforce Consultants"
Price: 1280.00
