"Strategia Aziendale e di Business Insegnata nei Migliori MBA" |
" BENVENUTO!In questo corso POTRAI IMPARARE FINALMENTE cosa significa STRATEGIA AZIENDALE e STRATEGIA DI BUSINESS e le differenze fra le due. COMPRENDERAI come IDENTIFICARE OPPORTUNIT di BUSINESS che sono presenti nel MERCATO grazie agli STRUMENTI che ti verranno messi A DISPOSIZIONE. Inoltre, SARAI IN GRADO di strutturare una strategia aziendale e di business di SUCCESSO per COGLIERE le OPPORTUNIT di business che hai scoperto mediante la tua analisi.POTRAI FINALMENTE SCOPRIRE e COMPRENDERE come AZIENDE LEADER sul mercato e DIRIGENTI D'AZIENDA strutturano le loro STRATEGIE per essere in grado di DOMINARE con SUCCESSO il mercato in cui operano e le nuove Opportunit di Business che SCOPRONO, in modo tale da ottenere MAGGIORI PROFITTI. AVRAI esempi CONCRETI e di applicazione REALE di come LEADER di mercato strutturano la loro strategia per garantire il loro SUCCESSO.In aggiunta avrai ACCESSO PERPETUO a NUOVE LEZIONI e MATERIALI che provveder a caricare PERIODICAMENTE affinch tu possa avere molteplici strumenti per realizzare le tue strategie di successo.FINALMENTE potrai creare STRATEGIE DI SUCCESSO, ORA avrai gli strumenti per IDENTIFICARE OPPORTUNIT di BUSINESS nascoste sul mercato e fare in modo di realizzare strategie potenti guidando con successo la tua azienda o l'impresa in cui lavori e lasciando stupiti il mercato, i tuoi dipendenti e colleghi.FORZA!! ORA di COGLIERE LE OPPORTUNIT e CREARE NUOVO VALORE per te e per la tua azienda!! PARTECIPA A QUESTO CORSO CON ME e ti mostrer com' facile creare strategie di successo per te e la tua impresa!!! PERCH QUESTO CORSO UNICO?Questo il corso pi completo per quanto riguarda la creazione di strategie di successo reali e l'analisi di aziende e mercati. Questo corso un distillato di puro valore e contenuto, infatti in meno di 3 ore avrai le chiavi per cogliere le opportunit nascoste sul mercato. Inoltre, sarai in grado di capire se l'azienda in cui hai investito oppure l'azienda in cui lavori un business che avr difficolt e quindi sarai in grado proporre soluzioni innovative. Infine, dato che ci tengo ai miei studenti in maniera particolare, do la mia completa disponibilit a creare nuovi contenuti specifici alle vostre richieste ed esigenze, pertanto qualunque mercato che volete analizzare o opportunit che avete identificato non dovete fare altro che scrivermi e nel giro di qualche giorno avrete la mia analisi su ci che avete richiesto. QUESTO CORSO INCLUDE18 Video Lezioni in HD, per un totale di 3 ore di corsoSlide PowerPoint del Corso di altissima qualit e design scaricabili e per sempre tuePotenti esercizi applicativi, esempi di strategie reali d'aziende leader ed esercizi praticiApplicazione di tutti gli strumenti ad un opportunit reale di Business Slide scaricabili che potrai usare per creare e realizzare le tue strategie e presentazioni! Imparerai a creare strategie di successo Avrai strumenti potenti per coglier le opportunit nascoste sul mercato.Accesso a vita e aggiornamenti futuri.Accesso su computer, tablet e dispositivi mobili.30 giorni di soddisfatti o rimborsati.Supporto giornaliero in caso di domande o curiosit. Mi piace conoscere qualsiasi tua domanda o esigenza, pertanto ti prego di contattarmi e mi assicurer di risponderti al massimo entro un giorno."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Organic Chemistry" |
"This course focuses on the learning and understanding of the concept of structure and bonding in Organic Chemistry. The idea of Hybridisation and its correlation with geometry, bonding and other properties in carbon containing compounds has been explained. The concept of delocalized chemical bonding via Resonance with an emphasis on the stability of various resonating structures has been discussed. Attention has been given on simple understanding of how to draw Resonance and Hyperconjugation structures of various molecules. The clarity on the concept of ""No Bond Resonance"" for Hyperconjugation has been provided. A number of solved problems at the end of each topic is the highlight of the course."
Price: 99.99

"MS-100: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services Practice Tests" |
"Practice Test for Microsoft MS-100 Exam - helps you demonstrate your real mastery of the skills and knowledge needed to know if you are on the right track to pass and perform excellently when taking the official MS-100 exam.Better salary opportunityOnce you get certified, there is a greater chance that you will get a job compared to other colleagues. Not to mention that 23% of Microsoft certified candidates reported earning up to 25% salary increases. In addition, this puts the candidate on the right path for a promotion.You will measure your Skills measured in: Design and implement Microsoft 365 services, Manage user identity and roles, Manage access and authentication, Plan Office 365 workloads and applications.Features and benefits:You only buy once and have lifetime access.You have all future practice test updates.All exam objectives are addressed so that the student knows if he / she is prepared for the exam.Performance-based practice tests provide the student with a better learning experience.The timed person prepares the conditions for the ""exam"" with a graphical score at the end.You have a 30-day refund if you don't like our practice tests for any reasons.About the exam:The MS-100 exam focuses on the knowledge needed to manage domains; plan a Microsoft 365 implementation; configure and manage Microsoft 365 rental and subscriptions; plan the migration of users and data; design identity strategy; plan and manage identity synchronization with Azure AD Connect; manage Azure AD user identities and roles; manage authentication; implement MFA; configure access to the application; implement access for external users of Microsoft 365 workloads; and plan for Office 365 workload and application deployment.About the MS-100 certification:Passing this exam and the Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security MS-101 Exam (and earning a Microsoft 365 Workload Administrator certification or MCSE Productivity certification) meets your requirements for the Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator certification credential Expert.Common questions:How much does the MS-100 exam cost?This exam will cost $ 165 USD including additional taxes.Do we need to pass MS-100 to become Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator Expert?No, to become a Microsoft 365 Certified Enterprise Administrator Expert, the MS-101 and MS-100 exams are required.How many questions will there be on the MS-100 exam?The Microsoft certification contains 40 to 60 questions that must be answered in 120 minutes.IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 19.99

"Front End - Web Development (Beginners practical guide) 2020" |
"Want to change your career and become a Front-end web developer? you have come to the right course! I will work with you through everything, from installing the text editor (Visual Studio Code) to building a portfolio page to showcase your work, We will cover the following technologies below in this course. On completion you will have, a live, on the web portfolio, how cool is that.Introduction to HTMLintroduction to (CSS)Introduction to GitHub pagesIntroduction to Bootstrap frameworkPortfolio site - We will take what we learn in the HTML/CSS and Bootstrap sections of the course to code a professional-looking portfolio to show to future employers. This project will help you learn the design elements of modern web development.This course covers the most popular web development frameworks, and will get you started on your path towards becoming a Front-end web developer!Still not sold? You will receive a certificate upon completion and have a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied.This course will give you the tools you need and it will give you the confidence to progress your career in Front-end Development.Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to see you on the course!"
Price: 19.99

phytochemistry-of-volatile-oils |
"1- 2- 3- .4- 5 - .6- 7- 8- ( )"
Price: 24.99

"Take Control of Your Life" |
"Your life is the most significant project you will ever undertake. This course equips you to develop a purpose that will inspire, energise and define every aspect of your life. From creating a 'vision for life' through to successfully achieving your ambitions - every tool and technique you need is provided."
Price: 24.99

"How to Make Natural Liquid Soap Make Liquid Dish Soap" |
"Welcome to the course on ""How to Make Natural Liquid Soap Make Liquid Dish Soap""Making your own soap is relatively easy and requires ingredients you likely have, or can easily get. Soap requires the use of potassium hydroxide, also known as lye, which can be dangerous to work with. As long as you take your time and take care, you can safely make your own liquid soap that you can use to refill all the soap dispensers in your home.Not thrilled with the chemicals and unknown additives in commercially generated dish soap? You can make your own soap at home using natural ingredients that you may already have in your kitchen or laundry room. Make a basic version with just three ingredients, create a delicious smelling version with essential oils, or use the cleaning powerhouse Borax to make an extremely effective soap -- or try all three and see which works best for your needs.Using a dishwasher to clean your dishes after a meal can eliminate one annoying household chore from your list. But if you're concerned about the chemicals that are used in commercial dishwasher soaps, you may feel torn between convenience and safety. Fortunately, you can make your own homemade dishwasher detergent using natural ingredients that you can buy at most grocery stores. Best of all, whipping up your own dishwasher soap is actually cheaper than buying premade formulas, so you'll save money at the same time."
Price: 149.99

"Foundations of Numerology Practitioner" |
"You'll learn all about the number energies, all the core and minor numbers, and their position and purpose within your original life plan that you made with your spirit guide before this incarnation. You'll learn all about the numerology chart and how all the numbers in a chart work together to reveal your life plan. You will then have all the information you need to become an amazing Numerology Practitioner! You will go on an amazing journey of self discovery AND be able to do basic readings for others."
Price: 149.99

"AWS Certified Security - Specialty - SCS-C01 - Practice Exam" |
"This practice test is designed to test knowledge on Advanced Security concepts. Questions will help you prepare for real AWS Advance Security - Specialty exam. Questions are created using real time scenarios.Who this course is for:Those interested in gaining the AWS Security Specialty CertificationThose who wants to practice AWS security exam related questions."
Price: 19.99

"Economy & Investment Industry - 101!!" |
"In this course, I'll take you through an amazing learning journey in which your knowledge and skills will grow up smoothly and gradually without even noticing it.Complex things will look easier, we'll look at things from a totally new perspective that will get you immersed into the subject and your thirst to knowledge.By the end of the course you'll never believe that all these info and skills were gained in such a short time, allowing you to start practicing it, whether through investing in stocks, currencies, or performing analysis to companies to forecast their performance leading to a well educated decision. Youll be able to talk confidently about finance and hot-button issues even with professionals in the financial and investment industry. In This course we will cover beginner and Intermediary level information to get you on the right path to becoming a potential investor who really understands how the market mechanics work and how to see a holistic image and how to go into so much level of details.When you reach the end of this course, It'll be the beginning of becoming a confident investor, who doesn't gamble his money, but make well educated decisions! The course will be updated frequently, adding more material to it, enriching its content for the benefit of all students, so join us now and don't miss such a great learning opportunity that will last and I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it as me!! "
Price: 99.99

"Related Substances Method Validation Mastery" |
"""Related substance method validation mastery"" course will walk you through all stages of execution of related substances method validation. It will not provide you deeper conceptual knowledge but also guide you on execution part of it. You will learn on how to prepare concentration matrix, preparation of protocol, evaluation of results for each validation parameter and preparation of report.It also provides you ready made template for evaluation of concentration matrix, calculation of various parameters, template for protocol and report."
Price: 2560.00

"Crea y Distribuye tu Libro Digital e Impreso" |
"En este curso te llevo de la mano y te enseo todo lo necesario para Crear y Distribuir tu Libro Digital e Impreso desde una sola unidad.En esta Master Class aprenders desde lo bsico como Qu es un libro digital? y Cmo se leen los libros digitales?; pasando por recomendaciones para escribir y revisar tu libro; y finalizamos por la distribucin de tu libro digital en Amazon Kindle, Apple Books y el resto de las plataformas.Al final del curso hay una sorpresa para que tambin puedas tener tu libro impreso en tus propias manos sin necesidad de mandar a hacer un tiraje de miles de ejemplares.Perfecto si solo quieres unas 10 copias para regalar a familiares y amigos. O por qu no pedir unas 50 copias para vender en tus plticas, presentaciones, clases, en libreras, etc."
Price: 19.99

"Helicopter Flying" |
"Thinking about taking helicopter lessons? Or maybe you are sure you want to learn how to fly a helicopter but it simply exceeds your budget? I will show you the basics of helicopter flight using a flight simulator for your home computer - you will learn how to hover a helicopter, takeoff and land and also how to deal with emergencies. It's all about content, so in each lesson (except the one ""joyflight"") I will explain concepts and take you through the respective topic or maneuver step by step.The training may take place in a simulator, but I am using real-world procedures on the Robinson R44 helicopter, using all the knowledge I gained during my real helicopter flight training and my flight instructor experience. If you are a helicopter student pilot you can also use this course to improve your skills.The helicopter used for most of the training is a basic one, a Robinson R44. This is a helicopter that is used in real-world basic flight training and the aircraft I have my actual flying experience in. I think it does not make any sense learning the basics of flight in an advanced, complex helicopter. Flight simulator used: X-PlaneSceneries: Quatam River, Allan Burrows, Kodiak Island, Innsbruck, VslauImages and additional PDF resources are from the FAA Helicopter Flying Handbook (Public Domain)"
Price: 34.99

"How to Deal with COVID-19 and its Fallout" |
"This course will help YOU get a better understanding of how to deal with COVID-19 and its fallout. In addition to teaching YOU how to survive in the COVID-19/Post-COVID-19 economy as a fresh grad, an entrepreneur, a freelancer or a salaried worker, this course will also give you some wellness tips, so you can look after your mental health during these trying times. You will also learn about what kind of skills you should brush up on before the end of the COVID-19 crisis and how you should prepare for the post-COVID-19 economy. Specifically, you will learn the following:Learn wellness tips to look after your mental health during and after COVID-19;Learn how to survive as an entrepreneur/small business owner in the COVID-19/Post-COVID-19 economy;Learn how to survive as a salaried worker in the COVID-19/Post-COVID-19 economy;Learn how to survive as a freelancer in the COVID-19/Post-COVID-19 economy;Learn how to look for jobs/gigs in the COVID-19/Post-COVID-19 economy;Learn what kind of skills you need to brush up on by the end of the COVID-19 crisisDuration: 4 hoursReady to get started? See you inside the course!"
Price: 89.99

"HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript & jQuery - Mandatory Techs" |
"In this course, you will be learning the mandatory web technologies HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript & JQuery. In the HTML section, you will learn about HTML tags, HTML Layout, HTML attributes, HTML elements, HTML Components. In the CSS section you will learn Types of CSS, CSS selectors, Parent child selectors, Selector's hierarchy, CSS Box Model, Styling Components with CSS, and Responsive Design, Media Query, Flex Box and Grid System.In the Bootstrap section, you will learn how you can get components from bootstrap, you will learn about bootstrap classes, and you will learn how you can develop a responsive website with bootstrapIn the Javascript section, you will learn Javascript strings, arrays, functions, loops, Objects, Class, DOM, Events and Events handlers, and you will learn how to develop a web application with javascript consuming a REST API with fetch client.In the JQuery section you will learn how jQuery differs from javascript, Events and Events Handlers in JQuery, DOM manipulation GET and SET, Adding, Removing, and Empty HTML content on an HTML page, CSS manipulations, JQuery effects, Methods Chaining, noConflict, you will learn to develop a complete users login/registration system with JQuery using Ajax client for REST API request, received data from query string, and finally, you will learn how to make an API request with getJSON($.get, $.post) client, and the jQuery promise $.when().then() client."
Price: 19.99

"CIPS Diploma Constructed Response (CR) Exam Technique" |
"A guide to the technique that will help you build successful constructed response (CR) exam answers for the CIPS Diploma (L4M1 and L4M8).This course walks you through the constructed response format, what is expected of you with this exam format, the principles of constructing strong answers using two practice questions and provide some guided learning to help you after completing the course."
Price: 24.99

"Smoothie Bowl Masterclass" |
"Te presento la combinacin de alimentos, 100% natural, elegida por las personas que desean tener una vida sana, comiendo la cantidad de frutas y verduras diaria recomendada.Por favor, antes de nada me encantara que supieras que yo no soy doctora ni profesional de la nutricin. Mis estudios universitarios no tienen nada que ver con la medicina. Un sector al que por cierto, le tengo un profundo respeto.Todo lo que voy a compartir contigo a continuacin est basado en mi propia experiencia como madre empresaria, investigadora pescetariana y amante de la cocina natural.Hay muy buenas razones para que te animes con esto de los smoothies. Y no tiene nada que ver con que tienen mucha fibra, que por supuesto la tienen, ni con que aumentan considerablemente tu energa, que tambin lo consiguen! Me refiero a algo que como madre y cocinera natural, me parece realmente importante que tengas en cuenta.Pero antes de comentarte de qu se trata, te cuento una pequea ancdotaCuando lleg el momento de introducir la verdura y la fruta en la alimentacin de mis hijos confieso que estaba preocupada.Son alimentos que por lo general se les resisten a muchas personas, les cuesta comerlos. Y lo verde precisamente, no suele entrar por los ojos a los nios.Seguro que sabes a qu me refiero. Tanto si tienes hijos como si no los tienes, habrs escuchado aquello de mam, no me gusta el brcoli.A m me pas. Sobre todo con el pequeo, con Dylan.Mam no me gusta el ""bocoli"", mam no me gustan las ""epinacas"", mam yo no quiero hojas ""vedes""...Y as estuvo varios das, hasta que me propuse echarle imaginacin y recurrir a algo divertido para conquistarle con las frutas y verduras que yo tanto amo. El truco estuvo en la palabra HELADO. As es, habl con mis hijos y les propuse pasar la tarde inventando un nuevo tipo de helado.Por supuesto ellos daban saltos de alegra, ilusionadsimos. Ni siquiera imaginaban que el helado poda hacerse en casa, solo comprarlo en lugares con mquinas especiales de helado.Me arremangu, me met en la cocina y empec a innovar con las frutas y las verduras que tena en casa. Cuando termin les puse a mis hijos delante varios bowls con una especie de puddings de diferentes colores y les dije: pues aqu estn los helados que fabrica mam, de qu color lo quieres?Y as, sin ms, comenz una relacin 100% diferente de mis hijos con la verdura y la fruta.La historia tiene matices y es mucho ms graciosa, pero la he reservado para contarla dentro de la masterclass. ;-)Ves lo que hice con mis hijos? Les ofrec una solucin atractiva, rpida y rica para comer frutas y verduras.Algo que puedes hacer tambin para ti, si estos alimentos se te resisten. Veamos todo lo que aprenders con mi Masterclass de colores:6 deliciosas RECETAS para preparar un Smoothie Bowls diferente cada da.Los errores y creencias equivocadas ms frecuentes a la hora de preparar un Smoothie Bowl.Un ingrediente secreto para hacer los Smoothie Bowls ms cremosos. (Nunca imaginaras cul es porque muy pocos maestros de cocina lo saben!).Los alimentos que no pueden faltar en un Smoothie Bowl para que est completo con todos los nutrientes que necesitamos. Y el componente que NO debes usar NUNCA para prepararlos.Ideas originales para decorar tus Smoothies y hacerlos an ms irresistibles. (Parecer que has estado horas en la cocina preparando algo sper especial y te adorarn por ello!).Hablar de los mejores horarios para tomar un Smoothie Bowl.Contar cules son los Smoothie Bowls favoritos de mis hijos y la historia completa de cmo llegaron a volverse locos por los Smoothies.Descubrirs una manera rpida, divertida y nutritiva de comer varias raciones de fruta y verdura, y ayudar a que tu salud est en perfectas condiciones por dentro y por fuera: PIEL RADIANTE: La fibra que se encuentra en los Smoothies acta como una escoba interna que ayuda a los que alimentos se muevan. Esto te permitir ir al bao con ms regularidad y mejorar as los problemas de hinchazn, el acn y el control de peso.SISTEMA INMUNITARIO FORTALECIDO: Mezclar frutas y verduras con alto contenido de vitaminas A y C estimula el sistema inmunolgico, que es el sistema de defensa natural de tu cuerpo contra las infecciones y los virus.AUMENTO DE LA ENERGA: Esta frmula aprovecha al mximo los nutrientes de las frutas y verduras (no como en el caso de los zumos naturales) y actan como un complemento perfecto para mantenerte en forma, bajar de peso y sentirte con ms energa.Y sabr QU, CMO Y CUNDO combinar todos los ingredientes?Por supuesto! Voy a explicarte con detalle los ingredientes que lleva cada receta, te dar ms opciones para inspirarte y te contar cmo y cundo mezclar los ingredientes. Ya vers cun sabroso, fcil y rpido puede ser preparar un Smoothie Bowl diario!"
Price: 19.99

"Gelecein Teknolojileri ve Ynetime Etkisi" |
"Merhaba deerli arkadalar,Bu kursta renciler, gelecein teknolojileri olan Yapay Zeka, Byk Veri, ve Blokzincir teknolojilerinin temellerini, ana felsefesini ve zellikle birok alandaki uygulamalarn tanyacaklardr. Daha sonrasnda bu nemli teknolojinin ynetimde nasl bir etki yarattn ve yaratabilecei ve bildiimiz klasik ynetici zelliklerini nasl deitirip, etkileyebilecei ile ilgili fikir edinebilecekler, buna ynelik bir farkndalk oluturma ans yakalayacaklardr. Bu anlamda ilgili teknolojilerin, zelliklerini ve kullanm alanlarn tanyarak hem gelecee bak anlamnda bilgi sahibi olmak hem de bu alanlarn ynetim ile olan etkileimine dair belirli bir fikir sahibi olmak anlamnda faydal olabilecek bir kurs ierii grm olacaklardr."
Price: 99.99

"Whole Genome Variant Calling @ Galaxy" |
"GATK4 pipeline using Galaxy is a scientific workflow especially for the students not having expertise in Linux operating system and other command-line interfaces (CLI) for NGS data analysis. This course will cater to undergraduate and postgraduate students from a wide range of life sciences disciplines to work independently from data retrieval to publishing their articles. A plethora of NGS data tools are available on a single platform, otherwise its very difficult to manage all the latest releases of software/tools on your personal computers, if yes, we have other space, storage and expertise issues to work on CLI being a biology student at an individual level. No doubt there are cloud computing and commercial high performance computing cluster facilities are available in the world but this course will provide you the insight that how to analyze multi-omics data with limited financial resources without having much expertise in programming and knowhow to computer languages."
Price: 34.99

"Borsa Temel ve Teknik Analiz Bitcoin - Blockchain - Defi" |
"Borsalar iin ""Temel Analiz ve Teknik Analiz"" alanlarnda alacanz eitim ile ""Bitcoin - Blockchain ve Defi"" konularnda edineceiniz bilgileri tek bir potada eriterek; gerek normal borsalarda, gerekse de kripto para borsalarnda dzenli kazan elde etmek iin A'dan Z'ye ihtiyacnz olan donanma sahip olacaksnz. Ayn zamanda da Traderlarn en byk sorunu olan pozisyonlara girememe ve korkma sorunlarn tamamen zeceksiniz.Teknik Analiz konularnda, klasik teknik analiz aralarnn yan sra, Price Action yntemleri ile fiyat okumay renecek ve farkl bak alar kazanacaksnz. Teknik Analiz ksmnda renecekleriniz ile sahip olacanz bu donanmlara ek olarak;Risk Ynetimi Piyasa ve Yatrmc Psikolojisi Pozisyon Am Teknikleri ile bilginizi nasl dzenli kazanca dntrebileceinizi renecek ve uygulamaya balayacaksnz. Temel Analiz konularnda ise kripto para borsalarnda yer alan coinlerin/tokenlerin;Proje Ekibinin ncelenmesiProje Gelimelerinin TakibiHaber Takibi ile Alm - SatmBlockchain ve Defi konularnda ise ihtiyacnz olan donanmlara sahip olarak, teknik analiz ve temel analiz olgularyla birlikte, en doru bak alarna sahip olabileceksiniz.""Borsa Temel ve Teknik Analiz Bitcoin - Blockchain - Defi"" eitimimizde yer alan konular ise; 1-Bitcoin 2- Blockchain teknolojisi 3-Altcoin 4-Defi 5-Borsa 6-Yatrmc ve Trader Psikolojisi 7-Analiz Nasl Yaplr 8- Temel Analiz 9- Tradingview 10- Mumlar 12- Destek ve Diren 13- Risk ve Para Ynetimi 14- Trend 15- Yatay Bant Formasyonu 16- Ykselen gen Formasyonu 17- Alalan gen Formasyonu 18 -Simetrik gen Formasyonu 19- Kama Formasyonu 20- Wolfe Formasyonu 21- kili Tepe ve kili Dip Formasyonu 22- Adam - Eve Formasyonu 23- Bump and Run Formasyonu 24- anak Kulp Formasyonu 25- Arz ve Talep Blgeleri 26- Fibonacci 27- Pozisyon 28- Kriptodaki nemli Endeksler 29- Trade Setup'lar 30- Hareketli Ortalamalar 31- RSI 32- Paper Trading 33- Soru - Cevap 34- Kapsaml rnekler"
Price: 399.99

"Java Project (Testing / Exam Center App) from Scratch" |
"This course is intended for programmers who want to get better at their skills and for students who want to learn the language by doing a really cool application. This Testing Center Application is gonna help students a lot when it comes to job-ready skills since I go over the entire application from scratch until the very end where we're ready to distribute our amazing product. I also provide the source code for the software so you can download it and in the case you encounter any errors, you can also guide yourself using that one. I really hope this course helps you a lot! Thank you so much!"
Price: 19.99

"How to build your brand & generate leads on LinkedIn" |
"Learn the exact strategies I use to grow my business with LinkedIn and generate 6-figure revenue for me and my clients.Build your professional brand on LinkedInOptimize your LinkedIn profile to get 10X more visibilityGenerate massive amount of leads for your businessScale your professional network by adding the right contactsGrow reach & engagement on LinkedIn with my proven content strategiesLet me tell you a fact. LinkedIn is not only for people who are seeking jobs. Its for everyone. In 2020, LinkedIn is the go to platform for entrepreneurs, business owners and digital marketers looking to grow reach & drive leads / sales for their brands.LinkedIn is the worlds #1 professional network with 650 million+ working professionals. You can reach out DECISION MAKERS. Whether its a CEO, VP. Director, Manager, Recruiter or a Business Owner, you can connect with them on LinkedIn and help achieve your goal.Take this course to learn my winning 6-step process to build your brand on LinkedIn and generate leads & sales for your business!"
Price: 12800.00

"ccna 200-301 exam preparation *valid dump*" |
"you are a ccna 200-301 student , and you are going to attain your exam and achieve your certificationcomplete your training with this practice test *more than valid 300Q*The improved training options are designed to get you ready for CCNA certification in much less time and more cost effectivelyjust please no resevation to the answers but understand ."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Renda Varivel" |
"aulas sobre o mercado financeiro acompanhamento via whatssap por 1 ms, no curso abordarei sobre investimentos em renda variavel, e irei tirar duvidas a qualquer momento via whatssap dos alunos, serei seu coaching sobre educao financeira.1missao seguir os canais no youtube. 2 missao criar contas no banco digital e nas corretoras. 3misso ver os videos de introduo. 4 misso aprendendo sobre fundos imobilirios 5 misso analize de aes.ao final do curso voc ter plenas condies de investir no mercado de aes, atendimento individualizado via whatssap em qualquer horrio por o perodo de um ms.Aconpanhamento com profissional formado no rea e com experincia de anos no mercado.curso para investidoes e alunos de finanas,"
Price: 294.99

"Le basi di Angular" |
"Un corso compatto e focalizzato nell'acquisizione rapida e pratica delle fondamenta di Angular nel quale di guider, seguendo la guida ufficiale di Angular, passo a passo nella creazione di una semplice applicazione ed al termine del quale avrai una conoscenza di base della terminologia e la funzionalit di questo bellissimo framework.."
Price: 19.99

"Les secrets des vidos animes avec PowerPoint" |
"Vous tes un entrepreneur du Web, un chef d'entreprise ou charg de la communicationVous connaissez l'impact de la vido sur les gens et l'importance de l'utiliser dans votre communication. L'animation dans les vidos est un moyen trs efficace d'attirer l'attention et captiver le spectateur.Pour cela, il devient indispensable d'animer vos vidos.QUALLEZ-VOUS TROUVER DANS CETTE FORMATION ?PREMIRE PARTIEDcouverte des diffrents onglets et sous-onglets de PowerPoint, ils sont nombreux. Regarder en dtail permet de mieux apprhender leur utilisation par la suite. (2mn 36)DEUXIME PARTIEAnimations de texte, les possibilits sont trs nombreuses et votre imagination peut encore augmenter les effets. Ajouter votre voix directement avec PowerPoint. (21mn 14)TROISIME PARTIEPersonnages anims, ajout de voix, textes, etc. Ce type danimation a un gros impact sur lintrt des vidos. Les personnages les rendent plus ludiques. (26mn 52)QUATRIME PARTIEEffets danimation avec les images ou photos. Je ne vous parle pas des transitions qui sont une animation entre les diapositives, mais de lanimation des images dans une diapositive. (15mn 14)CINQUIME PARTIEToutes les possibilits de larrire-plan. (14mn 37) + (9mn 12)SIXIME PARTIECration de vidos pour les rseaux sociaux, dans les bonnes dimensions, cest mieux. Publications, stories, pingles, couvertures, partout o lintgration de vidos est possible. (28mn 21)SEPTIME PARTIEComment crer un diaporama et le transformer en vido. Trs utile pour la vente de produits. (24mn 49)"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Microsoft Word 2019 and 365 Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Microsoft Word 2019 and 365 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Word Made Easy features 210 video lessons with 10 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our three printable classroom instruction manuals (Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced), additional images and practice exercises. You will learn how to create basic documents, format text and images, create and use tables, templates, mail merges, macros and much more. Whether you are completely new to Word or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch a video lesson or open one of the manuals and youre on your way to mastering Word."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Word 2019 & 365 for Lawyers Training Tutorial" |
"When it comes to Microsoft Office programs, law firms have unique needs. You will learn how to perform legal reviews, create citations and authorities and use legal templates. In addition, youll receive our complete Word curriculum. Learn Microsoft Word with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Word Made Easy features 223 video lessons with over 10 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our three printable classroom instruction manual. You will learn how to create basic documents, format text and images, create and use tables, templates, mail merges, macros and much more.Whether you are completely new to Word or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Youre on your way to mastering Word."
Price: 19.99

"The Only IP Course you Will Ever Need!" |
"As many of you already know, I have a book on Amazon called ""The Only IP Book You Will Ever Need!"" on AMAZONHowever, many of you have asked me to create a course based on this and I finally gave in and decided to do it!This course will certainly supplement my book, but will also give you a visual and auditory explanation of how to conquer the topic of IP's, IP addressing in both IPv4 & IPv6.It is meant to make it simple for you to understand and apply IP's in any IT field.But, you already know that if you are in, not just Networking, but other parts of IT, since without an understanding of IP's you will have difficulties in any part of IT or computer-related fields.IP's is the most basic thing that all IT professionals need to understand no matter what part of IT you are in or are planning to get into.So, voila!...here is my IP course to help you master everything IP related."
Price: 79.99

"Start a new career: Resume, LinkedIn, Interviewing, Mrkt" |
"If you want to find that dream job and find a way to get there then this is the course for you.Based on our highly successful workshop, this course will help you understand:What a dream job looks like for youYour career strategy to get thereHow to beat the other candidates to win itWe will borrow the best thinking from sales & marketing to help you do things differently.The course is divided into 10 main topics:Find Your Real StrengthsUnderstand the Real Recruiters NeedsPick the Perfect Job That You Will LoveDevelop your Career StrategyGet Your Personal Brand Positioning RightGet Noticed With Great MarketingGet Ready For The Dream Interview (offline or online)Sell Yourself Like a ProMoreover, the course is filled with practical templates so you can apply the ideas to your own situation.It is led by Edmund Bradford, who has over 25 years of experience in industry and academia.This course will help you get more control of your future career, to grow in the right direction, and increase your chances of personal happiness.I want to thank you for all the information and advice. You have inspired me! I hope to get the chance to use the ideas in the future and to learn from them as much as possible. Alkestid Sterjo, Human Resources Management Student at the University of Bradford, UK.This course has been extremely useful in helping me pivot into my future career. It has helped clarify my strengths and career options, whilst getting me to see things through the eyes of the recruiter and work out how to impress them. Leo, Senior Manager at a Global Industrial Corporation"
Price: 154.99

"MikroTik Advanced BGP with LABS" |
"BGP is the routing protocol of the internet. In case you are working in an ISP or an intermediate to big company, you will surely have to work with the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). However, configuring this routing protocol is a challenge because it is very complex and there are a lot of topics inside BGP to know them.For this reason, I have designed this course which is the 2nd course for BGP on MikroTik, but this one goes to the advanced level after I have explained the entry to intermediate level in my other course which is ""BGP on MikroTik with LABS - From Entry to Intermediate level""So this course will go into advanced level in BGP and will contain a lot of LABS. Topics that this course will cover are:Singlehomed BGP for stub networksMultihomed BGP for stub networksMultihomed BGP for non-stub networks (including Load balancing and Failover)BGP Remove AP privateBGP CommunitiesBGP route reflectorBGP aggregateBGP Confederationand much more...If you want to master the topics of BGP in MikroTik on the advanced level, this I advise you to enroll in my course and I am sure that by end of the course you will have a good understanding of how to configure Advanced BGP on MikroTik RouterOS."
Price: 29.99
