"Anemia- introduction and nutritional & hemoglobinopathies" |
"this course will give an introduction to anemia and the nutrional anemias and the hemoglobinopathies The important nutrional anemias- iron deficiency anemia and megaloblastic anemia will be discussed. the course will also include hemoglobinopathie- sickle cell anemia and thalassemia. In all the anemias the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and laboratory investigations will be discussed."
Price: 19.99

Leukemia |
"In this course, leukemia and its classification is taught. The students will learn about various types of acutre and chronic leukemia. The etiology, WHO classification, Laboratory findings and prognosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, chronic lymphoid leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia will be discussed. In the last lecture, few questions related to leukemia will be discussed which will help students to revise the topic."
Price: 19.99

vedgbyrk |
"- ! , , , - ! , , !! , , ! , !!"
Price: 1600.00

"Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional (ACP) Sample Test" |
"This test is also suitable for ACA Level for understanding the Alibaba Cloud Jorico Training is Alibaba Cloud Official Certification Training Partner and Test Reseller.This sample test provides the Alibaba Cloud Professional (ACP) Cloud Computing certification exam takers with opportunities to practise their knowledge after studying the Alibaba Cloud online courses. All the questions are edited by Alibaba Cloud certified professionals. These tests will assist the students in consolidating their understandings of ACP topics. If you would like to join Alibaba Clouder Community, please follow us on DingtalkID (English Community)JoricoCRMWechatID (Mandarin Community)Jorico1LinkedIn:JoricoTrainingFacebook Group:Alibaba ClouderIntroductionAlibaba Cloud Professional (ACP) Cloud Computing Certification is a professional certification prepared for solution architects, developers and O&M technicians. It covers Alibaba Cloud's core products including - Elastic Computing Services(ECS)- Relational Database Services(RDS)- Object Storage Services(OSS)- Auto Scaling- Server Load Balancer- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)- Alibaba Cloud Security Service- Content Distribution Network(CND)- General Knowledge about Cloud ComputingThis technical certification assesses the certificate holders' possession of the following capabilities: - Professional knowledge of IT- Cloud Computing and Network Security- Capability to develop effective technical solutions and enterprise best practices based on Alibaba Cloud's products - Ability to diagnose common issues in business systems structured on Alibaba Cloud products and apply the best solution.Recommended ForCloud professionals who use Alibaba Cloud productsExam OverviewCertification: ACP Cloud Computing CertificationDuration:90 minutesAvailable LanguagesEnglish"
Price: 34.99

"CompTIA A + 220-902 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The technician instructed to create a new workstation to boot the operating system from the network. The technician must include which of the following first?a) PXEb) WOLc) Wi-Fid) UPNPe) NoneQ) Technician Repair your computer with a few volumes. To check which letters active and assigned to the drive, the technician must use the LIST function of these teams?a) extractb) counterpartyc) bootrecd) CHKDSKe) NoneQ) When using the 8.1 operating system, Microsoft Windows, which of the following functions making scripts and snippets to run?a) drivingb) XP modec) Shell powerd) Windows firewalle) NoneQ) On the PC, the technician notices that the printers that are deployed by using the new GPO does not appear in the workplace. Which of the following commands to run on your computer?a) extractb) Robo copyc) GP Updated) task liste) None"
Price: 174.99

"CompTIA ADR-001 Mobile App Security Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is a reason to take a mobile application security seriously when developing a social networking application, which does not accept payments? (Choose two)a) PCI DSS rulesb) Privacy expectations of consumers and rulesc) HIPAA rulesd) compliance with FIPSe) company imageQ) Which of the following attempts to prevent the program from the Trojan and multiply?a) Change security code.b) Encrypting configuration file.c) Ensuring proper authorization is allocated to each component.d) Enter the information coming through the network using the HTTPS protocol.e) NoneQ) Which of the following are essential for most implementations of encryption transport layer?a) device passwordb) blackoutc) HTTPSd) Trinkete) NoneQ) Which of the following can be performed to find constructive security flaws in mobile applications, before you write code?a) threat modelingb) Penetration testsc) Static source code analysisd) Testing Dynamic checke) None"
Price: 164.99

"CompTIA LX0-104 Linux Powered by LPI Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following commands can be used to bind the TCP ports open to the processes that opened the gates?a) ptraceb) Tracingc) debugd) Nessuse) LsofQ) Which of the following commands show the current color depth of the X Server?a) XCDb) xcdepthc) xwininfod) xcolordepthe) cat / etc / X11Q) To access the help, which of the following programs are on-screen keyboard?a) HKBb) atkbc) GOKd) xOSKe) NoneQ) What Sudo configuration is read when determining whether the user is allowed to run the program as an administrator?a) /etc/security.confb) / Etc / supasswdc) / Etc / sudoersd) /etc/sudo.confe) None"
Price: 169.99

"CompTIA PK0-004 Project + Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The project manager is trying to determine the correct sequence and duration of the project. Which of the following would be most useful?a) network diagramb) Christmas tree diagramc) WBSd) Gantte) NoneQ) Which of the following are characteristics of the project? (Choose two.)a) constantb) temporaryc) Beginning and the endd) To achieve the goalIt comprises the steps ofe) Restricting the budgetQ) The Company has determined that it does not have in-house capabilities to carry out the project and wants to buy services from third parties. Which of the following documents, the company is likely to fall in the first place?a) RFOb) RFI, c) RFPd) request for proposale) NoneQ) The project manager was asked to provide recommendations on the removal of the supplier. The meeting was planned with key stakeholders and project sponsors to identify the reasons for the recommendation. Which of the following project manager should bring to the meeting to support this recommendation? (Choose two.)a) The log is a question to show why the seller should be replacedb) He suggested action points to show why the seller should be replaced.c) Field of application show why the seller should be replacedd) Procurement plan, to show why the seller should be replaced.e) Change Control Plan, the seller is."
Price: 159.99

"C2040-986 Creating IBM Lotus Notes Domino Application Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Barney import a WSDL file in a library LotusScript script, which generates the code to call the Web service methods defined in the WSDL file. Where can I use this script library?a)Only in agentsb) Only in running agents on the serverc) Only agents and or display module actionsd) Anywhere that you can use LotusScriptQ) Marge wants to monitor user preference information as users browse through your content, but do not want to require users to authenticate themselves when accessing the site. Which of the following would you use to keep track of user information?a) Cookiesb) servletc) user profile documentsd) Users must authenticateQ) Winnie is to improve the interface of the phone Corporate Address Book Web application. Ted, the graphic designer who is providing Winnie with images for your question Domino, suggested that you use a set of image resources. What is a feature that can incorporate Winnie using a set of image resources?a) A vertical image set can be used to incorporate effects using the onmouseover, onmouseout, and onclick event of an image on a XPages.b) A set of vertical images can be used to incorporate the effects using the normal, mouse-over, select and mouse-down states of the image of an image of a Domino Web page.c) A horizontal set can be used to add effects when a user hovers the mouse over an image. For example, the normal image may be replaced with a larger image when mouse hovers over itd) A horizontal set can be used to add effects when a user hovers the mouse over an image. For example, the normal image can be replaced with an image with different color when mouse hovers over itQ) What is the purpose of using XSLT in a Lotus Domino Web?a) To define what DXL should be available for export.b) To allow a Web service to interact with a Java agent.c) To display a view as HTML without using a Java applet.d) To transform XML documents into HTML or another XML document.Q) To approve an expense report, Quy goes to a controlled-access section and marks the Status field to ""Approved"". State is a qualified signature field. When the signature is attacked?a) Immediatelyb) When the document is savedc) When the document is sentd) When the document is encrypted"
Price: 144.99

"Java New Features - Java 14, Java 10" |
"With Java's 6-monthly release schedule, new features are coming every 6 months now. Considering the post-COVID scenarios and job market, it has become necessary for candidates to learn new features and make an impression in the Java Technical interviews. If you have attended Java interviews, you must have noticed that the interviewer definitely asks for the new features of Java. This actually shows the candidate's mindset for learning and makes a great impression. This course would be a one-stop solution to learn new features of Java. You will not have to google for the new features anymore. In this course, I will cover -Important pre-Java 14 features (Still to be added) - Modularity, Local Variable Type Inference, and new HttpClient.Java 14 new featuresPost Java 14 features as and when announced (Next release would be Java 15 in September 2020) I would suggest you learn by doing. Along with the tutorials, you should practice the code. I have attached the coding examples with the tutorials if you want to take any references. After finishing these tutorials, you should use Java 14 in your real-life projects. It will make a good impression on your teammates and code reviewers. You will stand out from your teammatesIf you are a Java programmer and learning new features excites you, then I am super excited to take you on board for this course.Course Overview:This course begins by introducing the changes introduced by Oracle since Java 9 about 6 months release cadence and Long Term Support. After that, I have demonstrated the installation of Java 14 and corresponding changes in IntelliJ IDE. Then I have added the new features introduced in JDK 14 release - Helpful NullPointerExceptions, Pattern Matching for InstanceOf, Records, Switch Expressions, Text Blocks, detailed explanation on Flight Recorder and Event Streaming with Flight Recorder. Lastly, we have covered Garbage Collection improvements."
Price: 1280.00

"The PHP Course 2020" |
"Hello everyone welcome to my PHP course.This course is for absolute beginner.In this course you will learn about variables & data types.you will also learn numbers & constant.You will gather knowledge about loops.Why PHP?PHP is the most popular website programming language in the world. The combination of PHP and MySQL is used extensively to create web applications, and developers with these key skills are in high demand. This course is going to teach you how to create web applications in PHP using the MySQL database."
Price: 189.99

"An Advanced JQuery Practical Course" |
"JQuery is a popular JavaScript library that is used extensively in modern websites. This library facilitates common JavaScript tasks such as animations, event handling, manipulating HTML content, and communication with external servers. In addition to its easy-to-use features, JQuery also takes care of many cross-browser compatibility issues automatically.This course is for beginner.this course you will acquire knowledge about jQuery Selectors and Event.Then you will learn about jquery effect & animation.You will also learn about attributes."
Price: 194.99

"Learn JQuery Programming Practically" |
"JQuery is a well-known JavaScript library which is utilized extensively in sites that are modern. This library eases common JavaScript jobs for example event handling animations, manipulating HTML content, and communication with outside computers. Along with its easy-to-use features, JQuery also takes care of several cross- browser compatibility issues automatically.PrerequisitesHTML: The student must know how to use HTML tags and attributes. Only a very basic understanding of HTML is assumed.JavaScript: Since JQuery is a JavaScript library, the student must know how to write JavaScript. JQuery makes extensive use of functions and objects, so the student must be familiar with these concepts."
Price: 189.99

"Aprenda E-mail Marketing" |
"Voc sabia que aplicando as estratgias corretas de e-mail marketing voc consegue alavancar o seu negcio e conquistar milhares de clientes com essa ferramenta maravilhosa?Neste treinamento voc ir descobrir as tcnicas que as grandes empresas utilizam para ter sucesso com Email Marketing, e como voc pode utilizar essas estratgias para alavancar seu negcio, criar relacionamento com seu cliente/prospecto, e consequentemente obter mais vendas. um prazer enorme te ter em meu treinamento, e eu garanto que ser um dos melhores investimentos que far em si mesmo!Te espero l dentro do treinamento! Um grande abrao."
Price: 19.99

"Candle Magic(k) Foundation Course" |
"In this course, we will explore the magnificent world of Candle Magic(k) witchcraft. This is a very hands on and practical course that will guide you, step-by-step, through various types of candles, their colors, symbolism, and preparation for rituals. In the second part of this course, you will find 6 spells performed in real time, with each step being carefully explained, so you can start your own candle magic practice today. Suitable for complete beginners to the intermediate level.Astrid aka The Psychic WitchAstrid aka The Psychic Witch is an acclaimed Tarot reader, radio show host, and magician.Combining ancient knowledge with modern, edge psychology and coaching, she's creating easy to follow courses, offering deep knowledge that's explained without unnecessary complexity and occult bias.She has experience teaching physical classes in London, as well as many years of sharing her knowledge online. She worked as a spiritual advisor for renowned clients, such as Tower of London, Penguin Publishing House, Park Plaza Hotel Westminster, Sternberg Clarke Entertainment, and many others and her courses are continuously ""Bestselling"" on Udemy. This course includes:Unlimited access to almost 4 hours of video lectures Downloadable PDF with Candle Color Meanings and Anointing Oils6 spell demonstrations with detailed explanationsStep-by-step Love, Healing, Protection, Banishing, and Money SpellsUdemy Certificate of completionMusic in the course trailerRoyalty Free Music from Bensound"
Price: 49.99

"Test your CSS skills All Versions Standard" |
"Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.Separation of formatting and content also makes it feasible to present the same markup page in different styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice (via speech-based browser or screen reader), and on Braille-based tactile devices. CSS also has rules for alternate formatting if the content is accessed on a mobile device.The name cascading comes from the specified priority scheme to determine which style rule applies if more than one rule matches a particular element. This cascading priority scheme is predictable.The CSS specifications are maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Internet media type (MIME type) text/css is registered for use with CSS by RFC 2318 (March 1998). The W3C operates a free CSS validation service for CSS documents.In addition to HTML, other markup languages support the use of CSS including XHTML, plain XML, SVG, and XUL.About test:This test divided into two tests.1) CSS Test: 012) CSS Test: 02 This test will help for interviews and exams preparation. Best of luck!HTML, JavaScript and PHP tests are also available, To get these tests visit my profile.Course Instructor: Ramish Masood Computer & Software Engineer & Web-Developer"
Price: 19.99

"Splunk Core Certified User Certification Exam Questions" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Splunk Core Certified User?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass SPLK-1001 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Details are mentioned belowIntroductionWhat is a SplunkIntroduction to Splunk's User InterfaceBasic SearchingUsing Fields in SearchesSearch Language FundamentalsUsing Basic Transforming CommandsCreating Reports and DashboardsDatasets and the Common Information ModelCreating Scheduled Reports and AlertsUsing PivotWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Splunk Core Certified Power User Certification Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Splunk Core Certified Power User?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass SPLK-1002 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowIntroduction to SplunkWhat is SplunkIntroduction to Splunk's User InterfaceBasic SearchingUsing fields in SearchesSearch language FundamentalsUsing Basic Transforming CommandsCreating Reports and DashboardsDatasets and the common Information ModelCreating and using LoopupCreating Scheduled Reports and AlertsUsing PivotBeyond Search FundamentalsUsing Transforming Commands for VisualizationsUsing Mapping and Single Value CommandsFiltering and Formatting ResultsCorrelating EventsIntroduction to Knowledge ObjectsCreating and Managing FieldsCreating Field Aliases and Calculated FieldsCreating Tips and Event TypesCreating and Using MacrosCreating and Using MacrosCreating and using WorkFlow ActionsCreating Data ModelsUsing the common Information Model Add-onWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Certification Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass SPLUNK-1003 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam topics are mentioned belowSplunk deployment overviewLicense managementSplunk appsSplunk configuration filesUsers, roles, and authenticationGetting data inDistributed searchIntroduction to Splunk clustersDeploy forwarders with Forwarder ManagementConfigure common Splunk data inputsCustomize the input parsing processWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Crack Your Dream Job" |
"Do you want to Secret tips for the journey from Campus to Corporate?CRACK YOUR DREAM JOB is the quintessential simple step by step course that helps the students to get hired. The ultimate aim of every student studying in College to have a job that they have dreamed of. The journey to the corporate world requires a different mind-set altogether. For a student or a fresher, starting to get placed in an organization is a different and critically necessary phase that needs preparation and procedure to be followed strongly. Inside Course, youll find:- How to search & apply for jobs- A practical approach to draft winning Resume & Cover letters- Tips for excel in job interviews- Insights of the corporate world- Proven strategies to earn while learn- Ways to improve their professional social profiling- Role of body languages in an Interview- And so much more!The journey from Campus to corporate is the most critical transformation of a lifetime. It will be the turning point of any graduate's life. To sum up, you will be thrilled after completing the course on ""Crack Your Dream Job Secret Tips for the Journey from Campus to Corporate.""This Course will be a pathfinder in any student & freshers. If you want to be a part of a winning team of your dream Corporate, undertake the course CRACK YOUR DREAM JOB today!"
Price: 1600.00

"Iniciacin Ableton Live" |
"En este curso aprenders a manejar la plataforma Ableton Live desde cero, identificaremos las funciones de cada una de las ventanas bsicas del software, instrumentos virtuales como el drum rack, el operator, entre muchos otros. Aprenderemos a grabar instrumentos y voces dentro de Ableton Live y a personalizar nuestra plataforma para que sea lo ms cmoda posible a la hora de trabajar; as mismo aprenderemos los efectos bsicos que necesitamos para lograr una gran produccin."
Price: 29.99

"Scrum Master: Material de Estudio y Simulador Certificacin" |
"Estamos incluyendo gratis la Certificacin de Scrum Foundation Professional Certificate - Spanish y un 25% de descuento en la Certificacin Internacional de Scrum Master Professional Certificate - Spanish.Scrum Master, suena a un termino muy poderoso, no es cierto? Pues aunque no lo creas, un Scrum Master no es el lder de un proyecto y tampoco el responsable de los resultados, es el facilitador del equipo gil, y un lder al servicio de quien lo necesite.El Scrum Master es un rol muy sustancial dentro de un equipo Scrum, su participacin en todos los eventos de un Sprint y haciendo de lder al servicio de los dems, lo convierten en pieza fundamental para la armona del equipo. Apoya al equipos y/o personas externas al equipo Scrum a entender qu interacciones pueden ser de valor y cules no.Tipo de Curso: Simulador Es un apoyo a las personas quienes tienen como meta prepararse para rendir las pruebas de certificacin internacional, proporcionando un set de preguntas altamente seleccionadas relacionadas a Scrum.Contenido del Curso:Simulador de 120 preguntas de seleccin mltiple de apoyo para la certificacin de Scrum Fundation y Scrum Master, en la cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al examen real, marcando tu respuesta y ver al final el puntaje obtenido, en cada intento las preguntas se ordenan aleatoriamente, de esta forma puedes ejercitar todas las veces que estimes necesario.Material de estudio para la certificacin en PDF.Dos intentos para rendir Scrum Foundation Professional Certificate (SFPC) en Espaol, acredita conocimientos en los Fundamentos de Scrum, en el caso de aprobar se genera automticamente el diploma de certificacin y se enva a tu correo electrnico.Asesora Virtual Simulador de Examen: Si tienes consultas sobre las preguntas y/o respuestas del Simulador de Examen, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp o e-mail y nosotros te explicaremos la pregunta o te justificaremos la respuesta segn corresponda.Incluye un 25% de descuento en el examen de Scrum Master Professional Certificate (SMPC), al adquirirlo con Rubik se programar en caso sea necesario un segundo intento totalmente gratis.Consideraciones Importantes:Este es un curso para realizar mediciones de conocimientos, por lo que no se incluye videos.Somos socios de CertiProf Authorized Training Partners.Para enviarte la informacin del curso en formato PDF e inscribirte en la certificacin de Fundamentos, debes enviarnos un correo a la cuenta: info@auladigitalrubik.com."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer Eitimi" |
"Herkese Merhabaimdiye kadar 100lerce arkada Java eitimlerime katld.5 sene kadar online eitimlerde bir ok arkadala birlikte emek harcadk. bulmalar noktasnda beraber aba gsterdik.lk olarak mevcut eitimlerimin kaynaklarn aktaracam sonrasnda sfrdan Udemy iin eitimler ekmeyi hedefliyorum. (OCA11 OCP11 , temizinden bir Spring Framework , Spring Boot eitimi vs.)Bu saynn 1000lere kmas icin eitimlerimi Udemy zerine aktardm.Bu eitim, daha nce yaptgm online eitimin ders kaytlarn ve kaynaklarn iermektedir.Bu eitim , zellike Java 8 ile birlikte gelen zellikleri ele almaktadr.Oraclen Java SE8 sertifikasn baz almaktadr. OCP6 -> OCP8 e konularn kapsamaktadr.ncesinde OCP6 eitimime almanz tavsiye ederim.Interfacelerdeki yeni konular ( default , static methods , diamond problem)Functional Programming ,Functional InterfacesBuilt-In Functional Interfaces (Predicate , Consumer , Function , Supplier , Binary , Unary , Primitive versions)Stream APIDate/Time APIException Handling new features ( Try-with resources , Multi Catch block)NIO2ResourceBundleJava Concurrency , Atomic Package , concurrent Collections , Callable , Executor , ExecutorService , Future , Fork/Join FrameworkParallel Streams"
Price: 59.99

rllakvxm |
", . , . . , , ."
Price: 99.99

"Matriser Indesign comme un professionnel" |
"Dans cette formation vido de plus de 12 heures, vous allez apprendre maitriser InDesign tel un designer professionnel. Par une approche logique vous serez capable la fin de la formation de crer l'ensemble de vos documents graphiques en pleine autonomie. Vous verrez ainsi les lments de base pour comprendre l'interface. Vous allez ensuite apprendre les outils pas pas car c'est la base d'une conception russie. Vous verrez galement la gestion des couleurs, l'ajout de texte, l'dition de la typographie, l'ajout d'image. Vous verrez galement les mises en page avec le principe de fonctionnement, les pages doubles ou l'ajout de page. Enfin vous pourrez mettre en application l'ensemble des connaissances travers des entranements varis.Cette formation s'adresse aussi bien des personnes actives, indpendant, chef d'entreprise qu'tudiants souhaitant apprendre Indesign dans son ensemble.Cette MasterClass vous permet de dbuter cette formation sans connaissance, juste avec votre envie d'apprendre -Je vais vous expliquer simplement mais professionnellement le logiciel INDESIGN de mise en page -Apprentissage tape par tape des outils avec une mise en pratique de vos acquis grce des ateliers cratifs -Au fur et mesure de la MasterClass vous allez acqurir de plus en plus de connaissances ce qui vous permettra par la suite d'tre libre pour crer vous mme vos visuels et autres supports de communication -Gain de temps et gain d'ARGENT et surtout maitrise de toute la chaine de cration et de ralisationInDesignInDesign est un logiciel de publication assiste par ordinateur permettant de crer des mises en page, des brochures, des magazines, des journaux et des livres. Il est galement possible de crer des cartes de visites, des flyers, des montages photos, des cartes d'invitation et donc une grande varit de documents graphiques. Les projets crs avec InDesign peuvent tre partags en formats numrique et l'impression. Si vous devez crer une mise en page combinant du texte, des images et des couleurs, avec des colonnes, des titres, des paragraphes, In Design est le logiciel idal. Bien que le logiciel soit polyvalent, il se concentre essentiellement sur la mise en page, c'est dire sur la qualit de votre texte et de votre typographie, et pouvoir matriser au maximum la conception et le contenu. Il est aussi possible d'utiliser les repres et grilles pour positionner des lments avec prcision et crer des mises en page impeccables. Les options de formatage sont infinies et vous pouvez galement contrler le contenu l'aide d'lments tels que les fonctions de vrification orthographique et de notes de bas de page."
Price: 29.99

lxntkvtl |
": I . 7 1. . 7 15 . 2. .. . 5 12 . 3. . 4 11 . 4. . . 3 12 . 5. . . 5 13 . 6. . 6 25 . 7. - . . 5 12 II . 2 1. . 7 49 . 2. . 8 37 . III . 4 1. . 4 16 . 2. . 6 45 . 3. . 7 51 . 4. . 6 32 ."
Price: 19299.00

"PSLE English Drills" |
"Do you want to practice your English Grammar and Vocabulary? Your chance to practice it at your own pace and at the comfort of anywhere you want online is here. Practice test exercises for English Grammar and Vocabulary at foundational levels onwards. If you are taking the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) in Singapore, or any other exams that tests Grammar and Vocabulary, this will help you . If you have a child going to take this exam, you can use this to help your child."
Price: 19.99

"Manejo de pollo de engorde" |
"La produccin de pollo de engorde es fcil pero requiere disciplina y realizar actividades de prevencin de enfermedades para lograr xito.En este curso van a aprender a calcular el rea de galpn requerido para la produccin de pollos, equipo requerido, tipo y desinfeccin de cama para pollos, condiciones para la recepcin de pollitos de 1 da de nacidos, clculo de alimento diario, prevencin de enfermedades (limpieza, desinfeccin y vacunacin), uso de pollinaza para compost, entre otros aspectos."
Price: 19.99

"Kardiowarrior Fitness and Personal Protection BASIC" |
"KARDIOWARRIOR BASIC Workout - 29 min. (plus a 6 min. Warm Up Routine and a 5 min. Tai Chi Cool Down)This BASIC Training offers a medium paced yet challenging workout that takes you to the next level of physical fitness.The simple, easy to follow punching and kicking combinations are designed for strengthening and toning the entire body whilst giving you an exhilarating all round kardio workout. Whether youre a beginner or advanced participant you are guaranteed amazing results.Whatever your personal training goals are, Kardio Warrior Basic will take you there.Kardio Warrior is the Ultimate Fitness Work-Out and Personal Protection programme taught by renowned Fitness Expert and former World Karate Champion Ravi Moodley. Kardio Warrior combines martial arts with western Boxing performed to energetic dance music. Kardio Warrior is a safe, fun and effective workout that accommodates all, men, women and children from beginner to advance in the comfort of your own home. Kardio Warrior is the highest fat burning workout designed to tone and shape your abs, buns and thighs like never before. See consistent amazing results in no time.Kardio Warrior is a dynamic fitness programme which enhances cardio-respiratory endurance, co-ordination, flexibility, balance, agility, power and muscular strength.Kardio Warrior is one of the highest calorie burning workouts available today with simple punching and kicking ""combos"" designed to tone and slim.Kardio Warrior is the ultimate self protection training program that delivers an effective yet practical approach to providing men, women and children with the necessary skill to deal with confrontation and violence.Kardio Warrior focuses on the practical application of these kicks and punches so as to enhance the participants self defence skills which ultimately gives more meaning to ones workout.The target market of Kardio Warrior extends beyond normal fitness enthusiasts and includes people from all walks of life, prone or not to exercise.The BASIC Training Programme builds on the knowledge gained from the Kardiowarrior INSTRUCTIONAL Programme (separately available on Udemy). It can also be performed by itself without any prerequisites."
Price: 19.99

"Eletrocardiograma para enfermagem." |
"Curso de eletrocardiograma, composto por 3 unidades, voltado para profissionais/estudantes de enfermagem. Aborda eletrocardiografia em uma linguagem descomplicada, preparando o aluno para uma avaliao bsica do ECG, assim como para realizao do exame. Ao trmino de cada unidade, o aluno tem a oportunidade de autoavaliar-se, respondendo ao teste de conhecimento."
Price: 39.99

"Hubspot - Un solo tool per domarli tutti" |
"Nell'online marketing capita spesso di imbattersi in decine di tool. chiaro! Per attuare una strategia valida online serve integrare tantissimi strumenti che possano acquisire dati, elaborarli, schedarli e sfruttarli per azioni di comunicazione e conversione. In breve? Una tragedia. Si finisce col dover imparare e testare decine di software che spesso faticano a comunicare tra loro e hanno costi mensili che sommati minano gran parte dei tuoi margini. E non solo! Capita spesso che i dati ottenuti da diversi canali (touchpoint) ad esempio dalle chat, da Facebook, dal sito, da Messenger e da Google siano totalmente distaccati e non si abbia contezza della visione d'insieme. Come possibile lavorare in maniera ottimale sui contatti che orbitano attorno al proprio business online se non si ha un gateway unico dove archiviare e processare i contatti ottenuti? Ringraziando il cielo ci viene in aiuto HUBSPOT.Hubspot la soluzione ottimale per riunire tutti i tuoi touchpoint online in un'unica piattaforma, poter creare segmenti di contatti, sulla base delle loro azioni e delle loro caratteristiche, e avviare azioni di marketing omnicanale. Tutto questo e molto altro nella versione gratuita. Ho deciso quindi di farti diventare NERD di Hubspot (del resto non mi chiamo Geek Pietro per caso) in modo da poterti portare al livello successivo nella creazione di una valida strategia di marketing basato sui dati.Nel corso di oltre 4 ore vedremo: Come creare un account gratuito sulla piattaforma senza alcuna installazione.Come gestire, aggiungere e analizzare contatti e aziende. Come segmentare i contatti.Come ricevere e rispondere ad e-mail, chat, form e messenger dalla stessa pagina. Come creare un piccolo chatbot per acquisire i dati.Come inviare newsletter e gestire le campagne pubblicitarie su Facebook, Google e Linkedin.Come gestire le task, i deal e i ticket all'interno della propria struttura aziendaleE molto altro...Finito il corso sarai in grado di usare Hubspot per acquisire contatti da Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Messenger, Sitoweb, E-commerce e Chat. Potrai seguire le azioni dei tuoi contatti attraverso tutto il tuo sistema di marketing, potrai comunicare con specifici segmenti di contatti, pianificare azioni di vendita, impostare task e archiviare ticket di assistenza. Avrai finalmente tutto in pugno e potrai concentrarti su quello che conta veramente, fare business online. Ti aspetto! "
Price: 149.99
