"Management fr die digitalen 20er" |
"Digitalisierung ist das Thema der kommenden 20er Jahre dieses Jahrhunderts. Alles was wir bis heute gesehen haben, ist nur der erste Schritt in diese Welt. Digitalisierung wird alle Branchen verndern. Von der Landwirtschaft bis zu Automobilindustrie, vom Handwerker bis zu den Beratungsunternehmen. Alle werden sich dieser 4. industriellen Revolution stellen mssen und neue Handlungs- und Denkweisen entwickeln. Die Unternehmen mssen sich ins digitale Zeitalter transferieren.Der Kurs Management for the digital twenties soll das mglich machen. Wir zeigen wie der Transfer gelingen kann. Dabei sprechen wir von Methoden zur Strategiefindung, zur Ideenfindung, zur Prozessmodellierung, zur Geschftsmodellierung und wie sie digitale Produkte designen und umsetzen. Sie lernen welches Fachwissen sie bentigen, wie sie richtig dokumentieren und welche rechtlichen Notwendigkeiten die Digitalisierung bringt. Der Kurs zeigt ein breites Bild der Notwendigkeiten fr ein zielgerichtetes, modernes, digitales Management.Wenngleich wir dabei die Details noch weglassen. Der Kurs soll den Einstieg erleichtern. Einen Weg zeigen. Fr detaillierte Anwendung der Methoden haben wir praxisorientierte Literaturquellen angefhrt. Der Kurs ist fr das Management mit gengend Flughhe, um ein Gesamtbild zu erfassen und nicht jeden einzelnen Grashalm."
Price: 99.99

"En este curso obtendrs las herramientas bsicas para poder impartir una clase en lnea de manera efectiva y eficaz, incluyendo aspectos de tu entorno fsico y entorno virtual. Es necesario mencionar que los conceptos tcnicos se manejan a manera de analogas para facilitar su comprensin y posterior puesta en prctica.El curso en su totalidad ha sido creado haciendo uso de recursos mnimos para dar al estudiante una idea clara de la calidad mnima que pueden producir a partir de este curso, por otra parte cabe mencionar que este mismo est diseado con errores de produccin ms no de contenido, puestos de manera intencional para que el estudiante los identifique y proponga mejoras."
Price: 270.00

"CompTIA 220-902 + Certification Practice Test" |
"196 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA 220-902 + Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA 220-902 + Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 196Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (147 of 196)"
Price: 154.99

"CRiSC Risk Management Information Systems Practice Test" |
"393 UNIQUE practice questions for CRiSC Risk Management Information Systems Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CRiSC Risk Management Information Systems Practice TestTotal Questions : 393Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (294 of 393)"
Price: 179.99

"Spannende Drehbcher schreiben leicht gemacht" |
"Willst Du deine Geschichten auf Bildschirm oder Leinwand sehen? Willst Du andere Menschen mit Deinen filmischen Ideen begeistern? In diesem Kurs lernst Du, was Du brauchst, um professioneller Drehbuchautor zu werden. Dazu werden wir gemeinsam ein kleines Drehbuch entwickeln und Entscheidung fr Entscheidung durchgehen, die wichtig ist, um den Film fr die Zuschauer emotional und spannend zu machen. Auerdem werden wir alle Mittel und Elemente besprechen, die ein gutes Drehbuch braucht - ganz gleich ob es Vorlage fr einen Kurzfilm oder einen Blockbuster sein soll.Was Ihr hier lernt, ist die kompakte Essenz von 16 Jahren als Dozent fr Filmdramaturgie. Dabei flieen die Lehren von Drehbuchppsten wie Keith Cunningham, John Truby, Frank Daniel, Robert Mckee, Mabley und Howard, Laurie Hutzler, Karl Dietmar Mller Na und Paul Guilino ebenso ein wie meine eigenen Lehren und die Erfahrungen aus meiner Arbeit als Drehbuchautor, Producer und Regisseur. Du wirst die Mittel des Drehbuchschreibens kennen und benutzen lernen. Du wirst erfahren, wie Filme strukturiert sind und aus welchen Einzelteilen (dramatischen Einheiten) sie bestehen. Du wirst lernen, wie Du unvergessliche Figuren entwickelst und welche Funktion sie in Deiner Geschichte einnehmen. Was spannende Dialoge ausmacht und wie Subtext funktioniert. In welchen Stufen Du Dein Drehbuch entwickeln und Deine Geschichte Produzenten und RedakteurInnen anbieten kannst. Am Ende des Kurses wirst Du alles wissen, was Du brauchst, um ein spannendes Drehbuch zu entwickeln. "
Price: 24.99

"Intermediate Pixel Art: using best software for video Games" |
"In this course I teach you some easy ways to get started with pixel art. Also along the way i teach a few advanced features of the software of choice. This software was used to make some of the top pixel art games in the industry and I believe it to be the best software out there."
Price: 19.99

"Speed Maths...A fun way of solving maths problems" |
"The course is designed to give the learners a different perspective to mathematics. Its a fun way to solve mathematical questions faster.The course is very useful for students preparing for competitive exams. It will also help learners improve there mental ability by using mental maths technique to solve problems. Happy Learning"
Price: 19.99

"Recueillir Les Informations avec des Attaques Passives" |
"La collecte d'informations et la connaissance des systmes cibles est le premier processus de piratage thique. La reconnaissance est un ensemble de processus et de techniques (empreinte, numrisation et numration) utiliss pour dcouvrir et collecter secrtement des informations sur un systme cible.Pendant la reconnaissance, un pirate thique tente de recueillir autant d'informations que possible sur un systme d'information cible."
Price: 164.99

"Selenium WebDriver - Do zero a criao de projetos + Projeto" |
"No curso de Selenium WebDriver - Do zero a criao de projetos voc ir aprender desde o mapeamento de elementos criando xpaths robustos, como criao de projetos utilizando padro Page Factory, focado em reuso de WebElements e mtodos de teste! O Curso mais completo de Selenium WebDriver! Voc aprender a usar os frameworks de testes unitrios mais usados do mercado (JUnit 5 e TestNG). Alm disso conta com um minicurso de Java bsico!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso para Investidores Iniciantes em Aes" |
"O curso contempla 17 vdeo-aulas e objetivos com as principais informaes para voc aprender antes de ingressar no mercado de Renda Varivel sem medo de investir em aes. So muitas informaes importantes para te ajudar a mitigar erros de principiante, desde o cadastro do CPF at sua primeira compra.No fao recomendaes, nem prometo ganhos. Aqui te mostro fatos relevantes que podem fazer o preo de suas aes oscilarem e assim te trazer algum lucro ou prejuzo. Tambm mostro onde esto as oportunidades para multiplicar seu patrimnio ou momentos de pular fora da ao! No sabemos o dia de amanh porm d para ter um noo de situaes indesejadas em nossos investimentos. Tambm afirmo que resultados passados no so garantidos no futuro. O mercado j diz: Renda Varivel. Mas no tenha medo! Assista at o final, conclua e comece com pouco. Bons investimentos e boa sorte!"
Price: 39.99

1business |
Price: 10800.00

"Basiswissen Aromatherapie" |
"Basiswissen Aromatherapie vermittelt dir einfach, leicht und informativ was fr einen Start in die Welt der therischen le an Hintergrundwissen sinnvoll ist, um Freude und Inspiration fr mehr Flle und Wohlbefinden im Alltag erfahren zu knnen. Neben ersten Basiswissen, gibt es auch praktische Anwendungsbeispiele fr den Alltag, DIY Rezepte und Spiritualitt zu entdecken."
Price: 24.99

"Airtable 2020 - The Ultimate Beginner to Expert Course" |
"Whether you're starting from square one or aspiring to become an absolute Airtable power user, you've come to the right place.This course will give you a deep understanding of Airtable functionality by using hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why Airtable is awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways.__________By the end of the course you'll be able to: Easily build Airtable databases from scratch Import and transform data in Airtable Comfortably use ALL Airtable field types Create formulas to automate tasks Use filtering, sorting and grouping Use tricks and tips that come from exprience__________We'll dive into a broad range of Airtable topics, including: All Airtable field types Airtable formulas Filtering, Sorting, Grouping Linking tables Collaboration tips and tricks Understanding all Airtable Views and how to use them"
Price: 99.99

"I am here to teaching you About learn mathematics.(5 to 9)." |
"Math Tutors assist students individually or in small groups and help them improve their math skills. These instructors perform activities like developing tutoring resources, monitoring student progress, identifying areas needing improvement, helping with homework and preparing students for tests.Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, architecture (ancient and modern), art, money, engineering, and even sports."
Price: 19.99

"MBA Admissions" |
"If you would like a clear and detailed overview of how to get accepted to MBA programs, you have come to the right place! In this course, find out:- What MBA admissions officers are looking for.- How to develop a personal brand for the application and stand out.- How to select MBA programs to apply to effectively.- How to prepare a great resume. - How to obtain great reference letters.- How to write excellent application essays in the MBA admissions style. - How to ace the MBA admissions interview."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads 101: Make Successful Facebook Ads in 2020" |
"Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course... Discover What You Need to Do To Setup Facebook Ads that Get Results In this specific video training course, you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click - and learn what you need to do to setup your Facebook Ads properly. From the Desk of: Business Academy Dear Business Owners, Its a fact that - Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business. But its also a way to lose a lot of money if you dont do it right. What I mean is... Theres a lot of courses out there on ads but they assume you know how to target the right person. They simply go over the technical aspects which anyone can learn. The reality is if you dont know everything about your target audience, then you will lose money. Think about it for just a second. Waving a sign that says Lose weight to a male who wants to gain body mass doesnt make any sense does it? Of course not... and the truth is most people do this. So how do you find data that says this is what your audience wants and how you should approach them? How to make sure your ads appeal to the right person? How do you use the right text, the right image, the right everything? ...and then how do you use that data to setup FB ads correctly? Introducing Facebook Ads 101Here's a list of this 10-part video series in more detail: Video #1: Introduction to FB Ads Have you ever wondered why your Facebook ads dont convert? The reason why is that most people jump with two feet and start creating ads. In this video, we will discuss the course itself and what you need to get started. Video #2: Paid Traffic Mindset Before you create your Facebook ads, lets discuss why you need a mindset shift and what that looks like. This is the sole reason why some people succeed and paid traffic, while others fail. Jumping into Facebook ads without knowing this is a sure way to fail. Video #3: Who Are You Targeting? Doing this one wrong will give you horrible results. In other words, knowing who you are targeting and how to target them is very important. This is the first step to your road to doing Facebook Ads the right way. Video #4: FB Insights After you get a better grasp of WHO you are targeting, its time to back that up with actual data. Fortunately you can use a free, but powerful tool to get this data. This is very important especially before running any type of Facebook ad. Video #5: Creating an Avatar Profile Now that you have gathered the right data from Videos 3, 4, and 5 its time to create your customers avatar profile. This is simply a document that tells you what your ideal customer should look like and everything about them that you would need to find out. Video #6: Important Ad Rules You should never setup ads until youve understood what Facebook does not like and what they want. Creating ads that violate policy is a sure way to get your account banned. So going over the rules is crucial. Video #7: The Pixel Before you run ads, you need to make sure you have your pixel created and installed. Well go over this, so you get the proper tracking setup. Video #8: Ad Campaigns Now its time to setup your Facebook Ad campaign. The campaign is what holds your ad sets and your ads and understanding your objective is crucial. In this video you will get to see us setup an ad campaign in step by step manner. Video #9: Ad Sets Now its time to setup your Facebook Ad Set. The ad set is the child of an Ad campaign and it is what holds your ads. In this video you will get to see us setup an ad set step by step. Video #10: Ads Now its time to setup your Facebook Ads. You will need to have your creative ad in hand to do this. The ad is the child of an Ad set. In this video you will get to see us setup an ad in step by step manner. So, grab this Udemy course today and begin setting up your Facebook ad the right way. Warm Regards, Luqman Khaliq P.S. Don't worry about waiting, you can download this video training course immediately after you pay. Start watching how to implement the system within minutes. P.P.S. If you want to learn how to setup your Facebook Ads the right way, and you dont know where to start, then this is the training course for you."
Price: 19.99

"SAP TM 9.5 C_TM_95 certification Practice test" |
"Anyone who wants to appear for SAP TM Certification ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP TM 9.5"" exam can go through these practice questions which will help you to gain confidence to pass the certification exam.The Questions and verified answers are must for anyone appearing for C_TM_95 certification. You will feel Confident once you finish this practice test. These tests will give you real time feel of the exam which helps to build confidence.If you are appearing for any interviews, this list of questions are helpful to crack the interviews.Feel free to reach out to me for any other guidance you need for your interviews / exam."
Price: 99.99

egeaegy1 |
"2020 - 2020 2020"
Price: 19.99

"Fiverr Blueprint - Make a Steady Fiverr Income" |
"I have personally been working on fiverr as a freelancer in several different niches. I started from almost nothing, fighting and clawing my way to the top. I became so busy with orders that I started hiring out other people to help me fulfill them all in time, and I even turn some people away because I don't have time to take them all on.I'm going to teach you the fundamental steps required to start earning money with Fiverr - remember YOU have to deliver a quality product and communicate well with your customers to make it all happen.In this course we are going to go in depth, will talk about how to get your profile recognized and featured by favor by creating high quality gigs and overdelivering to make happy customers, from everything as basic as create in your account, Setting up gig extras to increase your average order value, how to get five star ratings, and advanced tips such as optimizing your profile for views and conversions and tracking your monthly trends and sales to earn the most possible income with the least amount of work. After you have completed this course, you will be able to do the following things:Create and promote your Fiverr gigsGenerate sales for your Fiverr gigs & create attractive gig landing pagesCreate and scale your own agency for online servicesLearn ways to promote your gigs so that a lot of people will see itWho is this course for?This course is for all the people who want to get off the hamster wheel. If you are an employee and want to earn some extra money, this course is for you. If you are a student looking for a profitable online job, this course is for you.However, this course is NOT for people who don't see a reason to improve their lives financially.If you are one of those people who would like to become financially free and make money online, enroll in this course today.I look forward to meeting you!Who this course is for:Everyone who wants to earn money online or wants to sell services on FiverrFiverr sellers who want to earn more money with their Fiverr gigsEntrepreneurs who want to build another stream of incomeFreelancers who look for new ways to sell their services online"
Price: 19.99

"Reiki Certificado Todos los Niveles" |
"Este curso tiene como finalidad que tengas una formacin integral en Reiki que te permita trabajar como terapeuta y mejorar tu calidad de vida.Fue creado por Lucila Bello, Maestra de Reiki nivel Satori Shihan quin ya ha iniciado a muchas personas en este maravilloso arte japons.El Reiki es mucho ms que una tcnica de armonizacin, es en realidad un camino de vida que te lleva al nico estado posible y deseado: Paz, Armona y Felicidad. Lucila BelloA lo largo del curso vas a aprender los conceptos que dan fundamento al Reiki, su historia y las posiciones de manos del Sistema Usui.Este curso te acercaran al Reiki de una manera sencilla, agradable y clara como es la forma de enseanza que caracteriza a Lucila desde que inici su camino como Maestra de Reiki.Aprenders desde el primer nivel hasta la Maestra. Y lo ms importante es que podrs aplicar cada tcnica a tu vida diaria para tu bienestar el de tus seres queridos y el de tus pacientes si decides trabajar como Reikista.Te deseamos xito y te recordamos que todo gran viaje inicia con un simple paso."
Price: 49.99

"Cum s i deschizi o agenie de social media marketing" |
"Curs destinat persoanelor fara experienta in domeniul marketingului digital. Vei invata tot ce ai nevoie pentru a incepe o afacere in domeniu pe teritoriul Romaniei. Cursul nu este unul AVANSAT, astfel nu este destinat persoanelor cu experienta vasta in domeniu. Vei invata notiuni de baza dar si notiuni avansate de social media marketing, copywriting, tehnici avansate de marketing, setarea afacerii si atragerea de clienti pentru agentia ta."
Price: 199.99

"SAP Certified Development Specialist - ABAP for SAP HANA" |
"Online practice exams for SAP ABAP on HANA certification and interviews for leading MNCs across the globe. It will be extremely helpful on taking ABAP on HANA interviews as well. Some of the leading MNC interview questions are also included in this. Certification score can be enhanced with 150+ questions. The course has been carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score and time duration same as actual SAP ABAP for SAP HANA Certification Exam. SAP ABAP for HANA Certification practice exams contain practical case study based questions and answers. These questions and answers are verified by our experts which are frequently asked and similar to what you face in actual SAP ABAP for HANA Certification Exam. This course is mainly intended for Those who are willing to give E_HANAAW_14 or E_HANAAW_16 exam. SAP ABAP on HANA consultants or aspirants. Similar kind of experience can be gained as per the actual exam. Topics are covered as per the syllabus so aspirants can give stress on those topics more."
Price: 12800.00

bridalhairstyle |
"6part2,6part-part 1-part 2-part 3-part 4-part 5-part 62-part 3 -part 5 12 25"
Price: 19.99

"Initiation au test logiciel ou application mobile" |
"Que vous soyez consultant en systme d'information, chef de projet web ou digital, un crateur d'applications mobiles ou encore simple curieux voulant sinitier au mtier du test. Cette formation vous donnera les cls pour valider / homologuer une application web ou mobile.Avec cette formation, vous allez apprendre tester une application ou un logiciel efficacement, cest--dire avec les bonnes mthodes (cration de plan de test, planification, gestion des anomalies, ) pour garantir un niveau de qualit logiciel / conformit logiciel optimale.Nous vous expliquerons tout le vocabulaire matriser (Stratgie de test, campagne de test, plan de test, cas de test, jeux de donnes, ), les modes opratoires connatre (la priorisation des anomalies, les tests de non-rgression, )Dans cette formation diffrents modles seront mis votre disposition : Procs-verbal de recette, plan de test, bilan de campagne, )"
Price: 39.99

master-microsoft-word-o |
". 2020"
Price: 19.99

"Digital Strategy Masterclass (Laser-Focused Marketing Plan)" |
"This course will give you an edge over other marketers who just know about digital marketing. This digital marketing strategy will make you smart gives you structure and depth to plan and create the perfect marketing strategy for your company or clients. I have helped 100+ businesses with this strategy and I have learned by putting thousands of hours and trial and errors but for you, I have made these challenging topics so simple. This digital strategy has been key to my success and now this key is for you to unlock the successful digital marketing career you always dreamt. This course has all the important aspects explained in the easiest ways possible. This is an expert-level course but if you are a beginner after this course you won't just be a beginner anymore. The next time when you walk into to room where your knowledge has been tested or your company requires a marketing plan which will get you to the pinnacle of success, this is the course for you. Let me tell you what are the questions I have answered with this courseWhen a customer is going to buy from you rather than your competitor How to make the most demanding customer buy from youHow can you find the possible objections customers have about your product or companyWhat is your dream customer which makes you jump from your bed in the morning and you start loving your workFinding where your dream customers are already (Spy on them)How to write a perfect copy which will make customers buy from you instantly What is that one perfect sales funnel which can make you money 24x7What are the best ways to follow upWhat are some less competitive traffic sources Perfect email follow up sequenceHow to loop people who don't want to buy from you? I am sure you were looking for answers to all these questions and I will answer all of them in about just 2 hours. MORE VALUE IN LESS TIME = GREAT DECISION. If you even do half as good as other people, you will be the super successful and the only problem you will have that you didn't buy it before. Sounds fair enough?"
Price: 199.99

"Android Clean Architecture & SOLID Principles" |
"glad you made it here! all the Four of us welcoming you.Have you ever get back to your old code, saying oh god only you knows what this code means?! what a painful feeling!Forget about it, you will never face it again with Android Clean Architecture. Let's build self-documented Android apps.Not long ago, Android development was about Activities and messy structures. Codes in all types and shapes were written in one class. Dark times!But, like every topic in Computer Science, Android development had grown a lot through these years. Especially the introduction of Android Architecture Components.If you're an Android developer like us, you want to always keep learning, master new skills, and ultimately achieve your career goals. Then make sure to enroll in this course and learn about Android best architectures.So, welcome to our course Android Clean Architecture & SOLID Principles using Kotlin!. The silver bullet for your all coding troubles.We focus here on how to create robust, long-living, well-designed, testable, maintainable Android apps.Once you enroll to our course, you will be able to download a ready-to-use Android clean architecture app template for easing your coming projects creation.Through our course we will build code samples from scratch to apply all the concepts we learned in the earlier videos.After completing this course, you will be able to build robust, long-living, well-designed, testable, maintainable Android apps. Your code will be clean, reusable and self-documented.If you are in any level of Android Development, Believe us, you should not miss this experience. Enroll with us now.We are waiting for you to share your suggestions and have fruitful technical discussions!Here are some topics you will learn in this course:- SOLID Principles- Clean Architecture- MVVM - Room- Dependency Injection (Dagger 2)- Reactive ProgrammingNo more dark times let's start a new Bright Age!"
Price: 99.99

"How to File for Divorce in Cook County, Illinois" |
"Ever wonder how to file for divorce? What are the first steps? What can you do by yourself instead of hiring an attorney? There's a lot of information online, but what is the right information for you, specifically? And who wrote the content you find online anyway? Was it someone who just went through a divorce and is sharing what they learned? Wouldn't it be better if a practing and licensed divorce attorney taught you what she knows so you can do it yourself?That's exactly the idea behind this Udemy course!I am an Illinois-licensed divorce attorney who practices in Cook County, Illinois. I'm also a former professor and have a PhD in Technology and am passionate about sharing what I know and helping others learn.So I developed this course for people who want to file for divorce in Cook County, Illinois. You won't pay a law firm thousands of dollars just to start this process for you. You can do it yourself, and I'll show you how in this course.Contents and Overview8 lectures and over 3 hours of contentExplanations of legal topics that come up in divorcesAll the forms you need to start your lawsuit in Cook County, IllinoisStep-by-step instructions and demos showing you how to fill in legal forms and how to electronically file themA bonus lecture covering what's next in your lawsuit after you file for divorce and things to think aboutI'll show you how to find and understand the legal forms needed to start your Cook County divorce lawsuit. You'll learn how to fill each form out and how to e-file them. At the end of the course, you will have the knowledge to start your lawsuit without having to retain (or pay) a law firm. And you'll have a better understanding of the divorce process in Cook County, Illinois. I'll share with you my experiences appearing before the very judges assigned to your case.Why You Should File for Divorce Now The Cook County courts are a part of the second busiest court system in the nation. Before March 2020, the Cook County Domestic Relations Courts heard nearly 100,000 cases every year. The first response to the pandemic resulted in the court system coming to a grinding halt. Then the courts began hearing things remotely, but there now exists a huge swell of cases in the system. Getting before a judge is backlogged.Fortunately, filing for divorce (starting your case) is something that is completely done online and does not require you to see a judge. So the process to begin a lawsuit was really not affected by the system slowdown. Ultimately, you do need to have a judge review your materials and appear before them before you can get a divorce finalized. That means it is important to get in line to see the judge now. Do not wait to file divorce; get into the court's system now. Not only will you secure a place in line, but there's a lot you can do before you see the judge. I'll show you how to start your own lawsuit and discuss the next possible steps you can take.Does this process work?Yes. The process I'll teach you is the process I use when I represent clients going through divorces in Cook County. I know it works. And it's specific to Cook County, Illinois. This is important because every county has a different procedure for getting divorced. Yes, the divorce process can be really confusing, but I designed this course to be easily understood by people who have no legal knowledge of divorce laws and procedures.At the end of the course you should have all your legal paperwork submitted to the court, and be waiting for the court to approve your documents. Once they do, you will have legally started your divorce lawsuit in Cook County, Illinois. You will have started the process to move forward into a new chapter in your life."
Price: 64.99

Forex |
"Forex Forex NYSE, , 7 (Mindset) Forex ! ()"
Price: 2800.00

"The Secret to Communicating with Kids: Masterclass" |
"What if you knew EXACTLY how to deal with any challenge & enhance your family relationships?Empower your family with an EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE model that kids from as young as 6 can grasp! Walk away with practical & powerful tools that will bring balance, calmness and help you avoid stress!""The most beautiful & easily understandable model for emotional intelligence! I love it."" Jen Rodd - Masterclass GraduateThis Masterclass introduces the Tribe Triad System & enables your family to start using it immediately! The Secret to Communicating with Kids Masterclass will teach you the MOST SIMPLE form of practical psychology to empower your whole family.Learn a powerfully simple way for you to transform the way you and your child communicate. This Masterclass will take you on a personal journey into how you and your child see the world.Understand the different parts of the brain and how they work together in you and your childRecognize the fight, flight, freeze part of your brain. If you can see it, you can manage it!Discover the importance of your memory in guiding your everyday decisions.Discover why mental health professionals, senior education specialists, parents, carers and youth workers all RAVE about this Masterclass!Is this you? Are you someone who TRULY wants to know whats in the heart of your child? How can you help them navigate past their own fears, self-doubt and impulsive decisions so that they can FULFILL their dreams? What would make THEM truly happy.? If these are your desires, then this masterclass is exactly what you've been looking for!""This is brilliant. I think you cleared up the emotional section of child development in one!"" Vicky Smith - Masterclass Graduate""As an ex teacher and having supported Individual and Organisational development over a number of years I cant say strongly enough how much I have benefitted from Tamara Hanleys insights."" Jeff Greenidge - Chairman Learning & Work Institute, Coach, Business Owner & Passionate about Education"
Price: 29.99

"Creating a Successful Beauty Brand: Marketing and Branding" |
"How did Kylie Cosmetics, Fenty, and myriad other beauty brands find success in the competitive beauty space? Well, to put it simply...they had excellent marketing plans. In this course, we will be covering all the necessary basics of creating and conceptualizing your beauty brand and then marketing your product to the right customer (at the right time). Brought to your by Alchemist Express, a leading consulting firm and marketplace for the development of excellent personal care, cosmetics and other beauty products, this course reviews all the essentials from identifying your beauty brand niche, identifying and targeting your ideal customer base, creating your brand story to finally marketing across various online and offline platforms for maximum effectiveness. In a nutshell, you should take this course if you.... Are starting, or have just started your beauty brand. Are looking to expand revenue opportunities for your beauty salon business through beauty brand sales. Are interested in marketing your handmade beauty product on social media, email lists, forums, etc. Are simply interested in the marketing methods of beauty brand marketing professionals. Want to take those first crucial steps toward entrepreneurship and being your own boss.Each section of this course has worksheets, useful links and additional resources to assist you in this brand building journey. By the end of this course, you should have a very strong conceptual framework for beauty brand marketing success."
Price: 34.99
