"OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I - Exam 1Z0-808 - Practice Tests" |
"These are practice exams for the Java SE 8 Programmer I exam 1Z0-808. they comprises brand-new questions, which are similar to the questions that can be expected on the real exam. Working through these exams will give you a good indication of how well you are prepared for the real exam, and whether any topics need further study.Java programmer certifications are designed to tell would-be employers whether you really know your stuff, and cracking the OCA Java SE 8 Programmer Certification is not an easy task. if you want to pass the exam the first time with a score that you can be proud of. You need to take this course, that will help you to understand the certification process so that youre ready for the challenging questions youll face in 1Z0-808 the exam. This course provide detailed explanations, including why options are correct or incorrect. Mark your incorrect answers and identify the sections that you need to reread.The Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Java SE 8 Programmer I exam (1Z0-808) covers the fundamentals of Java SE 8 programming, such as the structure of classes and interfaces, variables of different data types, methods, operators, arrays, decision constructs, and loops. The exam includes handling exceptions and a few commonly used classes from the Java API like String, StringBuilder, and ArrayList. This exam doesnt include a lot of Java 8specific language features. It includes an introduction to functional-style programming with lambda expressions. It partially covers the new Date and Time API.This exam is one of two steps to earning the title of Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) Java SE 8 Programmer. It certifies that an individual possesses a strong foundation in the Java programming language.Exam Pattern: Exam Title:Java SE 8 Programmer I Exam number: 1Z0-808 Exam Price:$245 Type of questions: Multiple choice Duration: 150 minutes Number of Questions: 70 Passing score: 65% Validated Against: The exam has been written for the Java SE 8 release.Exam Topic: Java Basics Define the scope of variables Define the structure of a Java class Create executable Java applications with a main method; run a Java program from the command line; including console output Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code Compare and contrast the features and components of Java such as platform independence, object orientation, encapsulation, etc Working With Java Data Types Declare and initialize variables (including casting of primitive data types) Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variables Know how to read or write to object fields Explain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, ""dereference by reassignment"" and garbage collection) Develop code that uses wrapper classes such as Boolean, Double, and Integer Using Operators and Decision Constructs Use Java operators; use parentheses to override operator precedence Test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals () Create if and if/else and ternary constructs Use a switch statement Using Loop Constructs Create and use while loops Create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop Create and use do/while loops Compare loop constructs Use break and continue Working with Inheritance Describe inheritance and its benefits Develop code that makes use of polymorphism; develop code that overrides methods; differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an object Determine when casting is necessary Use super and this to access objects and constructors Use abstract classes and interfaces Working with Selected classes from the Java API Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods Create and manipulate Strings Create and manipulate calendar data using classes from java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.Period Declare and use an ArrayList of a given type Write a simple Lambda expression that consumes a Lambda Predicate expression Creating and Using Arrays Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array Declare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional arrays Working with Methods and Encapsulation Create methods with arguments and return values; including overloaded methods Apply the static keyword to methods and fields Create and overload constructors; differentiate between default and user defined constructors Apply access modifiers Apply encapsulation principles to a class Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed into methods that change the values Handling Exceptions Differentiate among checked exceptions, unchecked exceptions, and Errors Create a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flow Describe the advantages of Exception handling Create and invoke a method that throws an exception Recognize common exception classes (such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) HOW DO I KNOW WHEN I AM READY FOR THE EXAM? You can be sure about your exam readiness by consistently getting a good score in those practice exams. Generally, a score of 80% and above in approximately three to five practice exams attempted consecutively will assure you of a similar score in the real exam. HOW MANY MOCK TESTS SHOULD I ATTEMPT BEFORE THE REAL EXAM? Ideally, you should attempt at least five mock exams before you attempt the real exam. The more the better! CAN I START MY EXAM PREPARATION WITH THE PRACTICE EXAMS? If you are quite comfortable with the Java language features, then yes, you can start your exam preparation with the mock exams. This will also help you to understand the types of questions to expect in the real certification exam. SHOULD I REALLY BOTHER GETTING CERTIFIED? Yes, you should, for the simple reason that employers care about the certification of employees. Organizations prefer a certified Java developer over a noncertified Java developer with similar IT skills and experience. The certification can also get you a higher paycheck than uncertified peers with comparable skills."
Price: 19.99

"Job-ready Excel skills in a flash : Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course will help to prepare you to land your next job or promotion. Whether completely new to Excel, in need of a refresher or just looking to skill up to an advanced Excel user, THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU. You will feel so confident on completion that you will be excited to show off your newly acquired skills. This follow-along demo style will enable you to both grasp concepts while you try them out yourself, saving you tons of time. "
Price: 19.99

"Pandas Tutorial in Urdu/Hindi (Data Analysis in Python)" |
"Ever wonder how you can best analyze data in python? Wondering how you can advance your career beyond doing basic analysis in excel? Want to learn how to do data analysis in python and pandas?THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!By taking the course, you will master the fundamental data analysis methods in python and pandas!You'll Learn the most popular Python Data Analysis Technologies!By the end of this course:- Understand the data analysis ecosystem in Python.- Learn how to use the pandas data analysis library to analyze data sets- Analyze real datasets to better understand techniques for data analysisAt the end of this course, you will have learned a lot of the tips and tricks that cut down my learning curve as a business analyst and as a PhD Scholar doing data analysis. I designed this course for those that have an intermediate programming ability and are ready to take their data analysis skills to the next level.Youll understand cutting edge techniques used by data analysts, data scientists, and other data researches in Silicon Valley.Complete with working files and code samples, over 1 hour with just 5 lectures youll learn all that you need to know to turn around and apply data analysis strategies to the data that you work with. Youll be able to work alongside the instructor as we work through different data sets and data analysis approaches using cutting edge data science tools!Who this course is for:This course is best suited for people that need a deeper understanding of data analysis tools available today.This course is not suited for those that want to learn how to program and have no prior programming experience.This course is great for introductory to intermediate Python programmers or those that come from a statistical software background like R or SPSS.Analysts who want to better understand a technical approach to analyzing data.Scientists who want to step away from more academic programming languages and use a general-purpose language like python.Those that are interested in learning a bit more about data analysis.Perform data analysis with python using the pandas library.Understand some of the basic concepts of data analysis.Have used pandas Series and DataFrames to analyze data.Work on Live Dataset"
Price: 19.99

"Tips and Tricks using DigiCel FlipBook Lite." |
"This course covers how to make flipbook animations, and it teaches you how step by step the process it takes to make an animated line that can ultimately draw anything! Plus, how to make the drawing of an animated character look as if it has been rigged! You can optionally use Autodesk Sketchbook Pro with this course."
Price: 29.99

"Oracle Apps DBA 12.2" |
"Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.0 Master Course and 100% Practical KnowledgeFrom Student to Professional LevelFull understandable and Easy to learn Linux Server Is requirement and if Student/Professional Able to downlaod Oracle EBS Suite 12.2.0 from Oracle Support/OTNAny Preference Not required .Any one can Learn and nominate this Master Course for Certification as well."
Price: 3520.00

"How To Make T-Shirt Designs on Photoshop" |
"In this tutorial, you will be able to learn how to make T-Shirt designs quickly and familiarize yourself with the controls and functions of Photoshop that is needed to create T-shirt designs. In addition, you will be able to utilize these skills and build a strong foundation which can help to earn potential income in the future through multiple freelancing websites and more."
Price: 99.99

"SOLID design principles & UML diagrams" |
"Do you know that knowledge of SOLID is required and checked in almost every programming interview ?During the course you will work with me on refined, short code examples (written in C#).On top of that you'll get additional materials, containing a summary of solid principles and basic UML diagrams + CODE from whole course.This will help you to refresh and retain the knowledge when it gets a little rusty after some time.By the end of the course:You'll learn how to write properly designed code which will be easy to maintain and fun to work withYou'll know all do's and don'ts when it comes to solid design, so you will be able to recognize bad quality code, and point out its problemsAnd of course you will be ready for every interview question regarding solid design principlesEach module consists of a few parts. At first we will get to know what's the definition of the principle.Than I'll show you a real life product design which demonstrates that rule. In each principle we will start with badly designed code, than I'll show you consequences of such design and finally we'll refactor it according to the principle.Not only will we go thought code examples but we will also learn how to draw UML diagrams along the way.The ideal student for this course is a person who knows the basics of object oriented programming.The course will also be beneficial for existing programmers who want to use these principles in their daily work.So if you want to finally understand Solid concept in depth, click the enroll button and I look forward to seeing you on the course."
Price: 74.99

"Academy Trke Dili - Turkish Language-" |
". "
Price: 199.99

"Batan Sona SEO Eitimi 2020 Detayl ve Gncel" |
"2020 ylnda SEO eitimi almak ve en gncel bilgilere ulamak istiyorsanz doru kurstasnz. 0'dan ileri seviyeye SEO eitimi ile istediiniz tecrbeye ok ksa zamanda ulaabileceksiniz.nternet sektrnn her geen gn gelitiini biliyor ve bu geliimin, bu gncelliin iinde yer almak m istiyorsunuz? Web site ilerini seviyor fakat projelerinizi istediiniz noktalara getiremiyor musunuz? Bunun balca sebebi tecrbe ve bilgi eksikliidir. Tecrbe eksiklii zamanla gitse de bilgi eksiklii her zaman kapanmayabilir. Bu yzden SEO ile ilgili bilgileri alrken ok fazla kaynaktan yararlanmal, gncellii bylece yakalamalsnz. Bir web sitesi atnz fakat arama motorlarnda (Google, Yandex...) bir trl kendi web sitenizi gremiyor ya da istediiniz yerlere gelemiyorsunuz. Search Engine Optimization, kullanclarn isteklerini yerine getirmek iin birtakm algoritmalardan faydalanr ve arama motorlarnn bu algoritmalarna ayak uydurabilirseniz de istediiniz yerlere kolayca gelebilmenizde sizlere yardmc olur. Geni kapsaml, zorlu ve gncelliin takip edilmesinin nem arz ettii bu konu ile yeni bir bilgi edinmenin yan sra artk web sitelerinizde daha baarl olabileceksiniz.Kurs geneli szel olduundan dolay bir kat almanz ve bu kada notlar kararak zaman zaman bu notlara gz atmanz, aratrmalar yapmanz gerekecektir. Dier trl sadece dinlemeyle ksa bir srede bilgiler uuup gidecektir.Toplam 40 dersin bulunduu kursumuz her geen gn kendini gncellemeye ve esiz bilgiler sunmaya devam edecektir. erikler ve editlemeler konusunda her geen gn yenilikler yapmaktaym. Yakn zamanda eklemelerin yaplaca dersler: (stekleriniz dorultusunda konular da eklenir. Kursun keyfini karn :) Bildirimlerle en hzl ekilde haberler iletilecek ve kampanyalarla da sizlere gzellikler yapacaz)Eklentiler ile Optimizasyon (Site Hzlandrma blm iin daha birok ders)Black Hat SEOWhite Hat SEOSearch Console KullanmAnchor TextSSL Sertifikasnn Seo'ya KatksUzun Kuyruklu Anahtar Kelimeler (Long Tail) (Strateji ve analiz blm iin...)Veritaban Optimizasyonu (Site Hzlandrma blm iin daha birok ders)301 Ynlendirilmesi nasl yaplr?Sralama Takibi Aralar ve Kurs rencilerine zel %50 ndirim Frsat (Strateji ve analiz blm iin...)"
Price: 49.99

"Law of Projects & Project Finance" |
"About this courseSkillxPro in association with DSK Legal bring you a comprehensive course on Projects and Projects Finance in which you will learn and understand every element of transactions involving setting up a project and financing of a project, including the major stakeholders, contracts involved (its terms, interpretation, etc.), and regulatory aspects. You will experience the complete transaction cycle starting from identification of a project, to financing, to the closing of the transaction. You will gain insight into the complexities and dilemmas that arise in these transactions. This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to a project's transaction including structuring of projects, transactions and financing, various regulatory considerations, disputes, etc.Increased Demand for Projects LawyerThe increased impetus to develop infrastructure in the country is attracting both domestic and international players. Private sector is emerging as a key player across various infrastructure segments, ranging from roads and communications to the power and energy sectors. In May 2018, India ranked 4th in the Asia Pacific region out of 25 nations on an index that measures its overall power. India is ranked fourth in wind power, fifth in solar power, and fifth in renewable power installed capacity as of 2018. India ranked sixth in list of countries to make most investments in clean energy with US$ 90 billion. Investment Scenario - Large investment in infrastructure has provided momentum to overall PE/VC investments into India which touched an all-time high where infrastructure recorded US$ 1.4 billion during October 2019 accounting 43 percent of all the investment of the month. Between April 2000 and June 2019, the industry attracted US$ 14.54 billion in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), accounting for 3 percent of total FDI inflows in India.The boom in Infrastructure, Energy and Projects sector is carrying over to the legal profession, with many law firms and corporate expanding teams in these fields. As a result, lawyers and employees with the right skill set in Infrastructure, Energy and Projects may have their pick of jobs.Gain in-demand skill setsWhen you finish, you will be adept at drafting major agreements, conduct due diligence, negotiate key terms, understand the commercial nature of project transactions, and advice your company and/or client. Youll be able to apply the acquired skills to justify each stage of the transaction. You will be appropriately equipped to advise different stakeholders including sponsors, lenders, institutional investors, infrastructure and pension funds, commercial banks, corporations, developers, insurance companies and governmental entities across the spectrum of infrastructure asset classes. With the course's unique combination of skills and experience, you will be able to provide clients with integrated advice and guide them through difficult issues on their most important transactions.About DSK Legal: is recognized for work done in all stages of infrastructure development, from proof of concept to final commissioning. Correspondingly DSK trains and exposes its lawyers to all the stages of infrastructure development to provide an overall outlook and understanding. Likewise, we have tried designing the course in a manner to provide you with an overall understanding of the projects sector and transaction involved therein.Certification: On completion of the course, you shall be awarded with a certificate from Udemy. Additionally, you shall also be accredited with a certificate from SkillxPro and DSK Legal, on fulfilling the marking criteria as provided in the course instructions.Enroll in this course on Projects & Project Finance, today."
Price: 8640.00

"Sikap, Perilaku, dan Ketrampilan Komunikasi Telemarketing" |
"Ketrampilan Dasar TelemarketingProgram ini diperuntukan bagi petugas yang akan ditempatkan di bagian telemarketing dan belum mempunyai pengalaman dalam melakukan pekerjaannya atau sudah berpengalaman namun belum pernah diberi pelatihan yang memadai. Dengan dibekali pengetahuan, ketrampilan, sikap, perilaku yang berkaitan dengan tugas dan pekerjaan telemarketing.Program ini bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan individu menjadi seorang telemarketer yang menguasai dasar-dasar tugas dan pekerjaan telemarketer secara profesional.Manfaat/Tujuan: Mempunyai sikap dan perilaku profesional sebagai telemarketer yang menguasasi tugas dan tanggungjawabnya; Berkemampuan untuk berkomunikasi verbal"
Price: 19.99

"Prospecting, Bertilpon, & Skrip Kontak bagi Telemarketer" |
"Sebenarnya kursus ini merupakan kelanjutan dari kursus Sikap, Perilaku, dan Ketrampilan Komunikasi Telemarketing, namun bisa juga mandiri sebagai klursus yang tersendiri. Kursus ini menjelaskan secara rinci ketrampilan yang diperlukan oleh telemarketer yang terkait dengan teknik yang efektif untuk melakukan prospecting, teknik telephone, dan membuat skrip kontak. Sedangkan susunan kurikulumnya adalah:Bagian 01:Teknik Prospecting dalam TelemarketingPelajaran 01: PengantarPelajaran 02: The Prospecting FunnelPelajaran 03: Beberapa Sistem ProspectingPelajaran 04: Teknik Prospecting individualPelajaran 05: Kekuatan ReferralsPelajaran 06: Strategi ProspectingBagian 02:Teknik Bertilpon untuk TelemarketingPelajaran 07: PengantarPelajaran 08: Teknik Menerima dan BertilponPelajaran 09: Berbicara dengan TersenyumPelajaran 10: Tutup Pembicaraan dan Transfer dengan BenarPelajaran 11: Teknik PembicaraanPelajaran 12: Teknik Respons yang BaikPelajaran 13: Teknik Mengakhiri TilponPelajaran 14: Hindari Hambatan Verbal dalam KomunikasiBagian 03:Menyusun Skrip KontakPelajaran 15: PengantarPelajaran 16: Strategi Telemarketing untuk Meningkatkan SalesPelajaran 17: Menghadapi dan Menangani The GATEKEEPERPelajaran 18: Menghadapi dan Menangani The Influencer"
Price: 19.99

"Fortbildung Arbeitssicherheit Sicherheitsbeauftragte/-r" |
"Sie haben die Grundausbildung zur/-m Sicherheitsbeauftragten bereits absolviert und sind mit den Aufgaben, Rechten und Pflichten eines Sicherheitsbeauftragten vertraut. Wir frischen Ihr Wissen auf, denn alle 2 Jahre muss eine Fortbildung mit den wichtigsten Inhalten zum Thema ""Arbeitssicherheit"" belegt werden. Wir schulen Sie in allen grundlegenden Bereichen und weisen auf neue Regelungen, Urteile und Besonderheiten im Arbeitsschutz hin. Dazu stellen wir Unterrichtsmaterialien bereit, die die Inhalte des Kurses nachweisen. Es geht in der Fortbildung zur/-m Sicherheitsbeauftragten darum, Gelerntes erneut abzurufen und vorhandenes Wissen weiter zu festigen. In Ihrem Amt als Sicherheitsbeauftragte/-r im Unternehmen sollen Sie vor Ort auf den Zustand und die Benutzung von Sicherheitseinrichtungen und persnlicher Schutzausrstung achten und bei Bedarf auf Kollegen und Vorgesetzten zugehen, um sie ber Fragen zum Arbeitsschutz zu informieren und zum sicheren Arbeiten anzuhalten. Sie haben die Chance in Ihrer Funktion gemeinsam mit Kollegen positiv Einfluss auf die Sicherheit und die Gesundheit im zu nehmen. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei!"
Price: 129.99

"PROFESSIONAL SCRUM MASTER (PSM 1) 2020 - 100% Pass" |
"Pass the Professional Scrum Master 1 (PSM I) certification from the first attempt through practice exam questions.Simulados em Ingls, assim como a real.Tire agora sua certificao no gaste com outros simulados, v para o exame tranquilo.Aconselho voc s ir para a prova quando tiver com no minimo 90% de acerto nesse simulado.So 2 simulados 1 com 70 perguntas e com 120 minutos, exatamente como como feito a prova na real e outro simulado com 24 perguntas adicionais exatamente como feito na prova.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the author/s and reviewer/s of this publication, and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum . org Systems, Inc. This publication does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum . org makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this publication or any material related to this publication. In no event shall Scrum . org, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the publication. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk. For more details scrum . org/scrumorg-trademarks-and-copyrightsScrum (.) Org uma marca protegida. Nossos exames prticos no so aprovados nem afiliados ao Scrum (.) Org."
Price: 39.99

"RN Success" |
"This course is an exciting opportunity to enter a healthcare career having a basic understanding of what lies ahead each step of the way as you plan to become a successful nurse! Informed decision making is the key to success. This course is intended to provide a glimpse of considerations to be made when entering, navigating, and completing nursing school. Furthermore, it provides information on how to continue through your career!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction au Machine Learning / Rgression linaire" |
"Vous tes intresss par l'apprentissage automatique et voulez vous comprendre de A Z comment a fonctionne, Alors cette formation est faite pour vous afin de vous expliquer le machine learning de l'histoire jusqu' la mise en place d'un processus du machine learning et l'implmentation sur Python.Dans cette formation vous allez apprendre la rgression linaire de A Z, l'algorithme o tout passionn par le machine learning commence."
Price: 19.99

Price: 29.99

"Learn How to Make Silk Thread Tassel Earrings" |
"This course is a step-by-step guide to making Silk Thread Tassel Earrings of different lengths and colors. No prior knowledge is required to take your hobby to the next level. Opting for this course will help you in creating tassel earrings of your choice and you could earn by selling them on various platforms like Etsy, Facebook, Amazon, etc. Feel free to post questions if you have any doubts. Do leave a 5 Star Rating if you love this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Social Marketing Masterclass helps you run HIGHLY CONVERTING ads, lower your ad spend, shows you step-by-step how to run SUCCESFUL Facebook ads, DRASTICALLY improve your ads, or shows you EXACTLY how to find clients THAT PAY. I am so confident in what I teach, that if you go through the program, try the strategies, and they don't DRASTICALLY improve your ads or make you money, I would rather give you a full refund than keep you in the program. That's how I keep the success rate of my students above 96.4%."
Price: 99.99

"Instagram Marketing: Estrategias de contenidos" |
"Viste el esfuerzo y tiempo que lleva armar un post de calidad? Quedas agotado! Entonces, lo que empez como una pasin puede convertirse en una tarea compleja que poco a poco nos va cansando, frustrando o estresando.Crear CONTENIDO DE CALIDAD lleva tiempo. Ms tiempo del que nos gustara o tenemos.Pero hay una manera de solucionarlo: PLANIFICAR CONTENIDO con anticipacin!Voy a mostrarte cmo planificar tu contenido para Instagram y tener todo listo con la anticipacin que vos elijas! Una semana, un mes, un trimestre o un ao! Con sto, vas a ahorrar tiempo y energa al mismo tiempo que publicas contenido atractivo para lograr ms interaccin de tu comunidad y atraer nuevos seguidores hacia tu negocio."
Price: 19.99

"Scientific approach for report writing using LaTex" |
"Now a days the documents like project reports, scientific publications are becoming more and more complex with intricate formatting, cross referencing, large number of pages, chapters with multiple illustrations and so on. Creating and managing such documents in commercially available word processing software becomes a challenge, resulting in large file size, formatting getting disturbed and many of the times the word processing software crashing and eventually the data file getting corrupt. To avoid such situations, a scientific approach should be adopted for preparation of the documents. LaTex offers excellent platform for such scientific document creation. However many students find LaTex difficult to use primarily because of limited exposure of such tools as well as limited expert guidance available in the environment.This course is divided into thirteen chapters along with a template that can be customized to suit individual needs. The course starts with very basics, right from the installation to basic formatting and gradually moves to more advance topics like the math mode, array and equations, etc and ends with a brief on class files. Each topic is supported with a step by step video of the LaTex use along with associated notes and tutorials. To check your progress, two assignments are also included as part of the course. Additional resources gets unlocked upon successful completion of the course.The course is organized into various chapters so that you can complete the course at your own pace. I will be regularly introducing new content, so watch out for this space.Wish you all the best and happy learning!!"
Price: 1280.00

"An Introduction to Integrated Business Planning (IBP)" |
"This course provides an introduction to the process of Integrated Business Planning (IBP), a process used by leading companies worldwide to create and maintain flexible, resilient enterprise plans. The course describes how IBP addresses the challenges of an increasingly complex and volatile business environment and explores the high-level principles and key components of a world-class IBP process.The course provides the student with a sound foundation for further learning on how to design and execute a practical IBP deployment plan."
Price: 19.99

"Kobiton Appium Certified Developer" |
"Kobiton Certified Developers possess exceptional Appium script development skills. Holders of this certification demonstrate to employers that they are able to utilize Appium in the most complex of environments to build automated test scripts on a variety of mobile devices. Further, Kobiton Certified Developers are able to leverage the Kobiton platform to scale automation testing across hundreds of real-devices.Prerequisites: Very strong Appium scripting skills, Knowledge of incorporating real-device testing, Utilizing the Kobiton platform to incorporate real-devices into your testing and analyzing session logs."
Price: 29.99

"Makeup artistry masterclass" |
"its all about how to create flawless easy makeup artistry ,Combine with different makeup hacks, Experience different techniques on how to apply make up on. In this course you discover that in some cases or make up you have to apply your foundation first or in some makeup you have to apply your eyebrows first, You will also discovered a way to hide your sports if youre someone who has Sporty face, Application of a highlighter or concealer Can be tricky,On this course you will learn the safest and easiest way to apply them And finally we will try different eyeshadow palette."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Brand Development for Coaches and Service Providers" |
"Are you a coach, consultant or a service provider with rich corporate experience who wants to start their own venture? Building a strong and recognisable personal brand is essential for the success of your business. Personal branding is a complex process, combining both online and offline activities. In this course we will cover the 4 main steps you need to take to make sure you will rise as a leader in your industry and niche.1. Deciding on the message, mission, voice and look of your personal brand2. Building the right online platforms for my brand3. Building face to face connections4. Monetising my personal brandWho is this for:a service provider who wants to build a strong brand based on his or her personality and skillsa person who wants to build a successful career as a coach or consultanta professional who wants to branch out of the corporate world and use their experience and knowledge to start own venture."
Price: 39.99

"Medical Surgical Nursing Practice Test 1" |
"Wisely selected Exam Questions to help you pass on your first attemptPractice the most Highly Tested Medical Nursing Questions from topics that appear on the actual exams.Full Practice Exam with High Quality Questions and Answer ExplanationsWhen it comes to the Medical Surgical Nursing certification, it is important to review Practice test/ Practice Exam questions that are most similar to the ones tested on the actual exam.After months of dedicated research, we have created this High Quality Practice exam to deliver the same experience as that of the Actual exam.This exam contains: The Most Asked Questions Answer Explanations Situation Based Questions Knowledge area specific questions (All knowledge areas have been covered) Concept Definition Based QuestionsEach question is supported by answer explanations which will allow you to understand the reasoning behind the correct answer choice."
Price: 24.99

"Crea tus propios entrenamientos con Aprende a entrenar" |
"Aprende cmo entrenar para:Perder grasa Aumentar masa muscular Mejorar tu resistencia.Te apuntas al gimnasio y no sabes por dnde empezar? Descargas una app o coges una rutina de internet, pero te aburre y acabas abandonando?Ests cansado de probar mtodos, leer blogs y revistas que te cuentan lo mismo de siempre. Te sientes frustrado porque quieres ponerte en forma pero nadie te ensea el camino correcto.Te proponemos que tomes el control de tus entrenamientos y descubrir cmo seguir un estilo de vida saludable. Encuentra todas las respuestas que ests buscando..Deja de imitar los entrenamientos de otros. Inscrbete y te ensearemos el camino paso a paso para crear tu plan de entrenamiento y alcanzar tus propios objetivos."
Price: 39.99

"Membangun Pribadi Optimal dengan Tipe Kepribadian DiSC" |
"Dalam membangun hubungan interpersonal, salah satu kuncinya adalah melalui komunikasi yang efektif dengan lawan bicara Anda atau seseorang dihadapan Anda. Namun seringkali, karena ketidakpahaman kita mengapa seseorang berperilaku atau menunjukkan sikap tertentu, kemudian menimbulkan konflik dalam hubungan.Pada program ini Anda akan mengenali bagaimana perilaku seseorang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, dan salah satunya adalah karena perbedaan tipe kepribadian. Dan disini, setelah Anda mengikuti program ini, Anda akan mampu:Memahami bagaimana tipe kepribadian seseorang mempengaruhi perilaku, gaya kepemimpinan, proses mengolah informasi dan mengambil keputusanMengidentifikasi tipe kepribadian seseorang berdasarkan karakteristik perilaku yang dimunculkanMenentukan strategi yang tepat dalam berkomunikasi dengan berbagai tipe kepribadianMenentukan langkah yang tepat untuk menyesuaikan diri secara efektif dengan berbagai tipe kepribadian"
Price: 19.99

"Aprender a crear aplicaciones sin Programar / Android Studio" |
"Este curso es para toda persona que desee empezar a disear aplicaciones en Android Studio, sin sentirse bloqueado por no saber programar, en este curso iremos paso a paso y junto a m iremos viendo que el lenguaje de programacin no es impedimento para crear una aplicativo.Veremos las maneras en las que se puede dar funciones a nuestra aplicacin sin ser un experto en programacin Java o Kotlin."
Price: 19.99

"Beginner's Guide to Photoshop Compositing for Advertising" |
"Learn all you need to know about the importance of Photoshop Composites in Advertising as well as how to create unique creations to showcase anything you can think of in a unique way! By the end of this course you will have created your own Photoshop Composite ready for a magazine advertisement or online ad, and you will also have the skills necessary to keep creating more!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time i've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you get started with compositing images, to be like a pro, and to give you all the skills you need to make out of this world composite creations!This class is designed for beginners and anyone who has an interest in creating stunning imagery for either their own business and promotion or for someone who is looking to create advertisement material for others. I will be walking you through the process from beginning to end of the creation process and I will also give you insight on why this kind of composite is important in advertising. I will also provide you with all material used in this creation, including images and brushes!This course is made using the creative cloud version of photoshop, specifically Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 is what I use in this course, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Photoshop CC from the Adobe websiteIn this course you will learn:How to use the photoshop interface and toolsHow to composite multiple images into one in a non-destructive wayHow to properly color correct your image so that all elements are unifiedHow to add special effects to your images such as clouds, foggy haze, birds, etc, that enhance your final imageHow to properly save and export your image for various platforms and usesThe importance of photoshop compositing in modern day advertising and how the success of a business or brand relies on unique imagery that helps it stand apart"
Price: 39.99

"Powerful Corporate & Business Strategy Taught in MBA's" |
" WELCOME!In this Course, YOU WILL FINALLY LEARN what COMPANY STRATEGY and BUSINESS STRATEGY really mean and the differences between the two. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND how to IDENTIFY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES that are present in the MARKET thanks to the POWERFUL TOOLS that will be made available to you. In addition, YOU WILL BE ABLE to structure a SUCCESSFUL business and business strategy to seize the business OPPORTUNITIES that you will have discovered through your analysis.YOU WILL FINALLY DISCOVER and UNDERSTAND how LEADER COMPANIES on the market and TOP MANAGERS structure their BUSINESS STRATEGIES to be able to SUCCESSFULLY DOMINATE the market in which they operate and the new Business Opportunities that they DISCOVER, in order to obtain MORE PROFITS.YOU WILL HAVE CONCRETE and REAL application examples of how market LEADERS structure their strategy to guarantee their SUCCESS.In addition, you will have PERPETUAL ACCESS to NEW LESSONS and MATERIALS that I will upload PERIODICALLY so that you can have multiple tools to implement your successful strategies.FINALLY, you will be able to create SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS STRATEGIES! NOW you will have the tools to IDENTIFY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES hidden in the market, making sure that you can create powerful strategies to successfully guide your company or the company you work in, leaving amazed the market, your employees and a Colleagues.COME ON!! IT'S TIME TO SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES AND CREATE NEW VALUE for you and your company !! JOIN THIS COURSE WITH ME and I will show you how easy it is to create successful business strategies for you and your business !!! WHY IS THIS COURSE UNIQUE?This is the most comprehensive Course as regards the creation of real successful business and corporate strategies and the analysis of companies and markets. This course is a distillate of pure value and content, in fact in less than 2.5 hours you will have the keys to seize the hidden opportunities on the market. Furthermore, you will be able to understand if the company in which you have invested or the company in which you work is a business that will have difficulties and therefore you will be able to offer innovative solutions. Finally, given that I care about my students in a particular way, I give my complete availability to create new specific content to your requests and needs, therefore any market you want to analyze or opportunities that you have identified you just have to write to me and within a couple of days you will have my analysis on what you have requested. THIS COURSE INCLUDES18 Video Lessons in HD, for a total of just 2.5 hoursPowerPoint slides of the Course of the highest quality, downloadable and forever yoursPowerful applicative exercises, examples of real strategies of leading companies and practical exercises Application of all tools to a real business opportunityDownloadable slides that you can use to create and implement your strategies and presentations!You will learn how to create successful strategiesYou will have powerful tools to seize the hidden opportunities on the market.Lifetime access and Future updates.Access on any device: Computer, Tablet, and Mobile.30 days money guarantee, if you are not satisfied you are guaranteed your money back.Daily support in case you need anything. I would love to know if you have any questions or needs, please reach out and I will make sure to answer you back in 24 hours."
Price: 19.99
